HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-10-02, Page 44 Ritchie Campbell FALL OPENING. The chilly weather has caused a demand for heavy goods so early in the season ; we are prepared to meet this demand and have opened up all our Vali and Winter Goods, They are now on display on our counters. Dress Goods and Trimmings, Mantles, Furs, Shoes, Blan- kets, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Flannels, Leavy Outing Flannels, $osiery, Gents' Suitings, eady-Made Clothing, Car- pets, Damask Curtains, Table Covers, Drapery Materials, &c. MANTLES A Large and Fashionable assortment of Ladies' Mantles, short, three-quarter and full length ; Colors, Black, Grey and Fawn, all sizes and prices to all purchasers. +- •—ter.. ...gro.....mommis..*rogsommmurammarolownwmmimonnemom FURS Of A large and choice assortment of Small Furs are now on display, consisting of Sable Seal, Martin and Opossum Ruffs, Sable Muffs, Caperines, Collarettes in the different fashionable Furs, Grey Lamb Collars and Caps for Children. We are showing nothing but the best quality, and the prices are away down. SHOES A large stock of New Shoes for Men and Women have just been opened up, They are direct from the manufactures. All styles up to date and the best quality. REMNANT BARGAINS. 50 remnants of Dress goods, from 1 to 6 yds. in each end, consisting of Homespuns, Serges, Venetians, Cashmeres, Crepons, Cheviots, Silk and Wool Brocades, Silks, etc, The regular prices of these goods were from 50c to $1.50. Your choice at, per yard 25c Ritchie & Campbell successors to M. Ii. McINDOO. SHORTHAND, BOOK=KEEPING, Business Law, Writing, Correspondence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly taught by experienced teachers at the Forest City Business and Short: hand College, London, Ont. We have no difficulty in placing competent pupils in good positions. College re -opens Sept. 2, Send for Catalogue. 51-24 J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. SPECIAL SALE ...OMr„• Big Bargains in Watches in Rings In. Silverware its ii u el wisrostrasirmomamemaremloweisokit A very large stock to select from, and we will sell very cheap. HALSEY PARK Headquarters For Ittpalrs Jeweler and Opt clan the . t 'hike —Is PURI .Is mum- EVAMY TIIUR.SDAY --ay ens 0>PEIpt;-- JosEiIIINE STREET WINeilAat, Our. Txnas or Su0senti'TioN,—$1,00 per annum in advance $1.40 it not so paid. No paper die. continued ti 1 all arrears are paid, except at the option of the publisher Advertising Rates : 9I' l;, 1 Ya. 0 Mo. 3 ate. 1$1‘01.00o, Ono Vellum......$60.00 $35.00 $15.00 $6.00 Half Column 35.00 18.00 10.00 4.00 quarter Column18,00 10.00 0,00 2.00 Legal Notices 8 ore, per Hue first insertion, 3 cents per line ouch subsequent insertion, Locals and reading notices 10 cents per lino for first insertion, 5 cents por line each subse- quent insertion. Professional cards, one inch and under $4 per year, $2.50 for six months. Advs. of Stray Animals $1 for 4 insertions, Advs. Parma for Sale or Rent -.-1 month $1, each subsequent month 50 cents, House to let, Serr vant Wanted, &Lost, , ents for one insertion, 75e per month, Advs. without specific directions will bo in- serted till forbid and charged accordingly. The Job Department is stocked with an ex- tensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not excelled in the county for turning out first-class work. T. HALL, PROPRIETOR. —Two election trials, left over from the Dominion election, were decided on Saturday last. R. Beith (Liberal) was confirmed in his seat for West Durham, and Gus. Porter (Conservative) was i;onfirmed as member for West Hastings ; no evidence being offered in either case; both were dismissed. * * —Coal is a scarce commodity in Toronto just now. The Provincial Government has five hundred tons on hand, and have a guard on it day and night, lest it should be stolen. It is evidently of more value than certain ballots cast by voters, which disappeared while under the custody of government officials. * —The Peterboro' Times is au- thority for the statement that there will be no election in Renfrew at present. Indeed, it has been deci- ded to bring or. all the bye -elec- tions on the same day. By simul- taneous action in this regard it is believed that the supporters of the government will be elected, for the full strength of both Dominion and local governments will be put forth to sustain Mr. Ross. It is said that this is from reliable authority, and it will be found to be correct. * * * —The Huntingdon Gleaner, one of the few staunch Liberal journals which stand for the carrying out of party pledges,• does not see how; Canada is to meet the heavy expend ditures proposed by Mr. Tarte. It says :—"As a result of his trip through the upper lakes, Mr. Tarte declares he is going to work to make the Georgian Bay the great reservoir for Canadian and *United States produce, and his first step is to make Lake Nepigon accessible to the great lake steamships at an estimated expense at from forty to eighty millions. Canada, he de- clares, has the money and must do it. Mr. Tarte forgets Canada has no money. Even with the unpre- cedented receipts of the past five years, Canada, has to borrow to pay her way," * * --Another kind of match, inten- ded to supplant the sulphurous matches, has lately been introduced in the Swedish market, The in- ventors of the new match are the engineers Landin and Jernander, of Stockholm, who have patented their invention in several countries. This match looks like tl.ie well- known potash and paraffin matches which, however, by reason of the fact that they contain poisonous phosphorus, come under the same prohibition as the old and worthy lucifer match. But the new match, which has been named r•Bepstic- kan" (the scratch match), posses- ses a property which the potash match lacks, viz,., it is damp proof, and can, therefore, be lighted against a damp or wet surface, pro- vided this be hard. * * —Justice seems to overtake wrong -doers in election matters more surely in Quebec than in On- tario. A deputy returning officer, named Heti; has been sentenced to a year's imprisonment and afine of $200 fe,, fraud. Will the Iaw in this case be allowed to take its course, or will the Government in- terfere and liberate the eriminai ? This is exactly what it dicl in the Brunet case. Brunet was sentenced to. six months' imprisonment for ballot frauds, bribery and Imper- sonation. After he had served two and a half months of the time he was liberated by order of the Min- ister of Justice. If the Govern- ment remits the penalties meted out by the Judges, how can we ex- pect to have pure elections ? Such a course is encouragement to .elec- tion crooks, * ---The Election Court has fixed these dates and places for the trials of seven of the 48 protests waiting to be heard : Addington, against James 4ei4, Tory, at Napauee, Oc- tober 21st, 2 p. M. Stormont, at Cornwall, against IN. 1. lfoCart, Liberal, October 21st, 4p. m. 1,iny T E ` . IST V, JI A.M ADVANCE. A.1. \ L(E. coin, against Dr. Jessop, Tory, at St, Catharines, October 24, 11 a. m. The solicitors for the Liberals state that there is no evidence to offer and this protest will be dropped, North Perth, against John C. Mon- teith, -Tory, at Stratford, October 28, 1 p, m. North Grey, against A. G, McKay, Liberal, at Owen Sound, October 28, at 2 p. m. North Norfolk, against Dr, Snider, Tory, at Simcoe, November 4th, 2 in. p.North Wentworth, against R. A. Thompson, Liberal, at Ham- ilton, November 4, 11 a, ul. * * ---The canning industry in Brit- ish Columbia ranks in importance with mining and lumbering. Its growth may be illustrated by the fact that in 1896 the total number of licenses granted throughout the province was 3,533, whereas in 1901 the number was 4,722, of which 1,958 were granted to Japa- nese, 54$ to canners and 2,216 to others. For many years past the total pack of the Pacific Coast has been in the neighborhood of three million eases, but during 1901 the enormous pack of over five million eases of 48 one -pound tins is report- ed. Of this number, over 1,200,000 *ere produced in British Columbia, 950,00& of which were packed on the Fraser River. In 1900 the fig- ures were 20,262 employees and $2,839,904 for value of plant. It is estimated that 4,000 Japanese are directly engaged in the fishing business. Revolution in Newfoundland. • Since the introduction into Newfound- land of the new Inhaler Remedy, "Catarrhozone," the treatment of Cat- arrhal diseases has been entirely revolut- ionized. The old-time snuff and intern- al medicine has been oast aside and every- one is inhaling Catarrhozone ; it clears the head and throat in two minutes, and is very agreeable and pleasant to use. Catarrhozone is a wonderful cure for Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Bron- ehitis, Lung Troubles and Deafness. It relieves quickly and cures permanently. We advise our readers to try Catarrhoz- one. Price $1.00, trial size 25e. Drug- gist, Po/son & Co., Kingston Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butter- nut Pills. PRIZE WINNERS. Turnberry Fall Fair. HORSES. Class I. -Heavy Draught. Brood Mare -T Davidson, D B derson ; Spring Foal -T Davidson B Anderson ; Year-old Filly -W R ardson ; Year-old Gelding -Fur Bros. ; Two-year-old Filly-(Unkno J Joynt ; Two-year-old Gelding -W Cruikshank, Jas Forster ; Team in h ness-Jas Forster; Special by Bill and King for Foal sired by Prince Kelton -D B Anderson, H Gilkinso Class II. -Agricultural. Brood Mare, foal at side- - Re W Hemmingway; Spring Foal- Hel:nmingway, R Gilkinson ; Year -o Filly-. as Farber, W Fraser; Ye old Gelding -1, Scott and Son ; T year-old Filly -Chas Taylor, 1 and Two-year-old Gending.-:I. Scott a Son, W Cruikshank ; Team in ham -C Taylor, W Watson. Class III. -Roadsters. Brood Mare -T Black, Fowler Bro Spring Foal ---T Black, Fowler Bro Year-old Filly or Gelding -T Ingles, Morton ; Two-year-old Filly or Geldie -S Morton, T James ; Saddle Horse L Lott, I and 2; Single Horse in ha nese, carriage -L Lott, Jas Macdon al Single Horse in harness, road -J J E liott, L Lott; Team in harness-- Fowler, Ball Bros. ; Carriage Fitly Gelding, two -year -old -0 Taylor, G Robertson ; General Purpose Team i harness -let unknown, W Casernore Mare or Gelding -T Davidson ; Speci prize of $5 by the Dominion Bank fo the best Single Driver in harness, ow ed and driven by a farmer, his son, o a regular employee -l+ Fowler. CATTLE, Class IV, --Durham. Breeding Cow -S McRae, D Cook Two-year-old Heifer -W Cruikehan M H Harrison ; Yearing Heifer -T Henderson, D Clow; Heifer -M Harr son, W 3 Henderson ; .Bulb -W m Mof fatt 1 & 2 ; Aged Bull•' -J' McRae. Glass V. -jersey and their Grades. BreedingOow-W.7 Howson, J Cfrey Heifer Oalf-"W S Howson. Class VI, -Grades. Breeding Cow4 Shiells, M #I I1ar' risen ; Two-year-old Heifer --T Cook, Wright; Year-old Heifer -T Blank, M H Harrison ; Heifer or Steer Calf -T Black, J Shiells; Year-old Steer -4 Shiells 1 and 2; Two-year-old Steer -J Shiells, I Wright; Fat Cow, Ox, Steer or Heifer-3'Shiells ; Milch Cow -f Wright. SHEEP. Class VII.-Leicesters and their Grade. Aged Ram -Purvis Bros. ; N Cum- ming; Shearling Ilam- Pot, vis Bros. 2nd ; Ram Lamb-eR, S Sanderson, be Outntning; Aged Ewe -John Barr, R J Sanderson; ;Shearling .Ewe --Purvis Bros. 1 and 2 ; Ewe Lamb -.Purvis Bros,, R S Sanderson. Class VIUf.-Downs and their Grades, Aged Rana --G Weaver ; Ram Lamb -Geo Weaver 1 and 2; Aged Sam. --G Weaver 1 and 2; Shearling Ewe -Geo Weaver 1 and 2; Ewe Lamb --G Wea- ver 1 and 2. Class IX. -PM Sheep, Ewe or Wether -1 Barr, H J San- derson ; Pen of Sheep -Purvis l3roe, Continued on next papd, An- ,D ich- vis wn) IIA. ar- ott of n. ir, W Id ar- WO- 2 ; O-2; nd ess S. ; S ig d; t- ri T u al r n- r k M i - I MONEY TO LOAN --At 4i per cent. on improved farms. Easy terms of re- payment; expenses light, Apply A. Dolma .e Real Estate and Loan Agent, Cent' Fl0Ckk. :A Cough "I have made most thorough trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and am prepared to say that for all dig- , eases of the lungs it never disap• points." l.. Early Finley, Ironton, 0. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral won't cure rheumatism; we never said it would. • It won't cure dyspepsia; • we never claimed it. But it will cure coughs and colds of all binds. We first said this sixty years ago; we've been saying it ever since; Three ares; 16c., enough for an ordiaxry cold; elle., just right for bronchitis, house. need, herd colts, etc.; $1, Ir at economical for chronic cases end to fog on hand. .1. 0..ATER co., Lowell, Mess. �^^ www. .�.�.. ..... j ENTER NOW IF POSSIBLE. CENTRAL STAATFQRD, ONT. ccupies nt that orang k best businesscolleges on this cntintodataseaerpstur gracommercial schools dour bo to place all our graduates in good positions and we have been more successful this year than in any previous year. Those de- siring the best in business education should attend our School. Write for Catalogue. 181. J. Elliott, Principal, IT PAYS TO When girls 14 and 15 years of age can spend 8 or 20 months at THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. and immediately after graduation go out and secure positions at Viand $7 per week. We have at the present moment calls for five male stenographers and hook -keepers, where the 'wages offered aro from $35 to $50 per month, that we cannot fill, as those prepared aro all engaged. Write for catalogue, D. McLachlan Fc Co., Chatham, Ont, FALL TERM IN THE L/S OWEL begins on MONDAY, SEPT. 1, 1902. TTerms reasonable. Send fof and Journal Students may enter at any time. C. A. PLBMINO A. L. McINTYRB President See'y. Wanted. We want a few good Agents for Western and are prepared to pay liberally for the right kind of men. Where we have sold stock once, we can sell again. Our goods are in demand. We ask no deposit from representa- tives -Outfit is furnished free. It will pay any reliable man, want- ing a permanent, paying position, to correspond with tis. $TONE sf WELLINGTON "Canada's Greatest Nurseries," TORONTO, ow. Cement and Lime. Parties requiring Cement or Lime should give us a call. We are selling at a very low price. We keep only first-class brands of cement and lime, and you can always rely on getting a good fresh article at the WINGaAM CEMENT AND TILE Wozcas, F. GUTTERIDGE. A Timely Hint• .: When Ordering Your FALL AND WINTER SUIT Remember— that a good fit is as important as good material ; we make no misfits. An order for your winter Suit or Overcoat shall receive our careful. attention. Give us a call. E. C. CLARKE UP -STAIRS IN SHAW BLOCK. Ikk". ,tee''. Wood's Phospbodlue, The Great English Re,djlr,g. druggists Idn d n de. Only li- able medicine discovered. sfx packages guaranteed to ante all forms o Sexual Weakness ell effects Of abube of excess, Mental Worry,' Excessive nab of To. baeeo, Opium or annuitant/1. Mailed on reoeipi of price, one peek-.gs $1, siX, $6. One tall Pleat, oft till cure. Pamphlets free to any addre5e. TAO Wood Colupaay, windlttor, Ont. A. L Hamill ori J I n Dnvista R` A. Detig a s and 0, dr Caftipbell, DITgaBI6'rs, 4 October. 2, 1902 E THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR .w. JNO. `& JAS. f♦ KERR. R, ar Women's kg -- Handsome E Tailor Made e.r- a Coats, Skirts Skirts and E There's a wide variety, E and much attractiveness in E Women's Stylish, Ready -to- E wear Costumes for Fall. Our New Fall Coats, Skirts and Suits have been enthusiastically received. These beautifully tailor E ed garments, artistic in style, E newest material, perfect in E fit, are having a ready sale. .r. E• Tailor Made Coats, half and three-quarter length—$5. E 5.50, 6.5o, 7.5o, lo.oa. Tailor Made Skirts, gradu- E ated Flounce, perfect fit - tin,; ---$3 O0, 3.50, 4.00, 5.5o, 6.50 7.00, lo.oa. e.-- ew. E E E Handsomely Tailored E Suits. If you wish, we will E take your measure and have the garments made to your E order. Giving you a good Come in and find out more E choice of colors and prices, about them. Clothing Needs FOR MEN . Its time you were think- ing about a New Suit for fall. 'The New fall fabrics are here. English Fancy Worsteds, Canadian Fancy Worsteds, Serges, Scotch Tweeds, Canadian Tweeds, etc. A handsome variety ; we guarantee Quality, Fit, Style and tailoring. But that's not all the story. The rest is, you save from $2.00 to $5.00 a suit by making your purchases at this store. We demonstrate the fact that a man can be a smart, neat, up-to-date dresser on a small outlay. - SUITS MADE TO YOUR ORDER. Canadian Tweed Suits $10.00 Scotch Tweed Suits 12.00 Canadian and Scotch Fancy ' Worsteds with the very best trimmings from $15 to 17.00 .w Sil 0 w S- Men, Women and Children. -- —FOR You'll want New Shoes - a for fall and winter ; we car- • ry a large stock of Shoes produced by the best mann- facturers in Canada ; we have them at all prices, but take our advice and buy Solid Leather Shoes for fall. They'll keep your feet dry and give you much better satisfaction than shoddy goods ; we guaran- tee satisfaction. - --., -- .„,.. -a -,. � -,...0111_ Baby's Shoes in Red and Blk, 35c to 50c Children's Dongola Kid and Pebble, Tan, Black and Red, 50c to Ode Girls' Dongola Kid, Pebble and Leather lined. Good value. $1.00 to 140 Boys' Dongola Kid, Buff, Cor- _... dovan, etc. $1.00 to 1.60 Women's Dongola Kid, Box Calf. Felt, Wool Lined, Peb- ble, etc 75c to 2.50 Men's Dongola Kid, Box Calf, Buff, English Kip, etc., etc. Splendid Value...$1.00 to 3.50 .w a : Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr Nand flla1d Ell Windom a- Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr gitiiitilitiiititiiiitialliiitiiltixtiititiiitittlthiiiiiiiiitiiiiitliiiiliittttittti tititiiiiiititittiiiiitliiiiiii • Ttonaave Sgthattions. We Sell Stanfield's Uushrinkable Underwear, Truro Brand. 3k. 3Coas We have it. Consisting of New Dress Goods, Wool and Cashmere Hosiery, Knitted Wool Shawls, all Wool and Flannelette Blankets, from 75 cts. up to $4.50 ; Ladies' Underwear, Wrapperetts ; Table Linens 20 cts. up to $1.25 a yd. Towels, Towelings. Grey Flannels, 12-ic up. MEN'S SUITS TO ORDER -- $iO TO $20 A SUIT. Ready-made. Clothing, Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc. B Sure U See Our Bargain Table. AkInqktam, Zrd��mg Co. limited SUCCESSORS TO T. A. MILLS, Wingham Special Prices" Ott all kinds of , o Tn 11 1 . . FURNITU For 3o Da A Large Stock on Now is the tune to buy Walker Bras. aM w E This is the season for a SORE, TIRED AND SWEATY FEETIOdor *OffIP oriftedosimow...61.amoo m ...Ara If you don't wish to have them, use '.Ss Hand. Furniture. & Button DAMP° For Sale by Coln . A. Campbell a TUE D12tYGGISq' iM �ilittlti�tililti+�Nir6g1�ItlAf�lIR3