The Wingham Advance, 1902-08-21, Page 6e
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veyciom to have another" bee it, But
Fate sinal Ferguson ruled otherweee,
I mentioned to hind, one day that I
proposed inviting the ladies again
for the following evening, and lie
said nothing, lett when I made a
state call on Mrs. lell^utor that after-
onon, she brought forth all sorts
of unexpected excuses to avoid
the visit. Circumstances had
m'adef me too diffident to press the
polio, and I had to conclude, with
much moitifieaifan, that the sight
of my ugly facer for a whole evening
had been too distressing to their
artistic eyes for thein to undergo
such t trial again. They, however,
invited me to dills with them On
Christmas Day, but I was too muob
hurt to accept the invitation. It
was not until long afterwards I
founts out that on learning my in-
tention of giving another "party,"
my faithful 1' ergusadl had posted off
to the cottage and informed firs, Ell -
mer that lois poor mother was so ill
site could seareely keep on her legs,
and now master had ordered another
"turn -out" and lie expected that
it would do for her altogeth-
er. 1 only know, then, that when I
told lam there wits to lee no party,
his wooden• fate relaxed Into a faint
but happy smile, and that my feet
ached to kick him.
That winter was what we called
mild up there, and it passed most
uneventfully for my tenants, and for
me. We saw very little of each
other since that chill to our
friendship; but I soon began to find
that the little pale woman, who was
too acid to excite as much liking as
she did pity and respect, had no idea
of allowing the obligations between
us to Iie all ou one side. Under the
masculine regime which had flour-
ished in my Itouseholct before the ir- naked truth.
emotion of Mrs. Ulmer, hes' laugh- Wise folks pay more attention to
ter sued Janet, the art of mending burying their own pasts than to dig-
ging up those of others. ,
"And what! are you two so deeply in which I had picked 'thein up.
lit gr
Interested about ?" she asked, plaY-
Babiole againstput her tender little her mother's titin
face, and I began talking about art
in a vague and ignorant manner,
which Incautiously showed that I dis-
liked the interruption. Ferguson came
to my rescue with the solemn an-
nouncement c+f dinner.
From Pere. Ellmer's rather criti-
cal attitude towards the different
dishes, I gatherd that shin prided
herself on, ger own cookery and Ba-
biole irr,„enuously let out that mam-
ma had once superintended a very
grand dinner of some friends of theirs 1
--"Oh, such rich people I"— and It
had been a great 'Aimees.
Mamma seemed a little un-
easy at this indiscretion, but has-
tened to add that they were
such dear friend of hers that when
they were left in a difficulty by the
sudden illness of their maraeock—a
man who had been in the first fam-
ilies, and had come to them from
Lord Stonehaven's—she bad over-
whelmed them by the offer of her ser-
"I thin AMaude; ll ladies and, Indeed
many do now. The lessons are very
expensive, certainly ; but one never
regrets either the time or the money
when it is once learned;' said she.
"Servants never understand how something in her
things ought to be done unless there I asked, struck by
is someone able to give them a little tone.
guidance," She hesitated, looking shyly from
To all this conversation Ferguson me to her mother.
listened with the amiability of an en- •• No, no," said I; "tell me what
raged bear restrained by iron bars you think yourself."
from making a uses' of his tormen- i She glanced at me again, then sug-
tors. t gested in a small voice, .''Sixty ?"
Babiole had little attention to ' Well, I'm sure you can't be a day
spare for anyone but Teethe with from that, Mrs. Ellmer ?"
whom elle had struck up a rapidly 1 Both Mae. Ellmer and I began to
ripening friendship. laugh; and the child blushing, rubbed
"aid, s has taken a fancy tok s the her cheek against her mother's
I Bald, smiling. "She always likes the
people I like,' I added, wsleeve.ith thr cora- t animals. , „How much would you take off
mUpont this,ity oMrsn Eilmeers of repiped oat 1 more than forty -ere."
"Ta-ta, Ta-ta, Ta-ta 1" until to l She evidently thought I should be
stop her, I beckoned the dog to her i pleasedby
y this, thehootat
good lady
side of the table. But the collie, see- 1 ter at lease five years. had first
bag 'that she had nothing better than t impulse was to set them right rather
& raisin to offer, merely sniffed at it, indignantly, but the next moment I
remembered that I should gain noth-
ing but a character for mendacity
by telling them that I shonld not
be thirty till next year. So I only
d again, and then Babiolea
ew radiant over the pre-
sent of a. Venetian bead neck -
ince,such as t
n the Harlington A be cadebuu for
a few shillings ; but when I
told her it wee a souvenir from a
woman whose child I had saved from
drowndeig, her joy in her new trea-
sure yeas suddenly turned to revel*.
ence. How did I do it? It was a very
simple story ;little t� one of of utter
five, had slippedgo
had o aught hits clothes,in a or ratherohis
rags, and handed the choking, squall-
ing manikin back into the custody
of a black-eyed, brown-ekinned NC sive
c• .oquettishwho had ngr insisted,
onwith puipre-
smiting me with the beads elle wore
round her oma neck.
"Wasn't she to rags, too, then?"
asked Babiole.
"Oh, no, she was rather picturesque-
ly got ape. i ;t l it l le
"Then I should think he was not
his mother at all."
"Perhaps not But all mothers are
not like yours.
"I know that," cooed the girl, tuck-
ing her hand lovingly under the ma-
ternal arm. Then, after a pause. she
saki, "What a lot of nice places and
nioe people you must have seen in
all the years you have travelled
about, Mr. Maude."
' How old do you think I am then ?"
To Recognize Purity.
Adulteration has grown to such a
lame tot,athat womanie almosugw-a-daye to de-
tect the false from the true; but a
chemical analysis will always detect
adulteration. Prof, W. Hodgeon
Ellis, Of Bial Analyst to the Domin-
ion Government, after a number of
analyses, reports that "Sunlight
Soap is a pure and well -made soap."
Try Sunlight Soap—Octagon Bar—
next wash day, and you will see that
Prof. Ellis is right. No one should
know better than he. 210
Not Homo (Brown.
Mrs. Greenallow db you like your
new domestic, Mrs. Brown? She
Woks like, a nice girl.
Mee, Brown --Domestic, Old you
sty? You never made a greater
mistake. Bridget is imported. •--
Botha Transcript.
Minard's LInituent
cures Dlph-
Second Thoughts.
When a woman begins to flatter
you, run.
Don't let your mirror do all the
Woman has more faith than mat,
and merry knows she needs it.
Woman forgives and forgets ; nate
never forgets that he has forgiven.
Many a weak woman has the
tatrength to support a staggering
Never let art delude you into be-
lieving that Cupid represents the
Unique Advertiselleute of an Under-
taker In the Bureadoes.
The folluwlug unique advertisement'
recently appeared iu the columns of
the Barb AEdo s UOODItIDGE,
Best American hearses --
Can't Be Beat,
!MLA Beet Carriages _i' lne 1' tAi
Polite 5,1e—elite,
Best of Ali--Prlees to Suit Ali Cnsvi'n.
The Only EStabII:;hnteet In the Island
With a Corpse Preserver.
The Corpse flan be kept in perfect
order for any time. A pe+reen le hall;•,
land, America. or the West Indies can
return hero and review the corpse
of their beloved departed ; or, on the
other hand, the boil, can by thin, ma-
chine be carried to ashler of the above
mentioned places fur interment, if re-
quired. Mane have, been 'kepi In
this maellifte for upward of elm
My Motto ant Determined to
had been unknown and ignored, and
the science of cleaning my study had
been neglected. 'With regard to my
own raiment, the Brass Age, or age
of pins, succeeded the Bone Age, or
ago of buttons, with unfailing regu-
larity ; and when, with Janet, the
Steel Age, or age of needles, came in,
I sometimes thought I should prefer
to go back to primitive barbarism
and holes in my stockings rather,
than hobble about with large lumps
of worsted thread, at the corners of
my toes—which was the beat result
of a process which the old lady called
The road to Ballater wa.s for
weeks impaesable with snowdrifts; no
robe,bilty even r fromvillage'sne's ward -
meagre resources.llAt last, being
by thee time lamer than any pil-
grim, I tao'idly' cot out the lumps in
emy d theoho es aThand ig flyinge iny thelface
of Providence, must have been an
awful ehock tot Janet, for she relat-
ed it to firs. Ellmer with some ta,cri-
mone' ; the result ole this was that
the a1etl.Re little woman overhauled
my wardrobe, and everything else in
my house that was in need df repair
by the needle ; she tried her hand
successfully at some amateur tail-
oring; she hunted cut; some old cur -
table, and by a series of wonderful
processes, which she assured me were
very simple, transformed them from
crumpled rags into very handsome
tapestry hangings SOT a draughty
corner of my study ; age carried and poff
my old silver, piece by P +
ished it up until, instead of wear-
ing the mouldy, rusty hue of long
neglect, it brightened the whole
room with its glistening whiteness.
I believe this last work was a sacred
pleasure to her; Babiole said iter
mother cooed over the tankards and
embchbewl. The
waythetlittle d punwoma.n made
old things look like t new
savored of sorcery to the obtuse male
mind. Ferguson wuul1 take each
transfigured article, neatly pate
tablecloth, worn skin rug, combed
and cleaned to look like new, or
whatever it might be, and hold it at
arm's Length, squinting horribly the
while, and then, with a sigh of dis-
may at the disappearance of the old
familiar rents, east It from Ilius in
disgust. The climax of his rage was
reached when, one evening at din-
ner, surprised by an unusually sav-
ory dish, I sent a message of con-
gratulation to Janet. Like a north-
ern Mephistopheles, his eyes flashed
"I didna know, sir, ye were so par-
tial to kiekshaws," he said, haugh-
tily, with the strong Scotch accent
into which, on his return to his na-
tive hills, he had allowed himself to
I saw that I had made some fear-
ful blunder, and said no more ; but I
afterwards learned from Babiole, as
a great secret, that her mother had
prevailed upon Janet to yield up her
daily duties as cook as far 0.8 my
dinner was concerned; and my
heart began to melt and soften
as the winter wore on towards the
strictly anonymous little chef who
had delivered ins from the binding
tyranny of haggis and cock-a-
When the snow melted away from
all but the tops of - the hills, and
there came fresh little sproats of
pale ,green among the dark feather
foliage of the larches, a change
Caine over tie tiny household of
my tenants. From early morning
until the sun began to sink low
behind the hills, Babiole was never
to be found at the cottage. Some-
times, indeed, she would dash in at
mid-day to dinner, as fresh and
sweet as an opening rose; but more
often she would stay' away until
evening began to creep on, taking
with her a most frugal meal of a
couple of eandvviehes and a piece
of shortbread. Even that was
share' with Ta-ta, whom I encour-
lliittle maiden to eon hend r long rambles;
the, dog wonid follow her now as
willingly- as he did rine, and could'
be fierce enough upon occasion to i
Prove a far more despicable body-
guard; while 1 .generally contrived
to be about the grounds some
where when she started, and, hav-
ing noted the direction she took, I
went that way for my morning ride.
Often I passed them on the mad, the
girl Walking sit a sort of dance, the
avoided the threatened caress, and
slunk back to her old place by
Babiole, in whose lap she rested her
head contentedly.
While her mother was still laugh-
ing shrilly at this misadventure, the `-cite broke in apologetically.
child asked It they might see my „I only guessed what I did, Mr.
monkey. " Maude, because you are so very kind;
"Shall I take you to my study now" you seem always trying to do good
to someone.'.
"Here's a subtle and cynieal little
observer for you," said I, glancing
over the child's head at the mother.
' ,tehe knows, you see, that benevo-
lence ie the last of the emotions, and
is only tried as a last resource when
we have used up all the others."
Babiole looked much astonished at
tide interpretation, which she un-
derstood very imperfectly, and Mrs.
Ellmer s;hmk her head in arch rebuke
In washing woollens and flannels, Lever's
Dry Soap (a powder) will be found very
satisfactory. s$
said I, "and show you how an old
bachelor passes his evenings "?
"Is the monkey fond of you too, Mr.
Maude ?" asked Babiole, as I opened
the door for them.
"I flatter myself that he is. At
least I can boast that he flies at
any one wham be suspects of doing
me harm. Two months ago a doctor
was attending+ me for a swelling on
my neck. He came day after day, and
To -to treated liim with all the
courtesy due to an honored us she rose to go. They went upstairs
,guest, untila decided one together to put an thel:r cloaks, but
theft the swelling ought '
Babiole camfly'nn,g down before her
to be lanced, and took from lass mother to have a last peep at the
pocket a case
f rostrum had portraits which had fascinated her.
scarcely openeddit when To-to,
oTo-- to,, chat- I followed her talo the drawing -room -
tering atm grimacing, sprung across . where lamp and fire were still burn -
the Itearthrug with ueh violence i ing, and ehe started and turned as
she saw my reflectere in the long
glass which hung between the pic-
"Well, are you as happy at the
cottage as you thought you would
be?' 1 asked.
Oh, happier, a thou•sanda times. It
1s too good to last," with a fright -
"I suppose you gave him a good I cacti sigh.
beating," said Mrs. EIimer. Don't you miss the constant
"No, 1 dish tl. I scolded ham till we : change of your travelling life, and
were alone together, for the sake of the excitement of acting?"
the doctor's feelings. But when he 1 She seemed scarcely to understand
was gone, I sneaked up to To-to's 1 me at first, as she repeated, in a
kennel and stroked him, and gave 1 Thein esredsaim amply, "It's itemey ex-
citing a beautiful bone. The scolding i citing when you m1•es the train and
was for the mistake, you know, and
the bone for the devotion." the company go on without you ; but
We entered the study, Mrs. Ellmer ,it's dreadful, too, 'because the man
first, I last. The alarmed lady, on ager might ;telegraph to say you
coming round the screen,was close to needn't come on 'at all."
the monkey before she saw bum. To- i "But the acting ; isn't that exclt-
to only blinked up at her composedly, Ing 7"
with no demonstration of hostility ;1 " It's nice, sometimes, when one
but to my horror and amazement, no has a part one( likes ; but, of course,
sooner did he catch sight of Babiole,' I only got small parts, and it's dread -
who came up to him bravely by my fun to have to, go on with nothing to
side, with her little hand cordially 11-a7, or for an executioner, or a.0
outstretched toward him, than he old woman with just a line."
mach a savage spring at }ler, his " And don't you 'eke travelling 7"
Cesth and eyes gleaming with malice. ' I like it sometimes in the summer;
I was just in time to draw her back but In the winter it's so eold and
fan my arms, so tient he fell on the 1 the places all seem alike' and then
ground instead of fastening on her I the pantomime season comes and
peter little wrist, Mrs. Ellmer scream- you have dQ nothyou ing1,o l do."
"7 What diel
ed, Tata began to bark and make "What
do last winter, for instance?"
inoekousiydlstaneed rushes at the y „We went. back to London."
mo.ak. y ; while Babiole recovered her- „Well
self, very pale, bat quite quiet, and t l b
I, etrange-ly exotted, gave Toto a
sharp blow.
"Oh, don't," cried the and; but
b , heeling archly, th 'ugh tate color
A Little Man.
A little fellow; was the other day
leading a pretty large ddg Along
s road in Scotland with a string
when it snapped. He hailed a gen-
tleman with, "Hey, min, hae ye a
bit string in yer pouch ?" G.—No,
my little man, but you must be a
bravo little chap to manage a big
dog Ithe that. %\rll'at is your name ?
L. la—Tee same as my father's. My
faither's weed efter me.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distem-
and child, mu down—there are
hundreds --lucky it you are not one.
And what do you think they want?
They want rest and a change,
and can't get either. Pity to speak
,Scott's Imulsion of cod-liver oil
is almost rest in itself 1
I bought a horse with a supposed-
ly incurable ringbone for $ 30, cured
hien with $l worth of 11i1NA:llo'ly
LINIMENT, and sold him In four
months for $85. Profit on Liniment,
Hotel Keeper.
pet. Phillip's, Que., Nov. let, 1901.
His Great Mistake.
"The mistake of my life," said the
reminiscent man, `was when I was
selling patent medicines in Russia.
Ono &,y I attended a review of a
crack regiments fled suddenly every
men in the venire began sneezing for
all he was wreath. In a trice I had tiny
sample ease open and was trying to
sell the commissary a carload of my
anti -grip pellets, when he rudely In-
formed me'bitat the troops were only
hailing with delight the arrlval of
Gem Akachoochebedaaskt."
that be broke kris chain and fastened
his teeth in the doctor's hand."
"`What a savage brute 1" exclaimed
Mrs. Ellmer.
Babiole thought it out as we cross-
ed the hall, and then spoke gravely.
"But the monkey was wrong, for
the doctor never meant to hurt you,"
she said, in her deliberate way.
Grins- figures prove the death -rate among
children in Summer, an anxious time for
a mercy it iswel troubles thatwehaveaPery Davis'
Painkiller to save our little ones 1
sot. and ;Loa; all druggists.
ISSUE NO. 34, 1902.
Residential University
��� �' �� i ` ":�' `' ° , 'Valuable Bursaries and Scholarships
D open to all STUDENTS XN ARTS withou9
F reetrtctlous of uea ur creed.
ITS SLAVES. TRIIIITY OOLLEOE f:cuidcuce 2qr stun
,I ST. NILDA'S COLLEGfc ....,laeshimie" for WOMNN
�fi•••d,d••l•d+•1••i•3.++i.d•d••i••i•++i.+ i">:'+ l 7' nil lntcrmatlun address
' is a thing of utystere.
Some of its features and peculiar -
Naturally 80.
"What do you think a1 my wood
nymphs 7" asked the artist of the
"Splendid I Any one would think
they were really made of wood 1"
Take Laxative
refund themousytif it tails to cure.
E.W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c.
Very Low.
(Brooklyn Life.)
" Are you ordinarily seasick 7" I
asked affably, for one must needs
bo affable on shipboard.
" No," he replied Eadly, "I'm extra-
ordinarily se/thick."
And, indeed, there was a'lloliowness
in itis tone that corroborated }tis
Minard's Ltnlment Curets Garget
to Cows.
'ties are beyond tee ken of mortal
Ivan, No dotilft a genLlSinan of pro-
found erudition and unanswerable
logic, might hd to ✓l. loltu's Parish,
Louisiana, and after couvention,il
scrutiny prepare a paper pro'ing
conclusively that perique tobacee
can be pre:dulled just 118 well In
Rapider or in Terrebenne 0s there. I
No doubt a barely scientifie amity- ,
xis of the soil near Tampico; Mee -
leo, would show that in all ch"tn1-
cal respects It is identical with
that of the Vuelta Abajo, In Pinar
del Ilio Province, Cuba. But can ,
any true smoker be converted to
either erf these beliefs ? It is easy
enough, perhaps, to prove a thing
On paper with formulae, oto.; the
it to
lie siatisfaetian of on is one of llthol con urn's'.
There is a very great difference.
A whole library of calculations and
statistics goes for nothing when
the untutored emokor takes the
weed in his teeth and subjects It
rid the vulgar test of nee.
The gcertion, then, degenerates
into one of personal, though doubt-
less uninformed, taste. There are
nameless and indescribable factors
in the equation. There are myster-
ies as astounding as the myste•Y
of life itself.
The most constant and faithful de-
votee of tobacco cannot tell whether
or not his cigar 19 burning if you
blindfold him or put him in a petal].
dark room. He may resort to un-
lawful means. He may burn iris fin-
gers at the lighted end or he may
Inhale the smoke. But, in default of
ono or the other of these expedients
be''has not the faintest idea whether
he is smoking or' not smoking. Take
off the bandage or light the -room so
that he can sec and fa a second he
becomes the expert and can discrim-
inate between elle genuine "Vuelta,
Abajo article and the best cigar
produced in any other part of the
world. No one has ever yet explained
it. The fact remains.
S1milady, and one can give a scien-
tific reason why cigars fully equal
to: those made 10 Pinar Del Rio can-
not be produced in Mexico, with the
same seed, the same handlers and
makers and wilth soil chemically iden-
tical. Similarly, na one has yet been
able to expound the. impassibility of
raising the real perique tbtrace° of
Louiele na outsad01 of a certain very
limited locality. These problems do
not yield to 'science, so far as the
smoker is concerned. The mysteries
we have mentioned still stare science
in the face. -Washington Post.
A Namtllar Item.
Be (reading the paper)—There it
is at last I I've teen looking for that
statement for a long time.
Site—What is It ?
Ile --It says that the Chinese used
motor vehicles several hundred years
before the Christian Era.—Tile Auto-
mobile Magazine.
all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stifies,Sprains,
Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save
$50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
moat wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Sold by all druggists.
Couldn't Last Much Longer.
"Haw long bats the minister' been
preaching ?" whispered the stranger
who had 'wandered into the church
and at down away back.
"About thirty yeaxri, I believe," re-
plied the other ocicupant of the pew.
"%hat being the case," rejoined the
stranger,, "I •guess I'll stay. He must
be nearly done.—Chleago News.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, eta.
An Odd Custom.
At the court of assizes at Venice
when sentence of Beath is about to
be passed, a man clothed in a long
black robe enters the court and,
advancing to the, bench, bows pro-
foundly to the judges, saying : 'Re-
member the baker 1" Then he bows
again and retires. • Here is the
explanatidn of the custom : Three
centuries ago a baker was exe-
cuted at Venice for a crime of
wallah he was ndt guilty, When his
innocence was fully proved the
judges wee condemned him invested
al mem of money, the interest on
which serves to keep a lamp per-
petually lighted 1n the palace of
doges, ;this being the "lamp of ex-
piation." In addition. their fatal
mistake bas for 300 years been
held up as a warning to their suc-
cessors on the bench when they
are abo'u't to inflict the extreme
penalty of the law.
Stops the Cough
and Works 011 the Cold.
LaxativeBromo Quinine Tablets cure 0, cold
In one day. No cure. No pay. Pries 26 cents.
But a tole had grown suddenly
shy. wog leefelea Leel splrlpgtng ol.lrut 'her.
"Won't ,you tell me? Would you At sight of mo, Tn.-tat would rush to
rather not?" her master, barkingwith joy ; then,
'• take the
t on am. n arc h y, c wou
brought by the little fright had she, "I would rather nos."E lmer'e voice soe1ngethlUelcoursel 0.
tier cheek she At that motnert Mr 1 ; only "th-
at come beck to 1 nen �. tit her favorites tog.
added, "but you will give him a bone I Was heard calling, In sharp '.o , er, tallow bo
r .not r"I� a ` she we'l'd run from the one to
the other, in delirious excitement
until by a few •words and gestures T
let her know toast ger duty was with
the beauty and not the beast.
ak1 a reward when we are gone."
"De you think to 7" said I, in a
rather constrained voice: Then, see-
ing that Mrs. Eilmear's eyes were
fixed curiously upon me, 1 added;
"The first mistake, ,you see,'
was excusable ; there was a reason
for it. But Ole attack was unpro-
' Yes," said Babiole, naively : " for
irow could I do you any harm 7"
" tes, how indeed 7' bead I.
}but even as I said thin, and looked
at her blue-eyed face 1 thought that
perhaps the monkey neigl►t prove to
be wiser than either of us, unless 1
s• slue
grew older.
grew wiser a g
The rest of the evening parsed
A as
p}r':ifeatntiy enough to the g
trf my cabinets of curaoefties ; Mrs.
Ellmer, who proved to boa connois-
Nonr of more things than china, total
cieltg'ht in the value of the treatsure,i
thasnseives, While Bablole Wearied
herself with such as she thoutrht
beautiful, acid enjoydd particularly'
the RtOrles I tint' about the paces
I had found the In, and the Wttyti
"Here we are, Mrs. Llimer, taaLllg
a last look at the pictures," I called
back, and T ied the child out into
tee hail, where her mother gave a
sharp glaneo from tier to me, and
wished me good -night rather curt -
''.y. 1 stood at the door to watch them
on their way to the cottage, as
they would not accept my escort;
Iand through the keen air I dtstinetly
heard title question and ansWer :
"You want to get us turned out to
another winter like the last,
I strinpoalr. Wtbitt did you tell him
about your father ?'
"Nothing, mother, nothing, Ia.
deed 1---"
The rest of the clilld's passtonnte
answer 1
d not
as theyP
went further away, But X
what the secret teats that Thad been
eo ntAr learning.
ellli"D1lt VIII.
I enjoyed that even -n}:'; eo much that
(To be Continued.)
t3agot, of Blithe field.
Lord Begot has left London. Ile
was born' 01 1857 and is a beehelor
Of forty -nye, well-known and I'.opu-
lalr In one of the smartest sets in
London. Ile Is colonel of the Stilt -
A 10 cent packet of
has actuaily
Killed a Bushel
of Flies
Patience—A girl takes great
chances on her first proposal
of marriage.
Patrice—Do you mean if she ac-
cepts or declines it ?
Patience Either way. — Yonkers'
New York Central and Hudson River
The above name is a household
word and the superior excellence of
tho road ehculd be sufficient to at-
tract most people, but now that the
rate nd
points s east an by other the ItaTele to New lines ork ono
further recommendation should be
sought. Everybody will tell you It
le the beat. .
11lsske a note of it, when you Inc leaving
home to buy "The D. &L." Menthol Plaster.
It le guaranteed to cure the worst case of
backache, headache, stitches. Avoid every-
thing said
bye be DaL iii & Lawrence s CO., Ltdthe .
$100 REWARD, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to euro in all its
stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure le tbo only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a con-
stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in-
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des-
troying the foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient strength by building up
the constitution and assisting nature in dot ng
Ito work. The proprietors havesomuch faith
Hund ed Dollats curative r for any crs ls s that t it fail er One
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists. 755.
Hall's Family Pills aro the best.
Choir Mechanism is Fearful and
It is stated that an English
schoolmaster has just completed
an exhaustive researell into the
subject Of a boy's capacity for food,
Summing up the case, he is frank to
admit that, whale he found a super-
abundance of capacity, there was
actually little or no limit.
Perhaps, .after rich cake, both
fruit anti plain, the first in favor,
according to the schoolmaster, is
condensed milk. Then, after this
acme Chocolates of all descrip-
tion,. r
'It may be thought I am exag-
gerating,' says lie, "when I say
that I have seen a boy aged 10
years, eat in a single afternoon
enough food to satisfy an adult
party of twelve persons. I have
myself kno!wln a little, frail boy to
eat a por'tiont of• a richt cake, a third
of a .one -found can of condensed
milk, four ounces of mixed ehoco-
later, a handful oT assorted sweet9,
two oranges, one apple, four gin-
gerbread cakes, a dozen Brazil nuts
and two large pieces of peppermint
candy. •
"Did it make him 111 ? Did lie lie
down and groan and await the
coming of the medical man with the
stomach pump ? Not he; ho `lust
unea•siad iness, whiche or two faint
e quickly dis-
pelled by a few well -drawn gapes,
'much after the manner of a sleepy
baby• Then he walked about for a
time and presently accepted an in-
vitatidn to join in a game of ball."
The sc'hoolmaster's observations
have led to the very natural de-
ductlen that a boy's condition is in
many ways sifferent from that
of a trained strong man. Tito lat-
ter could not eat the things that
a boy could, because his 111005s Is
mainly muscular, whale the bey's 1s,
in addItIon to being muscular, or-
ganic. The man may have a slug-
gish liver and still be a strong
man, but the boy who runs and
emote and turns somersaults and
shouts and laughs and twists and
I turns ate' sl►.outs, hasn't a eingle
blemish. , l f • e
T. 0. STREET MAI.1CLEM, lf.A., I L.D.
Boyne and emelt, men, with
the right sort of training, are
wanted in every, busiuet;s ctnd
An a'ducation that will thus
fit them, is to be obtained at
antis resi.lential sultool, where
a slourbe 111 N'lailual Training
supplements Collegiate and
business studies. For n Cal-
ender address
Woodstock College,
THE tines full course BY
CANADIAN • Agriculture, Dairying,
Steck Raising, Fruit
CORRESPONDENCE Farming, Household
Science, Practical Pros -
COLLEGE, LIMITED petting, Civil Service,
Junior and Senior
TORONTO Matriculation, Etc.
Write 1o1• FREE Booklet.
502 students enrolled
last year -172 young
ladles and 1.50 young
COLLEGE, men. Twa' aOIPS n,a+
tion Scholarsltlppe vaY
uo $1 ilo sad $130 woo
at doItartmental ex-
BELLEVILLE, OMT. ams, 1901.
New Pipe -organ, Do-
addod. Supperior facilities ooms and iu Bolokkeepy,ing
Shorthand, Telegraphy, Elocution and Phyt
pgi__sat Culture. College buildings, Massey
Hall," gymnasium and residence heated by
steam and lighted throughout by electrteity.
Will open Sort. 9, 1002.
For illustrated circular address
A' new hardwood floor, before it is
Varnished, can be effectively decor-
ated with colored, transparent stains
which will give the appearance of
Dutch marquetry, as the stain,when
varnished and waxed, takes on a
mellow tinge that le most harmoni-
ous. A border, for instance, MI -
proves a yello\y pine floor Immenee-
ly, and makes it look like an ex-
tensive parquet, while it is so elm -
pie that anyone can make it. The
first thing to do is to draw a line
about a foot and a half from the
wall all around the room. This can
meetly be done, either by snapping
a ehalked carpenter's string, or lay-
een two
given points and a straight adrawing vthe lino
with pointed chalk—white, not black,
as the latter leaves a smut. This line
when painted should be. about a half
anon wide, and should be repeated
next to the surface against the wall.
The border should bo a simple, con-
ventional design, stencilled, but if
etenetls aro not to be had tho pro-
minent shapes n the design can be
cut out of brown paper and out-
lined with a pencil, repeating there
at regular intervals, the interven-
ing spaces being Riled out after-
ward. Any ordinary transparent
palet, mixed wittf-turPenttne, makes
a good stain, if care is taken not to
get the eoforeng to dark. It le a
good plan to have some motif to fol-
low. The colored border on an Eng-
lish porcelain plate proved a good
model in ons instance, and the orna-
mentation on a Dutch cabinet was
r'. A
i a
pretty Ptteot 011 0 hard\wood floor
o ed
use of
col r
wee produced by then e
status and a pyrographie pencil.
The 0rrlamentattorl was On an oth-
erwtee plain ttoor, end eoeslstcd of
simulated ra'g's lard bator'e the fire.
place and furniture, the burnt °a-
lining being particularly bolted to
such work.
fordahire Imperial Yeomanry, and
the late
to t
.• ai
1-im w
wase 1
on g
eetteett Vieterla. His country plate
le Ilattllfield, near Itugely, and It
contains many valuable pictures by
Niuritlo, Vattdylre, Lely tend 51r
Joahua 'Reynolds, The park is an
ancient enclosure, and, firesides the
deer, triere( aro at herr' of fleece wild
1 wag quite ready to go through an. goats, the forerunners of which wets
getneral topsytur• Begat by IUac}lard 11ec Lord
ory it. A P.
Flavor Natural I v
Cook Libby
Jest tooth Right, then pat no 1d kap
oopeet$e teas, salt get there nt 7Teedr ttpeer e
Jusr. e5 they ]nate IM–dainty, do 001°85 and
PT/ 80 har'ro Yes »t11 n4e
ever ep tom nWith.
patmetres 11'eeds when tall Once ley Omni.
Ask for Our bi,eklat "Ildw TO MA.**1 0001
TOMOS TO Stat." it will b6 sent Yob free.
or your other bright
metals with any-
thing but
the new chemically prepared Reif polishing
cloth. Nothing to use but the cloth, No
soiled hands; eaves time and labor; easiest
dealers. Price
mail fro25 nts at drug and
MONARCH MFG. CO., St. Catharines, Out.
Write for free samples.
Diamond Ring is the best
value in an Engagement
Ring ever offered. Dia-
monds are personally
selected by us from
Amsterdam cutters, and
are perfect gems. Youwill
find this ring illustrated in
our catalogue, copy of
7 which will be sent you
tir �C6Y0NGE
NO HUMBUG an tENT18. "Of 81a1 yy�
If mane Sol no V, Stock Marker and Cal f ", V
Dohorner. Stops swine of all Imes from - -
rooting. Idakes 48 difforenteer marks, 011
sing, toll, ism blade. El tracts darns. t
Testimonials 'roe. Price 81.00 or send 81
formal tifftworks,eondbalanee.ratd -.a xttom.
U.S./WO, 02for17 yrs; Can adoDoa,17,
'01,18 yrs. /ARa1RRDR10niOS, ralraeld, foal,U. S.
finest iu the Niagara. Peninsula, ab
Winona, 10 miles from Hamilton op two raid
ways, 130 mores in all 31 of which is in trunk
mostly peaches. Will bo sold in ono parcel or
divided into Meta 16 to 20 acres to suit pa! -
chasers. This is a decided bog in409Address
Jonathan Carpenter,
The quality standard from Ocean to
Ocean. Your money back ifnotsattetactorlr.
ROSE & I.AT LAgents, Montreal.
■ To prove to you that lir.
� �es and absolute
uref o each
and absoluto cure for oaoh
and every form of itching,
bleedingand protruding piles,
the manueseterers have guaranteed it. See ton'
Limonites in the daily prey and ask your ncigh-
bore what they think of It You can 9So it and
got emir money back if not cured. 600 a box, at
all deaitre or RnMANaoN,Beena & Co„Toronto,
Dr: Ghase's Ointment
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should
always be used for Children Teething. It
colic andt18 the best romedV for Diarrheas..ind
191 Icing St. East, Hamilton, Ont.
to sell teas coffees, belting powders, spices,
money eNofakirswantcrll.. Excelllent territorj
vacant now
Always Insist on
your dealer sully
plying you with s a ,,,, ,
They are manufactured from the 13X8,11al IIIATBratakt 'by, rho
MONO Si(ILLAD workmen.