The Wingham Advance, 1902-08-21, Page 2Vsi The.)."1,attam'HiNE UTILE UNDER UkflIVIER DR. AGNEW Brought Good Pt ices at Stock PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Yards Sale. ()Mee t--IIpstairs in tete Mud maid Black. Night ealbi answered at Office. 301.0.11.••••1. CHISHOLM St CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS • ETO. Josephine Street - Wine:eon P. EINNEDY, M.D., (Member et the British. Medical Associatien) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases ot women and children. Orsion Hoene :-1 to 4 pan, ; 7 to 9 pm, II T. Holloway D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental 2urgeons of Tor- onto, and Honor "' Graduate of Dent- al Dert't. of Toron- to University. Latest improved methods in all branches of Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. OPOillee in Beaver Block, Closed Wed'y. afternoons fn Jane, July. Aug. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the ten. usylvania College and Licentiate el Dental Surgery of Ontario. Moe over Poet Ofilee-WINGIIAlti Closed Wed'y. after:100M; in June, July, Alig. DICKINSON Sz, HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office: Meyer Block Wingliam. E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes 'lVANSTONE e BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowestrates. Office BEAVER BLOCK, '7-95. WINGHAM. WELLINGTON MUTUAL " FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro' party on the cash or premium note system. .14,1tuss GOMM CHAS. ILsvmson, President. Secretary. JOHN RITCHIE, AGENT, WINGIIAM, ONT J. J. ELLIOTT, V. S. Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet- erinary College. Office and Infirmary, earner Victoria and Minnie Streets, Wingham. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended to. Telephone connection. WHAM SAW ELL McLBAN & SON ' All kinds of rough and dressed.,. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES APPLE BARRELS. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a large quantity of dry hard- wood for sale, delivered. Telephone Orders Promptly attended to. McLean & Son 59 HEAD DISPOSED OF awl Brought Jest About $2.3,o0o— Tor Sale In 'every Way a Sueeetts -Who the Buyers NV ere itstd the Prices Paid -$:4,005 the Highest Initivictual Figure, Baintertola, August Tide afternoon et the sale pavil- ion or the Hamilton Maid; Yards Company there teak place a cattle sale welch attraetea loYers .n4i buyers of live stock from all parte of the United alatee and Canada. rt was the riret sale of the aboye eoninany anal a elghLy suocessful af- fair in, every way.) It took place in the commodious uew amphitheatre, whieh WAS filled to lts capacity, and which le sufficleat to seat 700 ieersene., In the stable adjoieing were 59 pure bed short horn ca,ttle from the herd e of: George Amois, moffat, Ont.; A. C. Pettit, Freeman; Jas. Douglas, Caledonia; Robot. Mtt- ter, Steerville; Geo.. Isaac, Bowman - ten . M. Ga.rdhouse, Highfield; W. G. Pettit & See, Freeman; Capt. T. E. Robsens Ilderten; Harry Smith, Hay; W. D. 'Fleet, Hamilton( Col. F. M. Woods, Lincoln, Neb., Was the auc- tieneer, and eke. W. D. Flatt, of this city, the manager of the sale; .A.mong tbe buyer's and visitor present were: 11,on. John Dryden, Ueo. C. Creeiniant Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes; A. P. Wester- velt, Secretary of Live Stock As- eaeisirtions; J. W. Harrel, Austin, Texas; A.. Oryeital, efarshveleagiche Fielebeck Bros., Jolla MeRvoye How- ell, Mich.; E. Y. 1Villianne, Mount Per- ry, Ohio; Cel. Wallace, Indianapolie, Ind.; W. IS, leobine, Horace,,Iude Geo, Renews, 11. B. ()wens, Maryville, Alias.; Geo. M. Moodie, Mole, Ohid, J. Stewart, Clyde, Ohio; 'F. MeGan,e, Mercer, lea..; L. D. Rumeey, Dr. Veig- neteu, BIlatt10, N.i Y.; J. C. an.ell,Lon- doe; The promoters of tbe sale of pedi- greed Shorthorn cattle, which took edace Wednesday afternoon on the sale pavieen of the Hanuitou Stook Yards; Company, feel bighly .aratified at the succesa attained, Mr. W. D. e lett, the manager, stated that there would be another sale withiu a few menthe. In all 59 cattle were sold, tile total amount yeceived forsame Ming $24,8e0, an average of about ele-11 a head. The highest price of the mile was paid tor a buil, Capt. T.E. Rubson's Wanderer's Last, 'welch was sold to Mr. George Bothwell; Nettleton, Miss., for $2,005. Ron. John Drydeu was an interested ladder and bought two iine cattle. . The amounts realized by the re- tlaelive owners were: tie°. Amos", eloifat, $i,285; A, C. Pettit, Free- men, $1,675; James Douglas, Cale- donia, $885; R. Miller, lecoulf- vide,. ,720;$eJ. M. Gardhoese, $1,815.; W. G. Pettit 8.-,. Sem Freeman, $35; Capt.' Rob - eon, Ilderten; $3,505 • Harry Smith, Hay, $1,075; W. D,•thatt, Hamilton, $0,525. Many of the cattle were slapped away last night. Tho presence of so many prominent American buyers, who came from as far as Texas and Missouri, 'would indicate they are aelve to the fact that in this portion of Ontario can be found the choicest cattle on the continent, and the Hamilton Stock Yards Co. Is deserv- ing of much crecljt for the Successful manner in which it has advertised this fact. The cattle, breederee owner& and everts' names., together with the ;emcee paid, are ale follows : Lady Moffat, red; calved April 21, 1900; bred by Wm. Ilamilton, aright, Ont., George Amos, Moffat, Ont.; Amirew Chry,etel, M.rliaI1, Miele, prize: $:460. Itoec latekngham, red; calved Aber t, 1809: bred by Wm. Hamilton, Bright, Ont.; George Amoe, Moffat, Ont.: C. lelehbeek, Rowell, Mich, price $345. JeLse Green, roan; calved April 14, :810; bred by Alex. Beim, Rock- wood ; George Amos, Moffat, Ont.; le. J. M. Wen, efercer, Miele, price $355. Lily White, white; calved Septem- ber 10, 1001; bred by George Clay- ' ton Peepabun, O.; Geo. Antos; (leo. M. Wooly, Collin, Iowa, price $150. Uladye, rain; ea ived elay 20, 1900; bred by Alex. leeJleinnon, Couingsby, Ont.: George Amos, Moffat, Ont.; A. Chrystal, Marshall, Miele, price $155. Marengo's Sanishine, imp., red; :nivel Dec. 20, 1809; bred by Philo fe 'Mille, Ruddington Rale Not Ling - item, England ; A. C. Pettit o Ancireev 60 VEAR9' CIrryetol, Marehall, Mich., 'nice $500. EXPERIENCe Mete elnry, imp, red ; calved .April TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS (14:6 Anyone -sanding a sketch and description may NotokIr areortain One opinion free whether on Inve000n 12 I:IV/nobly patentable„ Conuriunita• Mons strides' conddentiai. Handbook on Patents sant free. Oldest agency for securingpatnts. Patents taken through Munn 5s co, receive nseciat notice, without chew, id the SCittilifiC Rtutricaii. A baneaczatair Illustrated weekly, tersest eta, satiation of any scientific Journal. Torms.13 a 1Uear; tour 'months, Si. Sold byall nowodealers, NN &Co 361Bt°adivaY'New'York Brooch Moo, 125 V St, Washington, D. C, TENTS PROMPTLY. StUREEI Write for our interesting books "Invent- or's Hail" end "How you ate stvInined." Send uso rough sketch or model of your in. deation or improvement and we 0111 tell you 1r06 our opinion as to whether kis probably patentable. Rejetted applications have often been successfuny prosecuted by us, We conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal 1 and 1Vas1fington ; this qualifies us to prompt - iy dispatch work and quickly secure Petente as broad as the Invention. tegkestteferences furnished. extent* prattled thrower Marlon te Ma. riots receive sped& notice without charge in over too neWspapers distributed throughout tbe Domitikes. ereelaltyearatent bustriess ot Monett - tercet And angifteera, MARION & MARION pittwit Experts *rid Solielters. Lveeteeet I New leek Lite taker, rionaocal i Ateeete nidetWash ngton u.C• ..............-weaereee 2. 1895 ; bred be William Anderson, Wardhouse, Kin tore, Aberdeenelare, Seotintel ; A. C. Pettit, Freemme 0 it.; Col. efeGleivray, Uxbridge, Ont,, twice $700. Diamond 25111, Imp., red roan ; calved April 18, 1901); bred by A. Cromble, Woodcut', Sammerhel, Aber- deenshire, Scotland '• A. C. Pettit, Freeman, Ont.; IL Cargill & Ben, Ont,, pleat $17e. Britannia 510, dark roan ; calved oet. 20, 1001; bred be entree' Dou- glas., Caledonia, Ont.; Janice; Dougate, Caledonia, Ont.: John McEvoy, Sagi- naw, illkh., price $250. Eigitlia 32nd, dark roan ; calved �-t. 12, 1000; bred by James Boil- eau/. Caledonia, Oita! James Dotegles, Cithdonia, Ont.; S. MeEYoy, Saginaw, Mich., price $155. Britannia, 0001, roan, calved march 4, 1000; bred by Jae. Douglas, Cale- donia, Ont.; jamee Douglas,' Andrew Chrystal, Marsheele, Mioli., pelee $150. Qneen Alice, light roa,n, calved Oc- tober 14, 1900; bred by J. Douglas, Caledonia, Ont.; jam Donglae, Cale- donia, Ont.; Ellis William& Monet Perry, Ohlo, price $330. neaten Lily, tete calved January 22, 1900; bored be Ed. tend W. A. Robinson, etatkleneet, Ont.; Robt. litoufrellie, Ont.; George 0. Ortreyeet, Johnsbury, Vt., prlee,$200, Lily of Inekeeing, roan, calved Ap- ril 10; 1807; bred by Arthur Sehn- stem (ereenwood, Ont.; Robert Mtl- kir, Ont.; G. 0. Carey, St. eelenisleiry. Vt., priee 021s. Lady iteberte, red, calved DeceMber ete 1001; bred by Mrs. Doldge, liar - weed, Ont.; Robert Miller, Stonfie Ville, Ont.; Chau. Flehbeek, Mich., price $180. Marj ley, red ; nalved Match 0, 1800; bred. by S. IL Gdawill. leanalitteve, Ont.; Robert 2teiller, Stout/vine, Ont., An. tirew Chrystal, Marshall, nob., price $275. Muriel, roan; calved Jan. 2, 1900; bred. by Alfred Dawson, 13aillieboro, Ont.; Robert Miller, Stouttville, Ont.; C. riallbeck, lima', MIeb., nriee $190. Red ,lessaini.ne, red; calved Oet. 25, 3809; brei by Jaseplx Vance, New Ilarneurg, Ont.; Robert Miller, Fitouff- ville, Ont.; A. Chrystal, Marshall, Mich., oder; $325, Bean Lade', roan; Mile& April 0, 1898; bred by join; Mhlier & Sone, Brougham, Ont.; Robert M'Ilev, Stouffe vine, Ont.; A. Chryetal, Marshall, Mich., prien $260. Beaver Meadow Nellie, eel and little white; calved. Dee. :it, 180e; bred by S.parelay & Sow, Port Hope, Ont.; Robert Miller, Stour/alit& Ont.; W. C. Renfrew, Stauffeelle, Ont., price $280. Sitty ton's Gloster 11, red roan, calved Morel; 10, 1900; bred by Shore Brea., White Oak, Ont.; Robt. Miller, Stouffvilie, Ont. ;J. F. Rich- ardson, Lowville. Ont., price $375. Baron Nonpareil, red, calved amt. 211, 1901; bred by Rdbort Miller, Stone fv ille, Ont. • Robert Stoulfaille, Conte 3. le. Gran, Greg- ory, Texas,. price OW. Lady Emma, imp., roan, calved May 17, 1899; bred by J. L. Reid, Cromley Bank, Felon, Adordeensiere, &wetland; J. AL Gardhouse, Wet - field, Ont.; Andrew Chrystal, of Marshall, Meth., price $600. elarissces Pride, red, calved Nan. 12, 1900; brel by John Gardeause, Ont.; 3. M. Garclhouse, Highfleld, 014,; Hoke 4011.0 Dryden, 13rooklin, Ont„ Prie0 $51. tiuMber Lily, roan, calved Zan. 10, i84; bred by .T. le. aneder, Hum- ber 0n,; Oardlemse, High - Real, Ont.; 0. 0, (Jamey, St. johns - bury, Vt., price $250. Mateblese of 'Mapleton, dark, with rea rear; calved December 3.5, 1.890; bred by It. Wright, Guelph, Ont.; .j, M. Gardbouse, Higheleld, Cont., An- drew Chrystal, Marshall, Iteich„ price $380. Parepa'e Gem, red, little white; calved November 27, 1000; bred by S. R. Lawrence, Humber, Ont„ j. M. Cardhouse, Righfield, Ont.; Andrew Chrystal, Marshall, Mich., price $205, Ceerry Blossom 4th (imp.), red; calved May 6, 1809; bred by a. Knox Leclingliam, Flare, Turriff, Scot- land; w. Q. Pettit fo Son, Freeman, Ont.; A. Clirystel, Marshall, Mich., price $540. Cralbstone Beauty (Imp.), red; calved•November 23, 1898; bred by P. L Mille, Ruddlngton Hail, Notting- ham, England; W. G. Pettit & Son, Freeman, Ont.; A. Chrystal, Marshall, Mich., price $470. Juliet (imp.), red; calved April 12, 1899; bred by James Rennie, Milton, leintray, Aberdeenshire, Scotland; W. H. Hasterbrook, Freeman, Ont., price $600. Belie Sth, red, little white; calved Jan. 15, 1893; bred ley W. G. Pettit & Sort; W. G. Pettit & See, Free- man, Ont.; G. C. Carey, St, jehns- bury, Vt., price $185, Rosie ard (Moe), red; e.alved Mareli 17, 1898; bred by John Young, Tel- bonrieS, llolaryQuIter, ficetland ; W. G. Pettit & Son, Jereetuaae Ont.; 8. J. Pearson & Son, Meadowville, Ont„ price $610. Mabel Character, red; calved March 20, 1899 • bred by A. & D. Brown, Iona, Ont.; W. G. Pettlt & Son, Freeman, Ont.; James Dunlop, Hanailten, Ont,, price $220. Lady Mina, roan; calved Nov. 3, 1896; bred by John Les & Son, High- gate, Ont; Capt. T. E. Robson; C. Feshbeck, Howe.1, Mich., price $260. Topsy (imp.), de,rk roan; calved March 15, 1599; bred by W. Ander- eon, Wardes, KirtitOre, Aberdeenehire, seo•tiand; W. G. Pettit & Son, Free- man, Ont.; Ellis Williams, Mount, Perrey, Ohio., prIce WO. Sweet Fragranca, inipe roan ; calved March 21, 1898; bred py John Tay- lor, Urao' Stonehaven, Sootiand ; W. G. Pettit & Sem Freeman, Ont.; A. eltrysztal, elersball, MIch„ price S600. Rose or Towle letle red, calved Sept. 4, 1900; bred by W. G. Pettit & Son; W. G. Pettit & Son, Freeman, Ont.; Hon. John Dryden, Brooklin, Ont., price $255. Seottish Hero, imp., roan calved Jan. 10, 1900; bred by Alex. Camp- bell, Doystone, Kintore, Aberdeeu- shire, Scotland •' W. G. Pettit & Son, Freeman, Ont.; James Crerar, Shake- speare, Ont., price $375. Prince George, imp., red and white; calved April 22, 1899; bred by Alex. Campbell, Dce'ostone, Klatore, Aber- deeneltire, Seotland; W. G. Pettit & Son, Freeman, Ont.; Geo. Les wood, price $270. Golder e6th, imp., roan; calved March 5, 1808; bred by W. S. Mara Lipp:gull 1, Tarves, .Aberdeenseite, Scotland, Mysieet Lady, red; calved Oat. 17, 1901; bred by J. le. Logan, Crumlin, Ont.; Capt. T. E. Robson, Ilderton, Ont.; H. Cargill & San, Car - gid, Oat„ price $750. Mean Queen, roan; oalved Nov. 18, 1900; bred by Robert Somerville, El- der's Mela Oat.; Capt. T. E. Roleeni, ilderton, Ont.; ElLs Williams, Mount Perry, Ohlo, price $350. Burnbract Nettle, red; calved April 8, 1901; Lred by Robert.M.Iler, Stover - vide, Ont.; Capt. T. E. Robson, Ilacr- Lou, Ont,; C. lelshinceir, Howell, Mich.. price $4.40. Wanderer's Last (imp.), dark roan; calved May 2, 1900; bred. by W. 8. Marr, Uppermill, Tervee, Aberdeen- shire, Seotland ; Capt. T. E. Robson, liderton, Ont,; Geo-. Botaweit, Nettle- ton, Mies., priee $2,005, Dowell' English Lady, red; eaived Oct. 32, laps; bred by G. B. Arm- strong, Teeswater, Ont.; Etarry entitle Hay, Ont.; earnest Crerar, &eke- fipeare, Out., prier° $340. Maud Languale red ; calved Feb. 10, 1900; bred by Wm- Waldie, Stratford, Ont.; Harry Smith., Hay. Ont.; (I. Carey, Si. eoletseury, Vt., price $.115. Claret's Perfection, red; calved Melee e0, 1901; bred by W. G. M bon, Goring, Ont.; Harry Smith, IItty, Ont.: leIlle William, Mount Perry, O)iio, price $101. it/Levis, red; calved September 25, 19011 bred by S. Rankin, Fairview, Ont.; learry Smith, Hay, Ont.: IL (large' & Son., Cargill, Ontepricre Cheeknette, roan; calved March 28, 1001; bred by Henry Rowe, Exe- ter, Ont.; Harry Smith, Hay, Ont.; It, Wateort & Son, Mineral Ridge, Oiete Price $145.• Bonny Briar, red; calved November 13, 1098: bred by J. & W. B. Watt; W. D. nett ; C. Vishbeek, Mich., price $.1110. Early Bal etie red; calved Febru- ary ill, 1001; bred by H. Cargill & Son, eittegill, Ont.; W. D. Matt, Ham- ilton, Ont,; earnest Cribb, 13rooksdale, Ont., price $300. Lady of the Boyne, 5t1f, Irnp.,.roast calved April 10, 1898;, bred by Rola. Turner, Ceirtoon of Repub.°, Port - soy t Banffshire, Seetlancl; W. D. Matt, Hamilton, Ont, ; G. le Rich- ardson. ',Wyllie, Pete Price Mareldoneee, 10th, red and little white, calvea May 8, 1898; bred by P. A. Gardner, Britannia, Ont.; W. riatt, Hamilton, Ont,; J. E. Pertren, Iloekwool, Ont., price $350. Minna, red, little white, calved Jan. 17, 1897; bra] by J« & W. B. Watt, Salem, Ont.; W. D. Flatt, Remillon, Ont.; fe. P. Girton, State tetitre, Iowa, price. $510. Miersie Of Avondale end, red, Itttle whit , calved Dee. 2, 1888; bred by Whetlittm, Kirke/ail, Ont.; W. 1). Platt, nanditon, 011t, Th011149 Mercer, Markdale, Date prate $000, elletletee alert. Imp., roan, calved March 80, 1898; brel by Wee Du- thie, aollyule, Tama Aberdeen- sbirce eleirtindel; W. IX Platt, Ham- ilton, Out,; W. C. Renfrew, soma - Irma, Ont., price $1,700. Noialtareil of lakeview 3rd, dark red, calved elarelt 18, 1899; bred by W. A. itoberteon & teem Oakvillo,Onte W. D. Fia.tt, Hamilton, Ont.; J. F. Crithere, ellifor(1, 111., Priee $900. Pr/wee Banff, red, calYed June 2, 1901, bred by W. 1.1, Viotti W. D. Hantiltont Ont.; X. la Rich- ardson, Lowville. Price $800. Rustle Belle, hap., red, calved Dec. 1, 1900; bred by A. %tame, exalt- ronle, Aberdeenshire, Scalene; W. le Float, Ilamlitoin, Ont; Moant Perry, Ohio, price $60$. Vertu= 4th, innet, roan, carved November 1, 1.899; bred by William Andereon, elaphock, Old efeldrum, Sootlancl; W. G. Pettit & Son, Free- man, Ont,; P. G. etcOane, Mercer, Pa., piece 0000. MEWS FOR LIFE -SHEDS. Several of Sanford's Rescuers Nano*, AND OTHERS YET TO COME An Interesting PubIto I6vout—Mr„. Adam tiro wtes fOloquerit SPeeell- Mayor Brown Opened the Pro. ceedings- tviniord Yet Poo III to bo Present. Pa.ria despatch: The sequel to the theilang rescee o tbe an in the well, whieli absoebed the attention of the whole Province six weeks ago, came to -day, when five of the men who risked their own lives to save that or another received the medal awarded for, bravery by tite Royal Cenacilan numane Society. The pre - was mad.° a public event, and wart a gallaut tribute to the self- sacrifice or men who protested their unworthiness, and who dtclared they would readily repeat the act. There bled beep an unfortunate miciunder- seaudieg between the Citizen's' Cum- ulate° and the ollipers of tile lieentne &piety over the latter's neglect to avail litemselves of the eornieres Her- viees zi laze collection of evid,ence. An empreeelon previeled herealearte that oue or two more men should have re- ceived medals, and at least teu oi- 1syeIve were deservoikg: el patohniente for valuable services readerea. Ttnm suoiety wee apparently not seized. ei the ma/alien until the visit of Mr. Adath Brown, of Eamaton, the Presi- dent., and Air. Chas. 'sleek, of ;elegem Fans, a. direater, to -clay, zeta°, d tot L>reseet. A.aother reared:m.1J feature, though unavoidable, wee the absence of Mr. Jormuit kiwi/ore., the yoang man who was resou.edArom blip, Well. Mr. San - tore condi:Mu, 41t1ikiagi11itkttly proved, ij- 45 yeit froctiipplete re- covery, and lest evening lee went to 're/Toile* for eitaitariare treatment lu D weee r ee 135.111.1etss'rT,nedolille°1111 Oahonoredreie, Wentworth and George Bianehn rd, 01 Paris; Robert Hamilton. of Brautford tewrashtp, and David Mott, r_•,1* Burford township. All live were ,most active in wowkina at groat personal peril In tah.neora. bottom of the well dug to release Mayor David Brown, In his open- ing address, referred to the high distinction won by Canadians at Peardeburg, and added that men equally brave were someternes found Lu the humblest rapes of life; men clad in homespun were ognetently •leoening hereee, euch a eese (mar- red en their own neighberbood, when a number of men worked for Wore than four days to rescue a man en- tombed in a wed. Timers was a work worthy of aapreciatioa in the best sense of the word, and the Humane Society, upon investigation, had de - elided to decorate them with medals. Mayor Brown expressed regret at the absence of Mr. Sanford, but las nervous condetion, which was such that the mere nlentien, of hister- ebbs experience excited him for hours, forbade hes appearance. !tenor the areve. Ma. Adam Brown, of Heine:ten, the edit lent of the Royal Lanad.en Humane. Soceety, on being caled upon, expre9;eed great p:easure at betag„ atee to ;Won In honoring flee brave • men, who had rieked their levee as few had ever dome to save the lire of a rellow-ereature. Since coming lie had ascertained there were others deserving of the recog- nition of the society, and they would receive ; and there were many who had done yeoman work, whose WW1 and presence of mind had tended much to the success of the rescue and the safety of the other workers, and who, by the provisions of the seciety, would be entitled to a parchment lit recog.•,- hitter' of their self-sacrifice (Cheers.) ProreedIng, Me. 13rown referred to the anxiety felt for the King dur- ing the period of Sanford's peril, ited added that the prayers of the civilized world in tele one case and of the whole Preemie& in the ether had evened, and both had beeu spared by the mercy of the Almighty. The aesecintion kit they were herioreng thenteelves by recog- nizing eonseecuotai bravery, as they were doling to -day. The tiren.est Self-Socrillee. distingulelled ministerial rriend of hie iraci said that seitasacrifite Watt the great testing floor and the touchstone Of character. What tvould a mite not do for las life? and yet those men ram] derttle at the very Jawo of death, that they might eave easel= Sanford. Canada had been before the (wee of the world by the bravery or her eons In the reoent war, it vvati one thing to be °our- tigeoue and brave in the exeitement Of facing mr toe, bat it as a very different thing in chlmness, and see- ing the danger or your life, to set to work and risk that life to Have follOW-being as elle men before firm keel done. There were many who would have clone the eanie thing, and there Were otlrers for when; recog- riltion would come. The names of those they met to honor Would live In Canadian hie/tory in eortheetion With tlio rnarvellone rewire. The tiaree Of John Penman, Mr. Brown added, Sh011id be written In letters Of gold for bie magnetic) Influende upon tint workers and on his sympa- thetic generosity. (Cheers.) And cause lie considored his work bad been merely •- the diseitarge of ids duty, !Renewed ;Mem.) The country's grealawes &writhe' upon, not Ite ioxtent, but the material that its piell aild women were made of. Wo need never be afraid so long as Can- ada could 4,Ir0;11.100 euelt Men ite were Dement to be deeoratee for the ree- cue to welch be lutil referred. (Lend oheere.) The fere men to be honoree then atom] up, err. Brown pinning the med- als. upon Weenie John -Cando, David Molt and Robert Hamilton, Mr, Charles Black, of Niagara Palls, briefly eongratudated tbe mon on their bravery, and pinned tile medals upon Messrs. George Wentworth and 0eer0 Illanoltara, Tile men re - spondee in brier speeches of 'Weeks, modestly disclatming credit for their deeds, and the proceedings closed with cheers for Mayor Brown, Mr. Penman, Mr, Adam Drown, the five heroce, anti gm King. Mho remelts bore the following in- 6'01'10th:re on the reverse eide; "Awarded to --, for mingpietious, persevering bravery in riskIng Ids life to rescue Joshua Sanford, who was entombed for over Tour deer/ Imi a caved -in well near Perla Ontario., June 28, 190e," e. Stixtday School. Oinsimmeo teee1t1tNATIONA14 eltSSON NO. VII AUG user 17, 1902. Journeying Toward Cat1,uta-Num,-10; 11.13 and 29-36 .Cominentary.-11. Twentieth (ley, ete.-The children of Israel proba- bly reached Sinai on the first daY a the third month eEa. 1/, an lefit it on the twe,ntleth dee 01 th second month. thee imakina their stay eleven months and twenty clam Tim clortol-The pillar, or cel- lulite whiei appeared as a cloud by day and a fire by night, was the symbol was the Shekinal, or divine dwel1l- God, kca0:4:vaie,Qrtintat61: ed the peesenee aed protection of 12. ou01 for tile long delayStnoV-SiTnVi riesasztopn- permit. The people left Egypt a mere crated of fugitive slaves, with only the rudiments of national or- ganization, aud the dimwit religi- ous kleas. But the interval had ef- reeled an immense change. They had now become an organized people, with laws, a constitution or covenant, a priesthood, a re- ligidus ritual and aouse of wor- ship, and with a poll -aerie end mil- itary organization. 14-28. In these verses we have an acceitet of the order in which the Israelites marchea, together with a statement regarding the taking down and putting up of the tabernacle. 29. 3IOS019 ea1c1-.A.11;11oeg3 title in- vitation is placed between the set Wig out and the await itself, yet it must have preceded the departure• eloba,b-There are several oPlieens regarding this porsan. It seems likely that Rebell was the same as Jethro. d'unipare Ex. iii. 1 and Judges iv. 11. Reguel-The same, as Reuel. I will give it you -This promise was made to Abraham (Gen. xii. 7, xili. 15, -evil. 8), and repeated to Moses. Ex. 111. 8. Thus was the matter estalished be - yore! a doubt. Moses wa,s not mak- ing this journey on any uncertainty. Colne thou with us -Moses urged bini to remain in company with thefte both for Ids own benefit in a relig- ious point of view, and for the ser - vie he could render them, in his knowledge or the wilderness. Do thee geoa-Evan Hobabe the Arab, ace aoratIng to the opinion of Moses, might reeeive the same bleseings which God had proznised to Israel, provided he accompanied them in the same way. -Werke. ,Good concerning Israel - The name Israel is taken In a gen- ern 1 femme to agility the followers of • God. God has erteken good of and good to them. They were to be tem- porailly and spiritually blessed. 80. I 'will not go -This refusal must be imputed to affection to his native 'alto a,nd soil, which wee not over- powered, as it ought to have been; by a believing regard to the pro - 01 God, and a value for coven- ant biessinge. 81. Leave as not -"It is ilicely thal Hobab eltanged hie Mince °Yee if he did go, beck to Arcane]. He serelY reterned again to Israel, as scrip- tures show that his posterity dwelt among the earaelites in Canaan." judges!. 16; iv. 11, and I. Sam. xv.'6. The earnest importunity of Moires to secure the attendance of this man, when he enjoyed the benefit ot the directing clone, has surprised many. Insl mei Of eyes -What a man can- not do for himself, God 111 do In the way of speolal mercy, He could have directed them to the fountaltis and to tbe places of fuel, tut Robeb could do that, therefore let hint be employed. Let nobab. know for las encouragement that, while he is serving others In the way of God's providence, he Is securing his own best interests. On these grounds no- bab ehould be invited and for this reason he should go. 82. The 'same will we do-"Tieese who Aare with Gocre Israel In their labors end hardships, shall share with them in their othnforts and hen- careP 83. Want or the Lord-eSirmt;ealled the Mount of the Lord beeathee here the Lord had displayea his power, and given, the people the law. Three clare jeurney-By tide we are not to understand an unbroken. mareh of the entire people daring sevente-two home wale no halt, but that the n,rk Wee borne steadily on during this perlod before it came to a perma- nent etopping place. -Steele. Ark of the covenaet-Se called beennee it contained the covenant of the law .-the ewe tables of stone on wide)] God had written the ten command- ments. Went before them -The ark Wee carried separately front the met of the tutored furniture, lit ad- vance of the column, wrapped In Its peculiar blue covering, at once an oh - loot of veneration and a symbol of jebovalee presenee and hie sep- arateness from sinners. • 84. Cloud -mite upon them -"Was over thenee-le. V. See comment on verse 11. 83, Moses sale, Pees np, Lerd- "Moses, as the leader of the people, uttered an appropriate prayer, both at the commeneement and end Of each Jenrette*. Thus all the journeys were sanetified by deVotion. They were now in a desolate country but Marching toward an enemy's &Rae try, eel tele dependenee was UpOn God foe euederre .n.ond vietery, as well as for eireetion, and succor. 86, Return, 0, Lord -These Were tbe worde spoken by efesee at the Moment the devielens halted to piteli the tents. Unlees the ark rested with them, 4AN1 thtiOlond of Metter watit It, they eletild neither have rat ner noel - tort, Moines prnYeef fee Meters abroad and peae0 at leinne POACTICAL SURVEY'. The Israelites were on their way to the "'prom:nod WO." It wan to be- n, land of liberty in contrast to the land of bondage from whom° they had &nue. God's presenee Watt te 18 specially among them, and tills was I14 Ai'rre°eV"Villliff.--.14:Ntbol? e%initviouleltiatnd, Watt the highest praise tette chle Dr. Don- t ton Who declined recognition, be. elYen fer ineth a wonderful hitieri- t1r000. Frotu a most liumellating and grievous state of bondage they were to come into possession of this Wail- ous Land. Divine euldaareeeled's guel tene was definitely given, in a pillar of eloud by clay and of fere by night. When the eloita was taken up from off the taberneele they journeyed, and in tile place wbere it abode there they Waal tbeir tents. Moses was to them, In part, In the place of Goa. Aoserance ate] preteetIon. The out- ward and vielble algae of (lod's pule eliee filled them with confidence, ana winged, oonfusion and tilsmay among their eneuilee. Enberged. elesee 'would betel Ilobab sbare in their blessings. Those wit() tent the fulness there Is in God and who are enlarged by receiving or•the same are anxious to have others sliarers with them, They could be lemmings to mob other. It is by blessing otherthat we are blest. Departure from Sinai. Here there had been evolederful outwara mane, festatIone of God's presence, and Alamo; bad received the law on two tableor /atone. It was a very notee place along their journeys, Here 'God had manifested His first indignation againet them and showed wonderful pity and compassion through the intereeesion of 'Moses. It was mien - rat that they should be Inclined to tarry there, but title was not 'God's will. Without care They were juet to follow where Ills presence went, They need bave no anxioeue OtLre about Journeying or resting. All of their needs had been anticipated and pro- vided for ; "in His love and in HIN pity He redeemed and carried them," HOW' sate tney were when under the cloud and in the glory of rfle prose erica Acknowledge ,God's presence. "Rise up, Lord, and let Thine enemies be scattered. Return, 0 Lord, unto the Many thousahds of Israel." These words Were reminders to the ebileren of Israel of Giodez presence. We need to see back of the outward and vie - WI° manifestations which are con- nected with the discipline of our lives, ea 'we journey toward their 010SO, that there Is a loving heavenly Father Who is ordering all things for our good and pie glory. The acicreaviedgment 94 Hine as in all, tend through all, prepares the way for greater manifestations of His saving poever and glory uuto Hie peo- ple. Benjamin Winget. BUSINESS OF ONE MONTH, Returns Showing Canada's Foreign Trade in1902, INCREASES IN EVERY BRANCH. Ottates despatch (Spectat)- The department has prepared a state- ment of the imports and eeports for the month of July, compared with the same month last year, The im- ports are as follows 1901. 2. Detiable g0005.$8,28e,112 $81,99087,68$ Free goods 5,760,037 4,738,899 Can mid bullion 333,558 346,1396 Total ...$14,877,702 $14,078,282 Duty collected $2,172,505 $2,406,053 The exports are: 11),‘oolmzitio,.............$13,1093021,2'.44 $15,612,783 1902. ,• 2,544,149 885,279 Coin and bul- lion ...... 74_8,74.1 106,060 -- Total $15,056,181 816,601,181 Although there is a Milan decrease in the importa the domestic exports show a large increase. There is also a good inereaee in the duty col- lected. VilITHOUTH ARICA. Steam Communication Will be Begun in October. CONTRACT FuR FIVE YEARS. The new steamship service between Canada and b'enetb. Afr,ca; will be in- augurated during the first week in October, •the La 0 vornment baying made a five-year contract with a syn- dicate of steamship owners. Tele Intelligence came in lite follow- ing, e,eble yesterday from 81r William efulook, who is in London, to tbe heat] offene, in Toronto, or the Canadian efanufacturere' Association, to which bode' largely belongs the credit of urging the Importance of eatable:Ming the service: "I tun plemend to inform you that the Government has emripleted a con- trite. with a syndicate off steamship owne,rs, composed et the Allan and alder -Dempster linee, for cargo ser- vice betvveee Canada and South Af- rioa, "Se/tinge will be Mt least monthly, but provision has been made for in- Oreased frequency. Summer salen.gs will be freer efohtreal Mid Quebec, awl the winter from St. joint and Halifax. Th,e African ports will be Cape trody.n and two others not yet decided upon. "Tao rterviee will be inaugurreted during the first week In October from Montreal, and the steamers wLl carry mail& Teey wet be supplied with cold storage. T,he eontract is for live years." SHOP LAW AT SNIP Action Taken to S'op Steam- ' boat Excursions. NEWSBOYS SHUT OUT TOO - Sarnia, Ang. 11-1tece1jtly the Port Huron Perry Company get aside the steamer Conger to ply on the St, Clair River afternoons and evenings, stopping at ecoVeral Port Rumen doeks and makingit feature of a ride for as long as the patrons desired to lanolin on tee beet. The Bervice was extended to Stmatty(1. This; grated- ozt the rellgiette scruples of Some ee the altizene Of Sarnia, Complaints were made to the ittagletrate, told a crim- inal charge WAR preferred, the con- tention being that the, boat wee not engaged in ferrying, but that the indeterminateridung feature, made it: an eeettrelext aftalr: The Num has boon tried, and decision for the pre- sent reeerved, 'Frio agitation tor the enroreeinintt or the Sunday observance law in Sarnia lute been eetetuled to cover the sale end dietribution of Detroit Sunday netvepapeee and now newe- boye are 411 leu'red from doing lanste tress On the streets on Sunday morn - THE MARKETS' Toronto Formers' elerket. The receipts Or grain en the Street Market hero to -day were light. The offerings er butter, pooitry, eggs and garden( ether were liberal. Oats were400 etteli ef Wel selling a 48 to 0c, aaun010ttdorlio:mt=Tbc receipts or hay and straw were light, (there was a geed demand, Mel the mareet wats steady, 15 lambs of ,new hay selling' at $11 to $13,, anti three logels of old at $17 to US, One lOad of etraw' sold at $11, The receipts of dressed lte,ge wore liget, 'there wee e, fair demantl, encl the market was eteady, at $9.50 td Wheat, did, 83o; new, 75o. Oets, 4E3 ee 50; now. 45e. Hay, timothy, old, $18; new, $1.1 to $1.3. Straw, $11, /teeter, pound rolls, 18 to e0e; cracks, 10 to 1.8e. Eggs, new laid, 18 0"Torouto Cou utry rrenuce, Butter -The receipts aro large, the dammed for eleace geode Is fair and the market to steady. Bente daily pound ro Is axe mato; forward and they brew 15 to 16c per pound. Creamery prente le 1-e to e0 1-2c; solids, 18 1-2, to 10c; Dairy tube mot peels, eboice, 15 to 10e; medium, 3.3 to 3.4e; culls, le to 12 1-2c. .Eggs -The receipts aro very fair anti there oiso a gotta demalid for this feline Of the year. The market te steady at 3.5e for the °raillery run of good, fresh gatiteree stock. Occa- sionally a trill° reore is obtained for selected small lots, bat the above Is the ruling prime Seconcle at:iet,ouerrtyec-ITtaiet 12re10-02cptios 18acie The denuted es not gooil ter this; sea - so ee leiletilie,:eatats 4aorce tqouo5toetal, .1 k5 st) atet 00 'to 80 and turkeys at Be to 10e. Potatoes -The offerings are fair. Prices nee tamely at 4,0 to 50e a bushel, warding to quality. Bake" bay -The market, is steady at $9.50 to $.10 a ton for new( hay on track here and $11. for old. , 13,alocl strawis steady. Car lots on track here are quoted at $5 to Export cattle, choice, per owt 75 to O 33 S Toronto 141va StooK Maroolcotto. Expo75 do mediunt 850 to 'Iso Butdeloieres"eaattle, picked 5 tO to 5 56 Butolierd cattle, ohoice 4 50 to 4 00 13utchera' cattle, fair 3 75 to A 65 do common, ......... 3 (13 to 4 CO dtteorob,oisld g . 2 5) to 3 25 ort. keep ...... 4 75 to45 40 o 5 250 • Fee Stockers, 900 to 800 lbs,,. Min% COM, oaf* 34 0000 too 03 063 Bulls, export, 260) to 60 00 Sheep, ewes, per cm 3 60 to 3 65 Sheep, Woke, por out 2 50 to 2 75 Sheep, butchers'. each 2 00 to 3 00 jacLatzti;b0ssa,4spopeitraiete7,p,,teeraoolywt 3 50 to 5 00 4 40 to 4 75 HHoors:71atth.ete, tpoorwort. 77 122A4 ttoo 00 0000. • 7 371 to 0 00 Leading Wheat Markets. Following are tbe °losing quota- tions( at important wboaeteutres 10 - day: , Cattle 72 1-4, C:oraeviceacigY000rk 70 668-4* ' 771-8 701-2 Duluth, No. 1 Nor. 71 3-8 05 3-8 (I one via Cheese Markets, 83ellev111e, Aug. 16. -There were °t- iered to -day 2,475 white, and 890 colored; all sold. at 0 5-8 to 9 11-160, Cowansville, Que., Aug. 16. -Thirty- four factories °Herod 1,471 boxes of cheese: 17 Orettinfirles °Jerrie 1,523 boxes butter. Butter sold at 181-2 and 19o; cheese at 9 1-2 to 9 9-16c. Canton, N. Ye Aug. 16. -There were offered to -day 2,114 twina 11,083 tubs' butter. Citeeee sold at 9 1-40., and butter at 20 3-8c. .Watertown, N. Y., Mtge 16. -On the cheese board to -day 8,382 boxes or cheese sole at 9 8-8 to 9 7-16o. for large and 0 5-8 to 9 13-10 for small, British Cattle blarltet. London, Aug. 16. -Live battle, easier, at le to 1eo, dressea weight; refrigerator beef, 12 to 12 1-218 per pound. Bradstreetze on Trade. etdearnmer dullness is more or lee.* making itself felt in wholesale trade circles at Montreal. Many eity mer- eitanth are away holidu ying as thy woolly are during the dogdays'and at couetry trade (Scares the hell - day season Is affecting trade in very Kutch the same way. Business in Toronto this week has shown the effect of the general holiclayina which Ls prevalent bow among city and country merehante. Travellers, too, have been taking holiday's, and that hne had the effect of keeping down orders. Trade conditioneat Quebec continue to allow up favora- bly and the outlook is encouraging. En Hamilton there lute been a goo trade for the Hummer menthe. The wholesalers are busy making; ship - month to the West and °diet' parte of the country and look for a con- tinued good demand the nexe couple of months. Values of staple geode cout1n 1 'rm. Paymente are very fair for August. Alt 'Winnipeg there hos been a steady expansion in the demand from provincial trade centres. In London there has been le steady de- mand for etaple goods and travellere have been busy taking orders till thin ;week when the holiday season is making iteelf felt. At recline C'ea.st points, there is a tzteady demand for fall geode and the outlook for busi- Imes is 'generally considered bright- er. Ottawa wholesale trade le mocierately active.. • CkNADIAN LADY HONORED. Awarded erecter by King for Pubile SOrV Ieo . The following Is a, clipping from tba obviation Treasury, pablIelied In Allailabad, "Among the coronation bonen; the Xing -Emperor has conferred on Mtge Margaret Norria M. D., ofthe Aineeican Presbyterian Miselon, Al- lahabad, the Satsor 1 Hind medal, fel' publie service in India, Dr. Norrie rendered valuable Berrien to the Government atel people, Without nay, (being the recent outbreak or plague, letveng charge for several months or the Woreen'e and ehedrezes seeteen of the plague Camp." Dr. Norris is a Cana,ditot. She spent three years of tier medleat tourer et the Oitterie Medical College for Women, Toronto. BIDS FAREWELL TO IRELAND. Earl Cad gee Sertializea Retirement by Ceremony at Dublin Castle. o'Dfit :111)1;2° LADurgd.1-1.4181e."-teralertarill i ot Ireland, and Conetese Cadogan formally said farewell to Ireland to -day. Tile c0 el7TIsita erwaibl fleet celvraelLancyc°,11t1oPbakiVirteweitilnl the throne room at Dublin Castle. A number of loyal addressee 'Were presented. A large guard of honor wanttolye,t•stelevtlitliton, taOf the Duke of Con- naught lined 'the route to the reli- ne Marl of Diulley, the succeed- in,frigtiooLovrrcilit,olentittednetrayt,. Will anlit11110