HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-10-23, Page 5October 2,3, 1902 Underwear Underpriced TUE WINGRAM ADVANCE. Boys' Clothing Up Grades in Goods Down Grades in Prices The R. H. Crowder. Co. 'Twill pay you to come to this store often, and you're always welcome. We sell everything a man wears except shoes. Our goods are right -up-to-the-minute in quality and style—prices low, Overcoats For Men. Men's Frieze Overcoats, heavy weight, sizes 30 to 41.. regular 57.00—for.... 5 75 Man's Blue Beaver Cloth Overcoats, velvet collars (tight fitting coat) sizes 36 to 42....5,00 Men's right -up -the -minute Overcoats, in English Melton cloth, 43 in. long (yoke back) velvet collar, ribbed satin lining, latest slash pockets, sizes 35 to 44 11.50 MOOS Overcoats For Youths. Youths' Grey Frieze Overcoats, sizes 32-35, made in latest styles, regular $7—for 5 75 Youths' Grey Cheviot Overcoats, sizes 32.35, 40 In. Iong, heavy sateen lining, slash poc- kets, good wearers, regular $10—for.......8.50 Youths' English Melton cloth box bark Overcoats, latest slash pockets, sizes 32 to 31—while they last 10.50 , Overcoats For Boys. Boys' Russian Overcoats, heavy red body lining, with capeau, sizes 22.28, at $3.75 & 5.75 Boys' Pea Jackets, sizes 22 to 28, with large storm collar, heavy lining—price 2 75 Boys' latest style yoke Overcoats, sizes 25 to 30, velvet collar, slash pockets, farmers satin lining—at 6 00 Men's Underwear, Men's wool fleece Shirts and Drawers, all sizes 0000... 50o Men's all wool Shirts & Drawers, all sizes50e Mon's union Shirts and Drawers. 35e Top Shirts For Men. Men's navy fleece lined Top Shirts ... 75o Men's all wool Flannel Shirts 75o and $1.00 Men's navy, grey, and black and white top Shirts, worth 85c—for49e Salem Shirts. Just Arrived—a nice assortment of Salem Shirts, sizes 12 to 18—at.... ,......65e to $1.25 10•2=Mirattonimmerlin•••••1.111.1100 • Men's Sox. Mon's all wool grey Sox, 2 pairs for,. 25c Men's Black Imported English Hose, sizes 9$ to 11, with card of yarn attached 25c Men's English Cashmere Sox 25o .0010°, Suits For Men. 19 Suits, colors grey, brown, navy, etc., sizes 35 to 44, worth from $08 to $73—for...0.00 Men's heavy grey and blue Suits, double breasted coat, best trimmings, weight of suit 7 lbs., at $1.20 a lb. Black Curl Cloth Suits for men, sizes 36 to 44, something really nice, suit made right with best trimmings—price 10.00 Suits For Youths. Coronation Cloth Sults for young men, sizes 31 to 30, good heavy weight, best rtalian trinnnings—Crowder's price,,.,,, 5.75 Youths' lCniel:or Sults, sizes 29 to 31, in nice tweed oa'ects—at 3 50 Youths' Odd Pants, Sizes 28 to 33, good Canadian Tweed—your choice for 75o Suits For Boys. Boys' all wool 2 -piece Suits, sizes 22 to 27.., .1.75 Boys' fancy three-piece Suits, sizes 22 to 28, made up-to-date, worth $4,00—Crowdor's price ..3,25 Boys' two-piece Russian Blouse Suits, sizes 23 to 30, regular price $0,00—our price ..,.,..3.75 Boys' Underwear. Boys' Fleeced Shirts and Drawers -25c, 350 and 40c. Boys' Wool Shirts and Drawers -25 cents and 50 cents. Top Shirts For Boys. Boys' Moleskin Shirts, nice patterns 5oe Boys' wool top Shirts, nice dark patterns50o Boys' heavy Flannelette top Shirts, all sizes —for .. , , 450 Braces ! Braces I Boys' good Braces 100 Youths' neat elastic web Braces 25e Heaviest Brace in Huron county 25c - _0000 Boys' Stockings Boys' all wool Stockings, all sizes 92c Boys' all wool ribbed Stockings I8c to 25o Boys' English Worsted Hose, sizes 9 to 11, heavy goods, worth 65c—for 50o In Hats we are right -up -to -the minute. Come in and see our latest blacks which will be in for Saturday's trade, TIES.—Crowder always has the latest, CAPS. --Crowder beats them all. The R. I Crowder Co. Bring along Your Butter, Eggs, and Poultry. A. DULMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE. Two doors north of Dr. Clitsholm's surgery. Residence—Catherine St. etain ree��fbieDrnggisteinOohedp.noadCdliyKil T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Colleotion of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE.—Over D. M. Gordon's store. Residence: Leopold street. ' J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham MISS DELIA SPARLING A, T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, SirAplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- inations. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations, Miss Laurine Agusta Kaiser Vocalist and Teacher of VOICE PRODUCTION, SINGING, Oratorios, etc., in English or Foreign, also Pianoforte and Physical Culture. Voices Tested Free, Concert Engagements Accepted. Residence—fl. B. Elliott, Francis St. Wingham MISS SARA L. MOORE Teacher of Piano and Theory MISS CARRIE MOORE Teacher of Violin and Guitar. Residence—Opp. It. C. chureh,Wingham, [APB Abner Cosens FIRE Loan and Insurance Agent Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest. Office—cornerMinnie inni can Patrick Ste., iM CCIDHNT PLATE Ot.ASS IptCora Cotton not Gotnpounct Is eueceBefully used Monthly by over 10,000Ladles, Safe, efteetual, r adlee ask c road. Tyrant droolst for Cook* Cotton Pool Cost. z, niltationsdro other, alMixtures, alaper '1 ,ox, No, fe,10 degrees stronger,$3per box. No. or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two a•tent ti e. Thh Cook Company Windilot Ont. tl A ell ugllass, 0). A.tC sold in gh Davis 1 xd A.D.-Hamilton, Ditulooz. ka. Money to loan on notes,- and notes discounted at reasonable rates. Money advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collect- ed. Office—Beaver block, Wingham. ROBT, MCINDOo. *980 MilifscalaCIMMactuNI FOR ALL Stomach Troubles TRY `TJsvevska a) a�i�e�Cs We guarantee an ab- solute cure for the most distressing cases. When all others fail, give us a trial. Your money refunded if we do not satisfy. ttInItIttr R. A. DOUGLASS Chemist & Druggist Office G.N.W. Tei. Co. Its a pity to have a good nit spoiled in the making. 'he suits we make give en - re satisfaction. Give usa ial and be convinced. ebster & Co. .CIU s jt,en —The Doer delegates are now at Ot- tawa. —Colliugwood's population is placed at 6,500. --Clinton organ factory is running over -time. -•-Westport is shortly to be lighted by electricity. --A $13,000 opera house may be built in Ingersoll, —A Hamilton syndicate will erect 250 dwelling houses. —The C. P. B.. may build a new sta- tion at Eganville. —The rate of taxation in Braoebrklge this year is 25 mills. --Shelburne Public school was forced to suspend last week owing to the jack of fuel. —A car load of Canadian goods for South Africa has been shipped vii;s the steamship Outarian, —Benjamin EveraIl, a farmer; near Listowel, hanged himself in the barn. He was 84 years old, —Mrs. Lowery, of 16th conc;ssion, Goderich township, picked eight quarts of ripe raspberries last week. —A oar -load of black bass in being shipped from Ottawa to stock lakes be- tween Calgary' and Edmonton, —St. Thomas is in favor of petition- ing the Legislature to grant munici- palities power to establish fuel yards. —The natural gas supply of Windsor and vicinity is exhausted, and much suffering and inconvenience has resulted. --Off 34 acres on their Pakeuham farm, Messrs. MoLachlin Bros„ Arn- prior, threshed 1,048 bushels of spring wheat. —The projected combine of shoe man- ufacturers in Canada has been abandon- ed. It would have required $10,000,000 capital: —About 620,000,000 cross ties are now laid on American railroads arid 00,000,- 000 new ties are required annually for renewals. —The total amount of grain unloaded at Midland harbour this season amounts to 9,693,003 bushels, which is far in ex- cess of former years. —In the United States alone seine 4,000,000 feet of pine lumber are used every year for matches, or the equiva- lent of the product of 400 acres of good virgin forest. —The Brockville Council has pur- chased 320 cords of stove wood, retailing to the citizens at cost, $5,25 a cord, and $5,000 more has been voted for a further supply of fuel. —From Oct. 1st to Oct. 16th inclusive, 5,900,000 bushels of wheat were market- ed at 0. P. R. stations, an increase of 2,225,000 bushels over last year's record for the same period. —Natural gas was struck on the farm rrf John Airth, 12th con. Bruce, a few days ago. The gas was struck at a depth of 120 feet, and burned quite freely when ignited with a match. —The large plant of the Wiarton Beet Sugar Company is nearing completion, and work is being pushed forward on the plant of the Colonial Cement Com- pany, one of Wiarton's newest indus• tries. Woodstock, Ont., Oct. 14th.—Edward Cuthbertson, a carpenter, living on King street, was struck by the 903 acconlmo dation train at the G. T. R. station this morning, receiving injuries from which he died. —Day. Harrison, of Point St. Charles, is charged with tying up his 14 -year-old stepson and leaving him in a shed for five days. He was divested of all cloth- ing but a shirt, and warmed with a leather strap. —The Listowel Furniture Co. have decided to go on with the erection of a new addition to their factory this fall. It will be built along Elma street, ex- tending eastward from the main build- ing, and will be 86x70, three stories high. —The Clinton News -Record says:— The longest train which ever went over the B. & G. line passed up to Goderich on Monday. It consisted of fifty "emp- ties" drawn by two engines, to bring down grain from the elevators. Traffic on the B. & G. is very heavy this fall, Ottawa, Oct. 16th. --.The Minister of Customs and Postmaster -General have concluded arrangements with the Brit- ish Government so that the duty on parcels coming from Great Britain can be prepaid, thereby saving considerable delay and inconvenience to those who receive them, and who now also have got to pay the duty. Ottawa, Oct. 13th.– $3'r. W, Pixter, foreman at the Experimental Farm, has been appointed Government inspector of the 2,000 harrowe to be shipped to South Africa for the Imperial Govern- ment. Mr. Fixter went to Toronto to- day to superintend the packing and shipment of this first consignment. The value of this order, Which is the first one from this source, is in the vicinity of $50,000. CAUTION, This is not gentle word—hut when you think how liable you are not to purchase for '75c the only remedy tini- versally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of medicine in the world since 1868 for the euro and treat- tuent of Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles without losing its great popularity all those years, you will he thankful we called your attention to Bosehee's German Syrup, There are so many ordinary cough remedies made by druggists and others that are cheap awl good for light colds perhaps but for severe Conghs, Bronchitis, M (Msec �a p nd especially for Cousnmp. titin, where there is difficult expector- ation and roughing dining the nights and mornings there is nothing like German Syrup. Sold by all detiggiste in the civilized world. G. G. Gltrclx, Woodbury, How Does It Look ? This is the real Clothes question of to-day— "How does it look ?" Some men spend a lot of money on high-priced clothing and then don't look right. Some waste money by not spending enough. The majority want their clothes right, and they want to know :—What is right ? Where can I get it What does it cost ? Homuth Bros. can give the answer and make Clothes to fit the most fastidious. IN BOOTS AND SHOES We have a new up-to-date stock of Men's, Women's, Misses', Child's and BoysBoots, at prices to suit all. IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS Wil have a now and well assorted stock -of Hats, Caps, Shirts, li,ollars, Cuffs, Neckwear, and great values in Under- clothing A Pleasure to Show You Goods. " The Sign of the Bear." IlOMUTJI EROS. Patronize Home Industry. Crown Huron Ranges Made by The Western Foundry Co., Limited, of Wingham, now on the market ., CALL AND EXAMINE! The product of experts ! Complete in all particulars ! Thoroughly up-to-date in every respect! We invite the inspection of all our friends and defy ail com- petitors to equal or better the quality and price of the CROWN HURON RANGE. We also carry a full line of Heating Stoves suitable for coal or wood. A. Young &:Sons Leading Hardware Merchants,Winghatln. \'otas' Balaar Button Block, Wingham. Our Great Clearing Sale Still Going On Bargains For Everyone. We have decided to dispose of our entire stock by private sale, until every Dollar's worth is sold. GOODS AT COST. We have received a crate of Import .China, which we were too late in cancel- ing, and which consists of some of the following :--- Fruit Sets Salads Bread and Butter Plates Cake Plates Oval Fruit Dishes Celery Traps Table Sets Cabarets eseleaketwaseimixameseassaarosiasocceoleaceeki We have 3 only Dinner Sets left, reg. $12 -®--for $8. 9 only Japanese Jardineres at cost price. 10 only large Parlor Lamps at cost price. 8 large Bars of Soap for 25c. packages of household Ammonia at 25c. 3 -pint bottles of Liquid Ammonia for 25c. Bird Seed at 7c per lb. l spools of Silks for 25e. Embroideries, reg. 9c and 10e—for 5c per yd. New Hamburg, Oct. 10.—In a dense fog at 6 o'clock this morning a freight train following another ran into the preceding train on the grade a short distance west of this station. Engine - driver B Moore of Sarnia jumped from his engine, and received injuries which proved fatal. The Bruce Herald says: -•–It is under- stood that complaint has been made to the goverment about the manner in which Police Court Justice is being ad- ministered in Walkerton. The scandal of the proceedings in Mr. Miller's court has at length become so intolerable, that supporters of the government have been obliged to take the matter in hand, and seek remedy. The Orangeville Post says—"There died in Alton on Oct. 10 Thomas Rus- sell, at the age of 100 yrs., 4 months and 10 days. He was born near Edinburgh, Scotland, in May, 1802, Be carne to Canada in 1834 and settled near Alton. Mr, Russell was a man of more than ordinary ability and served his town- ship at the green table, having been at one time reeve of CaIedon. Stratford, Oct. 19.—A cheque swind- ler operated here last week and got away with $46, about $40 was cash. At four stores he presented these cheques in payment for small purchases, and received change, Two cheques were alleged to have been signed by James Bennet& and two by Felix Devlin. The swindle was not discovered until Friday, when the bogus paper was deposited. The Listowel Standard says: "Mr. J. A. Kelly has sold his handsome mare, Jessie McLaughlin, to Brener Bros., of London, $1,000 being the price paid for her. This is a pretty good sum to pay for a horse, but her unique record at the Toronto and Western exhibitions, where she swept everything in her class, warrants the high price. Mr. Kelly re- ceived the silver medal awarded by the Toronto Industrial Association as the sweepstakes prize for the best single roadster, which was carried off by Jessie McLaughlin. —The Iast issue of the Ontario Gazette contains a notice of the incorporation of the Huron Mineral Water Co., Ltd., of St. Joseph, in this county, the capital stock to be $10,000, and the provisional directors are Louis Victor Bachand, Eu- gene Bacqueni and Marie Ida Bachand. A Montreal M. D. and the chief French translator in the House of Commons are =' associated with them. The company is r. to "manufacture, sell and otherwise deal in mineral and aerated waters and all kinds of non -intoxicant beverages, and to construct artesian and other wells." Brussels. Fletcher Sperling was fortunate to re- cover the $10 he recently lost on the street. It is hinted the management of an- other Banking institution is considering the question of opening another Bank in Brussels. There are now about 270 pupils on the roll of the Public School in Brussels. The half day system is in vogue in two classes in the Primary department. Principal Cameron has been re-engag- ed for the coming year at :00. Miss Scott's salary was also increased to $400 for 1903. Brussels 'has a great school, and has a proud record for work done. The meeting held on Monday evening to consider the advisability of granting Lockridge Bros. a loan of $3,000, to be paid back in annual instalments of $500 for ten years, was well attended, and considerable interest taken in the mat- ter. Reeve Ross occupied the chair and called on Win. Lockridge to explain matters to those assemill.(1- Mr, Lock - ridge explained fully and answered all questions in a satisfactory way. As far as we can understand, the Messrs, Lock - ridge will invest in the neighborhood of $6,000 in buildings and machinery. Af- ter the plant and everything in connec- tion therewith has been paid for, they would like to have a loan of $5,000 from the town, which sum would be devoted to defray running expenses and purchas- ing stock. MONEY TO Lome—At 4t per cent° on improved farms. Easy terms of re- payment ; ° expenses light, ApplyA. Dulmage, Real Estate and oan Agent, Kent Block. Dr. Butler, specialist in diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office opposite St. Andrew's church, London, Ont. Hello ! We have all the latest, both in material and design, for the Fall and winter wear, Beautiful Cheviot Overcoat- Ings, Lovely English worsted suitings, in blacks, blues, and fancy, Scotch Tweeds that are 'Gran 'a' th'gether.' Follow the crowd and get your Suit, Overcoat, and Trousers, from Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - fingham You will fliul our prices right and workmanship the hest. Slim Prices. Stout Values, The bn,nir,,, Store Ismoupdroitto 1Qtu1n: Special Prices —IN -- Ladies' Jacket VI AND jffl Furs. Special offerings in Ladies' Jackets, Fur Coats, Caperines, Muffs, Ruffs, etc. Our stock in the above lines was never so large and well assorted. It will be to your interest to see the goods and get prices before making your selection. MOO Ladies' Jackets in all the Latest styles, well lined, made to fit and give good satisfaction. Prices range thus—$3.75, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 7.50, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00. See our leaders at $6.00 and $7.50. Ladies' Furs in great variety and the very best makes. Caperines. in Grey Lamb, Alaska Sable, Electric Seal, Electric Coney, Astrachan, Greenland Seal, nicely lined and trimmed. Prices $3.50, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 9.00, 10.00, 12.50, 15.00, 18.00, etc. Ladies' Ruffs—in the new shape from $1.50 up ; see the special line at $5.00. Special Value—in Ladies' Electric Seal and Astrachan Jackets. H. E. Isard & Co. Opp. p. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce 4 • 4 4 4 f 4 4 4 4 �i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 F 4 4 + The Greatest Bargain House in Town for Watches, Clocks, Jewelrie, Silverware ant) Novelties is Fl, G. Patterson's Remember, we are headquarters for Engagement and Wedding Rings. Send me your Repairs of all .kinds ; I will do the work to your entire satisfaction. No other shop has the facilities. I have had ex- perience in some of the largest watch factories. All work is done under my personal supervision, Our prices are the very lowest, consistent with good workmanship. Ni. G. PATTERSON Tile Great Watch Doctor, Wingham Stone Block Opp. Queen's Hotel 4 4 •i er 4 4 .a 4 a 4 4 .a Mrs