HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-09-18, Page 30
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and other side are dragging .00000000000000000000000000000000
0*0*#09414q*+++**+##i1,4 11 troagly. 1%.me, again, are
* COMPLE-TRY LAID UP ~0VV%&"y~"V40~~~~*W"~% contented to lift the skirt only wholl .
JOALf A DOZEN . a partiouiarly dirty spot calin for A LESSON IN BUTTERPMAKING
V . action, and fo� tile most part 1(-t
V A Contractor Confined to tills Red SUMMER'S=END OOSSIP AND FASHIONSe their skirts drag and carry- aw %�- To ScCure the pr9titabl# 1119me ond 0"01SIA r1atkots.
SHORT STORIES I . an accualillol.tIon or refuse for an
With Kidney Trouble ____-__._11__._-__- -, added, Item to their tallorW bills. � 0000000000090000"000 I I
t I — � The proper way IR a matter for "
the Individual woman to stuly, by li(�Vartmemt of Agriculture, Ott%wa- puts It Alito it Pure 011 Stikirtor 11
A well-known As.tiliblullop of Dublin Its to l3etter Now and Writes an Seen and tteard In Old London --What the Fashionable Set Is Wearing In that � meAno or a mirror, close obsorva- Canada elij..)ys the ulliquo position to yield tbo dealrog flavor. Papteur-
waN. toward tho eud Of his life, At- � � . fzation does not destroy all the germs
flirted li.e ahHent-n1ladednego tilat . interesting hotter Telling of 111118 Metropolis and in Paris— Coronation Notes- 11terairy and tion or a lesson or two in imsartleml Of betag unable to suffer from over- to milk or cream any more than cul-
mwti iva to btutilag dvvel,linuouts. I Recoveryanq Maw It 0ameAbout. l metborlo. fte =list know tile �w)s- production 116 long 40 She tOPIR In ,
, , Musical Chat. ----By Chanteclair. v.,l tivATIQu eradicateo'all Weeds; but It
Tho mot;t devout, of almi, tile bt%t� olbilities of her own figure as ' (111,111tY, as 9110 0-1,11 (101, 'Ili v0mpieti� decreases their number. Sterilizatfort
of husballf1g, )w figured In One allee-1 Toronto, Ont., Stipt. 1,-(SpevAb%1.)- no Its own Aortcomings. Some wo- tors without Mort) than -Lite use of when efficient destroys all forms of
cold men can (to, nothing angtacerully.
dot(. th-l-A 111i'vilt-have, got a Inq wovil- I There are few merk -lit tile West � ~,AA01~#%ftA~~~~00kW~~ , The best way for on6 of tile , 6ss ta,v- Ordinary dillgenco. care, and prur life; but pAstQur1za,tI0a destroys
1,11OVift 140tPht Into tr011ble'- of this city who are more widely about all of *thoop whIch' are InJurl-
it wom Ott It 1111111or givell, I).- tiv,� und Taoro favora,bly known, thou The. summer days (,'It by so softly, wltlle� Iet us enloy what remalum of, or Iron grey, and he ow (Wed 10 to stilay tile ways of a gravet- dence. T.X gert trade to country must
Lord lAvittonaut of I14,111110. lit 1,110 it warrat rill Woman. supplj� a. wailt , an. -I. to mako itiat one to the finality or dalrX, -products.
midst (if the dinner ih�%'eompmiy lili mi., �'W. 'T. Neaftle, so rAppIncott so quilekly, it is hard to believe lit and annobines and. strap to hold Ili tile fnineon at the 1r,tde, permanent that want witel, be The condition thug oroa..� gives the
street, wilo for years has conduct0d $g two Weeks since coronation eve, (Aill.ber Ittisub Ulilla Wo Nay. back of the walet. . � . I supplLcd at a slantlarit 4Of quality ou- 901rVIN Of fermentation or souring
Vlaltlii)d tl.:.F;,- J lg t II11%A I -L' lIbIAIJI) 110 i a busliness go bidlJor and contrac- ,TAIkIngi oir rogirle, I hoaNt of an OrIg- A. fashionable I ' J1444 for 1401140. lytrlor '0,ho competitors, or at us a
froill lit.; t"tat, looltIng pal" antl agl- when I posted toy last pen,and-Ink � which are Introduced by the sit rter
011-il, ant] er.ving, " It hat: como, It Vur. I., chat I But at) it is, tin Wal axraugt,mvnt ol ,the queen of Material for Auttkinn Days Floft colors In oarty-Ifto paper Art% prou lower than thii,Pir. Canada pro- a good chance to become the prievall-
twalie, fl.i.-O or six years ago 311 d 48 70" flowers 4t it' wedding Itl: France. tile 1.9 tilack face cloth or z1bellao, Pow- Always in taste for living rooms and duotes what Great :Britain aill tile Ing If. not the only ones,, so that
hIN eollu'!" i Keti,no wits tt very sick mutt. fie have had to my ocular knowledge, other day. illo' reception wag Ileid at dered with White opote. 'The SPOtH give a good background for pictures. reat a tlLe world cannot do ,without; 'the flavors which are the result of
" What 11AN conlo, youir gravo?"
ptigerk, jorled balf a dozell volem i had, loldney Troubles which devel- Ono.b fill, and exhaustlye accounts of 4 floe old qhaleau, whose roomo were )ugly be In alluottL any size, an,3 Green oaInds, suoh As lettuce, oreoR 6ut while site gelli It at a Markrt ri"utug or souring ore those char-
, .
lifforent 1). I oped lintil'i he was Absolutely an- it it I will not blirden you wit), literally smatherml, lit roses. Tile the gowns look smart with trim- 0%, eel , can beat be kept fresh ra,te. favoraLle to herself and item1pt- noterlefle of the germs of the
frolu I i.rtH tit ilk., tablo. aWn, to leave It"o bed. a doors were removed, an(l the open likings of wlitte oriental vinbroldery by wrery 'lot "starter." The later treatment
I What I have bevil exp,�,,Llng for nlore of iLt, for -%-Ott muSt b , i 2ing In a wet cloth and able' to Iter oukitomerS, mile Is ut
" of pa Mr. Keane foilml a care where mo much a npacem bordered with garlands of (tone In. slik on a black grcrand, otandlow Ili a coal place. ra"king the Meat out of how late shoald be much Am to provent any
Kome yvart;-& strolc tralysi.q., (Irlb- a 0 se OR . - Ilpr farmers and
i,ohninir nnrv,w(--r4,4 thin Areliblidlop, I many Eft?k an't suffering ollos have IvatIpir of ilia subject. Little rORPIN And foliage, t1l.0 same adorlilbg Raknues, r eii everything, material wealth. germs which bring about decay or
I foull,li ,,it, In Dodtl,s X 1414ey .V Ils, and I'to, �f news about It, and AIVY 908- the Windows all round. Thork the. iulv- scraptionef; at tho back only, less A rug that to getting old should o0mineretal men are not yet educated
I have, been pinching mYeelt for Lit(,. has given for publivation the fol- rove were enitivIved lit similar fauh- often at front and back, most often have a, bAckhag of stout canv to -tile operation. And it Is 1101; nasty flavors from becoming active
last, two 11111111teg aild flold Ilw right gip, come out fresh, of course, all 11 I in the butter; and title Is the use
I lowiling wr*.tten sUtouiont: tone, antl chains of roses [lung all roulld, b%) ,,-()it liare a choice, but to It. Tills will help to "tr the
lcg Plitiml.-- without sprigailoil." "I d"In IU a great pleasure to title time. -on tilt," for instance, frQui corner to corner of the room. I eannot say the bagoide Adds to the : 10 - wltlelhl a In', '9111)mnolmotherly logisl,ition for of cold otorage. ,
,, Ilardan me, my Oar Arelibixhol),"i ny. experience of Dodd's Xld- that Lord. Roberts grew very an'l- Interlacing anti caught together in It, amtl will prevent Ito curling. I 4l;rlcultuml Depstrtra-silt of tile COun-
Naill tile 110801FIS, looking 111) to him L"'Vo ' tol . l, of a lilgh, May- H, propDrtions or tile figure. -_ try to lead Them towards greater Who Process of Pasteurizing
with a quizzical Prallo; 11p.n.rdwi Me nry 1-1,14a and the good they have mated Lis Ike 11"OePused under tile I 110 cPkltr0 At tile lllyllvll:�ver, the, short boleros and' Be careful to have jam jars and I prosperity than has 'been enjoyed; consists of heating the cream to a
at it 1,4 1 illni done Me. I was a great suffer ked on pole, wh'ah was placed in tilt) mid- bloileeR to tile waist, with a shal'i,ail gla-ses perfectly cleark and dry; they here-tofore. prequeilily one Im,ars tenaperata;e, of 3.58 to 160 degrees
for coutradloting you, b er L!,aika,dlaa arch, anti rental, 'he room, with a table blillt br It, ]lave b-?icome decidedly too banal, suould be placed on the rack of the c0MpIaIllt9. aboUt fatki and cooling It rapidly to tile
- !11 wilt -It point) In my back, and usedto tile of t I .
yon linvo been pinelilng be eften so lied tip ao to be %nable the mottoolo to One of Iris staff, ant, round It, on vvhl-.1h were boaped the I and at presenit basquos are seen on kitchener or near the fire during the s% hite 'I'lireud-like Streaks r1pening temperature, b
. ,y the use of
*--- tio do my work. , how olts, of tha pporg, In till his rich Wedding gift -H, From tifn flower the more *=ludve mondaillea. Those process of jam making, to Insure appearing In butter. 'pillo to octme- some special cooling; apparatus.
Ao 01.1 4101111try Couple had strayed "jl& fillend advised Voild's Kidney war palli and feathers, failed to Crown atop the gilded M,typole Ming w1lo like them iiot )lave the alteram, their being thoroughly dry. limes (Ina to errors Ili the salting and Wherever this has been carried out
into ,tile 3,Ja,kw1i1r�tAvv Art 0allory, P.11s, but as I had need so alany softly tinted wide satin ribbon.q, tive of the little looze coats, almost -
tiatti,logue in hanil, and* were wan- . ny good filind his carriage or any vehicles working ol,t-ha butter. it tile salt be properly In Canadian creamorles the
I other mr-dicitieR Without al rp.aching to the edge -9 of tile table like smart dress, Ink ja(:kets as far as Now In the time to bay summer addal to the batter while tile latter results have given better keeping
dering from rooll, to rOOM 100king; results, I had 011ttla falth In any- and wauder-n.4 about (IIHIlliallYcRus0d at Intervals; the pole was entivined apparent out goeR, whiolt Partelans furniture. Everything that to Of a 19 still lit the gl'allUlAt conditions and qualities to the butter, and )lave
at the pleturps, which ,were num- I tillitn'g- 110WOVel', 1 gnt hOMP Of tile one I&VVY to may to to Pall #,Brela irlthrosowreatho. Itwasacharm- tire ivearing v��ry graotifully, either In distinctively summer nature is re- uOt in too large quantities at a times remedled faults in flavor In cases
bered one, two, thren, alid.80 011, Ill 1 p"lls ant coniniencolti the treatment. Ing iflon. for a summer wMillug. The material like their skirty or in taf- duced. Enameled bedroo
t oll-e of them Peers eftap0d%,; many m suites are go, ,that It may ,dissolve quickly where taints or various sorts had
Pnob division, Instead of contioluOUNIV! I )had only uRed part of tile first gralld old Ralon lent ItavIr to the fetas 4mothered. Ili lace. reduced nearly one-third, and these and be distributed throughout the ,previously been troublesome.
throughout the, W11010 exhibition. Tile box When I was able to resume my of tile Build Peers took a short Out decoration, Which, Was copied ex- A brighti book for suramer reading., are always pretty- Indeed, it Is mass of butter to some extent bo,fore When only the quality. of the but -
two old people stopped in awe and'ivork. to th,e House of Lords, where they actly from an 18th, centary p7eturc. If You have, not come across It, is *'All doubtful It there Is anytbine; pret- Working begins, there will not be ter has to be considered it Is suffl-
ukimiration before bladox. Brownla t!l used alto.-ather seven bo.res, say tt was 'rite bride, who waa young and pl- I "' I'ar'O." I anc,y tbe' tier far a bedroom, which should of so much trouble from streakiness. cleat to pasteurize the cream after
berolo pictures "Tilfe Death of King And I ed% may that I was com- 'J'he Funniest Slight quanta, conceived the original Idea E1116111511 clir (It Olt Or all rooma In. the house be simply fur- it, however, working is begun before
a - went
Lear.P1 p5stely cured, and as thisi was over of dresslag, am a village bride of the f,Te,0x1,A0,911T,'.�',.r IT11m,able),Na w'!'hl, separation; but when it Is also de� .
nished and free from dust and rate- any 'salt has beeik 0toled, its Is some- mired to lesson the danger f spread -
"What's tlfLsl un, Jlllny ?11 asked the, four years ago, .and the trouble has to see them Im their robes, and with period, and looked charating in a, visiting, for alto writes in a. similar crobes. . . ; times the praeLlee, tile salt Is then Ing disease by means of Othe skim -
old man. : t not returned lit any form, I feel coronets ral:�811;7 ahkow 011111bil' aug- short wlflto satin frock, festooned criffp, ploinault strain, seeing; 1. thrown on th�& smooth surface from
"All. isee, Jarge. A'll seo . if Ye'll safe 4In 0111111-C that my care was ust heads, beguallig tile long "WRIt" witli lace, caught togetbor with 111ke linintirous Side of Life milk it to nmessary to heat the
give me it minute." parfe(-,t� and p-rinarkent. w1ith cligars Rn,d wil;sk,as and sodasl little white pumpon roses. Tbe &lid describing it so vividly that *tit- "to fc4lowl-ne to a refreabing disin- whicil the water has been removed, milk before separation, and cool the
The old lady hasitilY turntht to tile "I I)etL- va l'o ld'a Xidnpy 11.11s saved I t.iybl,L- one of the pathatle 0191AS same f lowers, nkade*her wreath, m-111ch feettavit far a sick room, or any room and the% result is that tile salt does .
. V y share her fun I Some of the oklm-milk and cream afterwards. A
, *
catalogue division of another room we from death. They are certallin- must have been When the tllny baud had the Vail arranged round it and 'we nin that has an unpleasant aroma par- not Aissolve readily, bat remains for t em iverat tire of 185 degrees fahr. Is
and read, off tha number correspond- ty wortih thele ivelght It) gold to -,,all That was left of them" - Of thrown back from her face, She scenes are most ludicrous, buti with- vadIng It; Pat some fresh ground some time in a partially dissolved
Ing ,to that of the p4itare before a iv!iek ma.n." Balaclava, men aama hlowlY, StIfIlY, how6ver, . I aitt a thilre of vulgarity, and- they coffee toll a saucer, and in the centre layer b3tween the surface or jife sufficient to destroy disease gernts
give a true picture of F rench, family place a small plece af gain camphor, 'butter. There Is, probably, a, likely to be found In milk, and whole
.them.. It 0.11'anced. to be that of What boo done so much for Mr. up LongtILLUtiolL Hill to their allot- ' Committed at% Anachronism lite. There are a good many French which ILglit with a match. Am tile Eort of bleaching of the batter by milk may be beated to that teragera-
Lantlogeorlo famous picture or a collie Keane nad many others 4, t.ed pLaces. k�,,scll a greet,14n.9 and
a . in starting off on her lioneirtation in wordo introduced, and the transia- gum burns allow sufficleirt coffee tho'cheraleal action of tile Halt Ill turn, with proper appliances and
fallen Over a cliff and jitst reached 13r, worth a trL-.xl by those who may eli-eer.ag the NvIlIts haired 01111 her- to
d a, most up-to-date motor car, tier tiona of the largot" expressions a.re consume with It. The perfame Is very 4unIt, strong solut'loll the effect re. handling, without giving an.y ob-
by tile anxiong shepherds -who an- be suffering from Kidney Disease ces IIa,d from the smart folk roun I I I .
. . Ing far sup- In - 1.
nou-noon the result of tits examina- or any. or Ilts consequeni,es. them, and they evidently realized . I pleasant and healthful, be ialning lit the ghape 61 white streaks jectionable flavor to the butter made
tion of the poor beast's InjarleR to thoIr proud, unique position. The erior to pastilles amd very much Wli6n the undissolved salt finally from It.
tits comrades on tile rocks above. I t th- 9 I have heard special . filfwppears. : Ili, making butter from pasteurived
.ilia +++,# 0 # 6 # #++ ....... #+++4.4++ WO 10 8 ..__ cheaper. I ,. cream tile preparatlon and use of
read off the titlf� of (lie picture to * . + stress laid upon were first tile _�. .. cc Mottled $A Butter ' tile "fermentation starter's are Ink -
her husband: "There's Life In the sweetness and grace of "tile most � ant thing altogether, at-
- , ot�, �"&JOAWANQ is a differ t
- &___ . portant parts of the operation,
* Old Dog Yet." boult,titful Queen ill the world," who / 21 thoo.gh' it Is also the result of no About two quarts of skim milk are
Looking compassionately un rite ple- On spite or recent trolibles and anx- . \ . .. . SOME GOOD having the salt evenly distriblaLP4 heated to 205 degi-ees Fahrenheit,
turo form of the aged and foraaken ' BEAUTYBATHSI 219ties, outshone everyone br tier throagbout the ,mass of butter, and held at that pollat for ten min-
king, ,Tttrge failed to perceive any- y and Womanliness, am 'wBIlas , - ,either thrquigh careless addition of ates, after which the milk W cooled,
I I " it"rily bearing - - insufficient working, or
++ +* "'Piq . KITCHEN HI . to 80 degrees VahrenhoLt by pour -
thing wrong In ilia name. b, ,, then, the Ila I - the salt,
t,oirm,st tAken by everyo . -
"So there Is. gal!" he exclaimect ne -in the two . , .. working, . at unsuitable tempera 'Ing from one vessel to another, ex -
In a. ba,rat of pity, adding with In one Paris establishment "beantx j�ttle princes, people say that they . I .� I IV" a tares. The parts whlub contain the here of the but -
dropped Voice and a shake of tile bathess are given at So. the bath,, do not know V it Is because they , Johnnyeake AVeor 11rea t4filit. Most salt have the deepest (,ulor: ter mak!mg room. It Is then left In
head at Lear, "But not much,, not a,nd! IV Is claimed f(m them t are speolally nice and attractive .... '. thle Is tWo naturtd. ef tea t of the ad- a tAightly closed glass jar at ordi-
murc-U!" ; . 'O .. I hat they 11ttlp boys, or, because they have ,Two cups cornmeal, one cup flour, dition of salt to batter In proper nary atmospheric temperature, In
. — have a marvWouo effect !A beautify- been brought more Into Public no- -- . two cups sweet milk, halt a, cup quantities. it Is when the salt and summer from 60 to 75 degrees, until
Pat and Mike were standing on the Ing the body, which becomes "like tiom, t 'but I- - sugar, one egg, a. pinch, of salt, two tho*butter come together In layers, it Is coagulated and has a mild IpLe-
. Ilan other royal babies, . I ,r) � 0.
'/ i Ir I
station platform waiting for their . ? teaspoons good bakthg powder, one and remain so for some time, that tic aeld flavor. Tills method can
velvet, and undergoes a magic re- certaiLnit to that wherever tbeygo �� , ) f', I')" ; ,,�. - �,
their are mIghted. . , . , , .0, � , butter. Baste with the bleacIf*,nig O:0ur3 Which can a
train, wlil3h was an hour behind and Whenever - , - -r 1 .7 ININ tablespoon Melted. R 8 ,only be 8111eceli wilten the atmos -
I , P '.1 .L. , _( �.. ,;r ",
time. vival of youth." For peoPl" w"" tillere its a perfect tbrore over them, I / , , '.., /�`. .1.1'. t� I luelteAl butter while baking. tile citreakiness." pbera to wb.'eh It Is exposed [a .
- sachets" at men, as ,Well as Woulen, grovvLng : �. . I . I V� f ,�� .�. . t -_ . As Mr. J. A. Ituddick, chief of lite
'I Here she comes," cried Pat. hard skla, are "sottening ,.,j., o (C '_�'� " % r
. - 11 ( a - , .1 'ernks
I , ,-\. 1P, % �� Free Pro m t.
"Here who comes ?" wild Mike. 129. the box, and for those who arei e0stat-10 over thcIr jolly little per- 01- . I -1 . Sweet Plekled 11vat-lies, Plunks. dalrylug divisions has polnted out, wlilah cause undesirable adore and
"The train," ansWered Pat Willa wIfh a greasy skin Inclined mon"I'Aies, and gracious, dignified G L " , 71 -_?0" - . .., ,The clingstone peaches are beat for time after time, tile commercial flavors. When the "culture" as thts
"You shouldn't call a train all,-," ted saintes. PriWee Ciddle was rather I / , value of Canadian butter can lit,uo is called, has been prepared, a quan-
said Mike. to wrinkles there are the "anti-wrin- distressed, because when he � I pickling, 11iough many use the fret- way be more easily advanced than
,-.� ',.I- � . *while
" YON, vou should," said Pat. . W-9 father what he was � "I �� F, -1 stone am well. Some peel them, by paying the utmost attention to tility of skim milk, which Is pure,
. -nd fi
. kle sachets," which cause the shiny asked . . ., �� t, a 0 go finish and appearance. sweet q -ee from talint, should
-e I orthers rub the down off with oar
-tdo ., Usti good
"'All right," said Mike, "we'll leave appearance of the skin to dlsap� go'ling to i on In tb � I be bmt-ed to 150 degreqs Fahran-
it to tile atation-master." . procession, tile latter said, "Why, �(, 2 f to(Wel and lea,ve the skins on. parchment paper, so as to fully
pear, and, tone up thel muscles or the I I . , . f - 8 poundo of fruit, . Avold sloven- hiett and left at that temperature
Pat agreed to this, po thm, Nvent h xe that the a, horse, or course." 111 thought you . , � I . 6 I 4 4 pounds of sugar. � � t. -ter for ex- for ten milnutes. Tt may then be cool- -
up to tile station -master and asked would surely have, at least, rld- . � �., . . . . liness In putting up but I
wrinkles vanish as It by magic. A _ - I 'J, I I I - W I quart ol vinegar. portation; time black ani not red ed to a temperature of from 00 to
bim What kind of a train It- was that don an elephant on crowning day," , 1 2 ounces of stick o1nnotatin. . stencilling, because in the Britian "' "'egrees Falireville:.t, when a ,,cor-
Was coming down the tracks,. The more expeovive bDx of these same lie urged. on anotlicr Occasion Ile , - -) I . �1� tr *11 2 Ounces or clove% . vion of the culture, am already do -
man looked down the track% at tho $.anti -wrinkle sachets" Is warrant- whispered mysteriously to a gen- C ( P . - # N�� . markets red stencilling Is the out- ?d, at the rate of from 5 to 10
approaching train. and angwered, "It's ed to cause the wrinkles or "even tiernan-In-waiting, ,1W you kno*w. I I 4, Boll the sugar and vinegar with the werd and visible sIgn of inward wl'Ln'
. cinnamon for fLv,e miumtep, then put In ,, , - per cent.. should be 44ded, to It, and, .
a mail train,'! elderly -people" to disappear-tha old- stuw a soldier with a button Off his .1 -!K2 milled" or Iladle stock," oil very well mi!oxcad with lt.� Thaf I�P tlle.!;�.
-rson the heavle 11 -- �, '20\, 1
11 Now, Pitt," said Mike, " didn't I or the VL r the price .. . Iff 3S, � � 0 1 the peaches, a few at a time, 'with Infftloi grades of 'butter. mentatlon, ktar.er." It ill ' (
coat. Tjjank goodnesol grandfather _1�19A A -1� one, or two moves In each peach. . ould-6 left
tell you 2' or the wrinkle chaser. Thousands 09 did not gee It I But I did V' 80 his 1, 1 4 C. lzk By this we do not advise black
I . �� When they are done enouorh to prick to Apern, at a temperature not ex-
" I suppose -you're right," said Pat, thousands of illese sachets are sold has t4a . I .. I C enally w1104 a rork, take them C,at in stencilling bn qualities lwvJl:olk real- eeeoiln�.r 70 degrees -Fahronheit. When
as they boarded the trala. , not only In. Par -Is, bat all over the � 1, I I (21 - - tho Jar-, and put Ili others to cook ly:should be Marked red, for If tile lit has become alatInetty sour and is
Continent, an ,n In Lotion, Where oWseivakt Byes of Royalty P �.-i-,,� factories shout.1 follow tha prau- - of
— d eve . , I un-tII thcT have all been cooked, Bull nearbig 'the point
and lets nothing escape. Mang the .... , 4V - . coagulation,
,� - .......... -1 C - the sirup down to one-balO the orlg�- t1cb of putting a disti I) gill mi); fig eat shoull be check-
- the credulity of women Is evidantly ,� . j�� 0 - further deva'Opin
A lady Was reading to her five grea� day some of the peeresses .1 of dairy pro- I
year-old boy the story of a fittle, as great as In the French capital. have been "all exhibition" In their trial quantity and. pour It over the mark on all packages ed. by !owerkag tile temperature. The
follow whose father died, after which It Is easy to figarel the profits upon . 0- . peiachpe. Seal while hot. duce whIch Is Inferior in quullLy, It "starter" may be add,Ai to the
. robes. the. tboney paid for the peep 1. --=- .. - Mdvall
y much sales, ranging from 50 to IM I - .:- would be greatly to their - cream at the ratep. of from 3 to 6
tile youngster set himself dillgentl. . devoted to some char- � � ,11_;� I —_ 1 t � I
. - I , . . tage. Alarly a shipment of cheaulk pet- cent. of the quaint'hy of cream
to work to assist lit supporting his per cent. Even the baby does not show 'being. quaint Idea, but seems , -Z . _. r Laii or' hatter, of passable quality, fA*.V- to be r1penad. In every case Where
escape, and the modern mamma buys it - Tie - I f
mother. When she had finished the to r,wii. A lady I know. was one . - tually cept for EL few -culls," 1#3 corkoleivai-
story she gold, "Now, srommy, it magic suelleto of all kinds. to p -e- of ,� For larding dhoose wbat 'Lit the cream has become tailinted, It the
. ,tile luelio, few w4o pos$ossed an _. I butchers cAl larding pork -at least eTwbolesale because the trier It. - todrit be of fermentation origin, a
n., larger quantility than usual of the -
rather ,wisre ,to ilia, wouldn't you serv�e the delicacy of the baby's skin ancient coronation robe, heavily I 1 - peno ,drop on the Inferior salt* -
Work to help marnma?" for future conquests.' I four inches thick and solid fat, no -
I Why.'mot T, .said the little fellow, embroidered In gold. In truth, It . I 'y PI89.-'--'A':.I'1i?se "01111w, are sometimes fermentation "starter" should be
skin for cold or had figured at two coronations, 11 I LL � N11 . . meat. Put It on lee or ehill until Vol Included among tile good, in the added. Thlis will check the taint and
not relishing tile tdon, of work. "What &me Beauty Doc- and .tile couturier who remodeled I firm, tben out In slices an eighth of
h is . lea In match hope that they "lay escopO d8tec- leave the partlaular fermentation of
for? Ain't we got it good )lease to t an antiseptic toll- it to mutt the stately beauty of I an inch thick. Cut r4ach &.1 - tion, But tills has becolkhe well nigli the "fftarter's to be the prevwkUng
live lit ?" atte water at Be., the tin the wearer said the exquisite tax- i - .L. like Stripe and drop lit ice water until . -te . To b
11 Oh, yes, my ,child," said the Which my.., lad7 tl;st y bottla. I - ready to use; theme strips are called Impossible, and tile best advice to note ,In the.*cream and but r a
ta rulA on her face ture of the velvet could not be ,. .
mother, 11!11t we can't oat tile 11011%0, /I I f lawdounis. C� . ; all to "Don't try it on." most effective the "starter" should
you k- t= before she leaves the house, thus equalled by a modern. loom. Am You ., " A larding needle to about-, eight Tito possibilities of the eXpDrt be added to tire, cream very soon at-
., R bolstering ber skin upi against cold know, the fiat Went worth that no . I -- , - re limited only, by tei, 11t has coagulated. After tbat
Well, aln't we got plontY Of thing or hot air, for thel age of this wateIr new dresses gliould be embroidered I I .- Inches long, lio)low, pointed tit ,onG butter trade a
Ili the pantry -V said the young hope- to commended, sammer and winter. in gold, tbut those wbo had antique -1 "I . end and tile other end slit down about the available supply, ptovided tile polot hum been reached It deterior-
�ul, . an inch and large enough, to litill the quality be honestly and consta,11iLlY ates ,In activity as a "starter" and
" Certainly, MY child," replied tile Then co'lues the "anti-fatiguo" to- robes might Rise them A CHARMING BLOUSE. laxotoom I Maintained itt, 11 li.xcelsiol'." undesirable flavors are apt to de -
mother; "but they. will not last long tion at So. -per small bottle, war- Tit(! next Fiensation-we seem to . Having the meat ready, fasi,en 11 lar- Tills Js Qjown by the fact - that veloP ta, It'
-What 1 -hen T' ranted to pr6vont the face from be living In stirring times -was the . doon lit the needle, anti take a stitch while Ili 1890 the expoort buLtLr I
. Cop-
-- Well, ma," Wd the little Incor- "showing " fii:tig Lie," and the "anti- arrival In out midst of tits " litiolsband, who also belongs to the 'absurdly literal, but, taking it all to- Ili the) meal: abDut an inch long; and trade of vanads, amounted toonly @hW4,ZdKe4CeWeWA-!�jr�rW2k1k ,
rIgIble, "aln't there enough to last wrinkl&' cream which Is Intended to tives of our Bowl and Spearl" to 0 haute noble4se,!' being a dis- golither, the book Is sure :Cc have a, a quarter of an inch deep. Draw a year algo it exceeded It
till you get another husband?"' prevent wrinkles from ever appear- w1t, the I I tingulshed chauffeur! Blueness, through until the ead of the lardoon rtl(61013.0160 ; and the exports of 'WHOW To REST.
Ing. For deep-seated wrinkles there Trio of Boor Generale, For a dejenner at a chateau a If you, my muo'cal readers, care -to Is neorly up to the stitchs then cut butter In 190ji, was nearly double
11 James," said a Braintree lady a to a special iotion at Be., and 4 whose boisterous welcome and pretty Idea was having a graceful hear of monle pretty soprano songs, cirl wtith a sharp knife, leaving the thg-t of 1900, and exceeded in value Lmeecal�-��404rwl-y-o---"MvAieaw,w,-o .
Si.turday or two ago, "I Wish You ::Beatityllne cream" at 14s., and ce from the British publicts little basket of mixed fruits placed I m,ly name two by 3(me. D'Hardelot, piece of pork projecting from each those of any previous year. �
'd Reautyllne bandelettes' at Ift, the r tin"' in many circles to ]lave before each giie-;t-a peaelf, cher- 1,Summer's Mmsage" and "The end.. Proceed In this way until the During last summer ,there iras it For a woman who, of necessity,
(lig up that border for me this after- 1yen top of the meat is larded, placing the readst oir works ad; night, a cup of hot
latter for whemage, and ,With this g on I 9 milk - ana a, loasterd cracker or two
tit , CII -tea, almon.la-the bas. -9 still being -ports,
noon.1, be n I,, questionable taste. It seems ries. strawbert Dawn," which at failing off in Canadian butter ex
"Botherl" muttered ,Tameq, for battery the Beauty Doctor changes to boNe come as n, surprise to the ketts I saw were or the ne%v colored with gTeat acceptance. Like 11 her glitches In straight lines and about brought about by tile comparatively
"Certalal * . la tire PoetAkIng; or, It she is inclined
there was A ctip-t-to ail. Yt the most obstinate wrinkles In the visitors, these vociferously tittered C,Ystfli, In exquisite metall.3 shades songe, (.1heyy must be sung wit much a n. inch apart -t It a t I s, In largo p1cce s high prices which our chwso wits to dyspepala, a little pulled or toast-
Ome, at of meat; birds, chops, etc., should be fe-jehing; for as obeeso was paying
my denr,` he said Aloud, for J'ames, Moot elderly fitoe.-Parls Cor. London sen,timents of good -fellowship, those Of � , nber, pale green, Eel; In expreffalon, the singer must grasp the ed broad will be better th(aa tile
was a model husband. News. � . colupilmentary epithets after all , old isilver rime, but tiny rustic has- entitiro spirit of the sork1g, and manage closely larded. , I befter than butter the factory men crackers. Aniolther tlefrye duleter to n,
Wparing the latest thing In scowls, that has gone befor�, and they ket'is,p,rettlIXar.rang,ed,.Iook%I(YlittT(nii% to convey to the listeners the mean- kept on making It, To -day there ls hot', both; not too wam, howelvaK
James kicked the cat and started; Was Determined to Wed. hardly realize the "change that has I Ing2 All .ratkind the tit.ble, Ma,y, I Ing or tba pont and the composers (11ris Work at t.be rorge. a lond er7 in Great Britain for Cnaa- Ili a, baAhtub partially filled with
but ere a minute had .passed the come over the spirit" of )Lngland. i 91VO you. a chateau reelpek for a mace- oliherwtat,�--jl n'y a Tlem By, the way, rAere Is a, sturdy smithy at Leeds, dIan butter of high quality, and, It wAt,W It to Wall to put a, tablespoom-
scowl had disappeared, to. be replaced An applic4loon in open court for It wato )rather 4% volte face for the dolne of fruit, though I know I am Madame, Guy D'Hardelot sincerely Engla,nd, who has eight muscular oilr dairymen r6apond expeditiously, ful a almond %kietal ancT Ithreel tablkk�
by a look of absolute cunning. permission to marry, by a, youn pro-Boero, and left nothing for writing to the land of delicious re- laments the I I . daughters, 0611 of whom hs has train, ID02 will be the banner year in Do- r
9 1. 1, elpes? T,be tlea of tills one is to , Poolleful of orange flower wa�tier;
1, Come here, my dear," shouted the woman of IS, wam made recently in them to do. It put even, Xiss Hot Decadence of Sentiment ed to assist him, at lite work. At pre- minion history so far for butter
model husband a minute labbr, "I've the township of Boulah, near Met- 11ouse's gasping, Creating in i'lla have tlxo thick syrup, bonsisting of regent -day singing, She Is sure eenit four are wt work la hils shop. exports. this glvoo a milky-lookbag wa,ter that
juRt dug, tip rt. ahilling!" I :ing's invitation, how- , tW coffde cupfuls of sugar, and iter business Is very sooldnipil I
bourne, Australia. She Informed tile. sbadia. The 1, 0 IV -wielded the hammer A need to the bu Is XoUdng Is more Apt to bring sleep
And sure enough -In the middle of magistrate that her mother was ever, was received with genuine two ditto of water (well flavomd t t people thiuk too much of their Tho other four better buildings lit ilia creamerim- than bodily, eix,haustion, And to this
astern with Vanilla) absolwtely boilingwilen Voice, production,, of tile public, of s Ad then left the
Frome, soil wits a coin, which James dead, her rather was gone to WL gatisfactinin, In jvplte of the gene erverything but tile solig, and there- buslaess to take tip tha duties of improvements In. constructions in
wippol and promptly consigned to his Auetralla, and, there was no one it entailed Of iftil hats and froc� poureol 6ver the fruit, Lite hotter It end before the both the woman who
available Ito give the requisite per- Is tile more successful the sweet. It lore even a bea.=Wul voice failg to ruarting howers of their own. Every their drainage appointments, and In woultl sleep the sleep of the just will,
pocket. coats. Poor Lrenerals I But for the . attract or leave a lasting Impression. day these four daughters of the alaa- tficir equlpm�mt. These thange.smilat shel Is wise, spend halt an hour tak-
',Well, I am int luckill again shout- misistoti olemanded by the law In the honor of the thing, one feels sure ts then placed In a hollow 'recepta- ter smiltili. are to be seen, at the an- be effected or we cannot expect to It
ed J'ames. "Here's another one, onao of the marriage of minors. Her they would ra.tber have beeru smok- Cie oo that tUe fruit Is well cOv- She 001191deirs thAt Variety Is as Im- vile followliig the trade of their to- bbld a.promineut place In tit(- 111317- Ing samoof the most violent exercises
er�sd, and afterwards left ill a verY. PDV-tztn)t In 9, voice ask on a painter's I goal culturek teaches. Title
dear.0' &,nd a second ,shilling wan fature husband was In court and gave a ook *their stoop, but they , , their. They are up early and spend keto against our progressive Danish, Q&t PI Y I
satisfactory answers to a series of I n 69, ,a , 1b, P. afterwards that root place till %vanteoll of course rktleitt% allot that, given correct "dic- n making gas New Zealand, Vlotorlan and 11tissiall last suggestion is not for the one who
dropped Inito, IIIS poicket. W a marlechino or kirseir Inay be added tion," and ail sive late, even a Itas: spent her day on )ter bicycle, or
-Why, James," exclaimed )Ila wife, wtions, whereupon the miagistrate they -had st,'Ven hands with the extros hooks -broad, benit nalls which are and other competitors.
quie with, good effect. vocallsib With it Iny'voloo way make li" walked 10 or 15 miles, she can
111 quite foTgot the football; don!t, granted the application and the two King and tile Queen, wilto looked )ter ) just now it heard afar off azid produce ebarov used by plumbers for fastening gas Xt is necessary, also, to provide for easily sleep without an eXtra effort.
Von 11-0/nItl to gd,? wgrit. awAy redDicin* . R a wlAte sergo yachtling I There to a perfect raw pipes to WaJIG. It Is not such a hard pasteurizing the cream from which
, sting that lie did loveliest I to among French women for tile T%- arkil famalction oil tile minds of, the task, yet the work requires great butter Is to be made for export. iti la *Lite Women who do houseworI4
Anil StImes prate costume, 'We can. at ford audience, he 19 very scititbing In ber mental labor that need relaxation.
,ndt like to leave the garden, went, feel sympo,thette and charitable poroas white costalues of India milk patience and enduring strength. m minute and low or
When, he returned the border looic, I BABY'S OWN TABLETS and muslin, worn In many Instances cr3oticism. ol those who Ring with The he&Yy Part of the work to per- forms of life Which are present its Sbe should court the first feeling of
towards DelareY, whose conduct has over, a pale transparency, such their Music In their Ittwols, and thinks . re Is, that dx-owsine,ssil and to do this she shoulld
ed an though in. steam plough had — been honorable and spor,tsma n like. a (lelleate tone of priturose it an Oat of placei as a play book 1 formed by A, nracIvine worked by the germs rn mt'k and ereaux the lie on. the right side; with the hands
been at work On It. Igo is worthy of no toot. Aft�rthc meelmli-Ical device has constant struggle for survival wIllell
For Wanks Sickly said Fretfut Child- The Boitha family a or dragonfly green talf-ctas, made woltil 1-o if brought by an actor on cult vated field goes Olt between e�own, and not stratchod upon the pit-
`11,ir clear," W� said, nxitleing,,her ron of All Age$. . respect an)a consideration, but DeWet Ivith a fichn or berthe round the to the stage I Nervousness, that. Is, UnAshed Ito lab(yra the fair v black- tit a I a f, The knees should never 'be
rmr little blWered fingers, you L hafA still to clear his slate of charges, arent nervousness, ghe 1*kewlso I smiths, with sleaves rolled up, put weeds and useful Plants. The c r - Iowa.
really shouldn't ,have dolne it. Did If 4he chlldron�mi digiastive organs r,lioulders and huge eloudy "balloons" opl) I I.Igber than the head, slid tile bed
of cruelty, whicill the friends of )its lower parts of tile SleOVes. considerir almost criminal, and rest- fimishing touches on the hooks with fat farmer tills tile soil to kill tho e wi ,11 0 ly it Big]
van turn. tip any more coina7pli are all rights tile children are( ail victims intend to bring hollie to him. � to the lessness on tihe platform she eannot'0, hand hammer and get tbew ready weeds and then sows pure seed for ,hould be leivel, t n I it
"Brute I" sliel mobbed ; and 'J'arnes righ't. Tlhtx will be bear,ty, rooy, It 90amu a Pity �`iJl&t the RnOlsh pop- r, rench wonlea s"m to put on an old f0righ'M Ag a teAc.her she la as orig- i for minxkat. The glrls are fund of t,he crop lie &slrew. Tito butter- rising M thei bead. Am a. last lnjuno�
knew that next time the cold4inding, happy_ark(I burigry. ulaoe efiould become 80 easily hyster- world languishing air In keeping with -ough as 011e Iff as a com-1 their work. They toll On a, piece -work maker follows it similar course whon lion, tim woman who to troubled with
dodge wouldnPt Work. Get the little tile costames, which Is hinightened by inal and thou la,c%smith fie pasteurizes milk or cream, and Insomlika should m4y,er take a nap In
1. I ic&I 1lowAdays, and clLeer indiscrim- poser. Descendlit from: the sublime to'basts, and tile Ingenious b the daytiroe6 I
____ Oneo rights anti keep them Tight loy inately for tile XCIng, Door genern,lq, rite Isleturesquo flails 1ho ridloulaue, a naive and character- - Calls each a. "fall imud.11 then
It. the use Of Raby,'o Own Tablets. T I �
W-11110 Mark Twain's was travel- ' big escaped oonvlotA from- Dartmoor, Or � of tell timply adorned . with ellif toll 18tic littip coon ,mookir In "Mister --..-,. _ I I . I .. .. __ ___ ",-L-**""-"'--"--"'--""-- ----__---'-
medicine cares all otomach and bowel AllYtting else. rerhaps tills latest ruches round the crown and hang- Moon," by E. Dole; but porbaps It . - � .. � . � - _ --l-
Ing through India several years ago Itrontilee, ner,vouinkeos, irritation ebulIM011 WAY Lot forgiven In tilt Ing In ends all over the back, all nlay hall from your aide of ths, Attan-
tin greatly enjoyed the hamIllatidni Virldle tedthing, 'etc. IThese Tablets silly go4mon, but it Is rather mislead- 1 white, save perhapoi fnr a ypllowy lie? If a(>, for,,gjvn me,, And-nevept
of a vorly pompous member of tba 0011,tAin no Opiate or poisonous Orags inW to the Idole of the moment I rose or palo greenir blue tip.' Ili an- MY 1whit flucYPRIrs I
Bombay judiela,ry--a fellow so filled atirl mothera who try them oneek ,will CevIstrily there Is not much 'to be other style 1 saw a obir. jlttl.% travel- .
with tho nemme of his own! Import- not be without them williel they ba,ve excited over last now In in blue serge, cat How to Ifold Skirts. HAD LOST H2OPE OF GETTING WELL
ance tgikwt ho tromer neomed. to real- little ones. Mrs, D. B. WgIsy, Tha Worl d 4A Dress ,R I 10 I 11ml gthi lanhUlp 0yrokok'raknd very flat pleAto .1 .
Izo he vvaisnotf a peracint of universal - Woodmore, Man., gayg : "When our r mi 11. beana,th It �t tile Weal ant] back. It The long skirt, which has super- I
. 'MIOTO to a, -decided lull In
interest. Ile %Vag itru-ttlag bark and little girt Wits about six moritile. old Mmo. Lil, N;fc& is taking a well-parric-d was unitned anti *mmnp A tile ground Goded ilia short, trini length wom.in
ror,t4i Olt the plat -form Or n, waysidel I&O cauglit a bilid, cold, and,wais much holiday, and Io, we hope, busily pre- In present fashion. Tito bolero-blome, have, so long enjoyedf anti which to Years of Keen Suffering From Xidney Disease—Owes Life to
r;tatlons watting for a. train, every troubled with In4lgestion.and consti- ronring all manner of lovely surprises had a . quaintly shapad collar of llea.qt- appropriatrily called, ovett by Itif ad -
now ano Itillork seovirling down thO potion, and. very restless both (lay for jig la.ter on, w,hon thie' thin sum- P.rnl- embpoldory, g-) ealled, although I yocatep,, "a streot sweepers" at- Dr. Chase's Xidney-Liver Pills
ittack as If onablo to understand Why And nl4kt. One ol lay neighbors.mer ti-AnspP.renelPs mile deftned for hei(ero it JI&IIS from a Persian work- fords an op-portanity, for the cynic -
any railrowl ghardild dare, W -0p, him brOuA19t me a-Dolto Baby's Owl) Tab- uq. are worn out or begin to toot Rhop, a pale green gronlid, eovered a) observer or feminine wayo to en- ,IT. R. j. Mclialn, Niagara r.allil, called to gee MO, and m6sked why I , vireommend Dr. CliacePs Xidney-Liver
,%vaitina. An tho train- pulled tip to leits amt Ili n, taw d4yq 40 little 4olle draughty with tho owl atilkluln with ttraliesques and scrolls lublack joy tilt, renewed grapmfulneqs of ' a Kidney -Liver ; I'llim with all MY hmvt tol tiny ft,-r-
the vlaticon a Mrspiring Englishman, was regular in her bowels and rest.L4 breezes blowing over ,ust They 1421�' A 19; a border of Ont., 0, Man of 80 years, and walk did not try Dr' C'"ans
Ila harl evidently come In, a hurry, well. I t Pdg-d tile bill i,kirt holdings. Nothing is more con. Pills. ,t got & box, at once, and too). -, --ill r- irvil-1. Tpli; la my
wi� I folinA tile IrAblets w matte- In the big Paris houses that there Pleevev, and the eollar fastened with vpInlon or those Yaluablo pille, olud
rushed Out on tho pla,ttorms touch- duelvo to the proper appearance of known throughout tilt) Niagara d'm� two pills, Willell was a rather heavy
fhatkory tbiot� I now alwayo keep1hein will bet a very shoxit: deml-salsorii its a curlona green eaft,mol elaNp. Tho theen long skirts, an well as their trict, wrltom: "I bell4we If It 1111i dose; OtI6 Pill Is plenty at a (1080. , . .. k...'.. it, ,- it ro! tilt! W -111 -fit of
t4 thia J114gA on the silloolder iuld In Itho houke, and hay,o slnao� found far as olress goes, and we sliall dash - dark blipo )tat had shot grrt-n-anol- continued usefulness, than the icor. t been for Dr. Chasei's Kidney,- I um
ivfted -, , I theW Valuable, Whaft 6116 was teeth- , mitrulglit into winte-v fashions. There' Ino gossanier round It, failing lit a 110. ,I thelin regularly for 0, month, � othvra." . are,
t, rfet handling of their over length, and at tile end or that 1:11(104 WAR 4% ! Dr. Cbwl.t's Xidney-Liver Pills .
,,Tell min, - Is 1:118 'tile lkftbay int. I can truly recommeild thera ,.`or i boy been so little rein I summer -and, veil to go roand tile throat a to, Imop them clear from tile elde- Ltve,r Pills I would be In my grave changed nlan. espeetally appreciated by W-Ople of
4010 tits of little, ones," 1 110 hot wraillcr.-tha't, people have �"u pricalne, two opraph wings Ili ,
train, V % .k Irl walk an(T yet not to offend by, over- beforo tble. I Was very bad With ,,It'lq 110W aboilt five years minen I Advark(led age. Tit(., kidneys Are fre-
T�lo judge draw, Howell! tip, brush- Children tmko these Tablets, rN11,4113's; beten 1vo.aring flitr-loor clothing, anil so rroell and bliteN just across tile front,
I r 11
S1 S - - �, a DtT7
r, i
L t
IW-- I
I I i
p(I tile titra.ligersa arm aside i1nd en't- and icrushed W n powder -they4ean Ito I ILavo hIrtsady used upo the *materials xnd under tile brlln at tile bank a eNriamirp. kidney disease, And suffered with I began 1181119 -title 110111, and Munn -.1aptitly tile first orgattei of tito Wdy
tingi rematkied: . Sollm women -grab their skirts a dreadful pokIns In my kidneys. Deing t1gitt timp t have felt a(i goott as I I tolweak down, and illorojarin f0w.old
y is even -WIAIT Absiluto safety to tile! ancl ideas that ghculd II&N o l.ur9t branch of little yellow oranges, with , '
,,I'm not ItIrn station, toaster, Arl' sbort distance below tile waists lift disappointed In tile use of many rnedl- did 40 year.1 ago, I am almost go I V_%op)o but- suffor front kidney (111,
"Olt I YoWro mat V amllaot Infant. Tito I.Pablets cark Ili) I nflon the world In proper spawlt. leaves &lid twigs. Tfic-, favorite trav-
C441d the Xng- obtained tit ail drug stores, or YOL1.1 Also, ptoplle�s predict a bitterly eotl tIlIng coats are roplcd frolin the them carplevsly and eontinkie their clnph-, ItAinA almost given tip hopes yparo old, an -1 I am rrer, fret,% all, I ordi`rs, Anil rvenlOng liki and
11011takan, e,videtitly mixprigod. Tilen, Can 90t; thpin past: pald at 25 dopta, winter. Alrwty It Is cold In some, cuirassiers, with a double, cap% the wily. t,art,lees of wliat otheits may of ever getting better, -1 disease. except rhmiluatisin, anti I aches. One, pill a ItIone, _smq rentil &
WKII, an 11tr of ox.trome oxasperatloill, a, box by tvAlling 41re-ot to, ftlkio.i Dr,. j pnrts ot the conthipal:', anrl oil the part of wlik-h may lit, turiwd 1111111: of or Rtitter from their opipmr- 64Clno morning, after 0, night of this la Much better tho'n It 118P41 to I box, at all rlealf,)�p, or 'n,jmnaksoh,
he kle.111421ded: "Well, whot In, tile Williams, 1641(4114)� Cof llto�kvlllv, Voogee NfounitAins there Is already =ill) over tile lumd. They are ance. Others eatell tho'SkIrt, at Olin eilp"Imi,ily hard suffering, a friend be before I need this tn-�dlelnp. I 1 lkiten & Co., IA)ronto. .
4 m0d�'h by "i'lk"ARANring , Ofilik* Or fkj�Mfttnd , . 'r, I , � ellowl *)tcre Ito mnoW should be. Mean- - -Itte - side, oblivionis of the fact that the
IWI (10 YO , Y, X geylerally la sp.�c _4 bl.,.tek and white I
about 40 011611911 Y0111 WINTIV ,
. I I
. I I