HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-10-30, Page 71.01\11011 CHEERS KING 111\10 EWEN Brilliant Scenes at Royal Progress To -day. ADDRESSES AND LUNCHEON King Edward's Reply to the Address of the County Counoll-Boer Gen- erals in the Stand-Mtne, Albeni Sang -Aloha in. Guild Hall Dome Soon After, London, Oct. 25. -King Edward and Queen 'Alexandra etarted on the royal progress toward the, city short- ly after noon to -day in somewhat dull weather. The rain, however, kept off. The procession Termed up outside the gate, and had already moved off when the first carriage contain- ing royal personages and members of the household emerged therefrom. The veteran Duke of Cambridge, who was in a carriage with the Princess Victoria, came in for considerable cheering, but Lord Roberts and his staff passed almost unnoticed. There was a somewhat tedious interval be- fore the appearance of their Majaa- tiee, who drew forth the First Real Cheers of the day as they passed through the rows of blue -jackets from the first-class cruiser Terrible, lining each side of the main entrance to the palace. The King 'wore a field marshal's uniform, with the cloak thrown back, allowing his decorations. The Queen had on a straw-colored toque, and. ,e fur collarette and cloak. Both the King and Queen looked exceedingly Well, and continu- ously bowed their acknowledgments of the warm welcome extended to them. The King's escort of Life Guards, equerries, etc., was about the only detachment of the procession not wearing eloak' e and these troop- ers made a brilliant display. Partly in consequence of the length of the route there was nowhere a great crush of people, with tbe ex- ception of open spaces like Trafal- gar Square, whore the London County Council presented the King with an address- of welcome, and where The Boer Generals, Botha, Delarey and Dewet, were prominent among the spectators, and at the ee.ty boundary, Temple Bar, where the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs ond other citizens welcomed His Ma- jesty and presented him with the city's sword. At the Mansion House most of the precession stopped, their Majesties from there being accompanied by the sovereign's escort, and the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Con- naught and other Princes, equer- ries' and aides to he Guild Hall, where they arrived without any extraordinary incidents. Owing to the King's carriages be- ing the last, some confusion occur- red at the entrance of the Guild Hall in an endeavor to empty the carriages quickly and avoid keep- ing. Ns Majesty the King waiting Who the King arrived he looked tired and stepped heavily from his carriage. The Queen threw off the wrap which covered her simple straw colored dress, trimmed with gold. Her Majesty, who looked marvelously youthful and well, ac- cepted a bouquet from the lady efey- Gress and the King sheok hands with her. The prooe.ssion then started off down a long, picturesque row of beef -eaters.? , t • , In the Great Hall the seven hundred persons waiting about the luncheon table, cheered as 'the King came in. His Majesty accepted the corporation's address, and then the members of the Royal family sat down and the luncheon commenced. The most interesting features of the Royal progress up to this point was the King's reply to the address of the London County Council on Trafalgar Square. The Boer generals occupied prominent seats in the center of the County Council stand, immediately facing the King. His Majesty's reply was clearly audible .to all in the vicinity. He Oak]: The King's Reply, " It gives much pleasure both to myself and the Queen to receive in person the loyal and dutiful address of the centre of municipal authority on the occasion of our progress through the capital of the empire, and to receive the greetings of our people on our coronation. Your con- fidence that my favor will be extend- ed to every measure calculated to ameliorate the conditionof my sub- jects is well founded, and of the im- oortant stibjnects which conic under consideration none appeal more strongly to my interest and eympa- thy than those drectly toucling on the welfare of the poorer classes of -thin and other great cities. !thank you for your good wishes ror myself and my house. I cordially share your aspiration that it may be granted me 'by the same divine Providence which preserved my life from imminent dan- ger to reign over my firmly estab- lished and peaceful empire, and in the loyal hearts of my contented and prosperous people." The King's reply to the address in the Guild Hail was much on tho same lines as tie speech at Trafalgar Square. After lunch the common crier called for a Toast to His Majesty the Kim and Mme, Albani, station- ed in one of the galleries, sang the National Anthem, in which tho whole company joined. After other formal toftets the party left the hall and the proces- sion reformed, and it started on its progress across tine river The page- ant traversea several miles of streets oh the Surrey side or the Myer Thames. There was no special incident, though the heartiness of the welcome far transcended any- thing heard in the more aristocratic portions of time route4 Their Majeeties returned to the palace at 3.80 pare rire in Guild Mall, London, Oct. 25. -The Guild Hall caught fire shortly after theIr Moe jesties left the building. The fire was it the -dome of the Guild Hall, some distance from time part of the build - fog Where the luncheon Was lield The firemen easily subdued tile Hanle& BLINDED THE WRONO MAN. Deserted Woman Throws Acid anti Misses Her Target. New York, Oct, W. -Maurice Cuu- ningliam will be blind for life, the doctors think. He was walking along Amsterdam avenue on Saturday night, he says, when a woman ap- proached him. Another man was walking near him. The woman took a bottle of carbolic acid from lien pocket and the other man ducked as she throw it at his face. (lune ningliam got the acid full in the eyes. When he came to the woman and man had disappeared. Cunning- ham is a clerk, living at ;211 West Sixty-sixth street. He was taken to Roosevelt Hospital. The doctors sent him home yesterday without any hope. Lest night Peter McGrath, of 203 West Sixty-third street, went to the West Sixty-eighth street statlon and told the sergeant that he was the man the twill had been meant for. The woman who threw the acid, he said, was Kate Donohue, of 218 West Sixty-sixth street. He hael lived with ben for six years, ac- cording to his story, but three weeks ago had left her. She had been look- ing for him, McGrath said, and said she would be revenged. Tim pollee found the Donohue Wo- man sick in bed. She had given birth to a still -born child on Friday. She was seat to Bellevue under arrest, She refused to make any statement. 110[0000115 TREK, Take Few Provisions and Will Soon be Destitute, STORY TOLD BY 1, W. M'CARROLL Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 26.-j. W. Me Carroll, a real estate agent, has re- turned from! a trip through the Doukhobor district northeast of Yorkton. A repoeter called on Mr. McCarron and elated him if he had seen anything of tile large bodies of Doukhobors whieb have recently been reported to be on the march toward Yorkton. , eyes,. replied Mr. McCarron, "there seems to be a general move- ment from all tile villages. I visited quite a number of their villages, and their population was in every case very Much depleted. In some I would find only a few families, while in one the only living thing to be seen was a dog. It was impossible to judge whether they intended to come back, or atether they considered it imma- terial what became of their world- ly goods. I looked Into the commun- al granary of one village and found 1,000 bushels of grain, besides flour. At length I came to a Tillage about 40 miles from Yorktoa. About 5,000 Doukhobors were congregated in the village, and little knots were ?gathered, all discussing one matter earnestly. I was informed people had gathered here `to make a big prayer' preparatory to going on a pilgrim- age 'to find Jesus.' There were wo- men, children and old men assembled there, as well as the younger men, and all appeared to have their minds centred enthusiastically on the one subject. "Last Thursday I returned ote Yorktore. About 25 miles from that town I passed a large body, Mem- orising probably 1,103 Doukhobors, headed towards the south. They were straggling along for two miles, car- rying their sick and children. Their only previsions consisted of a peck of bread for each person. I found the bread to be of the very coarsest kind, me.ee of whole wheat, bran and all. It was as hard as bread cv possibly be, and they ate it aftee dipping it into the water in elougin they were barefooted, and wox nothing but cotton clothing, as theb religious principles prevented then from. wearing wool or any other ani- mal products. Their provisions can- not possibly last them! More than 'a few days, when they will be ab- solutely destitute. They may therefore be almost said to be destitute, although they have any amount of provisions in their villages, and have left grain in their granaries and stacks of wheat and flax In their fields. They appear to be perfectly conscientious in their action, and I da not think they will use force on any consideration. I do net think they themselves have any well -formed idea as to where they are going. They seem to be heading in a general southward direction, and it would seem that their inten- tion is to centre at Yorkton, where there 'will probably be a grand rally. BIG SHOE COMBINE, Leading Manufacturers Preparing to Effect an Amalgamation. Montreal, Ont. 26. -What are be- lieved to be Ate first steps towarde the uonsolidation of all the leading boot and shoo manufacturers and Jebbers of Canada were taken in this city on Saturday night, when a meeting of the representatives of the leading firms in this city was bell The Quebec manufacturers: will meet within a few days, aria a meet- ing of the Toronto firms will be held shortly. When the various details have been arranged a meeting of rep- resentatives of all the parties con- eareed will be held in this city. 'The proposed capital of the con- solidation is $8,000,000, and if ivill Include between forty and fifty of the leading firma of Montreal, To- ronto am] Quebec. It is claimed that by such a con- solidation exeonses Will be greatly reduced and much larger profits secured, and it will be possible to produce a much more even quality of goods at regular prices. It is claimed that on the whole such consolidation will be of the greatest advantage to the trade. While the addle have not yet been completed, it is believed that the leading firms will give 'their adhesion to the con- solidation, I HARD COAL $6.50 A TON Peeshly-Mhied Anthracite Sold in New Verek for That Amount, New York, Oct. 26. -The first of the freshly mined coal reached New York yeeterday and was sold to the public at $6.50 a ton. It came over the Ontario and Western from their mines in Lackawanna, County, Pa. Tt consisted of train loads, with a to- tal of 1,700 tone It was split up Into 150 ton late and immediately distri- buted among the trade. The man who get the first con- signment was Henry lierghorn, Harlem dealer. Ho was selected by lackeen & Eddy, sales agent of the Ontario and gVestern, because they considered him a man who would not overcharge. He reepeeted their eon - Wince by making the retail price 00,50 a on • . I : 4 MORE MINERS NOW MAKING KRUGER'S MEMOIRS. Ex -President or re`ransvaal, Gives His- 3 tory (Willis Career.. London, Oct. 27. -The Times; this morning publisece eXtracts from s • . . "Kruger' s' Memoirs," which were die - e...++,....., tated to trusted friends during Ills enforced reponse at Orangeluet. The cm:1121111r begin by describing incidents Trouble in Lehigh Region tea with the great trek par- ticipated In by bin father, when time ox -President was Oat° young, NOM Not Over Yet, . , . or Which he remembers with greet PLEDGE REQUIRED OF MEN Not to Interfere With Non -Union Men Keeps Some From Working -Mit- chell Silent on the Matter -Rioters Excluded -Repair Shops Open - Car Famine Feared. Wilkesbarx°, Oct. 27. -More nil are in operation in the anthrae region to -day than at any t sinceMay 3.2.th last, when strike began. The Lehigh reg continues to fire the exception the rule. The employees of Par & Co., and Cone Bros. & Co. still idle. The Lehigh and Wilk bar Coal Company started its c lieries in the Lehigh region to -ti Ninety-five per cent, of the mil in the Wyoming and in the Lac \venire region are uow, In oporati There will be a large increase the output to -day. The output the collieries of the Delaware, La awAnna & Western Company, a the Delaware & lindson w be ,eepecitilly heavy. In Some of t mines there are many difficulties be overcome. Falls are of freque occurrence, which retards math Resuming Operations.' Hazelton, Pa., Oct. 27. -Open tons were resumed to -day at row additional coniewies in the Hazell. region. The Lehigh and Wilkesbar Company took back most of its fo mer employees. Room has not y been found for all the strikers at t C. Paedee workings, At Beaver Bro ell of the old hones were reinstate The Coxe employees at Beaver clew were not required to sign at agreement, but all who applied f ass Ito ime the len to dee are es- oh - ay. les kn- oll. In at ck- na ill he to at mg. a - on on re r- et he ok (i. a - my or their old positions had to do so as individuals. The Coxe Bros.' officials announce, that this will be the pro- cedure at all their mines. , Repair Shops Open. Pottsville, Pa. Oct. 27. -The repair shops of the Philadelphia & Reacilug Coal & Iron, Company,which have been operating on half time since the be- ginning df the coal strike, resumed on fult time to -day. Nearly 1,000 hands were suspended owing to the strike, and more than 800 of these re- turned to work to -day. • TALK OVER CONDITIONS. Companies Require Men to Agree Not to Annoy Non -Union Men. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 27. -The three district presidents on. Sunday morning before President Mitchells departure for Washington had a lows conference with him. They re- mained with him until 1 o'clock, when he started for Washington, D. C. The matters under discussion were the plans for presenting evidence to the commission and the disturbing situation in the Hazleton region, the Panther Creek district and at some of the smaller collieries throughout the Schuylkill and Shamokin regions, where the operators are refusing to re-engage the men unless they sign contracts agreeing to abide by the decision of the commission and not to interfere With the non-union men working. President Mitchell would not say what action had been taken, if any, but President Duffy, of the Hazleton district, declared that the men there 'would not return, to work Li they are required to sign the agreements. Form of Agreement. The agreement required by Par- dee & Co. Is as follows: "As a, condition precedent to my employment I do hereby solemnly promise not to interfere with or molest in any way any non-union men or any men now at work, or who may have worked during the strike, or who may work hereafter for my employers, and I de further agree to work vvith them as evith any other employees." The locals comprising the G. B. Markle & Co. employees held a meet- ing and appointed a cominittee to wait on the officials to ascertain under what conditions their men should return to work, The com- mittee met Mr. Markle, and he stated that under none other than as individuals. It was decided unani- mously by the men to continue on strike until they receive different conditions. Rioters Not Wanted. The situation in the Panther Greek Valley is not relieved. The Le- high Coal and Navigation Company is not re-employing the men in large numbers, and the strikers say, is blacklisting all those who were pro- minent during the strike. The men who took leading parts in it and those who are under indictment for riot or otter strike disturbances are not only being refused work, but are being ordered to vacate the' cow- pony's, houses they occupy. The strik- ers leelieve et is their intention to force every man the officials de not like out of tile region, and the feel.. tug is very bitter in consequence, The company is also enforcing the order to protect non-union men. the great demand all Over the coun- try for Means of tranoportation. tA. car famine is feared, Owing to About the Inquiry. Washington, Oct. 25. -With one or two exceptiehe the parties to the anthracite 'controversy haye ar- rived in the city to attend the con - rennet: with the President's commis - elan, which is to be held this after- noon. It is the general understand - leg that practically all the meet - Ingo for the taking of testimony will be held in the anthracite Tegions, nee it is believed that the Commie - (tam will be able to start were der - Ing the pre,seet week. • Death of Mrs. Stanton. NeW York, Oct, 26.-Mre. Elizabeth Cady Stanton died Vile afternoon at the ago of 87, after a short at her home In tide city. Mrs. Stanton was tamale as a litne long advocate of the women's nue. fringe movement, and was PresIderit neva latterly Tlenorttry President of the Woman's Saffrage Association of the Milted Otatece She letature4 great deal an her favorite topics, and Was Once a eteraildete for Congress. vividness, He gives particulars of incidents of the struggle of the Boors with the blacks!. Then follows a description of the part Mr, Kruger tope: in all the wars, with tho Matabele, Zulus, etc. At the commencement or the civil war of 1801, Mr, Kruger wished to take no part whatever in the die- pute, but after he had been once drawn in, be did not recede until he had secured the right of popular. opinion. The extract a pal with the history of the Transvaal up to the closing Period, the burgher presidency and the commencement of open eonfle with Great Britain and the arreV of the Shops -tone mission, empeweef to effect the annexation of the cog try. lerr, Kruger stays he demandee; the burghers that they prohibit I( Shopstone mission from entering Pre- toria, but the burghers ignored his demand. IIETHEIITING TO llEfIBEHli, Col. Swayne's Force Not Molested by Mad Mullah. DETAILS OF THE SEVERE FIGHT. Landon, Oct. 27.-A despatch to the London Daily Mail from Simla, India, reports that Col. Swayne, and his forces are continuing their march from Dolma° to Berbera,. Somaliland, East Africa, and that they are not pursued. , Details of the fighting on October 6 between the force and; the follow- ers* of the Mad Aluilair show, that a more serious disaster was only averted by the splendid example of the few white officers. As it was, the British force last a Maxim gun and 70 men killed, while 62 or the enemy's dead were counted close to the firing line. Shortly after the British expedition left their forti- fied camp for leetalug, Oct. 6, the Mullah's farces were relented about a mile ahead, and within hair an hour while the British were advancing in single filo through a dense jungle, the enemy charged the Beitieli right flank. But the lefullalee traapla were mot with Such a severe fire that they swung round towards the Beet - We centre and left. In the mean- while the tranepart got mixed up with the firing line, which was thrcwn into confusion'and a Maxim was rushed and captured, as were oleo many camels. Major Phillips was shot while gallantly attempt- ing to rally his men, and Limit. Ever- ett was wounded while attending Major Phillips. The disorder aproad to the gun teams, which were driven back. Cap- tain Angus was killed while serving a gun. Colonel Cobbe, with a single Somali Sergeant continuing serving a. Maxim, and then Col. Swayne, the British commissioner in Somaliland, and commander of the expedition, led eplentlitl charge, checked the MiO- lah's hordes ,encl recaptured some of the tranopert. But he was unable to recover the Maxim. The British then farmed a, zareba and sent out parties to collect the scattered trans. pert. The enemy later tried to get away with the captured camels, but Swayne took out three compien- lee of troope, and after a saarp fight recovered the majority of them, and pick -ed up seventy The correepentlen•t of the London Daily Mail, who. is with the Some under Col. Swayne, says in a COM- =111m:tic:in to his paper that the Mad Mullalee original idea to hold and fortify Maclug, where he would columned the only wells available, and compel Col. Swayne to attack him, at onormoub disadvantage, woe a, good ono; bet was spoiled by an unexpected drought and terrible heat, which dried up the wells and killed the Mullah's live stock and peniee by the thousand. Finally, in the beginning of October'it wars re- plerted that the Mailable forces were scattered, and that the Mullah' him- self had only a few riflemen left with him. It was 'then that Col. Swaync decided to advance, .on the chance that a decisive engagement would result in the eihillahes cap- ture. ! SUSPENDED 'MOTORMEN. -- Toronto Street Car Men Again Threat- en to Make Trouble. Toronto, Oct. 27. -Friction hoe again arisen between the officials to the Street Railway Company and the employees, due, the men say, to the overhearing and hostile spirit shown by a TOW Of time subordinate officialever since the strike in the summer. The latest difficulty hat; arisen over the suspension of four of the men, all of whom were pronanent during the strike and two of whom aro old employees of the company, one having served twelve years and the other eight years. Two oth- ers have not suet long records, but all are said to have been trust- worthy men. The irritating feature of the mat. ter to the Men is that in some in- stances ne reasons are said to have been specified for the suspension, and in the others the reasons are said to have been. so meagre as ter Justify a demand for an Investiga- tion on the part of time men. This investigation will be demanded at the hands Of the company at as early a data as possible. Ills Nose Blown ()ff. Kingston, One,, Oct. 26. - While target practising on the Selby road some miles from Napanee, the gun Raymond Lloyd, Son of Mr. &web Lloyd, Was Using, burst, probably from an overload 'of powder, with the result that the flying pieces knocked the young man backward and almost completely blowing his nose away. Tire lad will be (Refig- ured for life.' in Honer Geldwin Smith. Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. U. -President Schuman, of Cornell, announces that to relieve the Crowding at the university, a building for the arts will be erected, to 'cost $250,000, and that this will "beer the hon- ored acme of Goldwin Smith', the most illustrious exponent of liberal eulture Who ever sat In the Cor- nell fti,eultee4 , HID IN COFFIN From Which He Had Taken a Corpse. HE FEARED HARSH USAGE On Arrival at New York -Great Storm at Nomeo-Several Lives Lost and Mitch Property Destroyed -A Rich efir,exS. Mexico. Murdered in ilic New York, Oct. 25. -Three stow- awleys named jabilson, Jensen and Hansen, have 'landed In New York, despite the immigrant officials, who Were bent upon shipping them back to Norway and Sweden. They came over on the steamer Oscar IL, and Jelinson broke 'the record for in- genuity in hiding himself away by crawling into a coffin where he re- mained for several hours. The three men stowed away on the Oscar II. the night before the steamship sail- ed from Christiaesend. On the second night out all were discovered by an officer. They wore taken before the captaine who set them to work in the stoke hole. • There they heard startling stories of the fate that awaited stowaways when they arrived at New York. It was too much for Johnson. He learn- ed that a steerage passenger had died, and that his body had been' en- closed in a pine box, to be brought to port. Rawson 'Saw his opportun- 'ity and, going down into the hold that night, be tore the top off the box, took the body out, and hid It under a pile of matting. Then he crawled into the coffin himself. Ho replaced the top' so carefully that the nails fitted into holes from' which lie had wrenched them .Twenty-four hours later he was dragged out af- ter the ship had been searched from Stein to stern'. He was half famish- ed, and badly frightened, but with ibis companions he managed to dodge about from the deportation pen at Ellie Island, into the booth for ad- mitted immigrant e, and reached shore. ? Great' Storm at Nome. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 25. -One of the worst storms that ever raged in Bellying Sea raged on the Nome coast frOin Oct. 11th to 14,th. Three lives were lost in the Nome Sea and a large amount of damage was lcfio.onnert.to buildings along the water The drowned men ax's: George Furth engineer of Session's naph- tha, launch, Geo. Robinson and C'. E. Kelly, boatmen. The accident oc- curred on the night of Monday, Oct. 13th On Sunday the water rose 18 inches higher than it was in 1500. Fears are felt that the serious damage was done at St. Michael, Mine Owner Murtlered. Guadalajara, Mexico, Oct. 25. -Fe- lipe Nesciell, a wealthy American mine, owner, has been killed at his mines in A remote part or the State. His real name is said to be Charles Walker, and he is reported to have come from St. Louis. Ile lived alone. He is supposed to have been killed for his money. NO AIMS FDA IRISH, Birmingham Firms Warned of Proclaimed District, LIFE CONVICTS RELEASED. London, Oct. 26. -The apprehen- sion with which the Government views the condition of Ireland can be judged from the fact that the chief Constable of Birmingham has Issued a warning ,to all arms and ammunition intenufaceurcre not to Sell goods for shipment to the pro- claimed districts of Ireland, A spe- cial order has also been! issued that even to such parts of Ireland as are not proclaimed shipments of arms must be clearly marked aS such un- der pain of stringent penaltiee.. With this eche of Ireland's storm- iest days comes the neamoneement of the release of the three Joyees, who were andergoing life eentances at Maryborough Jail for the mur- der of a whole family of a similar name in 1882, 'Eire orimna was well known in these days as the efaan1- tra,stia, massacre. Ten persons were originally convicted. Nine of them were sentenced -to death, but ar of these prisoners had their sen- tences commuted -to life imprison- ment. The last three of these con- i lets have now been released, owing, leg to the clemency of the new Lord - Lieutenant of Ireland, the Earl of Dci hey. The Earl and Countess of Dudley, clueing tivir inaugural trip through Grawny, were approa,ched • by -We wives and other relatives ot the nu- prt oned men. The Wives begged that they might have a chance 'to meet their husbands again after twenty years of separation. One of the wo- Men oeizell Lady Dudley's hani and wept bitterly as she begged for leer intercession. Lord Dudley was much affected mei promised to do what he could. The pardon of the three men renewed. Drowned in it Cistern. Tiirsonburg, Oct. 26.-A fatality oc- curred yesterday ofternieen at the tollegate, a mile east or here, on Llie Courtland road Rowan, the 8 -year- old Son or Cornwall, the keepor St the tell -gate, had been, paying about the immure and was missed by his compenione. No trace could be found of him, and it wee finely 'et -ed that he had fallen into, the Marne After Flom trouble the body of the child 'MIS brought to the Sur- face. One Minims leers Sold. London, Oat, 20. -At London's an- nual fur sale, which was held last week, more than one million skin% ithice In Course of time will adorn tile figures of fair women In every faKitionnthle centre in Europe, changed hands. THE TROOPS WERE TOO LATE neat:read Scene or Lynehil 4; Alter V10 - thin Was Hanged, Tallapoosa, Ga., Out, 27. - Ben Brown, a negro, eliargea with hay - lag attempted to assault Mrs. Henry Does, a white woman, at her home, three miles from this place, this morning, was taken from the dounty jail here to -night at 7 o'clock by a mob and lynched. The mob carried the negro to the scone of him crime and hanged him to the trestle Work of a bridge over A creole, Troops had 'been ordered from Atlanta, but did not arrive until an hour and a half after the negro had boon hanged. Brown was cap - tuned a few hours after his trt- tempted oriole and placed In Jail. mob soon gathered and march- ed to the Jail and demanded the negro, Mayor Hutchinson wired Gover- nor Candler for troops, and in the meanwhile endeavored to persuade time mob to allow the law to take its course. 'On learning that troops had been dispatched the mob storm- ed the jail and erten securing the negro, hanged him to a bridge anti filled his body with bullets. When the troops arrived they found the body of the negro hang- ing over time stream. The town is quiet to -night, . THE PlIONELL MOS.. Sister of the Late Statesman • Demands an Account, A BITTER CORRESPONCENCE London, Oct. 25.-riLa. Dickinson, sieter or Charles Stewart Parnell, 110.4 published letter corresponaence exchanged between herself and John Redmond, Chairman of the United Ii Ldi League, and .of the Irish Par- liamentery party, in which she de- mands an accounting of the funds raised in America to save Avondale, the estate .of Mr. Parnell, Iroin the hands of outsiders. In reply to her first letter Mr. Redmond wrote to Mrs. Dickinson, saying the objects of the American funds were the erec- tion of a monument to Mr. Parnell in Dubin and the puretase of Avon- dale house and lawn, which should be available as a residence for the Parnell family. Mr. Redmond's bid was set aside in favor of one from Mr. Boyland, a Dublin butcher, who had made an arrangement with John Parnell, brother of the de- ceased statesman. "Thus,'" said Mr. Redmond, "it was impoesible to buy the house, and the committee pro- ceeded with the project of erecting a 'Parnell statue." Mrs. Dickinson wrote again, say- ing that Mr. 13oyland now offered to accept the $25,000 collected for the purchase of the elate, and would allow the balance to remain on a ten years' mortgage. To this letter Mr. Redmond did not reply. A. proposal being made that the Parnells and Mr. Dickinson could live in the pork at Avon -dale, Mrs. Dickinson wrote: "As to the condition that any mem- bers of the family should be allowed to rerleo at Aeontiole, should they de - Sire to do so, that is to say, on suffer- ance, as either caretakers or gate- keepere, all I can say is that I think the family has suffered enough through the murder of their brother Cherles, through pecuniary difficulties and through the lees of their ances- tral home for the good of time coun- try, without the insult of Avondale being placed at their service on such tonna. It is almost incredible that such an insult should be offered the family in return for the services of their brother and the sacrifice of his property and life." . In a letter to the Irish Times Mrs. Dickinson demands a full accounting from Mr. Redmond., Saying his chance of success in America would be better "if he could show that, as regards the fund,/ he collected to redeem the ancestral home of his former leader, he had honestly and independently carried out the plans and applied time moneys to the purposes for which they were subscribed." ANARCHIST PLOT UNEARTHED Accomplice in Plan to Kill Dowager Empress of Russia Caught. St. Petersburg, Oct. 26. -The police have captured an accomplice in the reported plot recently unearthed at Copenhagen against Dowager Em- press Marie Dagmar of Russia. A dupatch from Copenhagen, dated Oct. 4, said the Dowager Empress of Russia, who is a daughter of King Christian of Denmark, was the object of strictest surveillance by the police, owing to what they considered to be an authentic report that several Anarchielor were on their way to Den- mark in order to assassinate her. Plan to Kill Queens. - Copenhagen, Oct. 26. --The interna- tional police claim to have discovered a plot of Anarchists banded together "to hit their enemies, the kings, by murdering their wives." The idea has been propagated among Anarchists for years, and Empress Elziabeth was the first victim. The dowager Em- press of Russia, now staying here, is billed to be time ffecond. LONG LITIGATION ON WILL. Shirtena.ker Left Fortune to lerefect of the SCOOO to Spite Relatives. Paris, Oct. Begis, a Pales shirt -maker, Who retired from busi- ness ,yeare ago, had a. large fortune, but a bad digestion. In June, 1885, lie played his heirs a, trick, disinher- ited therm and then 'banged himself. Ills will, inspired by hib.liere's "Mis- anthrope," was arm imitation por- trait of a scene in that play. All his relatives rceleived abuse, and lie left ills property of 143,000f. ($28,000) to the Prefect Of the Seine. Since then five prefects of that department all oltam the rights. The case is now on, and is likely to last till time Greek calends. I f f i• WHISPER CAUSED A RIOT. Panic in a Dublin Chuteh Followed a Slap. Dublin, Oct. 20. -An eatraOreln. aty seene occurred in a Dublin (therein during the service ell Sun- day. The preacher had mnotle a no - vol.() remark on proselytism, when Lu woman kneed over the back of the per in 'front of her and wilts- po.ree audibly in the ewe of another woman : "There's fl tip for you." The woman spoken to turned and strack the speaker across the recce The congregation was instantly in an uproar, and in the panie sev- eral persons Were knocked down and iredden on. AINLINI. GATHERING OF EMPERORS. Wilhelm of Germany and Carlos of Portugal TO VISIT KING EDWARD. A Deal in South Allem). Territory May be Made -A New Politleal League (+Forming in. England to Resist Ritualism -It 'Will be Called the " Protestant Thousand," London, Oct. 25. -Emperor Wil- liam will arrive in England on Nov* 18th, and by that time It is, expected King Carlos of Portugal also will be a guest of King Edward. There is reason to believe the meeting of the three monarchs will result in import, ant international understandings, es- pecially an regards South Africa, and more partioularly Delagoa Bay, which is So vitally important to Great.. Britain as an outlet for her newly acquIred colonies.. The Portuguese Government ap- pears to be willing to transfer some potations of its South African terri- tory to British rule. Germany, how- ever, le understood to be strenuous- ly opposed to British trade securing such an advantage -at any gate un- less Portugal is willing to placate Germany by granting her Winner concession; and it is believed that before the Emperor and King Car- los leave England a, bargain will be arranged. o New Party Forming in England. New York, Oct. 25. -It is: admit- ted by all practical parties in Great Britain *that the most promieent question which will coma before the electors at the next general elec- tion will be that of extra ritualism in the Church of England, cables the London correspondent of the Her- ald. Au important private meeting of influential Conservatives and Lib- erals have been held at the National Club, whoa it wan decided to create in every conseituene,y an organiza- tion to be known as the "Protestant Thousand," composed of Unionists and Liberals. It is planned that thee° organizations shall form an electoral power aufficient to win .every election in England. Tile Earl of Portsmouth; presided over the meeting, and a large sum of money has been subecribied, for the purpose of the movement, , TO HIE CANI1O1J CliTTLE Scottish Graziers Want Exist- ing Embargo Removed, WILL)SEE HANBURY THURSDAY London, Oct. 27. -The engagement of Mn. Hanbury, Minister of Agri- culture, to receive on Thursday a deputation urging the withdrawal of the ban against the importation of Argentine cattle, has given a fresh spurt to the Scottish graz- iers' movement to free Canadian cattle leen] the existing embargo. The Scottish members of Pat -lie - meat will get the Scottish agricul- turists in conference in London on Thursday, when it is hoped that further pressure will be brought on Mn. Hanbury. Certainly it would be most unfair if Argentine cattle were admitted, \virile Canadian stock was denied the same treat- ment, especially seeing that thne has abundantly proved the freedom of Canadian borne from disease. London 'butchers, when reproach- ed for the present high prices of meat, replica: "Open the ports and we will soon cut down the prices." The statement issued from the Can - editor High Cominissioner's office admits that Canada is sending Britain more cattle than ever for slaughter but would be thankful if Great Britain would revert to the old practice of admitting Canadian store cattle for fattening. A QUICK SHAVE. John Turk Got it by Throwing Gaso- line Into the Stove. Windsor, Oct. 27. --Jahn Turk, a Windsor customs officer, got a shave and hair cut yesterday for which he Aid not bargain. °Meer Turk is the first one on duty at the ferry dock In the morning, and when he entered the office this morning he found that the atmosphere was chilly. He did not have time to kindle a coal fire in the regulation way, and to hurry matters thought of the kerosene bar- rel in the etoreroom. There is also a barrel of gasoline in the store- room, and Turk got into the wrong barrel. He drew about a quart of the gasoline, and, going to the stove where he had started a fire with some paper, he threw in the oil. The next thing the officer knew he was lying at the other side of the room with his whiskers and hair singed off and several severe burns on his face and hands, He serai for another officer to relieve him, and went to re physician's office, where lie had his wounds dressed, Old G. T. R. Conductor Dead. Barrie, Oct. 24. -Conductor John Fergueen, aged 5e, who for 85 years had been an employee or the Grand Trunk Railway, died haul bight at hie .home in Allendale. Conductor Ferguson. was one of the Most point - tar Men on the road, and took the run from Berrie to Penetang. He retil'ed last evening an usual, but complained somewhat of feeling un - Well. Ile Warr found dead in bis bed me 4.30 title morning. Tho deceased owned considerable property in Bar- rie. Ile was unmarried. • DrowneO leer OW11 Child. Nin gam Valle, X. Y., OA. Daniel Lynch, the wife of a promi- nent shoe (merchant of this city, thowned her 8 -year -oil daughter in the bathroom at her home, end then attempted ellinkle by cutting her throet to -day. One of the Lynn ehildren died Zt Monthi ogo• and Mrs. Lynch Iran been acting strenge- ly 811166, There is no doubt. she WAS insane, DEIIGED TO BE HANGED... Winolleurderer May be Grouted MN 'Wish. Norfolk, VIA., Oct. 27. -"Let hang. I do not want to live, I would rather be hanged than sent to a lunatic) asylum or to the pen. itentiary for life. I Wiled my- wife anti I are sorry that I did not succeed in killing myself." William Treadwell, apparently an exceptionally intelligent negro, pro. tested in therm words in open court against any efforts on the part or his la w-yers to secure a nee, trial or have him committed to an arty.. hum for the criminally insane. Treadwell killed his wife last July for supposed infidelity. He then le - Meted terrible wounds upon ierra self, WW1 it was thought at the time would prove fatal, He remove tired, but after his conviction be drank poison and narrowly escaped death. The court suspendea sentence after his condemnation by a Jury In order that his attorney might appeal. This the prisoner protest- ed against. A commission of lunacy left the state of Treadevell's mind in doubt and yesterday it was laid before a jury in the county court to de- termine before sentence 'if death should be pronounced. The Jury de- cided that the man is sane, and lie will, therefore, get his desire and die oem time gallows. EXPORTS OF LAST YEAH ..•••••••••••••.,.• From Hamillon District to the United States, THEY I AMOUNTED TO $627,354. During the last fiscal year ex- ports from Hamilton district, which includes Galt, Paris and Brantford, to the United States, amounted to $62745'4, not including any ship- ment s of less than $100 In value. The statement is as follows: Aniline dye ...$ 915.88 Bettor scrap 3,132.58 Blue grass seed 35,008,87 Bran 11,086.07 Bones 2,593.42 Broken bells 1,193.89 Caifskins • • 9,115.26 Cotton rags • t• .”1 7,534.52 Cattle tails . 836.85 Cattle ... •.• 2,287.00 Canned tomatoes ... ... 7,161.00 Coffee 12,110.08 Clover seed 9,110.81 Cotton waste 418.18 Cotton duck 582,80 Emigrants' effects 72,842.00 Figs 1,507.45 Fruit trees 1,290.32 Fertilizer, tank -age 5,496.65 Gas liquor 1,732.86 Glue stock 4..33.45 Hogs' hair 1,213.53. Horses' . 4,255:00 Hides, cattle .. 69.107.7-0 Hides, horse . 1,876.25 Hogs ... 1-0,795.60 Hockey sticks 128:00 Ivory nuts 187:00 Lumber 1449.98 Leather scrap 3,988.43 Lemons 1,470.00 Machinery 5,308.57 • Oat hulls 1,154.00 Peas, 6,97300 Potatoes... ..,... ... ,.. ... a5,01.5 Pickles in Brine............ 11,02511 Pickled Sheepskins... .., 2,921 85 Rubber scrap-, 23,712 47 Returned American goods 42,34789 Rattan reede... 4,211 00 Raw fur skins 182 80 Shorthorn cattle... ... 48,225 00 Sterling silver scrap ... 20,95.1 63 Sawn • • 0.0 •• • • 2,Q12 71 Steel scrap • • • • • • 2,507 60 Steel rails .... 14-785 Sheep and lambr( .4- ...... e22,935 09 Shingles . 746 00 Sausage casings 2,257 20 Timoilly seed 651 96 Turnips-- ... ... ... ... ... ... 282 40 Tomato pulp .e - - e. 52.6 70 Tin plate ... ... ... 15,038 90 Tea .. . . ... 1.. 12,338 08 Tobacco .. .... 1,081 95 Wheat 4,866 88 Whiskey... ... ... _ ... ... 81,657 00 Willows... ... ... ... ... ... 1,562 05 Wool - . .. . . . ... 02,30e 70 Wood patterns... ... ... .,. • 25000 MINEHS ENTOMBED. A Hitch About Going to Work at Some Mines, NOTES OF THE COAL SITUATION, Shamokin, Pa., Oct. 23. -When the Alaska shaft, owntea by the Phila- delphia & Reading Coal and Iron Company was re -opened this morn- ing rum explosion el gas occurred. Robert Mowney and Aaron Dreher were blown about Twenty feet and were badly buried. The gas extend- ed in the wine, and while a resett- ing party removed the two men an- other body of men began working their way into the breasts, where five men are thought to be impris- oned. Up to 10 o'clock the breasts had not been roach -ed. Hazelton, Pa., Oct. e3. -Of the 28 collicrice in the Liazeiton district not one-half resumed operations to- day. C. B. Markle & Company's men and the employees of Costs Breese & Co. at two collieries, refuse to re- turn to work because of posted no- tices, requiring them to promise that they will abide by the decision of the arbitral commission. At Pottsville 75 per cent. of the men applying will get werk. At least 15 per cent/. of the mines In Wilkesbaago will not be able to regime Work for Several weeks, as the lower levels are still floodea. The Stanton mine of the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Company, which employe 600 Men, will not be able to start tip for 1.wto months, Tim Reading Cot expects to ship 100,000 'tone the finest week. In time' anthracite region 67 per centc of the mines are in operation. It is repented that in a few iso- lated canes, miners who took a pro- inhient part in the strike Were not given work tho hen -union engin- eers aml pampmen are holding their me -Lions and refuse to give them up to make room for union men. The unien men repotted to Mitchell. The old employeeare faring bet- ter with the individual cOmpliniee than With the large compeniee Motiene and bide toe the metre, - Hen of Church and State have been introduced ia the remelt Chamber of D vitt tee. It is believed that a treaty be- twoon Oermoon Britain and Per- thiral hee•been signed, providing for the partition of tine latter's East African possessions between the two former. ,