HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-10-30, Page 130T1I YEAR, NO. 9. The Wingham Advance. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 30, 1902. RANK, .hJ DOIENION Capital • - } M $2,500,000 Reserve - - - $2,500,000 WINGHAM BRANCH SHAW BLOCK. A General Banking Business transacted. Farmers" Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on same. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Canada, United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of il,00 and and 31st'Decdember each to principal 30th Juno A. E. GIBSON, Manager B 'Vanstono, Solicitor NEW ADVTS, Tudhope's Store News, Flour and Feed.—A. H. Carr. Selling Ont.—Thomas' Bazaar. Specials ! 1—Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr. Suits and Overcoats. --Crowder Co. Saturday Bargains. --H. E. Isard & Co. See Halsey Park's advt, 'Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. A police commission is Tieing advo- cated for Owen Sound, The new crossing on Josephine Opposite Maple street will be a convenience. 'All Ordered Clothing bought at Geo. Carr's is guaranteed. • The Brant County Council refuses to pay the expenses of digging out Joshua Sanford, The new sidewalks on Maple street give that avenue a very much im- proved appearance.. T•he population of North Bay is said to have increased by six hundred dur- ing the past four months. Wood and all farm produce taken in exchange for millinery at Mrs. Green's, • next door to Smith's Bank, ' Bricklayers, carpenters, laborers,.. everybody busy. Citizens complain that itis impossible to get men, sa • ...Messrs frank Luntpt d • 'farina "meirt aifes. eG5 r$'pwld-. ' of weeks' deer hunting iii Muskoka. The furniture factories, planing -mill all us ; an the door factoryarebusy , Y or- der files full, men and machinery fully employed. Be sure you read Walker Bros. & Button's advt. on page 8 of this. issue ; some special prices on Couches, etc. Last week a carload of coal cost just $13.10 a ton laid down in Kincardine. Some of the townspeople were willing to pay a higher figure for it. The Wiarton Echo reports the sale by Wm. Thompson of a heifer three , years and five months old that weigh- ed 1,220 lbs., and realized $66. Everything is in' readiness for the bricklayers at Griffin's. The work is late, but men have been scarce, and bricklayers have had their hands full of work. Have your Clock and Watches re- paired at Chisholm's ; corner jewel- lery store. The Hunter Bridge & Boiler Co., of I Kincardine, have rommenced the erection of the Southampton stand- pipe. It will be 110 ft high and 10 ft in diameter" Dr. Agnew returned from New York yesterday ; he has been taking a post- graduate course there. He reports Miss Millie much improved, and soon to return home. F. Gray, a farmer living within three miles of Little Current, Manitou- lin Island, has just threshed. the oats off ten acres, which yielded 100 bus- hels to the acre. House roR SALE—Corner of Vic- toria and Shuter streets.—R. W. Run- ciman. Anstralia, which last year was a large exporter of wheat, is this year buying heavily from the United States for home consumption. The cause is drought. THE MARKETS WINGHAM MAREETS Flour per 100........... $I 00 to $2 40 Pall wheat per bush new 04 to ea Oats per bush 0 25 to 028 Barley per bush...... 0 50 to 0 50 Peas per bush 0 60 to 0 05 Bran 15 )0 to 1800 Shorts .,....20 00 to 23 00 Chop ' „ 12„1 to 1 50 flay 7 00 to 7 Butter per lb...... 0 16 to 0 10 Eggs 0 17 to 0 17 Lard . , . 0 15 to 0 15 Potatoes per bush 0 30 to 0 40 Apples per bag . 0 35 to 0 40 Ilides per 100 lbs5 50 to 6 50 Lamb skins 0 35 to 0 45 Dressed hogs 0 00 to 6 50 Live hogs 5 50 to 5 50 Tallow, per lb 05 to 5N (Thickens per pair 30 to 50 Dicke per pair 00 to 80 Turkey, per lb...... 10 to 11 Geese, per lb 6 to 7 Wool 12 to 13 TORONTO STOCK MARKET. For full and accurate market re- ports see second page. Dr, Spence of Furdwich has disposed drug r i. and his store,to of his practice, n 1 p Dr. Armstrong of 13rueefield. Pumpkins form one of the profitable side lines down in Prince Edward coun- ty. Farmers there get from $3,50 to $5 per ton from the canning factories for good ripe ones, AUCTION SALES,—Thos. Brown, auc- tioneer, of Seaforth, is prepared to at- tend sales in this vicinity. Call at Ad- vance office and arrange date of sale. Strathroy wants a water -works sys- ter, either as a municipal department or as the undertaking of a company. It is probable Haat it by-law will be submitted in January. The brickwork of Wm. Button's new residence has been finished ; when completed, the building will present a handsome appearance, and will be very convenient in its interior arrangement. Everything new in suiting and over- coatings at reasonable prices, at Geo, Carr's, A well-known Toronto capitalist and one of the beads of a new Canadian railroad a few days ago took out a life insurance policy for $123,000 with a Canadian, company. This is one of the largest policies ever written in the Dominion. While coal was so high, jokes on the subject were plentiful; here is one of the latest—"A Brantford doctor recent- ly removed a piece of coal dust from the eye of a patient, and 'instead of paying him the man sat down and waited for his change." It will_ pay you well to go to Walker Bros. & Button for your parlor suites (at their prices). See advt. The foundation of the Holmes block is complete, the joists laid, and ready for the brick work, which has been let to Thos. Netterfield. The corner stone is well and solidly laid, and con- tains coins of the realm, rare coins and a copy of the Wingham Advance. Cattle from the Canadian North- west now find sale in old country markets. Two shipments or cattle from Northwest ranches, 120 cars in all, recently passed through St. Paul on their way to Liverpool via Boston. Several more shipments will follow later on by the same route. Men's Plain Rubbers with medium heavy,solds ; manufacturer's price 82c, for 650 -=at W. J. Greer's. Crown Attorney.Lewis, in his returns of criminal eases in the county of Hu; ,r fox tteiQe Months September Diet, reports twelve cages`; in the county Judge's Criminal Court, resulting in eight convictions and four acquittals. Tho Sessions had no work. This is a good record for 'so large and populous a county as Huron. There was once a man who kept ac- count of his worries for a given length of time, and then reviewed the record to see how these anxieties looked in the light of subsequent developments: He said that out of all the worries in which he had indulged himself during several years, only two had any sub- stantial basis, and these were trivial. All our mattresses are made at the factory here and fully guaranteed to he purely sanitary.—Walker Bros. & Button. The Goderich Star reports thusly— Hard coal may be obtained at $10.00 per ton and at present there is no scarcity. Hard wood is sold anywhere between $4 and $6, and one dealer sells it by weight (cut and split) at $4.00 per ton. Slabs, (soft wood) fetch $3.00 per load. Soft coal has been sold as low as $5 the past month, but its present price is near $6.50. The Blyth Standard says :—Mr. S. Gracey, who disposed of his furniture business in Wingham two years ago to Messrs. Ball Bros., and who has since been residing in Blyth, has purchased the interest of Mr. NV. P. Dymond in the firai.ef Dymond & Mitchell, furni- ture dealers, St. Marys. Mr. Gracey has gone to St. Marys but his family will not move there for some time. LOST — Between Broadway. House and Lower Town, a fur gauntlet; fin- der will I)e rewarded by leaving same at Advance office. Try Dulmage, Kent Block, for heavy wind -proof and cold -proof Overcoats. They are put together like leather and are sold at half-price. Scientific Temperance. The essay of Mrs. (Rev.) Patterson of Wingham, on this subject, given at the County W. 0. T. U. convention, has been published by request and ap- pears on page 5 of this issue, See the fine assortment of Brooches at Chishohr,• s Jewellery Store • Opening. The Canadian Foresters of Fordwieb will open their new gall in that village on November 13th by a grand concert. Miss 1,V. Alba Chisholm, vocalist, will assist in the entertainment. Rupture Specialist Corning. If you are suffering from hernia (rupture) or varicocele (false rupture) n deciding when and where to take treatment do not forget that the records of J. Y. Egan, specialist, of Toronto, show that sooner or later nine•tenths of all cases must come to him for a cure. This noted specialist will again visit Wingham, queen's Hotel, (Wednesday evening) 'Thurs- day all day till 7 p. m ; one day only. November 0. Do not neglect yourself this time, or regret may follow. Re- member, you will never be in a tetter condition to be cured than now. Why not act at once? Consultation free. See advt. in this issue, Good Returns. A. Tipling reports forty -fold increase on land leased from D. Stewart, town. From the product of one bag of barley, he threshed over eighty bushels. At Good Prices. Farm property brings good prices, and if a farmer desires to sell, now seems an opportune time. Our Bluevale correspondent gives quite a list of farms that have recently .chang- ed hands. Matrimonial. Mr. J, D. Burns, hardware' mer- chant, heft on Wednesday morning for Perth, Lanark county, where a Very happy event was consummated. The young lady's name is Miss Camp. bell. The Advance extends congrat- ulations, and will endeavor to give further reference to the wedding in next issue:. Do not wait until Spring to buy your mattresses. Buy now from - Walker Bros. & Button, while special prices are on. Improvements. Brick, cement, etc., are on hand at Mason's block to build the vault for the cash of the Dominion Bank in their lutended location, Among the chan- ges will be the complete renovation of the interior, • and remodeling of the plate -glass front. The interior wood- work will be of oak and will present a handsome appearance. - North Peith. The riding of North Perth is open by mutual agreement of the two candidates. Negotiations were held by the opposing counsel at the hour for trial. It seems.that on a scrutiny the majority of ,one held by J. C. Monteith, Conservative, would be re- versed and Brown would be declared elected. The enormous expense of con- tinuing the scrutiny is saved by this arrangement. Failing Health. The Advance regrets to hear that our townsman, R. W. Runciman, finds his health failing, and on the advice of his physician, has decided to dispose of his business and remove to a south- ern climate, He offers his residence, on corner of Victoria and Shnter Ste., for sale, in this issue. We sincerely hope Mr. launciman will fully recover his health. He is an excellent work- man and a first-class citizen, Fon SALE.—Two-story. fra ' e'' Cot- tage ,,and stable. adjoining the ,park, for sale cheap,' Fine pperty. `ri;pply" to A. Dulmage. Football Supper. wing ham Football team held a suc- cessful Smoker and Supper at Scott's restaurant on Wednesday evening. After a delicious supper served in city style by Will. Scott, a pleasant time was spent listening to songs, addresses etc., R. A' Douglass presiding. Dr. Irwin greatly interested the boys in his address, outlining the history of Wingham's football career. The club desires to thank the people of Wing - ham for their past patronage. They report a surplus of $40, and expect 1903 season to be even better than the past year. Reports. . •. Dr. Reid, one of the expert judges at the fall fairs in this vicinity, in his report, says :—Heavy horses pre- dominated in most of the places visit- ed by' me. This was particularly marked in Bruce and Huron, and I think this is the best class of horse for the ordinary farmer. I saw some very fine heavy horses at Teeswater and Wingharn. In Harriston, Walkerton and Palmerston, there was a larger proportion of light horses, although the exhibit of many horses were fine. J. Campbell, the expert on cattle, says in his report :—At Wingham, a class of . two-year steers, ,some ten in all, would do even Britain credit, Mason keeps the largest stock of School Supplies for the opening.—Send the children. For Farmers. Not many farmers become million - :tires, but here are a few examples for their encouragement :—One of the richest farmers in Kansas wheat belt is John T, Stewart, who went to that state five years ago. He borrowed $50 from a friend, rented a quarter section of land in Summer Co., and began work. To -day he is worth $2,000,000 and bad an income from wheat in 1901 of $64,000. He is known as the wheat king of Kansas. There are 23 millionaires in Kansas, 15 of whom are farmers, living on farms and running them as an investment, Perhaps they have not all of their fortunes invested in land but a large portion of it is. Bought. Mr, and Mrs. W. 0. Mclvor left on Monday to spend the winter in St. Thomas, Before leaving, Mr. Mclvor purchased what has been known as the Allan McLean property In Tees - water from Rev, H. W. Reid of St, Thomas. The property is a; most desirable one, and Is said to have cost Mr. Reid $5000. Our townsman how- ever secured the beantiful,residence at a very much lower figure, at what might he termed a "bargain day" price. It will make a very comfort• able and desirable home for Mr. Mc - Ivor and family, when they decide to occupy it, It includes a beautiful reel - deuce, three acres of grounds, most convenient stable and other con. veniences, Returning -Officers, Among . g the Returning -Officers for the Referendum are the following :-- East Moran, R. G. Reynolds, Goderich ; South Huron, Wm, Lewis, Crediton ; West Huron, J, N. Campbell ; North Bruen, 1V. 3, Robinson, Hepworth ; Centre Bruce, Angus Martin, Ripley; South Bruce, W, Deck, Walkerton, Residence Purchased, M. R. Zurbrigg has purchased V. Wenzel's conveniently situated and comfortable residence on Centre area and obtains possession next month. The consideration was $1500. Resi- dence properties sell at good figures in Wingham ; this is one mark of a progressive town. We are glad to hear that Mr. Wenzel does not intend leaving town ; he has leased Mr. You - hill's residence, corner of Patrick and Leopold streets, Ladies' Rubbers—regular price 50c, for 40c ; also Ladies' Storni Rubbers, first quality, regular price OOc, for 50c —at W, J. Greer's. Mail -Empire Premiums. The Mail -Empire hast secured two fine pictures, reproductions of expen- Sive paintings, and the choice of these can be secured by every subscriber to the Weekly Mail -Empire. One of the pictnres is "The Doctor," representing a physician by the side of a dying child while, the father and mother stand near by, The second picture is entitled "Contentment." It is the tall and graceful figure of a beautiful girl, in an attitude suggestive of contentment. These premiums can be seen next week at the Advance office. The Mail -Empire and the Advance, with one of these pictures, also the Ad- vance premium can be had for 1903, for $1.75; balance of this year free to new subscribers in both cases. A Foot Bridge. As the Advance pointed out a few weeks ago, a foot bridge across the river from the foundry is a necessity. Not long ago several of the men were caught on the high railway bridge by an unexpected train, and only saved themselves by lying down on the tim- bers. Even then they were so un- nerved that they could not work satis- factorily the rest of the day, and three of them left. Men accustomed to city conveniences prefer living in the pity, and unless something is done, our growing industry across the river will he crippled for want of skilled hien, who can only be secured in manufac - turing. centres. We t oderitartd that' ' the c1.o tnnk brri the 1;iii:tt,era ,nA,s.r eons sideration and intend to take action. Another drawback to the foundrymen is the scarcity of dwelling -houses for the families of the workmen. With orders coming in freely for Huron stoves and ranges, anything that in- terferes with the securing of workmen will not only be a handicap to the foundry, but also a loss to the town, and so far as possible such difficulties should be removed. Fon SATs,, CrrEAP,—A team of work- ing horses with harness, one set single harness, two buggies, one cutter and a buffalo robe, Apply to T. J. Maguire, Hicks' Forecasts. For November, Prof. Hicks' fore- casts, very much condensed, are :-- The first storm movements for this month will be central on the 3rd and 4th. Cloudiness, rain turning to snow followed by high, cold winds and free- zing weather. The second storm peri- od for November will he central on the 9th, extending from the 7th to the 12th. As we enter well into this period a marked change to warmer will move out of western parts, falling barometer will follow, and wide areas of autum- nal rain will move eastward from about the 0th to the 12th. These storms will reach the culminating stage about the 11th, with possible lightning and thunder southward, all followed from the northwest by change to snow, rising barometer and cold. clearing weather. Watch and see. The moon is full on the loth, and at her perigee on the 10th, also at her highest point northward in the sky on the 17th. Therefore on and touching the 15th and 10th low barometer, rising temperature, and wide areas of renew- ed rain, turning to snow. Watch, first for warmer, pleasant weather, then for cloudiness and rain, then for shift of temperature and wind with snow, then for high barometer, stiff norther- ly gales and cold, clearing weather— not all at once on your patch, but each in regular rotation. One of the mark- ed storm periods of the month covers the 10th to the 23rd. Be prepared at this time for all the progressive phe- nomena of a very active storm period. Look for sleet, attended and followed by a change amounting to a cold wave. This period will come to its Crisis about the 22nd and 23rd. If yes- sels aro navigating the lakes at this times, great suffering and probable dis- aster will result. On and touching the 20th and 27th, the cloudy, unsettled weather, resulting from the Mercury equinox, will grow into decided au- tumnal storms of rain, wind and snow, In all northern sections look for heavy sleet. On the north Atlantic, rough weather will call for extra care and caution. Read telegraphic news and see. As the month goes out a storm period will be in its first stages ; it will be turning warmer in the west, with falling barometer. There's fun in the old Kent Block these days. This half price sale keeps you grinning ; Saving cash gives as much pleasure or more than big wages, InA Dream. a , The Pinkerton correspondent of tire Bruce Herald reports the following:— "Mr. Murray of this place had a lively experience one night not long ago. In a dream he saw two men in a deadly struggle for victory. One of the men. gaining the mastery over his oppon- ent, undertook to put his eyes out, This was too much for our hero to stand, and lie thought it was time to take a hated in the struggle. He aimed a right-hander at the vicious man, but came in contact with something hard, This awoke Mr. Murray from his dream, and to his horror he noticed his hand bleeding and a large piece of plaster off the wall. PROTECT You' FEET.—Waterproof Shoes and Rubbers that fit and wear well—at W. 3, Greer'e, Died, Mr. Hogg died early Monday morn- ing in London hospital, where he had been taken in the hope that the skill available there might aid in his recov- ery. It will be remembered that, on September 12th, he fell from a• step- ladder through the hoist -way in Mr. Young's shop, and was found some time afterwards lying bruised, bleed- ing and unconscious in the cellar, by the stone wall. He never frilly regain- ed consciousness, except for brief in- tervals, and a week ago Monday last he was taken to London hospital. No- thing, however, could be done for him, and about one o'clock Monday morn- ing his spirit took its flight. The fu- neral took place to Wingham ceme- tery on Wednesday, the Canadian Foresters of Court Maitland No. 25 fol- lowing the remains of their deceased brother to the grave. Rev. 14. Hobbs conducted the burial service, after which the impressive ritual' of the Foresters was read, and the brethren each dropped the significant sprig of evergreen 'on the casket. Deceased was 48 years of age, and had been for many years a resident of Wingham.. A. quiet, industrious man, of excellent character, and a good citizen, he en- joyed the esteem of all. His bereaved wife and son have sincere sympathy in their very severe trial. Mrs. Hogg speaks highly of the kindness of Mr. A; Young and family to her during her late husband's illness. Recogniz- ing Mrs.. Hogg's faithful work in the League, the Epworth League laity _ a beautiful wreath on the casket.. Snap Bargains every afternoon nod evening, of the stock of Thomas'Bh+• aa r,coin rls n al 'ostevery articlele ;VP, can t4r.len. Novlcs:•-Bring any kind of sour apples to the Mildrnay Cider Mill,. We boil sweet syrup'or apple to it s est butter at 4 cents ag allon on our own risk, without sugar. For apple butter, bring one pail of quartered apples to one hag cider apples. 3-10 HERRGOTT BROS. Our roadors are all cordially invited to contribute to this column. If friends visit kou, or you visit friends, let the Advance now about it. Walton McKibhon returned home from Napanee on Monday, Chas. Barber of Lncknow spent Sun- day with his parents in town. Mrs. Robt. Aikens is visiting her daughter, Mrs. N. Haines, in Owen Sound. Editor Colwell and A. McKay of the Teeswater News gave the Advance a call on Saturday, Mr. John Bray and daughter, Miss Sara, of Wroxeter, spent Sunday in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen. Gen. Buskin, the Colportage mission- ary to Algoma and the Northwest. made his annual trip to Wingham last week, and acknowledges receipt of $6,75 from citizens. W. Deesbnrir, representing the Wes- tern Foundry Co., Limited. Wingham, travelled the Niagara district last week, and reports the Crown Huron stoves and ranges, manufactured in Wingham, good sellers, NOTE AND COMMENT. —Notwithstanding the reduction in the prices of coal, the coming winter promises to he rather chilly for the Ontario Government. I. P. Whitney, however, promises to make the atmos- phere of the Parliament bnildings warm enough for Hon. G. W. Ross. * * * —With the prospect of cheaper coal, the Globe's "Coal"-ition fever quickly abated. * - * -Now that there has been a drop in the price of coal, there is positively no excuse for using ballots for fuel in the Government buildings—at least not until the election trials are all over. We have heard of such things being done, however. * * --Sir Wilfrid Laurier's "When Tarte goes I go" may now be regarded as equal in value to many, of the planks in the Liberal platform prior to 1806. « . —The honorable gentlemen, Laurier and Tarte, were once very "sweet" on each other. There is now a Tarte nese between them, * * « ---A Goderich fuel dealer is now sell- ing wood by weight. Come to think of it, fuel threatened to be a weighty problem for the coming winter. * * * —Two Rid getown men have invented a labor-saving machine for harvesting sugar beets. Beats all, of course. rs Cur1e Meeting. et n , e g All members of the Curling Club, and those wishing to join, will kindly meet in the Council Chamber on Fri- day evening, Nov, 7th, at 8 o'clock. Kittens $ro Each, Galt, Oct. 25.—Dr. James Anderson has five very pretty Angora kittens -- four pure white and one dark grey. Two of them have been purchased by Mr; Jas, Wetherald, one by Ed. Perine of Doon, one by W. A, Lawrence of Milton, and one by Crow & Murray of Toronto. Tire price is $10 apiece, Peculiar. Mr. Alex. McKague, of con, 8; Cul - roes, hadthe misfortune tolose his driver in a most peculiar way on Wed- nesday morning. He had taken the animal to Mr. Johnston's blacksmith shop to get shod, and as the black- smith raised the foot the mare let con- siderable of her weight rest on the raised limb, breaking it between the knee rind the hock. Dr. Colvin put the beast out, of misery, and on ex- amination it was found that the limb had been slightly fractured at that point some time ago,—iTeeswater News. We guarantee to furnish 80 parlor suites at prices quoted in our adver- tisement—Walker Bros. & Button. Bible Society Meeting. A meeting of the Wingham Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held in the Presbyterian church last Thursday evening, and it is re- ported to have been one of the best meetings ever held in connection with the Society in town. ,Mr. Jno. Kerr, president,' occupied the chair. Ex- cellent addresses were given by Rev'r, Perrie and Hobbs. A selection by the choir of the church and a solo by Mrs. Hope were appreciated. The officers elected are :— President — J. Kerr ; Vice•Pros,—Robt. Currie ; Secretary— A. E. Lloyd ; Treas.,—Rev. N. Burwash. Directors—A. Kelly, A. Cosens, J. Con- ery, W. Fessant, W. Grierson, A,. Campbell, F. Shore, D. Campbell, R. Mooney, A. Currie, S, Young. It was decided to adopt the percentage sys- tem of collection; and J. A. Flack was appointed collector. Last year, $92.82 was collected arid„ it is hoped this year to double that amount. H.ousturoLu Err.nova,-On• • Friday andHarrrdy,Nov.t aand 8,' I shall 7 ,n offer by, private sale at my rsidence, Edward street, 'my furniture, con- sisting of parlor, bedroom suites, and all other .household - effects. Call and get bargains.a'ns. The•house." for sale or too;rert.- —Mut.,Barron. dijurrij Pius I Ministers and church workers generally, aro cordially invited to contribute items of church news under this heading, from their respective churches. Rev. A. H. Brown, of Beigrave, preached anniversary sermons at Auburn last Sunday, Dr. Underwood, of the Presbyterian mission in Korea, is authority for the statement that the 300 churches of his denomination in that country are self- supporting, with one or two exceptions. St. James' church, Stratford, will' spend $4,000 in renewing and enlarging its organ, and the Central Methodist church in the same city purpose to spend the same amount on a new instrument. Quarterly Sacramental services will be held in Wingham Methodist church next Sunday. Lovefeast at 9.45 a. in.; Preaching services at 11 a.m. and 7 p. m. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the close of fore- noon and evening services. Evangelistic meetings are being con- tinued this week in the Wingham Meth- odist church. Considerable interest has been aroused, and a number of young people have resolved to commence the Christian life. The pastor, Rev. R. Hobbs, conducts the meetings. Dr. Miller somewhere compares our lives to a song: God has written the music for us, in the Bible and in our daily tasks. Every duty is some note upon the staff. Every disobedience is a false note and makes a discord. A life well lived on earth must make sweet music in heaven. St. Helen's School Report. The following are the results of the half -yearly Promotion and Review Examinations, for October, 1002, held in the St. Helen's public school :— From Jr. II to Sr. II,—Marks attain- able, 630 ; to pass, 815.—Chrissie Miller 521, Lena Clark 453, Jessie Weather - head 303, Thomas Brownscontbe 318, David Joynt 258. From Sr. II to Sr. III.—Marks at- tainable, 630; to pass, 315.—Jennie Webb 450, James Barbour 203, Stuart Andesron 301, Robbie Buchanan 411, Mamie Weatherhead 458, Front Jr. IiI to Sr. III.—Marks at- tainable, 835 ; to pass, 418.—Johnnie Miller •512, Lizzie Anderson 520, Jean 0. Olark 003, Irene Weatherhead 560, Robert Durnin 480. From Sr. 11I to Jr. IV.—Marks at- tainable, 833; to pass, 418.-- George Weatherhead 637, Sara Durnin 580. C. A. TRIM/TT, Teacher. MARRIAGES. Buttnn—Aicock---In Morris, on Oct. 21, by Rev. I. M. Webb of Brussels, Mr. Alfred Button to Miss Elizabeth Jane (cock both Morris. Alcock, of Ior ta. Pike—Farrand—In Morris, on Wed - da Wed- nesday, Oct.Qct. 29th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. I. Farrand, Mr. :Sylvanus Pike to Miss Marietta M. Farrand, nli,ATE . Hogg—Tri London Hospital, Oct. 27th, Mr. Francis J. A. Hogg, aged 48 yrs. $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Bluevale. Mrs. G. Wray and children of Com- ber are visiting Mrs. Bailey, Miss Mabel Oliver has returned from a visit to relatives in Woodstock. Miss Barbara Thynno of Arthur spent the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McDonald of Palmerston have been visiting their relatives here, - Miss Annie Oliver of Toronto is vis- iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, John Burgess. Albert Denman, of Halstead & Co's. bank, Mount Forest, spent Thanks- giving at his home here, Rev. Mr. Hardy of Listowel gave a lecture on Missions in the Presbyterian church last Tuesday evening. Mr and d Mrs. Chas, Leech and chil- dren of Detroit spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Leech's parents, Mr. and Sirs. A;°Jackson. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Johnston have returned from an extended visit to their sons, Robert and Hugh, of Bois- sevain, Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and little daughter of Burgessville, were visiting at the manse last week. Mrs. Thonip- son is a sister of Mr, West. Mr. Thos. Jewett is going to retire from farming, and is having a sale on Thursday, 30th inst.; his son David has rented the farm: Mr. Jewett will move into a house in the village which he bought some time ago. A meeting of the Bluevale Branch_of the Upper Canada Bible Society- was held in the Methodist church last Tuesday evening. Rev. Mr, Miller of Lochalsh, who is agent for this dis- trict, delivered a fine address. He is a forcible speaker, and will be welcome here if he comes. again. Quite a number of farms have changed bands in this locality lately. Mr. Robert Mason of Wawanosh has sold his farm to John Elliott, and has bought Chas. Herbert's house in Blue - vale and intends retiring....George Oasemore has sold his farm to Joseph. Churchill for $4,500. , , . Thos, Lovell has sold his farm, 80 acres, tip Mr. Ray for $4,100.., ,.Henry Wheeler'has sold his farm 'of 109 acres on,con;:h, Turn - berry, to .a %Mr.. King of Hawick for $5,200, and -also 50 acres to his soft Arthur for $1,400,' and has bought Jno. Casemore'e farm .of 50 acres,. at Wing - ham Junction, . for M.5.00; and Mr.' Casetnore has bought Mrs:. eirs ' I w Is el g 30: ry . acre 4r s in Tr.inbe.xy for $1.,600....: Mr. George Wheeler of Morris has bought Mrs. McAllister's farm on the B line of Tu nb err . These farms have all sold at a much higher figure than they would have some years•ago. Gorrie. Henry Darcy is busy threshing down the 4th con. Jos. Wray returned from the North- West on Friday night. Mrs. W. F. Dulmage has returned from her visit to friends in Walkerton. E. W. Lewis occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. Bert. King's gang of threshers are busy this week close to the village, threshing for Messrs. Evans, Dane, James Greer and Gregg. Prof. Earngey has had his awning andscreen doors removed. Wm. Mose has his horse blankets hanging out, also, so if all signs don't fail, we'll soon have snow. Rev. E. A, Hall's sermon to young men was a great effort, and the rev. gentleman has been highly compli- mented upon it. The congregation was large and appreciative. Dr. Armstrong of Brucefield, brother to Dr. Armstrong of town, has bought the drug store and practice of Dr. Spence of Ford wich. Dr. Spence will be greatly missed in the township; be- sides being a skilled physician, he was a perfect gentleman, and his numerous friends will part with him with regret. Dr. Armstrong comes highly recom- mended and no doubt will receive his share of the practice. We are indebted to the Videtto for the following on the death of Miss Eva Garbutt:—It is our sad duty to record the death of Eva S. Garbutt, at the age of eleven years, four months and fifteen days, eldest daughter of our touch esteemed pastor, Rev, R. J. Garbutt. Eva was apparently in her usual health until Tuesday night about two o'clock, when she wakened her dear parents, and telling them she was not feeling well; she continued gr ow- ing worse, and Drs. Kennedy of Wing- ham,Stevenson of London, and Tuck of Gerrie, performed an operation on Friday, but it was hopeless, and on Sunday evening at nine o'clock her spirit went home to Jesus, To know Eva was to love her, as she possessed a choice Spirit, a noble soul, gentle, trusting and kind. She was a light and joy in her home, and her decease has immeasurably darkened and sad- dened the home. She made Christ her Friend and Saviour when very young, under the influence of Christian par- ents in a Christian home, and through the teachings of tire Sunday school. The funera 1 on Tuesday morning was very largely attended, the principal of our public school, Mr. Douglas, kindly dismissing the school and the children uniting with the members of the Meth- odist Sunday school attended In a body. Service was held in the church at 11. a. in., conducted by Revs. Swann BANK OF IIAMILTO•N WI NG HAM. Capital paid up $2,000,000. Reserve, $1,500,00. J. TUIINBULI,, General Manager, President—John Stuart Vico-President—A, Q. Ramsay Cashier --J, Turebu Drrircrorts:--•John Proctor. Wm. Gibson, Geo, Roach, A. T. Wood, d,. B. Lee (Toronto) Savings Bank hours 10 to a; Saturdays l0 to 1 Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int- erest allowed and computed on 30th November. and 31st May each year, and added to principal Special Deposits also received at currents rates of interest. Drafts on Groat Britain and the United States bought and sold, L, Drcicirlaor, Solicitor, W. COR,BOULD Agent, Travellers are notified that the Bank of Hamilton and its Branches issue Circular nolo. of the National Provincial Bank of England (Ltd.) whish can be cashed without charge or trouble in any pert of the worla of Bluevale, McKelvey of Wroxeter, and Hall, clergyman of the English church, Gerrie. A very impressive part of the ceremony was conducted at the C. P. R, station by :1fr, W. H. - Gregg, Superintendent of the •Sunday school, The children. sang "Safe In the arms of Jesus," and as. the train was moving out they sang "Shall we gather at the river." Dear Eves who so dearly loved flowers, was not for- gotten by her many friends, who coy. ered her casket with the choicest floral offerings, Interment took place in. London on Wednesday. Glenfarrow. T. Lowell has sold his farm to James Wray of Grey. D. Fraser, sen., took a trip to Owens" Sound last week. Mrs. Robert Higgins of Hensall is visiting her uncles here. Miss Lizzie Adams of Belmore called on friends here this week, - J. Langley of Niagara visited at Mr. McKersie's a few days last week. Mrs. T. Lovell and children spent' a few days last week with her sister near Brussels. Thos. Higgins returned home last week after two months' visit with Manitoba friends, - “Haunts of Fish and Game'' Is the title of a handsome' illustrated Colder recently issued -by the • Grand Trunk Passenger Department, and which willhe found to be of ,great value to those who, are' desirous of obtaining DAT information ma rten ab out that p1e err huntiug .district ton the lineof ' the Grand Trunk. HuntersExcursion rates in effect Oct. 24th to Nov. 1st. Single first class fare for round trip valid returning until Dec. 13th 1902, Copies of above e folder, and informat- ion rmat- ion to Excursionists on application to L. Harold, Wingham, or to J. D. Mc- Donald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. zoo YOUNG MEN WANTED. Will you kindly put this matter fairly before the readers of your valuable paper. "100 young men wanted" sounds like an old worn`out style of advertising, but it 'expresses a condition of things in Canada to -day that has never before existed in over 30 years experience in supplying office help; and it is not confined to Canada alone. We are receiving calls after call for male stenographers - that we - cannot fill,and positions at $50 and $00 per mnth are begging for young men to fill them. We have now eleven unfilled calls of this kind and the number keeps increasing. Too few young men take up this line of work and this is the reason why, year after year, the supply is so far short of the demand. If you will make this known to your readers, you will be doing Brenn a favor and perhaps help us to meet the demands of the bus- iness public in a wore satisfactory measure, D. McLachlan & Co., Canada Business College, Chatham, Ont. Dr. Butler, specialist in diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office opposite St. Andrew's church, London, Out. Fon Snarl—Just listed with me. 75 acres, six wiles from Wingham Cul - rose boundary. Also choice 50 acres well improved, 1 mile from Wroxeter They will interest buyers. Apply to A. D:duru , Real Estate agent, Wingham, WHAT TO TAKE FOR SPRING MEDICINE 1 1 Thyro is Nothing to Equal PROF. SCOTT'S Herbal Bitters FOR MEI mood, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, CALL FOR SAMPLE. PRICE 28c PER BOX. ,,.....:.w SOLD AT , ILTON'S O' 4 DRUG STOR1 - WINGHAM