HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-11-06, Page 5November 6, 190z •
New Fruits, New Peels,
New Canned Goods.
RAISINS. --Fine off Stalk Valencias, Selected
Valencias, Sultanas, California Seeded Raisins, Lon-
don Layers and Black Baskets..
CURRANTS.--Patras, Fine Filiatl'a, Vostizaas,
including the celebrated Black Beauty.
PEELS, --Lemon, Orange and Citron. Such
makers as Crosse & Black well, E, Laymby & Son,
as well as the Canadian article.
CANNED GOODS, --Everybody knows the
height these goods have soared to. Some houses are
asking $L75 per doz. for Tomatoes. We had ours
ordered in August, so we can afford to sell them a
good deal lower than the wholesale price of to -day.
Will be here this week,
at griffin'
— •
— •
• --
Sells Itself At Our
Remarkably Low Prices
No time to write more.
Keep your eye on this space.
Walker Bros,
on Town and Farm Property.
OFPlCS. In the Kent Block.
Residence—Catherine St.
Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty.
OFFICE.—Over D. M. Gordon's store.
Residence; Leopold street.
Office :—Morton Block, Wingham
A. T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher
Music Method, Simplex •and Kindergarten,
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam-
Pupils prepared for Conservatory of
Music examinations.
Miss Laurine Agusta Kaiser
Vocalist and Teacher of
Oratorios, etc., in English or Foreign, also
Pianoforte and Physical Culture.
voices Tested Free.
Concert Engagements Accepted.
Residence—H. B, Elliott, Francis St. Wingham
Teacher of Piano and Theory
Teacher of Violin and Guitar.
Residence --Opp. R. C. church, Wingham.
LIPS Abner Cosens FIRE
Loan and Insurance Agent
Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest.
Office—corner Minnie aan Patrick Sts„
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound,
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Lddies.Sate,effecttt d. 'Mies ask
your druggist for COWS Cotton Root Com.
pound. Take no other,as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Prite, No. 1, $1 per
box No. 21,10 degrees stronger,$8 per box. No,
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -meat
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor,Ont.
*e nsible Druggistts in Canada.endmd iy all
No. I and No, 2 are sold in 'ruin ham
It. A. liongf�ll-ass. C. A. Campbell, J. IC. Davis
tend A. L, Hamilton, Dan'darame.
Money to loan on notes,' and notes
discounted at reasonable rates. Money
advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent.
with privilege of paying at the end of
any year. Notes and accounts collect-
ed. Office—Beaver block, Wingham.
Rosi. Mollvnoo. "980
Stomach Troubles
We guarantee an ab-
solute cure for the
most distressing cases.
When all others fail,
give us a trial. Your
money refunded if we
do not satisfy.
Chemist & Druggist
Office Q.N.W. Tel. Co.
Its a pity to have a good
Suit spoiled in the making.
The suits we make give en-
tire satisfaction. Give us a
trial and be convinced,
Webster & Co
.etl) tem
--American capitalists are negotiat.
ing for 14,000 :sores of laud near West
Selkirk for the cultivation of sugar
beets and the erection of a factory,
—Several cases of smallpox which
were diagnosed as chickenpox, have de-
veloped in Caradco township, Middlesex
County, and are supposed to have sprung
from the dregs of the outbreak which
was stamped out there last spring. The
initial oases wero very mild.
—During the severe storm on Wed•
nesday of last week about G o'clock
lightning struck the barn on the 6th eon.
Stephen, about one and one quarter
miles south of Creditou, belonging to
Patrick Flanagan. The electric fluid
ran along the top of the hayfork rod
and immediately the building was
ablaze. The cattle and horses were all
saved, 2000 bushels of oats were burned.
Berlin, Oct. 30.—Tho` Ontario Sugar
Company, Limited, established in 1901,
for the purpose of making sugar from
sugar beets, started the erection of a
plant just six months ago, and this
morning the first beets passed through
the various channels, preparatory to
being turned out into sugar, which
takes about twenty hours. This is
the first sugar from sugar beets grown
in Canada, and to Berlin especially this
honor belongs.
Huntsville, Nov. 3.: Report has
reached Huntsville of a shocking fatality
near Baysville. It is stated that an
infant, the name of which has up to the
present been unobtainable strayed a short
distance from home, and when search
was instituted the remains of the child
were found so horribly mutilated that
remained only its head, one arm, and
a few bones, the flesh from which had
been eaten. It is expected the child
was attacked by a bear.
—The Crown have been unable to ob-
tain any trace of Martin and James
Morden, the two witnesses who disap-
peared just prior to the time set for the
last trial of Gerald Sifton on the charge
of murder. It is not now thought that
these men will be found in time for the
trial. The Crown will make an effort
to have the evidence of the Morden's as
given at the first trial, read at this trial.
It will be remembered that both men
swore they had been approached, on the
night. preceding Joseph H. Sifton's
death, by the prisoner and offered $I,000
if they would assist in taking the elder
Sif ton's life.
Durham, Ont., Oct. W.—This morn-
ing au unknown man, about sixty years
of age, was found in a dying condition
on the roadside near Vickers by Wm.
Johnston, manager of McKechnie's mills
at Glenroden. Immediately a convey-
ance was secured to bring him to Dur-
ham but he died on the way without
showing ally signs Of •consciousness.
His clothing was wet as he had fallen
into the water, but as he had $95 in his
pockets his exposure was not from neces-
sity, Subsequently, Ethe body was
identified as that of W. O. Patterson, of
Walkerton, who was lately up on trial
for bigamy, and while out on bail is
thought to have been somewhat de-
Attwood, Oct, 27.—In the near future
we anticipate having a new and pro-
fitable industry established in our town,
viz., the manufacture of cement. With-
in four miles of here is an inexhaustible
deposit of marl covering an area of over
two hundred aures to a uniform depth
of seven feet. Beneath the marl is a
bed of clay, of the proper quality for
the making of cement. It is rather
strange that this "bonanza" has been
left undeveloped up to the present.
However, Marc. Hiles, one of our enter-
prising merchants, purchased the pro-
perty some time;ago and after making
a thorough test with satisfactory results,
has organized a company composed of
our principal business men. The capital
stock of the company is to be $500,000
in ten dollar shares. They contemplate
erecting their factory in town, equip-
ped with a plant having a capacity of
manufacturing 1,200 barrels daily. As
the demand for cement is at present
greater than the supply and indications
point to a much greater demand in the
future, this should be a splendid invest-
ment for the ambitions young man
desirous of realizing "bumper" divi-
We have a very large stock of
Axes. We make special mention
of our "Ahead of Any" as shown
in cut, which is warranted,
Our American wood heating
Stoves are wonders in price an
quality. We have them from
$3.60 up—they are beauties, All
latest improvements,
Oar Stock of X Cut Saws is com-
plete --- eleven different kinds to
choose from.
A full stock of Cattle Chains al-
ways on hand.
We are leaders in our line,
Sffllth & Potluck
How Does It Look ?
This is the real Clothes question of to-day—
"How does it look ?" Some men spend a lot of
money on high-priced clothing and then don't look
right. Some. waste money by not spending enough,
The majority want their clothes right, and they want
to know ;—What is right ? Where can I get it ?
What does it cost ? Homuth Bros, can give the
answer and make Clothes to fit the most fastidious.
We have a new up-to-date stock of Men's, Women's,
Misses', Child's and Boys' Boots, at prices to suit all.
We have a new and well assorted stock of Hats, Caps,
Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, and great values in Under-
A Pleasure to Show You Goode.
" The Sign of the Bear."
Patronize Home Industry.
Crown Huron Ranges
Mader by The Western Foundry Co., Limited,
of Wingham, now on the market .. .. ..
The product of experts !
Complete in all particulars !
Thoroughly up-to-date in every respect!
We invite the inspection of all our friends and defy all com-
petitors to equal or better the quality and price of the
We also carry a full line of Heating Stoves suitable for
coal or wood.
A. Young Sc Sons
Leading Hardware Merchants, Wingham.
Button Block, Wingham.
Selling Out.
We have decided to dispose of our
large stock by a cut rate sale, and will con-
tinue until the 1st of April, 1903.
Our goods are all new and up-to-date
we have just received a new lot of
Come and see our new Ladies' Purses .aftd Chatelaines
A 50 cent 'Purse
A 75 cent
A $1.00
for...., 35 cents
" .. 5o cents
75 cents
All Berlin and Zephyr Wools, 6c per oz.
6 spools of Silks for zjc.
Porn Poms and Tassels, all shades, I 2C per doz.
Shetland Floss, different shades, per oz. 5c.
A good assortment of Granite and
Tinware left, at cut prices.
Clothes Pins, per dozen.
Good Scrubbing Brush for
Nail Brushes, 2 for
lir cent Broom for
20 cent Broom for
Bird Seed, per lb
Mctracta-3 ten cant Bottles for
Glass Cases and rixtures for sale,
Iiighet,t prices paid for Butter and 1Lggs,
Short stove wood is retailing at 0.50
per cord. This is for hardwood. Price
for soft wood is from $1.25 to $1,75 ac.
Cording to quality.
The freight train did not arrive on
Monday from the East, They say it is
next to impossible to keep up steam
with the soft coal now being used by
the engines.
A oar load of ,miloh cows was sold at
the Central Hotel yard, for N. P. Dunn,
of Ingersoll locality. There were 25
animals and they averaged $30.00 each.
The Brussels Tent of the Maeoabee
Order has received a line oak book ease
and 100 volumes up to -date books, well
bouud---Lupton Library --as a reward
from the Supreme Tent for diligence in
adding 25 names to the membership roll.
Writs aro being issued on various
parties in this locality in connection
with the Daly farm sale contracts of a
few years ago. The cases will come
up for trial at Toronto hut as to what
kind of a fight will be made we are not
prepared to state at present. It is not
likely to be one sided however, as there
appears to be room for considerable dif-
ference of opinion at least.
A meeting of the Directors of East
Huron Farmers' Institute was held in
the Council Chamber, Erussela, on
Tuesday afternoon. Pres., T. McMillan,
in the chair. There was a good attend-
ance. The meeting of the Institute will
be held as follows:—Fordwioh, Nov.
28th; Molesworth, Nov. 29th; Bluevale
Dee. 1st; Ethel, Dee. 2nd; Walton, Dec.
Rev. John Ross and Mrs. Ross return-
ed from Huntsville, Muskoka, on Tues-
day evening. Mr. Ross Reems to be
greatly benefitted by his vacation and
residence up north, but we are sorry to
learn that Mrs. Ross did not fare so
well, being subjected to an attack of
rheumatism to such a degree as to be
unable to walk,
Dying by Slow Degrees.
Although not always aware
of it yet thousands die by slow
degrees of catarrh. It first attacks the
nose or throat, then the lungs, add
finally spreads all through the system,
Catarrhozone is the only remedy that
will immediately prevent the spread of
this awful disease. Every breath from
the Inhaler kills thousands of germs,
clears the throat and nose, aids ex-
pectoration and relieves the pain across
the eyes. Catarrhozone eradicates
every vestige of catarrh from the system,-
andis highly recommended also for
Bronchitis, Asthma, Deafness and
Lung Trouble. Price $1.00; trial size
25 cts., all druggists. Poison & Co.,
Kingston, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Care Biliousness.
The chancery sitting of the High
Court of Justice opens on the 18th, be-
fore for His Lordship, Mr. Justice Mc-
Already five or six names are men-
tioned as successor to Philip Holt, K. C.
in the County Council.
The str. Advance, with 44,000 bushels
of wheat for the Big Elevator, reached
port from Fort William on Tuesday
morning, and unloaded the same day.
The steamer Turret Cape arrived in
port shortly after Advance with 105,000
bushels of wheat for the Goderich
Elevator, from Fort William.
On Saturday the masons commenced
work on the storehouse to be added to
the Lake Huron and Manitoba Milling
Co.'s mill. The addition will be 60 feet
fronting on the dock, 140 feet in depth,
and will hold many thousand barrels of
An old resident says the year of 1002
so far has had more rainy days than any
previous one the past fifty years.
Mr. P. R. Hoy, conductor on the G-.
T. R., has resigned to occupy a similar
position on the Denver & Rio. Grande
R. R., with headquarters at Pueblo,
This is not a gentle word—hut when
you think how liable you are not to
purchase for 75c the only remedy uni-
versally known and a remedy that has
had the largest sale of medicine in the
world since 1868 for the cure and treat-
ment of Consumption and Throat and
Lung troubles without losing its great
popularity all these years, you will be
thankful we called your attention to
Bosehee's German Syrup, There are
so many ordinary cough remedies
made by druggists and others that are
+cheap and good for light colds perhaps
but for severe Coughs, Bronchitis,
Croup—and especially for Consunyp-
tinn, where there is difficult expector-
ation and coughing during the nights
and mornings there is nothing like
German Syrup. Sold by all druggists
in the civilized world.
G. G. GREEN, Woodbury, N. J.
We Do
the very finest of tailoring,
and do it for just as little
money as the finest of tailor-
ing can be done for.
We try our hardest to de-
serve your Custom, and give
our undivided attention to
your every order -••- large or
small -for we are after your
steady patronage.
Always glad to show you
what we have—to talk of
styles and tell you our prices.
Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor Wingham
Slim Prices.
Stout Values,
The LeaEll» StoreJQuZcklturn:
Saturday Bargains
H . E. Isard Sc. Co s.
On Saturday morning we place on our counters
the following list of goods, ,fit Money Saving Prices.
Bargains iii New goods—just the kind you are
looking for and wanting at this time of year. We
are reaching out after Business and intend to sell
goods in, all departments at close cut prices from
Monday morning until Saturday night. Please shop
early Saturday and get first choice.
SC 479 yards Flannelette, eight pat-
terns, 36 inches wide, fast col. 8c
ors, hen y, rog. value 10o—Stur'y,
$1.50 46 Ladies' Wrappers, with deep
frill, good heavy cloth, fast
regular $20d0AlSaturdaY w��aiyyst, $1.50
25C Ribbed Hose, fastaBlack l made
to• wear well, regular price 35e—
Saturday .... 25c
s$ 50 10
weed Boys' two -pisco all wool
TSuits, nicely 1 JC
made, reg, price $2—Saturday.. $$ 0
50cOne piece grey Flannel Sheeting,
65 cents- B to da-' regular price 50c
5C Fine patterns, plaid Ginghams,
fast colors, regular value 7e 5c
20c A special line of fancy neck
Ribbons, all colors, regular 20c
price 25 cents—Saturday
g Ladies' flannelette Night Gowns,
L'‘'•• fall size, good patterns, SOC
regular value 65c—Saturday
$1.00 A lineellmof adeM,en's Tweed Pants,
w $100
price was $1.25—Saturday
SC A lot of mill ands of Factory
Cotton. regular 7o, 8o, and 5c
10 con ts—Saturday
25cgood pattern ~tl o iregul rarpet25c
p\e was 350—Saturday
950 Ladies' fancy Black Sateen
Waists, fast color, rogu- 95c
lar value $1.25—Saturday
75C Four pieces heavy all wool
Homespun Dress Goods, 54
inches wide, the regular price 75c
was $1.25—Saturday. . .
$1.00 Ladies' fancy pattern Waists,
Lined, fast colors new style,
tho regular value was $1.25—
Saturday,... $1.U0
49c �tcola filled oa estrong nads Corsets,
regular 65c—Saturday.,., .... 47C
$2.00 Girls' Fawn Short Coats, nice-
ly made, the regular $2.00
value was $2.75—Saturday,...
7q,.. 20 Dozen Ladies' Vests and
Drawers, heavy, regular 25c
value 35c—Saturday.,..
39c Boys' Nk h
spots and stripese,
regular 39C irts,
value 50c—Saturday.avy,..
25c Men's peak Caps, check tweed,
day, halt pri
rc ularce price Ne--Satur- 25C
25c Bove' Heavy Sweaters, "Navy
and.Red, regular price 25e
90 ets. Saturday ,,,,,,
$1.00 25 pm. Ladies' Dongola Boots,
regular value $1.25— $1.00
lOc 8 pieces .vvra perette, new pat-
terns, fast colors, regular l0C
value 129c—Saturday...,
H. E. Isard & Co.
Opp, Bank Hamiltou
Highest Price Paid for Produce
. 'Ace+'9 ++++++++++++* ++T3t'f+++44%
The Greatest Bargain
House in Town for
Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Silverware
anb Novelties is
• WI G, Patterson's
,�L ,,��,l!',yy,,,,,•�t ,,��i`,,��yy,� ,,�1,y�,,�C ,}�,, y�, y�! k! ,,fie ,+�` y�
X_/w_1_4444'/��14+44 /_-1" 1"l1" /vd'1,'41_I ""/-'b/�4444'!_`vN
y£EtiE$FaEEt cs EEEt�:rce'tS�:PcEta'esrst
Remember, we are headquarters
for Engagement and Wedding
Send me your Repairs of all
kinds ; I will do the work to your
entire satisfaction. No other shop
has the facilities. I have had ex-
perience in some of the largest
watch factories. All work is done
under my personal supervision.
Our prices are the very lowest,
consistent with good workmanship.
The Great Watch Doctor, Wingham
Stone Block • Opp. Queen's Hotel