HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-10-30, Page 5October 30, 1902 0.11.11 THE WINGT-HAM ADVANCE. The_ Wingham Clothing Store sells Everything a Man Wears Except Shoes .... ..,. Our Motto is:—Satisfaction Guaranteed, or Your Money Back for the Asking. Our Immense Stock of Suits and Overcoats embraces every new type of garments from the juvenile Russian Blouse to varied styles for Boys, Youths and Alen. Aside from desirability of our stock and assortment, we are prepared to submit unanswerable arguments in the way of prices ; you who want to advance your appearance for half regular price cannot afford to overlook what we have for you. Come and be in the swim. BOYS' PEA JACKETS. Boys' Pea Jackets in good heavy frieze, tailored checkered lining, sizes 22 to 30, large storm collar.... ; . ... $2.75 BOYS' OVERCOATS. Boys' Overcoats, good length, all sizes, at $3.50, $3.75, $1.00, $1.50, $5.00. YOUTHS' OVERCOATS. Youths' Overcoats, several patterns and designs, at $5, $6, $7, $0, $10.00. • MEN'S PEA JACKETS Men's Heavy Frieze Pea Jackets with heavy corduroy lining, large storm collar, all sizes at $5.00. MEN'S Grey Waterproof Coats, vel- vet collar attached, sizes 35 to 48, prices $2.75 and $3.25. BOYS' Waterproof Coats, sizes 28 to 35, price $2,75 10011151 MEN'S OVERCOATS. Coronation Cloth Overcoats, sizes 36 to 42, box back, a winner at .... $14.00. MEN'S YOKE OVERCOATS. Men's English Melton Cloth Overcoats, velvet collar, yoke hack, a really dressy overcoat and a snap at $11.50. MEN'S FRIEZE OVERCOATS. Gents' Frieze Overcoats, good heavy weight, sizes 35 to 41, made up in style, well worth $8.50, Crowder's price $6.50. PANTS. PANTS. PANTS. Men's and Youths' Odd Pants, all col- ors and kinds, sizes, etc., at $1 to $1. BOYS' KNICKER PANTS. All sizes from 22 to 83, prices 50c 75c, In Men's Undershirts and Drawers we've a large stock bought at right prices MEN'S Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, all sizes from 32 to 46. price 50e. MEN'S TOP SHIRTS. We have a large stock of Men's Shirts in all colors and makes at 35c to $1.00. MEN'S All Wool Shirts and Drawers, ; BOYS' Fleece -lined Shirts and Draw- ers, all sizes, from .... 25e to 45c each ACEMINMMINMECIIMPON •••..”1611,111M all sizes, price.... 50c, 75c, and $1.00 '',4A11,11. l('T Salem Shirts are made to fit men, not. prices. We have a full range in now for our fall trade—sizes 12 to 18—in colors and white, at 65c to $2 00 each. Latest Midget String Ties, embroidered centres, at 25c Latest four-in-hand Ties, " " at50c Way's Mufflers in Blue and Black—at 25c, 85c and 50c Austrian Collars, all latest styles, 15c each, and 3 for 50c PING PONG COLLAR.—The latest freak in a nice low low double Collar, all sizes 13 to 18 --price, 2 for 25c. You ought to see Crowder's Fall Hats — they are winners. The man that buys his boys a Suit at Crowder's, saves money, Special Sale of Boys' Suits on Saturday at $1.75. The R. IL Crowder Co. Bring along' Your Butter:, Eggs, and Poultry, A. DTTLMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OPFICE'.—Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's surgery. Residence—Catherine St. T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE.—Over D. M. Gordon's store. Residence: Leopold street. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham MISS DELIA SPARLING ' A, T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Sirxplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- inations. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOiCE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. Miss Laurine Agusta Kaiser Vocalist and Teacher of VOICE PRODUCTION, SINGING, Oratorios, etc., in English or Foreign, also Pianoforte and Physical Culture. Voices Tested Free. Concert Engagements Accepted. 'Residence—Ir, D. Elliott, Francis St, Wingham MISS SARA L. MOORE' Teacher of Piano and Theory MISS CARRIE MOORE Teacher of Violin and Guitar. Residence—Opp. It. C. °birch, Wingham, LIPS Abner Cosens pme Loan and Insurance Agent Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest. Office --corner Minnie and Patrick Sta., WINGIiAM PLATE! GLASS ACCIDiINT Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is Successfully, used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, ofleotuel. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Coro- poaad. Take no other, ea all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangeron0. Price, No, 1, $1 Aer box, No. 0,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two 6•fent Stamps. The Cook Company Windsor Ont. lreapp0nsibie Druggists in Canada.nended �y 411 No. 1 and No. 2 aro sold In Wingham by It. A. Douglass, C. A. Campbell, 3, h, Davis and A. L. Hamilton, DAo'(1e1ST9, Money to loan on notes,- and notes discounted at reasonable rates. Money advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collect- ed: Office—Beaver block, Wingham. R0I1T. MOINnoo. *980 FOR ALL Stomach Troubles TRY ~Dolxgkass' `Thsvevs a, eabtets We guarantee an ab- solute cure for the most distressing cases. When all others fail, give us a trial. Your money refunded if we, do not satisfy. R. A. BOIILASS Chemist & Druggist Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. Its a pity to have a good Suit spoiled in the making. The suits we make give en- tire satisfaction. Give us a trial and be convinced. Webster & Co. Scientific Temperance Instruction, By Mrs. (Rev.) Patterson, Wingham. The following paper was read by M Patterson at the W. C, T. U. Oen Convention, and is published by requ of the Union; -- I do not know how many I shall fl to agree with me when I character Scientific Temperance Instruction in Public Schools as being the most imp taut branch of W. 0, T. U. work, but me at any rate it appears so, for strikes at the root of our great trou while many of our other methods only lopping at the branches. They that ,every W. C. T. U, woman ha hobby. I suppose this is mine, Be t as it may, I will offer you very brie four reasons for my statement, with hope that they will awaken every Uni iii our couuty to a fuller realization the importance of this work. I. In the first place, I call it vita important that the children of our la shall have proper instruction along t lines laid down World's Superiutende of Scientific Temperance, because I b lieve that the whiskey traffic and its a tendant evils thrive and grow principa through an almost incredible but wid spread ignorance of their real natu and results. The boys and girls of Ca ada to -day are a bright, intelligent ra of ambitious little mortals, who 'sill with avidity upon all sorts of inform tion and apply it practically with aptness which takes away one's breat There never was a more promising fie upon which to sow the seed of kno ledge that shall yield a harvest of pu manhood and womanhood. II. I should say again, that this d partmeut of our work is really the fou dation and underlying principle of mar —perhaps most—of the ethers. For i stance, Scientific Temperance, as should be taught, would in time dextro the needfor campaigns against ciga ettes, narcotics and social impurity, well as proving a most effectual reined against old King Alcohol himself.' Scie title Temperance Instruction is ahead at the bottom of all our Juvenile wor and Bands of Hope. Moreover, I believ that in it, and in it alone, lies the pow to remove from many young lives th handicap of inherited habits and chara teristics. Only careful; prayerful train fug along those lines can overcome here dity and prove stronger than the lumen table legacies left to some childrei Some of you may be thinking that whil you grant me what I have already sai I cannot possibly go further and prov hat Scientific Temperance Instructio las any bearing on our Press Work o umber Camp and other missionary en eavors; but you will find that it has arlyle says, "If new -got gold may b aid to burn the pockets until it be cas orth into circulation, much more s may new -got truth." I believe that in elligent knowledge of the ruin wrough y whiskey, tobacco,. etc;, added to th nowledge of the ignorance prevailin oncerning their effects, will inspire eal to spread information as nothin Ise could do. - III. I should like to remind you, as hird argument, of the cry which i very battle such as the coining one i ecember, goes up from us all—the cry or voters and votes for the right. Be ause of this need, it seems to me crimi al for us to neglect the tfaining up of a ost not only of total abstainers from rong drink, tobacco and narcotics, bu f Christian citizens armed aud' pledged wipe out the drink traffic. If 'in our our of need we are unable to find nough men of integrity and honor with onvictions and principles so ingrained ad abiding that neither party anxieties fears for business interests will affect em one iota—if, I say, we lack such, t us thank God that He has entrusted s with the material out of which to ake them. In the little ones in our omes and schools, with their eager inds and their tender hearts, we may nd if we will, the moral force of the tare. As mothers, let us do our work oroughly, and strive to see to it that e teachers throughout the laud do eirs too. This work once done, we all never again need to cry out in des - i} for consecrated voters. IV. Once again—Scientific Temper. ce in the school is never confined to e school -room alone. It gets into nes and reachbs older minds that uld be reached in no other way. What y is there with a love, for ciphering ho does not impress his skill and pro- ess proudly upon father and mother? ley may ho illiterate themselves, but ey catch his words and something of s moaning. Scientific Temperance is fascinating study. It is just the sort thing that a young lad or lassie will interested in acquiring and imparting airs. Father will learn facts about s pipe, and mother about her pudding ace, which will come with weight be - use from such an unexpected quarter, The days are past when boys and girls re content to accept a course of action thout asking "Why?" Then let us I them wiry. Let us teach them why ohol affects the blood, and liver, and art and brain; and why tobacco, and ium, and morphine do a death -dealing rk; and how the filthy cigarette is de. There are plenty ready to teach em to drink and smoke and use impure iguage, so that if we would not have e weeds springing in the virgin soil of e child -mind we must have it already wn with a drop of good. ETuEL M. norrtuSON. --Thos. Sandereock, 1st concession, Sydney township, received four pounds of Goldfinders oats from the Ex• perimental Farm, Ottawa, which he sowed broad•east on two short lands about 20 feet wide each in his garden on the 25th of April, and harvested thorn on the 10th of .August. tie • threshed 8 bushels and 23 pounds, which is a yield of 74 -fold, or about 206 bushels to the acre. How Does It Look ? This is the real Clothes question of to -day_ "How does it look ?" Some men spend• a lot of money on high-priced clothing and then don't look right.. Some waste money by not spending enough. The majority want their clothes right, and they want to know :—What is right ? Where can I get it ? What does it cost ? Homuth Bros. can give the answer and make Clothes to fit the most fastidious, IN BOOTS AND SHOES We have a new up -to -slate stock of Men's, Women's, Misses', Child's and Boys' Boots, at prices to suit all. IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS We have a now and well assorted stock of Bats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, wad great values in Under- clothing. A Pleasure to Show You Goods, " The Sign of the Bear." HOMUTH BROS. Patronize Home Industry. Crown Huron Ranges Made by • The Western Foundry Co., Limited, of Wingham, now on the market .. .. .. CALL AND EXAMINE ! 41111,611111111 The product of experts ! Complete in all particulars ! Thoroughly up-to-date in every respect ! We invite the inspection of all our friends and defy all com- petitors to equal or better the quality and price of the CROWN HURON RANGE. We 'also carry a full line of Heating Stoves suitable for coal or wood. Young & Sons Leading Hardware Merchants, Winghain. • Vhomas' `I3atiaav Button Block, Wingharn. Selling Out. We have decided to dispose of our large stock by a cut rate sale, and will con- tinue until the 1st of April, 1903. Our goods are all new and up-to-date we have just received a new lot of POMPADOUR COMBS SIDE BACK DRESSING r 5' a Come and see our new Ladies' Purses and Chatelaines A 5o cent Purse for 35 cents A 75 cent " I I50 cents A $r.00 " " 75 Cents WOOLS. All Berlin and' Zephyr Wools, 6c per oz. h spools of Silks for 25c. Porn Ponys and Tassels, all shades, 12c per doz. Shetland .Floss, different shades, per oz. 5c. A good assortment of Granite Tinware left, at cut prices. Clothes Pins, per dozen . 1c Good Scrubbing trash for Sc Nail Brushes, 2 for 5c 20 cent Broom for 20 cent Broom for lie Bird Seed, per lb 7c Extracts -3 ten cent Bottles for .2 -Sc • Glass Cases and Fixtures for sale. Highest prices paid for Butter anti Eggs. and Brussels. Hugh Williams, who was seriously injured a short time ago by a run -away horse and upset rig, is still confined to his bed. The apple crop in this section is being gathered. Winter apples are turning out better than was expected, and they are better in quality, A Court of Revision on the voters' lists was held in the town hall on Satur- day afternoon, Judge Masson presiding. Six names wore added to the list and 16 struck off. Grain deliveries continue good in Brussels. The elevators are kept busy, owing to the scarcity of oars. Grain dealers find it very hard to make ship- ments, owing to this annoyance. It is rumored that Brussels may got a branch of another chartered bank estab- lished here. A representative of The Sovereign Bank of Canada was in town last week interviewing business men generally. John Denbow, an old and well-known resident, passed away to his long home on Tuesday at noon, at the royal old age of over 94 years. He had been in failing health for some years, during thirteen of which he was deprived of his eye- sight. The temperance convention and rally for East Huron was held in the town hall here on Tuesday. The afternoon session brought together a fairly good representation of delegates, and the coming referendum of course formed the principal topic of discussion. In the evening the hall was well filled, a goodly y number of those present being ladies. The adjourned meeting in relation to proposed loan to Lockridge Bros. was held on Wednesday evening in the town hall and was well attended. 3, Leckie presented the report of the committee, in which they recommended the loan of $5,000, to be paid back in annual instal- ments, for ten years without interest, on condition, that Messrs. Lockridge pur- chase the factory, place new machinery in it, employ 18 hands, and then give a first mortgage to the town, with insur- ance policy, and also a satisfactory bond for $2,500, the latter to be cancelled when that amount is repaid to the town. To this Mr. Lockridge agrees, and will bear the expense of submitting a by-law to property owners in the near future, A True Nerve Tonic. Will act, not so much directly upon the nerves as upon the digestive functions and the abundant formation of red vitalizing blood. Nerves can't be fed on medicine, They can how- ever be restored and strengthed by assimilated food. The marvelous action of Ferrozone arises from its -act- ion over the digestive and assimilative processes. When yon take Ferrozone the blood is purified, strengthened, and grows rich and red. Then you grow vigorous, healthy and beautiful, ready for work, because you have the strength to do it. No tonic for the brain, blood or nerves compares with Ferrozone. Price 50c, at Druggists. or Poison 4i Co„ Kingston, Ont. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, Hamilton's Pills are Effective. Elmira, Oct. 25.—Mr. Norman Reist, while pulling beets in Mr. George Bow- man's field, found one that had grown clean through a stone. The stone be- longs to the sandstone variety, and must have had a hole in it through which the beet pushed its rootlets. —Farm changes have been quite frequent in Grey township recently. The 100 acre farm, lot 3, concession 5, belonging to James Smith,:of Galt, has been sold to Wm. Stevenson, of the 5th line of Morris, for the sum of $2,700. George Shiels, jr., has also disposed of his 100 acre farm lot 31, concession 17, to Mr. James Colclough, of the 18th concession, for $1,200. • WANTED. We would like to ask, through the columns of your paper, if there is any person who has used Green's August Flower for the cure of indigestion, Dyspepsia and Liver Troubles that has not been cured—and we also mean their results, such as sour stomach, fermentation of food, habitual costive- ness, nervous dyspepsia, headache, despondent feeling, sleeplessness—in fact, any trouble connected with the stomach or liver? This medicine has been sold for many years in all civil- ized countries countries, and we wish to correspond with you and send you one of our books free of cost. If you never tried August Flower, try one bottle first. We have never known of its failing. If so something more serious is the matter with you. Ask your oldest druggist. G. G. GREEN, Woodbury, N. J. Hello ! We have all the latest, both in material and' design, for the Fall and winter wear. Beautiful Cheviot Overcoat- ings, Lovely English worsted .suitings, in blacks, blues, and fancy. Scotch Tweeds that are 'Gran 'a'.th'gether.' Follow the crowd andi'get your Suit, Overcoat, and Trousers, from Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor ;i. gingham You will find our prices right and workmanship the best. Slim Prices. Stout Values. The Leslie StoreSmall nd Profits a Quick Returns Saturday Bargains AT H. E. Isard & Co's. On Saturday morning we place on our counters the following list of goods, at Money Saving Prices. Bargains in New goods—just the kind you are looking for and wanting at this time of year. We are reaching out after Business and intend to sell goods in all departments at close cut prices from Monday morning until Saturday night. Please shop early Saturday and get first choice. Sc 479 yards Flannelette, eight pat- terns,30inches wide, fast col- oors, heavy, reg. value 10c—Satur•'y, $C $1. 50 95 Ladies' Wrappers, with deep frill, good heavy cloth, fast colors, lined sleeve and waist, $1.50 regular $2.00—Saturday 300 pair extra heavy all wool 25C Ribbed Hose, fart Black, made to wear well, regular price 35e— 25c Saturday,,,, $1.50 10 Boys' two-piece all wool made, reg. Suits, nicely $1.50 g. price $2—Saturday.. 5oc Ono piece grey Flannel Sheeting, 2 yards wide, regular price GO 05 cents—Saturday pp 5c Fineacolors, regulars valuers7oams, —Saturday..., 5C 20c A • special lino of fancy neck Ribbons, all colors, regular 20c price 25 cents—Saturday 50c Ladies' flannelette Night Gowns, full size, good patterns, 50c regular value 050—Saturday $1.00 A line of Men's Tweed Pants, well made regular, price was $1.25—Saturday$1 00 9ge Ladies' fancy Black Sateen Waists, fast color, regi 95c lar value $1.25—Saturday 75cFour pieces heavyan wool Homespun Dress Goods, 51 inches wide, the regular price 75c was $1.25—Saturday.,,. $1.00 Ladies' fancy pattern Waists, Lined, fast colors, new style. the regular value was $1.25— $1.00 Saturday.... 49c 15 pair good strong Corsets, steel filled, well made, Inc regular 05c—Saturday.... .,., $2.00 Girls' Fawn Short Coats, nice - value was made, the regular $2.00 82.75—Saturday.... 25C 20 Dozen Ladles' Vests and Drawers, heavy, regular 25c value 35e—Saturday,,,, 390 Boys' Nagy Blue Duck Shirts, spots and stripes, regular 29C value 50c—Saturday.... 25C MReen's peak Caps, check tweed, day, ha t price rico 500—Satur- 25c 25c Boys' Heavy Sweaters, Navy and Red, regular price 25c 40 cis.— a $1.00 25 prs. Ladies' Dongola Boots, Saturday.. S tuiday aG of ends of Factory nether 70, 8c, and 5C regular value $i 25— $1 00 3 .. piece heavy Union Car,pet, pattern, the regular fast colors, regular lOC 350—Saturday H. ��� Is�.rd & Co.1 H 5c A lot Cotton, i 10 cents—Sato Quiet, 25c One good price was 35 terns, lOc 8 pieces Wrapperette, new pat - value 12,0—Saturday.. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce ECIIISRIMelanaesmaiintawasmonzi., " 4.4 4 The Greatest Bargain House in Town for 4 Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware ant Novelties is W. G. Patterson's 8 OEaS4EcedgiCE0605160CE- **.* F:tirtEtF:fe*Zifs 4- 49. - a + 4. 4 4 4 a . 8 8 4 4 a 4 .etc 8 Remember, we are headquarters for Engagement and Wedding Rings. Send me your Repairs of all kinds ; I will do the work to your entire satisfaction. No other shop has the facilities. I have had ex- perience in some of the largest watch factories. All work is done under my personal. supervision. Our prices are the very lowest, consistent with good workmanship. W. G. PATTERSON The Great Watch Doctor, Wingham Stone Block a Opp. Queen's Hotel a? a a '7ya 4 II A. ,;5 * 4 a ' :tL 8 a 3;g. X4444++.44+44 'i9" ice-/_w13it 4444"/"1"Li_"1_"/"17�ii 4