The Wingham Advance, 1902-09-04, Page 2thum
Thee. Bait, Proprietor.
Not a Place to Rush to Without :leans ot Subsistence.
torla letter wele's • Pablia at-
Is:state is stilfocasee4 Sieletle
A/Plea. aod will be for some
Offlee:-Upstairs in the time
Night ealls auswered at office, g
DRS. CHISII01,1 & alma
Jesephine Foreet Winghani
. .
alesetier ree Braise laelleal
8piteesal etaatize real to lase:este ca teem e
and celtlarre,
Omen Roves :ea te
W. T. RoHoway
prseeeteee Faisal
ettlase of leatel -
Zeri-ehos et late
raze, wea Lame
Gradcutecf Deer -
et Settee.. ct Texce-
thetaa leteentia mitaale le se trameteect
rza.-ar.te.4x1. reewer
Liteetter Dental:Surgery el the e
ns.ylvanla Celege and Lieteetiate
'Dental Surgery tef Ontario.
Of!tce ora Peat Etase-taINGliall
ettetal Weeat artereeetzset arsegeneate aviza
One war Is mercifolly over, but an,
azZier. of more gigantic., proportioto'e,
ehreaeens to enielop Natal, the
Oape, need the new provinces of tho
alreaay there is inaugerated the
tar or competition, the fight for
eoil, tile strife for fortuee, the
battle for bread and board, the
teal,izt tor work anui wages, the
t'er,.•ig,o,'le. lox I-gaiety:tea
tt-ioni be 43 VaSy taleg to lens
in the cberas of glarifem.'tioa
Africo ati a,fE1lor bend,
emailtioes Dritisliers. It would be
pee:es:aut. pereaps, to write of the
pagisee times et 131\-1e9., bat the re-
ijyres-te tapoo some oze to
tell elle tratie arra to put naked
Teets aen figeree before tartt eon-
setiets of tee Britlea reb-
ate preparen or igreporing, to toes.
etre Lere in the* hope of eleete and
Let •.i'L be stated at pacts taat
&gene Mriea, renet age epee:kale pre -
caret ter ireraigrazIoe. At preseat
itt is net preparel to 5,4pz.)ort the
rezone elre.atly in the coantry.
e3.-trells Afriest army easib,4,-..bsorb
zefLiou Eghling teen; it .cauuot ab-
szeee no army of -workers.
Stow Immigration.
Fre= ne lothistrlal point of view
"the carrying eapacity" is as. yet
,Totterg pompoators-Feir demairl
122 IO. £3 ga 1.5Ei per 'week,
Paperhangere-ehnali. 304 to 14s.
311inere-4'air demand. Waess
bere-Motierate. 10s 3-44 tt
15s per day.
aten-Itiittle demand. Wages
Servants, donieet'e--Gool dema
43 to £4 per mon,
Signewritera-Pair. 16s to t,l0s per
Solieltors-No denuand.
Ste-nage-apt:ere and teplets--Good
deZnanel,,Mee to f..."0.
Stecte-pmeane-No demand,
Tailors -In demand. Trousers, 6s
of fed; jeekets, 17e, 63,
Typists -Good ciamanel. L10 to £.14.
Waiters -No &wand.
Wattresses-Gool dentatia LI to .tri.
Youths, orfee-boys, julaior reerks-
In -demand. id to £12.
It Is neeeRsery to remember,
when scretinizing the foregoing list,
that the rash to Africa hoe already
tat itt, that Iteople are troweling at
the coast; that the supply of labor
or all sorts is rapidav overtrearbing-
tbe demared, and that a -decline ID
wages Is ineritablet
It lney be asked: "What a the
prospects et settlement on the land?"
Weil, ail the farming land In tbe vi-
cinity cif markets is privately ovrned
•otel worked with. Kaffir labor, A
man with modest capital would bare
ei=tend agaiust the exeeptiets-
bigb east of tranet and In-
numerable Plaguee which best the in-
dustry. He would aims to:
know something about stientific
Agricalteme th &leak Africa, Is a
matter tar the excluslve coesidero-
toe ol the capitalist. It is a prob-
lem he will not tackle the be can
speralateth gold mining, properties.
Before eery Britisher forsakes his
biliet, hrertke up his home, and bids
farewell to his comfortable serrate_ ed- he should amorally study wage -
rates aaid cost of a -ring in Sleet:3 Af-
rica. Abase all, he seonld be In rip
hurry to beret wear the thousarale
rowdIng on the coast,
W.( B.
eiedieterreiTaeti. One ;Oa:1g is certain
lae earenal .aed conszientious
eneser.ver-leat s, renfor atroa into
th.s.ccontry, of ali ;4111D1.riZSin
the weela ebould proceed eautioue-
ly, wi asa Der, if passable,
ossesell C4fr.41vie.3R of emcees and
O aepiress.z woall eater do for
eamarehry to crowd te.reineambers
etatels •reseall preclude profitable
emelt:Ts:rent. Aireatay in reamer parts
▪ teese colorae_s leers Is .e.eee
Bartitz.'4, Svaitizs,•eempeoa for work, while tae
eerea. of :hang perceptibly intreastee.
its:teener wriaz Lae
093e.e: Meyer. Meek Witgbano he Boma Two Ilteeesel :unstated,
F- L. alikasee ta_teta. Ettht mte are clemeraeg fer work ad
mtiege owners, on urgent .appealo
R vAssioNE
Meney t bar. az tewest rates, Office
7-9ro WINGP &M.
regateratel age.
HeaeefeasOthaloanli, err.
taro- ce tee as toesmaim tate seetem.
3stetra Gramrs„ CrAs.trkiTzt,,ze„
latteatee. ategeetaza
AGMOT, Wreetaliatitt. ONT
azd as art act of graze for seretces
seetered en the teettlethield, have '
aereedtatied work for these men ,
et. ate a week and ouarters for a
be tee
uer- jtee_11'
a 1.1
s -
t "Pr
limited period. This enagreemizzat
granted wills releetame. is not
be. regaraegi as a permatteet arrang
meet. It ts termed relief work.
And rats occurs vele= there is n
tosentle prospeez -or a. workers' i
veseizia ef Jonatereaurge for t
7,-,-3`f goal aziel ealficieet mese
that permits to .tteree up from it
eatect are ebtaanal with the gres.
The ram •',-.;.,••3 the new wool:roes
the emethe is beiets, wisely and me.
cheekeel. Way'? Weil, near.
eattee Cf: food bees to be 22e.rae
eeer trattareds Mew of ratiareta
creel tate rollezig stock, owing to eon
eirraC=S amtd heave; military nee:ze-
e-hies, le Saab- in need of re-rawaL
bpday Seizool.
elea•IBILLIER 7„ 1902.
liT0r46 10. tte r..1.04th MR PrOP14et.
1S. Vttil31 gnzt tep-Vets
else was fulfilled firteeo leuedred
oeers afterwards, aoeel both Petex
_tied te'lepbele expreesly apply it to
jest:es-Varlet. Acts iii. :el; 07.
2. Wal ecbt horieen-'31an la deaf
and tn the thiaio of tiod. Jrtee
',is Imeei roil tlie rentede" he Is
elike leeenslitle. Ms car s opla to
worldly adet viee, bto tie goepolzc
is a pereeet sat' o wit -boat life.-
I will require it -That Is,
tiolwH vi ttbe dieobedieet with
4. Dot the prophet, etc -Tni
warricg given to fniso prepla..!ts
'shows Iiat wisat bats been sail ia
ateas 15-1.0 toast in some respezte
at least apply to tile Hebrew pro-
p:sets that we
er1,0 eaceetei ateses,
entail elle-h•Seea a prophet, lust b'regariled W. a brae-puter arid be
pat to death." .
21. How elian linow-It St: efts,
diffieult. to discern bstween the true
aeil else false, bet "farte ant fulfil -
silent. are the test."
Presmarptuously belie dently
awribing Lis own Taut eat lane; fan-
cies* to Goa. -Denson, Not le errata
-That la of Isis predictions or
Wiser, 4„orae1 Isai gatherea al
'lege/her et allepah tit ;meat Saul
as eitiplaan Laver Caere pietple,
nppeareel it Li: tQL.1 hp gisigber
then any' af else people frem ids
slitgalitere az:el tea:yards. Evea Ito the
papilla Moses, Of wiagm seer lessee
reets tualae, itteveris nbeve all the
propliets mei:timed tit the Baia I.
has twee observed that when
CTS liave ;erased ea chnrele or :state
ilea Who clearia foresaw them, lied
io Hie wieelom pielreved for the mei
are) for the time.
d s _oromiel s never feel. Over three
aual edr:tears' tied elapsel Mains tile
pr. -mite was lauds te Abrabem tiaat
• eeed sheuld }Kiss:as the :promised
Lind. Eigate eters mere and 'the
set:Same datewonie arrive wile the
premise must be fatillati, :Moses was'
•hiire 1in time on deep dietress.
Oer leaeoe toes ea eat: ...The Lord
the teal will raise up lotto thee a
prep:let from the midst of thee, of
ti.:.brethreo, 'iut e z unte iiiin
emit harkeu." Yeses was aever
;iodated by the hand of man. Varlet
was iet eneitatel be the high priest.
He Caviares. The tadrit of the Lard
Goa is tipoo me, lierattee the loot?
hath astainted me."
There ts sometbie-g etrikingly
"create:fat' in the Last days of Moses.
slot's peen:lax fore iu taking hire
to the eanamit of ,,Ni.130. aal giving
Idle the boor that no one else has
ever had, for ettol burled lame .so
securely tat no here foenl Ifs
Bat tbe end was not yet. On tlie
Mount of Trausfiguraelon we be-
boM him who Trae •
vrtlii Bejaia. ami thee' 'talked with
nears. Foebteident tep owes Janden
Tee Peeper's, Like altesteanse:elit. ha? in the flesa. after deata He
stns upon one cif teie reesenteenati
of the promised Lae& ace talks to
The earpbet ertem He had ae Seeer.
ago foretoki teat- God atafia eatee.
ep Ile unto himatat. Areether azteor
God pets epee Atesea tot etee
armee or :songs that leave been.
wraten oray :pee will be itearet
tbe New stereseele.m.: eAzia ehey
the sung of Moses. the serveme.
steta, arid tbe eeeg of tbe Lamb."
A wonaerial cataracte.r. May we
strive In
or ..epaere to he faithful
all tbiegs after his -example.
tammeatare- Connectiner Links.
LD the atents tal the last lesiatu
e Imateites icentieuel to joarmee
arrawarst, °arcane the souttare .tgeo
eitte iegletands of Elem. loware the
ete, thee sseirthere.ra by the Dead
tfl they easee to tee pLaies, ol
cab by '1.49 ,Jordan opo eite Jer-
. Not lean/ to do -an riA,s 1-S the
"ogees of the prl -este alai Levities have
ben meettereed. -Before epeakieg of
*thee. propaette order and teeaele
appextsta.i mesa oleo in tbe riatiorast
femme tastory are u:t eupptement tbe
oeiesettoot, Moses geees a kind of ensts-
more' cit. the merlexis emp.o.yea Ise. tee
leotothee ileaon tbe era a tater
ese After the enteseanatioes-
ectIces conmeetel with Lae -wore
.1.-zre ofn caned aberaintaloes.zet
•Old Tee-teme.nt." etre earlier
ys of the sectroli Lite -ears. there was
tamer eit -eattle, see -dome, SO • ceptioaal onsortneltles of ireepteet-
'matt to ztE.,ct muglz. and. soothe hag the expre.ssed to a -Natal
Only by actoal preasitaithee. see • tallnees" represeatatlee Tinersday
en of Crate- oPtild the ease. be Met;. Lest. tbe ales:sure haa experienced
e matter eftese. eetea=ettantes ebeeee at firealog aboolote absence of
no epee for as to ,nesologize for the aestillity ter tile lakirtg setae the
T.-teetimeint law, "Thee Shalt not. ntiehtelet 'Vas colon:4%
km• a 1-4-ilasa 10 411.1;.,- Et.„ tett. sa. • "Me Boers or tale etertage ge1. the
this boar the witch -am -ter. oath late* lieleahliaaa' he eatah "are wan
oreettates and :mole. es the ineuleas, solatellea to become Natal ogler:isle.
eteste cam au tee ee=aeteaoate' leatesea, they are expectizag -tome .sreid
ereetailizel people el' Af- ad'aantagea Ihoza the enaltite. no-
ea_ettpaeoettge Bala at lease ea- ;teed your 13,3-st ,O,Ti.;Cf3 peieple '
ices sepezeteltioris 4. welch tate
leglessectat itettestlon•
eiterete tellers Is no neeesety to en
teree-,e npon the aspect of thts imetu
a▪ e tb t varite tee
• are clamereas for TC•Ifoirs' wort a
ael'a nat pay in that meet. empensie
-fay in the leeral-andasieesburg. ata
•I saw more talie =..END in Johatentg e
than sat. in efienboorte
ayearey slareng the, worst period *
tete feearielal crest sten aear.s ago.
• 0: eitierse the can is• excipteoe
el, 'et= ones? the wiate -worker eigeo
eleatos his distress and depecidear
=pital.has a notorioes habit or -rnk
ete: the best el its espertueste. Tr.
n'zle ertreere are alreany masters o
ete thaestrial peeitlem, eel it ma,
take a reaciareitee to eilsiolge Chem.
Ateetter matter to be tekeeint
netteratiee is that =embers of ar
gelato, liaviag eieeten. to remain
the coreatreh aad leaving quiell
tieuelea tbeir pay -in this mast
eseitiT eirtantry-tare swelamg tb
rme atioee ,seatile of work. So
stie ezzepetetiez for everk and wages
ie.gmat e =Imre who hen,
treoe the war, been clemaal at
lea ieee are amply enragal
ton eitierzeg worO fer 5s perniay.
teat eer
New, ete tei the east el laving. Fer
ttle eitaterig a crowned
asgerzgem Iterbee itape Thard2
.".tZ=.92' deebt-
less rtimele tar an trinellnite perlea
-wee ..eatifereett beard, the liatreet
fete Ls anis per week. The majority
:_. eatete Lae taterepteler pee
.e.te aer ben ana beard' far tale:ear
too -rage temetrairt and table,
te the Tirateeteal eat Orange Eager fl';',„
zz. ea real pee* frem
atat peer reezene fee fool mad j erev.
....7.1•E' ..1er, coarses;
rates tee ease. nt ;le SS per gles_s •ane
a :tee esect es =lama
tee ..„..speetelaar
et. -
Tee e*.-e-eleitg" tent preralise. P41;
1:_t? anapPeal Wor
_9 1_.:21,Ft aes ete ,aate.e.
....-i- mare rote. a lately win! Isien.teh
ear far a itivest. Este earge foe=
te gate pea reetetaa et tree otoast
tni„...h7::-..‘rneet.Trate,Lae.--htge. 'Cant de -head
et, tate en teetga ts aa-ente-e- Tata
tr toot, PT.:.11C .17.2ria*
osetee at wages atel
fareart. at or eta -et
, - at, erea tratfented,
tha thee:lea
oer =Late toe tetestial th.e?
•••F • '"
ormt atgen Z;
eraetalta-at, ateeneet, ane
fife eiee
takeee-Ite rit.A. tea
• 2112,
-I DI'
f At.
:el leis
o ear
Tiem,theri nettives of Coma= iiral•
e teoeigae !C.X,XCGT,2 -the future etnet to
test the wee of' tte
10. Pas.s that:ate the are -The
saerliteing of elealren lliceone
eviaL 214 is Lorain
-Melocia the idol el' the Ata-
rieltes. His statue was of
,S. rested on a eeeestal •Egf thee
same metal. His arms were tatersia
e:1 ir. the attitude ler ereareelno.
'taloa' 'who aPProechel him His veto -
slay -eters dedie.ateti their enteitaren
ta alat, and Vaal} tii,tS %Tag _
.3 one the etalue eras iseateet n
itre 'bin ana the Watts were
evelier alta:ken veer ate llamas ter
peasel tbro-ta the Leneed atina le
ieseare tat- faeor 01 %lie ore-leen:a"
A geettereatt weire has ;test pateed
throegt Marlexaterge -on bls way
from the terrattery re.ntly addel to
the calann and van bas bad
E.,-...-_,- Gr.. -..3.........„ ,c,..=-:.,. v.. -.t-•„,
erinary Ceilege. ,a2-tai.e. Trated Let-therstatey.
earner Ttetrerta tmel 7,V -7 -he Sageees, fie
Intetehe...a=„ Bay seed razat ealna ororapt- •t '?`
17 attertanol, te. Teler2---...ete ceezerent=., '
aecteeoril et seal
Atakteasteteregeone,ezemaa.... 4
Hard ani E.4,:471; :Slabs, .11:SD a
:arge ci"-4,a-11:ty cf
wcza e,;Eel:Ter-ea,
Tini:eataiaree Orzr Penhataita".1
Moll an .tfc Son
Eta YEA1tat
thees--"Itere te,alsiltoor terottelts the had been hatta atid that a mach
. taareeer-Helierew
Or.e etho bielshy inZaMt-Z12:•IODe
to tee Textme
rate-tFeteele. aerselter, ette-teet-
entreseate a sorcerer- er ware
czar are tire isoreerere there
e.s cavde=ted. bet 1.113F,Z:
:te tape..., or bate• deal:age
theM, artearel-a. ketealeree, era,
A =hie vital:. leetgramarirer.-feee
veieks frem or imealres of tate
ear.b as the erstea Feeer.
. These tbirigs-All
spite -es. ol the same gees.
y ere falee erepaele. Teett the -
The possess, setrereaterat tierce
to fark,-,.€AV the lature. te ere
are= eviL to te,ve aeze=trearte
deity. An . abieretimaen-Taa
nwnterced azia these -oat)
teen are alike tieteettatne
lard Beeteelse el: these. ale.-
haanaelteste ealiette are, abeet
e tariven oat aita destroyel
thair farms cit worealp tate
me me eterreet ana degintelinee.
Then eanat
ate dal reoliTaar costetaee
traterer devoted to pieta eteal s
r ere tes be a gaisaata pee -4e
ata ake the retatens atecet
Zan.] I:Se reer-anall seal :Tato the:
'Meet Wars
Coeveneerre &to
.,ean n'ep
tqz •;;;Itr.1:-.1%:7.041.
t-17ttorr,,Ya,r;111i:.;t • -
tee sae. ee tCf-t1'
atI urntrn t rtrava
to.q412 47-• the
• Mille Jitittita.
.M.r:faiaa e
c=.t tar-Vref.mier*-
titifiN ICTI
'Lt letasetiate
ft -'s nee" ate `eases eels tee aleiriGed."
eseeil o
si nekir
tate., er. :teotro.eaeee etc ete ea, to etee.
:ti47.01..nee.tentet it is gegeleiete
Pejedctl IrprZlattivat lute
, •
c• eee--. eoe.k
tsteo e teeteeeoe
oteeete tooseeeee tereeees
teeeedeetiweiet valet ere
rarettat letaleetie et elmeelat
Nteet, ExitteitEdSOtUatOrt
otoct„, New York teree efeetellef
ATlantic blg Washington D.C.
et:4 te
• -,"2"
Istal ee
-1 2 nal ettaol
1 otetteeteotenee- ete=tie,
len n ase D ate tee n. tang
Oelogy-leaeteettle etartelea,
hetatetee-ino denee
t14 to
1:.'s to Its
feteatte=ekere- -
f..!..4 to Volt' mon`lt.
:i Toe
a en
wee -a Le raze la",e....e tee peep: .
eee falatflaen ee tee it:tatter) =e-
teeines. tea :•?..32^,i tea* Wal later ,Set•C
t!-_75:P's ZETZ:E.1 tatt aten
te areartile titte= reeettazt
re-1etetets. tratelear. the wen Ttne-
Leonel wee.i cheetter revealene et.
tate teen g,-,freaktt.
• 3Cifl One alstate. refers
teeteeette-ot -ea, tee liaaei el:eater --Tered She, .1.1F.s.yon.a Itte
is t tbm0Tie, very
Eileterer.terieettete matletseat t ratea'atee aiteoe'rat
eattate neelette tant it teeireeeeetetetea--Netat-eng- teetta tam 1._-aponn nntil
• atereetaaitte iiseretialea, late tout-
_ ..eate ware= tehiateeatteeset ltria tate atett ketaaa. Ea beteg getter:el
eteretete e,hteonattatete 'fat thearstaal
eeteert -ea rate oaree. beitg restsa
V-tr:ty. tot Inc•Einettiith
,wrin Ito Nat&
V.5+1s7,1 't'7":•; 9=1 eeteeed teat nee
nteet- tettegeate aa-tee,--eito t.e tetettai tae itehtettaa 1 brag
etitegeogeog tee t ere e, -thee tette atal entettenen the alsetteat eteeet-
t te e'etiettetiteen `eon, "a'are i"j --Teats-mal tea&
. •t-ses
•ereeekeet-hta e -_•-• e.
better mere service had resaieed fro
tbs Natel Petal Dspertmeet tette
er the district- If only the oth
•slepartments do as wen. this will
ore:goof the7.•....,OSt weeper -ems and eon
tented verniers 01 litataL"
"Whata* askeil. "is the preee
meatier. el ehe territory"
"The co=tree 1st -ere' aleatth[dY P
ate, most of the farms are eau
aro a lot of the people are prac
•eat- pieetless. For that reaven
wonat be well to begie Teazle peb
works -for teratee, the reit:re
from eelobt be pa -abed *
tog a I fear that et will be d I lea
z1) .anything Of the kirid. 't
bottalaries baee been defined a
Letters pateint granted for tte ta.k-
imee over et tie territory:,
• 'Fat is not the ralaway alrea
aete- coreetruetee?"
'Yes. the lieee tas renebei De Jag-'s Drift, arad beyored that the. cm-
bereernents ore ready torl tae pers
'of h.:rang-ea eenstraztea. there tae
? r=t-e2-111, ex meetbs werild zee
lt fitele.bal Vryteid. As a matter
or Lett the eleepers tare all been
learztal Iv Tommy ana the, Beetai."
-Tate lime might well go bee-ood
' Yea there is tbe tittle town of
Parelpietersborg. Tee, rather there
was. fee belleee it bees disappeared
fatrizeg to war. Bat that's o. de-
eklate ber=.1 to spring
oP alarttn. We khe
eva- there is --gale
mar Vrere.eid, amel valet to fled
the reef. viefeth le -probably rear
Pacleeetergeurg, eel the seeth
at the Pangeola River. -1 feel pretty
sort tie raiilway tzen teeat way,
arol proleele:ly steike through t
reo Er-
me:o zred event=ily eet the Dela-
e-aa resec
"mr.5.t. atom the geld, 'Walt toe
111;1? pm31
"Tee en=stiree is Very fertlia Part
on it t's 'elloeh Tent aid the test is
teat tnealke NnOni. Much depends
w-bei.e._ the boraer placeil.
A reentber ter peeple In Gm dIstelet
tatek that the ettela thing to bed -ono
"t, tate tte egoe-taere, betder
Seat:teed et tae boeder. a• ta
;nee dOrneee a time atrzosik tiailker-
eme_ Ity-g pretteat the
seattatee .fartes e73 that weor-
tooeiff Voe Poo -gas Tilver Seas a&'3
botratte aed weenild deateay
ereoe tiee, Wetted !Ablated strip
Irttztnifittnel-Tery aeakward of .
ettageofeileati-tleat meet tetaeralet
m •
• ere the meters, a. young priest bounded
er le trout of them, and, 'seizing the
be. heree of an offleer by the bridle,
- cried -cut, c.aunot lay hands.
upen thee bele esters mai: you ride
:et rags tlewu first 7."'
The entire troop fell back.
01+- "Charge:" Now the troops, mo -
2g at a, mere rapie pace. turned
epontee cotord. In the frout make
it of the latter the men resistat, seeing
lie their e.anes. The horeees fell -baelt
3" -open their hriunebes an - became.
wewesenatoMe. One g,entarme 'tree
oleicet thrown from his horse. In
be ra- arehie sword. but re-
Cirephic Description of the Procee4ings at St. JaIlen
tooveet or ,Sa.lut-dulieu In
Lareierceau, Eirils-terc. is 810 up.
.A.'t oteloca 'tree pierving ever.r-
0000000000 il
body was aroused. The news ot
the (Mang of tee troops had ol-
reai,) reaehed the Itttie
L1msailtzarc,1 in the *setioniewe. The
lateree, a. to sae', awake, aati the en-
tire popalallea began to move to -
weal the square Weston; to tee cos: -
want, The otalare fame beesane
•crusades'. For a conellerable time
the throng remained alma, but
greanelly a growl of anger arose un -
ell it imenated rather threatening
tones. Taat le always the queer
• ambling ernind r.,d popular indIgna-
• time A group of absent three "Mil-
dred peasant woman teals ohom were
mingled many aristoeratte ladies
was maesed ist front or Use convent
d'iler, determined to detend it.
At a oalloeic the "troops arrived,
loaded by fifteen ratneatel genear-
new- Oe the left one rigta, framing
the crowd fin lines that marked gen-
eine .6443,Zrrt trained for future vie-
tories, the infantry teok their posi,
Con. Two oxen wearer& triteolor
eraels stool in front, They tvere po-
ilea commissioners one of them a
reetheetied fellow eriem Brest, named
Meer:test tete other a elark-complexe
tOned mato froze leandereeate They
were ail waiting for the appourtea
time. The exiatine law- fixes a time
for that sort of work. The commis.,
eiontre were waiting for the legal
moment. at 4.45 o'clock the em-
s:vs.-loners ads:meted in front of the
troops. Suldenly they were haltetl
11. Villiero depute' of the die -
Wet. "In tbe name of an indignant
PeoPle," he ol protest against
the allow at willeh you are about
to tenumit. To emir face I want
here and now to tell soil that the
coutemptible act whica is impeeed
upon yo e by year masters will lower
,you in the eyes of all holiest men.
You are now about to fling into the
treets tire TrOzael3 sch0 are guilty
of the ettnisterial crime of teaching
the chilaren of the poor. The people.
is here to defend the sisters. YOil
cancot enter this convent except by
Comaationer lioeries hesitated,
etteaged bac.k, uneovered, ani in fal-
temeg para sea *aid in eabstance that
he lolly appreciated tbe protest.
'Bete' sail Le, econciliation is im-
possible. For 3ari• part, I would
elite :tear duty,' shouted M. Via
aare. Tem la trembling voice came
the czeimand, "Give the warnings
3.;Mlle pale -faced soldier appeared
oath a dram walch jie rolled In a
ermeettat awkward or melancholy
rearcer, etah as. one might bear at
a Zerrarai. Teat was the first warn-
-Get away from here, •or force will
be :mean etted Commiseaner Meer -
nee daring to follow the legal
ittermula, •e.seet all good citizens re-
At that momeet I expected to see
t crowd move inn.c.k. Not a man,
Arcmau moved. The only effeet
of this arse order was to make the
crowd rush forward and become
massed In frout of the coarent door.
lineen came the seemed summons, and
the „ascend roll of tbe drum, longer
tide time these the first- 'The de-
fenders or the sisters, respeciaIle the
women, replied to it by closang up
their ranks uutil they became one
compact block of aaem-ezt and •devo-
tion, a rampart of feeble unities
watt proved -strong terougb to (trek
the military retire for three -quarte
or an lama The, third and last sum-
mers was given, followed by a very
long roll of the dram. ""Flae- troopil tale the men h'ave ever eince M-
are abent charge: Retire, I tay lowed the women to celebrate thi
trial . Moerties.
great event by holding a festival
The artswer ea;11.?, back arem t stated Intervale and on sixth et:-
crowd, tiee la liberte! Vita les easions they exercise no authority
ecenrer themselves, bat submit in all things
"'Charger- The mounted pollee ad- to the will of the women.
vaeced siowee, erieenely without any The latter greatly enjoy their
taceatite ze.o. Weep they reached itanporar,v snpremacY and as a sem-
within tee yards tit the defendere of bol thereof never fail to fasten a
large wooden slipper to every lamp
aril chandelier in the hamlet.
TIM -curious festival was recently
held at Nordimetedt and while It
lasted there were no meeker or more
floats, men on earth tha,n the men
of that hamlet,
a shower Of broken ginso among the
Sisters, "Open the door 14
Moerdea, "ive are unable to 014311
"You tzoa it more difficult than to
knock down women with the butte
or glt)310 Nras the answer winch "se
recesessj. Then the ivOrk MU/ ra-
mmed, and at last the door Witii
broken down. The cOnins18810110re en -
tared and wore brought alto the
parlor. One of them ttet Own at
ttOde while the other read tile 'o*e.
On the right stood the atellthern or
the council.; on the left a company
of gendarmes, and in the centre the
Mother Superior and hor two ambit -
ants. When the decree Wee read the
Superior handed Me a (Meet Of pa-
per and asked mo to give It to Moine
"The 3fother Superior," WW1 1 to
Mm, "refuses to &Agri your procee
verbal, unless you attach to tit her
protest to extenso." TIrn preteet was
attached to the document, and then
tbe old Sister in a trembling liana
and in large betters Basch as one
might find In the copy hooks of tile
children whom she taught, sIgited,
",31arle-TaeontIne Smith)."
"Sister," fatal the . coramiseloner,
"will you promise not to bring any
more convent teachers Into this es-
tablish -Meat?" 1
Then addreashig the members of
the administration, he said, "Gentle-
men, will you engage pot to let your
property to any congregational
teachers ?"
"Well, sisters," field Moerdes, ",1
must proceed with the expulsioe and
seal up the place,"
The other sisters were sent for.
They all came down, weeping like
children, and carrying with them tbe
poor little relics which were the only
ornaments of their cells. When they
entered the parlor the scene was
dramatic. In, a semi -circle they all
knelt down in 'front of the mother
"Before bidding aou farewell,' said
the old sister, "I wish to pray with
you all for the last time and give
you my blessing."
There was dead sileece in that con-
vent parlor. But when the emaciat-
ed white hand of the sister 'eras
raised for the benediction, the still-
ness was broken by a deep sob. I
looked around and noticed a non -
commas -toned officer all In tears. He
was utterly unable to master his em-
otion. "My God! Isfy Goer he mur-
mured as he rubbed his eyes. "Where
do you wish to go, my sisters?"
asked Commissioner 3foerdes. "I have
orders to place myself at your dis-
persal for the execution of whatever
decision you may take'
The mother euperior looked at him
for an instant straight in the eyes.
"We are goingto our proper place,
to the chaecha, &le said.
Then all the nuns slowly moved out
amd went to the aura. The con-
-vent was sealed-Courrier des Etats
Henpecked for a Day.
In the little hhmIet of Nordhas-
tedt, near Meldorf, a singular custom
was observed the other day. Accord-
ing to tradition, it dates back to the
thirteenth' century. Daring that era
the hamlet was on one oecasion at-
tacked by a band of robbers' and the
men of the village were soon com-
pelled to beat a retreat.
Thereupon the workmen boldly at-
tacked the robbers. abd not only
vanquished them, but also took the
leader and several of the band pris-
oners. A.s a tokea of their grata
eeeeeeett ateaget eat': ottee, Leo eateo eavaraitrattita nee= Natal, veto,
Clete e_
eeer41 lee* fetoteell ttr, rt
Irons 1:X an in 7,•.1.•
• Sattlif;r to Mt, hospital fona,
Bleu Ire*.
Said. die Shirt Waist Hat to the Pic-
ture Hat,
With a lose of her jaunty crown,
'You're all out of etyle, you fussy
old tile
TSIth your plumes a -dangling
arerarg honself he qeseksy else:tat- 1Atom"
el it. .teether (target failed to Said the Picture Hat to the Shirt
1 a ,
-"Not a straw de Irare what you
In artistic grace you cannot keep
With a hat that's tome to stay."
But that eveniag, alas, it tame to
I a se,
'That those hats grew wialle mad,
For my lady fair, With her bead
smite bare,
'rook a stroll -for that's the fad.
.eak that maze of biome belege.
Tee genniarnies were again repulsed.
"aearge Orate more they made
tee attempt, but this time the
crow.] opened their rants ?eke train.:
el eaters, as most el them were,
the heesenten to atira,tee
are• l thee Closed in beided them, in
f ront of them and en their flanks.
Tae mendarmee were prisoners. The
lefasitry next look a liana in the
game. Titey advanced on the du -
The °Ulcers in command
crial cet. "alear away those :co-
mae!' a fearful melee then oczur
rel. 'T23,e men used tire butts ot their
gl:ZS ereLleE.1:r. One coull easily
Inear the saual of the blows rniagled
with the rattle of vanes open the
barrels. Ne doebt the soldiers were
ebligea to obey orders, but tbeir
eetrenne brut:tato was disgusting-.
For e oat mple, 0. tam rternmet er
keoekei down a ,yoetig girl with
Ibm bett of kis gun ; and another
selear t-orie a handful ta hair Irma
the bead of an eta woman.
last the convent gate wrs
cleared., but tee y011,13F, zirl stmel
in front. .ot it with lolled arms.
The crowd ebeeted to her to get
saa.y. 1Ft ansever was, "No:"
Thee with her little white hanae
at* elaspel the bars et the gate,
aollizes haltel in froat oi 'her
or a reolnentt but at laet one of
tam tipproeehed aria tore leer
beeets from the bars. Then ah e was
logaetnp," the tolnatave. ‘-re went
.1;01C1) to tbs. IttalWay. Tee caretaie-
saners Were eat -sine knocking at the
acer. In a Mere .otf tbe etatibnle
steed the ramebers Of the poelety to
whom the estate belotg, and In
the 'res.:thole proper tliere, were,
throe chairs Oecupleaby the ItiOther
• Soperior arni her two assietatett.
Yeats eterreeponaeet eskel ate-teas-
eion to Stalin batiao tliere. The re -
nest 'was granto.*.a. Nett:clog ntey
throegbibm -ndo-1 ettramiss,oner
Mt:ore:es ,avel. 'Open the deer, or
11 yett don't T wbil giVO 1110 order
to fritter.
"Atswee, roan the It:Aber Su.
perbr. 1obisycia.
'Theo 3. raan, wlee was evi:letitly
seieettel fOera
one or the worst so.
elciiiste nests of the areenal of
trest. a3voneol wails a eletelete arta
began to batter down The deoc. Por
ttsn taints ... fits workca nt It, taelenst
le- rat Vie tater watt eoe *OA foe
Wm. In a rage the .telleve struck the
utinilcur troirbtr and t4c t
Tabloid Tea.
the Coletabo taper I read that
rompans, bas just been IlOated in
tneylan to turn to account a vain-
atle diFt.)very-thet of aeoluble teen'
It is el:timed by the inventors ot
this latter day version of the "cop
that cheers" that, by tbeir tewly
patented proteges, they hare pro-
duced an artiele Math makes a &tend,
whaiesorue and usertd, because poet -
cup of ten.. ,As in the case et
ordinary tea, the "soluble tea" must
Ito kept in air -tight packages. TIM
laveetor visits aliat can 1t.1! utve
roiliest than the mere addition et
hot er tele; Neater to a pawls of the
potaler, which le all that IR Maas -
vire to inake a elm of tem. nothing,
1 thould say. At the mime time, the
biggest fortune lies With the man
'elm first mines on the field with
the tablalti etengaii. With fifty five -
grain doees of quinine in one vest
rocket, and fifty ase.orteil elingre etc.,
in the other, a traVelar might vela
titre aintast attywhere In the East.
--The Siraits Iludget.
Her Pressing Need.
" When Linetein was President of
the rnited States," lie said, "he took
a walk .down Penntiyhaula avenue
one cold winter evening. During his
111,1 tax".1 DOOr, forlorn Weimittl,
thane OA slate:Ina with void. 'When
uue .eaW tite iteesident else Intake*
him tor a Master, Ina, failing upott
h -sr knees, with hands uplifted, beg..zed
his blessing\ 8.4.1ng that she had
Owe small eI,Ildren at home starv-
log eind ft-AT:zing to death, ti -co said!
*Oh, Ntr. Ititister, pray to the L.orki
to brio tar.'
" 'When 0711, 1o.1 finished Deesisiont
Vizeoola said: "Me gmttit NVON;111, it's
not a mitibttnt• that ',kW.% Itt'00
paticera tm1 1110. PrfSLIOnt
WI* a card wit or hi
• Nt
40 OtAild0 grittlrlItIscliadellititip)lou:iti
the rainbow, alai leek like a biril
of paradise. A. man must WCAT Wahl
emeang-offiets window, while a m:10
Mid etattil bitck Wel iftoiwrir,ae,n1;00,Irsillyas:rtthugant,
. A, girl lies to pin her hat to lier
tramcar, while o poor man has to
Kona lip and hang 00 tit the ,,oci or
(ho isitrrittpl.eto
3trOrlit are afieet equally Meilen.
A. girl can vet on all the eolorq of
le e• t I, se first chance at the
it girl can alwaya find a seat In a
wear a -two-dollar one, but It will
beAegfIlirirlean"‘Ibroaiilaagillntchee. y'ear retina,
anti into gets the sympathy of all who
know. her, hut a man kimilarly placell
gets the sympathy t31- the doetor only.
A. girl can break off an engagement.
and bo free at Once, bet a man cam
be sued for breach of promise, anti
beAggared itLniay go nearby distracteq
when sho feels that the band Of heti
arerei 'I:as come unTuatteced ; ha's
think of the misery of a, man, whet;
ilatisr saltildrtneorlirxtii3optrid.ear
the button -hole in tlittintoeeicskillaill:isneslacoro4if:
A girl has to ,fold her hands and
wait for a. man to ask her to, go to
the tlieatre with him, but whea elle
does go she has the comfort of mak-
ing the man spend a lot of moneyt
That coersolee leer 10 a certain ex-
teilt 'girl has to entertaln• stupid cal-
- i
lees whether she wants to or not,
because society demands it. A. mare
liras to dance with girls who can't
even walk gracefully, because If he
did not hie hostess would consider
biAm gtvAllrl eLrries :her life in her bands
when she trete to get withle a yard)
of a. bargain counter, but she can
walk along the street ia. peace. Hain
a dozen bootblaeks &tint yell "Shine,
sirA.Vgl trait has heaps of trouble with
. ,
her complexion and her hair, but she
doesn't have a razor that goes tray-
ellivg over her face every day, .
Toronto Farmers' market:
Aug. 29. -There were 509 boatels
of grafn received on the stre-et mar-
ket this morning. Prices were higher.
Wheat was higher, two loads eee-
ing at 78 to 70 1-2e per bushel.
Cate were firmer, two loads of new
selling at a9 1-2c per bushel,
Rye was higher, one load selling at
49e per bushel.
Hay was steady, 12 loads of new
selling at 810.50 to 814 per ton, and
one load or old at $18 per to.
Straw was steady, three leads wr-
ing at 810.50 to 812 per ton.
:Wheat, white, new, 78 to 70 1-2e;
red, 72e; goose, 7/ 1-2c; new, 65 to
68 1-20; trate, old, 4-fe oat.% new,
89 1-2c; barley, 47 to 4S:: rye, 49e;
• hay, timothy, old, 818; hay, timo-
thy, new, 810.50 to $14; straw,
$10.50 to $12; butter, pound rolls,
16 to las; batter, crock. 14 to 160;
eggs, new laid, 1,1 to 16c.
beadles; Wheat Markets..
Following are closing quotations at
important wheat centres to-dat :
New York ... -
Cash. Tee.
Chicago ...... 67 1-4
Toledo ------------7134 711-1.Duluth, Noe 1
Northere 705-S 65 1-4
Toronto Fruit Markets.
Trade has been brisk at steady
prices to -day. Receipts were heavy
• and there was an excellent dentate]
Peaches, 20f° 00z; Pears,
For all cla-nes Or fruit- We quote, --
20 to 40e:
patina 25 to 61)e; apples, baeket. 10
to 20c; cauliflower, per doeen, 75e;
cucumbers, 10 to 1.5e; red raspber-
ries, per bex, 6 to 7e; Lewton ber-
ries, it to 7c; muskmelons, per bas-
ket, 30 to 50e; buckleberriee per bas-
ket, 81.10 to al.25; cart -ants. pr
basket, 80 to Ka; tomatoes, bas-
ket, 20 to. 85c.
Toronto titre Stock 'Market.
Export cattle, ehoiee, per cwt. $5 ta to Et al
do medium
do eoeve 30* to 155
'stitcher:amine Picked i ee to 3 f11
Butebere cattle, choke 405 to 4 SI
Butrbora' cattle, oar 30* to 4 ts
do cotoraion 3 t1=4 to 330
, clobune..
Ieedere, shert:Ve;i3......*:..."..:7...: i .1.;s3 1: 321
do mod' 30* to 4 54
Stoekere, 4013 to San lbs . 805 to 3a
Mikis mere each al te to 5101
Sheep, *Wei', per cm S lb to 341
Sheep, bucks, per cut 230 to 2 75
elate, Wailers*. tach 2 tp) to a in
Lanai. taeh _40 to 4 :A
Hoge choice, per eget " he to 130J
Bost, light, per Cwt . 4 0) to 0 s.i
mons,fat, per twt Zia to e 03
Cheese alarkete.
Ifadot.!, Ont., lam. 2:I. -To -43y IS
factories boarded 3,05,1 boxes of
cheese; sales, 375 at 9 3 -Se 400 at
9 5-8e.
Stirling, Ont., Auer. 27.-e,To-day
850 boxee were boarded. Sates -
Cook, 410 at 3 -Se; McGrath, :AO
at 3 -Se,
Pieta% Aug. 27, -To -day 14 fate
torins boarded 985 boxes; highest
bil n-Fic; 515 boxes sell.
• lacodstock, sing. Me -Highest bit
on eheese board toelay was lea
lower than best price lnst weete
ThP of feriagR Ware col-
ored and 1,010 white ehnes".
Bidding opened at' 9 1 -le mid
'11-%'• Tcas faaalY bat ; highest price
offered Was a 7-latc. whieir war tee
fused, ealesenen netting 6 1s2e.
ftashlig Ont.. Aug; 2t -To -night
there Wart 430 hexes boarded;
price bid 114-1-40; ne 110.105.
Greece Correia cop.
Loteloil. Aug. ii.0.-The epanal tar -
mem -deist of the Tames at Corinth
ales that aatterilito te official re-
ports ot lita elreek Gavernmena vie
lent thunderstorme. aceetinenied by
heavy rains. anew:toting in some
places to inumlatiOns, have inflicuel
voesiderable tiamege to the euirro,nt
crop, esprelally to the vicinity of
Aegintu. Olympia. oral Pyrgos, ant
in the Distriet Elis.
in \\*Melt Corinth Is sittiated practi-
cally esoopoi.
The ilameoe. partlal. wri
ian3 'la aggravate the exis:ing 1.31
romlitien of tia3 currant Itra41-!.
• -------
1120fill Yotreal
gave her e” order tor $f".,;:i aorta swa„:c,,i.
.11 11 11. '" ‘• tY,CY !.' eie