The Wingham Advance, 1902-11-06, Page 130TR YEAR, NO. 10.
Capital •i $2,800,000
Reserve • $2,8001000
A General Sanking Business
Farmers' Sale Notes Oollecteci, and
advances made on same.
, Drees bought and tiold an all
Points in Canada, United States and
Interest allowed on depose.* of $1.00 and
upwards and added to principal 30th June
and Stoeficcomber och year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager
B. vaustono, Solloitor,
• ,Pouclaes.-13:111. Bros.
Noticel—T, J. Maguire.
Store News.'—Tisdhope's.
We Do,—Robt, Maxwell.
Oaliforsabe Pointse—G, T. RI
Down They 00.—A. Dulmage.
Specia101 Specials I—Kerr Sloe.
Wake UP and Kielt.--Grontder Co
Fora. Blankets, etc. -1).11. Gordon
' New Fruits, Peels Eteesset, Grifante,
Eye Specialisa—ahstnabell, Druggist
Axes, Stoves, ete..—Smith. 4 Petisicla
Businees Chang.tes:,Malton McIeibbon.
Atette Waneethe—Stooe Wellington.
Bargains .—The Winglutin Trading Co.
Low Pricee.—sWalker Arose & Sutton.
• See 'Halsey Park's advt.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Itubberss
Sherman Day was summoned to
Ilidgetown last week on account of
the illness of his mother, -
The Young Ladiee' Forteightly Oluir
will meet on Monday evening, Noy,
10th, at the home at Miss Chisholtn.
All Ordered Clothing bought at Geo,
Oarr's is guaranteed.
The Arthur 'Agriculture -I Society
will pay $300 of the mortgage and all
past due interest out of the proceeds
Of the fair this year.
Sydney Kirairafttl has removed front
Seeelser's Fele, V,`erneent, and becomes,
a resident of town. He is a Sari, Of Mr.
and Mrs. R. Kinsman.
Probably the oldest Orangeman in
Canada died last week at Belleville in
the person of Robert Gibson, of
Tyendinaga, He was born in 1805.
Have your Clock and Watches re-
paired at Ohisholm's ; remember the
place—Vanstone's new block,
Coun. W. F. Vanstone was able to
take a short drive on Sunday last.
We hope our townsman will soon re-
cover from his tedious and painful ill-
The Listowel Standard says that a
mail serveice is being arranged for on
the afternoon train from Kincardine
for Toronto, which will be a con-
Harold H. the horse formerly owned
by J. Sweets, of Wingliam was de-
feated at Memphis, Tenn., but Prince
Alert, who won the race, was forced
to do it in 2,021.
Another Shipment of Overcoats to
A. R. Smith ; sizes—.25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
20,31, 32,_ 33, 3t, 85. till up to 44 Shoreys
make. Chorus New Styles! New
Styles I A. R. Smith,
The Goderiele Star says 1—A well
known bee owner in this Riding sold
4 loos of honey this season, which at
0 cents per lb. means $450, a nice re-
turn from the busy bee.
A registered letter posted in Blen-
heim for Ridgetown, twelve miles
distant, has to go to Sarnia. thence to
London, then by St. Thomas to destina-
tion, travelling 210 miles.
Large straw board tubes may be seen
passing through the mails just now
and many wonder what they contain,
When opened a pair of beautiful pic-
tures will be found. They, are entitled
"Alone" and "Purity" and are the pre-
mium pictures given with the Faintly
Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal.
this season, Family Herald &Maoris
bees will be surprised when they see
them for they certainly are the best
newspaper premiums ever offered.
WIttertalt XAEXXTS
Flour per 100..... , • , • • $1 00 to $2 40
Fall Wheat per bush new fit to go
Oats per bush,..., 0 25 to 0 28
'Barley pee bush .. 000 to 0 60
Peas per bush ......... 0 60 to •0 65
Bran ,, •15 90 to 18 00
Shorts „..., ,, . ...,,.20 00 to 2300
Chop , 1 26 to 100
Ray , . . r•rtirtticrtttf 00to 7
Butter per lb .,,,, s 10 to 010
0 17 to 0 17
Lard ..... ........ 0 15 to 015
Potatoes per bush 0 30 to 0 40
Apples per bag0 35 to 0 40
Hidea per 100 lbs.,. 5 SOlo 050
Isernb skins tea,. 0 35 to 045
Dressed hores•..,,,,,, 00 to 656
Live hogs ........ 0 50 to 550
Tallow, per lb...,. 05 tO 5i
Chickens per pair 80 to 50
Ducks per pair .... 00 to 80
Turkey, per lb...... 10 to 11
Geeee, per lb ...... , 6 to 7
12 to 13
W001 ..... • ..... Iv • • 11
For full and accurate market re.
ports see second page.
All meterhers of the Oaring Club,
and those wishing to join, will kindly
meet in the ()outwit Chamber on Fri-
day evening, Nov. 7th, at 8 o'clock.
Up till noon Wednesday of last
week, 18,982,000 bushels of wheat bad
been marketed on the 0,?. B. lines in
Maultoba and the Territories, as
against 0,000,000 bushele laseyeate
Boom sent Stela—Corner of Vie.
toneandStutter etots.-11. NKr. Run -
The Weteeleiwin Times makes note
of two of our former townsmen, dehre
•Olegg's driver took first prize at tate,
Fall Fair, and Frank Caesar left 4ibr
Edreonten after a, fine bunch of eteelte
Rey N, Berwaels willetake Rev. T.
B. Sawyer's work twist Snuday on
Salem circuit. Mr, Sawyer is suppos-
ed to be absent on a very pleasant
nkrimonial• errand. Mr. Burwash
will meet many former parishioners
on the Salem charge.
• Ladies' Rubbers—regular price a0e,
• for 40c; Mee Ladies' Storm Rubbers,
first 'quality, regular price 60e, for 50c
—at W. J,Greer's.
John Moran of Adjals, will not Won
forget two of his recent actions. Fuel
—in a lit of -anger, he shot and killed
two eolts belonging to a neighbor that
had got into his field of roots. Second
—he walked over to the neighbor's
house no paid him for the Celts.
Mr. W. J. Greer was called to Toren-
• to on Pride); last by the Meese of -his
brother Robert, withtyphoid fever.
fle returned on Monday after seeing
his brother comfortably provided for
in a private room in the Western, hos-
pital, with two nurses and the best
medical aetendance.
LoST,—From Wingham Scales, Oct.
29, a collie dog resembling a fox. Re
weed, to finders—R. J. Clegg. Belgreve,
or leave word at Advance office,
The Guelph Herald says ;—"The in-
creased profits of the mine operatore
from the fifty zent raise in the price of
coal is already nearly $000,000 per
ty,eek. At that rate the losses the poor
fellows ustained through the strike
• will -soon be made op—out of the pock-
ets of the people."
The ().P, R, express made a reeord
run from Toronto to Montreal one day
last wit*. The train consisted of
three baggage cars, three taaphes and
twO POilin= ears, and made the•trip
in seven honrs and five minutes, the
fastest on record between the tiVO
cities.„brtlutt raarqfy.
A silo on the farm of Or. F. Grant,
of Stanley, burst shortly after it had
been filled. The silo is almost a com-
plete wreck, His loss will amount to
$300 or $400. 'Several other silos
throughout the district have cracked,
caused, it is said, by too little cement
being used in their construction, •
WANTED—Young man to travel;
position permanent. Apply or write
George Aitcheson, Dinsley House,
Mr. J. A. Cline (formerly of Wing -
ham), seeretary-treasurer and general
manager of the Sun Cement Company,
Owen Sound, gives a highly satisfac-
tory report of the business. They are
crowded with orders. The company
employ about fifty men at the works
and more at the marl beds. It is their
Intention to increase the plant in the
near future, The present output is
200 barrels daily.
A suit was brought against the
Pennsylvania Railroad by a farmer
whose cow was killed by a train.
There was a long trial, with • learned
arguments on both sides. The Joey
brought in this verdict: "If the train
had been run as it should Isaias been
ran, if the bell had been rung as it
should have been rang, if the whistle
had been blowed as it should have
been blew—both which they did neith-
er—the cow would not have been ire
hired when she was killed."
Charlotte (N. Cl News,—"Roney'e
Boys" scored the musical hit of the
season. Much had been said and
written about them but the half had
not been told. The audience was not
only enthusiastic but was beside itself
with delight. The boys were given a
perfect ovation, which was as sincere
as it was well merited. They are
simply wonderful, and as cute, manly
and pretty as they are talented. The
little fellows sang with all the color
and tone of artists of thirty years.
They were absolutely true, and their
interpretation was phenomenal. The
pathos, the temperament, the know -
lege of music the little fellows dis-
played was wonderful. The audience
said Metro and encore tie many times
that 111r, Roney consented to give a
matinee to -day. The boys are the
drawing card of the Star Course.
seOpera house, Wingham, Monday,
Nov. 17th, 1002,
Examinatiou kesults•
The following is the result of Pio metal
weekly 'written examinations told. in Div, A,
of the Pint Department of the Public Sehool,
during the month of October. The sulticots
were :—Algebra, Euclid, Atilt:mile, 4110100
History and physics. Maximum number of
marks, 800, The figures before the nilintor Pf
marks Indicates the eueites Pf exaseleaticies
sssions, JUNtOlitif
A. Ifobba 41.0 V. Davidson 400
AI, Nixon 413 1. nava 074
A. liewsert 303 E. Currie
FL Edwards 372 II. Rose fl
P'Wynn. 3t7 A. n u 242
is GI christ Og 11: forgOssn 7
Ti, McDougall ee 2 B. lose (4) 235
M. Robertson in 248 O. Cruiekshank 233
I. Garrick 235 M. Gorden 215
F,, Kerr (4)222 L. Kerr 201
V. Jermyn (3)220 R King (1) 187
N. Vanqtone (2)142 J. Rinteul 180
A. Park (2) 109 E. Scott ill 181
E . Martin (I) SO R. Run:1nm Ill 108
W. liolines 118
W. Theater (0 ea
te Mason (21 01
0,Stowort 2 2
L. Amor
• Social,
• The Westminster Guild of Wing -
ham Presbyterian Olittreh. will bold a
social in the basement of the -chetah,
on Friday evening.• A good program
• is being prepared.
Office Removed,
T. Js Maguire, Real Illatate agent,
will occupy the rooms in the vow
• Venstone Week, when they are reedy.
Until thep, hieoffice will be at his reale
dlArn, Leopold Street.
the One assortment of Broochrei
atGhsholrn's Jewellery Store,.
VW Promotion., •
A Toronto World reporter at Os.
geode Ran, Toronto, states that Judge
• Masson, of Hriron county is soon to
retire, and that Judge Doyle will be
pies -noted to be the senior Judge.
To college. ,
Barry Ansleyleft on Friday to at-
tend Chatham Sosiales College. Ilia
brother George, who succeeded so well
at the same institution some time ago,
vvent with him to take a further
course. We wish *hem both emcees,
Prtorzeor Yotirke FE" Bre—Waterproof
Shoes and Rubbers that tit end wear
—456t47. J. Green's,.
This day was telehsatdd o, L.
873s by a temper at Broadwat hotel;
Belgrave lodge bad a special meeting
and eocie time. Neetheidge lodge
had a supper, addreeiese, etc. Dr.
T, Olsisholneweixerte of -the epeakers,
Dr. T. Cliphfil4rints the foundation
built for his. new office, on ' Patrick
street, between the drug store and the
doctor's residence. The brick Work
will be preeeeded• with at once. Dr.
Chisholm has done his share of build-
ing in NVinghans.
Wood anti all farm produce taken
exchange for millinery_ at Mrs. Green's,
next.; door to Smith's Bank.
North Norfolk Also. •
North Norfolk is added to the list of
bye -elections. Viva charges of pm—
chasing 'railway tick ete for voters
proven. The member. eleets Dr,
Snider (0Onsereative) admitted agency
and expressed willingness that the
election should be voided, .The :re-
moval, of these five votes would reduce
his majority to 18. The petitioner did
not prees for costs,
.Jvietine ongh.t. to be Well' administer-
ed in the Magistrates' 'weir te of Onta-
rio, if the number Of P's is any cri-
terion. Appointments are being made
frequently, and at present there are
no less than 4,700 in Ontario. To 'be-
come a justice it is necessary to have
some property qualification, and like
that of a. judge, the appointment is for
life on good conduct.
AlIcT7011 SALES.—Thos. Brown, auc-
tioneer, of Seaforth, is prepared to at-
tend sales in this vicinity. Call at Ad-
vance office and arrange date of sale.
At Stratford.
Mr. George Robertson, of. the Cattle
Guard Commission appointed by the
Dominion Government, states that he
has fixed Stratford as the central point
for the counties of Waterloo, Bruce,
Huron, Perth and, Oxford, to bear far-
mers and stockmen give their state-
ments and state their grievances to
the commission, The date of the con-
ference is to be agreed upon by the re-
presentatives of these counties.
Carpet Ball League.
-Representatives of the Fraternal
Societies of town Met on Wednesday
and arranged a series of carpet ball
matches. The following is the
K. 0. T. M. at A. 0, F., Nov. 11.
A. 0. F. at I. 0. 0. F. Nov. 13.
0. 0. F. at I. 0. F. Nov. 14.
I. 0. F. at K. 0. T. M. Nov. 18.
I. 0. 0. F. at C. 0. F. Nov. 28.
14 points a game; four players a side.
W, McKay of Harriston visited
In town last week in the interest of
the international School and while
here bought an overcoat from A. R.
Smith, Chisholm Block.
BUsiness Change.
Walton MeKibbon Pima. B., has pur-
chased the drug business of J. E. Davis.
He is now in possession and will Con-
tinue the business in the same stand.
Walton is one of Winghton's populist,
;Paling Men, with good lateness ability,
and sheeld make a successful besiness
man. lie Makes his annoencement, on
page 8 of this issue. Perigee it mire -
folly and give him a call, next door to
the postoffice, We understand that
lifte. Davis intends going to Toronto.
The Wiarton Canadian says ,-
"Snakes are very plentiful. One
gentleman reported that he saw a
dozen one day last week on the toad
between here and Lion's -Heed Ain
other reports that the muskrats have
not yet started to build their winter
Wises, pld residents versed in weds
crate claim timed aro unfailiog Rivet
of an open fall and A Mild winter,
The horrors of the wood famine are
getting lest; every dey, InYie w Of these
Or, Butler, specialist In diseases of
eye, ear, nose and throat. Byes tested
end glasses supplied. Office opposite
St. Andretea church, London, Out.
're LoAte—At 4i per cent., on
Improved farm. goy terms of re.
payment ; expense*, light. Apply A.
Dulmage, Heal Estnte e,u4 oan
Agent, Rent Block,
• Sold.
The home and lot owned by Menne
• Beer, near the park, has been sold to
Percy kWh soda water manufacturer,
of town, through the agency of A,
Dultnage, Two Insertions In the Ad-
vaxice only, did It.
The ill -repute of Friday as an um -
lucky day is shown by some recent
statiaties to be undeserved. A careful
investigation, .largely through official
• ehatinels, has been made into the ques-
tion in Germany, and as a result It is
found that of 9,948 weekly accidents
and disasters, such as are commonly
attributed to bad luck, 1,674 eccurred
on Monday, 1,051 on Tuesday. 1.001 00
• Wednesday, 1,547 on Thursday, 1,038
on Friday, 1,038 on Saturday, and 264
• on Sunday,.
Why pay such high prices for poor
.Shoes when you can get the best grade
Manufactured, for less' money, at W.
J. Greer's?
Double Anniversary.
Mr, and Mrs, J. McTavish of Huron
• township, end Mr. and Mrs. Hendee -
son of Goderieh recently et:Wheeled,
the thirtyseighth anniversary of theft"
wedding day together, at the home of
Mn, Henderson in Goderich, Mr. Mc-
Tavish is it hrether of dm. W. Green
of town, and MrS. Hendersou is Mrs.
Green's sister. On account of Mrs.
Henderson's lU health, the anniver-
sary was quietly celebrated. Both
ladies received appropriate end valued
gifts. •
Word •from R, Tindall reports
his health improvings He i nosy at
Trout Creek, Parry •Souod dititrite,
lie was threatened with lung trouble,
and on the advice of his physician,.
took a holiday from work, and alas
been enjoying the invigorating atmos-
phere of nortbern Ontario for several
Weeks. The Advance hopes that the
change will prove permanently bone
tidal. Our townsman and family in-
tend to return to Wingbane, about the
, last of the present month.
AGENT WANTED.—To take orders
for our Onstom Made Skirts, latest
Arneriean styles. Liberal Commission;
Write at once.—Canadian Skirt Co.,
Guelph, Ont.
Voters' List.
Four weeks from to -day, the vote
will be taken, now known as the Re-
ferendum, The provisione of the Act
will be found on page 4, and the report
of Weed Huron convention on page 8,
The Vetere' hat, to be used will be that
of 1901. Every person whose name
appears in Part I of that list who has
been a continuous resident of the
Province from the time of the last
Provincial election until Dec, 4, 1002,
will be entitled to vote. People must
vote where their names appear on the
list whether in their present munici-
pality or not.
Serious Accident, •
Mr. Joseph Adams met with a ser.
ions accident on Monday while draw.
lug Wraps on the farm of Geo. Hen-
dersOn, near town. It appears that
the front end -board of the waggon
came out, and the front part of the
load rolled down, frightening the
horses so that they ran away. Mr.
Adams was thrown out, the wegtron
passing over his body, breaking one
arra and several ribs, The bones of
the arm are very badly fractured near
the elbow, As Mr. Adams is ad-
vanced in years, the aceitlent will lay
him aside from work for some time.
• Ohrysanthernume blooming at Green.
house, Frances St.—T, O. Graham.
The fun still cootinues at the Kent
Block Sale—funny prices. Driltuage
did not steal the goods I Nor is he
making much money I The goods
must go
Bos Found,
Atwell Todd and Hobert Carey, the
.Gederieh boys who van away from
home two Weeks ago, were found by
their anxious fathers, picking apples
on the farm of 3. T. Marsh, at ,O'Dell's
corners. They were apparently quite
well pleased at being discovered. Both
boya were fagged out as the reeelt of
their foOlish prank, 'Mr, Todd slays
that there was no season why the lads
should run away. They had always
been- steady in their attenuance at
school, and had not before caused their
parents a-oxiety. • The Todd boy is 11
years of age and Carey is a year older.
King's Birthday.
November 9th is King Edwartra
birthday. Mit' an Ottawa despateli
states that there will be rio public holi-
day on November 9th title" year The
Government hes Aeoldell to loop a.
reel:ire:4ton fixing _May 44th as the
av upon whiets his Mejesty's birthday
hall bob -served. In the bites -pease
ion Act it is provided that the eepres-
ion "holiday" includes among other
aye in the year, "the birthday or the
day fixed by proclamation for the cele-
bration of the birthday of the reigning
sovereign." It is on the strength of
this provision and the action of the
King in selecting May this year for
the celebration of his natalday that
the Government proposes to act as
Men's Plain Rubbers with medium
herivy soles; manufacturer's price 82e,
for 65c—at W. 3. Green's.
Will pay, 20e per lb. for elesice but-
ter for the next 30 days.—A. R. Smith,
Chisholm Block.
How Would This Do?
During the past season a number of
summer hotels, country residences,
and institutions away from city sew-
age systems have put in Dr. Bryce's
adoption of the septic tank system of
sewerage, and all with most satisfac-
tory results. The most severe test has
been in a pork factory at Brantford,
where the sewage amounts to 15,000
gallons per day. • This is satisfactorily
handled by a system of tiles tinder
about 'three acres of land. Perhaps
the most peculiar adaption of the sep-
tic tank system has been In coonectioe
with certain steatuere on small lakes.
To prevent the pollution of the lakes,
the sewage has been filtered by a sep-
tic taisk in the hold of the steamer.
The tanks worked excellently through
the tourist season without replenish-
ing. These successes suggest the pos-
sibilities of the system for all places
where the ordinary sewer connection
cannot be obtalued.
Wifighara Popular .coueert p
Roney's. Boys
November the 17th, 1902
Shortly after seven o'clock on Mon-
day morning a blaze in the Broadway
House summoned the firemen to duty,
The lire was in one of the bedrooms,
and was caused by clothing taking fire'
from the stovepipe passing through
the room. The clothing, bedclothes,
etc., were destroyed, and the room
will require renovation. The brigade
was promptly on hand, but the fire
was got under control without delug-
ing the house with water from the
hose, and without further damage be.
big done.
Around The World.
Wonderful is the march of the
world's progress. It is now possible
to telegraph entirely around the world.
An Ottawa despatch of Monday says;
"Sir Sandford Fleming last night took
advantage of the completion of the
Pacific cable to send a message around
the world, It was addressed to the
Governor General, and was sent from
Ottawa to Ottawa; via Australia,
South Africa, and England. The web.
sage duly come back, having occupied
10 hours and 25 minotes in its globe.
girdling trip."
No matter what you want in Dry
Goods, Clothing. or Fars, try Diem -Igo
and if he has whet you want you axe
sure to save Money, •
Mr. Gunn of Toronto, is in town this
week on business in connection with
the Winghem Produce (ao, In ad-
dition ti the improvements ;greedy
made, it Is iptended to build a large
Awe, to raise the roof of the refrig-
erator rind Wild an Addition thereto.
Messrs R. Kinsman and Wee. Moore
will do the work, which means that
It will be well clone, Mr• Graham,
the manager, Is talking of putting in
electric power to provide the bow tem.
peratttre necessary for storage our -
poses. The business is evidently pros-
pering under Mr. Graham's rare.
The sweep pf thil2 luss closed, and
meniners of tim Winghani Bowling
and Tennis clob hetes enjoyed many
pleasant hors of heittlifel recreation.
The Preekleet, Mr. A. (Olsson, did
alt In his power to *mania the interest,
He offered for competition a fine
pair of Bowls, On Tuesday the
competitors for these had 'narrowed
down to Ohm. Knechtel and Win.
Lloyd. The final test left Mr. Knech-
tel victerious; hence he garripti off
elle trophy. The club expect next
season I.he me more successtui
than the initial season,
Death laimed a, respected and aged
resident of our town, Mr, Wm. Dow
Moore, who passed quietly away to
the great majority on Sunday last.
Deceased had been a resident of Wing.
hain ter a little over it year, having
come here from Sertforth, where he
had lived for many years, enjoying
the esteem and confidence of these
with whom he callus In contort. For
twenty-five years be was librarian of
the Public Library in fleaforth. Of a
eelet, retiring disposition, a man of
few words, our late townsman spent
intuit time in reading, and was well
informed on many subjects as the re-
sult of extensive reeding. flis partner
in life passed over the river years ago.
4e had been le it feeble stete of health
for sOnie time from heart trouble, and
on Stinday lest passed peacefully away
•tt the advanced age of 910 years, His
daughters. Mies Sarah and Miss Carrie,
reel lieenIY their ianeliness. Sev.
tiehhs condncted service at the resi-
dence on Tuesday morning, and Inter-
ment took place in Seaforth cemetery
in the afternoon.
Housgliorm APPECTS.--On Fridity
and Saturday, Nov, 7 and 8, t shell
offer by private sale at tpy 'residence,
Rd ward 'etreet, my farnitare. con-
sisting of parlur, hodrento suites, and
all ether bensehoid Meets. Cell awl
get bargains. The holm is for tale or
to rent.—Mra. Hereon.
On Sunday le„st, while met driving,
the Misses Vanetotte and Miss Miller
met with an reecklent that might have
resulted very eseripushre When going
down a hill beyond the cemetery, the
horse ran away, running off the road,
over the end of it culvert and falling
between two logs by side of the road,
How the ladies escaped injury is won-
derful. The boggy was broken, and
It was with difficulty that the horse
was Waricateds Mn, Benson, of the
National hotel, fortunately came
along and gave the lacliew assistance,
bringing the horse back to town.
Everything new in suiting and over -
coatings at reasonable prices, at Geo,
Oa Saturday, evening tilers was
rather a serious collision on One of our
side streets, where the darknese is so
thick that it may be "felt," like that
of 'Ancient Egypt, Alex. Kelly Of
Tiienberry, and Delman Stewart of
townr were driving in opposite diree-
tions, when their vehicles collidedand
both were thrown out end badly sha-
ken up.' Mrs Stewart seemed to get
rather the wotst of the tussle, and was
obliged. to call, on his physician. We
have not tweed which driver wee at
fault, nor have their exclamations as
they picked themselves out of the mud.
been reported to us. IS it not about
time that Wingharn got away from
the conditions that obtained in Egypt
in the time of theologies of darkness,
Married. '
Mr. encl. Airs. J. U. Surma arrived in
Wines:me monde), evening, and the
Advance extends ,inaost hearty con-
grab:II:Woos. From the Perth Courier
we elle' the following account Of the
happy event u --In the presence of their
immediate eelatlyes, ;it the home of
the bride's parenei, D'arey Street, On
Wednesday Morning, October 27,
Mee Mary Isabel, third daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, John G, Campbell, WAS
united in marriage to James Burns of
Wingluien, son of the. late Itetr.
Willi:Int Burns, forbserly pastor of
Kink Church, Perth. The nuptials
were Performed by the Rev. A. IL
*Ott, patiOr of St. Andrew's. and the
wedding -teas very quiet There are
many in t'ertie who will wish Mrs.
Burns ft happy life in her Winghenu
hinne., Although the wedding was
quiet, her friends did not allow her to
leave them without eoree tolienS of
their esteeM; lit iWnytmittge of Miss
Campbell- to Mr. Burns, St. Andrew's
Church choir loses a valuable soloist,
and the members took the occasion to
show their regards in the presentation
of a clock. Mr. and Mrs, Burns left on
the noon C. P. R. express for a slaort
honeymoon trip, after which they
will reside in Winghem.
Mason keeps the largest stock of
School Supplies for the opening.—Send
the children.
One of Wingham's earliest settlers
settlers closed her earthly career on
Tuesday—Mrs. Thos, Abraham. She
had been in poor health, as the result
of a stroke of paralysis that came to
her nearly four years ago. About
three days before her death she suffer-
ed from heart trouble, and on Tuesday
morning breathed her last. Deceased
was a native of Ireland, and came with
her parents to Canada when five years
of age. Forty-seven years ago she was
'united in marriage to her now bereav-
ed husband, and for over thirtrseven
years she was a respected resident of
Wirighain. She was of a kindly dis-
position, always ready to assist a
neighbor in time of trouble or sick-
ness. Tw'h sans and one daughter are
left. The sons are—Robert. of Lan-
rium, Mich., and William, of Los An-
geles, Cal. ; the daughter, Mrs. McKay,
resides in Michigan. Deceased was
sixty-five years of age. After nearly
forty-eight years of married life, her
bereaved husband is left to finish life's
journey alone.
Fefend after friend departs;
Who bath not lost a fried
There is no union here of hearts
That knows not here an end.
The teinains are being laid to rest in
Wingliam cemetery to -day (Thursday).
Nonce's—Bring any kind of sour
apples to the Mildnuty Cider Mill. We
guarantee to boil sweet syrup or apple
hinter at 4 cents a gallon, on our own
risk, without sugar. For apple hotter,
bring one pail of quartered apples to
one hag eidet apples,
3-10 HnitnoOrr BitOs,
The new Methodist church at Hackett's
lit Ashfield is nearing completion, Tho
Opening will take place November 23rd
whets Rev. Dr. Hannon of Exeter will
preaeh morning and evening, mid Rev.
S. M. Whaley, B. A. of fit. Helms in
Alcmene. A pleasing feature in
ocatnection with the WI:tattoo of this
new Olillreli is that it is free of debt, for
wheel molt credit is duo the pastor,
Rev. F. ,T, Oeten.
The Quarterly serviceehi Wingliam
Methodist church Were fall of hi-
e/0010n, Mul veree'prolitable. A very
Wee number of Communicants par-
took of the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper in the morning anti about as
many others in the evening. A Re-
ception service was held atthe close of
the evening service, at which n number
were received, into church snernherehip
The pastor's morning etseinfill was a
eentilseetion of the question of "Human
SeepettsMility" mut ns the evening, an
eerneat appeal to the unconverted, it
was deeitled to centime the epeeist' me
Vieell for this week only.
Other dwelt notes will be found on
page eight,
A meeting of Temperance workera
will he held Mille Council chamber to-
morrow' (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock
sharn• This meeting Is called in order
'that organization may be completed
for the Prohibition campaign new On.
All Temperance workers are Invited,
Silver Wedding,
• The home of Mr. August llomutb,
concession 10, Turnberry, was the
scene of a, happy gathering on Thurs-
day evening lest, when a large number
of friends gathered to celebrate with
Mn, and Mrs. Homuth, the twenty-
fifth anniversary of their marriage.
Among the guests were some who
were present at the wedding twenty -
Aye years ago, looking a little the
worse for the “wear and, tette of life,
but still able to join with zest In the
festivities. Strange to say, that out
of about seventy present, at the wed-
ding, only sig or seven have passed
away --a low death rate certainly.
The invitations'announced supper at 5
p. ne., a,nd a Most tasty repast awaited
the guests, who, to the number of one
hundred and twenty, were served until
fully satisfied. Seldom are tables seen
more bountifully loaded with choice
and appetizing edibles. The presents
were many in number and great. in Va-
riety, comprising utmost everything in
the Oyer line—a most bee:Thome dis-
play. The evening's amusements con-
sisted of games, znnsic and dancing,
instil the "wee Ma' oars," when the
visitors departed wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Hoinuth manymore years of happi-
ness, and prolonged life till they cele-
brate their golden wedding, On Octo-
ber 80th, 1877, Mr. A. P. Homutli and
„Miss AL A. Netterfield were "joined In
holy wedlock, Bev. H. .NicQupTrie
of/Mating. Miss S. B. Netteeffeld, sis-
ter of the bride, was hrfdesinaid, and
Mr. J. B. Melholland grooinstnan.
These have eines) married and were
presenb at the silver wedding. Mr.
Homuth took his young bride to his
bonse on the 10th of Torniserry, where
they :have resided ever since. Many
blessings have been theirs, and they
are now surrounded by a family that
are a credit to their parents. Blessed
with health and an abundance of this
World's good things, they may well
look back over the past and be.grate-
ful. That their future may be paved.
with many blessings, and their Test
days their hest, is the wish of their
numerous friends.
Wervreo.--Reliable lady agents, to
take orders for, the best custom-made
dress skirts and walking skirts in
Canada ; write quickly. — Dominion
Garment Co., box 209, Guelph, Ont.
Council met on Monday evening;
the Mayor, Coons. Bell, Holmes, Me -
Indere Iewireand Elliott weret present.
October minutes were read and ap-
A petition was received from J. D.
Long, W. J. Chapman and others, for
a cement sidewalk on the north side of
Victoria street from the west side of
Leopold street to a point on McIntosh
street. The Clerk reported the peti-
tion sufficiently signed, and on motion
of Coun's McIadoo and Irwin the peti-
tion • was granted and the Public
Works Committee authorized to pro-
ceed with the work.
Tp. Turn berry, taxes $ 1 20
Hart & Riddell, supplies 5 00
McLean & Son, lumber ..... at 87
elallough, salary 12 00
Mayor, °leek, Assessor, select -
big jurors 12 00
3, B. Ferguson, services revision
voters' list. 38 00
W. Clegg " - .1 2 00
V. Vanuorrnan • e 3 00
B, Ferguson. Inspector's fees,
weigh scales 6 25
Jarnes Brock, labor 91
Wm. Holmes, repairs 2 55
W. Guest, cemetery work •3 75
Howson & Co., care of dean „ 25 00
" " water for street,, 30 00
Hook & Lechler Co., services..., 3 00
0. J, Rending, insure. local imp, 37 63
" building fence—. , 2 00
V. Vannorrnan, taking indigent
to Home of Refuge 2 75
V. Vannorinen, paid foe wood.. , 5 00
4 " salary 42 00
Electric Light Co..., 35 al
,T. Mitchell, surveying cemetery12 00
Beattie Brea, hose to fire 1 00
A. Sanderson, teaming and street
watering 6 30
On motion by. Cottufs Holmes and
Bell, the report of the Finance cone
mittee was adopted,
The Mayor reported that the Execu-
tive committee was not saady to re-
pent on the assessment of the factories.
The Chairman of the Street commit-
tee repotted on the matter of raising
the sidewalk on the north side of Pat-
rick street, from Josephine to Edward
street. The only tender received asked
$50 for the work, and Dr. Chisholm
had offered to pay $20 towards the
cost. On motion of Coons, Holmes
and. Bell, the matter was left In the
hands of the Street committee with
power to eel,
The matter of bridge across the river
from the foundry Caine before the
ermined. It was left with the Execu-
tive 'committee with power to act.
clonn. Bell introduced the question
of lighting the aide -streets with mean.
descent light, It was thought that a
82eetedlepower light at each corner
would be municient, and the propriety
of asking for estimatee was broached,
but to action WitF., taken.
By-law 46.1, to amend the by-law re-
ferring to 119817,0 of bread, was intro-
dueed and read. On motion of Coons,
Ii' win and Sell, it passed.
Connell adjourned.
Capital paid up 10,000,000. Dererve, 51,1140,0e
I. TURNBULL, General Marinette,
President—Joint Stuart
Iricia-Prs5ideat—A4 G. Dewar
taweler—e. Turnbe
larneoronses,,Teein Proctor.. Wee Oliseens
GOO. Roach, A. T. wood, A. B. 240 CrerOntta •
Savings Bank hours le to;„ Sattit'`ilo 10001
Deposita of $t and upwards received. Int-
erest allowed and computed ok3Otliflovember.
and 31eb May each year,and added to principal
seecial PePosits also reeolve At carnet
rates of istorest.
States bought and sold.
Drafts on Groot ata mid the United
RI L. DICKINSON, 130/101ter,
W. 001t13GULD Agent
Travellers are notified that the Bank of
Hamilton and its Berne es Issue Circular ofitee
of the National Provinelal Bank Of Iliniflana
(Ltd.) which can be embed without Wire or
trouble lu soy port of the worts
Residence Sold,
Thor. Moore, of Toronto Junction,
has Wei his residence on Ceara street,
occupied be Mr. Armour, produce
merchant, to Mr„ Harold, G.,
• Agent, for moo, This house makes
the third to, change hand e recently
on lots adjoining each other—first Me.
Pessant'a then Illte Wenzel's, now Mr,
Ittoorel'e. We understand the last sale
was made through the agency of Mr,
IL Davis, •
Sig Bargains hi Foot wear at W. 3. „
Green's this week.
Cold Storage.
The brick -work' of Wm. Armour's
tvvosstorey old storage building, ad-
joining his egg emporium, has been
completed It is intended to furnish
storage for produce, and room for two
hundred tons of Ice is provided Mr.
Armour ha e made a greetchange in
the appearance of the property Since
be purehased. ib. The veneering of the
old temperance hall; and the new cold
storage building, make the property
not only suitable foe Mr. Armoutoe
business but give it. a fine appearance. .
' Our readers tr allcordially invited -to
,. .
contribute to this column, If friends visit
you, or you visit friends, let the Advance
know about it. -.,
• Robe: efeCosh of i5inb Rivelecalled
(nip. W.-Tebbuttnn Moeclity, -
Inn Bunting of Pickerbig is isitifi
his daughter, Mrs, R. Douglass,
Mr. and Mrs. 5, A, Maguire spent
Sunday last with Teeswater friends.
Mr. and. Mr, R. S. McGee of Owen
Sound spent a few days in town last -
Messrs. Bert, Hingston and Jed
Good. of Brussels were in town ce er
Sunday. '
Mrs. A. McKell, of Perrysburg,
Ohio, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A,
Mrs. Hogg and Miss Fannie Hogg
returned to their home in Brussels on
' Barrister Richard Holmes has gone
to Toronto on business and hopes to
return in a few days.
William and Thomas Ritehie of
Teeswater spent Sunday with their
brother Alex., of town,
Mrs. Robert Henderson of Brussels
was in town last, week attending the
funeral of Mr. P. Hogg.
Miss Laura Hobbs Las beee spending
a couple of weeks with her sister, Mre.
U. V. Hutton, of Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. (line of Owen
Sound spent a few days in town this
week visiting their many friends.
Crowe—In Culross, Nov. 4th, George,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Clots e,
aged 6 years.
Wilson.—In Morris, Oct. 81st, .Ethel,
daughter of James Wilson, aged 9
.years. 2 months.
Gray.—In Wingleon, Nov. 5th, Clare
once B., son of Mr. and Mee. W. G.
Gray, aged 8 years.
Abrahn tn.—In Winghase, November
4th, Elizabeth Walden, beloved wife
or Thus. 'Abraham, aged 65 years.
Moore.—In Wingleim, November 2nd,
Wm. Dow Moore, aged 80. Inter-
ment took piece in Seaforth on Tues-
There is Nothing to Equal
Herbal Bitters
Blood, Stomach, Liver
and. Kidneys.
Paidc ado PER Ei0X.