HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-11-27, Page 4Ritchie Campbell
There is satisfaction in buying Furs from
ns, knowing that you are going to get satis-
• faction. Our Furs are rapidly moving out,
bit !cr still have largo and well assorted ranges to choose from
Astrachan Jackets from $25 00 to
Martin and Sable ItufIs frons 7.00 to
Electric Seal Ruffs from 4.00 to
Oollarettes from 800 to
Sable Dmfs from 8.00 to
Neutra Caps from 3.00 to
Persian Lamb Caps from 8.00 to
Buy your Furs early and get
first choice.
Fine White Unshrinkable Wool Blankets, guaranteed
absolutely pure. Pink and Blue Borders.
Weight 5 lhs., size 50x74 Price 3.215
O " OOx7S " 3.75
'• 7 •• '• 01x82 " 4.25
•' 8 •• •• 68x86 " 4.75
Guaranteed pure Wool Sheeting, colors grey and white, 70
inches wide, extra value at per yard 90c
Colors grey and white, 70 inches wide, extra value at OOc
6 pieces Canadian Flannelette, in neat striped patterns, reg-
ular 8c per yard -for 6c
10 pieces heavy Canadian Flannelette in plain colors of White,
Cream, Pink and Blue, also in Fancy Stripes, 30 inches
wide, regular price 10c and 12.4c -for 8c
5 pieces extra heavy English Flannelette, 30 in. wide, guaran-
teed to wash and retain their colors, regular price 14c -
special 12ic
WANTED. -Butter, Eggs and Poultry, for which
the highest prices will be paid.
Ritchie & Campbell
successors to M. H, McINDOO.
The Vory Lowest
Prices Prevail sere
The last few weeks' immense rush of
business was indeed gratifying. It proves
conclusively that the public in general have
faith in our announcements. We have already
stored articles for Xmas. delivery. And the
reason is quite apparent,-for'where can you
get values such, as we offer ?
In the Book Case and Writing Desk, our
stock is complete. What is more convenient
in the home than a Continuation Book Case ?
Prices froth $3.75 to $22.00.
Another shipment of Iron Beds this week.
The factory wonders what we do with so
many. There are six or seven good lines, and
if you leave half a notion of getting one, now
is your time to buy.
Don't forget that we bought a stock of
Window Shades below wholesale price, which
we are selling at close margin.
Residence -Patrick
Street, S. Oracey's
former residence,
' where night calls
receive prompt at-
kali Bros.
The People's Furniture Store
There never was such a demand for Ladies and
Gentlemen having a thorough knowledge of Com-
mercial and Shorthand work.
Has assisted more students to profitable positions during the past year than any School
in tine West. Wo would be pleased to assist you. Particulars for a postal.
3. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
If‘,eA4c `I3\oek
ESPECIALLY -in Ladies' Corsets, Gloves and Silks;
ends of new Tamoline Silks have been forwarded to us in
Cream, White, Old Rose, Cardinal and Black, nice for Waists
or Trimming, at 40e, worth 75e.
ESPECIALLY ALSO -in Boys' Suits and Overcoats,
Men's Ulsters, Dress Overcoats, ete.
MORE ESPECIALLY ---This big sale will save
lots of cash; give us a call, look through and price.
Silks and Corsets this week - don't fail to
them ; 100 new Corsets just opened at Bankrupt prices.
3 OU
etriiariai Betts
-There are seven vacancies in
Dominion constituencies at present.
All the vacant seats except North
Ontario were hold by Liberals.
-The term of five years as Lieu-
tenant -Governor of Ontario of Sir
Oliver Mowat expired on Wednes-
day, November 18. It is under-
stood he will continue to be Lieu-
tenant -Governor of the province
until his successor is appointed.
r r r
-Rt. Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
K. C., M. P., K. C. M. G., P. C.,
Prime Minister of Canada, was 61
years of age on Thursday last. He
was born at St. Lin, near Montreal,
Nov. 20, 1841. He entered the
Quebec Legislature at 30, and the
Dominion Parliament when 23.
He has sat for 28 years in the Ot-
tawa House, and has been Premier
six years and a half.
* *
-The annual report of the Far-
mers' Institutes of the Province of
Ontario, just issued, indicates a
most prosperous year for these in-
stitutions. The membership for
the first six months of this year to-
tals 22,948, an increase of more
than 2,500 over last year. The
number of meetings held was 791,
while the attendance was the lar-
gest on record, 147,642. When it
is remembered that there are only
200,000 farmers in Ontario, a mem-
bership of 22,948 is exceedingly
-The Toronto Telegram says: -
It is an outrage that Mackenzie &
Mann should be free to send $2,-
700,000 of this country's money to
Germany, while Canada's own steel
rail industry is threatened with
death in infancy through lack of a
market. When Mackenzie & Mann
are receiving the country's money
they are treated as Canadians,
When Mackenzie & Mann are spen-
ding the country's money they
treat the Clergue Steel Works as
an alien enterprise and send Cana-
dian money to Germany, to the
great prejudice of the people whose
cash and credit are building rail-
ways for Mackenzie & Mann.
-Mr. Thomas Southworth, di-
rector of the Bureau of Forestry in
Ontario, says in his report: -"Al-
though we have at present only 2,-
634,000 Acres in forest preserves, I
do not think it unreasonable to ex-
pect that ultimately the Crown for-
est of Ontario will comprise fully
25,000,000 acres, a State forest larg-
er than is possessed by any other
country that I know of. What a
forest of this size, owned by the
people as a whole, will mean to the
revenue of the province when plac-
ed under scientific control and sys-
tematically worked, is difficult to
conjecture. Already, with our
wasteful methods, and when only a
small part of this territory is being
operated, the province receives in
revenue about $1,000,000 per year.
The composition of this vast forest
is such as to make it the most val-
uable in the world,"
-At a large convention, recently
held in Toronto, one of the speak-
ers of the day, an American, Mr. 0.
N. Howard, of Rochester, N. Y.,
gave Canadians some wholesome
advice. Having had good oppor-
tunities to contrast the conditions
and achievements of Canada with.
Yankeedom, he unhesitatingly ad-
vised Canadians to pursue their
course independently of the United
States. Having clearly in his
vision the moral and economic
perils of that trust -ridden Republic
he declared : "You will make the
biggest mistake you ever made in
your lives if you ever become one
of us. You ought to go it alone
and work out the glorious destiny
made possible for you to attain.
God bas made it possible for this
great Dominion to be a beacon light
for the nations, but don't mix up
with the jobs we have to clean up
on the other side."
(Toronto Telegram.)
An unsuccessful attempt has been
made to interview the Ontario
Cabinet Ministers as to how they
would vote personally on December
4tb, and the net result was what
has already bean announced : that
the Premier was in favor of the
measure and •the others were pot
making public demonstrations of
their intentions,
"X can tell you bow they will
vote," remarked a prominent offi-
cial to the Telegram, "and you are
not likely to find this prediction
discounted. There are only three •
that we are at all surd will vote for
the measure, and they aro Ross,
Davis Ana Dryden. You may safe-
ly mark J. R. Hpratton, J. 111. Gib-
son and Frank Latebfglil as against
prohibition. This leaves TOMO
to be accounted for and the Minis-
ter of Education is hard to place,
but it is generally understood that
he will also yote 'nay,' which
makes a majority of the Cabinet
against the referendum. It is q
mistaken idea, to suppose that there
is any moral obligation on the part
of the Government to vote in favor
of prohibition on account of having
introduced the referendum. The
temperance party declared there
was a strong majority in favor of
prohibition and the Government
has merely given them the oppor-
tunity of proving their claim.
"Tho majority of the officials in
the Parliament buildings will also
vote against the passage of a pro-
hibitory law."
(Weekly Sun.)
According to the report of the
Railway Commissioner for the State
of Michigan, the total taxes paid
by the railways of the United States
for the fiscal year 1900 was $47,-
415,430, or an average of $254.78
per mile. The taxes range from
$72.17 per mile in the State of
South Dakota. to $1,411.93 per mile
in the State of Massachusetts.
Unfortunately no return is made
either to our Dominion or Provin-
cial Governments, of the taxes paid
by Canadian roads. The Canadian
Pacific Railway, however, makes a
return to the Interstate Commerce
Commission, not only of the taxes
it pays on the roads owned or op-
erated by it in the United States,
but on the lines it owns or operates
in Canada. For the year 1899 the
taxes paid by it on Its Canadian
lines amounted to $125,147. The
total mileage of the C. P. R. in
Canada to -day in rather more than
8,000 miles; but if we place its
total mileage in 1899 at 7,000 miles,
the average tax per mile at that
time was rater less than $18. In
the same year the taxes on the
"Soo" line, which is owned and
operated by the C. P. R., and runs
west from Sault Ste. Marie to Por-
tal, on the international boundary,
a distance of 1,272 miles, were
$175,901. Thus the taxes paid on
1,272 miles of road in the North-
Western States were $50,000 more
than the taxes paid on over 7,000
miles of road in Canada.
The committee appointed at the
last meeting of the Ontario Educa-
tional Association to bring certain
matters before the Education De-
partment waited on the Minister a
few days ago. The changes asked
for were embodied in the following
list, passed at the meeting of the
Association last spring :-
1. That the age limit for teach-
ers be raised from 18 to 21.
2. That the training term in
Model schools be lengthened.
3. That the graduates of the
Ontario Normal College, who are
not also graduates of a Model or a
Normal school, be not allowed to
teach in a Public school,
4. That Latin be not compul-
sory for either junior or senior lea..
ving examinations.
5. That the basis of the appor-
tionment of the Legislative grant
be changed, making it dependent
on (a) average attendance, (b)
building and equipment, (c) salary
paid, (d) qualification of the teach-
er employed.
6. That a system of teaching
the metric system be adopted,
7. That the Bible be not intro-
duced as a text -book.
8. That less time be spent on
9. That less literature bo re-
quired of entrance candidates,
The Agonizing Pains of R1 eunr.atisM
Swollen, aching joints, muscles are
stiff and sore, every movement ac-
companied by pain. The most potent
remedy is Poison's Nerviline, which has
five tunes the pain -subduing power of
any other preparation. Apply the Ner-
viline copiously, rub it on well and then
bind in a hot flannel bandage. This
will cure the worst case in a short time.
Try Nerviline for Rhetan}atism,
Neuralgia, Sciatica or buinbago-it's all
right and only cost a quarter.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills core Constipation.
Not NowCheap
Ballow GOOd
The most successful farmers in Canada
read the FARMER'S ADVOCATE: thpy
think about their work, they act uppon Its
teaching,, and they are its greatest admirers.
Its editors and contributors aro specialists.
contains the cream of agricultural thought,
and practical men contmuc•to read"it
cause it pays_ them and because they want
the best. We want thousands of new sub-
scribers who will appreciate something good.
Tho sooner yea subscribe, the more you
For $t,00 we will send to new subscribers
pve)•y'ssue of the FARMER'S ADVOCATE
from issue
till the end of woos, including the
beautiful Christmas Npp,ber for both years,
Time is money. Read I thine act 1 Send
for a free sample copy if you want to see a
practical, up•to.date farmers paper. It will
please you.
�jS'iit a/,+DreE�sP. t
tbe�y11ilam Wadfo,,Jill
.1 I: 11 1 11.11111 I. .LIu :I 11.111 1,1 el. 11 I, n. 14 . 11
"My wife had a deep-seated cough
for three years. I purchased two
bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
large size, and It cured her com-
p y,„
J. H. Burge,
Macon, Col.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re-
lieve little coughs, all
coughs, except deep ones!
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of 1
deep coughs for sixty '
years is Ayer's Cherry
Throe sizes: 25c., enough cold; aft., just right for bronchitis,
for an ordinary boaro•
ness, hard colds, etc.; $1, moat economical
for chronic cases and to koop on band.
J. C. ♦YER CO., Lowell, Masa.
0.1611.,*I , I¢.I.J.. 1 s..arJ
Recent graduates havo accepted good po-
sitions at $40, $45, $50 and $00 por month,
and a few days ago an application was re-
ceived offering one of our graduates of 'last
term a salary of $800 pet annum. This is
the kind of evidence you are looking for as
to the best school to attend.
noh if possible.
W. J, Elliott, Principal.
Within two weeks
placed two undergraduates and one graduate
at salaries averaging 3600 each por annum, and
had to allow 10 other calls to go unfilled whore
the wages were from $85 to $00 per month.
Does it Pay to Attend the Best ?
We want 100 more bright young men and
women to prepare for these excellent openings,
Write for our handsome catalogue.
P. McLachlan Co.,!CI;athrdn, Ont.
I 'IJ4/I
begins on
MONDAY, SEPT. 1, 1902.
Two Courses-flommercial and Shorthand.
Terns reasonable. Send fof College Journal
Students may enter at any time.
C. 4. Fi EMiNG A. L. li'lciNTYRB
President Secy.
Agents Wanted.
Eit��her on Full or Part Time.
ttimete ltlllyou soccupieciytlIf noot, writer income?
no. We
can give you employment by tiro month on
good terms or contract to pay you well for
such business as yon secure for us at odd times.
We employ both male and female representat-
ives, The next 3 months is the very boat time
to sell our goods. No deposit is required ; out-
fit is absolutely free. We have the largest
nurseries in Canada -over 800 acres. A largo
range of valuable now specialties, and all our
Stock is guaranteed as represented. If you
want to represent the largest. most popular
and best known nursery, write us. It will be
worth your while,
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries."
Cement and Lime.
Parties requiring Cement or Lime
shotllcl give tis a cali, We are selling
at a very low price. We keep only
flrst•class brands of cement and lime,
and you can always rely on getting a
gond fresh article at the WINGHAsz
A Timely
Hint ..
When Ordering Your
Remember -
that a good fit is as important
as good material ; we make no
misfits. An order for your
winter Suit or Overcoat shall
receive our careful attention.
Give ns a call.
Before. Aft
'Wood's Phosphodlne,
The Great Engtfrh Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli.
able medicine discovered. ,Six
package* guaranteed to cure all
forms o Sexual weakness, all effects of abuse
or execs, Mental Worry, Excessive usb of To-
baeeo, Opium or Stirttulante. Mailed on receipt
of price, onoauks a $I, six, $G, • One taftl plcdar
*Wag cure, I' Pamphlets free to any addre8N."
The Wood Compiltoy, Windsor, 04.
Wood's Phosphodine Is sold inwinahaps by
A. L. Hamilton, J. E. Davis, It. A. pouo ut!
and 0. A. Campbell, DavodFs a:
November 27, 1902
We're not so anxious to "get rich quick" as some are. gs
That accounts for our success. We always try to give you 4.
good value, use you right, and make it a pleasure for you to
shop at this store.
Our aim is always to make it profitable for you to trade Ei
here, We pay highest market prices for produce. We are 4'
satisfied with small profits. We give full weight and full
measure always.
Bring in those Potatoes, We aro paving 5Oc a bn
o. - •••••.•
More Blanketsw oesIIllterestillgPrices I�
. Theysold rapidly. They : Shoes are oneGroceries
j of the most M
should, at the price. An- important items of dress at'
E other lot just put into stock. -.any time of the year, and -
Buy quick if you want any. :especially so now that .we. ee . •••••••
are certain to have change-' Orange. Lemon and Citron Peel �,,-
as -
$1.25 Flannelette Blankets, g mixed, The very. hest quality, - -•
White or Gray, for.......$l.00 able weather. In style,' per lb
$1.00 Blankets for..... ... .80 price and quality our Shoes;LPntnn and Citron Peei mixed
«- Best Canadian, per ib lase --»
All Wool Blankets at are just what you will ad- ; M
$'2.40 and up mire. More bargains for!New Raisins, lest selects, perms
w Flannelette •and Wool Sheet- 'next week. 14 10c -.4
1: ing, Gray and White. per i New Currants, ye -cleaned, 3 lbs.
°"" yard 30c to 60c . Ladies' Box Calf Button, "Dry ; for 25c M^,�
foot" kind, Handsome shoe. I New Figs, 1 Ib. packages, large
....,.,.,� . reg. $2.25 -for $2.00: layers 15c
Ladies' Dongola Kid, lace or •
button, reg. $2.00 -for. $1.75.
Ladies' Dongola Kid, lace or ;Cooking Figs, per lb.
, button, reg. $2,20 -for $2.00`••••,w
5c ^"
We are still offering (food Rio Beton Coiiee,,.. 15e
.- g 'Ladies I+'elt, red lined, lace, 1 lb. Tins Coffee.... .,.. 2ac
p" Overcoats and ready-made hntton or congress, reg. $1.50 Oupital Coffee, 30o
e. -
• -for $1 20: Best Java and Mocha 40c
Suits at clearing sale Prices. .
$10.00 Overcoat for.... 7.50
o $7.00 5.00
35.00 •• • • .... 4 00 Crosse & Blackwell's Mixed 25c
" Piccalilli 25c
$12.000 Suit for 9,000 • Pants, Lined.... , . • • -Heinz's Pickled Olives.... 35c
IIorse Radish 25c
g:-37.00 '' 5.00 50c, 60c and 75c ' • Mustard Dressing 20c
0- $5.00 '' 4,00 ' • Sweet Midget Gherkins.a35c
Boys' All Wool
Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr MO011M BJas. H. Kerr
�ltilllitllllilibtltZlitllllll,illilll3liZli�f llllillllli3�llitlililllllililitidbl�lt�liillil�allilllililllllillllll�
Dm* ,make any mistake when buys
ing your Fall. and Winter Goods,
The Barg.in House
Is giving Bargains in Ladies', Men's and Children's Boots and Shoes ; in
Ladies' and Children's Rubbers ; in Men's, Women's and Children's Un-
derwear -from 25c a pair ; 35c ' for a Man's Shirt or Drawers. We sell
Stanfield's All Wool Unshrinkable-every garment guaranteed not to shrink
Bargains in Ladies' and Children's Hosiery ; we keep the famous Double
Knee Ribbed Cashmere Hose for Boys and Children. Bargains in
All wool Blankets, $2.50 a pair. Bargains in Flannelette Blankets, 75c a
pair. Bargains in Wrapperettes and Flannelettes, 5c up. Bargains in
Flannels, Shirts,,Socks, Dress Goods, Men's & Boys' Clothing, Overcoats,
Pea Jackets, and all kinds of Furs. Ladies' Jackets -half price.
`the ANAha°m �radt�ng Co., tvated
Big Bargains in Watches
`f `` in Rings
in Silverware
very large stock
we will sell
can be instantly
cured by pain
to select from, and BE
very cheap.
' For Sale only by
HALSEY Colin A. Cam bell 4.
Jeweler and Optician .�.
For Repairs