HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-11-27, Page 21 g yt Mingijam abbante ri•Care...141C04..,•41e44441•41e040.2.0414"*.a.1.41rei«..,r12•4410 Theo. Hall, Proprietor. I 1 MICROBE OF APPENDICITIS 1 z FOUND BY DR. THOMAS. 1 Kor...$10.4....m.c......m.c....1041.c....m.c.....,u•r%.npri41.4 DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office -.-Upstairs in the Macdonald Block, Night calls answered at office, DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS • ETC. Josephine Street - Wingham T P. KENNEDY, m. D., J • (Member of the British Medical Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children. Ovenut noting :-1 to I p.m,; 7 to 0 p,tc. W. T. Holloway 0.D,S.1 L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Zurgeons of Tor- onto, and Honor Graduate of Dent. al Dor% of Toron. to University. Latest improved methods in al branches of Dentistry. Prices modorate. Satisfaction guaranteed. eirOnice in Beaver Book. Closed Wed'y. afternoons fn June, July. Aug. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the T en- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post Ofilee-WINGHAM Closed Wed'y. afternoons in June, July, Aug. DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc, Office: Meyer Block Wingham. E. L. Dickinson Dudley Hohnes R YANSTONE ""'"' BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR • Money to loan at lowestrates. Office BEAVER BLOCK, 7-05, WINGHAM. WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro porty on the cash or premium note system. pops a OLDIE, ".."."' President. JOHN CHAS. DAVIDSON, Secretary. RITCHIE, WINGIIAM, ONT J. J. ELLIOTT, V. S. Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet- erinary College. Office and Infirmary, corner Victoria and Minnie Streets, Wiughara. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended to. Telephone connection. SA1 MILL McLBAN & SON All kinds of rough and dressed.... LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES APPLE BARRELS. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a large quantity of dry hard- wood for sale, delivered. Telephone Orders Promptly attended to. McLean & Son 50 YEARS' , EXPERIENCM TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS dco. Anyone sending nicHeit and description may so,nctiy naeortittra 1,07 opinion free whether An fri,Anition is probably nextentAble. Communica- tions fatuity confidential. Handbach on Patents 1tfee Oldest agency for seenring_patents. Patents taken through Munn & co. receive evettaitt,otice, without Chalyro, in the. $00111ifiC Amnon. A handsomely IlInstrated weekly. Largest eir. Calat1611 of any scientific jo_urnal. Temps, a mair month, $1. sow riyalnewnitfitiorg. N &co 381Broadrvey, New York Branch 0Mce. 1126 P St, Washington. D. O. PROMPTLY SEOLIREO Write for our intereming books "Invent.. or's Help end 4, How you ore itiVindled." Sand us a rough nicetelt or model of your in. vender orimprovement and we will tell you free our opinion as to whether it it probably patentable. Rejected oppliestionshave often beeu successfully prosecuted by 1.19. W. - conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal 1and Washington ; tins qualifies us to prompt - 13. dispatch work and quickly secure Patents WI IA Old as the invention. llighest references furnished. _Patents procured through Marion & Ma- rian teed Ve apeeial Mike witbont charge in over too newspapers distributed throughout the D. minion. Specialty re -Patent business of Manlike- ! turern and Engineers. MARION St IVIARION Patten* Experts and Solioltore. °incest It TigrgibM,14a1°flirent, on , . . rive yearn ago my attention was first S or lonhly directed to appendicitis by' the apparently great Inorea" (.4 Ito prevalence within the last decade. I began an invent:Igo:1Am of the Nub - Joel; and wire:surprised et the meagre knowledge to bo ramrod from respon- Otto authority. I became deeply in- tercel:est and- determined to pureuo the Maly of tL1)p0fl(1tO1tb on iny own renourees, proceeding quietly and taking ample timo for obaervation and exemiment. Early xn my atudiee I discovered that the diecarre IVOS largely duo to the operatIono of a Inicrobe In the intestines of the sufferer. Iabeginning my inventigations re- garding appenaleitio 1 was able to demonotrate conclusively that tide decease is ono of the late sequelae or grip, or epidemic influenza,. . contencl that an a result of a prevloue grip infection, even though slight, there remains a latent dis- ordered condition or the so-called "oelitary follicles" of the intestines. lia,Ve Ratisfled myself that these "folliclea," which aro minute lym- phatic; structures, bay° a double function. They aro both Nes:eatery and exoretory. Any disturbance of the equilibrium of their action, as is tiono by grip, induces a change in the chemical composition of their secretion, re - fruiting in certain fermentative and putrefactive changes In the intes- tinal contents. By microecopicel ex- aminatione of tho excretion of these glands and the contents of the in- testine I have found a germ, or more properly, a bacillus% which I 'lava failed to find described by pa- thologists and bacteriolegIsts. In the contents of appendices af- flicted with a catarrhal inflamma- tion, I have also found this bacillus In abundance, but in appendices con- taining pus this bacillus seems to have been destroyed by the action of the pus formers, the streptocoeci and staphlotocel. This novr bacillus is slightly smal- ler than the "bacillus cell own- munis," is of an elliptoid form, mul- tinuclear, and some appear to pos- sess flagellated extremities, while others seem' to be devoid of thls Itp- penclo,gte. It is of a flattened ap- pearance, and in a specimen stain- ed with methylen'e blue this bacillus does not take the etain, but ap- pears to be a pale lemon yellow col- or. On account of its resemblance to an ivy leaf I can it a "Fella Aureus,'or "yellow leaf." .1' do not contend that this bacillus is the direct cause of appendicitis, but I do maintain that through the action of this bacillus, which lias been cultured by the fermentative and petrefactive changes in the se- cretion of the intestinal glands, a ptomaine Is produced svhioh Is toxic end irritant to the intestinal mucous surfaces. Its irritant action is not suffi- cient to produce an acute enteritis, but owing to the ana.tomteal forma - of the mecumand appendix fa- voring stagnation at their point of jeturture, this neighborhood is made the seat of a concentrated action. Once effectually irritated by this ptomaine at ite orifice, the minute lumen of the orga.n closes, retain- lugthis poisonand inflaming the le n - tire structure. If the inflammation; subsides, as it will, the lumen of the I organ again reopens, another dose of ptomainic poison is induced and the process repeated. Having eneleacta myself as to tes: cairso and ;pathology of ells disease, my next Mese was to find an effete.; Live remedy. Two requi,siees were imperative for - a emcee, for ehin malady. First, it muet be a remedy ;that aye! have an - alteratiee, correcting and soothing . effect upen ehe "eolitary follicles" of - the intestines, restoring ther nerneti funetion es an excretory and secre- tory organ, or apparatus, and there- by feheoklag the feraneneation ane tee puerefeetive ohanges ,which pro - negate the "Fella Aureus" rule Its toxie ptomaine. &redly, tie remedy anuet be of sueli ohmic -Si conetituonts as will ,be taraffeeted by tee gaptric and upper Latestinal Ames, but must yield Its results in elle lower part ofthe emit bowel, the .tseet of the "'solitary fol- licles,' and "Peyer' s patches." It le anong sobjeets With some combination Of those premonitory eel:manna of this malady that We find our oases. These signs and Ville - toms are dim to the mal-ttetion of Intestinal ,glands, bringing about the 1, renentative changes I have al- ready spoken of, and mildly Intoxi- enting tiro etateux. While tlior do not necessarily signify the onset of appentileitie a patient bearing thee° signs it very prone to an attaols or the disease at any time. `S.orne of my observations may be erannuel up ILO follows: 1 a. Appenclieltrs is a disease) of peri- orielty. That is, Ilko malaria, there aro certain equal periods at which it is most prone to omen, I have yet to find a case of chronic appenei- eitts in which the statement of the patient and the observation of the physician, if acute, will not do- monstrate a tendency to increrreed activity of symptoms about each twenty-onet days. This fact would point toward tiro "germ theory" of origin of this disease. . • 2. Its inereaeing prevalence to -day to eireetly traceable to the 'grip` epidemic, of 1889, 1890 and 1891, eforlical authority at this time rep - temente a most diversified list of excesee" offerea for tire prevalence of title disease. Everything is blamed for it from "heredity" to "severe physical exertion," but none of these COMM take into consideration the feet that this malady has been on the rapla inerease in the last twelve or fifteen yeare, wir le 'heredity" and "exertion" shoal have been equally effective prior to that time. There 19 not one person in thousands In Ameriea that has not been affected to mane extent at least with' the grip at EMS time sine° the origina- tion of the epidemio of 18s39. The pestiferous nature of this scourge is known to morticed men. There is eminent authority for the assertion" that no one wire suffer - ea In grippe in severity came out weole. Observing medical men have recognized the fact that no organ, nor set of organs, of the entire body was more constantly affect- ecl by a latent form of a tenacious chronic disturbance following la terIPPe than the digestive tract. It was at this juncture that I receiv- ed my first insight into the discovs ory of the fact that the eauee of appendicitis to -day is a disordered condition of the int:retinal glands resulting from the late effects of this epidemic influenza. a. The radical operative methods of treatment now in use are not justifiable. Notwithstanding all the advance made In recent years in the practice of surgery, It is never juetifiable to subject people to the dangers of a capital operation if such operation can be avoided. In order to reauce .the risk of an - operation of this order to the min- imum, the operator should bo most skilled in the technique of lea crate. While the science and art of surg- ery has made wonderful 'strides in the last 25 years, the fact zemains that never before were there more lamp:ape-tent devotees to the art than at this time. The brilliancy of the best surgeons has imbued thlousands of men with the hope of developing genius in ties line. The result of this is that to -day, with operations for appendicitis being performed in every town, vil- lage and hamlet, the death tette from this malady is fully as largo or larger than before these oper- ationscame into vogue. .A.t this time -are operative treat- ment of appendicitis is practiced In preference to any other method. At the very mention or the name tho abdomen is ripped open and the appendix removed, in many cases, without the slightest provo- catton. in a recent case which came to my notice it was necessary for. the sur- geon to make, a mioroscopleal exam- ina.tIon of the organ after removal in order that lie might bo able to assure the family of the victim that the patient rea.ly had appendicitis; e. Appendicitis is not vastly more prevalent in the male than in the female, as is presamed by authority. There are numberless cases of ap- pendicitis in the female that are con - fume) With other ailments, Indeed, in many cases where symptoms have de- veloped resultant froth an inflamma- tion of. the appendix, a deception in diasnoeie is pardonable. Large num- bers of such cases reach the gyne- cologiet, and the dootor operates: for "pelvic abscesse' Tees° cases never reach their proper place in the column of statistic:a of appendicitis where they really belong. It is true, however that on account of a more roomy pelvic Wein and a better blood supply there its a Might decrease in the number of cagiest with women as compared with mons The ratio be- tween the sexes is about as 52 to 48. There Is no doubt that my claims will be viewed skeptioally by many, tut they will at least awaken a scien- tific interest in this subject, and an investigation with future experience will endorse my assertions and my remedy. Results speak more forcibly than argument. t , I have Merited my subject and an- nounced ny conclusions and discov- eries. I am confident of the fact that It will be only a matter of com- paratively a few years when the present system of operative treat- ment of appendicitis, as practised to tho exclusion of all °thee measure, will be considered obsolete and really criminal,. "Operation from, necessity and not from election" will be recognized es axiomatic and beyond argument. M. IL THOMAke M. D., Huntington, lird. Following ilea lino et thought, I discovered that a certain salt of %earn brought Ato combination evieh cereale cellar ch cmlealti yi .1.1ed a prs.:- duct Which mot my requirements. This mixture„whicli I have called "appendiclae,” IS as inrush a sped lc for appeodiettle as quinine is for moineria. My extra claims for this reinerly are: e. It rvill positively cure 05 per °mt. of all eases of append/cite, Sehen trice remedy is tta.ken ;belore infect' en anal pile formates/ea lutve oceurred. 2. Ie preetically every came wjiere- In ba.ve eectovered from a plimery attack this remedy will Dee- tively prevent recarreet attacks, notwithstentilne the feet thee sta,- - tietie3 now slum, that rrourrent et - tacks occur in 50 to 60 per cent. of lettienta who have had a primary detects. peremier observetier is that re- current attacks occur in. 75 per cent. ot mice ol printery, attack. 3. The operative treatment of too pendieltis now followed is rendered by this remedy a eeeondary consid- eration, and his:lead of an operation in every ease, as is now' being prac- tiara, an operation is necessary on'y itt exeeptional ant extreme eaters, emir ns have fallea to receive the medical treatment early enough, or In which tbe patient will not take a rational eourse of treatment with the remedy. Vas should not happen once in hundreds of cases. 4. Patients with mat I eboorse to call the appendicitis diathesis, and affected with the promonitory signs Of appewileitis, will fina rtbaointe re- lief by this treatment. The terra eaPPendleitie diathesis," 1 df ne thus: The subject is usually tot a "lymphatic temperament." There is it tied:lei tentleney to slight dieturb- anees of the stomach and bowels at short rine irregular Intervale. Sen. Rations of fullnees ane disnomfort in the abdomen for from one to three norm after eating. A tendency to theme colicky pains in the abdomen irregularly, and varying; In inten- sity from severe to ineignitleant. A feeling of inftlaise, otherwise known atI "that tired feeling," most pro- nounced in the morning after erne ing. Iste reuent chill fiontel head- aches, A white -coated tongue with the print or the teeth often on the border; alto mest notieoahle on aria - Ing. A flat, metallie taste hi the mouth 00 asyttkeninO. Lad, bet not least, n pulse rate nearly conatant at 80 10 100 with the amend beat ' of the beart slightly mufflel. V; is on this combination of syniptOtna that I ha Re a diagnosis of lito So- ealtel "appendeltits diatheels." WOMEN'S FARMING SCHOOL Russian Government Approves New Agrieu It viral Ittst i tut io It. St. Petersburg, Nov. 24.-Rnssio, is alma t to open tho firnt agricriltural training echool for women over es- tablished in Europe. The Govern- ment Imo approved the full curricu- lum, which extends; over three years, and embraces the general prInelpies of farming, gardening, dairying, bee- keeping, poultry, steer], and cat- thertrieing. Theoretica,1 work will .go hand In hand With practical employment. Graduates; will be plated on an equal- ity with mon trained in the existing incaltutions. They will else bo eli- gible for prreltions nn4ler the Inflict - try of Agriculture. Although net date hao been fixed /or the opening or the relief:I, 325 young vremen have lamely boon enrolled as StIttlenta. ihotalaros.4.4 %V • The lath Mrs. Mary inn Bolywell, of London, Ont., bremeathed $e,000 to, the Wellington Street efetborilet rhureb. and 8100 often to Vietoria, lioepital and tor Aged PeOple40 Mare, Supday School. IN 0.111NATI ON r4 1/18SEON NO. 1X NOW/1111113Ell 00, 1002. 1,1.••••••••••••11* 0 aeon and the Titre° leindred-Judges 7; .8, 10-21, C'eumicatarn-Opprettail,ou by I (111M Miti)atiltes. The plain of Eeriraeleil %mettle moat Nettle region In Canaan. , "Tho ettaleniters coreted, the riches: of ehle favorea region, and etreruned mar tthe fords of ;the Joirdae Year by year, migrating tilather, with thcir liounehoisle ,neel beetle, itt fetch num- here as ,eoubti poly bo compared, by those Whom they invaded, to a flight of locuets ; ;which. 10004 tleV , levelled in desttruetiverreee."- Ureikie I , They swept over almeet the wbole Lana, and pitehee ;their tents and ted I their eemele la the midst of the rich 'DarfilleldsoI Ierstel. I Teo oauee of ,the oppression. When the people Ailed ,to God for deliver - * 1050, a prophet ASS sent to show 40,11one .that it was ,becouso of their etas tha.t such , great trouble had boon permitted to porno upon them !Before Ahoy could kbe eaved ;they meet °!eil)e..Well of ,Harocl-Or ,founealn of trembling. lerultably ,tho lergo torm- ent] et „the northern ,barsle of Mount ITitc41r1arrg:,Poolr°1ttY or tty ieetLT tteiet:ond1om tiosass down the valley, eastw,a,rd, a Istream ;Aeons; enough to turn a mill. -Terry. eall of Merch-Nothing ts known of tee Hill of 'Atwell ,beyond the feet that it could not be the speenurste. mxionzitimoned in Gen. xil. 6 and 2. Too inany-"The qbjeot of this deliveranee trona God was noct °Wetly to pave ;the terms end orops from the leildianetes, but to eaves the people from their eine, and ;to teach thern to ;trete and obey." 8. Fearful ensl efraid-The army wee subjeeted ;to two tests. The fleet cleat WAS permissian for all who were' afraid to go home. "This ibldding ,the cowardly depart lest they should in- timidate the rest was -commanded oven itt the law. Deue. xx. 8. From Mount Gilead -.4. dIfficulty arisoas iiere, as the Israelites were now at Mount Gilboa, on eh° peat re' the Jorclan end Mount Gilead is on the ease of etslie J,oxela,n. 4. Unto evater-That le, the founealir Hama and the stream, that flowed from it. Will try them -The ;word try welch comers here signifies Lo ;test try are, am the refiner tests sliver. -Cam. 5. Lappeth as a dg -Tho ,sen- ond ;test was for the remaining ten t,housane. "Three hundred did not beeak reek or Mop in their 'narrate but dipped ,their hollowed palm into the stream and tossed a little into their mouth as tbey sted. 6. Upon their knees -thus they would bo in an exposed position be- fore an enemy. These were sent home. 7. By ehe three hundred -Why so small a number chosen? 1. That the Ieraelites might know that the victory was from. God. 2. To allow them that the God of their fathers The eildlanites were so perfectly confused, that there was no order preserved, and everyone acted ac- cording to hie feelings of terror. Thoughts. -It is not beeause there SCO so few pt centered Christians that we see so few converted to God, but because there are so few who are eently to allow the eel( lite to die, and who thee stand and shine for Goa Mel shout Ills praises, PlettareICIAL sunvux, The enemies or Israel wore pelts ered in the valley of Jezreel In the Very heart of Manasseles tribe, and not far from Ghleener own tray, relleY were a mixed multitude of Mid- lanites, Amalekitee, and Arabians. For their sin God had delivered Is- , meei into the hand of Malian seven I years, and they came up againsit them, and pitched their camps among them wit)) rut intent to de- stroy the land as a habitation for Israel. The time came when they re/dic- ed their condition and cried unto the Lord. He were moved by their prayer and sent a prophet to re- prove them and prepare them for deliveranoe. Thus God sends minis- ters anti teachers as an evicioece of Ills mercy and grace. An angel is sent to Gideon, who in obscurity Is threshing wheat by the wine press, to hide it from the eyes of the Midianites. The angel gives him his commission, which Is mot by such' objections as only a discouraged and unbelieving heart would suggest . under such circum - salvoes. The angel answers his ob- jection% assuring hlm of success as Israel's deliverer, Gideon desires to leave hie faith confirmed, so he asks a sign, which was given hint. His prepared cakes and kid were turn- ed into an acceptable offering and consumed with fire kindled by the dives° One, thus accepting hits per- son and con(irming his commission Passing over the eveut of the sign of the fleece, we come to the deliv- erance wrought for Israel -through the Almighty by Iris chosen agent. Gideon had gathered together about thirty-two thousand men, whilo their enemieswere at )eat one hundred and thirty-five tboueand etroug. Having chosen the teeing ground over- looking the velley they could see the. vast spread of tents and the great hosts of warriors on every side, overspreading the ground. God evi- dently designed to show them, Bust the ages through them, that the bat- tles of the Church of God were not de- pendent upon the strength and power of human enflame but upon Himself alone PRACTICAL APPLICATION. flideon's arany numbered thirty-two thousand. "While he doubtless thought his men too fent God saw they were too many, and ordered it reduction. According to God's stan- dard there were only about three hundred in thirty-two thousand that wore worth anything for real fight- ing, for real endurance, for real en- terprise." In the Christian warfare God calls for men who will. I. Bo earnest. "Gideon and all the people rose up early." V. 1. Gideon as leader was earnest. What he could . •- j.F.34.11,CLE.sp ' . A TeP, FOR .HINI TO GO HOME. Edith Hintz -You Mutat not p lay with Mr. Dormer new, hat, Willie. Willle-Why not ? . . • Edith -You mieht hurt it, or lo3e it, and he'll wont it in a , few minutes, . woe uncbangeti aud .still able to do great things for them. 8. To shame and humble His people becreese of their poet elm% 4. To lead the peo- ple to love and worship God. 8. Vietuals-trumpets-eThe three hundred men took what victuals MOO necessary, together with the. trumpet s. 0-15. "There was danger that even the Stout hearts of Gideon and his three hundred heroes might quail at their perilous position, tlierefore ono snore encouragement is given them." 16. Into teree companies - Great armees were generally Welded into three parte, that is, the right wing, the left wing and the body of the army. 17. And do newts° -Gideon became the example to all his army. As lie was; faithful, so would they be in following him. Ile made his deg - cent in the night, when his onemlee would least expeot it. His army, be- ing mall, would not be obserred. Here is seen the wisdomof having no more than are' 'calculated to Make a sticcess. 10. Medi° watch -At midnight. An. °hurley the Israelites seein to have divided the night into three Watcher; -evening, mitleight, and morning watches. Later they adopted from, the Romans the oustom of four watelme-Whedom 20..Biew the trumpets- There was perfect concert In their attack. Brake the pitcher's, - By concealing the Lampe In the pitehers they could pees unobserved until they reached the guard of the Midia,nitish caenp, and by breaking them all at once, a,nd letting the light from three lien- dred torches glare on, 'the sleeping company, the enemy would be great- ly terrified. They cried - Their loud sliertte wOuld add to the terror al- ready awakened 'by the sound of trumpets and the glaring light. The sword of the Lord, and of Gideen - Gideon snits the Lord's name first, for by Ilie power Only, mild this at- tack be made. Thee° words would give courage to the three hundred inell, to knew thee .they wont out under the direction of the great God, and with such a leader as Gideon. Owl was gaining this vietory,but he used Gideen and Ids men as chosen inetrumehts. e1. Every man 10 his place -See- ing iiio eaMpany with lights and blowing trumpete, keep in place, 1.1e elidianites Would eonclude they Were n great erten Whose Mori wore now already In their camp. The nelny of Israel did not come to Hell:. Their work WAS to Round the trumpets, bold the lighter and About Ilan, and cried, and tled- niet do in the daytime becauee las life would be the forfeit he did at night. Judges 1. 27. MS three bun - Sired men were earnest. They would not waste time in personal luxury; eager for the battle, they would be ready at a moment's warning 'Ear- nest men find opportunitiee. What they cannot do in the evening twi- light they will do in early morning brightnese. CAII1I111- HORSE SHOW.' Harangues. New York • Fash- ionables on Style of Clothes ATTEMPTS TO BREAK A BOTTLE New York report : Mrs. Currie Nee broko loose at the Horse Show tide afttrnoon. 8he harangued the multitude on the evils or overdrees, • attempted to break a bottle of champagne, and finally was ejected from tho 'bending by the pollee. Mrs. elation mitered the garden quietly and took a Heat in the tier. She had been there only a few min- utes when her gaze rested on the i box wRere Amer.° of the Vanderbilt I family were setting. She steeled, her. programMe, ante then doecondel to the promenade. Stationing herself In 1 front of the Vanderbilt box she de- ; livered a tirade on Overarm. In the box Were seated Mrs. Alfred G. Van- derbilt, fleglnald Vanderbilt, and Miss Nieleon. Alfred G. Vanderbilt Was against the rail of tiro prom - (made and 4111 not see Mrs. Nation ; approach. . "You ought to bo trammed ol your- ' Selves," the woman screamed at ; them. "Yore ought to be crammed • to weax, mach disgraceful clothes. Take them off, take them off at oirce, itnil attire yoerselves more modestly." , 'Der ouiburst of the women at- a great crowd of people, and the ocetspants of the Varideebilt boX Were estiontly erabarreseed. etre Nation then thencel her attention to other tortes. Finally alto startea for , the cafe, where elle bore down on a party of gentlemen Who were drink - wine. Mee. Nation seizea the bot- tle, awl, gearing at the men, sbout- ed: "Vonirg men, don't drink enert filthy Muff. 'You free going etraiglit 11f_ evils Ole danniablo Mai ?e eliow him .41"11' Vile" 13 the e'wh° reetrWAtieeNWIWN:WaMitileireAheeeettlereWeeeteeMWWitiWitiettaWNWAWANAWlefieeeNi think of bine" to me, ani 1 will toll Wm what X Mrs. Nation's request was speedily TONTINIE• grantor' by thbuc e kler] appeara• nce 'e of et Villepigee, the Caterer at the gerrene "Got °1st of this horrible busineee," slit shoutteel at him. "You aro ale° going to hell, and reining the bodies arid sortie of 3000.You are dragging them down with you, Shame en you; elsaine on you:" Teo Ierenehman, however, •pouncea 110011 111PS. Nation, and resorted tho bottle, whieh oho Mut repeatedly brarellsbori In the air to empliaelze her renearke. Tho police ejected her. ' ma&a.641A.C.ste,alteatAktwatwilEueI What is Meant By it -A little Light on a Subject of Which You Have Heard 411,WWWWWIVINAWAMMIWWWWWWWNIWNWAYMMIV Tontine? Who or what is Ton- tine? Is it a name aterelY ? so Is it tho name of a man, a beasts or a thing? Possibly it la it lout term by which a peculiar kind of busineee was once designated. Now you liave lilt it right, though, as it now strangely appears, the designa- tion is not quite lost, nor yet the peen liar business. In the second onarter of the first halt of tho receittly expired century Tontine stores, Tontine hotels, Ton- tine gristmills and other Tontines mARKErs of various descrIptioes wore known 1 RE ee hi the Now 'England and middle strites. A general stock 'store was • it *a' *a Ora' fr* s, 10•1; *it fri Toronto' Live Stock Market. Export cattle, choke, Per owt. 64 05 to $5 16 do medium 4 23 to 4 06 do cows ..,..0 to ,t 00 Butchers' export 4 si to 4 80 Butchers' cattle, plotted 4 00 to 4 60 Butchers' cattle, choice 3 70 to 4 00 Butchers' cattle, fair . 3 25 to a /0 • do common 2 76 to 3 76 Bunn, export, heavy .,. 3 75 to 25 do light 2 60 to 3 25 do feeding 250 to 325 do stook 1 75 to 2 80 Feeders, short.keop 4 25 to 4 tO do medium 3 75 to 4 00 do light 3 25 to 3 72 Stackers choice 2 76 to 3 25 Stockers, common 2 25 to 2 75 Mitch °owe, each 35 30 to 52 on Shoop, ewes, per cm 33 25 to 8 60 Buokn,per owt 2 50 to 2 76 Culls. each 2 30. to 3 00 'Ambit, per cwt.. 3 63 to 3 SI Calves, per head 3 00 to 10 00 Hogs choice, per owt 6 1254 to 0 00 Hoge, light, per oat • 5 874 to 0 00 Hogs,fat, per owt 5 8754 to 0 00 do stores, por owt 5 50 to 0 00 do sows, per-owt 8 50 to 50 do stags, per owt 2 00 to 4 06 Toronto Farmers, Market. Nov. 24. -The offerenga 01 green on the street to -day show an increase Wheat firm, with sales of '500 both. ,els of white at 7:1*. to 746;' 500 bushels of red winter at 72 to 721-2, and 300 bushels of goose at 66 to 66 1-2 ; barley unchanged, 1,300 bushels selling at 47 to 150c; oats, efteler, with 'sales of 1,203 bushels at 85 1-Ve to 86c; rye cold at 51 8-4c for bne toad. • Bay in moderate s'app'y, with, sales of 26 loads at $18 to $16 Beton for timothy and at $0 to $9 for mixed, Steely sad at $10 to $12 for three loads. Dairy produce in fair supply and the off eringe of poultry were large. Dressed togs are firm at $8 to $8.50. Following is the range of quota- tions: Wheat, white, bushel, 72 to 74c; red, 72 to 72 1-2c; spring, 70 to 72e; goose 66 to 60 1-2; oat's. bushel, 351-2 to 36a; peas, bushel, 76; barley, bushel, 47 to e0.3; rye, bushel, 51 1-2e; buckwheat, 55 1-2; hay, timothy, per ton, $13 to $10; telexed per ton $5 to $9; straw, per tem, $10 to $12; seeds, par bushel, Welke, cholee.No. 1, $7 to $7.40; No. 2, $6 to $6.25; rest cover, $5.50 to $6; timothy $1.25 to $1.75; apples per barrel, $1 to. $1.50; dressed hogs, $8 to. $8.50; eggs, dozen, 80 to 35c; butter, dairy, 17 site 21c; butter, creamery, 20 to 25c; chick- ens, per 'pair .55 to 75e; ducks, per pair, 65 to 85c; turkeys, per pound, 1,1 to 12; geese per pound, 7 to 801 potatoes, bag, 90c to $1. . November Pallares. at. G. Due 8.: co. report liabilities of commercial failures thes far -re- ported for November $5,858,3e1e against $4,t99,804 last year. Fail- ures Ms week in the United Seotee arp 266 ageinst 244: lasrt 1.38 the peededing week apd 218 .thc corresponding :week teet year, _ and in Canada, 24, against 24 last week 21 the preceding week and 31 last emu. Of failurep this week in the United States 107 were in the east. 89 south, 13 west . and 15 in the Pacific States, and 87 report .lia- . bilities of $5,000 or more. Leading 'Wheat Markets. Following are the closing quota- tions to -day at important wheat centres: Cash'. May. New York ... '70 5-8 Chicago -- 76 1-2 Toledo79 1-4, SO 31-4 Duluth No. 1. Nor* 74 5-8 74 Bei 13ritish Apple Markets. aUeSors. Woodall & Co., of Liver- pool, cabled Eben jaanes : 00,500 bbls. isold. Market strong, with up- ward tendency. Baldwins, 14s to 16s 8d; Greenings, 15s to 18s; rus- sets, 16s to 20e 43d; seeenda 48 less. .7.1he Manchester Fruit Brokers cabled to -day: The market has an improving tendency. Greenings, 1etr to les 611; B.aldwins, 12s 611 to les; Spies, is to 18s; Russets, 18s to 16s 641; Hinge, 16s to 183 ed. There is a great demand for superior sorts. Bradstreet's Oii Trade. In Montreal trade conditions con- tinuo fairly satisfactory. The wea- ther bee net been specially favorable for the anovement in heavy winter gt eis, and clothing manufacturers terve lett eire efteeta of the bank- warsl eeeson. The demend tor money is good. Restos are limn. Mild were eher eteth ;rain this Week hes checked the movement in seasonable goods at /Toronto to some 'extent, but the sales have kept tip very well in spite qf ;the wirers° Weather conditions. Wholesale erode at Quebec has been oomeethet quiet during the ,past week owing, .no doubt, to the unfavorable condition WO() country roads. At Pacific Coat °entree trade is on more setisfactery basis than in pre- vious years at this season. Pay- ments are more prompt, and there are fewer failures owing ter .the cur- tailing of ;the credit cryotem among ehe retailerte In Win:apes the only ,feature of the troth% situation whiell has called for unfavorable comment Is in connection" with payment'', livhicif aro not as good as it was ex- pected they would be at this time Trade at Haniitton, 99 Teportecite Bradstreet's, Is ht so3lid,. healthy condition. The demand from the ,re• ;tailors; through the country its very; fair, although not as 'ergo pro,ba.bly, • as[Would have been :the case had the Weather been cotaer. Seasonable lines have, however, been in tair remicat to wet retail stooks bit epite of ths. mild eveather. The holiday trade, if Is expeeted, ,will bethe largest on record The outlook for business gen- erally (or ,the balance Of the year it very eneoureeing. Values of etaele goods ate firmly held. In London tide (week, as reporeed to Bradetreetes, ;there has been a fatr movement In ;the, jobbing etede. Ottawa Wholesale business conelnues to alto* a fail amount of notivitiy. , la the leer 2.000. Phileacl Mat:mutter 4.80 you wish to marry my son, do You, yeung %Vernon ?" Young 1Voinan-I do, madam. tamed? Foul Mother -Well, er-is your iti- cent suffleient to support litre In the condition of Innocuous desuetude to which Ile11019 alwaya been AWNS.. The Canadion Nettliern lialtway Company lute sent one two snrveys Ing merles to locate a route frein tore William to Wiate opened under tide Italian name in Hanover, N. H. It was one of elm first, 1! not the very first, coun- try stores where metes end boys' clothing was to be had ready made. It was about 1848, which was an earlier date than affixes to the set- ting up of the tailor's bench in many of the villages of thee° parts of the United States. The clothing for boys and men alike was then in mom places masle by sowing wo- men, called talleresees, who went from faintly to family to cut and fit and baste mei° garments of eith- er home -woven or "boughtene cloth, and, this dono, it was another mat- ter wbether the tailoress completed the job or the hougewlfe or the grown up daughters did that. telie writer or this article waa then living but a few miles from Hanover, the famed seat of Dartmouth Col- lege, and the firet suit of clothes he ever had that was not made as juet now deocribed, was purchased at tho Tontine more in that town. This feet would not b3 introduced here but for the reason that in a way it belongs to the blograpby of a, man who Is now very wealthy and also greatly distinguished, he having been a United States senator and Vice -President of the United States. Levi, P. Morton was the or- ganizer, manager and talesman of the Tontine In Hanover, N. 11, that sold dry goods, clothing and gro- ceries to the villagers anti to the farmers; in the vicinity. Mr. Morton was the first merchant in that re- gion to advertise his business In more newspapers than were published in the village. Ho made use of the col- umns of the local prints throughout the country, consequently he se- cured cuetomers itt all the valleys and on every hillside of old Grafton. Whether tho builisiess was successful or not is not remembered, but if it was a failure, it was owing to the false principle on which the Ton- tine system was based. Anyhow, Levi 1'. Morton profited by It, as the reputation lie acquired there in- sured a call to Boston to be- come a partner in the greatest dry goods firm in all New England. The foregoing was recalled to miad the other day by readLng in a New Haven newspaper an article- on the approaching winding up of a Ton- tine hotel company that has existed en that clay eine° 1826. A condensed account of the old and continuing scheme will prove of interest, but before this is attempted it may be neceesary to explain what is meant by Tontine. That it 'wee: not a• aocialist invention is, protest] by the fact that at the voy time of the Hanover eiperlinent their; were in many •yillages of Nowliampshire, at. also ell over Now England, what practical*, were eo-operative stores, but were called farm.ers' and me- chanins' stores. The capital for run- ning them was contributed on shares by anybody :who °hove to • do so and the eharehelerees • obtained their goods at actual cost. And when the business Wound up whatever was left of tho capital was divided pro rata among the subscribers. These Mares Were a great craze for a time, but they never; were a great success, and ultimately eecoane unpopular. Co-operative stores have for a long tim.e flourished in England, but never in the United States to any appre- ciable extent. The Tontine was based on a different principle, but neither hao ;that ever been a great success in the State. Lorenzo Tonti, a. Neapolitan, in tee middle of the eeventeenth century originated a kind 0.1 life annuity, and upon the publication of his scheme it was introduced into France. Some kind of a business was pro- posed to which subscriptions were. invited, a,nd the subscriber:: or their representatives were divided into ten classes, and an annuity, to be paid out of. profSts, was apportion- ed to each' class according to age, the survivors deriving an increased annuity as their associates died and the last survivor receiving the annuity of his class till the close of his tire. From the name • of its originator this scheme was called Twain% The Freuch Government. took up wetli it, and it was Car- dinal Mazarin who, in 1658, found- ed the Nast association of this kind. It was named the Royal Ton- tine and the whole sum paid in was 1,025,000 francs, in ton classes of 102,500 francs each The Hub- seription was 300 francs and every subscriber received the interest of his 'investment until the death of some member of the association in- creased the dividend to the rest, and after the death of the tisk subscriber it reverted to the'state. e'eis project was not successful. In 1689 Louis XIV. authorized air - other of 1,400,000 francs, divided into fourteen classes, according to age, from children of 5 years to adults of 70. This ono was suc- cessful, and in 1726 the last sur- vivor of the fourteenth class, a widow of a poor surgeon, who had ilivested 300 le/tiles iii the Ton, tine, lead when 96 yeas% of age an income of 73,500 francs. Other Ton- tines were orgaideed in Paris in 1733, but soon afterivard the government interdicted them es a measure of finance. In England Tontines were 'oeca- sionally resorted to Py the geecirta mut, or they Were patronized be it, down to as late as 1789. A few private ones have been established there in coMparatively recent years, the Alevandra Park Company, ed 1871, beim one of these. A. Tontine association Was organ- ized in New York, in 1700, with 200 shares, valued Lie $250 each. The Tontine coffee-house was bitilt In Wall street, and the property wee leased for business purposee. The leaso was to expire and tlie property to revert to tee owners Of the shares depending upon the Istet soYen lives. This contingency occurred in 1870, but litigationremitted and no other attempt to found tt Tontine in New York, was eter in•ade. SomethIng 1110i this seileme has been throe times .suggested. in CM- eag,o, once Wben Centrel Must° hall Was proper:led, another when the rifa- soble Tereple WaS eencelved by an eX-110st-off1ee clock and Mill an- other when tho projectors of the Anditerinin Were discussing Vatic:us plane Of procedure. 1 Now tie to the Tontine betel schenie at New Haven,. The annual Ineeting of the c01ape-17 was held last .'week, this being the seventy- sixth since it was organised 10 1826. The shareholders who attended were all nominees -that is, designated trustees for the original members. It appears that when these nominees T shall have, been reduced by death to seven the irotel property Is to US divided among thorn. Two of 'them reed during tee last year, bath of them men of national reputation, ere - Governor Heat/ley, of Ohio, and ea:nes B. Brewster, the oarriage maker. These deaths represented the loss or two sbares, Ivitiolt Were gatirod by the survivors, of wimin there aro now only twenty. They all being above the average of 79 Years of age, they must naturally dle off rather rapidly, as some of them are above at) years, Expecta- tion is that within the next yam.' the number will be.reduced to seven. and If this expectation be rea1l2ed, the property will at once be divid- ed between the holders of the shares sta,ndIng against the surviving DOM.. trees, Or tiro present value and condition of this property tho New Haven Rogister says: 'Mc, property Is now allegea to be worth over $1.75,000, awe it la pos- alblo that it would not be soldl for that figure. There are 248 eliares and were almost as inen,y nomineea originally, and $1.00 pr seam was paid in. The old hotel, racing New Haven's historic green since It was built in 1826, 19 still. well' pt‘eserved, and In its thne was a nand hostelry ror riurtors to Yalo university and for wealthy residents. It Is a fine-looking four-story brick. build, Ing. This Now Haven Tontine is the most enduring of all that have ever been established, and from the first until now Impertant men have been oonneceed with it. It Is highly probable that this Tontine will expire within the next year or two, and it will then be odd of it that it watt the meet successful and interesting of all tho attempts made to vindicate the wisdom and genlue of Lorenzo Tonti, tho old Neapolitan. ; F. A. Eastineer. t 4 TRAMPS' SIGN ANGUAGE A 4 ereetrefteeelleetteeereereireereirr• One of Me . few obligations it wandering 'vagabond recognizes is that of notifyinghis brethren of the wbereabouts of friends and ene- mies. To do this the employs tho (Meet of languages, one that evelt the unlettered can read. An ex- tranap describes, in "Good House- keeping," the meaning of the pic- tures he found along the highway some of welch timie housekeepers will doubtless hasten to copy .a,,nd display ou their . owe premises. When .on some white gate poet I found 'tit sketelt of a gen, I stole fa.rither dopvin the -.reed had a strong objection to being riddled full of holes so early in my career by sort intrepid farmer. Tiro ouftitne of a dog el warlike proportions, ;with wild eyes and feroolous teeth, often made me go breakrastless. My summer ward- robe was not le condition to al- low of further metilation. If I felt brave %rough to kick it yelping cur, I sauntered in reck- lessly at the gato which bore a portrait of a coy dog. Once past lam, one could usually get a bite. A big round "0" does not, make one wild to approach Alia premises it adorns. It means a hostess with a nature of adamant; in other words, "the marble heart." A single "X" stands for a cross - saw, which with small exertion may earn a meal; two X's mean that you have got to saw' longer ln exchange for a meal. The sign every tramp looks for anxiously is a table with a coffee - cup and- a plate upon it. Beyond that gato-post dwells a motherly soul,. who 5vill welcome the most di- lapidated hoibo into her kitchen, and set before him a good, square meal. She may. sit beeide him, inquiring as to las troubles, and she may give him a 'mother's advice. Or she may have a eteiry to tell of a way- ward boy, lost somewhere in the great world, and all the fee she aerks for her hospitality is that, in the wanderings of her guest, ho may leek about for her boy and give him the loving message of a mother's longing and watching. MANSFIELD'S RAGE. _- Attacks a Stage Hand and Punches His Bead. .01licinnat NOV. .p4.-Tl3!o133a fi J. Yin% fist°, for ;thirteen years has been cider properey man and asslet- ant . stage manager for Riceard Manseield, is no longer ponneeted pleti the company. ,He tOi3tttslng 01sare spot and several, humps on his head, and to says Altanarield Is reeponslible for the bumps and sore . teepee. In- cidentally, be hes retained attorneye and a damage erat for • e large amount inay be tiled egret* Mans- field miless eller° is some Kett of compromise preceffing legal action. Yoro wars with Mtaweield up to anti Including Monday night, and It la claimed that at the close of the tent scene in the fourth ttet, Mansfield, enraged at $01120 error he said Yore had made, 'Amok him live times on the head wall something that hurt SO melt Yore eldrike the actor used an Instretibent barrier than his band. Then etariefielcl snatched from his • hand a heavy roll of parchment, he claims, and, throwing it at him, cut open the left side of his face and blackened the eye. Yore Avoided tur- ther pentehmene by leaving elie theatre, thereby causing Menefee -I to Meet serneone else to finial% rere's work for the root of the ;perform- anee Persecuting the Jews. Brieharest, Roumania, Nov. 24.-Tlie alociplinary touncll of the Roumanian bar ha9 pablished a decedent that only cltitena may hereafter practise law or ace as elerke of lawyors. 'rite decision is aimed di- rectly at the Jews, wbo form the majority of the lawyers and law clerks. The Socialist party at the Ameri- can Federation of Labor convention came within 400 votes of securing that body's endorsation of their principlett