HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-09-25, Page 8ANYTHING NEW on the market you will find it here, We have this week re- ceived a shipment of the already famous Fels + Naptba SOAP You use cold water and do not require a boiler. Time, Money, Fuel and Clothing saver. Try it next wash day. We also .have the Naptha Washing `Powder. TUDHOPE'S Grocery a Crockery Store THE Paris Millinery Store Will Have Its OPENING Vll ON .tcg9 TUESDAY September • 30th: The ladies of Wingham and *vicinity are cordially invited to oall and examine the select stock purchased for the fall and winter trade. We have secured some ex- ceptionally fine effects strictly in vogue this season, which have only to be seen to be appreciated. No two hats trimmed alike. All orders receive careful attention. Mrs. Aley . CAUTION. This is not a gentle word—but when you think how liable you are not to purchase for 75c the only remedy uni- versally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of medicine in the world since 1868 for the cure and treat- ment of Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles without losing its great popularithankful weyour theseyears, yoa,attention ou will to Bosehee's German Syrup, There are so many ordinary cough remedies made by druggists and others that are cheap and good for light colds perhaps but for severe (loughs, Bronchitis, Croup—and especially for Consunip tion, where there is difficult expector- ation and coughing during the nights and mornings there is nothing like German Syrup, Sold by all druggists in the civilized world. G. G. GREEN, Woodbury, N. J. s9 FALL TERM AP 1N ' THE L/STOW.E.L begins on MONDAY, SEPT. 1, 1902. Two Terms reasonable. Send fof College Journal Students may enter at any time. C. A. FLEMiNG A. L. Mc NTYRE President Secy. THE MARKETS WXNG13AM MAI/NETS FIour per 100 $I 00 to $2 40 Fall wheat per bush new 63 to 65 Oats per bush 025 to 0 27 Barley per bush .. 0 60 to 0 50 Peat; per bush 060 to Bran 10 00 to 20 00 Shorts 18 00 tso 20 00 Chop ,..... , . 1 2.i to 1 50 Butter per l8. , .... .......... 0 I6 to 7 eggs 0 15 to 0 15 Lard 0 15 to 015 Potatoes per bush 0 80 to 0 40 Appleser ba0 35 to 0 Hides per 100 lbs 000 to 6 50' Lamb skins ....... 0 45 to 050 Dressed hogs 7 00 -to 7 50 .Live hogs 6 50 to 7 00 Tallow, per Ib 05 to 05 Chickens per pair. 30 to 35 Ducks per pair ......,00 to .60 Turkey, pep lb...... 0 to 10 Geese, pep lb, 6 to 6 Wool ,....... .... 12 to 13 TORONTO STOCK MARKET, For full and emirate market re- ports dee second. page. Apples Wanted Mahler liras., Proprietors of the Wingham Evaporator, will begin operations on September 15th. They will pay the highest market prices for all kinds of Apples, aecording to gnali, ty. Packers' Culls, Windfalls, &e., ancleded, delivered at their factory on Alfred street, Parties hu,vin apples to sell will do well to see us before :tell - log as we contract for the whole •orchard.shaken off ---suitable for dry- ing parposes. 2..p 'IAHLER BROS. • \1VINGIJAMVI Itev, k7, XI. Sowers addressed a thank - offering meeting at Ripley on Friday evening fast. $10;000 will be the suns paid by the Methodist churches in Canada for the holding of their recent general confer- ence at Winnipeg. Rev, tdr, Howson of London, for: merly of Clinton, has issued a Fhals iengerto meet any atheist in that city in debate on the public platform and prove the fallacy of their belief, The union evangelistic services held in Dungannon for the past few weeks by Crossley and Hunter came to a close on Tuesday, The services hove been very snceesstul; a large number having begun to lead a new life, and will unite with the various churches, At a meeting of Stratford Presbys tery on Sept. 4th, a unanimous call from the congregation of Milverton and Wellesley was presented in favor Rsigneed 1 y 145 members ers'of and Genet - len, ad- herents. The call guarantees a salary of $000, a free manse and a month's holidays each year, The Palmerston Spectator says— Rev, James Hamilton has accepted a permanent appointment as pastor of the .Baptist church at Granthnrst, in Oxford county, near St. Marys. His many friends in Palmerston wish him every success in his field of labor, Mr. Hamilton was once pastor of Wing- ham Baptist church. Miss A. Looks, the blind musician, will condnet a series of special meet- ings in the Salvation Army barracks, from Sept. 22nd to Oct. 3rd, when the following subjects will be taken up :— Row I became acquainted with tbe S. A. ; The saved gambler ; My life's ex- perience; The saved drunkard; Danc- ing ; The converted infidel ; The lite of a school -mate, toes of sight, conver- sion and death -bed. Miss Louks will also give a musical and literary enter- tainment, Manitoba Lands For Sala, Two o 8psret thoonte ly call enquiring about Manitoba and North- west lands, I have secured tho agency of The Bran- don, Man ,hand American am' now prepared to quote prices, terms and conditions of all lands subjoot to sale or rent in Manitoba or the Northwest.. he bad veary reasonable, also plafarms es thataare in a bettor state of improvement for sale on easy terms of payment, and ranging in prices to suit anyone. 500 PROPERTY.—Tho Property in and up, but there are still a Soo few fine locations that are within the roach of everyone who wishes to invest in such property, as will return a large increase on their money. now,n list for sale is beyondtdoubt the of that was ever recorded at any previous time in any office, and while the list of farms is large, we also have a Iist of intending purohas- ors who will buy in this locality. Anyone wishing to sell or rent will find it to their ad- vantage to call on me. TOWN PROPERTY.•—In the town of Wing - ham I can suit any inteqding purchaser in sine, location or price of a house. I have some ex- cellent properties for sale, suitable for retiring farmers, also houses that aro cheap and on stnworeprofit blehto bity anti improveua place of his own rather than pay rent. T. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Insurance Agen Office over D. M. Gordon's Store, What about that Xew Suit ? The fall season is approaching and its time you were arranging for that new Suit or Overcoat. Few better stocks than ours can be found, and none priced so very reasonably. If yort favor us with your patronage, we will sat- isfy and please you, no matter how particular you may be, We carry only the best goods from the most reliable makers, and would strongly urge an early choice. Call in, and we will be pleased to show you our stock and quote prices. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Wingham The Price of Cattle boy Prod „t,°° alts flogs is up . , . When Hogg aro such a asobet'toroproft'when come you buy,. riehtt nutritious meal than from inferior stuff, W'o have the best that money eau buy—Peas, Wheat, Bar ley, Oats and Corn, mixed or separate, and lots ofyit. Wo aro agent for Keewatin and Lis- towel Flour, A. IT. 0A1 'XAR1l:PLT SQUARE. "A bad workman quarrels vtith his tools." A maker of tricky shoes, blames the Re - taller, for over pricing theta., at w eat they look like. • Observe the Mak res tasibte r;iee on. "The Slater Shoe" Wdkd A Por sale only by W. d. Greer ews from EU Over tbe Count Frani Qt r Own Correspondcn tsAn d County ) xchanges Gerrie. Wm, Anderson, sen., was in Toronto last week, Mrs. and Miss Bentley of Blyth are the guests of Mrs, 8, Greer for a few days, Mrs, Hy, Sanderson and family are spending a few days with Brussels and Walton friends. Miss Ida Homuth and Mr. Foster Pyfe of Wingham spent Sunday at 3, E. Mulholland's. Mr. R, Hodgins, the scale -roan of Listowel, was renewing old acquaint. ance in town on Friday. Mrs. T. D. Tyler and two children of Indianapolis, Ind., are visiting her aunt, Mrs. Hy, Perkins. J. R. Williams has shipped his Ex- celsior machine to New Orleans, Tim - her has become scarce in this section for the making of Excelsior. We are sorry to lose this industry. Rev, Mr. Goldberg of Dungannon preached very acceptably in St. Ste- phen's church on Sunday last. The rev. gentleman is a, converted Jew. There was a large congregation. Our sick list is as follows: Jaz. s. Brown is a little better; Mrs. Carson is not mach improved; W. H. Gregg is able to take abort walks and is improving. We trust they may all be restored to health again, ]3ofore this paper is issued, W. F. Dulmage of the Albion will have be- come a, benediet. The lady .of his choice is Miss Amy May, a most es- teemed young lady of Walkerton. Puller particulars next week. On Tuesday, Sept. Oth, an interesting event took place at the residence of Mr. Anthony Holt, of the 4th con., when Ella, his youngest daughter, was wedded to Mr. 0. Welk of Wiarton, Rev, E, A. Hall tying the nuptial knot. Miss Holt was one of Howick's fairest daughters, and her many friends svish her and her husband many years of happiness. A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized at the residence of Simon Hicks of the 6th line, on Wednesday, Sept. 17ths when his daughter, Miss Define. J„ was united in marriage to Mr. C. J. Werner, a prosperous merchant of Dunnville. Rev. E. A. Hall officiated. The guests numbered 175, and ' the bride was the recipient of many costly gifts and hearty congratulations, Miss Hicks was an esteemed young lady, a member of the choir of Sl. Stephen's church and a general favorite with all who had the pleasure of her acquaint- ance. The young couple carry with them the best wishes of their numer- ous friends.- • A man from the city was In town on Friday last, delivering large crayon portraits. This man, who ought to be a gentleman, abused, domineered and insulted ladies, because they wouldn't take pictures they did not order. Such men, firms sboiild cease to send out for such work. The soliciting agent will make any promise to get the work,and the delivering agent must needs be a domineering chap to frighten ladies into taking work in a style not con- tracted for. But it may seem useless to say anything against this evil, so long as "people will insist in giving their orders to outside men. All this trouble and abaise }eight be saved by giving your order to yoi borne pho- tographer, who will do the work ,just as cheaply and better in nine cases out of ten. They have a business reputa- tion at stake and would be very sorry to insult or abuse a customer. Try your lrpiue photographer with your next order and. pee which is the most satisfactory. East Wawanosh. Wm. Taylor of the Oth is engaged with Robt. McDowell for the fall. Cora cutting has commenced in this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron' of Lncknow visited at Westfield on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Armour of Westfield visited at Robt. McDowell's last week. Jas, Noble, who has been nursing an inflamed eye, is able to be around again. Robt. Wightman has the timber ready for his new barn, and will raise shortly. Mrs. Cafehiri of Michigan is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morton. Miss Pearl Snell is under the parental roof at present. A teameeting in Westfield in the near future. Quite a rruinber in this vicinity at- tended the Crossley and Hunter meet- inge in Dungannon. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. S. Slow and wife of Donnybrook. A number of weeks ago, S. Jefferson, Who lives in the seine house was taken ill with typhoid fever, and shortly. lifter, Mr. and Mrs. Slow were also taken with the same disease. The entertainfneut in connection with the Epworth League anniversary of the Brick church was held on Monday even- ing. The chive's Was well filled, and the audience was delighted with the ex- cellent prograin. In the absenee of the pastor, Rev. A. 11. gown, Mr. Jelin Kerr of Wingham was persuaded to take the chair, which he did in his usual able manner. The program consisted of ad- dresses by Revs. J. J. Hastie and C, C. Baine, solos by Miss Hattie Reid of Wingham, readings and solo by Mr. rebbutt of St, Helens, recitation by Miss Brock of Wingham, mouth organ solo by Tommy Dow, duet by little tots Ida, And Beatrice Sismori, and excellent music by the Westfield choir. Altogether a very pleasant and profitable time was llll en . they. W. E. Bryans took a business trip to Clinton this week, Miss Aggie Robertson of Toronto is visiting with her friend, Miss Jennie Simpson, this week. We are sorry to bear that Russel McAllister had the misfortune to have two of his fingers badly jammed in a pulley while cutting corn. Wm. McAllister purchased 30 two year old steers from Robb. Dilworth, Ethel, for the neat sura of $1300, They are a floe lot and will make the new owner some money. Misses Maggie Taylor and Jessie Strachan have 'gone on a visit to vela, tives in Essex. We wish them a plea- sant trip and safe return from the country of corn and wine. Word was received here this week by Rey. Mr. Carscalleu that he had been transferred to the Manitoba Cons ference and his field of labor will be in the Edmonton District. The Walton people are very sorry to see him go. HTMnNEAL—A large wedding party assembled at the commodious and com- fortable residence of W. 3, Dickson, IS miles South of Walton, op Wednes- day forenoon to witness the tying -of the matrimonial bow between John Shortreerl, a sturdy, well known young man of the Oth line of Morris, and Miss Alice McMann, who has carefully and competently presided over the household affairs at the Dick- son home for some years. The harvest Home supper at Roe's church on Monday evening was a de- cided success in every particular, with the weather being all that could be der sired. The tables, which were arrange ed in the shed, looked tempting and very beautiful, with the good things prepared by the ladies and boquets of various kinds and colors. As quickly as possible after tea, a long and well. selected program was entered Olson, with W. Ii, Derr pf the Brussels Post in the chair, and he with his usual hu- mor and wit kept all under his control. To say that all taking part in the pro- gram did themselves justice, would only be expressing the opinions of all but mildly, as the encores and repeat- ed encores testified to the popularity of each selection. The speakers were Revs. Cosens of .I3russells, Bartlett of Lebanon, and C. W. Wells, the pastor. Tile proceeds of the evening amounted to over $72. Here we must not forget to make special mention of how artis- tically and beautifully the church was decorated with vegetables, grain, ever- greeus and flowers in profusion, show- ing that no little pains had been taken to make the event successful. The services on Sunday were well attended and two most impressive sermons were delivered by the •pastor, Mr.: Wells, the special singing by the choir being much appreciated, St. Helens. The anniversary of Calvin church, St. Helens, is to be held on the 12th of Oet. Rev. Mr. Henderson of Henson is to preach .morning and evening. A tea - meeting is to be held the following Mon- day evening. A good time expected. Wm. Farrier is very i11 at present; we hope to hear of his speedy recovery. James Gannett spent Sunday here; guess there is Hein® alt-eotioi. Mrs: Robinson Woods has returned after pleasant visit to friends in Stanley. There was a large crowd out last Sab- bath to bear Mr. Hunter. He is a fine speaker and gave an eloquent discourse. Miss Rebecca Buchanan is home for a after spending the summer at Ebenezer. John. MoDer elc1, wife sad family, of Brandon., have renamed, Itssese after vis- iting Mrs. 2: e ' ..:1,'.'t� I;r„1.ss, asS, E. Gordon, and other friends. MiOeQ. B. Gordon 'lee returned after a pleasant trip to Muskoka. Morris. Miss Kate Halliday, who has been visiting in the. West during the past summer, arrived home last week, Mrs. W. H. Cloakey and two daugh- ters, of Winnipeg, were visiting the Misses Oloakey on the 5th line Iast week, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Russel have re- turned from a month's visit at Duluth, Gardiner and Fargo, Western States. Albert Haggitt, who was seriously injured by a threshing machine is doing nicely. Ernest Maunders left Last Monday for Belleyille where he will attend Col- lege for the ensuing term. He was there a portion of last year, One evening last weak Robert and George, sons of R. 13. Alcock, saw a full sized deer on their farm, lot 11, son, 7. It is not very often one of these animals is seen in this locality. We are pleased to report that James Davis, 5th line, who wog so seriously i11, is almost convalescent Dna mere, At the Township Council last Mon- day John Mooney, who has had his 18tli appointment, surprised that body by tendering his resignation as Collec- tor of taxes, He was first elected in 1885 and has done his work most effici- ently and satisfactorily, Mr. Mooney declined to act owing to pressure of his own work and from the fact that" his bearing is not as alert as in years gone by. STRAYED, ii'rom the premises of the undersigned, South Lot 30. Con. 12, East Wessels bosh, about, July, two Sheep and four Lambs. Information leading toreeov- ery gladly received by the under- signed. THOS. T,A.YL0tt, Wingham P. 0, Bluevale, R. N. Dull' was in Galt last week. Miss Liva Geddes of Atomic is visit. nig her sister, Mrs. J. Johnston, were and dtu1g relatives ntBitieva ieraisi Al uoday, Duff & Stewart have just received a carload of British Columbia shingles which should have been here in Joule, Elizebnr C. Pugh, th, atcthe t fhomehe lofehe aeon Jaynes, on Monday, Sept. 2204. The funeral took place on Wednesday.. Further notice will be given later, (Too' litto for last issue.) Mrs. Joseph Pugh was visiting in Brussels last week, Miss Bell of Belgrave is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex, McGee. Miss Mabel Coultes has returned from a visit at Molesworth. Mrs. Cornish of Mitchell is visiting her sister, Mrs, Daniel Lewis. Mrs. Jos, McPherson and two little boys of Toronto are visiting relatives here, Miss 13urgoss who has been visiting Mrs. Collie, returned to Brockville on Monday. Mrs. Bailey. Miss Eva Duff and Mr, Bert. Bailey were visiting in Listowel this week. Mrs. McAllister returned on Monday from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Pit, kie, near Toronto. Misses Annie Aitcheson and Jennie Elliott end Robert Aitcheson were vis- iting in Molesworth. Wroxeter. Miss Burgess of feucknow is visiting Mrs. Neil White. Rev. O. Kaine of NVhitecliureh preached a splendid seranan in the Methodist church Sunday night. Miss Jennie Miller of Toronto is holi• daying with friends in town. Mrs. Leckie went to London Tues- day to see her daughter Mrs. Camp. bell, who is seriously ill, quite a number from town took in the ldarriston Via on Tuesday, Mrs, Beldon of Torouto is visiting friends in town. rned an Monday afters a few days' visit with friends in Thamesford and London, Wm. Rutherford was in Godericli last week on the jury. Mrs. Brawn and Miss Gertie Brawn of • Buffalo, wlio have been visiting friends in town, leave returned home. Turnberry. Council met Sept. gond; members all present. Minutes of last meeting con. firmed. velaud damage,s$7; J Docket, gravel, $2.04; Win. Henderson, damage, $i; G Henderson, scrapper, 50c; G Pocock, gravel, 60c; G Hislop, gravel, $1.44; A Longely, gravel $2.28; J Padfield, cul- vert, $4.25; R McMichael, culvert How - ick boundary, $7; A Casemore, clearing bridge, 25c; A Forsyth, charity, $5; S Vanstone, repairs to bridge, $1.25; H _Tucker, repairs to Eadie's bridge, $2. Council adjourned to meet in Clerk's ofilee, Saturday, Oct. 25th. J. i3tnioxss, Clerk. Inkterg- Ovenkng Miss Macpherson begs leave to' announce to the ladies of Wingbam and vicinity that her fail°Millinery Opening will take place on TUESDAY Septen' bee 3Oth. -We shall have it, fine collection o1 tit=! bess liesand ictest styles ready for your approval, and feel confident you will be de- lighted with our disjila,y, A. cordial invitation is extended to attend our opening. 'tVe assure you that all orders will receive our best attention, Miss Macpherson /IISiL tinerV Opening Our fall Millinery Opening will be bright, attractive and interesting. Note the date -- Tuesday, Sept. 30thi A choice and select stock of the latest styles, prettily trim- med with fashionable materials will be open for inspection, The ladies of Wingham and vicinity are invited to our rooms on that date. Orders will receive most careful at- tention. Our aim is to please, and feel confident we can suit any taste. Mrs. Green I Most Interesting News of rens Goods Reductions We can hardly give enough emphasis to these special offer's in beautiful costume fabrics ; at this time of the year yon will know bow to fully opt preeiate such price concessions.. $1.35 FRENCJ( MALE SUITINGS FOR 1$L10, 50 inches wide, made from pure worsted Yarns, in black only, color absolutely fast, perfect finish, correct weight for unlined skirts, wilt make a handsome as well as a serviceable tailor. made Suit or separate Skirt — regular $1.35, Special at $1.10 $1,]Q HOMESPUN SUITINGS FOR 75c, 58 inches wide, made from pure wool, in brown, grey and black, splendid weight for unlined Skirts and tailor.made Suits, great wearing material—regular $1.10, special at. 75 ^ $L00 WEST OP ENGLAND SERGE FOR 85c. 58 incises wide, made from pure Botany Wool, black is thoroughly fast. has a splendid finish, ,heti an endless amount of wear in it. Regular 'price $1.00, special at .85 i Our New Fall Niantles have arrived, and for style, workmanship, finish and material, they surpass all ourp revious buying efforts. Wo have a large assortment and can please you in duality, style and price,Come in and take a look through our splendid stock," "No trouble to show these goods." Beautiful Flannels anb Casbnaer es Froin France. We never saw a more tempting gathering of Flannels and Cashmeres for Waists, and its question- able if patterns as attractive as those we're showing now have never been equalled in color, biend- ina and design, There's a liberal' assortment now on view in our store, so come and form your own opinion about these waistings. Not more than one or two waist Lengths in each piece, so they will not be common. D. MGO.DON Big Prices for Trade. DIRECT IMPORTER MISMEMEMIrearallannatalnlEal Ruining In Full GAIAI: last The OJd Kent Block Is Opera And Will Stay .Open, Men's and Joys'Clothing, Furs, Hata Cans, Silks, cress Goods Besides an Immense Stock of Stle Iry tOIS All of which has been Bought at less than half the ': holesale Price • `s a +:5 F.: ,w " i "1 eI W:7iii i 4.11.lai0 we can offer special bargains, having about $1200.00 worth to choose :horst, a large number of which are the newest designs, Long Long warm Coats for school girls at half prige. In .Sll s, We Shine. The largest stock in the county. Dress Silks in great varie-ty. Waist and Trimming Silks galore buy your wedding Trouseau here and save enough for ,the wedding tour. In Dress Goods, We Have a Very Large and Complete, Stock: The man who bought made a mistake in buying too expensive goods, but now that prices are cut in two they are sure to please. Don't buy your new Dress till you see our stock. Ladies' Rain Coats.—We have a large stock of the very best .0 I ty. They 1Keep yQu dry and Yarm--ess than- regular price A large consignment of staple Dry Goods newly arrived were in this stock, includ i g.._..,. pas, new Prints, so pcs, Flannelettes, 5o boxes Ladies' and Children's Underwear,bo e s fall and winter Hose, Curtains, Veilings, Pillow Cottons, Sheetings, Denims, Shirtin 40 ---all to go with the rest. In Trimmings, Laces, Umbrellas, Corsets, Gents' Ties, Collars and Shirts,you will find this the place to buy. >Try here first -it will pay you. Remember, you have $ r 5,000.00 worth of goods to choose from, at about half regular price. A. DUL AGE • • •