HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-11-27, Page 130TH YEAR, NO, 13,
Capital -
Reserve •
• $2,900,000
A General Banking Business
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on same. •
Drafts bought and sold on all
points in Canada, United States and
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and
upwards, and added to principal 30th June
and 31st December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager
R. Panstone, Solicitor
Xmas. Goods.—Tudhope's.
Lowest Prices. --Bull Bros.
Drugs. -- Walton McKibhon.
Closing-Navigation,—C. P. R.
Special Pri::es.—Homuth Bros.
Read ! Read 1—D. M. Gordon.
You're Invited.—Robt. Maxwell.
Blankets. Shoes, etc.—Kerr Bros..
Trade Makers.—H. E. Isard & Co.
Xmas. Coming.—Thomas' Bazaar.
Overloaded.—The R. H. Crowder Co,
In Two Weeks.—D. McLachlan & Co.
Four weeks
From to -day (Thursday.)
See Halsey Park's advt,
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
The brick -work of Dr. Chisholni's
office is completed.
Walter Burgess has accepted a situ=
ation in the office of the Union fac-
Peter Fisher Jun. is doing nicely,
and we hope will soon be around
See the fine assortment of Brooches
at Chisholm's Jewellery Store.
D, Longheed furnished a fine-look-
ing wedding' cake fox: a Wroxeter wed-
ding on Wednesday, Wroxeter news
will furnish the names of the bride
and groom.
The Blyth Standard says:—Mr. 5,
Gracey is in Blyth this week packing
up his household goods and making
all preparations for the removal of his
family to St. Marys.
See the Stith Proof and Kant Kruk
Rubbers at W. J. Greer's.
Two years ago Woman's Institutes
were started. Twenty-two were or-
ganized the first year, and now there
are forty-four in the Province, with a
total membership of 2,810.
D. Urquhart of Hensell is shipping
large quantities of oatmeal to various
parts of England, Ireland and Scot-
land, He is disposing, of the product
of over 5,000 bushels a week.
Now some are •wondering whether
"we shall have sleighing for Christ-
mas" or not. The weather in Ontario
is liable to change in less time than
four weeks ; four hours is sometimes
The Goderich Star says :— Geo. Fow-
ler, of the Bayfield Road, left tbe Star
office on Tuesday several samples of
strawberry blossoms and well formed
fruit, A strawberry patch in bloom
on Nov. 18th is certainly a tribute to
Ontario's excellent climate. Mr. W.
J, Cox, Britannia Road, supplements
this with several stalks of ripe rasp-
berries growing in his garden.
AUCTION SALE—Of household effects
at lily residence, Edward street, on
Saturday, 29th inst., at 2 o'clock p. in,
Tariff is a word of which not one
person in a thousand knows the origin.
The word tariff come from "'Peril -fa,"
an African town 20 miles southwest
of Gibraltar. Centuries ago Tariffa
_ was the headquarters of a band of
pirates who compelled all vessels en-
tering the Mediterranean to pay tri-
bute. Tariff thus originally meant
robbery. In some cases it still means
robbery. So smith an exchange.
County council nominations will be
held this year on Monday, Dec. 22nd,
and municipal nominations on Mon-
day, December 20th. Election day,
Monday, January 0th.
Onions appear to be a profitable
crop. G. P. Collyer of Middlesex coun-
ty raised 510 measured bushels from
seven -eighths of an acre of Yellow
Danvers onions. We have known
onions to cause tears, but such a crop
as this should cause tears of joy.
All Ordered Clothing bought at Geo.
Carr's is guaranteed.
Past Votes.
In the plebiscite of 1894 there were
180.087 votes cast for prohibition in
Ontario, and 108.491 against it. In
1898 in the same province 154,498 voted
prohibition, 115.281 against. The vote
demanded for prohibition on Dec-
ember 4th is 212,739-32,052 more than
Rev, A. B. Demill, president of De- were polled in 1898.
mill Ladies' College, St. Catharines,
was in town on Friday last. This Col-
lege, formerly located at Oshawa,
has been removed to St. Catharines,
Mason keeps the largest stock of - This institution aims to give young
School Supplies for the opening.—Send ladies full collegiate courses in art,
the children.
in usic, mathematics, natural science,
A bylaw to loan John Dick of Tor- - book-keeping, phonography, type-
outo ten thousand dollars to operate writing, etc. Young ladies contemp-
the Seaforth Woollen Mills was voted luting a college education should write
upon and carried on Monday by a Rev. A. B. Demill, St. Catharines.
good majority, 308 in favor and only
10 against. FOR SALE CHEAP, -1} story frame
house. convenient to the factories and
The members of the junior branch, Iron Works; bargain for quick sale.—
"Woman's Auxiliary" purpose having A. Duhnage, Kent Block.
a sale of fancy work in the basement -
of St. Paul's church about the 20th of Successful.
December. Further notice will be The. Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth -
given later. odist Church report a successful sale
t their handkerchief Bazaar, realizing
With the guests all assembled and a
everything in readiness for the wed- over $50. .
ding of Mrs. Wm. Gee and Charles Farm Sold.
Vesper, of Hamilton, the latter back- Allan M.. Franck, East Wawanosh,
ed out, saying that he suspected the has disposed of his farm to Thos,
bride of mercenary motives, _ Lovell of Tnrnberry for the sum of
Everything new in suiting and over- $5,625. Mr. Lovell takes possession
coatings at reasonable prices, at Geo. March 1st. .
- Sold Out.
Subscribe for the Advance and get Mr. James McKelvie has disposed of
the beautiful, illustrated premium his restaurant business to Mr, Buckley
magazine of forty pages of choice of OWen Sound, who is now in posses
reading. $1.00 will settle the bill until sion. Mr. McKelvie has been a pope-
Dec. 31, 1903. Present subscribers may • lar caterer,.
Geo. Mason has put in a new acety- ulso have a copy by paying in advance " an enormous quantity of matter which
_for 1003, Lost Fingers. bad accumulated, to escape. Mr. Mc-
nye as.miachine. It produces a beau
Mc -
lone g•
John Twiss, for some years in the
employ of T. F. Coleman, salt man-
ufacturer of Seaforth, was instantly
killed Saturday morning in Coleman's
stable. When found his hand was
holding the electric light wire, to
which was attached an incandescent
lamp. Twiss leaves a widow and a
family of eleven.
Sad News.
The Alpena (Mich.) Pioneer reports
the following which refers to one who
was well-known in the vicinity of
Wingham. "Mrs. McCandlish of San
Jose, California, has word that her
husband, Thos. McCandlish, had been
murdered in Mexico, where he bad a
contract for railway construction. He
was sheriff of Alpena county for 14
years, and went to California after
resigning his offce. He was a member
of the K.O.T.M.sand- A.O.U.W.
About two weeks ago, Joseph Mc-
Kinney, who lives about two miles
from Blnevale, ran the tine of a barn
fork in one of his legs, but thinking it
would not be serious, continued work-
ing. It became very painfnl, and Dr.
Agnew was called in, who was obliged
. to lance the leg in two places to allow
_ .: tk:.:: + , nt kl;;. - !1°._ . o wi�jk .n, ace.i., • Ttipneyauiferedconsiderable pain from
blur clear light Tiers s 1 Story •invent. uxstx i t e s e in 'a fs a lli''i'niLble to
g 4 -deritl!i iday t'riak coast fibril parEir of n w iP g ad t t
Robt. Tennant of town packed 482 Science- A Boston mother said to her I `
p little daughter: "If you had my,faith, ' the four fingers of his.left band. He ; work..
barrels of apples from the orchard of darling, you would Tiave no tooth- •was using a buzz planer in Bell's Fac- Have your Clock and Watches re -
Mr. Sloan, Blyth. ache." The child replied : "Well tory at the time. _ paired at Chisholm's ; remember the
Wm. Hacking who died recently, mother, if yon had my toothache, you Those beautiful Overcoatings are place—Vanstone's new block.
had been postmaster of Listowel for wouldn't have any faith." • _ selling like hot cakes at Maxwell's— Situation.
forty-seven years. . 'where you get them made in the la- Ansley, a
test and best styles. at from $12 up. Gen son of John Ansley of
FOR SALE.—A new handmade cut- Also a beautiful range of suitings. this town, who returned to Chatham
ter.—T. 3. Maguire. Nov. 1st to take a thorough course in e
A Toronto daily paper announces shorthand • in the Canada Business
that "Yeast took a rise." Just what
might be expected of the stuff. •
At a sale of stamps Friday in Lon-
don Eng., . a Canadian twelve -penny,
1851, black, lightly cancelled, brought
seventy-five pounds ($350) and a New
Brunswick twelve -penny, mauve, of
the same year, was sold for fourteen
Councillor Vanstone is still improv- pounds ($75).
ing, and we trust will soon be able to BARGAINS IN MILLINERY.—Millinery
take his accustomed seat at the Conn- going at cost and below. Come early - November Strawberries.
til table, and secure bargains. The Dawson Commission Co. receiv-
Miss Macpherson. ed from Thompson Patchette of Clark -
A load of young people from town A bet of $200 has been made be- son, Ont., six one -quart baskets of
/spent Monday evening at Mr. George tweeu Mr. Ryan of Kimberley and well-developed strawberries. These
David's, Belgrave and report a pleas- Tom Wellman of Cranhrook. Ryan berries were grown in the open air
ant times. says he can take 2,240 feet of rope, tie and picked on Saturday, November 22.
Good Domestic Wanted,—Apply to a 200 pound sack of sand to the end. of They were purchased at 50 cents per
Mrs. H. H. Chisholm, Wingham. it and draw it with one horse. Well- quart,
The Baptist Sunday School has de- man says it can't be done. Correction.
cided to hold their annual entertain- •The plan of operations in bringing - The Advance was misinformed last
ntent on Tuesday, December 23rd. out farmers' sons and labourers from week with reference to -T. J. Maguire's
.,Bear in mind. England will be extended by the On- removal from the house he occupies on
Death visited the home of Mr. and tario Colonization Department next Leopold street. Mr. and Mrs. Mun-
Mrs. Peter Campbell of town, this season. During tbe past season about shaw expect to secure rooms on Jose -
week, and retnoved their son, Lorne 500 young men were brought out and phine street. Mr. Maguire's office will
Hill, in his 20th year. placed with Ontario farmers. remain at his residence until his rooms
Remember the illustrated lecture on The Harriston Review remarks in the Vanstone billet( ere ready,
Palestine by the Rev. Dr. Gould on thusly:—Everybody is pleased at the prohibition Meetings.
Friday evening next, 28th inst., in St. continued mild weather excepting the .Meetings Cn the ibterest of Pro
Paul's schoolroom ; silver collection.' curlers, skaters, hockeyists, fuel deal- hiMeeti will be held fir the Town Ball,
era, tailors, shoemakers, dry goods Wingham, as followse—On Friday,
House FOR SALE—Corner of Vic- ,nen, sleigh -makers, blacksmiths and
toric and Shuter streets.—R. W. Run -others too numerous to mention. 28th inst., to be addressed by Rev. D.
cirnan. Perri° and Rev. J. J. Patterson, B. A;
Three hundred thousand bushels of Do you want a snap in Pants?t I also on Wednesday, December 3rd, to
grain arrived in Owen Sound in fort have just received aa few pieces aefi. be addressed by Rev. R. Hobbs and
y- bargain and will give you the benefit.
eight hours, ending Thursday of last Order quick •;they will not last long.—
Dr. Macdonald M. P. Chair taken at
week, according to C.P.R. authorities. R. Maxwell. 8 p. m.
About 100 townships, or 25 per cent, Three bonus by-laws were submitted phew !
of the municipalities of the province, to the ratepayers of Walkerton last About flfty Galicians reached Owen
have abolished statute labor in favor Thursday, and all carried by large Sound last week on their return pas -
of a direct tax for improving the majorities. One was -for a bobbin sage to Europe. The Owen Sound
highways, factory, one for hosiery factory, '.gimes remarks:—Onions and garlic
Advertising is correctly defined as and another for a biscuit manufactory. and Unwashed Galicians make a em -
successful publicity, If you should There was scarcely any opposition. bination that paralyges the nostrils,
write a ten -thousand 'word treatise D. T. Ross of Chatsworth was in and the telegraph operator was obliged
'yon could not define it more compre. Owen Sound last week and was end- to close the doors and sit in profane
pensively. denly seized with a peculiar affliction. silence..
Mrs. Grisdale has opened up a gro- While In conversation with a
eery opposite T. A. Milts • also meals on the street his power of speech he-
at 15 cts., or a lunch for 10 ctaj, Good gan to leave him, and on arrival home
butter and eggs taken in exchange for ryas entirely dumb. Ile is now slow -
groceries. ly recovering.
Put Under Cover.
Farmers should now see that every
implement is under cover for the win-
ter. To see ploughs, harrows and even
binders left in the fields all winter is
evidence of carelessness on the part of
the owners. An American agricul-
tural paper says that the loss in the
United Statesl by such bad manage-
ment would pay the taxes. Give the
implements a dry corner in the barn
or sheds,
It Is Corning.
Wireless telegraphy as a means of
safety in the operations of trains may
be installed on the Grand Trunk Rail-
way System. The management bus
decided to conduct a series of experi-
ments with a view of determining the
possibility of the plan, and if the ex-
periments turn out as expected, the
Canadian portion of the system will
be fitted with wireless telegraph sta-
tions at intervals of from eight to
twenty miles.
No matter what you want in Dry
Goods, Clothing, or Furs, try Dulmage
and if he has what you want you are
sure to save money.
Ceased Publication.
The Orangeville Advertiser bas ceas-
ed after thirty-five years' publication.
Here was its final farewell :—"At the
request of less than two thousand
subscribers we republish. last week's
paper for the edification of their
friends, The plant is for sale from the
name plate to the ink trough. After
having for thirty-five years fed and
started many a printer's devil, sup-
plied the wants of many aneedyeditor
and sung the requiem of many a citi-
zen in language that oft surprised the
gods, rive now sing our own in three
short words—Requiescat in Pace."
Conspicuously Absent.
The Goderich Star remarks as fol-
lows:—His Worship the Mayor of
Goderich and M. L. A. for West Huron
will not sit, on that commission for
the revision of the Federal statutes.
The Globe of Tuesday announced the
names of the commissioners, who will
begin their sittings forthwith at Otta-
wa, and the name of M. G. Cameron is
conspicuously absent. The contention
raised in the West Huron contest on
this point seems to have been well
taken. Mr. Ross •could not spare his
admiring supporter, who has been
forced tea forego the -snug position on
the. coearnieeien,,." .. It Always Pays.
It always pays, from every stand-
point, to be gentlemanly and kind, as
the following instance proves. Abotit
two years and a half ago, Harry Wil-
liams, of St. Thomas, saw Mrs. Beve-
ridge knocked down on the streets of
Liverpool by a street car. He prompt-
ly went to her assistance, and finding
that one leg was broken and she was
badly injured, he took her to the hos-
pital, where he occasionally after-
wards visited her. Mrs. Beveridge's
appreciation of this attention was
shown in practical manner by her
leaving Harry a legacy of $11,000,
which comes to young Williams when
he becomes 25 years of age, which will
be soon.
The local Court of Independent For-
esters, at their last meeting, passed a
resolution of condolence with Mr. T.
Abraham, in his recent bereavement.
Read Saturday's Mall and Empire of
November 22, concerning Combination
Clothing Sale: from four manufatc-
turers, amounting to $30.000, on Wed-
nesday, November 20th 1902. All the - the immediate future, though some
The proposed genera) advance in
railway freights by the Canadian
Pacific and Grand Trunk hallways
has, it is understood, been shelved for
the time being, and perhaps dropped.
There will be no general advance in
goods are above the average of ready-
made clothing, and the majority are
nigh grade tailor-made garments, the
like of which can only be seen in fa-
shionable establishments in Canada
and the Unite,Il States—so say Suckling
& Co., Toronto. Children's two-pieee
Suits, boys' three•piece Suits, short
Paints, youths' Snits, long Pants. men's
Snits, men's Trousers. men's Meters,
black and grey fr eize t Rainproof Coats,
checks and plain Mack, heavy weight;
Winter Overeoats, Ilaglenettes, Reef-
ers, A, B. Smith in attending the
above sale this week. which is the
greatest sale in Toronto this season,
Cull at A. It, Smith's, Chisholm Block,
for bargains.
changes may be made.
SATtinDAY BAIGAIN5.---30 pairs of
Ladies' Dongoln Kid Boots, both lace
and button. Regular Price 52 50 and
$3.001 on sale Saturday for $1,90.--. W.
J. Greer,
The Guelph Herald says I -Prices on
coal oil are advancing, owing to the
inereased consumption of oil during
the scarcity of anthracite coal. The
wholesale prices have advanced about
two cents per gallon, and Canadian oil
can only be had in limited quantities.
The indications point to higher prices.
Thefan still c ntinues at the Kent
Block Sale—fanny prices. Dunnage
did not steal rho goods i Nor is he
making much money l , The goods
must go !
College, aceepted an excellent position
with the Dresden Sugar Beet Co. on
the 5th. .A call was sent to the Can -
lege for two young men and George
and another classmate were sent out.
An offer of $12 per week was too much
of a temptation for George and on the
advice of the principal he accepted the
Woman's Institute,
An interesting meeting of the
Wome.n'a Inatltute was held in the
Oddfellows' hall on Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Campbell of Goderich gave an
address on Institute work. Miss Mad-
dock gave practical demonstrations
in cooking, by preparing puddings,
sauces, etcA very successful meet-
ing is reported.
Not Yet.
A number of our exchanges report-
ed last week that Conductor Ireland
had been promoted to the passenger
service. Yesterday (Wednesday) on
enquiry from Mr. Ireland, we learned
that the promotion had not yet been
made. though he is at present in
charge of the London afternoon pas-
senger train. The Advance will be
pleased to announce the fact of the
promotion when it has been made, for
our townsman we believe is thorough-
ly deserving of it, and we hope it will
be a fact at no very distant date.
Rather Mixed.
A schoolboy was told to write an
essay on the Tudor Period. Of Ra-
leigh he wrote: "Sir Walter was the
first person to introduce the use of
tobacco into England, and one day,
as be was initiating some friends into
the mystery of smoking, he turned
round and said, very impressively, to
Ridley. "We shall this day light such
a flame in England that it will never
be put out."
Cut With Glass.
On Friday last, W. C. Thompson,
clerk in Smith & Pethick's ran against
a sheet of glass that was projecting
from the ledge, with the result that it
inflicted a deep gash in his right leg,
necessitating several stitches to close
the gaping . wound. Will. has been
obliged to walk nearly double, and
take as little exercise as possible.
Work has been out of the question
with him since the accident.
HIGHEST PRICE for turkeys, geese,
ducks, chickens, potatoes, dried apples,
huter and eggs.—WINGHAal TRADING
Fruit Growers.
The annual meeting of the Fruit
Growers' Association will be held in
Walkerton on December 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
The special features are : 1—One en-
tire session devoted to apple culture.
2—Large exhibit of fruit from each
Experimental Station in Ontario,
showing possibilities of fruit growing
in this province. 3—Two sessions de-
voted to flowers and home decorations.
A. most interesting gathering is ex-
The Official Board of Wingham
Methodist Church met on Monday
evening, and decided to extend an
invitation to Rev, Dr. Gundy of
Strathroy to become their pastor at
the expiration of the present Con-
ference year. Rev. R. Hobbs has
accepted an invitation extended to
hire from the official Board of Strath-
roy. Both invitations are of course
subject to the approval of the Station-
ing committee.
AUCTION SALES.—Thos. Brown, auc-
tioneer, of Seaforth, is prepared to at-
tend sales in this vicinity. Call at Ad-
vance office and arrange date of sale.
MoxEY To LoAN—At 4i per cent. on
improved farms. Easy terms of re-
payment; expenses
nses light,ApplyA. .rlpa e.Real Estate and Loan
Agent, Kent Block.
Snap Bargains every afternoon and
evening, of the stock of Thomas' Ba-
zaar, comprising almost every article
you can think of.
The Western Foundry is a busy
spot, and the visitor finds every man
industriously at work. No great stock
is accumulating, the difficulty being to
supply the demand. Last week nearly
every mail brought orders, in addition
to those secured by the traveller.
Castings aro made daily, and the fonn-
dr•y is working up tp its fell capacity ;
enlargement of the moulding shops
Vygt621 Fur Them.• appears to be a necessity at an ear•iv
Several exchanges report that date. New patterns are being prepar-
strangers have been going through ed for new styles at no very distant
the country, offering to boy turkeys date. This week H. Goldring is also
at good prices, and pay 51, asking a on the road, his route being by way of
receipt therefore. This may be a per- Orillia, Newmarket, Toronto. Li ad-
fectly legitimate transaction, but in dition to the steam -heating system for
the county of Perth, where the same the residence, is the installation of a
scheme was worked, the receipts were fire protection arrangement, consist -
converted into notes of much larger ing of large hose connected with a
amounts. Farmers who want to be on tank on the roof to which water can
the safe side should not even sign so be pumped. Success to the Western
innocent a thing as a receipt, unless Foundry Co., Limited.
they know the party they are sign- . Worth Heeding.
ing it for, Down in the average farm well lies
Rubbers I Only one quality — The the source of tench of the sickness in
best, at W, , isreet•rd. • the country to-dary. In it sect fre-
cplently li)rks, amongst others, that
deadly organism, coli commnnus, the
active agent in theproduction of ty-
phoid fever. From the results of offi-
cial analyses of drinking water, which
are continually being Made, It is sur-
prising that so t;aany are enjoying the
measure of good health which they do,
If you have any doubts as to the che-
mical or bacteriological purity of that
which is being used in your home, all
but came to Owen Sound about twelve it costs to have the teat made ie the
years ago. For some time he was express on a sample to and front the
driver for Dr, Brown, and for nine Ontario Agricultural College, where
years ire was a niember of the crew of the officials will be glad to snake the
the S. S. Athabasca. Despite the fact required examination. When the rush
that he could neither speak nor hear, of fall work is over it is agood time to
he made every effort to master lip pump rho well out itnxl remove all de -
Body Found. de -
language, and met with some success, c,ayed anitnal ur vegetable nititter
Many will remember reading ashort Despite his affliction, he were ip good- which ;nay have collected during the
time ago of a pian named Male, near nattlred, indnstrboits fellow, and wits summer, and if a lmcket of charcoal,
Saint Ste, Marie, who killed hie son quite popttlaar ryulong his fellow work- or even a few small lumps of lime, be
and made an attempt on the life of his men, wherever employed. He leaves placed in the bottom, many of the im-
wife. It seems he escaped pursuftand a wife who is also deaf and dtlinb, and purities still retraining will be absorb,
it is supposed committed suicide, a bright little girl abo:lt one year and ed,---(Ii'ttrmers' Advocate,
Messrs. James. Elliott and End. Wel. two months old, who is just learning
Dr. Butler, specialist In diseases of
ters, formerly of Wingham, found the to speak, and gives no indication of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested
dead body of Hale, lying in the woods, having Inherited the affliction of the and glasses supplied. Office opposite
one day last week. I parents. St. Androw'el elanreh, London, Ont.
Thos. Th. Hi b arl,
a deaf and
dixmb man, was killed In Owen Sound
one day last week, by a train. He
was walking on tbe track, and not
hearing the whistle, carne to an awfrll
death. The Owen Sotlnd Times says;
—"The victim of the accident had just
passed tbe age of thirty. He was born
in Howiek Township, Huron County,
Our readers are all cordially invited to
contribute to this column. If friends visit
you, or you visit friends, lot the Advance
know about it.
Mrs. J: R. Munshaw spent a
days Iast week in town.
Mrs. A. W. Stobie of Seaforth vis-
ited her sister, Mrs. G. C. Manners,
this week.
Mrs. W. J, Murray and family have
gone to Pittsburg, where Mr. Murray
has a situation.
J. R. Mnnshaw made a business trip
to Wingham, Listowel and Owen
Sound this week,
Miss Annie Scott and Miss Jean
Moffatt of Galt are guests of their
cousin, R. Maxwell.
Ministers and church workers generally, are
cordially invited to contribute items of church
news under this heading, from their respective
Rev. James Barber, of Forest, has
been palled to St. Andrew's ohuroh,
Arthur, Salary $950 and manse.
The members of the Woman's Guild
of St. Paul's church, will kindly deposit
their envelopes next Sunday with their
monthly collection.
The Methodist congregation of Col-
borne on a recent Sunday, made a
thank -offering of over $1,000 towards
church funds. Rev. Caleb Parker is the W. CORBOULI?. Agent
pastor. Travellers are notified that the Bank of
Hamilton and its Branches issue Ciroularnote*
By a vote of 17 to 7 the Official Board °r „hd vatjonal Yrovincaal Bank of �l ngland
of the Dominion Methodist churoh at
Ottawa decided to request Dr. Rose,
their pastor, to wear a gown in the
pulpit. The Ladies' Aid Society
supplies the gown.
Life is a race -not for a silver coli, but
charaoter—that is the goal. The prize
is Heaven, but the race must always be
run, and life to many, is outward defeat,
and to a larger number, inward defeat.
Rev. Win. Lowe and Rev. H. A.
Wright, B. A. of Holmesville, will ex-
change pulpits next Sunday; the former
will assess Mr. Wright's parish, having
been appointed for that work at the last
Deanery meeting.
The anniversary services of the
Lucknow Methodist church will be held
on Sunday, December 7th. Rev. Dr.
Carman of Toronto will preach the ser-
mons and he will also deliver a lecture
on Monday evening, Deo, 8th.
The Rev, Mr. Wright of Holmesville
will address the members of the Brother-
hood of St. Andrew next Sunday at 8.45
p. m„ in St. Paul's schoolroom. Next
Sunday will be the festival of St. An-
drew, it is therefore expected that every
member will be present ; meeting open
to all who wish to attend.
Capital paid up $2,000,000. Reserve, $1,500,00
J. TURNBULL, General Manager.
President—John Stuart
Vice-President—A, G. Ramsay
Cashier—J. Turubu
DIRECTORS:—John Proctor Wm. Gibson,
Geo. Roach, A. T. Wood, A, B. leo (Toronto)
Savings Bank hours 10 to 3; Saturdays 10 to 1
Deposits of 51 and upwards received. Int-
erest allowed and computed on 30th November
and 31st May each year, and added to principal
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United
Status bought and sold.
Il L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
Mrs. Andrew Morton of Dunoon,
Scotland, was the guest of her brother
J. A. Morton, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hope intend removing
to Guelph. They will be much missed
in the Baptist church, where their
singing was much appreciated,
The Advance regrets to hear that
Alex. Ritchie, of the firm of Ritchie &
Campbell, is very ill. This morning
(Thursday) he is much better than
Miss Millie Agnew, who has been i11
during the past few weeks' in the
Philadelphia hospital, has recovered
so as to be able to come home, arriv-
ing on Wednesday,
The new church at Hackett's, Ash-
field, was opened last Sunday, Rev. Dr.
Hannon of Exeter and Rev. S. M.
Whaley of St. Helens preaching the
opening sermons. The offerings on Sun-
day were $02 and the receipts at Mon-
day's teameeting, 5130. The total value
of church and sheds is $2,600, and its
seating capacity 200. The finances are
fully provided for. -Opening - services
will be continued next Sunday.
At the last General Synod. held in
Montreal, it was strongly recommended
that the first week in Advent be observ-
ed as a solemn week of prayer and inter-
cession in order that through infinite
mercy ,the careless may be awakened
the obstinate convinced, the penitent
encouraged and the ignorant brought to
knowledge of the truth. There will be
special services in St. Paul's church
every evening next week except Tues-
day, when it will be at 4 p.m.
Prominent men in connection with
the Presbyterian and Methodist church-
es express themselves as being heartily
in sympathy with the proposed plan for
co-operation in home mission work be-
tween the beards of the two churches.
Rev. Dr. Sutherland thinks they will
both be able to effect a large saving by
working together. The churches will
not overlap each other's work in the
west and each denomination will be able
to got along with fewer men.
The Ram's Horn says:—Tire throne of
grace is not a bargain counter. Deep
digging must go before high building.
Trials are heavenly teachers in earthly
guise. The stream of life rises not
above its source. Culture is not
character but character is culture.
There are no sins that a man may keep
to himself. When a man is his own god
he is other people's devil. Few over
intend to take more than a tiny taste of
sin. The only thing that comes to the
man who waits is the dust from the
Some Results of Impure Blood,
A blotched, pimply, disflgnred face,
feeling of exhaustion, wracked nerves,
headache and a dull brain. Tho proper
cure is one Ferrozoue Tablet after each
Meal. Ferrozoue clears and beautifies
the complexion by making rich, puro
blood. It restores the enfeebled brain
and unstrung nerves to a healthy
vigorous condition. It invigorates all
the physioal and mental powers, and
brings strength and ambition to the
depressed. Refuse a substitute for
+ one—it's the best tonic rebuxlder
Perroz ,
and invigorator known. Price 50o., at
druggists or Polson ,4i Co., Kingston,
Ont. Sold by A. L. I#arnilton.
Findlay.—In Lower Wingham, Nov.
23, to Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Findlay,
a clang ter,
Cook—Hemphill.—In Wroxeter, Nov.
20, by Rev I. A. McKelvie. Minnie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Hemp-
hill, to Mr. C. Cook, of Iiensall.
Camphell.—In Wingham, Nov. 24,
Lorne 1ii11. son of Mr. and Mrs. P.
Campbell, lel
1, aged 19 years.
Brown.—In Culross, on Thursday,
Nov. 20th, Peter J. Brown, aged 2.3
years and 8 months.
Are you in favor of
the bringing into
force of the Liquor
Aet, 1902 2
friend of Temperance will mark his ballot
as above on December 4th.
" Every Article Guaranteed"
Having purchased the drug
stock of J. E. Davis and great-
ly added to the same, I have
now a First-class stock of
pure drugs and drug sundries,
which I will sell as cheap as
as Quality " will allow. A,
share of your patronage
Walton MoKibbon
Next door to Post Office.
We happened in a house the other
night -and over the parlor door s w the
legend, worked in.lettereof red,' What
is Home without a Mother.?" Across.
the room was another brief desire,
"God Bless Our Home."
Now, what's the matter with "God
Bless Our Dad ?" •He gets up early,
lights the fire, boils an egg, grabs his
dinner pail, and wipes off the dew of
the dawn with his boots, while many
a mother is sleeping. He makes the
weekly handout for the butcher, the
grocer, milkman and baker, and his
little pile is badly worn before he has
been home an hour. He stands off the
bailiff and keeps the rent paid up. If
Johnny needs a new pair of shoes, dad
goes down in his dip and comes alp
with the price of a hard day's sweat.
If Mary needs a new ribbon for her
hair, or mother yearns for a wrapper
and babe yowls for a rattle, down goes
dad again and up comes the chink. But
if he buys a new pipe for a quarter,
because the old one is getting a bit
strong, he is warned that smoking is
an expensive habit, and that risen have
smoked up blocks and farms and hap-
py h+•mes.
When a show 'strikes town, dad
comes np with the price and ma, goes
out with a neighbor, and Mary sparks
her beau in the parlor. Dad's clothes
are none too good, and grime will
stick, so he site in the kitcheu with
the kids.
If there is a noise during the night,
dad is kicked in the back and made to
go down stairs to find the burglar and
kill him. Mother darns the socks, yes,
she does ; but dad bought the socks in
the first place, and the needles and the
yarn afterwards. Mother does np the
fruit; well, dad bought it all—and jars
and sugar cost like the mischief. Dad
buys chicken for the Sunday dinner,
carves it himself and draws the neck
front the ruins after everyone else is
served. "What is home withnnt a,
mot her?" Yes. that is all right, but
what is home without a father? Ten
to ono it is a boarding house, farther is
under a slab, and the landlady is the
Dad, here's to yon ; you've got y -r
faults—you may have lots of 'em -1\1 5
you're all right, and we'll miss you
when you're gone.
What You Want
--1 S—
First—Last----All the time.
No guarantee of quality could
be stronger than the guarantee
wo glvo, and no prices could
be more reasonable :
A. L. Hamilton