HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-09-25, Page 6,
A tilted Cinema
Wite (on return from seamitere) -
What 1 You haven't opened any of
the letters I wrote you :luring my
Emanuel -No, it wasn't neceestlay.
sene you Money every time one
More Ways Titan One.
Friend -It is; meeting you more to
make over that new (hese titan it
evould rest to Imy a new one.
tetra Maliagem (it smart woman) -
a III not trying to save money. X
am trying to make it.
" What ?"
" You are not married yet, ;sem.
know. Mama my hueband f4C.,08 me In
this tires's, beelt think It's a new one,
and haVe a, regular fit about
woman's) extravagenet•, aid done re
that I'm drivilig him Lo wreck tate
ruin, anti emelt 1,0 he nelianterl of
" I Rhoulan't wondt•r."
'Yea nen I'll tell him that this)
le an old thefts inaele OPPT, and all
these trimmings and furbelows are to
cover up Rtaine, and tears, and
tbreztelba,re place.> In tie' mitserable
old rage
"Oh, that'R It."
" YOS'. Anel then he'll feel NO mean,
anti cheap, ana diegusted that he'll
give me $50 for a new bonnet."
• 4•414++++.1.40. ++++ le+++++++
+ +++.+++++++ 44++ 44++ ++40 +4.
(I3y Harriet Rice.)
telany Imam marries a girl because
Rho is UR "pretty as a ,picture," and
then grovels at the price of les.r
lure leas.
The laet menttnel died or shock at
the Right or the first man in his
(bathing seit.
All's fah+ in love and wee -exempt
wao made from duet first, se
that woman miglit sweep nil before
' --
The brilliancy of many a' Rociety
leader depends- largely upon her jewel
eVilo knsave most about the "strenu-
ous lite"-tt man who talks about it
after he's grown up, or the mother
who helped elm but hirs fine; teeth ?
e'en allow their wives; pin money
andethen expect thane to buy tiaras.
NO titan if4 really blase who retains
a single ideal.
One great difference between men
and Women is that women pray over
what a man swears at.
- --
No 'man yet wars so high ue that
hie wife couldn't real him down.
gen do tee 'head mark or the world,
but 'women tire the headrests.
;When a girl giv- es a man the mitten
eery- .orten return:,
gen select their wives much rig
WOmOrl buy !moire -chiefly beettuses of
a pretty cover:
No man le a hero to his trnined
n, woman ilepende teem her
husband's club to keep her supplied
witlt goggle.
ellas Antique -Why, how do you
'do, Mr. Glotetrot. I'm delightea to
Roe you back. Or course, you re-
mem'ber mee • '
etu reed Traveller (wres ng
with his inemory)-(if course, of
course. Delighted to see you look-
ing NO well. And how are the dear
-children ?
Miss An -tame -Children ?
Retux'ne 1 Traveller -I meant to
ask howl is your faMily, meaning, of
course, your husba,nd.
Miss Antlque-Husband ? I never
}led hustand, sir.
Returned .Traveller -Er -of courRe
not; jeet a little pleasantry of
mine, you knowe 1 meant, of eourse,
your brother, 'whom you love as
Much as anyone could love a leo:-
Miss Antique -T. 'never had a bro-
Returned Teaveller-Um-er - of
course not ; just joking, you know.
Hay is your-your-er-. Did you
ever have a mother e
a ete--41,- 071, hte./ In4(41-ifel•
"It's an astonishing thing, then,
that a woman ehould leave her hus-
band juet to come and aye like au
old almshouse woman in a tumble-
down cottage fifty miles farther
than no where!"
I salti noshing- ladeeti I could not
share his astonishment.
He went on with rising bluster,
and louder, huskier vodce.
• " And, look here, if I hadn't heard
tluts great talk of your being such a
gentleman, I don't know whether
1 sbouldn't feel it my duty to call you
to accousit."
X rosei to my feet, unable to eet
state but at once sat down again,
afraid lest I might Mot be able ta
reseet the advantage a standing pos-
ition afforded for taking him by the
collar, and remosing him to the flow-
er-bedis outside.
"'You are at liberty to satisfy your
safieleal anxlertY by; making any in-
quiries you please,' said I, and look-
ed at the door.
'Don't be affronted, it was only
chaff," said Im. " I know it's my
daughter you're alter. sww her
sneak out oX here just as I came in
by the back way,' as if ashamed to
rook her fatter in the face."
- Yon d—d scoundrel I Get up and
get out of the house," I hissed out,
fn a flash of uncontrellable rage.
He got up, and even made one slow
step towards the door ; but he did
not go out, nor did he seem afraid
ef me. He turned deliberately when
he was close to the soreen, and began
to swing his walkingartick in the old
way I remembered, regardless of the
consequencee in a room crOwded with
furniture and ornemente. Then he
rooked into his hat, and passed his
hanSt thoughtfully round the lining.
I was still at a white heat of in-
dignation, but to lay violent hands
on this stodgy and unresisting per-
son would have been like football'
withent the fun.
Look heve," he said, when we had
stood in this unsatisfactory manner
for some momenta His eyes were
fixed upon his hat, round which his
podgy band Ealll wandered. "You
are not taking me In the right
way. You don't like me, I ean
sees Well, one gentleman isn't
boune to fly into the arnee of an-
other gentleman firet go -off. Not
'at all ; I don't expect it. 1 may like
you, ahtl I may not like you ; but I
deret fly at your thereat and call you ,
bad names by way of Introducing my- 1
Reif, even though I fied my 'wife and
daughter hiding away under the she, -
Mow of your wing, as it Were, from
their own husband and father."
Here be looased up at me eideways
with a slow nod, to emphasize the
little lesson in breeding which las
example afforded.
fa 4.44++++++++444+++++.144-14
44• 4.44++.+++444eleisafseiefeeleaferell
A social gathering of women VirUli
addressed informally the other after-
noon by one of theta own sex, a ma-
tron far in the fortiee, whose well.
rounded eheeks and face beautifully
deetitute of wrinkles is at once the
envy and despair. of many female
friends. One of the latter, young en -
(emit to be her daughter, voiced her
admiration In the form of this impul.
&Ivo •appeal
"Please, Mrs. Bla.nk, won't you
tell us -or at least tell me -how you
keep such a beautifully smooth skin?
I know that sounds awfully rude, but
I tun sure you will riermit me of any
intention to offend."
The matron laughed cheerfully as
Rho replied: "Of COUre40 know you
don't mean to be rude, my done), and
I shall be very' glad to tell you some-
thing you won't seem to know if the
other ladies don't object to hearing
me give you the leseton."
Tlierte WAN ft chorus of protest that
all would be delighted to lielen, and
this in effeet le what the member
said :
about tile y 21 1121
MOJA% reel eepevially the latter, are
linnet name email by facial east-
tortione people. indulge In
unconsciously. Sit down before a
mirror and talk ft14 yft4l would if ;von
were ottertaining frIen.1 end watelt
your face awl yon will probably be
eurprisail to find in how many 'an
tecesenry ways you 1181. OP 112115088
or your hem - enticing with
;seer forehead,' T halal some-
ly Call it the other day-
Wrinalem rotted the mouth are also
enemesi by talking Om MOIL Yon
(shatter 411Vfly nearly all (Tay long
never rentemberine hew new ;poor,
overvvorkel mueelets roun 1 elle math
would teener aid repay ;ton for et
refit Don't inistaiste tent 1 mean
alty 0110 in erartittular by tame re-
marite. laity refer, arel are applieale
tag all wonren who indulge in the 0011
eorsational oxen:Res 10 witlelt I al
futile passion, Of course, the man
before me put the worst construc-
tion upon my evident confusion ; he
repeated in a louder and mure blus-
tering tone:
" Why don't you malay her ?"
" In the first place," said I, quiet-
ly, "elle is scaxcely more Huta a child,
Mr. Elimer."
" That's not much or a fault, for
she won't improve as size loses it.
Besides, you needn't Marry her at
" In the second place, I am quite
sure she wouldn't have me."
" Why not ? She teems to like
"She does like me, as a (beaus.
tiful girl may like a grandfather,
battered and warred In war, or a
homeless our .,welch she has picked
up and which has growa attached
to her. Tp be frank with you, Mr.
Eihner, nothing but my agiy face
prevents me from becoming a suitor
for your daughter ; but • that ob-
staele is one which, without any
endue seladepreciatien, I know, to
be one which makes happy marria:ge
impossible for me."
"I •don't know," said Mr. Engler,
in a tone of generous encourage-
ment; "good looks don't always
carry it off with the women. Look
at my wife, now; well, to be sure,
she was proud. enough of getting
ute; but, do you think the feeling
lasted? No, 1 might have been a,
one -eyed hunchback, sir, before
we'd been man and wife three
months! There's no knowing what
those creatures will like, let alone
the fact that they. never like the
same thing more than a week to-
gether -barring a neracle.".
Abel Mr. Elimer looked at me,
with, his head a little 011
one side, as if expecting that the
narration of his experience would
conclusively affect my views on mat-
rimony. As I said nothing, however,
being, indeed, too much involved in
a whielpool of doubts and longings
and niiserable certainties to have
any neatly -turned phrases ready with
which to enxry on the conversation
he presently cleared his throat and
went on again.
"You see," he sake with an. odd
assumption of paternal dignity which
covered some gentane feeling as well
as oome genuine humbug, "It Met
often that I can epare the time to
. take a journey as long as this. There-
fore, when I see 1 Rice to see some-
' thing for my 'trouble. 'Well, and what
I 1 mean to sae tills time is one of
two thenge, either I leave with the
, knowledge that my daughter is en.
gaged tG married to an honorable
gentleman who is able to support
her, and willing to be good to her,
es) I leave with my daughter herself,
tend I put her in the way of earning
her own living on the stage, which
' is a more honorable position than
playing lodgekeeper to any gentle-
men In the land.
Percelving some show or reason In
his .words, and some touch of snore
genuine feeling in Ille mariners geld,
"Well 1" and lea.ned against the
chimney piece. With title encourage -
!neat he eteppert back to the hearth -
rug again, and vvidie To -to half -
strangled himselt in futile attempts
to get at lee trousers, he addressed
to me the following discourse, with
the forefinger of lee right hand up-
raised, and the austy point of his
cane planted deeply In a satin cush-
ion which Babloie had embroidered
for my fa,vortte chair.
" Look here," he said, and for once
hie dull eyes met mine with the
straight -forwardness of an honest
conviction. " Fullsgrown women are
the devil. Either they're good or
they're bad, If they're aad-well,
need say no more about them ; if
they've good, why -the less said about
their goodness the better. But a
young girl, before she's 'learnt a
woman's teicks-and especially if
ehe's your own flesh and blood -why
that's different And my little girl,
for all she shows none too much
affection for her father (but that's
her mother's doing), she's a little pic-
ture, and I'm proud- of her. And if
any infernal cad of a d --d gentle-
man was to be up to any nonsense
with her, and so math OR to put his
--hand on her. eretty little head
-look here, Mr. What-eryeemilreem,
I'd Make a d --d pulp of him !"
And Mr. Elena. gripped my coat
with a fiercenese and looked into my
face with a resolntion which, 1n spite
of the coarseness which has disfig-
ured his epeech, warmed my heart
towards him. For instead of the
contemptible eodden cur of a
few minutes ego, it was a
Mall—degraded ey his course of life,
but still a man with a spark of
the right fire in his heart-vvlio
stood blinking steadily at me with
a peralstency which deinanded an
I freed my coat from hie grasp,
but without any. show of anuoy-
aim°, and answered him simply at
"You won't have to make a pulp
of anyboly While your daughter
lives at. Ballater, Mr. Feltner. X have
watched her grow from a (thereinto
-tete what she Is now, something
-to us stem love her -between. a
fairy and an angel; and no father
could take (kept». Interest in his
awn than I do In her."
"Deeper interest," repeated Mr.
Eilmer, dultionely; "no; I daresay
not. But, mouse Me, Mr-. Mr."—
"Yes, Mr. Maude, Ito offence to
yea, hut you're a man yourself,
yon kilow."
After the ematimely with which he
had treated nue the admiseion ermined
quite rt eompliment. made no
attempt to deny it, and this retic-
ence emintiened him.
" Now, why ;1011 marry lee
yonrself ?''
To have this wild! what has beet
efareily gnawing at. the foundation.
of your Wart brought euthienly face
e fact) evitit you is a ettartling
confounding taperienee. thine no
feint lead refenn 0.2 12 ever hate 1 1( Ice
more eteltily metalled et litInself than
I, AS 1 felt the hot 1)11)0:1 mount et
iny head, and my brain Riven wit]
the that full eonseleosness of a
"And you would take her mother
with her, of course 2" I said as eas-
ily as I could, with. a. sudden gloomy
misgiving that Bablole, happy as elle
wan among the hills, would snatch at
the cbence of rushing into the con-
flicts of tbe blister life in which she
took such an ominous interest.
"Oh, she can do as she likes," an-
swered Mr. Ellmer, with a sudden
return, at mention of hie wife, to sul-
Iteonn.ea.nd brutal ferocity of look and
' I was horror-struck at the possi-
bility of my little fairy choosing to
leave the shelter of the hillside under
the protection of this man, whose
caprice of paternal pride and affec-
tion might, I thought, at any mo-
ment of drunken irritation or disap-
pointment, change to the selfish cru-
elty with which he had treated hie
hard-working wife.
of winter. One eould thillk better in
the fresh, eprIng-seenteel air than
between walla of solemn books'.
As for that, thougli, my plea of
action was already deeldett on,
and coneemplation of it, even
under the inspiration of the per-
fume or the firs, and the babble of
tile water over the elonee
of the Dee, remitted to no im-
provement on my first idea. This
was no lase than to nuake a formal
proposed to Bablele, which she Must
accept on the Wear understanding
that it waa to form no tie upoie her,
but which would eatiery her father
anti allow her to remota still In the
safe oh.elter of this nook among the
hills. The glri was only fifteen, much
too young for any serious love -ven-
tures? of her onvn, fro that I argued
that nay engagemeat to her would
be merely a moot loyal guardianship
whash would reach Its natural end
when the Itandeome young prince
elsould break les way through the
encliented forest and, wake iter up
watt the trutlitional kiss, Hope for
myself, I can aeeureelly erty, I had
very little ; and, it tele moderity
eeems excessive in man lu the very
preine of lire, who, moreover, had al-
ready some fent of assured place In
the esteem ot the girl he levee, I con
only usay that there was a bala,nce
againet me hu title Imoks of the sex
whielt, wile paying off to Ole lane
member of it, and, therefore, 1a.
proportion. ars I Iliad felt myself to be
too good for tlee rest of those
bad m•ert, reo, I felt thnt Deblois) Ell -
mer was too good for me. The mat-
ter was arranged in, my own mind
with very little trouble, and I was
eager to unfold it to her. I had
half expectee to find her la the
road tarough the fir -forest, know-
ing that aftei the day's rain the
little maid must be thirsting for a
Jong draught of the freeli sweet
air-biet :no ; 1 paseed through it and
out Into the open country, dyer the
atone bridge of Mack, skirted the
Dee and crossed it again, by Ballater
Bistilmdgvesel,ilohetri.se village, without a
The sun was getting low Oehled
the hills ellen 1 reached the weet-
ern foot of Craigenclarroehs and
walla* a pause, begaa to elimb be-
tween the glestening branches of
the budding oak -trees up to the
top. I had no die:elect pnrpose
coming so far, and the faint bark
of my own dog, wheoh reaehed my
ears as I was a.scending tlee bare
and rooky space which. separates the
oak -grown lower slope front the fir-
orovveresi Amputee pf (W0(11111, caused me
to stop suddenly en surprise end ex-
citement so sharp and so sudden
that all the blood in my body seemed
to rush to my bead, and me) heart to
mutilate ite action by unwanted, tu-
multuothe leaps.
I pulled myself together, not with-
out some consternatlon at the plien-
"lame up tlue hill too rasa," I s'aid
to myself, and crept up the slabs of
rocks that now formed a wet end
slippery footway amoag the fire,
with a. Rensation of horror at the
thougett Bablole'e trusting her lit-
tle feet on such a treacherous. path.
Al the top, a little way beyond
the ceirn, came upon her suddenly.
Slue was sitting on the trunk of a
fallen tree, looking out to tire west-
ern hills, acroes tile slopes of which
were lying dense, cloud -like mists,
against the blaekaess or the darken-
ing hill -sides. The last , eys of the
sinking sun threw upee her face a
weird unnatural glow, and caused
her moist eyes to glisten like
etrange gems in the suat-lit marble
of her Ala feaeures, The tvild sweet
sadness of her expression, 1.ke that
or a gentle a,nimal who base been
(stricken, and does not know evey
brought a lump to my throat, and
ceased me to halt at some distance
from her with a feeling or shy re-
ep cc t.
Ta-ta who sat by her side, with
a eensitivelyaiesteing nose on the
young girl% knee, saw me at once,
but merely wagged her tall as an
apologetic intimation that I must
excuse her from attendance on me,
as site had weightier business aa
hand than mere idle frisking about
my heels.
Bet tire movement in her compan-
ion attracted Babiohee attentloe ;
she turned her head, saw me, and
started up.
The spell was broken she was Ina
moment, the sweet sliding Babiole of
every day. But I could not so soon
get over. 'Hue ehock of the first sight
of her face ; I had seemed to read
vague prophecies in her wide Bad
eyee. I smiled and held out my
hand, but I lett it to ter to open
the conversation.
"Will you gis e me till to -morrow
morning to think about it, and to
speak to Itablole, Mr. Eilmer 2" I
asked, after a few moments' rapid
thought. "in the meantime We will
do our best to make you comfort-
able, either here or at the cottage. Of
course, I cannot prevent your saying
what you please to your daughter,
but hope you will, in fairness to me,
let me plead my own Cause unblessed
by tete word from you. The subject
is one 1 knonashe has never dreamed
of, and it will surprise, and may even
startle her very mach. 50 that I
may ark so mewl] of you, and beg
you to rely on my discretion."
Ur. Ellmer seemed pleasel with the
success of Ills diplomacy, and he of-
fered lne it fat, lank, lazy hand to
"Say no more, sir ; between gentle-
men that is quite sufficient. And X
should like, to add, sir, that if every-
theng should turn out ars we both de-
sire, pee need levee no fear of being
gat upon by your wife's relations,
tvliatever Babbole'e mother may say
The votarlee of art, dr, are used to
po:verty and need not blush for it.
But I Flamed. be glad to think that
1113r devotion to it had brought only
its tlIgniav and not es penalties upon
my daughter.'
I shook his bane heartily, almost
feeling, for the moment, so deep was
lam own eonVietion, that this grearey
person with the paper
liteie language and sente
melts, like all *intuited 11121810111 in-
strument, could rise and fall to such
unexpected heights nne depths-tvas
really treating me with a generous
condescension for whieit I ought to
be r tetiti
I nersomoanied him te the door, Int
Watched WS ponderous figure smithies'
its wale to the e,ottage, near the en-
irence of wilielt t mew' Mu wife wait-
' Int; tor him ; them witietial to Ta-
ta. who had 1'011ov:ea lhe otrangee
I a few Amin in order to get a bet-
s ter view or his retren a and, inkin es
my hat, went down the drive for a
walk. it way past five. nd the Apre
811 11 Wt1113 8111111 2214 Mt 11 fair gonehight
I to the hilts Mere a, day of rain ; faint.
torti4 ot fgreoll Pri. 14110U ing
) the (leek 'Pillage of the Mash -trees,
t ntid the &Mee in lit. sort geese were
beginning' to Itike heart at the death
"It's very 11100 up here, isn't it,
Mr. Maude?" Babiole said, after a
few seconds' eearch for an open -
lag remark,
"But it's much too bete for yon
to be out here by yourself."
"Yes. I had 'forgotten( it wits so
late," she said humbly, with a sen-
sitive bluish at my reproof.
"Poor mamma wanted to be quiet,
and told me to pp out ; so came
She was winding about her the
thick plaid she always cearied when
the weather wee meld ; and this,
when adjusted Hlehland fashion
acrose the shoulder, made her,
ln conjunction with the knit-
ted Tam olehanter cap she
wore, a most picturesque and ap-
propriate figure among the dead tiow a Doubtftil Man WaS Con -
heather and the fir -trees.
"You look like Helen MeGregoret
oiled I, milling.
eite smiled back brightly, but shook
her head.
"1 baven't courage. enottgli far me -
Self, much less enough to inspire any- Lower Wendsor, N. B., Sept. 18. --
lady else tvith," she said rather sad- (Special) -"I want to say that I
ly. believe that Dodd's Kidney Pets are
"Courage is a -thing you ean't mea- the sight medicine for Kidney "Prou-
sure until you have to use It. What wet,
maims you think you have none, Ba- This is the declaration or Mr. T.
tattle? I feel sure eou bave a great II. Be:yea, postmaster of this place,
She began to laagli in the shyess, a very eevere case of this painful
, wto for a long time wag the victim of
sweetest, prettlest way; and, ealease.
CR 01 001i,
Timbers of oak keep the old
homestead standing through
the years, It pay% to use the
right stuff,
Men of oak " are men in
rugged health, men whose
bodies are made of the sound-
est materials.
Childhood is the time to lay
the foundation for a sturdy con-
stitution that will last for years.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
Scott's Emulsion stimtilates
the growing power.s of children,
helps them build a firm
foundation for a sturdy consti-
Send for free same's.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
Toronto, Ontario.
50o. and $1.00; all druataists.
lt. is said that if followe,d faithfully
the derectionio given. below fpr de-
vel•oping the neck will enable the
eerag•eleet girl to wear a collarieses
gown within three menthe' time. Tile
same exereArre will mike the uncom-
fortably fret throat of the puegy
sans and ladylike.
L Arnus at the Hales. Bring them
elowlY foleWard and epwarci. As
the arms come over the head,
riee on the tow: axed breathe In. Turn
the hanias toward the floor and push
tient down at the sides, letting the
brea'ell out slowly. At the same time
lower the heel% leo thee 10 time%
H. Pest tile AMUR OUt sitowly
to the sides, ae) In swimming, and
taise a long, deep breath, as the arras
go out. Then bend the arms bar*
to positian again, letting the breath
out. Eight theme To flil out the hot-
Lews of the lower part of the neck.
III. Bend the ernes 0.) that the
dumbbells; reet on the cheet, the
elbewe close at tlie skle. Extend the
arms quiekly sideways 10 times and
then upward 10 times.
IV. Arms hangeng at the sides, Lift
eavh shoulder as high as possible.
Beet shoulkler three time. Then. both
together eix twee. If this exercise
donte before a mirror one can see
how the museles of the neck are ex-
ereised.-New York Commercial Ad-
Ask for Minartia, and take no
To the many changes lately made
at) Buckingaism. Palace ono other
might well, one thinks, be added. And
that ls etiange oe name. True, the
site was one occupied by the house
Duke of Buckingham built thereon in
1703. But that occupation does not
seem to impose the name of a. sub -
„feat upon a residence bought by
George III., rebuilt by George Iles
and, though disliked by William IV.,
at once adopted by Qp,een Victoria.
as her London residence, and now the
fixed Imadcittartens oe the kieg and
the prompectIve headquerters 81 our
kings to be. No wonder that. foreign
visitors are puzzled by the unexplain-
ed retention of a former and long
ierelevant a,ppellation. They ask for
the Petals Royal and are met with a
blank stare, a tehake, of the head, or
a etatement which leaves a portion
of 'them under the oupposition that
His Majesty is the guest of the Duke
of Buckingham,
Scarcely less appropriate would be
a cancelang ut Met of the name of
Mariboeough House as applied. to the
new liereflitary residence of the heirs
appareart. Marlborough is a great”'
name, it is true, but it is a name
that the present owner has a very
natural right to put up on the lintels
of the new house he is building in
Curzon street. No disrespect, then, is
Implied toward the great Duke or
Marlborough. who built it in the first
decade of the eighteenth century,
and, gaNe 'Saaah, Duche.sse the right
to point over 'the way to Buckingham
Palace n.ntl to speak of 'Neighbor
George.' In 181.7 it was bought from
the Churchills for the Princess Char-
lotte and Leopold, of terwards King
or the Belgian% Later Queen Adelaide
wee Re occupant. Her name or his
would be tub Ien.slt as apt as that of
Marlborough for the house each had
inhabited. Btit Alexandra, House -the
name a the first Princess of Wales
to live under its roof -might well give
the haulm a title which would also
be a evelcoans private n,nd public com-
memaration.-London Chronicle.
New York Central and Hudson
River Railroad.
The above r111100 Is a household word and
the superior excellence of the road should be
sufficient to attract most people, but now
that the rate is the same to New York and
points east as by other lines no further re-
commendation should be sought. Every-
body will tell you 111. the best.
Reflections of a Bachelor.
The slipper that openers the ohne
dren is the .eceptre that rules the
etxeeen a girl thtnles she
know's more than her mother and she
knows she has lots more fun.
A married man no sooner gets ant
of his trouble by becoming a widow-
er then, he wants to go and do it
all over again,
When yoa find a man too lionest
to steal an umbrella it Is sure bet-
ting that he has las eye on some.
thing w•orth a. sight more.
A woman always tells whether a
man, is a gentleman by the way he
dresses, and whether a woman is a
lady by the way she doesn't dress. -
New, York Press.
vineed and Restored.
A Story that leastrates the Advent -
age of lteadiug and Being Guided
by Newspaper Advertiseutente.
putting her hand on the stout Mr. Belyeat reads the newspapero,
stick I carried she twigted it round and after ho had nerd plasters, o:Is
and round in the earth and looked up and biniments and all kind& ef extme
in my face affectioseattely. nal remediles, as well as doetorre
" Yes, yes, I know. That, is the treatments, with no good results, he
wee you ahvaye .each me. ou be.gan readeng the testimonials of
Dodd's Kidney Pies. He rays :
"Thia reinaly was so highly recom-
mended for Keeney Trouble that at -
ter reveling some teethnoniale X con-
tented to try teem tor a short time,
leee I must admit that having tried
10 many things and failed to obtain
0, cure, X had but tittle faith that
Keeney Pille or anythine sae;
001111 Dr lb 0111 1 help me.
encerevege I did not use them long
ell and more than was claimed for
lisielfeome.e. I found out, that the were
"I used to 11 v b d ell
whileli of late years beeame so fre-
quent and se) severe that X watts al -
"nod; laid up,
"I recei.ved more benefit from
Do.ider Kidney Pille than from tiny
other malestIne I have ever used,
end they tertainly made a templets)
MIN) of muse.
"I feel as wt•ll fte ever 1 dal nud
mot the slAglitest trate of the
Keeney Trouble that bethered me
foe 80 many yeare."
Mr. Beaten is not the feat shovel -
eat Man that him been eotivineed be
experienee of the Inetliellail value of
Do4hPs ICKIney Inds.
me I Veno intelligent and induetrioue
until I began to be both ; and dare- I
say, If you were to tell use long
enough -in your own kind way, help-
nie on by your.own 'strong wish -
that I wale brave, why 1. Rhould be-
. "Tell me how you know that ?" I
come 110. Hilt I'm not now."
to -day I onty heard some- '
thing that -that would be Very
hard to bear, and I breke down al- ;
.\"1:1:hanntmt,vx that ?"
I "Wao it something, your father
Raid ?'
8he looked up with flesh of !n-
ature' in her eyes.
"Was it annethieg about your go-
ing away front here ?"
She answered 'by a look only; a
look that was timid, nemnitul, at-
feetionete, and that had yet an-
• other element , ox behind all thie
; tenderness and eortness, there
1 danced the relater:8 ennting of an
fm,2,8r young aerie
(To be Continued.)
' Ter: forwstrd pereen frequentlY
Ntili back. ,
Keeping a Dull Light.
Samething to remember In the sum-
mer boarding house, which le usually
out of reach of gas, is how to keep
a dull light if required in case of
sickness. Put finely petvdered salt on
a Dandle till it reaches the black part
of the wiek. In this way a mild and
seedy light may be kept through the
night with a small piece of candle.
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's
One Thiele and Another.
Equine Millinery Is smaller this
House plants have a slekly look
compared with al fresco magnifi-
The better the day the shorter
the temper.
With all the windows open a town
house is full of dust in an hour.
.A. Gibson man is the latest on the
Gibson cushion covers. Just his head
la profile.
Well -kept dolls have regulation
suits, just like their youthful mane
A. crimson frock is not a pleasant
eight to see after the mercury climbs
too high.
Asphalt pavements give off
black dust as Well as heat.
subsittute for "The D. & L." Menthol
Plaster, although some unscrupulous deal-
ers may say there M. Recommended by doc-
tors, by hospitals, by the clergy, by- every-
body, for beefless, pleurisy, etc. Made by
Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd.
"What makes that jarring sensa-
tion ?" asked the new guest on the
second floor flat.
"It is probably calmed by the
other occupants of the building all
trying to open their bureau draw -
AVE; at the same time," replied his
host.-febicago Tribune.
Minard's Liniment is used by, Phy-
n, Stiabacker.
A young man maid to a minister
not long ago: "I wish you'd call and
see Maw. She belonged to obareb
when we lived la the country, but 1
guess she's one of them there what
you, call elidebackera The eity's
mighty hard on a feller's religion,
anyway." Teen, witie gestures in-
volving hisi head and his right thumb,
he added, "You know) how ale your -
Belle' Yes, thought rally observes
the editor of tire Congregationalist,
most olty ministers realize this
'truth and at this season of the year
we fancy that a few country minis -
tem have an opportunity, to see how
"mighty bard" the country is on some
people's religion.
Take Laxative Brame Quinine Tablets. 011
dru gists refund the money if it falls to curs.
. Grove signature is on each ox.
Spurned Love and Bamboo in Java.
The. young shoots of the bamboo
are covered 'wLth a number of very
fine hairs, that are seen, under the
mieroscope, to be hollow and spiked
like bayonets. These hairs are com-
monly called bamboo poison by the
white men resident in Java, for the
reason that murder Is free
quettly commie:tett through their
agency. When a Javanese woman
takes a fancy to a' European, she will
either have him or poison him if she
gete the chance. ahe seeks any and
every opportunity of mixing these in-
fleatesim,a1 hairs among his food, and
they serve the purpose of irritating
the whole length of the ztamentary
canal and setting up malignant dys-
eatery. It may take a long time and
many doses of this so-called poison
to eXlect the purpose, but the native
Woman does not tire and death will
surely result. The male native will
also ley this method of revenge for
an affront. .
A Vill118111Dg VICe-Pride.
Pride -the cruel pride denounced in
the Bible, the pride which delighted
to• humiliate, the mortal moral die -
ease of the mighty -is now but sole
done oeen. The dying out of certain
forme of power, the increase all over
Enrolee of individual freedom, have
abated "the despitefulness of the
Take two cemmon forms of pride,
pride or' birth and pride of intellect,
and see how they have been modified.
or late. Surely in the present day
the former doeo More good thee
harm; The pride which tioula
Mot torture for preemption is
itnrdly conceivable now.
Pride af intellect still lives, and
still divides man and man far mores
widely then pride of birth. Bat pride
or intellect io not whale it wag. Ag-
nosticism in all its forme has dealt,
It a feerhil blow. -London S.pesiteters
Keep Minard's Liniment in the
Well Made,
Pure fiour and pure yeast do not
necessarily mean gooa bread. It
may he spoiled in the makings Just
so : material is not everethhig.
Prof. W. Hodge= Ellis, Official
Analyst to the DoMinion Odeern.
ment, after a number of analyses, re-
ports that " Sunlight Soap is a pure
and well -made soap." "Well made"
means more than you think. Try
Sunlight Soap -Octagon Bar -next
wash day, and you will enjoy
the benefits of a " well -made "
soap, and will see that Prof. Ellis is
right. No one should know better
than he, 214
114oftg and Short Mlles,
Englat speaking countries have
four elfrerent miles -the orainary
mile of 54380 feet aTIO the gooier:Lisle-
lent mile est 0,085 feet, making dif-
ferelese of about one-seventh between
the two; then tiu•re are the :4001.V11
ar 5,928 feet nate the Irish mile
of 6,7120 free, frau various; mlies, every
one ot witica is atilt in use, Then al-
most every country has Its own sten-
derd mile, The Romans had their
pussuuni, 1,000 paces, wIdch
must Wive been about 3,000 feet In
lengtb, The German mile to-daY is
24,818 feet in lenetle mere than four
and a tall times as long as ours, Tho
Dutch, Daneg and Prussians' mile is
18,449 feet, three ana a liter tinsel as
long as ours, and the. Swiss get more
exercise in walking one of their miles
thee we get in walking five miles, for
their Mile Is 9,153 yards lomg.-Tit.
Surely as night follows day, steknefei fol-
lows the eating- of unripe fruit or stifle vege-
Oradea. Every housekeeper should keep Pei,
ry DAVIS' Painkiller In the house In summer.
11 gives instant relief and speedy cure.
it Would Pay.
" eee that a Michigan lien and
Ids wife have adopted twenty-two
little children,"
" Do you know their post.office ad -
divot; ?"
" No. Why 2"
" like to go over there and ittart
up a drug store."--Chleago Record -
Not au Easy Task.
A. new military 'Moen caapiain was
recently appointed in a ceetain town
In Scotland, He was a matt who
greatly magnified hie °Mee. On enter-
ing ORB of thee:ells on his first round
of inspection he, with much pompos-
ity, thus addressed the prisoner who
occupied it:
"Wee, sr, do you know ivies I ?"
"No, nor I saurus). care," was the
aanehalant r eply.
"Weel, I'm your new chaplaine'
"Oh, ye are. Well, I hoe heard o'
ye eefore."
"And what did eou hear?" returned
the chaplets!, his cure:slaty getting the
batter or Ids dignity.
"Weel, I heard that the last twa
kirks oe, were in ye preached them
baith empty, but be hanged it ye'll
find it suca an easy m,atter to do the
same wi' tido ane."
ISSUE NO. 39, 191;:v.
. • -
elarieleluess Ilene Marderi lemma.
the Al teleleine to day NI. alai
Mate. Nivel:Le celebrate:1 their tile -
morel wedding. The haeband, wit»
hue charge of the lamp): at Lite
Hetet de Ville, Is 88 year); of lige,
and les venerable. seouse le 81. Four
generations of deseendantsedn
nearly a irendred-duetered mind
them to -day to celebrate the six -
teeth annivereares of their marriage.
Thee were the rivet coaple to he
married at tee tdeleipe af Lei' the
definite consecration of the ha:torte
eau reit in f18412. No 1 wi thetanaing
tneir advanced age, both the 01.1
people are :valve an 1 elteery.-Len-
doe Deily Mail.
Endorsed by best English medloalJournals.
Supplied to British soidiersin South Africa.
Fors all Throat and Oland Troubles, Lumps,
tr.:::::,.,eget°:,...idn'tfaz, =hitt
Rh...at,.., Lemont', Sprains, Bruises;
Piles, Cuts, Sore Feet, Pleurisy.
Sold by Druggists, 25e. Try It once.
_ „.. „ _ —
414mabliner 11). Sore LOfrot
WhO ain filinIllftr WW1 what
passes afg faeldonablo dissIpatIO it in
nearly every corner of the world,
have never before seen publicity.
and promisetsousnese in theee follies,
have nOwliere else (known gambling
to begin close teem breakfttet and
be carried Ore in tared fields of
cha,nce, until after nthinlight; have ilk
no other place found young maidens,
new brelee and family domestics rat-
ing bets side by side with the heade
of famillee. Awl never before oe
elsewhere have Reese fathers and
modters teaching the tricks of gam-
eng to callow children or fathers look-
ing with smiling faces Itt their sons
beside the faro tables Le a gambling:
resort,-,Tullart Ralph.
1Ve offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Catarril Cure.
P. 3. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, la
We, the undersigned, have known j
Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
1 rt:rtirocutfliYmxitiNlig211:11;itatill13 tOugligrolgpanns;
obligations made by their firm.
1Vrifre & Tuukx, Wholesale Druggists, To-
ledo, 0.
WALDING, KINNAN Ni !I YIN, W1101021110
' Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Clare in taken internally,act-
Price -75e per bottle. Soul by ail druggiste.
Hall's Family Finn are the best.
When washing greasy dishes cr pots and leirst 171alt or the King to Man.
pans, Le•*ser's Dry Soap (a powder) will Mall Mall Gazette.)
remove the grease with the greatest ease. 28 Not long a,go the "King In Man"
was tbe official title of the Earls
Tama Were Others,
In a certain Penneylvania velage
where there is but one trolley ear,
and that a novelty, the handsome
young citizen who is its conductor is
regarded as common property by his
friends the pessengers. Men, women
and children are as neighboes to
and 'Otis sometimes gives rise to a
picturesque cane:Ian oi his public and
private funetions.
He is eeked for the loan of fares us
often as a. country postmaster is
asked to eavance stamps, and al -
Omagh he is expected to run, his car
by schedule, he is also expected to
hoed, it quite ten or fifteen minutes
on those frantic occasions when a
belle Is berenditand with her toilet for
a aolree at the other end of the towis.
Tender infants are put into his arms
to be delivered at their destination,
and truatful oli ladles board his ve-
hicle with requests to be taken :to
regions where no track has over been
surveyeee •
But it wad's. lady riding with three
childrem W110 took him. the most deep-
ly into her eonfidence. Receiving from
her a dollar Mil for fare» he asked :
"Is 'this the smelliest you have?"
"No," she replied, with a mother's
saniles, "I have ome six months old at
English Spavlu Liniment completely removed
a curb from my horse. I take pleasure' in
I recommending the remedy, as It acts with
ToYrttelsrtociul'ilard7reignoe;:aotreil.elltillinil, I 12
p b root) _
sparin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles and
Markham. Out.
i Sold by all druggists.
1 Coronation Story.
Among the coronation aftermath
Is a story about the Mayor of a
oertain seapart town in South Eng-
land. This offietal came to one of
the London hotels the night before
the coronation. He had evidently
packed has bag in a hurry, for when
he started to put on his robes in
tire morning he (Mseovered to his
horror 'that he had left out his
long black eilk stockings. It was
an awful quandary to be in. Ring-
ing his bell, he summoned the man-
ager and told him what he wanted.
"But I can't do anything," re-
plial the manager; "the shops are
all closed."
, "But," declared the Mayor, "I
can't wear socks ; my reputation
would be reined."
He rushed about the i•oom 0,8 his
perplexity Inereased. .Tust then a
ehambermati passed by the - open
door. The Mayor saw her and his
eyes gleamed with a happy inspira-
"Have you a pair of black stock -
linger ho inquired, etopping the
ea . .
She blushed, "Only those I bave on,
see e she said.
"Well," ordered the Mayor, "go
and take them off and bring them
back here. I'll rex° you ten shillings
for them."
I The make, wondering, did as rehe
1 Nvas tole. Thus et was that a pro -
I vendee '1111yor wee able to take hie
! place In Westminster .ebbey and
make as brave a show as any ot Ids
fellow Mayors.
Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co.:
Gentlemen, -In jun°, '98, I had
my hand and 'wrist bitten and
badly mangled ey a Vicious horse.
I suffered greatly for several days
and the tooth cuts refused to heal,
until your agent gave me a bottle
bega,n using, and the effeet was
magical. In five hours the pain had
ceesed, and in two weeks the
woands had cempletely healed and
my hand and arm were as Well as
ever. Yottra truly,
A. E". !WY.
Carriage maker, St. Antoine, P.Q.
A Que.-aims of Number.
(Change Chronicle.)
A recently published pamphlet re-
calls the old dispute et two friends
AR 110 whether the word "news" was
eingular or plural, They telegraph.
al to Mr. (freely the gaestIon; 'Are
there ally. news?" and he promptly
flnehed back the nnswer: "Not a
Stops the Cough
and Works Oft the Cold.
LaxatiVe Brom o eninInti Tablet; cure a eald
in ORO day, No Cure, No pay. Price 26 meta
of Derby, and all lovers of Seott
tvill remember the part played by
'the King in Man in "Peverll of the
Peak"; but to -day eye bave written.
the expression with quite another
signifloance-the Kiang has been in
Mane Not for eight centuries ime
the Kint; of England set foot in the
land of tailless eats, of Deemsters
and Keys; and sty, on the visit of
Ring Edward VII. recently, the en-
thusiasm was naturally immense.
pilesTo i,rove vo you thab my
and absolute cure for each
Chase's Ointment is a cortaia
, and every form of itching,
s bleedingand proimuding plias
the manufseturers have guaranteed R. Bootee.
timoniais in the daily prev and ask your neigh-
bors what they think of P. You can use it and
get your money back if not cured. Moe hoz, at
all dealers or BosuoMoN,BArks & Co.,Toronto,
Dr:Chase's Ointment
are paid to competent
We teach this pleasaut and profit-
able profession In all its branches by
our original and superior system.
Best course by mail ever devised.
Poserrons WAITUN
and BARN while you study. Write tor
booklet giving full particulars.
Canadian School of Illustration
TORONTO, CAN. Yonge and Gerrard
A' sugar beet land In Ray County, both
wild and cleared, In good farming commun-
ity. Apply to I. Bendy, Glover, Mich,
TORONTO, Ont., Sept. 6, 1902.
Men and Women tso sell cloth for men and
women's wear in own town; respectable,
sure, profitable.
Good facilities tor handling. Consignments
solicited. Correspond ence invi ted and prompt-
ly attended to. Will buy honey outright.
JOHN J, FEE 62 F4:cattiVegitast,
Humane divine Y, Stook Marker and Cal
Deborner. Stops swine at all ;wee from
rooting Makes 48dIfferentear mark., all
ekes, with same blade. Estrada Ilona.
Testimonials free. Prlee$1.50orsend $1 4,
fort ri ;111 t worki,send balance. pat'd
DA May0,1/2 tor yrs ; CanadaDec.17, r
'01,1 Syn. PARBES2111011TON, Falrfleld, lowe,11. M.
I have decided to pst my Red Seedling
Raspberry on the market. and as long an
stock. lasts -will sell at $6 per dozen, cash
with order. No order taken tor less than
hall 11. dozen plants. I claim that it Is the
hardiest, the most vigorous, the largest, and
most productive lied Raspberry, far Bur -
palming Loudon or Cuthbert In vigor, hardi-
ness, quality and productiveneen. See On-
tario Fruit -growers' Report 1901, page 16,
Sept. 16 to Nov.1.18 tile best time to plant.
II. WHYTE, Ottawa, Ont.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should
sham be used for Children Teething. It
soothes the ohild, softens thegums, cures wind
colie and is the bort remedy for Diarrhosa.
812 Weekly Men and women to
Bona Fide Salary represent us appoint-
• big agent& Some to
travel, others for local work. 'Rapid promo-
tion and increase of salary. Ideal employ-
ment, new brilliant lines. Beet plans, red
es -Welshed house.
The quality standard from Ocean to
Oceen. Your money beck thmteatIstactory
flE0, VIPOND Montreal
We folleleyOur consignments to Montreal.
Write or wire me Prompt sales.
finest in the Niagara. Peninsula at
Winona,10miles from Hamilton en two ran.
waye,ise sores in alL 33 Of whieh is in fruia
mostil peaches. WM be sold in one parcel or
divided inks lotsOt 13 to 30 aores to suit per
rem. This hi a denuded bargatb Adders
onathau Carpenter, P. 0, lox iN, winoint