HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-10-23, Page 41 le Campbell Dress Goods. New Dress Goods arriving daily until our coun- ters and shelves are overflowing with the newest pat- terns and weaves that money can buy, All the lead- ing shades are represented here. Did you see our special lines of Homespuns at 25c and 500 a yd. Silks For Waists Just received, a full range of Tamaline Silks at 50 cts., and Louisine Silks at 75 cents. They are the newest Silks for Waists. patterns Flannels 25 Fanc French Flannels, new goods, worth 45, 50 and GO cts,--your choice now for 35c a yd. • Readyrnade Clothing We need more room and in order to get it, we must reduce our large stock of Readymade Clothing; we are offering special prices for the re- mainder of the month. Nothing in stock but first- class goods. Buying from us will save you money. Men's Suits worth $8.00, for $5.50 " " 6.50, for 4.50 " " 5.00, for 2.75 These lines range in sizes from 36 to 42. WANTED.—Butter, Eggs and the highest prices will he paid. Poultry, for which Ritchie & Campbell successors to M. N. McINDOO. - wasmiserimmass BALL BROS. FOR BUSINESS Our store has been an exceptionally busy spot during the past few weeks—having exactly what you want in the very newest designs, and yet not out of your reach in price. Those $8 Sideboards which we offered last were fast sellers (a few still in stock) but we have a half-dozen No. 152 at $14 which we con- sider still better value for the difference in price ; to see these Sideboards is to buy. Others for less money with a good range to select from up to $45. In Bedroom Suites, its a settled question that we have the assortment, and prices astonishingly low. Wire Springs—the kind that gives satisfaction— $2.50, $2.75, $3.00. Mattresses—extra heavy ticking, $2.50 up to $1t9.50. See them. iMIMS= 0.11. OM ..01211•111.70 SUM MOT UNDERTAKING Residence—Patrick Street, S. Oracey's termer residence, where night calla receive prompt at- tention. Window Shades, all Prices. Goose Feathers Always in Stock., fall Bros. Phone St The People's Furniture Store GET READY elnevsehholg�fomGntemehaingatorougknowledge of C ,neroial and Shorthand work. LONDON - ONT. Has assisted more students to profitable positions during the past year than any School in the West. We would be pleased to assist you. Particulars for a postal. 61-24 3. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Kent Block Wingharn, S LE Starting to cut deep -- we are pushing Fall and Winter Goods and will make special prices in Ladies' Fur Coats, Capes, Gauntlets, Collar- ettes, Caperines, and in Men's Fur Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Overcoats and Suits. Boys' Clothing is still being sold at half price, In general Dry Goods our goods are'up-to-date and were well bought—choice lot of Dress Goods, Silks, Gloves, Trim- mings and Fancy Goads, on which much cash can be saved by the buyer. Try us first, you can't bother us, and we can't be undersold. Butter, Eggs, Dressed Poultry and Wood wanted, A. DUL•MAGI3 C bilaxi d i l —From the latest trade returns at hand, we find that Great Britain imported in 1900, $113,616,854 worth of wheat, of which Canada sent $10,740,139 worth, and of flour, $49,165,713, Canada contri- buting towards that amount but $2,777,309, the United States send- ing $40,715,779 worth of the latter. * —The evidence in East Middle- sex election case was concluded on Saturday, and the argument there- on postponed for several weeks. Treating voters appears to have been the rule, and offering of bribes seems to have assisted in giving Dr. Rutledge (Lib.) his slim ma- jority. The cross petition against Capt. Robson was dismissed with costs. * —According to' a recent report from the Department of Agricul- ture at Ottawa, there is a splendid market in South Africa for Cana- dian flour; which is one of the few things there admitted free of duty. In 1898 the. United States supplied the' bulk of flour imported, and Australia the remainder. The first consignment of Canadian flour ar- riving at Durban proved satisfac- tory in every way, dealers being very much pleased with the quality and repeating their orders. Other things being equal, Canadian flour will there get the preference. * * —The South Oxford election case to unseat Donald Sutherland, M. P. P., has been postponed until Decemper 1st, So far eleven char- ges have been heard—one of these was confirmed, that of hiring livery rigs, but as agency was not proven it in no way invalidates the elec- tion; seven charges were dismissed and thirty-eight abandoned. Jus- tice Street severely denounced the methods used by Liberals to obtain evidence. He said --"I never saw anything like it in court in my ex- perience before. How is it possible to trust it ?" Counsel S. H. Blake said—"In all my experience I have never known such an attempt wil- fully to obstruct, pervert and de- feat the ends of justice, as has marked the course of the petition- ers in this trial." * * —An attempt is being made in England to revise the standard of weights for commercial purposes. The suggestion is to create new weights of 50 pounds, 25 pounds, nr 20 pounds, 10 pounds, and 5 pounds avoirdupois, respectively, to run concurrently with the hun- dredweight series of weights. The corn, cotton and tobacco trades have adopted the cental system, but it is necessary to make up the cental to use the 56 -pound, the 28 - pound, the 14 -pound and the 21 - pound weight. If two sets of weights are used, one based on the hundredweight 'and the other on the cental, confusion can be avoid- ed by making the new weights, or otherwise plainly distinguishing be- tween the two weights. This new system is averred to be imperative in order to accelerate and make British trade easier than it is with the antiquated system of hundred- weights, quarters and pounds. The proposal is being enthusiastically supported and there seems every possibility of its coming into vogue. * * a —Another big addition to Cana- da's national debt in 1901-02 is the result of the "growing time" policy of the Laurier government. With an unprecedented revenue, Hon. W. S. Fielding has again failed to keep the expenditure within bounds and has added $5,967,193 to our national mortgage. During the past six years the Liberals have in- creased the debt to this extent :-- 1897 ,.. $5,142,977 1898 4,777,771 1899 4,799,433 1900 . 1,686,000 1901 5,466,332 1902 . 5,967,193 $27,839,796 The latest itcrease in our liabilities has to be shouldered despite the fact that during 1901-02 Canada's receipts were $5,509,587 in excess of those of 1900-01. No great pub- lic undertaking had to be provided for last year, so that the same old story of wasting a few thousand here and a few more there has had to be offered in explanation of the reigning carnival of expenditure. * * * ---The London Free Press thus criticises Premier Ross :— "Mr. Ross has been the Provincial Trea- surer for years, He said at Whitby that there was a proper system of auditing, that the auditor 'does not pay a single dollar for any purpose unless the expenditure is authoriz- ed by the House.' Yet at New- market he was forced to admit that in the matter of the Estates Duties, where the whole business was en- trusted' to the solicitor, there had been no proper audit for six years, from the passing of the act, and that neither he, as Treasurer, nor any one else could say, until the whole six years' accounts were ex- amined, taking months of time, whath t e defalcation would be. Not only so, but even Mr. Ross' own accounts of his expenses in Europe last year, have not yet seen THE WINGI ATV. the light of day. He spout $1,800 and the auditor had no cheek upon Bina, Holding the Treasury in his owls charge, Mr, Boss claimed the privilege of using the money it contained at his own discretion for his own holiday expenditures, and without the oversight of the Pro- vincial Auditor, without which he said at Whitby not a dollar could be paid, out 1" * * * —Ontario has nooccasion to be ashamed of a comparison of her standing, from an agricultural standpoint, with that of New York State, An official report issued from New York states that the value of live stook in New York is one hundred and twenty-four and one-half millions ; the value of the same sort of stock in this Province, according to the Bureau of Indus- tries, is one hundred and twenty- three and a quarter million dollars. The value of land, fences, and buildings in New York State is a little over' nine hundred and sixty- eight million dollars ; in Ontario it is seven hundred and ninety-four million dollars. The value of im- plements and machinery in New York State is forty-six and one- half million dollars ; bere it .is nearly fifty-seven and one-half mill- ions. The total value of all farm property in New York State is $1,- 139,310,616 ; the value of the same property in Ontario is $974,814,931. Since the population of New York State is more than treble that of Ontario, the comparison of the val- uations of farm property in the two cases is exceedingly creditable to the Province of Ontario. RURAL MAIL DELIVERY. • (Farmers' Advocate,) The free rural mail -delivery sys- tem has now spread to nearly every part of the United States. Though only six years since the first ex- periment was tried, there are now reported nearly 10,000 routes in operation, bringing probably 1,000,- 000 families in more direct contact with the business of town world. The time that is wasted and the discomforts to which farmers are subjected in many districts, going miles over bad roads and through inclement weather to secure their daily or tri -weekly mail, can hardly be realized by the city man who has his mail deposited at his -front door twice a day if he does not care to walk a few blocks to the post - office on a well -lighted sidewalk. Thus far in Canada little, if any- thing, has been done in that direc- tion by the postal authorities, but it is a boon that would certainly be appreciated. In ln, ny localities there is a daily service' by stage or train to post -offices that are short distances apart, but in many others the situation is lamentaNy differ- ent. A prompt and regular free delivery would encourage corres- ondence and promote the business nterests of farmers. The country elephone and rural mail delivery ut the farmer and stockman on a ery fair basis, compared with the ownsman, so far as business com- munications are concerned. Seeing at it has been so generally and uceessf ally established for the ben - fit of the U. S. farmers, the time s surely, ripe in these progressive ays in Canada for the introduction f the system here. The carriers hould collect as well as deliver. ail, What say our readers? How to Beautify the Complexion. p t p t th s e i d 0 S m To have a soft, smooth skin, free from eruptions and pimples, the blood must be healthy and pure. Ferrozone invigorates enfeebled blood, and cleanses it of all impurities and poisons. It brings color to the lips and cheeks, brilliancy to the eyes, whitens the teeth and sweetens the breath. No tonic compares with Ferrozone in rapid action and permanent results. Try it. Price 50c. at druggists, or Poi- son & Co., Kingston, Ont, Bold by A. L. Hamilton. Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure headache. Not tlowCheap But How Good! The most successful farmers in Canada • read the FARMER'S ADVOCATE: they think about their work, they ant upon its teachings, and they are its greatest admirers. • Itsoeditors and contributors arc specialists. 1 FARMER'S ADVOCATE and (SOME MAGAZINE contains the cream of agricultural thought, and practical' men continue to read it be- cause it pays them and because they want the best. We want thousands or new sub- scribers who will appreciate something good. The sooner you subscribe, tin more you will get. is I For $t.00 We will send to note eubscribets every issue of the FARMER'S ADVOCATE from now till the end of tong, including the • beautiful Ni"tliIacIynTme imonyR1for t years. ▪ for a free sample copy if you want to see a r; practical, up.to.date farmer's paper, It will please you. ADDRESS t Che Wolin Wald 0o.tEtd. LONDON, ONTARIO, AD VANCE. October 23, rgoa Gray? turning gray air free fawas slt But out your Hair Vigor stopped the failing and restored the natural color," --Mrs. E, Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair ! Perhaps you 1 are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. $1.00 a bite. All druggists. If your druggist cannot supply 'You, send us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. lie sure aed give the name of your nearest express caeca. Address, J. C. AYICR CO., Lowell, Mass. ATTEND THE BEST—IT PAYS. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Recent graduates have accepted good no. S sitions at $:0, $15, $50 and $00 per month, 3 and a few days ago an application was re- ceived offering ono of our graduates of last term a calory of $800 pot annum. This is the kind of evidence you are looking for as to the best school to attend. Catalogue free, Enter this month if possible. W. J, Elliott; Principal. iT.IPAYS TO When girls 14 and 15 years of age can spend 8 or 10 months at THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. and immediately after graduation go out and secure positions at $0 and $7 per week. maleo stenogi apherseand book-keepers,f where the wages offered are from $35 to $50 per mouth, that we cannot fill, as those prepared are all engaged. Write for catalogue. D. McLachlan & Co., Chatham, Ont. Of FALL . TERM IN THE begins on MONDAY, SEPT. 1, 1'902. TermCourses—Commercial ab , t and Journal Students may enter at any time. C. A. FLEMING A. L. MCiNTYRE President Sec'y, Wanted. • We want a few good Agents for Western and are prepared to pay liberally for the right kind of men. Where we have sold stock once, we can sell again. Our goods are in demand, We ask no deposit from representa- tives—Outfit is furnishedffree. It will pay any reliable man, want- ing a permanent, paying position; to correspond with us. STONE & WELLINGTON "Canada's Greatest Nurseries." TORONTO, ONT. Cement and Lime. Parties requiring Cement or Lime should give us a call. We are selling at a very Iow price. We keep only first-class brands of cement and liipe, and you can always rely on getting a gond fresh article at�y� the WINGR'AM CEMENT AND TILE WORKS. F. GUTTERIDGE. A Timely Hint *s • When Ordering Your FALL AND WINTER SUIT Remember -- that a good fit is as important as good material; we make no misfit. An order for your winter Suit or Overcoat shall receive our careful attention. Give us a call, E. C. CLARKE IIP -STAIRS IN SHAW BLOOK. 44re. Alter. WOoCZ'8 P11001ioQiiie, the Great English Panay. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Ohly roll - able medicine discovered. Ma packages guaranteed to Cure 411 tonna of Sexual Weakness.,all effects of abuse or ereess, itiontal Worry, Excessive nab of To- bacco. Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $6. One will please, stzteGtcure, pamphlets free to anysddreas. Me Wood Company, Windsor, Out. Wood's Phospliodino is sold inwingham l,y A, Ia, Iramilton, J. NI. naves, It. A, Douglass and 0. A, Campbell, Dittragisrs. 1311111111111111111/11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ttI1 IT1i7111i111111111i11111i111MIT THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR Jia. di JAS. H. KERR. =New Linens w From Ireland, Scotland, France and Austria. A splendid assortment of Fine Linen, etc. Table Linen 45 to 70 in, wide, bleached, half beach ed, unbleached, also color- ed. Prices 35c, 45c, 50c, 75c, goc, $ i .00, etc. Table Covers, Fine Linen Hem -stitched or Fringed, New patterns, Napkins to match, Prices right. 5 O'clock Tea, Table covers, Fine Linen, Hem- stitched, $r,00 to $3.00 each. Tray Covers, Drawn work, and Fringed or gem- stitched. Prices, 20C to $1.00 each. E Stand Covers, Fine Linen 16 to 18 in. wide, 50 in. long. Drawn work corners, Hem -stitched or Knotted E Fringed ends. Prices 3oc, 35c, 40c, 5oc each. w a— w Linen Towels, Hem - E stitched, Fringed or Fringed w and Knotted ends. Prices w 20c to 75c per pair. - New Corsets The "Military Hip Cor- set" is the newest Corset on the market. Low waist. Perfect fitting. Good ma- terial, Watch spring steels, Come in and see them. For sale only at this store. Price 50 cents. Short ]Waist Corsets. Strait Front Corset. Bias Cut Corsets, Medium Length Coisets. Long Waist Corsets. Made by the D. & A. and E. T. Corset Companies. None better. Fit and quality guaranteed. Prices 40C, 50c, 75c, $t.00, $1.25. The Steels used in all out' E. T. Corsets are Watch Spring Steels. You can't break them. GIRLS' CORSETS. Short waist and medium. Perfect fitting, 4oc to 50c. Girls Hygeian Waists 25c each. Rubbers --w, --.. re..* You'll want Rubbers now to keep your feet dry.. We have a splendid assortment.= of Plain Rubbers, Storm Rubbers and Fine Rubbers for ladies and Girls. --•.. Fine and heavy Rubbers for Men and Boys. Low Prices. -a *00 -w -..o Wool -w -.-o We secured a large quan- tity of Coffee at a very low price you get the benefit of our good buying. Keep Warm. We can help you to do so. We are offering splen- did value in Wool Blankets. Wool Sheeting. Wool Underwear. Overcoats, Furs, Hosiery, etc. BW BARGAIN IN COFFEE. Roasted Rio Coffee, per lb. l5c Mixed Sweet Biscuits, broken, 6 lbs for 25c. FARMERS._We pay highest market prices 'or Butter, Eggs, white Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Dry Wood, etc. Jno. &Jas. II. Kerr ificdonldQ�w BWill Imm E Jno. &Jas, H. Kerr �tttitltttit�litftttittif li�iZt�llljf lt,���f �1,�3j�ddltillt����1ltll�tdtlltldilt�tt�iiriitt�t�itdtid��f t���dlld�il�ljlil��; 7aeskv mXtator.s. We Sell Stanfield's Uushrinkable Underwear, Truro Brand. 5ul\, Vmse We have it. Consisting of New Dress Goods, Wool and Cashmere Hosiery, Knitted Wool Shawls, all Wool and Flannelette Blankets, from 75 cts. up to $4.50 ; Ladies' Underwear, Wrapperetts ; Table Linens 20 cts. up to $1.25 a yd. Towels, Towelings, Grey Flannels, 12ic up. MEN'S SUITS TO ORDER -- $10 TO $20 A SUIT. Ready-made Clothing, Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc. B Sure U See Our Bargain Table, NOVA‘l,a,m 13.radvng Co. zkmited SUCCESSORS TO T. A. MILLS, Wingham SPECIAL .SALE Big Bargains in Watches in Rings in Silverware its f li A very large stock to select from, and we will sell very cheap. HALSEY PARK Headquarters Por Repairs Jeweler and Optician Y11f 11t1111t111111t11111111111t111 W —..y w -.s This is the season for a- SORE, TiRED AND 4 • SWEATY FEET. gi a If you don't wish to --� have them,. use a a wore r-.. For Sale by e-.. O Colin A. Campbell • THE DRUGGISTPi- 111111z11111111111111111111111111 • •