HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-10-02, Page 5October 2, 1902 No Old Stock at Crowder's, Everything Bran New, Clothes That Endure. In Presenting the Varied Lines of Crowder's Tailored Clothing we submit our best purchasing efforts, which will prove of great interest and value to any man visiting our store. Not only do we show the most attractive novelties in all lines of goods that a man wears, but every garment is recognized and accepted with confidence as advanced in style, cleverly in- dividual and sterling in worth. All Huron County's Best Dressers keep in. touch with our newest productions, which make their appearance almost daily, OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! Boys' Overcoats from $2 50 to$ 6.50 Youths' Overcoats from $3.00 to 700 Men's Overcoats from $5,00 to 16.00 FUR LINED OVERCOATS. One of the best Coats we have for fall is a Black Beaver Cloth Coat. 57 inches long,. all wool, thirty ounces to the yard, lined with Musk Rat Fur and Russian Beaver roll Collar, well made and good fitting -a snap at $37,50 SATURDAY SPECIALS. 16 Boys' } all wool two-piece Salta, sizes 22 to 80, Price $1.75 21 Youths' and Men's Suits, all sizes, worth $7.50, Saturday, 5.50 JO only Youths' and Men's Ovecoats, sizes 34 to 42, reg. $7.50, SaUy, • . 5.75 2 Dos, Men's Unlaundried White Shirts, all sizes, worth 60e, Sat`y.89 Nowireralw Salem Shirts, all latest colors, just to hand for for fall wear, sizes 12t to 18, at popular prices, 65c to $1,50 Neckwear Fit for a King. A splendid assortment just to hand, all shapes colors, at 25e and and 50c White Shirts, Salem make Sizes 121 to 18. UNDERWEAR. Men's and Youths' wool fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, all sizes 50c Men's all wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, good heavy weight 50c Men's Scotch Knit Undershirts and Drawers, double breasted Vest, long shirt and neat fitting 50c Working Men's Shirts, 35 cts, to 75 cts., worth double. HATS I HATS 1 Crowder has the latest in all styles. Come to where you get most for your money. The R. H. Crowder Co. Crowder Pays I5 ants for Eggs. A. DULMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFiCB.-Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's surgery. Residence -Catherine St. T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE. -Over D. M: Gordon's store. Residence: Leopold street. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :-Morton Block, Wingham MISS DELIA SNARLING A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam. !nations, E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN. TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE Of London Conservatory of Music, will be prepared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residences -opposite R. 0. Church, Wingham. PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L,C,M, And member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Theory, Special attention given to pupils pre- paring for examinations. Residence opposite the R. 0. Church, 1'Piugham, LIF113 Abner Cosens PIRB Loan and Insurance Agent g'arrd Loans at lowest rates of interest. bflee--corner MinnIe and Patrick Sts., ACCIDENT PLATE OLASS 01111 Qook'e Cotton Root Compound ottedessfullused :tentlby over 10Ao0Ladles. Baty e,efte0 ual.Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Cee• wee, Take *owner, as all Mixtures, pills end mitatlenoaredangerouts. Price, No. 1,$1 per box itb rt 10 degrees strep e ,r s per box. R .$ens R No. i or Z rustled en receipt of prise and two !•cent St__a�mm�pph� The Cebk UOenipany Windsor Ont. alga. and 9 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Cenadl4, NO. 1 and No. 2 are sold In whi ham by 13. A. �Iou lass, t7. A. Campbell, J. E. Davis aid.4. L.Marnilton, Dancallbrs, Money to loan on notes; and notes discounted at reasonable rates. Money advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent, with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collect. ed. Office -Beaver block, Wingham, ROBT. MOINDOO. "980 FOR ALL Stomach Troubles TRY `Doiagtass' ihsvvoska, We guarantee an ab- solute cure for the most distressing cases. When all others fail, give us a trial. Your money refunded if we do not satisfy. R. A. DOUGLASS Chemist & Druggist Mc* G.N.W. Tal. Co. Its a pity to have a good Suit spoiled in the making. The suits we make give en- tire satisfaction. Give us a trial and be convinced. Webster & Co. TUE WINGELAM ADVANCE PRIZE WINPNIERS. -Continued, PGS, Chao X. -Berkshires, Boar of 1902-P Gibbons 1 and 2; Boar prior to 1902-P Gibbons, Jas Al. ton Sow of 1002-P Gibbons, Jas Al- ton ; Breeding Sow -P Gibbons, Jas Alton. Class XI, -Yorkshires, Boar of 1002 --Jas Alton, ----.--.•-- Boar prior 1002-J Alton, W J Currie; Sow of 1902 -Jas Alton 1 and 2; Breed- ing Sow -.Jas Alton 1 and 2. Class XII. --Tarn worths. Sow of 100.2 -Jas Alton 1 and 2; Breeding Sow --T M Henderson ; Best Bacon Pig of 1902 -Jas Alton. POULTRY. Class XI[I.-.•Pair of each, Brahmas-0 Henderson & son, T M Henderson ; Wyandottes-D Anderson 1 and '2; Langshans--D Anderson, C Henderson & Son ; Leghorns, white - T M Henderson 2nd ; Leghorns brown, T M Henderson 2nd ; Plymouth Rocks •.-C Henderson Son. J Currie; Spanish -T M Henderson; Minorcas-T M Hen- derson, L Orris ; Bantams -C Hender- son, L Orvis ; Turkeys -J F Linklater, J Currie; Geese -C Henderson & Son 1 and 2 ; Ducks -C Henderson & Son, L Orvis. . Class XIV, -Chickens -Pair of each, I3rahamas - T AI Henderson 2nd ; Wyandottes-D Anderson 1 and 2 ; Leghorns, white -D Anderson 1 and 2; Leghorns, brown -C Henderson 1&2; Plymouth Rocks -•L Orvis, J Currin Minorcas-T M Henderson ; Bantams, L Orvis; Ducks -C Henderson & Son 1 and 2. WOOLEN GOODS, ETC. Class XV. Pair Blankets, wool -.T M Hender- son, Jas, Alton ; Yarn, home spun -S Kernighan, Miss Powell ; Wool Door Mat -Miss Symington. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Class XVI. Lumber Wagon -J Campbell ; Dou- ble Carriage -3 Campbell; Buggy -J Campbell; Iron Harrows -i Campbell. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Class XVII. Fall Wheat, red -C Henderson & on, J B Tyerman : Fall Wheat, white -T Jenkins, C Henderson & Son , pring Wheat -C Henderson & Son, R cots & Son ; Small White Peas --•J urrie: White Oats -C Henderson & on„T Henderson ; Black -Henderson Son; Barley -TM Henderson, C Hen erson & Son; Timothy --Jas Alton, R cott & Son ; Beans, white -R Scott & on ; Beans, any -R Scott & Son, S ernighan ; Field Corn -L Orvis, C Henderson & Sou ; Collection of Grain n straw -i B Tyreman. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES, Class XVIII. Swede Turnips -T M Henderson, L rvis ; any other Turnip -C Henderson Son, T M Henderson ; Mangold urtzel, long -T Black, C Henderson Son MangoldWurtzel, intermediate C Henderson & Son ; Carrots, field - Henderson & Son, L Orvis ; Carrots, ble-J B Tyerman, C Henderson & on : Beets, long -C Henderson & Son; eets, turnip -C Henderson & Son, J Tyerman ; Parsnips -C Henderson Son ; Early Potatoes -T M Hendee n, 3 B Tyerman ; Late Potatoes -T Henderson, •J B Tyerman ; Collec- on Potatoes -T M Henderson ; Onions out seed -C Henderson & Son Onions, y -P Campbell, C Henderson & Son; omatoes-C Henderson & Son, James lton ; Celery -C Henderson & Son ; bbage--Jersey Wakefield -Wm Ro- rtson, C Henderson &Son ; Cabbage, at Dutch -Wm Robertson, T M Hen- rson ; Cabbage, any -T M Hender- n ; Cabbage pickling -W Robertson, Henderson & Son ; Citrons -J B erman ; Cauliflowers -C Henderson Son ; Cucumbers -W J Howson, C enderson & Son ; Green Sweet Corn Henderson & Son, J B Tyerman ; mpkin, yellow -L Orvis, W J Hen- rson ; Sugar Beet -C Henderson & n. S S S C S & d S S K 0 & W & C to S B B & so M ti fr an T A Ca be Fl de so C Ty H C Pu do So FRUIT. Class XIX. -Apples. Bald win -P Fowler, T Jenkins ; King -W J Currie, C Eadie ; Peeveaka-J Elston, C Henderson and Son ; Maid- en's Bhrsh-W J Currie, Jas Alton ; Fella Water -W J Currie, Jas Alton; Northern Spy --P Fowler C Eadie ; Wealthy -Jas Alton, T M Henderson; Ben Davis -D B Anderson, R Currie, jun. ; Rhode Island Greenings-J B Tyerman, 0 Henderson and Son; Rib- ston Pippin -L Orvis, J B Tyerman; Russet -i 13 Tyerman, T M Henderson; Seek No Further -A Tipling, J B Tyer- man ; Snow -i F Linklater, W J Hen- derson ; Blenheim Orange -A Tipling, P Fowler; Wagner -W J Currie, A Tipling ; Cultivated Crabs -i H Link - later, W J Henderson ; Wallbridge- T M Henderson, A Tipling; Canada Red -T Jenkins, T M Henderson ; Mann -T M Henderson, W J Hender- son ; Six varieties -Jas Alton, J B Ty- erman ; Four varieties Winter Apples -T M Henderson, J B Tyreman ; Col- lection of Pears, named --J 13 Tyreman, Jas Alton. Class XX. --,-Other Fruit. Grapes --O Henderson and Son, Wm Robertson : Pears, fail --J B Tyerman, Miss Carder ; Pears, winter -Jas Alton, J B Tyerman ; Plums, blue --T M Hen- derson, Mrs Tamlyn ; Plums, yellow- R Currie, jun., Mrs Tamlyn. DAIttY AND PROVISIONS. Class XXL Brown Bread, home-trade-3'BTyer- man, W J Currie, R Currie. jun. ; Two loaves home-made Bread -S I3 Tyer- man, W S Henderson. T M Henderson; 10 lbs. Butter in crock -C Radio T Jen- kins, 3 B Tyerman ; 5 lbs Butter in prints ---T Jenkins, It Seott and Son, 0 Eadie ; half dozen Tea Biscuits --R Currie, l jun., 0 Henderson and Son ; icily Cake --S F Linklater, L Orvis; .honey In comb --0 Henderson and Son; Money eirtracted-Wm Robertson, 0 Henderson and Son;Oat Cake--._ (7 Henderson and Son, W J Henderson ; Pickles, vegetables -T M Ilenderson, 0 Henderson and Son ; Pickles, fruit- () Henderson and Son, W J 1lender. don; Pickles, mixed -Miss Sytutngton, oaao•oo oa00000�v 000aoa.as0o A E T I f FIT. The great difference between the best " made to order " clothing and o Shorey's "made to fit" clothing is the price. SHOREY Ready Tailored Clothing is made to fit not to order. You get the benefit which would come with made to order clothing and your purse does not feel it. We are in a position to know, and we have not been able to find ready tailored clothing which gives as good satisfaction as Shorey's, That's the reason we sell it. ',Improvement seems impossible, Workmanship, material, style, all are irreproachable -- but, just the same, you get your motley back if you want it. Piles of good strong Tweed Coats at $2,00 for Youths'. Men's $3.0o Pants -$l,00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50. Smocks and Overalls from so cents up. Men's and Youths' .Suits --$3.5o, $4.50, $5 up to $15. A. B. Sffiith - Chisholm Block ¶iuham How Does It Look ? This is the real Clothes question of to -day -- "How does it look ?" Some men spend a lot of money on high-priced clothing and then don't look right. Some waste money by not spending enough. The majority want their clothes right, and they want to know :-What is right ? Where can I get it ? What does it cost ? Homuth Bros. can give the answer and make Clothes to fit the most fastidious. IN BOOTS AND SHOES We have a new up-to-date stock of Men's, Women's, Misses', Child's and BoysBoots, at prices to suit all, IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS We have a new and well assorted stock of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, and great values in Under- clothing. A Pleasure to Show Yon Goods. " The Sign of the Bear." HOMUTH BROS. Nomas' BaeLaws Button Block, Wingham. Have You Been There ? Where ! To that Store with the crowds, caused by the tremendous bargains given. 'Tis the Sale of a Lifetime. What You Can Get For Little Money A number of small Curtain Poles -reg. 15c for 10e Large and medium Lamp Chimneys for 50 Clothes Lines for Oc and 7e A good Whisk for , 5e Clothes Brush foe 7c Shoo Brush, reg. price 25c -naw for 150 Stove Brush for........ 10c Stove Dauber for 4c A 25 cent Broom for 20e Regular 15 cent Brooms ---now 2 for Vic TableOil Cloth,tls per yard 20o 9e Extracts -73 large 10 cent Bottles for 250 3 lbs. of Satin Gloss Starch for 10c ---reg 250 Baking Powder, reg. price 15c -now 10e PRIZE WIIYNRR$--,Continued, Mrs Tindall ; Tomato Catsup -0 Hen- derson and Son, T M Henderson, Special prize of 50 lbs. flour by How- son, Harvey and Broeelbank for best Loaf made from their Star brand of flour -J F Linklater. Special prize of 50 lbs, flour by How - Harvey and Brocelbank for best Loaf wade from; their Manitoba wheat flour -J P Linklater. Special prize of $5 by Win. Armour for best 50 lb. tub of Butter -Mrs. Ar - mom, R Scott and Son. Class XXII. Canned Fruit, 0 kinds -3 F Linklater. FINE ARTS, Class XXIII.. Oil Painting, Still Life -Mrs.. Han- son, May Smith; 011 Painting, Land- scape -Mrs. Hanson, May Smith ; Oil Painting, any other subject -Mrs. Mc- Innis, May Smith ; Oil Painting, col- lection -Mrs Hanson, May Smith; Oil Painting, Animals grouped or single- Mrs Tindall, Mrs Hanson ; Oil Painting on Bolton cloth -Mrs Hanson, Miss Carder ; Oil Painting on Glass -May Smith, Miss Carder ; Oil Painting on Pottery -Miss Carder, Mrs Hanson : Oil Painting on Silk. Satin or Velvet - Miss Symington, Mies Carder Water Color -Miss Carde, Mrs McInnis : Wa- ter Color, callection-Miss Carder, Mrs Hanson. Animals in. Pen and Ink - May Smith, Miss Carder : Pencil Draw- ing --Mrs Hansen, Miss Carder: Cray- on Portrait, black or colored -Miss Carder, Mrs Hanson ; Crayon Land- scape-, G Fyfe, Mrs Hanson. Single piece China Painting -Mrs Tindall, Mrs Hanson : Collection China Paint- ing -Miss Carder, Mrs Hanson, PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Class XXIV, Foliage Plant, colleetion--Wm Ro- bertson ; Geraniums -i B Tyreman, Win Robertson : Collection of Flowers and Plants, named -3 F Linklater: Bouquet, table -Mrs TamIyn, W Ito- bertson : Bouquet, band -W Robert- son, Mrs Tamlyn : Basket of Annuals -W Robertson : Collection of Cut Flowers -W Robertson. Mrs Tamlyn. LADIES' WORK AND DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Class XXV. • Woven Coverlet, home made -S Ker- n ighan ; Knitted Counterpane -Mrs, W Green, Miss Symington ; Crocheted Counterpane -Miss Powell, Miss Sy- mington ; Quilt, Pieced, cotton or .wool -Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs McInnis; Quilt with the largest number of pieces - Miss Symington, Mrs Tamlyn ; Quilt,- Fancy- L Orvis, Mrs McInnis; Quilt, Crazy in Silk -Miss Symington, Miss Powell ; Tatting -Mrs Hanson, Mr's McInnis; Fancy Knitting in cotton or wool -Mrs Tamlyn, Miss Symington ; Embroidery on silk or satin -Mrs Tam. lyn, Miss Symington ; Embroidery in silk on linen -Miss Carder, Mrs Han- son ; Table Centre Piece -Mrs McInnis 1 and 2 ; Tray Cloth -Miss Symington., Miss Carder ; Five o'Clock Tea Cloth - Mrs Hanson, Mrs McInnis ; Six Doy- lies -Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs McInnis ; Out- line Work -Mrs Symington, Mrs Han- son ; Embroidery, Roman -Mrs Tam- Iyn, Mrs McInnis ; Embroidery, Delph -Mrs Tamlyn, Miss Symington ; Em- broidery, Jewel -Mrs Tamlyn ; Point or Honiton Lace -Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs Hanson ; Duchess Lace -Mrs Tamlyn, Miss Carder ; Brazilian Point Lace - Mrs TamIyn ; Drawn Work --.Miss Powell, Miss Symington ; Battenburg Lace -Sirs McInnis, Miss Powell ; Fan- cy Crotcheting-Mrs Hanson, Mrs Tamlyn ; Fancy Table Mats -Miss Car- der, Miss Symington ; Pillow Shams- Miss Symington, Mrs McInnis ; Sofa Pillow Embroidered -bliss Symington; Sofa Pillow, any other kind -Miss Car- der, Mrs McInnis; Tea Cosy Miss Carder, Miss Symington ; Lady's Hand Bag or Purse -Miss Carder, Mrs Mc- Innis ; Toilet Set, any kind -Miss Sy- mington, Mrs McInnis ; Embroidery, rope silk -Miss Symington, Mrs Tam- lyn ; Netting -Mrs W Green, Mrs Mc- Innis ; Mantle Drape, hand -make -Mrs McInnis, 1tJiss Symington; Screen, band -made -Miss Symington, Mrs Mc- Innis; Pyrography (burnt leather) -- Miss Carder, Miss Symington ; Fancy Photo Frarne-Miss Carder, Miss Sy- mington; Berlin Wool Work -Miss Carder, Mrs McInnis ; Slumber Robe - Miss Symington, Mrs McInnes ; Mer1's Fine Shirt -Miss Carder, Mrs Tamlyn ; Ladies' Suit Underwear -Miss Syming- ton, Mrs Tamlyn ; Rag Mat -Miss Car- der, Miss Symington ; Fancy Pin t;n- shion Miss Symington, Mrs Green ; Slippers, home -made -Mrs McInnis, Miss Carder ; Lamp Shade -Miss Car- der ; Laundry Bag -Miss Symington, Miss Carder; Fancy Shawl, wool -Mrs McInnis, Miss Symington ; Collection of Ladies' Work -Mrs McInnis, Miss Carder. Children's Department --By children under 13 years of age, Best Dressed Doll -Lizzie Green 1 and 2. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S DEPT. 1st Book -Annie Geddes, Haz. Camp- bell ; 2nd Book -Nellie McDonald,Tena Isbister ; 4th Book -Mabel Geddes, Ha- zel Brandon, JUDGES, Horses -Dr, Reid, Georgetown, Cat- tle and Sheep -Mr. Campbell, Lindsay. Cattle and Pigs -Mr. Culver, Simcoe. Poultry -Walter Taylor, Wingham. Agricultural .Implements-W,Ilolmes, Wingham. hoots and Vegetables D. McKinlay, Wingham. Fruit and Flowers -J. A. Morton, Wingham. Grain and Seeds -T, Gregory and W. J. Howson, Wingham. Dairy --Sirs, John Cole and C, McLelland, Beigrave, Ladies' Work -Miss McLelland, Bel - grave; Mrs. Sheriff, L'acknow• Wool- en Goode -,Ino Cole, Belgrave, School Children's Competition -A. H, Mus. grove and Duguid Preger, RALt PAxRS, Ash field & Wasvali osh -Dungannon, Oct. 9-10. Blyth -'Oct. 7.8. i3russels-Oct.. 2.3. A ttwood-Oct. 7-S. Slim Prices, Stout Values. The Lead!n Store New Clothing Small Pratt and Quiclt Return1 IJIVC .lt Prices Y Our Clothing Stock I in the Basement is large and complete with the very latest and best makes of all kinds of clothing for Men's and Boys' wear. The splendid variety of our stock with the close cut prices is an attraction for the Keenest Buyers. Please inspect our stock and get our prices before making your fall purchase. OVERCOATS Men's Overcoats, Navy or Black Beaver, latest style, Velvet Collar, Italian Lined, well made, Reg, ular price $7 -our Out Price... $5•� Men's Fine Oxford Gray Fall Over- coats, Box Back, all wool Italian cloth Lining, Regular value $10.00- our Price $8.00 Mon's Fine Gray Cheviot Overcoats, Raglanette style, with cuffs on sleeve, nicely Lined, Regularly sold at $8.50 $10.00 -our Price Men's No. 1 Beaver Overcoats, latest cut, velvet collar, Italian Lining, well made --our Special Price $7,50 PANTS • Ono Dozen Pairs Men's Punts to clear, strong, well made, Reg. price $1.00 $1,25 -Cut Price Men's )''cavy Tweed Pants, strong, made to wear well, Reg. value $1.50 $2.00 -Cut Price SUITS Boys' Fine all wool two•pioee Suit», Lined all throughNavys or Browns, Regular $2,00 and $2.20 -they $1.75 go at , Boys' Halle thienab, Regular value $5,00 -Cut Price $4.00 10 ?iLngamade ad Lined, e TweedSuits,e$0.00 to $7.50 -they go at NMIS..o.= $5.00 Men's Oxford Tweed Suits, Double Breasted, Italian Lining, all wool, Regular value $0,00 and $10,00 $7.50 -Cut Price REEFERS A special line of Men's Heiivy Lined Frieze Reefers, Regular value $3 50 $i,50 -Cut Price Men's Heavy Napp or Beaver Reefers, well Lined, high Collars, Rog, value $5.00 -Cut Price $4.00 See our Men's Fur Coats. We are showing a fine variety. Prices the Lowest. H. E. Isard. & Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton • Highest Price Paid for Produce change of Residence. By the time this paper is in the hands of its readers, we expect to be in our new home, next door to our present quarters. We would respect- ful) ask all our old customers, and f, y � also the public generally, to call and see us. at Griffin's Nwumwwwww,mwm, Clubbing Rates: Following are the rates for the season, for other papers in connection with the Advance :- The Advance to new subscribers until Dec. 31st, 1003 51 00 The Advance and Weekly Mall -Empire to new subscribers un- • til the end of 1003 1.75 The Advance and Weekly Globe 1.75 The Advance and Family Herald and Star with premiums, one year 1.75 The Advance and Weekly Sun, until end is the best Farmer's Weekly paper in of 1003, The Sun Canada 1.75 The Advance and Farmers' Advocate, to new subscribers, until end of 1003 - 1.S5 The Advance with Renewals to Farmers' Advocate 1.95 2.25 The Advance and Pomato Daily News ............... . ... . . 2,25 The Advance and Toronto Daily Star Z‘vt *R. vaW2,ham, vaAct Owkairkt