HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-09-18, Page 5Sept. 1$, 1902
Every Article is Bran New, No Old Stock Dere.
One Thousand. Dollars
Spot Cash Did It
Our buyer, Mr. Crowder, went to Toronto and Montreal last week
on a special purchasing trip. He was lucky enough to catch a large
Clothing manufacturer overloaded with fine ready-made Clothing made
for a western customer, who bad just made an assignment.
Crowder Co., Wingham, Picked Out Fifteen Hundred ,
Dollars' worth of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits and
Overcoats, Which They Bought For $1,000, Spot Cash.
This purchase coming right on top of our fall delivery has made our
stock away too large, so look out for Bargains. Crowder Co. are here
to stay and bound to sell goods, not customers.
Our Fall Opening—Postponed till Sept. 30, during Millinery opening
A great variety at $1.25 to $6.00 " Youths' Suits $2.75 to $12.00
Men's Suits $1.00 to $12.00
Odd Pants at all prices from 90c to $4.00
One Minute's Time, Please.
Overcoats for fall and winter just arrived We have the largest range
of Overcoats north of Toronto The famous Coronation Overcoat—
something choice Prices of our Overcoats are from $3 to $12.00.
We have no old Overcoats here — be not afraid.
Our prices for New goats will be less than old stock prices.
Crowder Co. want your trade on business principles.
Once in a while we get a customer that is a little out of proportion in size
which makes him a little harder to fit with a ready-made, so we have pur-
chased a fine range of SUITINCS in blacks, blues and tweed effects—these are
all bran new goods, FIT GURANTEED OR NO PAY—our guarantee.
Men's Corduroy lined frieze Pea Jackets
Men's Cloth
Men's Rubber Pea Coats, wool lined (waterproof) 3.00
See our Suits at $7.00 then see others' at $10.00.
Unprecented . Value in Underwear.
Underwear for Boy, Youth and Man. Our Underwear is all new at prices
which will be also new, ONE BIG SPECIAL—Men's heavy Ribbed all -wool
Shirts and Drawers, per Spit $I.OQ.
Crowder Ce, dead In gent§' $i'urnishings.
TIES LATEST=. -Midget litripgs and Mite $oil's, choice 25
SALEM SHIRTS—color guaranteed, )lard bosoms 1 AQ
PANAMA. SOFT FELT HATS—the groans of Fall Rats
]ging along your Butter, Eggs and. Honey.
The R. H. Crowder
Bring Along
your :reek.
headquarters for Dressy Young Men.
Ott i'Q;'i4F FYI Viwii} i'Ffwertr•
OFFICE.—Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's
surgery. Residence—Catherine St.
•bREAL • gsTATg, iNS4RAN E A.N
90 A'Clg' r g011vVgY NCle1F+
CAlleatipp At Rents ape}} 4-Seeents ei ,ppO?1ty.
OFFICii.—Over D. kf. Gorden's store,
Res[donoo: Leopold street,
1V ors y TO #.Oef,
wee;—Norton 1lotk, X3ringlmam
Al To 91 M+
Teacher of Piano, Theory„ and Fletcher
Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam-
Pupils prepared for Conservatory of
Music examinations.
YI0U:U4 019 RPM:
fss aihflipm
Of London Conservatory of Music, will
be prepared after Oct. 1st to receive a
limited number of pupils for instruction
on Violin and Guitar.
Residence --opposite R. C. Church,
MISS . AR4 1,9(11$14' MOo H, 4,El4(
And member of the Associated Musicians
of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit-
ed number of pupils for instruction ou
Piano and in heory.,
Special attetion given to pupils pre-
paring for exfh mmnations,
Residence—opposite the R. O. Church,
Abl'ier Cosens I1IRI3
Loan and Insurance Agent
Farm .hgrkmis at lowest rates of littered.
OCA—Corner Mina o and 1'1 tri c fates
Cook's Cotton Root Compott;il
Is snecesslully need monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook -s Lenon Root ars.
pound. Take no Other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per
box No. 9,10 degrees stronger,;d per box. No.
I. or a, mailed an receipt of price and two 0 -cent
stamps, The Cook Company Windsor Opt
PrItrid.1 and A Aoi4eno reg mlitpm tIettbYlip
teA} ondibl'! 7?'rligF1111 xli"Oi}q ' jl:
Iy' . 1 lsad N. 2 are sold in Winiths,qt by
a d,..t. oL,Balmllitoln, DafiGOIats, J 7c: D4 Vs
Money to lain on notes, and notes
discounted at reasonable rates. Money
advanced. on mortgages at 5 per cent.
with privile e• of pitying at the end of
:l,ny year. plies app. o,pcounts collect-
ed: Chloe— eaver block, 'Wingham.
RoBT. McINnoo. *980
Stomach Troubles
-e alAtts
We guarantee an ab-
solute cure for the
most distressing cases.
1.11 oAera fail,
give us a trial. Your
money refunded if we
do not satisfy.
Chemist & Druggist
Office G.N.W. Tel. Co.
Its a pity to have a good
Suit spoiled in the making.
The suits we make give en.
the satisfaction. Qive us a
trial and be convinced,
Webster Its Co.
rRegas Plus
S, S. Cooper has been awarded the
the contract for the erection of the sew
post -office building at Clinton. T1.0
amount of the contract price is $9500,
-Thos. Biggart of Bayfield died re-
coutly from cancer of the stomach. De-
ceased was born in Goderich township
and was in his 07th year. He carried a
long service modal and wns the oldest
member of the 33rd of Huron and saw
service in the Fenian Raid,
—The Dominion fruit inspector at
Winnipeg has seized a box of apples
taken from the middle of a consignment
shipped to Winnipeg by a firm in Galt,
Ont. The apples were described' by the
shipper as "Fancy Canadian apples,"
bat the specimens taken are very poor
quality indeed. Twenty. of them. weigh
only 28 ounces, The inspector has. been
instructed by the Government to prose-
cute the shipper in this instance and in
every similar instance which comes
under his notice.
—The farmers in Blanford and other
parts of the country have discovered a
new pest in the form of a very small,
pinkish colored worm, which infests the
clover, and is committing such depred-
ations, that the seed, it is feared, will be
destroyed. The cattle will not eat the
clover affected. On account of its min-
ute proportions the worm is hardly dis-
cernible in the clover. A. fork full or so,
shaken out, however, discloses than in
Iarge numbers.
—A rich find of iron ore is reported at
a point about four miles from the new
steel plant at Sault Ste. Marie. At the
new find a shaft is being sunk to deter-
mine the value and extent of the depos-
it and already the indications are that
the property will rival the famous Chap-
in mine at Iron Mountain in Michigan.
Mining men who have inspected the find
are said to be securing options on the
property in the vicinity. The ore runs
about 60 per cent. iron, and if as exten-
sive as believed, the discovery means
much for the furture of the Soo.
—On Wednesday Iast, a sad and fatal
accident happened to Joseph Philips son
of Mr. Philips, station agent at Seaforth.
The young man was engaged in the
round house in Stratford, preparing him:
self for a railroad engineer, and while
engaged in coupling cars, he lvag caught
between them and crushed to death. Tt
seems that coupling weltld not work,
and.young l?l}ilips attempted to crp.s§ to
the other gide ljetwee1I the pars, when
the engineer moved back and his body
was caught between the coupling. He
only lived 15 minutes after the accident.
—One of the oldest constables in West-
ern Ontario is Mr, John Emmerton, Sr.,
of Huron township, whose apppintpieut
dates back to 1853 wile, the late Dan.
Lizars was clerk of Huron and Bruce,
Iu those early ddye'whep a magistrate
ordered a poramuitment it more than
once fell to Mr. Emmerton's lot to es-
cort the offender to gaol, and to go
afoot. From Huron township to Goder -
is no inconsiderable distance in to
walk it must have been tiresome, in.
deed. Mr. Emmerton is now in his
95th year, but brisk and hearty and
thinks nothing of walking into Kincar-
dine, a distance of four miles. He is a
chatty old gentleman and can relatfi
many an ii_terp lila afr tl}fj pioneer
days-CIinton News-Record;.
St;o414e11 and Bowel Tt'oubles,
A promptly satisfactory cure for
Cramps, Colic, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Biliiousuess, Sick Stomach and Summer
Complaint, is a few drops of Nerviline
in sweetened water. Nerviline at once
elieves ppain and
s i' ie'leA
bile P4118eof' the tiff,and o Nearyyr.
so d1erYifn
best'gondral juio.f 'rc dIy-l4e1044
pain( lindw. li 0310
en ui lclfly 1p t uo
housplipld eb Id 41e without it, guy a
25c bottle of erviline today, it's a+'
Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation.
cement Rglilding,
Any person requiring anything, in
the Cement building line, such as Side-
walks, Cisterns, Silos, Foundations or
Floors, should get my prices, Work
guaranteed. Call at residence, Leo-
pold St., Wingham,
Yo Cain Aord
r0 °apnrullBIll
in the nutter of getting
your clothes made—ex
pel-iments are often cost-
ly, You wont be experi-
menting if you let us
make your spring Suit or
Overcoat, because our
long experience in the
tailoring business enables
us to speak with a feeling
of assurance, Give us a
U'P-STAIit$ IN StiAW BLOOt?~'.
Coon Town Coming To
Wingham Fall Fair .. .
Friday, September the 26th.
This Celebrated Musical organization will play on the
Grand Stand on the. afternoon of the Fair, and give a Cion -
cert at night in the. Town Hall, Wingham, in .aid of the
Turnberry Agricultural Society.
•Admission to Concert at Night :
Reserved Seats, 35 cts. Adults, 25 cts. Children, 15 cis.
Plan of Hall and sale of Seats at Douglass' Drug Store,
open Monday the 22nd.
`3h;or a&
Button Block, Wingham,
scat Sale Continued
For a Week or Ten Days.
We have disposed of a lot of goods'
during the last two weeks, but still we have
Bargains left for everybody.
Everything must go, regardless of
price. .The ' following will give you an
idea of the bargains given :—
Berlin and Zephyr Wbols, all shades, per o;‘,. ;, 5c
Shetland Floss, per p .
Silks; till sh,ailest lio per spool or 6 for 25c
flipper gales, all pises, at wholesale prices
prepe Papers, all shades, at 4c, Go and 8c
Filo Floss, all shades, at lc and
Pins, 2 papers for .`
Embroideries, reg. price from 7c to 9c ell ielS to,r
Battenburg Laces, per yftrl 1,
........, 6e
Lacii ' I T q, re ;price 14 and 15o, for 00, 7c and 8c
47eg'a17-40,9. 1417 flute to Mention, but bargains for everyone
Still some Bargains to be givens in Granite
and Tinware.
"The Slater Shoe,"
Branded on the sole or the lining with the wards, "'Ile
Slater Shoe," in a slate frame—nothing eisei ilk t, .1;it {mor
less, no other letters or initials—Ixti,t lits UCiro
--A descriptiy 1"ip!I:o,St letting, ttic leather pasiislilir
4ii9" ;glue ,i is made of, P.1,91'10 of wear it le decd i lt i,ad
ltd register npmber , t.'10 con o m
,,•= r , i , , pi.41 for lieu .4w''
ricq o a b t1e af ,i -....Ls on time
t Q2 ,1}el: ', 19s3 ' p0„-.
us sip the tti,r),.--' .
Ytir;il,o„ii ..,,s of a genuine "Slater Shoe.”
....int no shoe is a "'Slater Shoe."
Et'want the 'real thing-" take no other.
Goodyear welted.
Name And price, $3.50 or :65.00,
branded on each pair.
64 The Slates
For Sale only by W. J. GREER.
—Mr. ,T. 0. Rowe, of Tavistock, has
about 300 apple trees from which he ex-
pects to pick 600 barrels.
—3, Sillifoutof Seaforth found a gart-
er snake with two heads, four eyes, two.
mouths, and two tongues.
--Clinton now has about eight miles
of granolithic walks, 85,000' square feet
being laid down this season,
--Manitoba farmers are offering $1.75
to $2 per day for threshers and the
farers may have to turn in and help
—At a twenty acro field of oats at the
Stony Mountain Penitentiary, Manitoba,
averaged seventy-four bushels to the
acre, and from- live bushels of speltz
sown, 13,000 pounds was threshed outs
--The Union Jack was floated above
the Stars and Stripes on:a vessel at God-
erich, Out., instead of at an epual height.
A report was sent to the State Depart-
ment at Washington. The laepartment
said it was en affront to United States,
Says the Mitchell Advocate—Mr.
Richard Babb, who is in the West
attending the Methodist Conference at
Winnipeg as a delegate, has combined
business with pleasure. While visiting
a daughter in Alberta he purchased a j
section of Iaud, and almost immediately
afterwards sold it at an advance of near-
ly $800.
—Prompted by the Hogan bigamy case
iu Detroit, which brings to light the fact
that the young man was married twice
in Windsor within a short time, Dr. J.
O. Resume, has decided to iu-
troduce shill into the Legislature to do
away, in a measure at least, with clan-
destine marriages of American couples
in that city, which estimated to run as
five hundred annually.
—While plowing recently Philip Eng.
lehart, who resides west of Dutton un-
earthed some teeth which no doubt be-
longed to either a•behemoth or masto-
don. The teeth are in a perfect state of
preservation, and must have been buried
in the earth for hundreds, or probably a
thousand years. The largest of the
teis four- hg, nudt
belonged at oneinctimeeslonto Kanand infant
Owen Sound, Sept. 5—Owing to the
heroic notion of Mrs, Robt. Barclay, of
Lindsay township, her six-year-old son'
is alive to -day. The little fellow stepp—
ed on a three-foot rattleseake which
was basking in the sun, and the reptile
buried its fang five times in his leg,
Mrs. Barclay at once realized the danger,
and sucking the poiSOP from the wounds,
tied a liilatliro around the limb to stop
the circulation of the blood, and drove
her child 15 miles to Lion's Head, where
medical treatment' was secured. The
boy is now doing well,
-•-Frank Waeohter, a farmer of Fox-
mesa, near Walkerton, was asphyxiated
E'riday night in his room at the Bull's
Head hotel, Toronto. He had been in
the city for two days exhibiting an ox at
the exhibition. He went to bed at tas
o'clock, and When the smell of gas caus-
ed au investigation at nine o'clock in the
morning, he was quite dead. Ho had
evidently turned the gas on accidentally
while trying to turn it off. Waechter
was 211 years old and unmarried, He
was a son of Mr, Andrew Waechter, the
well-known stockman,
Lost Hearing Quickly Restored.
No matter whether of long standing or
not deafness can be permanently cured
by Catarrhozone, which never fails even
in the worst cases. Pleasant -scented vap-
or of Catarrhozone allays inflammation,
prevents and sures the catarrhal eandit,
ioq that causes deafness and relieves.
right away. Thousands have proved
the efficiency of Cetav'1osene, and with
such a valpabie remedy within easy
reach there it no longer any reason for
peeple to remain deaf. Catarrhozone is
recommended also for Coughs, Cole's,
Catarrh and Bronchitis. Complete out-
fit, $1.00 ; trial oleo, 25c. Druggists. os
N. C. Polson es Co., E?irtford, C sties,
U S., or Kingston, Ont.
Hamilton's Pit h tJtike t onstipation,
TURNnERnv—At Wingham, Sept. 2,iitia
and 26th.
G. N, W. Exhibition—Godevicl1, Sept,
30.Oct, 1.
Asbflelid, w
SZs Waanesh—Dtingann.-1
got.Tuekersrttitlt—Eieafortl' Sept. 25-20.
East Wawanoat,—Belgrave, Sept. 30-
QCt, 1,
N`" ,.0 Grey—Owen Sound, Sept. 16-18.
Centre Bruce—Paisley, Sept. 2.3.21.
Oxford—Woodstock. Sept. 25.26.
Western—London, Sept. 12.29.
North Brant—Paris, Sept, 25.20.
Teeswater--Sept. 24 a;.
Blyth—Oct. 7.8.
Brussels—Oct. 2-3.
Walkerton—Sept. 17- iS.
Listowel—Sept. 30 -Oct. 1.
A ttwood--Oct. 7 8.
Kincardine—Sept. 30—Oct. 1.
Mildmay--• Sept 22-23.
Lucknesv—Oct. 1.2.
Ripley—Sept. 23.21.
Il arriston—Sept. 22.23,
Palmerston—Sept. 18.10.
To Increase Your Appetite.
Nothing will stimulate a neon, healthy
relish for food, insures good digestion
and perfect assimilation like Forrozone,
which is the most successful tonin and
health renewer known to medical science.
Perror,one is a positive curd for Anaemia
Impure Blood, Boils, Pimples, Indigest-
ion, Dyspepsia and alI Stomach and
Bowel troubles. Forrozono cleanses,
-strengthens and purifies the blood, it
invigorates the heart and nerves, ban-
ishes sickness and pain, and makes ail-
ing people- well. 0.`ry a box or two of
14'errcaone, the result will boa surprise.
Price liOc at Druggists or N. 0. Polson (Is
Co., Kingston. Sold byA. Hamilton.
Hanimilton's Pills Cure Constipation.
Stout Values, The Loading Store
Small Prof t
Quiek Return
We have just opened up a large assortment of Wrap-
pers, Waists and Flannelette Underwear •— every article
well made and fast colors,
No. I Special Value.
5 Dozen Ladies' Wrappers, with deep frill, full wide
• skirt, lined in waist and sleeve, fast colors, choice
patterns, fit guaranteed, regular value $150
2.O0 ---our special price,
No, 9 Ladies' well -made Wrappers, lined, fast
colors, good patterns, regular
value $1,50—our special price -.
NO. 3 Ladies' nicely made and trimmed Waists,
—our special price
ancy patterns, lined, fast colors $1.25
Ladies' Black Sateen Waists, lined and
well made, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00.
No. 5.
Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns,
full wide skirts, nicely made and
trimmed, fast colors, special value 50c
and 75e. Ask to see them.
. Bring in your Eggs and get the Prize.
•=suumsommouseinemaakawsreesecentematinsmarevzoasenfatumOsaiar ,l ,
H. I . Isard Sc. Co.
Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Prise Paid for Prod e
Moving Sale.
We are going to move into the brick block next
door, owned by Mayor Vanstone, and before doing
so are going to oJTer, for one week,
20 Per Cent. off ail
• -Crockery 8 CDassware -
including Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Glass-
ware, China and Japanese goods.
\o\er Tots
The season for Flower Pots has arrived again,
and we. have got them, at the same low prices: -
4 -inch Flower Pots 25 c'ts. per Dozen
5 -inch • • ' , 35 . .
6 -inch • • ' • 50 ..
7 -inch • • • • 75 ,,
at Griffin's
-r. _ sf:, ..:. n•
A General Election
Is among the probabilities of the near future, but of
more importance to the people of this vicinity is our
of Suitings for fall and winter wear to be seen. on our
counters. We assure you we can make them to your
entire satisfaction, with prices right, to suit all. We
have just received a new and complete stock of
New Shirts
New Neck Ties
New Collars
New Cafes
New Socks
New Caps
New Underclothing
Newest American
and in fact every line is full of up-to-date goods.
I,n Boots 811 Shoos weo have a
choice and select
stock of the best mattes ill
Canada. Also some lovely lines in American Boots
for'men, made in Boston, U, S.
"The Sign of the Bear."