HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-10-23, Page 6Vitae neseation timeless, Dr. Bran -
Mese the head of tile Stanford goo
MIAMI depertmeet, hies itingelf far
aters,y from all things pedagogical to
lie4 remote feetneeses of the moontailses and there studies the fortun-
e:Jen Of the rocks and reads the life
berilterry ot earth in the deposits of
the ages. Last vacation lie was in
the Sierras. Ile had as his guide a
Man Indigenous to the soli, who hail
never been 20 miles (rein the scene
of his childhood. He looked with much
amusement and seem upon Dr. Bran
nee and his assistants and saw
nothing in the work that was of
ilatereet. To him the students seem.
ad more like good men gone daft.
One ratty Mr. Branner located an old
Indian burying ground. In digging
he came upon some choice arrow
heads. Witting ,to test his guide's
geoiogical as well as his ethnological
knowledge, the doctor said:
"Elijah, do you know bow these
arrow heads came here?"
"Greived thar," said the native,
with great positiveness.
"Nonsense! If you were to take
an arrow head and put it on your
table and leave it there for a year's
time, do you think It would grow ?"
"Tain't no nonsense, nether," said
Elijah. "If you was to take a po-
tato and put it on your table, and
leave It thar for a year, do you
think it wenn] grow ?»-San Fran-
cisco fWove.
eterh Of An atateal occur-
rence auffers because it is not told
by the big, round-faced Woodsvatel
avenue resident who punctuates the
whole narration. with gurgling& and
ohokings that threaten apoplexy.
"I started in the lumber woods,
and so did Pete,' is his inevitable
beginning. "We bath won out and
we're both just the same men we
used to be, It's the women who
turn on the fireworks when you get
the money, but you've got to re-
member that, they. generally help
Make and save- it. t
"Way up in the State near where
Pete began s htflit a regular pal-
ace and hired peonle to furnish it
foe him, plain -est and statuary in-
cluded, en the hallway there was
a the copy of the Greek slave in
hohow bronze of a peculiarly light
and lifelike colors and Pete used to
hang his ulster over it when be
hod cotainney.
Last smanner I mane him a visit,
and the (mirth night I was there
the place to,ok fire. We managed to
save Mont of It,/ for Pete has an
artesian wells plenty of hose and a
bell that makes mere noise than the
olid style cannon.
"When we had drowned the fire
we w,ett into the yard and lit upon
a neon° that made Pete come with-
in an arm of dying from laughter.
There was the Greek slave on the
Sward, and a drunken fisherman,
tears streaming down his cheek,'
throwing water into her face.
"I guess she's gone, Pete, but I
got her out quick as I see her,
thee:evert that guilt 'round her, pig
her ci,onvn here in the air and been
.tryin' ter 'survive her over gime.
I'd •like to find the feller. that put
them nippers on her wrists.' "-De-
troit Free Press.
- • -
lee 0 o'clock in the morning of the
wedding day, in a town in New York
State, a poet -officio messenger rang
the doorbell at the home of the
bride -elect and handed a epecial-de-
livery letter to the servant who re-
sponded, as the New. York Mail
and, .Exgetiesto •
It was addressed to else best man,
Who had come 400 miles to second his
best- friend in the ceremony and was,
with several others, the guest of the
bride's parented
The beet man wee still sound
asleep, but be was promptly awak-
ened, on the supposition that the
letter must contain, somabeing of
importance. It did, indeed, nabbing
his eyes in an; effort to underetang
he tore open the envelope and was
astonished to .find a ewt of let-
ter paper, with a large needle of
the sort Moo always choose whet]
emergency compels them to sew.,
thrust through it, and a foot of
doubled black thread trailing its a
loose tangle downs tine page.
The best man thought it was a
Joke, but he couldn't see it and he
was about to become resentful when,
upon turning the Sheet over, he
toned this hastily written note:
"Dear Brother : Mother says there
Is a buttons off your dress coat. It
is in your rihetehand vest pocket,
Sew it on,"
Crawling one of bed. the best Mtn,
enamened his coat and laughed tosee
that time sithatlion, had been accur-
ately described in the letter.
"Jura like mother," he said. "I'll
'Wager she lest a whole night's
sleep thinking about that confound-
ed button,".
Later in the day fOur bridesmaids
gleefully assisted In -making the re-
pairs and /this telegram went to
"Buttdo sewed on. Don't worry."
i • •
When Johann Strauss took his or-
chestra to MARDI lie had some un-
usual experienees not generally
vonelusafed to those who live out-
side an nertocratio government.
One day he received the Czarina's
Commands to play before her au her
summer resort, and Was told on ar-
riving there that he would have to
rehearee his programme three times
before thle performance. He begged
to know tire reason for that, but
no explanation was given him. These
were her Majesty's orders, and he
could only comply. Still lee astonish-
ment grew when he 'saw during
the three reheareale an empty court
carriage beteg drawn by a pair of
hettees skoviel go back and forth in
front of his orchestra.
Them -getout the final performance
time tnyeterione act WAR explained.
The Empress, littY111,g ii. sharp at-
tack Of gout, eras obliged to recline
in the carriage, her foot on di cush-
ion, While the coneert took place,
and the objeet of the reltearene had
been to acculetomi the horses to a
full string hand, lea they should
take fright and bolt with their
At the ette of ilet performance an
exalted dignitary of the (meet bade
fetrauee follow him to hie own apart-
ments, Where he conduated him to
aplendid grand piano, saying:
"N`ow be good enough' to play Me
all the netvost Vienna meet."
Although he Me greatly fatigued
by his three rehearealn and state
perforniance Steamer tilt -eight it ex-
pedient to comply, but after he lied
played continuously for awn* an
hear ha Mopped, shying): "I presume
that Will be otafielent ?" t
AM not at tile tired," coolly, Ve-
t joined Iris
"Bat I am!" Mid Strauss, and
Mee from the inetrutnent.--Pittsburg
Deeptinele '
"Izz co -no g-tr-R etitio,4 044,2,"
440 taglitio
I looked oth of one of the eastern
window's at the red sun -glow, in
which I took more pleasure then the
Londoners, perhaps, because I constd-
erect it a part of my Highland pro-
perty. To the left, standing in the
long, wet grass, shyly hiding herself
among the trees, was Babble;
went to another window from which
I could see her more plainly, and die -
covered that her little fano was
mugs paler than usual, that she
was watching 'UM portico with
/draining eyes; in her hand, but held
behind her, Was a red rose, that ehs
drew out, from time to time, and
even kissed, I think she was crying.
It Was half-paet six o'clock. I turned
away and went back to my friends,
who were already deep in a gigan-
tic breakfast. From time to' time I
trent back, on some pretext or other,
to the window; she was always
there; in the same place. The fourth
time I looked out she was shivering;
and her hands, red With the cold of
the morning, were tucked up to her
throat, red tome and all. I went up
to Fabian, who I am sure must have
been at quite his third chop, and
touithed him on the shoulder.
"There's scene one welting outside
-waiting for you, I think," said I,
in a low voice, under cover of the
rich full term of may friend Fused!,
who was waxing warm in the elo-
quence of his farewell to Scotch
Fabian got up at once and went
out. I saw the child start forward,
crimson in a moment, and the tears
flowing undisguisedly ; and with a
choking feeling at ray throat I turned
"Hallo, why yousre not eating,
Harry," ruled Maurice presently.
"You must be in love."
"Another of 'eine" groaned Fussell.
"No," said I hastily. "Tee fact is
I bad something to eat before you
came down.
There was a roar at my voracity,
hue their own appetites were too
vigorous for them to diebelieve me.
I remember clearly only this of our
final deportees for the station; that
Fabian turned up late, dashing after
.nu delve the drive in fact, and leap-
ing up on the Norfolk cart beside me-
Aud that his eyes were dry, but that
the front of his coat, Jost below the
collar was wet -perhaps with the
clew. Nevertheless, if Edgar had not
been behind us, I should have felt
ntuch inclined when we drove along
the road by the Dee, just where the
bank Is nice and steep, to give a jerk
of the relies to the left, pitch me
artistic friend out into the river's
stony bed, and take my risk of
following him.
Life seemed 'to move in a some-
what slow and stagnant manner for
several days after the departure of
my guests. I scarcely saw Babble,
and never spoke to her, a great
shyness towards each other having
taken possession of both of us. Mrs.
Elimer, upon whom I made a cere.
monious call when X could contain
my anxious interest no longer, was
stiff in manner, haughty and 'im-
pressed. She had evidently been in-
formed of my opposition to Fabian's
tntention of extending les stay, and
I soon learnt, to my great 'surprise,
that she considered me responsible
for the destruction of Babble's first
ehance-"and the only one she is
likely to have, poor child, living poked
up here," of "settling well.'
"Oh, said I, raising my eyebrows,
and putting into that one exclama-
tion tie much sardonic emphasis as I
could, while I kept my oyez fixed up-
on the can and my hands much occu-
pied with nay deerstalker, "and usay
I be permitted to learn nowt I have
done thee?" .
"It is ,ueeless to pet on, a satirical
manner with me, Mr. Maude," said
the lady with dignity, "I am per-
fectly aware that it was you who
objected to Mr. Scott's remaining
here long enough to make proposals
for my daughter, and that, in fact,
youi interfered in the most marked
Way with his courtship of her."
"And are you, ignorant of the fact,
madam, that to interfere with a
melee courtship is the very, way to
Increase its warmth, and that If my
interference, as you call it, could not
screw him up to the point of pro-
posing, nothing over would ?"
Mrs. Eilmor dropped into her lap
thei work whiter she had snatelied tip
on my entrance, and at which she
had been stitching away ever since,
as a hint that she Was Irrey and
Would be glad to be left alone; at
the same time being, I think, not
Sorry to vent bier ill -humor on some
"You arc using very extraordinary,
exprergions, Mr. Maude," she Bahl
!sniffle- "If her mother was satisfied
With the gentleman's behavior, I
really don't see what business you
had in the affair at all."
"Do you forget that her father has
Made me responsible for the care of
her ; tint she is certainly under my
guartiranehip and nominally engaged
to me."
"Nominally ! There Ills. 'To be en-
gaged to a man who acknowledges
that he never means to marry you I
There's a pretty position for it girl,
as I've said to Babiole scores of
times I" I
My heart leaped up.
"'You've said that to Babble I" I
eehogl, in a tolee of suppressed rage
that brought the lithe slender virago
at once to rearson.
"Well, Mr. Maude, with all respect
to eon, tee position is something
like that," t lt,s sal I more reasonable.
"It IS not at all eke that," I en-
treated in my gravest and most mag-
isterial tomer. "If your dattgitter
dated by any possibility overcome a
MT natural rr pugnanc.e
ete take for It lisciband thleil an no -
*kW, eitivot nit neeldent luta totut°
me, I ti test be a limier happier matt
than I ant Pier likely to be. hut
elite Could net do so; ethers IN such
a ghastly incongruity about a mar-
riage of that 'sort that I Could
scarcely even wish her to do so."
Mrs. Ellmer's eyes had begun to
glow with the carefully but scarce-
ly successful eubdued interest of the
match -making mamma. This, how-
ever, gave place to unsay disa.p-
pointinene ao I 'went on -
"All tile same I take an in-
terest in your daughter's itappie
nees quite as strong as if it were
a more aelfielf one, It was that In-
terest welch prompted me to pre-
vent the prolonging of a flirtation
which might have eerlours conse-
queaces for your seneitive and im-
pressionable little daughter." •
"Serlows consequences 1" stang
mores] Mrs. Elineer. "Do you mean to
say that Mr. Scott, your friend, is a
dishienoraltie man?"
"No," said I, "I would not say any-
thing so severe as that. But I am
certainly of opinion that Mr. Scott
had no more serious intention than to
fill up his time here pleasantly by
talks and walks with a pretty and
charming girl. Lots of pretty and
charmieg girls accept such tempo-
rary devotion for what it is worth, •
and their regrets, when the amuse- ,
ment Is over, are proportionately
"light. But I know that Babble is not
like that, and so I did all that my
Melted powers of guardianship could
do to lessen the danger."
, "But he may still write and pro-
-pose," murmured the dismayed
mother. "Even if his intentions were
not serious while he was here, he
may find he cannot get on without
hen" • .
i wanted to shake the woman, or
to box uer ears, amid awe her litsw she
bind oared wittingly to expose Item'
(laughter -to the maery or hanging on
to such a hope us tale.
'I con't then{ it's likely," I mid
drily; and questloaln,g my face with
armee: in iser eyes, the tratch-maker •
tried another trivet.
"After all, Mr. Maude, it may have ,
been for Inc beat," she begun. in
conciliatory toile. "It Wad 1, rather
tirali Babble, thast was so hot upon
this match, not understanding tnat
my poor child had any chance of a
better husband. For my part, I.
doret see that you have any reason
to talk about yourself in the devotee -
ins; meaner you do, and if you will
only trust for a little while to my
dipeornaey, and speak to bier wheu
1 give you the word that it's the
right moment—" . •
interrupted her by standing up
suddenly, and 1 can only hope my
face did not express what I thought
of her anti her miserable diplomacy.
"You will oblige time by saying not
one word to your daughter oit the
subject of me and my impossible pre-
tensions," I said aothoritatively,
but With a sickening know-
ledge that my demand would
be illeregarned. "I am sensitive
and humble encesgh on the score of
my disadvantages, I admit. But 1
ant Dot a miserable wreck of hu-
manity who would take what pre-
fuliotory favors a woman would
throw to him, and be &Wetted, I
am a man with powers of Melee
that any woman might be proud
to excite; and no girl shall- ever be
my wits who does hot feel of her
own accord, andshow, as an inno-
cent girl can, that I have done
her an honor in loving her which
she is booed to pay back by loving
me with all her might."
And much excited by my own un-
expected burst of unreserve, but
somewhat ashamed of having ra-
ther bullied a poor creature who,
however she might enema the high
hand with me, was after all but an
unprotected and plucky little wo-
Man, I held out my 'hand with apol-
ogetic sueekeess and prepared to
go. Mrs. Milner shook my hand
limply and showed it disposition to
"Doset, worry yourself and don't
bother -I mean -era -don't talk to
the child. It will omen all right. ;settee
hardly grown up yet; there's plenty
of time for holf-a-dozen princely
suitors to turn up, and what do you
say to taking herr Mee a week to
A.berdeen and maitrg her some good
m-usic lessons? It will distract her
thoughts te bit and do you both good,'
This tuggestioe diverted the little
womana tears, and her face softened
with a kindly impulse towards me.
'You are very good, eta Maude, you,
really are,' she said la farewell, as
left her.
And though I was grateful for this
amen& I elmuld have been more
pleased if I could have felt assured
that dm wenid that, in &Mutt of
Mg Scott, team ner daughter with
reeornmeudations to get used to the
idea of myself in time capacity of lover,
Of course, after this interview
Mat more shy than ever of meeting
Babette, rend even Wien, on the see -
end evening afterwards, I saw her
standees' in the rose garden, appal!.
ently waiting for Inc to come and
speak to' aerie I pretended not to see
her, and after examining the eky as
If to make out the signs by witMlt
One Might predict the weather of
the morrow, X turberi back to fin-
ish use- clear itt the drive, nut the
(weenie-, atter thot I found on may
table a great boWl full of flowees
front her own private garden, and I
oh the following afternoon, While I
was writhies rt, letter, there Noun
petteeleg little stepti in the hall
and is Ictioek at may -epee «hely door.
"Come in," saki 1, freeing that
lied gone purple rend the thumping
of my heart met south' as loudly
no a traction engine in the road
hablole Milne I)) very quietly, with
a bright flush oil Iter face and shy'
eyes, flee eitenie wore NI of tiny
wild flowers, nod among- them was 1
One little epriai carefully tied up
with ribbon. 1
ht NMI a pined Of White heather
this leornine oil ono of the hills by 1
the side of tit; (Sainte' said elm
Quickly. "Sou know they eity it is
so rare that Rome Highlanders
etty It brings them luck."
"Wily do you breig it to ete, thee'?"
I oohed us etc put the little blotesom
on the table betted° sue, "You should
keep luee for yourself and not watate
it on o pergen who doesn't deserve
Site had nothing to say to thee SO
she only WM) the flower a little
leis') thwarter lee to Intimate that
1 wee to enter lido possession with-
out delay. I took it Int one tette* it
La tee but:Waikato of my old coat.
"It bas brought mo luck already,
you see, since teln is the first visit
I have had from you. for I don't know
bow hong," I *add, looking up at her,
Mal stoticeto, at muse with a pang
teat elte end grown hi ton days
paler and altogether less radiant.
She blushed deeply at this, and,
sliding down on to tor knees, pat
s rros. Tneta, and kissed the
'Ta -tri, has missed you awfully," I
Went ; "she told tee yesterday
that you never take ber out on the
now and that her digestion is
suffering in consequence. She says her
tail ale its old grand sweep
for Want at change of ale."
Babble smoothed the dog's -coat
"1 floweret been out much lately,"
she said, in a Joey voice; "there has
been a greet deal to del in the cot-
tage, and here too. I've been hem -
meets some curtains for Janet, reed
helping mamma to make pickles. Ole
I've been very busy, indeed."
" And I suppose all this amazing
super -abundance of work is over at
last, since you can find time to come
and pay calls of ceremony on chance
aequaintences." •
eke lookedup at me reproachfully:
My spirits had been rising ever
since she came in, and I would only
laugh at her.
"I'm sure it is • quite time thche
curtains were hemmed and those
pickles were made, so that yott can
hare a 'chance to go back to Craig.
endarroch and look about for those
roses you've left there."
"Roses I Oh, do I look white then I"
And she 'began to- rub her cheeks
with her hands to.hide the -blush that
rose to them., ' •
"Has your mother said anything
to you about Aberdeen and time music
"Yee." She looked up with a loving
I bad turned my chair round to the
fire -place, where allege glimmer of
Ore Inset, burning; for It was a wet
Cool day. ha„bioie had seated herself
On a high cloth -covered foot -stool,
and Ta-ta eat between us looking
from the one to the other and wag-
ging her tail to congratulate us on
our return to this old terms of friend-
ship. The sky outside was growing
lighter towards evening, and the
sun ' was peeping out in a tearful
and ;shame -faced way from behind
the raineloude. The girl and the sun
together hind made a great illumin-
artion in the old study, though they
were not at their brightest.
"Well, and how do your like the
"It Is quite perfect like all your
ideas for making- weer people happy."
"I'm afraid I don't always succeed
very well,"
This she took as a direct accuse
tion, and site bent her head very
low away from me.
"Hasfnm;ther been
talking to
you, .Babble ?"
" Yes" -as a guilty admission.
" What did she say ?"
"Oh, she talked and talked. This
was why I didn't 11kNto come and
see you. You see, thougth I tqld her,
she didn't understand, and that what-
ever you thought must be right, yet
hearing all those things made me
feel that I -I couldn't opine in the
old way. A.nd then at lest I missed
you so -that I thought would dash
in and -get it over." t
From which I gathered that Mrs.
Ellmer had blabbed out the whole
substance of our interview, and col-
ored it according to her lights, so I
"Didn't you feel at all angry with
Me for something I said -something
I did?"
A pause. I could see notiting of her
face, for she was most intent upon
making a beautifully straight part-
ing with my ink -stained red Ivory
paheopder.-knife down the back of Ta-ta's
"I had no right to 1313 angry," she
gild at last, he a quivering voice,
"anti besides -I a.m afraid -that
evlsat god say will come true.!'
And the tears began to fall upon
her busy fingers. I put may hand very
gently upon her brown hair and
contd feel the thrill eent through her
tviviele frame by It valiant struggle
to repress anotutburst of grief.
"You are afraid thee that--" And
I waited.
"That he will never think of me
again," she sobbed; and .unable any
longer to repress her feelings, she
Sat at my feee for some minutes
quietly crying.
I hoped -that the distress which
could find thie childlike outlet -would
be only a tranelent one, and I
thought It beet for her to let her
tears float* unrestrainedly, as I Was
sure she had no chance of doing
tinder the sharp. maternal eyes. I
continued to smooth her hair sytn-
terethetioally nail by n great ef-
fort she conquered herself and dried
her eyes.
"I am. a great baby," she said in-
dignantly; "as if I could hope that
a very clever accomplished man,
whom all the world is talking about,
would be able to remember an ignor-
ant girl like me, when onte be had
got back to London."
"Well and you mutt pull yourself
together and forget him," I said -I
hope get savagely. ,
Hut there came a greet Change over
her face, and she said almost solemn-
"No, I don't want to hie that -
evenif I could. I want to remember
all he told utel obont are,
and about ideale, and so become
an accomplished woman so that
zany meet him some (My, and he may
be quite proud that it teas be who
bemired Wes")
Se Mr. Scott lead knosve 110w, by
a little drunk and plausibility, and by
deliberately playing Import Ivor emo-
tions, to crown my work And to ap-
propriate to himself the credit alai
reward of it ail. ,
Bet after Mita enthusiastic) declar-
ation the light faded audit out of
her -sensitive face,
ht seems Betels a long, long thus
to wait before that can happen,"
she said mournfully.
And a remarkably poor otenbition
to live upon, I thought to myself.
"A -ad do you think Mr. Scott's ap-
irobation- IS worth' troubling your
head about if, after all his oaths -
sinew about you, lie forgets you
us S0011, as your are out of his sight?"
I asked rather bitterly.
Cut at this suggestion, were-
epontling so exactly with her own
fears, she almorit ben() down again.
It Wan lit, it broken voice that elm
"I can't think !Melly ithout him ;
When I do it only makes isse Meek
my heart afterwardehind I long to reee
tint to ask hie pardon for being so
marsh. Ile wits formil of Mc While
me Were here, f eat -rising expect more
than that of such a clever man. And
se hue sent me one hetet-rued
prollape-1 hope --110 will send me
another before long."
IPi hoe written to you e"
(To be Continued.) 1.1
Tbis WilifilldefLttiCe Vou set,rde FS on
Nothing Like It late lever been heard
Newfoundland, whore the
Storey comes teem it. hes Created
profound Sensotion.
Kietfer& Cove, New Bay, Newfound--
1,111itiVi IsOlcitidt1,-Iralsweiltaele.n11410S%aulhic;:
aroused by the most miraculous cure
of a men zoosted eheeph noon.
For eight years that man Lund been
milling and• los Befell years of this
time ite Was tillable to work, He had
Sack Ache and Kidney Complaint; in
fact, ale was all pains and melee. Ile
Ima been treated from time to time
by several dootors, and although be
always carefully attended to Weir
Several preecriptioms, exactly as or-
dered by them, he got no relief, but
Was elowly growing worse.
Finally he went to the hospital
where he remained for isevea montlia,
only to bo sent home as an incur-
able cage.
He has tried eveey remedy he could
hear of, electric belts, liniments, oils
and other reedielnest but all a no
elo one ever thought he could
ever be well again.
However, one day he picked up a
newspaper containing au account of
bow Mr. Ritbard Quirk, of Fortune
Harbor, had been cured of Lumeago
by Merles Kidney Pills. After read-
ing this Mr. Boon made up his nand
to 'try this remedy, and at once
began a treatment.
Re used altogether • twenty-one
boxes before lie was able to go to
work again, but now he he ablo to
attend to lee daily duties as strong
and vigorous as any man along the
lelh Boon is a fisherman and is at
withno t ehrigouagghedt wahta tlobster r h
hits old
time Back Ache and other pains,
The people here regard this cure
as little short of miraculous.
A Vicious Habit.
(Philadelphia Record.) •
Wigwag -That man over there hum
been married four times.
Olilbaell-Wea, I suppose there are
men with an abnormal craving for
excitement. i .
Minard's Liniment cures Burns, etc.
A relapse,
little girl was spending the
summer at a .fashicinable watering
place and one meriting as she
played upon the veranda of the
hotel where her mother was stop-
ping she hemorel a lengthy conver-
sation upon the fashions of the
day and the absolute necessity of
stylishness in dgess .if one- hoped
to be a, success in society.. One lady
went so far as to say that sty1-
islinese was far mons important
than beauty.
. That night as the child said her
usual prayer, she added, witlegreat
earn.eetiness, "And, 0, dear Lord,
do please make me etelisle"-July
Lippinceat's Magazine.
A BOON TO HORSEMEN -One bottle of
English Spayln Liniment completely removed
a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in
recommending the remedy, as it acts with
mysterious promptness In the removal from
horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood
spavie, splints, curbs, evreeny, stifles and
GEORGE 11.013D, Farmer,
Markham, Ont.
Sold by all drugglets,
Time Very ian.
(N. le Herald.)
"Tho pain of living I The pain of
living!" sighed the lecturer. "Who
will -deliver us from It?"
At that 'Moment a doctor entered
the room.
Minarchs Liniment felleves Neural-
gia, •
It lanes Very'.
N. Y. Herald.)
'Tis love that makes tife world go
We're well aware a that;
But there's them unrequited eine-
. It makes the world go flat. ,
Stops the Cough
and Works Ott the Cold.
LaxativeBromo Quinine Tablets cure aeold
In one day. No cure, No pay. Prie025 cents.
Cloves to 1 -es.
A new Idea for a five o'clock tea
is to drop three or four whole cloves
into each cup just before pouring in
the hot tea, leaving them there for
'a moment -that the essential oil may
be extracted. The tea may be served
with the cloves in it, or, if one Is
!fastidious about its appearance, the
:one cup may be poured into another
through the silver strainer and the
cloves removed, need lemon as to
be us -ed svitit this tea, and the min-
gling of time flavors. .is delicious.
Nothing to Equal it.
Everyone has heard of et. Jacobs
01, for rheumatism, strains, bruises,
leMe back, and all muscular aches
anti pains, but few know that there
is nothing to equal it for relieving
aching feet, troublesome corns, nail
for softening the hareh, callous skin
which frequently forms on the soles
of the; feet. Anyone suffering from
sensitive spots en the toes, sides of
the feet, or betweeh the toes, Mould
rttle a little et. Jacobs Oil on time
sore spot every night. The Imme-
diate tend obtained is simply won-
No houselited should be without
St. Jacobs 011. It will be wanted
after cricket, atter tennis, utter a
day's boating ; in fact, it Is the
athlete's friend. Ali chemists sell
St. Jacob e Oil and a 50 cent bettle
irt sufficient to prove beyond a doubt
the above statements.
A lilliteult Oise.
I One night at supper my little bro-
th's Was eating an apple. Suddenly
he lifted op his eyee and timid:
"If giant ate a little boy, how
loon Weald lie come :to 'UM Wee?"
INet You Cannot Sell "any old thing"
merely by advertising. Maur lintmente are
itdvertIsed. Only one, Perry Davie' Pninkilicr,
lute stood the test of sixty years. To -day It
Is more popular than ever. 25 and 00 cent.
Otherwiee if Imaged.
ettidge-DO you thtnat the MInieter
Offended any Of his congregation by
Weed; he *take alxsat Sunday golf.?
Marjorie -Of 00-drse not. Nobody
Weo plays golf was there.
TO ()tittle A 00E10 IN Ogle DAY
Tees Latntive Brom° Quinine Teblets, .411
dtsiggists rerund the money ir it falls to enre.
E. W. Grove's signature !son each box,
Neve York tientrel end itudgin
Weer ttatiread.
The above name is a lioneeliold word and
the littpetlor est ellence of the i mu! &multi be
sufficient to attract most people, but now
itliat the rate lis the mune to New 'York and •
Pointe enst iiii by Untie 1111lie no filrtliet Vii• '
e01111111•114111 foil SWAIM lie eeught. Every.
body wilt ten you ills the beet.
oldiot, Want blrense to Block Boots
With o Choir.
Soaking wet, and terienibling a eat
that had been thrown into the
river and then pulled out, a sad -
(aced Italian visited tile My no
yesterday and asked to see the
Mayor. When told that the Mayor'
did not come to his office On Sun-
day, the italien explained that he
wanted to see the Mayor to nave
hie bootblack Ikons° straightened
"Poeta hear ten men make fun
On data liege," he said. "Dein, Ib-
sen' reed ilea danin fool. Data noon'
say for blaelm, boots with one -a
chair, I not Mackie boots whit a
clear, What's se mat' with data
Mayor? lie wauta miter) fun me ?"
The watchman in the City Halt
glanced at the licentie paper. it
Was warded as follows,:
Know ye that I do hereby li-
cense Salvatore Celaffitella for the
blacking of boots with one chair.
This license is for one year, un-
less suspended or revoked.
geth Low, Mayor,
Salvatore explained that he had
a bootblack stand in Brooklyn and
had posted his lioense paper over
it. Then his customers began to
guy him about blacking boots with
a eerier, and told him that his IL -
cerise did not authorize eim to Use
a brush. He was told to come and
see the Mayor on a week day. -
N. Y. Stem
ininarea Liniment for sale every-,
Dog Fish -Why didn't you give
that fellow a shock when he stepped
on you? -
Electric Eel -It would be- a waste ,
of energy. If those bathing suits;
don't shock elm thereat no use in
my trying.
In washing woollens and flannels, Lever's
Dry Soap (tt powder) will be found very
Rule for Success.
" What is your rule or business-,
your maxim ?" was asked of the Wall
street baron.
"Very simple," he answers,"]: pay
for something that I can't get with
money that I haven't got, and then
sell what I never had for more than
it ever cost." -Life.
Messrs. C. C. Richards & oe
Gentle/tient-My daughter, 13 years
old, was thrown from a sleigh and in-
jured her elbow so badly it remained
stiff and very painful for three years.
Four bottles of KINARD'S LINIMENT
completely cured her, and she has not
been troubled for two years.
Yours truly,
St- "Theelsh, P. Q., Aug. 18, 1900.
4, Long -Lost City Found at Last.
The site of the lost Indian city,
Masmutens, 'which was reported as
haling 20,000 inhabitants in 1675,
has been determined by the labors
of Thomas Clithero, of Portage,
now extended over Many years. It
was the largest city in all Indian
history, so far as United States ter-
ritory is concerned, and the descrip-
tions of the aerial -to in the course
of the seventeenth century, cloetng
with afaequette and Jolla in 1678, are
said to have been verified.
by local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only
one way to cure deafness, and that is by con-
stitutional remedies. Deathees is caused by
an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When tide tube is in-
flamed you have a rtunbfing sound or Impel. -
feet hearing, and when it is entirely closed,
Deafness is the result, and unless the Milani -
motion can betaken out and thisduberestor-
ed to its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are
caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an
inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (emoted by catarrh) that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Sand
for circulars, free.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, Time.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
"They've got a lot of typhoid
fever en Washington."
"What causes it ?"
"The Potomose River drinking wa-
"Drinking water? I erpose that's
the reason the Congressmen never
get Lt."-Cteveland Plain Dealer.
There is no Such Thing as a harinletts
cough, The trouble goes from had to worse
unlees checked. Allen's Lung Balsam euree ,
time worst of colds. It allays Inflammation
and clears the air passages. 1.
Shylock was the man who
wanted a pound of human
flesh. There are in any
Shylocks now, the convales-
cent, the consumptive, the
sickly child, the pale young
woman, all want human flesh
and they can get it—take
Scott's Emulsion,
Scott's Emulsion is flesh
and blood, bone and muscle.
It feeds the nerves, strengthens
the digestive organs and they
feed the whole body.
For nearly thirty years.
Scott's Emulsion has been the
great giver of human flesh.
We will send you a couple Of
Ounces free.
SCOTT ez leOWNE, Chemists.
Toronto. Ontario,
soc. and $1.eo ; ell druggist%
++++44+++++4,++seeetie++ PO++
••••••+.444,*++++++++4 444-0
"The most remarkable ease of klep-
tomania that ever came to my no-
tice, and one that melee very near
being my ruin," mid, a, detective the
other day, "oceurred several years
ago. I was then employed in a
large department store Washing-
ton. One deta during the winter bol-
iday season a well-dressed woman
entered the store carrying a muff
and umbrella. As she passed by the
leather goods departmene I saw her
skilfully "swipe' a, pocketbook from
• number that wore on display, She
placed the pocket -book in her muff.
I followed her to the elevator and
on up to the third floor. On the way
up she discovered that I was 10 -t-
hawing !ter and when she left the
elevator she managed, -without my
seeing ben, to place the pocketbook
teat she had stolen between; :two
boxes on the doll counter. This, how-
ever, I failed to notice, and when
gm came downstairs I told the pro-
prietor in bier hearing that she had
stolen; a pocketbook.
"Mee proprietor looked at me hor-
roestrieken, wens the lady, turn
lag aleciat, demanded to know what I
had said. I wee so certain of my
ground that I repeated the ac-
cusation, Whereupon, the proprietor
said to me:
"'Ohm, no, you're mistaken, This
lady and her hus.band are friends
of mine, whom I „entertain Ire -
"I was feeling awful shaky, but
being so 'cocksure that she had the
pocketbook I rtiitt on a bold front
and stuok to my first statement.
Tee lady was terribly indignant and
the proprietor had a regular; case
of trembles. While he was making
ail sorts of apologies, she was read-
ing the riot act to me. She told
me elute I evpulet pay for this dear-
ly;' ga-vs orders to the floor walk-
er to telephone for her husband,
aud insisted on being searched.
"Timings were looking pretty
squally for me, when a thing hap-
pened that changed the complexion
of events very materially. I notic-
ed that she had shifted the posi-
tion bf her hands in her muff sev-
eral times, and that she had alio
placed her umbrella leaning againer
the counter, and thinking that she
might have slipped the pocketbook
down into the latter, 1, without
saying a word, reached over, picked
up the umbrella, and turned it up-
side down. The pocketbook aid not
drop out as I had expected, but,
what was better still, eight pairs
of kid gloves, from which the tags
had never been removed, rolled out
upon the floor. They were not tak-
en from nor did they belong to our
store, but from the tags I recog-
nized them as belonging in an-
other establishment which dealt
in gloves next door.
" X was beginning by this time to
cateli on, and without losing any
time I went for. the proprietor of
the store next door. He came in, !den -
Wed the goods, and stated that
the lady had been in his store, but
hat she Made no patehases. At this
ime slie broke down and began to
ry, and, deeiring to clinch matters
ail around, X stride a Slurried trip up
o the third Hoer, looked over the
oil counter, found the pocketbook
lee had stoles], and brought it back
turned out that her husband
Was it wealthy man, and could have
to -ceased her most anything she
tcoded. She broke Owe completely,
onfessed that site was a klepto-
maniac, and that she coal not resist
he temptation to take things. Her
imisbansi, who was coming down, to
polish me off as an Impudent black -
had the eel) of paying for
the gloves and pocket)) mok and of
1itieletig things up with the two
"If livid failed to make good the
cherge I hild inielwerro:odldlava
inegniYr the woes that
Would have fairly rained dowe Upon
me. There is a groat deal more or
this than one tidilks, and a depart-
ment store detective frequent/5' has
-to dead, by in isthmuses and see nines
stolen rather than take the coese-
quencee that would certainly follow
te the event he undertook to appre-
hend the genteel 'kleptomaniacs' who
do the stealing." -Washington Post.
A Joke Hither Way.
I(Smart Sot.)
Frteecl-You' call that a joke? You'll ci
never be Able to sell it.
Humorist -Well, in that ease It
will be a. joke on toe.
"T see, and If you do sell It It will
be' a joke on the editor."
Millard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
History of on She leingered Mussily
;Unique in the history of freaks le
the six fin -gored family of Dresbach,
Mine. The family 1/011r consists of
Km Oilskin tumid ten children. The
peculiarity belongs to the mother's
Mrs. 0814611 maiden tame wits
Olive Cooper. She does not know
where she was bone but the family is
probably Of New Yore origins She re-
nmembers only that she was a wan-
derer with the Cooper family at ria
early age, and that the Coopers were
basket makers and 'vendors; they
led gypsyi lives, ninth crossed the con-
tinent feour New York to Sae Prato
eisco several titees.
In the Cooper Wetly there Were
ten, cletaree ; five of them had six
fingers and flee had not. Time great-
est peculiarity is that every alter-
butolvild, in point of ago, hae the
extra finger, and those who are not
six fingered are blessed with en ex-
tra too, and those who have six toes
have webs betestee thole toes. The
eSctra, fingers anti toes have well de-
veloped nage, Se much for the Cooper
family, Exactly the same Condi-
Cone ere found itt titre Catskill family.
ihra Gasitle Wan married to Decline
Gesell thiety-two years ago and
hes tesided in Dtesbaeh since then,
See Is the etetber of nine eltIldren,
four of there having the mate fin.
ger And four the extra toe.
th...•6.•••...trl.4..... I
it i KELP1044 ''' .."-,,,,1,17 '.
Ittidetsed by best St2t,111.1.1esdloolijourealit.
StiPPII oil id British a Al dlersIts South A tricot •
Oet all Throat and Oland Ttoublei, Lumps*
Abscissae*, Old Soros, U146ra, Felon** Skin
blibesea. texotni, PIMpitss, Stiff Joints,
Nhaiumatialts, Lutobago Sprains, Stub's,
Pilch cuts, Sore Fast: Pioutiry.
Sold by Druggists, 25e), Tts It ones.
From fiktoty dIreet to pnreha:Neevriitignottsnvtiltt.us(7... ,
over half In piece, 'Sc, introduce our four in
colentie) teoistiniihvien tnitt)lergi .11 shipsll ennet owset
itIteeithfeelrelFeiltRilF. gisilsitelisigakirt 1laimiixointtlIti.;;Yrd:1,111r oitaeltill it:lot:ion:P:1! I
twelve dollars. Only limited number of Nolo
to, Ont.
flint Poe Leap Year.
They rait in the hiumnock, he otui
she, swinging the hears away' in a
happy manner peetalar to lovers.
Filially he whispered in ber
ouch -
like ear:
"You Ate like n peach."
The Madden liana lies' heed detente-
ly for a few neinatee, while a warm
bittell *read over her fag), blonde
"laPtl- rather biz a eihr," sem an-
esvered tromtionsly.
A long silencensu
eensue. Then, eke it
beautiful Oman time situation un.
folded Steel(' to the young lintel, and
the OardS are now out.
potot,rwx, vbit. Items bought outdo s7
Cheese, Comb and Extrueted,lioney
flood facilities for handling. Consigunients
solicited, Correep ottilenve Invl t and p r Out p
ty attended to, Iteeswax and Ruch who t
Money Wanted. Will pay 20 emits per Di. for
401N sT. •EZE, Orout St. Moe, Orme°
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should
always be used for Ohildren Teethitsg.It
Soothes the child, softene Mecums, cures wind
comic aria is the bed remedy rem'Diarriscee,
• tgar beet land in Ray County, both
Wild ilald cleared, In good farming commun-
ity. apply to I. Beatty, Glover, Mich.
VT who can earn at least fifteen dollars
weekly; several of our represeutatives make
Orer Ave dollars in a day; no ilivering nor
collecting. The Century Christie)) Co., Ltd..
Toronto, Ont.
• up like a knife, for ex/utilizing fine work
or the small things of oration; Is invaluable
to students, engineers, meeloinies,tailors, for
testing cloth, err,; sent to any address for
:Mc, 5 for LOO;$agents wanted. Watizer
Lamp and Mfg. Co., Hamilton, Ont.
The quality standard from Ocean to
Ocean. Your money back If notsatistactorr
Agents, Montreal.
That moat deeirable property known as
the Zimmerman Farm, situated elose to Bur -
Mutton lunctlen, containing 27 aeres; beet
sandy loam; obuntlance of fruit; two houses
and. outbuildings. Hold in whole or 10 acre
lots. Nosy term% Apply
58 Wellington et. sleuth, Hamilton, Out,
is one of the most important
things for every farmer to
Blood Purifier
will build up a run down horse.
It tones up the system, rids
stomach of bots, worms and
other parasites which under-
mine an animal's health.
50 cts. a package.
1 Prints at night by any light
Sample dozen, 4x5, with' package
of Developer and photo, mailed for
25c. Sold by
Photo Paper.
S. VISE 512 Queen St. W
Canadian Agent
It you twee a special talent, develop It.
TION and increase your salary. Ilinstra-
tors in demised. Large salaries offered.
Students delighted. Complete course elle.
cessfully taught at home during spare
hours. OUR COURSES in all commercial
subjects, Including Telegraphy and Phy-
sical Culture, are thorough and complete.
We guarantee them. Prepared especially
for home study. Write for descriptive
catalogue and booklets, Address
Correspondence Department Central
Business College, Toronto, Canada
W. H. Shaw, Principal.
402111..,01.1M111MIMIca. ••••••.••••••••010401•111Mla
THIS Isaac of the iRyrle'
Specials in Diamond
Rings, No. 969. Our price
fer it is $75.
We personally guarantee
the quality.
We deliver this safely le any
addicts, and refund the full price if
you ore net perfectly satilincd.
Wake for out new Illustreted eat-
Ryrie Bros.,
Tong, and Adelaide Street*,
. Not What She Wanted.
A school terteher WAS inetructing
a, deer; Of tnfantre, And was letting
the children helve her sentencee to
Make sure they understood.
" The idol had eyes," silo said, "but
It muldn'tge
" See," erled tile ohlidreire
" It had tare, but it couldtet-" .
"Hear," bald the illedee.
" It had lips, but it ceeldn't-"
" Speak," Mad the ehildren.
" It had it nose, but it. couldn't-"
" Wipe it," ehouteti the little ones,
ante elm teettsher had toeMage in her
lessons in eseder to rormover her tern-
• .-.... - ... .-.........--,.- . ...-.• _
III To prove oil
e Lb you numb.
1 es ,.1','S'ItglitTu'rg'igietilk
and every' form Of itehinfts
the butnufartuters have guaranteed it. sec tes-
timoniele in the daily' press and ask Tout neigh!
bors *het they think ore, You ean use it mut
get "atm emery back if not Mired. fl -lea hex, et
an dolga or NottaNSON,13ASTS Sc Ce,,Teronto.
Dr. Chase's Ointrnert