HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-09-04, Page 5•
Sept, 4, 1902
The R. H. Crowder Co's.
We're all liable to make one serious mistake in business ; its worth
mentioning and thinking about once in a while, just so we won't forget
to look out for it ; its the mistake of giving so much thought to what
comes into the store, that we get a little careless of What goes out of it.
The truth is, the amount of money our customers leave us in the store
is not so important to our welfare in business as the quality of the mer-
chandise they take away. The thing to be careful about is not so much
that to -day's sales shall produce large profits, as that to -day's sales
shall make to -morrow's, next week's, next season's sales, more certain.
In getting our Clothes made for this season, we have put into them the
seed of next season's business ; stitch by stitch, by careful painstaking
hands, the work has been fashioned ; we can't be careful of every
stitch, but we can know and be careful of the people who we buy from.
Does it sound a little too sentimental, to talk about "stitch by stitch?"
Well, it isn't, its plain every -day, prozy business. You see, it does
make a big difference what people take away from our store, doesn't it?
Just to Hared
Boys' Odd Pants; 2 -piece Suits;
3 -piece , Suits ; Youths' 3 -piece
Suits, short or long Pants, all prices ; Men's Suits, built for
Shorts, Stouts and Slims. In all the latest patterns and de-
signs, New York cut.
OVERCOATS.—A.11 the latest fashionable designs and cuts in Men's,
Youths' and Boys' Overcoats. Prices—$2,00 to $35.00.
Spick and Span Gents' Furnishings.
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Sox, Underwear, etc., just
arrived for fall trade. In fact we have everything a
man wears except Shoes.
Worthy of Special Mention.
We were not in business last fall and winter, so every dollars' worth
of goods we are showing for fall trade is BRAN NEW — no moth-eaten
stuff here. Aud your money back for the asking.
All we ask you is to see our selection before buying, as goods and
prices will be right.
Thanking you for your patronage during the past season and hoping to
reoievo a portion of the fast approaching Fall trade,
We, Are At Your Command,
The R. H. Crowder Co.
Headquarters for Dressy Young Men.
on Town and Farm Property.
OFFICE.—Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's
surgery. Residence—Catherine St.
Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty.
OFFICE.—Over D. M. Gordon's store.
Residence: Leopold street.
Office :—Morton Block, Wingham
A. T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher
Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam-
Pupils prepared for Conservatory of
Musio examinations.
Of London Conservatory of Music, will
be prepared after Oct. 1st to receive e.
limited number of pupils for instruction
on Violin and Guitar.
Residence—opposite R. 0. Church,
And member of the Associated Musicians
of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit-
ed number of pupils for instruction on
Piano and in Theory.
Special attention given to pupils pre-
paring for examinations.
Residence—opposite the R. C. Church,
1.11111 Abner Cosens FIRE
Loan and Insurance Agent
Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest.
Office—corner Minnie and Patriok Sts.,
(look's Cotton Root Compound
I9 sneeessfnily ased•monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
our druggist !at fbr Cook
� e Cotton
Root Com-
Goo -
isand. 2`ako n0 OtYter, as all Mixtures, pills and
mitations are dangerous. Pelee No, 1, $1 per
box f Iiia„It, „ , 10 degrees stronger, $$ per bot. No.
1 or 3, mailed en receipt of prlee and two 11 -sent
Stamps. The Cook Company Windsor Ont.
reepoenoible incl 1n Canadaa.nended fly all
No. 1 and No. 2 are sold In win haat by
It. A. Douglass, C. A. Campbell, J. E. Davis
and .A. L, Hamilton, DIttrpolsxe.
OM▪ ,
. If you don't wish to E
have them, use
aeM ....
m.▪ - e.
4 A.
For Sale by
This is the season for
• lYnlitt A(rnveinhtlll
e▪ w
�f il�ilitilf ltlilll��tl�ll�lt�iil��o
You Call't Afford
to xp011ll1011t
in the mutter of getting
your clothes made—ex-
periments are often cost-
ly. You wont be experi-
menting if you let us
make your spring Suit or
Overcoat, because our
long experience in the
tailoring business enables
us to speak with a feeling
of assurance. Give us a
all- Sick
" I first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla
in the fall of 1848. Since then 1
have taken it every spring as a
blood -purifying and nerve -
strengthening medicine."
S. T, Jones, Wichita, Kans.
If you feel run down,
are easily tired, if your
nerves are weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand-
ard family medicine,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
builder. :1.06 M bottle. All drugtials.
Ask your doctor what bs thinks of Ayer's
d flymedci. Floabout
his advceaud
we will be satisfied,
J, 0, AYER CO., Lowell, Mass.
South half of lot 88, con. 12, East
\'Vawanosh, 100 acres ; 05 cleared and
under grass, in good cultivation ; bal-
ance in black ash and cedar ; frame
house, fair outbuildings. Price and
terms reasonable.
21tf. " Wingham
Cement Building.
Any person requiring anything in
the Cement building line, such as Side-
walks, Cisterns, Silos, Foundations or
Floors, should get my prices. Work
guaranteed. Call at residence, Leo-
pold St., Wingham.
Cement and Lime.
Parties requiring Cement or Lime
should give us a call. We are selling
nt a very low price. We keep only
first-class brands of cement and lime,
and you can always rely on getting a
gond fresh article at the WINGIIAM
/% � •
begins on •
MONDAY, SEPT. 1, 1902.
Two Courses—Commercial and Shorthand.
Terms reasonable. Send fof College Journal
Students may enter at any time.
President Seo'y.
Palmerston ..6:53 a.m...9:00 a. m...3:05 p. rn.
London 6.50 a. m...3:10 p. m.
Kincardine.11:10 a. m.,1:40 p. nr.. 8:38 p. no.
Killoardine.6:53 a. m...8:55 a. m.,..3:l0p. m.
London 11:10 a, m...7:55 p, m.
Palmerston 1.40 p. m... 8:38 p, m
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East 6.57 a. m... 3:53 p. m.
Teeswater 1.17 p. m...10:43 p, m.
Teeswater, ..6:57 a. m...3:53 p. m.
Toronto and East 1.17 p. m...10:43 p. m.
J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham
The Lake Erie Navigation Co., Ltd.
Str. "URANIA."
The Short Route to Cleveland, Ohio.
One way from Wingham, $4.5o..Return, $7.25.
Boat leaves Pt. Stanley every Tuesday and
Thursday at 11.00 p.m. Saturdays at 11.00 a.m.
Route closes September 15th, 1903.
Tickets on sale at all local ticket offices.
For further information write,
Manager. Gmi'l Pass. Agt.
Wallcorvillo, Ont.
RaN I�u,U. •' S' -EM
Labor Day
Return Ticket9 will
be issued between all
stations in Canada on
Grand Trunk and 0011.
fleeting lines at
SEPT. 1st, 1902 Good going At'o. 30th
,0 31st, returning good
until SEPT. 211d, 1902,
Canada's Great Fair
Wingham to Toronto and Return $3.60
flood going Sept. 2nd to 1211, inclusive.
Good going 011 September find, 4th,, $2,70
Gth, Oth and 11th
Alt tickets valid returning on or before
September 15th.
t'or particulars and infOrniatiotr apply to
Agents Grand Trunk.
J. 0. lltcDONAtJ
District Paesonger Attest, Toronto.
s lovas
—A farmer from Kincardine Tp. went
into Kincardine and ordered his coffin
and his monument,
--Tho men working for Messrs. Barn-
hardt & Chalmers of Monkton made in
28?2 hours 46,500 brick; their fastest
work being 1,000 in 25 minutes.
—Under the name of "Mr. Dooley"
Mrs. David R. Calhoun secured a Pull-
man pass for her Boston terrier and
brought him from New York to St.
Louis on the sleeper.
—There are at present 25 prisoners at
the Middlesex county jail, confined on
the following charges: Murder, 3; theft
2; insanity, 5; child desertion, 1; vag-
rancy, 2; drunkenness, 7; fraud, 1; con-
tempt of court, 1.
—There is sometimes an advantage in
being a magistrate. According to ac-
counts an Alviuston magistrate used bad
language towards an alleged offender,
the alleged offender swore out a warrant
against him, the warrant was served,
and the magistrate was brought up be-
fore himself, pleaded guilty and dismiss-
ed himself on the plea that it was his
first offence. He was more lenient with
his "prisoner" than the Kentucky judge
who got drunk, 'sat on' himself and im-
posed a fine of $10, which was promptly
—Ex -Councillor Lamont, of Brant,
had au experience last Saturday night
during a walk in his sleep. He rotired
about the usal time on Saturday night,
and when found by his parents and the
hired man at 3 a.m. on Sunday morn-
ing he was leaning against the gate near
the house with his wrist and four ribs
broken and an injured hip. The last
thing Mr. Lamont remembers before
he found himself lying helpless on the
lawn, was moving some plants from the
window of his bedroom. His next move
evidently was to get out on the slanting
verandah, and after that the descent
down 12 feet was rapid.
—The Clinton News -Record gives
the following: Mr. John Sheppard, who
has been very i11 for some time, had so
far recovered on Thursday last as to be
able to sit down to dinner with his five
brothers. The party consisted of George
Sheppard aged 82, John Sheppard, aged
80, Jacob Sheppard, aged 76, Thomas
Sheppard 71, James Sheppard 69, Wil-
liam Sheppard, 62. The average age of
the six brothers is seventy-three years.
It is twenty-three years since the broth-
ers all met together at the same time
and on that occasion they were photo-
graphed and weighed. They wore then
in the prime of life and had an average
weight of 207 pounds.
Valuable Advice to Mothers.
If your child comes in from play
coughing or showing evidences of an
approaching attach of Grippe, Sore
Throat, or sickness of any kind, first
thing get out your bottle of Nerviline,
Rub the chest and neck with Nerviline,
and give internal doses of ten drops of
Nerviline in sweetened water every two
hours. This will prevent any serious
trouble. No liniment or pain reliever can
equal Polsou's Nerviliue, which is a nec-
essity in every household. Large bottles
cost only 25c.
West Wawanosh.
The Rev. M. M. Goldberg and fam-
ily have returned to Dungannon from
their holiday trip and are now domiciled
in the rectory.
T. G. Allen having recently sold his
interest in the Blyth evaporator, has
purchased the Dungannon evaporator
from Messrs. Town & Case. He has add
ed another drier, the capacity thus being
increased so as to dry from 200 to 300
bushels daily and therefore will give
employment to about 20 persons. Quite
a quantity of apples have been purchased
and delivered at the factory, principally
Duchess. The price given is 1.5c a bag.
H. Tigert, principal
MARRIED.—Jas.g , al p p
of Goderich model school, has enter-
ed the matrimonial state in union with a
young lady of West Wawauosh, Miss
Margaret Wellwood. The nuptials were
celebrated on Thursday, August 21st, at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Wellwood, West Wawa -
nosh, in the presence of about 40 guests,
mainly relatives of the contracting par-
ties. The ceremony was performed at
G o'clock p. m. by Rev. C. Keine. The
charming bride wore a gown of white
Indain lawn with lace insertion and
chiffon trimmings. She was assisted by
her cousin, Miss Eva Wellwood, of
Dundalk, who was becomingly attired
in white organdie. Miss Wellwood,
sister of the bride, played the wedding
march. The groomsman was George A.
Durum, of Dungannon. The ceremony
was followed by congratulations and a
wedding feast, and later in the evening
the happy couple drove to town aid
entered into possession of their new
home on Church street, Gedorich. The
bride is a highly esteemed young lady
and 'was recipient of many handsome
wedding gifts. We congratulate Mr,
Tigert upon his good fortune. Mrs.
Pigott will be "at home" after the lst
of September,
1141 •
They Father Consumption.
Bad coughs, colds aucl catarrh are res.,
ponsible for more consumption than is
traceable even to heredity. 'Catarrhoz-
ono cures more quickly than ordinary
remedies because it is the only antiseptic
yet discovered that is volatile enough to
reach tho root of the trouble lit remote
parts of the lungs and bronohinl tubes,
and ifupregato every particle of the air
breathed with its healing,germ-killing
vapor. Colds can't last teeminutes, or
coughs more than thirty minutes when
Catarrhonzono is inhaled. It clears
nose, throat and air passages at -once,
stops dropping, Headache, and eradicat-
es catarrh from any' part of the system.
Two months treatment, $1.00; trial size
250. Druggist, or N. C. Polson & Co.,
Kingston Oiit.
Dr.Hamilton's Pills aro mild.
Dr. Roberts, a graduate of McGill, is
MSN inghtun 1'1 his
jrtu Lieu.
Geo. Robb has put a new stage coach
on the Wroexeter route.
The new buildings being built by
Mahler Bros. at the evaporator are al-
most completed. Operations will soon
be commenced.
B. Gerry, who had his leg broken on
the 12th of July, was thought to be pro-
gressing favorably, but this week the
dootors discovered another fracture in
the same leg, and it will necessarily be
some time before Mr. Gerry is able to bo
around again,
The Maccabees are organizing a brass
band in connection with the local Tent.
Some 10 bandsmen have signified their
willingness to become active members.
It is their intention to purchase new in-
struments throughout and a subscription
list is in circulation to that effect.
Tho flax mill started operations on
Thursday last under the able manage-
ment of Peter Hogg. There is a large
crop of flax and it is being hauled in fast.
About 80 men are employed in the mill
and on the fields at present.
S. Beattie, formerly of Beattie & Clark,
proprietors of the American House here,
has purchased the Pacific House at
Wiarton from D, Huether for $18,000.
His brother, James, of the Brussels liv-
ery stables, will likely be associated with
him at Wiarton.
John Ransford of Clinton, of the
Brussels Salt Works firm, was in town
on Monday. , Mr. Ransford lately re-
turned from British Columbia, where
he succeeded in introducing the product
'of the local salt works. Last Saturday
the firm shipped a carload of salt to Van-
couver, B. C.‘, the freight on which
alone amounted to $275.
The contractor Geo. Stothers has a
strong gang of mechanics at work on
Hackett's church. The building will be
ready for dedication before 'October
The promoters of the Electric Rail-
way are asking the ratepayers of Ash-
field for a sectional bonus of $25,000.
Mr. Donald Graham, one of the pioneer
settlers of this section, passed away at
his home, lot 45, the first concession of
Kinloss, on Tuesday last. Deceased,
who was in his 82nd year, was highly es-
teemed and greatly respected by a wide
circle of friends.
Twenty five Western horses were
disposed of by auction in this village
on. Saturday last, the property of Mr.
McLean, of Goderich. The prices rang-
ed from $30 to $85.
.A. special train of fifteen car loads of
fat cattle left our station on Monday last
August 25, going directly to New York
via Buffalo to be shipped to Great Brit-
ain. In the lot were four cars that were
purchased from Mr. John Murray and
eleven from Mr. E. S. McLean.
The Critical Time of Life
is between the years of fifty-seven and
sixty-two. Nature's power slows, down,
vitality becomes less, and the progress
of decay sets in. A means of extending
old age and renewing decreasing vigor
is to take Ferrozone after meals. Ferr-
ozone keeps up the appetite, and in the
formation of red, vitalizing blood, im-
parts clearness to the tiring brain, force,
energy and spirits just when they are
needed most. To take Ferrozone regu-
larly by means adding from ten to
twenty years to life. Large boxes 500,
or 6 boxes for $2.50, at Druggists, or
Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by
L. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills are Certain.
'We would like to ask, through the
columns of your paper, if there is any
person who has. used Green's August
Flower for the cure of indigestion,
Dyspepsia and Liver Troubles that
bas not been cured—anti we also mean
their results, such as sour stomach,
fermentation of food, habitual costive-
ness, nervous dyspepsia, headache,
despondent feeling, sleeplessness—in
fact, any trouble connected with the
stomach or liver? This medicine has
been sold for many years in all civil-
ized countries countries, and we wish
to eorrespond with you and send you
one of our hooks free of cost. If you
never tried August Flower, try one
bottle first. We have never known of
its failing. If so something more
serious is the matter with you. Ask
your oldest druggist.
G. G. GIsx.LiN, Woodbury, N. J,
We want a fete good Agents for
Western and are prepared to pay
liberally for the right kind of men.
Where we have sold stock once, we
can sell again, Our goods aro in
We ask no deposit from representa-
tives—Outfit is furnished free.
I1 will pay any reliable man, want-
ing a permanent, paying position, to
correspond with us.
" Canada's Greatest Nurseries."
"A little rain lays
much dust."
A little finish covers
much shoddy, in
"As good inside the
finish as it looks out-
side," is pledged by
the Maker? rice on
the sole ofr-
Igor sale only by \V`..3. Cheer
Slim Prices. Small Profits
1Tile Leathn StoreIQU:tn:
New Fall
Dress Goods
and Silks.
We have just opened up a large assortment of
the newest, Dress Fabrics in the leading, shades.
The department is crowded with the best makes,
comprising the following:—Cheviots, Serges, Satin.
Cloths, Broadcloth, Zebelines, Cashmeres, Home-
spuns, Amazons, Poplins, Friezes, Henriettas,
Venetians, etc.
High Class Dress Goads
Plain and fancy striped, French
Flannels and Cashmeres, Silk
embroidered Blousette, Silk
striped, etc., all prices.
Black Satins at all prices.
Tamoliues, Taffettas, Peau
de Soie, Japan, Morie, etc., in
all the leading shades,
All widths. Blacks, Whites and
colors. New wide neck Ribbons.
Watered Ribbons.
Prices right.
All the new kinds and best
makes. See our special guaran-
teed Kid Gloves at one dollar.
Its a Bargain.
New Laces and Dress Trimmings, New
Buttons. Latest novelties in Belts, and
fine assortment of Ladies' Neckwear,
Boleros, fancy silk Collars from $1.00
to $2.75 each.
Large Stock
Great Assortment Right Prices
H. E. Isard & Co.
Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce
Novelties In
Japanese China
Owing to a washout on the C. P. R. our Fancy
China from Japan did not arrive as expected. We
are very sorry so many of our customers being dis-
appointed. However, it is here now, and we would
respectfully ask you all to call in and inspect it.
We have made arrangements with one of the
argest growers to ship us peaches daily.
at Griffin's
in acts, not words only, hence our customers find our
Ordered Clothing the best value obtainable ; hence
our large trade.
We believe in honest values, hence you find us
with the best materials, at lowest living prices.
We believe in,good fits ; no slip -shod, ill-fitting,
mean -looking suits are allowed to leave our shop.
We believe our goods are the best, hence with
confidence we recommend them.
We believe we can offer you the best Shoes,
best Shirts, best Hats, best Ties, and all Gents' Fur-
111511 it )rices.
1 at lowest �sf � 1
Homuth & Son.
iv" F 't'3.'�i ,,,'
Canada's Great Exposition
and Industrial Fair
• Will Issue Return Tickets from
Wingham to Toronto, at $3.65
Good going Sept. 2nd to 12th, inclusive.
Wingham to Toronto, at $2.70
Good going Sept. 2, 4, 6, 9 and 11.
All tickets good to return until Sept 16, '02
4y' Ask for copy of official Time
Table and Program.
Asst. Gen'1, Passr. Agt., Toronto
RaN I�u,U. •' S' -EM
Labor Day
Return Ticket9 will
be issued between all
stations in Canada on
Grand Trunk and 0011.
fleeting lines at
SEPT. 1st, 1902 Good going At'o. 30th
,0 31st, returning good
until SEPT. 211d, 1902,
Canada's Great Fair
Wingham to Toronto and Return $3.60
flood going Sept. 2nd to 1211, inclusive.
Good going 011 September find, 4th,, $2,70
Gth, Oth and 11th
Alt tickets valid returning on or before
September 15th.
t'or particulars and infOrniatiotr apply to
Agents Grand Trunk.
J. 0. lltcDONAtJ
District Paesonger Attest, Toronto.
s lovas
—A farmer from Kincardine Tp. went
into Kincardine and ordered his coffin
and his monument,
--Tho men working for Messrs. Barn-
hardt & Chalmers of Monkton made in
28?2 hours 46,500 brick; their fastest
work being 1,000 in 25 minutes.
—Under the name of "Mr. Dooley"
Mrs. David R. Calhoun secured a Pull-
man pass for her Boston terrier and
brought him from New York to St.
Louis on the sleeper.
—There are at present 25 prisoners at
the Middlesex county jail, confined on
the following charges: Murder, 3; theft
2; insanity, 5; child desertion, 1; vag-
rancy, 2; drunkenness, 7; fraud, 1; con-
tempt of court, 1.
—There is sometimes an advantage in
being a magistrate. According to ac-
counts an Alviuston magistrate used bad
language towards an alleged offender,
the alleged offender swore out a warrant
against him, the warrant was served,
and the magistrate was brought up be-
fore himself, pleaded guilty and dismiss-
ed himself on the plea that it was his
first offence. He was more lenient with
his "prisoner" than the Kentucky judge
who got drunk, 'sat on' himself and im-
posed a fine of $10, which was promptly
—Ex -Councillor Lamont, of Brant,
had au experience last Saturday night
during a walk in his sleep. He rotired
about the usal time on Saturday night,
and when found by his parents and the
hired man at 3 a.m. on Sunday morn-
ing he was leaning against the gate near
the house with his wrist and four ribs
broken and an injured hip. The last
thing Mr. Lamont remembers before
he found himself lying helpless on the
lawn, was moving some plants from the
window of his bedroom. His next move
evidently was to get out on the slanting
verandah, and after that the descent
down 12 feet was rapid.
—The Clinton News -Record gives
the following: Mr. John Sheppard, who
has been very i11 for some time, had so
far recovered on Thursday last as to be
able to sit down to dinner with his five
brothers. The party consisted of George
Sheppard aged 82, John Sheppard, aged
80, Jacob Sheppard, aged 76, Thomas
Sheppard 71, James Sheppard 69, Wil-
liam Sheppard, 62. The average age of
the six brothers is seventy-three years.
It is twenty-three years since the broth-
ers all met together at the same time
and on that occasion they were photo-
graphed and weighed. They wore then
in the prime of life and had an average
weight of 207 pounds.
Valuable Advice to Mothers.
If your child comes in from play
coughing or showing evidences of an
approaching attach of Grippe, Sore
Throat, or sickness of any kind, first
thing get out your bottle of Nerviline,
Rub the chest and neck with Nerviline,
and give internal doses of ten drops of
Nerviline in sweetened water every two
hours. This will prevent any serious
trouble. No liniment or pain reliever can
equal Polsou's Nerviliue, which is a nec-
essity in every household. Large bottles
cost only 25c.
West Wawanosh.
The Rev. M. M. Goldberg and fam-
ily have returned to Dungannon from
their holiday trip and are now domiciled
in the rectory.
T. G. Allen having recently sold his
interest in the Blyth evaporator, has
purchased the Dungannon evaporator
from Messrs. Town & Case. He has add
ed another drier, the capacity thus being
increased so as to dry from 200 to 300
bushels daily and therefore will give
employment to about 20 persons. Quite
a quantity of apples have been purchased
and delivered at the factory, principally
Duchess. The price given is 1.5c a bag.
H. Tigert, principal
MARRIED.—Jas.g , al p p
of Goderich model school, has enter-
ed the matrimonial state in union with a
young lady of West Wawauosh, Miss
Margaret Wellwood. The nuptials were
celebrated on Thursday, August 21st, at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Wellwood, West Wawa -
nosh, in the presence of about 40 guests,
mainly relatives of the contracting par-
ties. The ceremony was performed at
G o'clock p. m. by Rev. C. Keine. The
charming bride wore a gown of white
Indain lawn with lace insertion and
chiffon trimmings. She was assisted by
her cousin, Miss Eva Wellwood, of
Dundalk, who was becomingly attired
in white organdie. Miss Wellwood,
sister of the bride, played the wedding
march. The groomsman was George A.
Durum, of Dungannon. The ceremony
was followed by congratulations and a
wedding feast, and later in the evening
the happy couple drove to town aid
entered into possession of their new
home on Church street, Gedorich. The
bride is a highly esteemed young lady
and 'was recipient of many handsome
wedding gifts. We congratulate Mr,
Tigert upon his good fortune. Mrs.
Pigott will be "at home" after the lst
of September,
1141 •
They Father Consumption.
Bad coughs, colds aucl catarrh are res.,
ponsible for more consumption than is
traceable even to heredity. 'Catarrhoz-
ono cures more quickly than ordinary
remedies because it is the only antiseptic
yet discovered that is volatile enough to
reach tho root of the trouble lit remote
parts of the lungs and bronohinl tubes,
and ifupregato every particle of the air
breathed with its healing,germ-killing
vapor. Colds can't last teeminutes, or
coughs more than thirty minutes when
Catarrhonzono is inhaled. It clears
nose, throat and air passages at -once,
stops dropping, Headache, and eradicat-
es catarrh from any' part of the system.
Two months treatment, $1.00; trial size
250. Druggist, or N. C. Polson & Co.,
Kingston Oiit.
Dr.Hamilton's Pills aro mild.
Dr. Roberts, a graduate of McGill, is
MSN inghtun 1'1 his
jrtu Lieu.
Geo. Robb has put a new stage coach
on the Wroexeter route.
The new buildings being built by
Mahler Bros. at the evaporator are al-
most completed. Operations will soon
be commenced.
B. Gerry, who had his leg broken on
the 12th of July, was thought to be pro-
gressing favorably, but this week the
dootors discovered another fracture in
the same leg, and it will necessarily be
some time before Mr. Gerry is able to bo
around again,
The Maccabees are organizing a brass
band in connection with the local Tent.
Some 10 bandsmen have signified their
willingness to become active members.
It is their intention to purchase new in-
struments throughout and a subscription
list is in circulation to that effect.
Tho flax mill started operations on
Thursday last under the able manage-
ment of Peter Hogg. There is a large
crop of flax and it is being hauled in fast.
About 80 men are employed in the mill
and on the fields at present.
S. Beattie, formerly of Beattie & Clark,
proprietors of the American House here,
has purchased the Pacific House at
Wiarton from D, Huether for $18,000.
His brother, James, of the Brussels liv-
ery stables, will likely be associated with
him at Wiarton.
John Ransford of Clinton, of the
Brussels Salt Works firm, was in town
on Monday. , Mr. Ransford lately re-
turned from British Columbia, where
he succeeded in introducing the product
'of the local salt works. Last Saturday
the firm shipped a carload of salt to Van-
couver, B. C.‘, the freight on which
alone amounted to $275.
The contractor Geo. Stothers has a
strong gang of mechanics at work on
Hackett's church. The building will be
ready for dedication before 'October
The promoters of the Electric Rail-
way are asking the ratepayers of Ash-
field for a sectional bonus of $25,000.
Mr. Donald Graham, one of the pioneer
settlers of this section, passed away at
his home, lot 45, the first concession of
Kinloss, on Tuesday last. Deceased,
who was in his 82nd year, was highly es-
teemed and greatly respected by a wide
circle of friends.
Twenty five Western horses were
disposed of by auction in this village
on. Saturday last, the property of Mr.
McLean, of Goderich. The prices rang-
ed from $30 to $85.
.A. special train of fifteen car loads of
fat cattle left our station on Monday last
August 25, going directly to New York
via Buffalo to be shipped to Great Brit-
ain. In the lot were four cars that were
purchased from Mr. John Murray and
eleven from Mr. E. S. McLean.
The Critical Time of Life
is between the years of fifty-seven and
sixty-two. Nature's power slows, down,
vitality becomes less, and the progress
of decay sets in. A means of extending
old age and renewing decreasing vigor
is to take Ferrozone after meals. Ferr-
ozone keeps up the appetite, and in the
formation of red, vitalizing blood, im-
parts clearness to the tiring brain, force,
energy and spirits just when they are
needed most. To take Ferrozone regu-
larly by means adding from ten to
twenty years to life. Large boxes 500,
or 6 boxes for $2.50, at Druggists, or
Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by
L. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills are Certain.
'We would like to ask, through the
columns of your paper, if there is any
person who has. used Green's August
Flower for the cure of indigestion,
Dyspepsia and Liver Troubles that
bas not been cured—anti we also mean
their results, such as sour stomach,
fermentation of food, habitual costive-
ness, nervous dyspepsia, headache,
despondent feeling, sleeplessness—in
fact, any trouble connected with the
stomach or liver? This medicine has
been sold for many years in all civil-
ized countries countries, and we wish
to eorrespond with you and send you
one of our hooks free of cost. If you
never tried August Flower, try one
bottle first. We have never known of
its failing. If so something more
serious is the matter with you. Ask
your oldest druggist.
G. G. GIsx.LiN, Woodbury, N. J,
We want a fete good Agents for
Western and are prepared to pay
liberally for the right kind of men.
Where we have sold stock once, we
can sell again, Our goods aro in
We ask no deposit from representa-
tives—Outfit is furnished free.
I1 will pay any reliable man, want-
ing a permanent, paying position, to
correspond with us.
" Canada's Greatest Nurseries."
"A little rain lays
much dust."
A little finish covers
much shoddy, in
"As good inside the
finish as it looks out-
side," is pledged by
the Maker? rice on
the sole ofr-
Igor sale only by \V`..3. Cheer
Slim Prices. Small Profits
1Tile Leathn StoreIQU:tn:
New Fall
Dress Goods
and Silks.
We have just opened up a large assortment of
the newest, Dress Fabrics in the leading, shades.
The department is crowded with the best makes,
comprising the following:—Cheviots, Serges, Satin.
Cloths, Broadcloth, Zebelines, Cashmeres, Home-
spuns, Amazons, Poplins, Friezes, Henriettas,
Venetians, etc.
High Class Dress Goads
Plain and fancy striped, French
Flannels and Cashmeres, Silk
embroidered Blousette, Silk
striped, etc., all prices.
Black Satins at all prices.
Tamoliues, Taffettas, Peau
de Soie, Japan, Morie, etc., in
all the leading shades,
All widths. Blacks, Whites and
colors. New wide neck Ribbons.
Watered Ribbons.
Prices right.
All the new kinds and best
makes. See our special guaran-
teed Kid Gloves at one dollar.
Its a Bargain.
New Laces and Dress Trimmings, New
Buttons. Latest novelties in Belts, and
fine assortment of Ladies' Neckwear,
Boleros, fancy silk Collars from $1.00
to $2.75 each.
Large Stock
Great Assortment Right Prices
H. E. Isard & Co.
Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce
Novelties In
Japanese China
Owing to a washout on the C. P. R. our Fancy
China from Japan did not arrive as expected. We
are very sorry so many of our customers being dis-
appointed. However, it is here now, and we would
respectfully ask you all to call in and inspect it.
We have made arrangements with one of the
argest growers to ship us peaches daily.
at Griffin's
in acts, not words only, hence our customers find our
Ordered Clothing the best value obtainable ; hence
our large trade.
We believe in honest values, hence you find us
with the best materials, at lowest living prices.
We believe in,good fits ; no slip -shod, ill-fitting,
mean -looking suits are allowed to leave our shop.
We believe our goods are the best, hence with
confidence we recommend them.
We believe we can offer you the best Shoes,
best Shirts, best Hats, best Ties, and all Gents' Fur-
111511 it )rices.
1 at lowest �sf � 1
Homuth & Son.