HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-07-31, Page 6i
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I waited for them at the stage door
A lung time after the performance
Was over, saw the rest of the little
company come uut In twos and
tb,rees, one or two depressed and sil-
ent, but moat of them lousily cursing
their manager, the Scuteh nation in
general, and the people of Aberdeen
in particular. Then the manager
himself came out, with his wife, a
buxom lady who had played Helen
Macgregor with a good deal of spirit,
but who seemed, Irom the stoical
forbearance with which she
received tke outpourioge ui her hus-
band's wrath at his ill -luck, to be a
mild and meek per -
eon in
private Life. " But what will
'.hey do, Bob? 'believe the mother's
dying," I heard her protest gently.
" Can't help that. We must look out
for ourselves. And Mary will make
a. better juvenile at half Mise Bailey's
screw," said her husband, gruffly.
Last of all came Mrs. Ellmer, thinner
and shabbier than ever, leaning on
tite arm of an overgrown girl a
little shorter than herself, whose
childishly meagre skirts were In odd
contrast with, the protecting, old -
/whitened manner in which she sup-
ported her mother, and whispered to
her not to cry, they would be all
I made myself known rather awk-
wardly, for when I raised my hat
and said, " Mrs. Ellmer, I think,"
they only walked on a little faster.
The case was too serious with them,
however, for mo to allow myself to
be eitsily rebuefed, I followed them
with a long and lame speech of in-
"Don't you remember—five years
ago—in the Strand, when you were
ti t the Vaudeville—Mr. Fabian
titer influenced by her daughter's
keen perception tt,a,t I was a friend
le time of UCBd; ur pleaeautly ex-
cited at the novelty of receiving a
visitor, there was more spon-
taneity than I had expected
in her voluble welcome, more bright -
nese in the inevitable renewal of her
excuses for the simplicity of their
surroundings. To me, after my
long exiles from everythbeg fair or
gentle in the way of womanhood,
the bare little room was luxurious
enough with that pretty young crea-
ture in I(C ;< for Bablole, though she
had logt much of her childish beauty,
and wae rapidly approaching the
f a tall girl's de -
v" stage o
velopment, had a softness in, her blue
eyes when she looked at her mother,
which now seemed to me more
charming than the keen glance of
unusual intellect. Sho had, too,
the natureal refinement of all gen-
tle natures, and had had enough
stage training to be more graceful
than girls of her age generally are.
Altogether, she interested me great-
ly, so the(t I cast about in my mind
for some way of effectually helping
them, without destroying all chance
of my meeting 'them soon again.
Bablole brought in the tea herself,
while Mrs. Ellmer carefully explain-
ed that Mrs. Firth, the landlady, had
such odd notions of laying
the table and such terribly
noisy manners, that, for the sake
of her mother's nerves, Bablole had
undertaken this little domestic
duty herself. But, from a glimpse
I caught later of Mrs. Firth's hands,
ne she held the kitchen door to spy
at my exit from behine it, I think
there may have been stronger rea-
sons for keeping her in the back -
Scott ?" ground when an aristocratic and
Babiole stopped and whispered presumably cleanly visitor was
something ; Mrs. Ellmer stopped, too, tUoute
and held oat her hand with a wan Bablole did not talk much, but
smile and a smitten change to a ra- when, iu the course of the evening,
ther effusive manner. I fell to deseribinu Larkhall and the
"I beg your perdue, I am sure. I country around It, In deference to
remember perfectly Mr. Scott Intro- pour Mrs. Eilmer's thirsty wish to
duced you to me as a, very old friend know more of the rollicking luxury
of hie. You will excuse me, won't of my bachelor home, the girl's eyes
you ? One doesn't expect to see seemed to grow larger with in -
itense interest; and, after a quick
from town in these un- glance at my face, which heel, I
rememberib parts. Bablole, my dear. you p sty would have decided at once that
hie.—=" saw, an unspeakable horror for her,
'Maude, • said 1. "It is very gcod ofi elle fixed her eyes on the fire. and I must be in love with' either the
remained ne quiet as a statue, mother or the daughter, but I wae
sucyou to onset time.r Butme at all,couldn't 'titer • while I enlarged on the oodqual- not. The promise of a new interest
stet a lung I peaks re- g In life, of a glimpse of pleasant sore -
silt the temptation of speaking to I hies of my monkey, my bir3s, my g I
p view stud y
Bahl, with :t vomited, little look or
resignation. Amt, encouragt'si by my
Sympathetic eilenee, elle 11 Hit on:
"Anti Ire lets tao much talent, Mr.
Maude. if lie wuuld only go on paint-
ing Its pour mattumat guess uu acting,
he could make us] all rich --ie he liked.
And instead of that—"
•' Babiole !" cried her mother's voice,
rather tartly.
" Yee, mamma." r1.hen t he added,
luw and quickly, with a frightened
glance back in the du -•k, tutvarda the
door of their room : It's login tree -
ban to say even rte moult A8 Mels, 'but
It is hard to know how sue tries,
and yet nut to epealt of a to any-
une. I don't mean to blame my
father, Mr. Maude, but you know
6Shnt men are—"
It teemed to occur to her that
title wee an indiscreet remark, but I
said "Yea, y.,li," wills entire concur -
reeve; for indeed who sltuuld kuow
what men were better than I ? After
that elle seemed us] anxious to get
rid of me as civility ullowtd, bat I
had something to kitty.
1 gabbled it oiet fast and nervous-
ly, in a 'Kielty whisper, lest mam-
ma's sharp ear should catch my pro -
Neal, ante ibex sbuuhi nip it iu .the
"Look here, .Miss Babiole ; if you
like the bills, and you don't mired
the Cold, an.i your mother wants a
rest and a change, ilgteu. I was
just going to advertise for some
ono to act as caretaker in a little
lodge I've gut—scarcely more than
a cottage, but a little place 'don't
up from any sickness, no matter
what sort, begin with a little
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
It is food, and more than
food : it helps you digest what-
ever food you can bear.
sec. and fz.00; all druggists.
1 he Live bay Figure.
Lay figures upon which to dis-
play elotlang in shop windows have
been in modern times enormously
improved, ho that the good ones are
now far from presenting that wood- eoUt'bowele begin to trouble you. It always
enness of appearance that was once
commonly characteristic of them.
But occasionally some clothing
mcr'eintnt, going in for realism. puts
ee his window as a display figure, "Why does he ball that summer girl
upon which to hang suits of clothes, 'Flannel ?' Because she is so warn?"
a lw' such
men; ttn.l it is cur:oua to see "No. Beoauee she shrinks from the
how' such a figure will fie attention.
The same man in the SAW l clothes, water,"
seen among other men in the street Minard's Liniment Curee Distem-
or elsewhere, amort familiar sur-
roundings, m'ght attract no sp'ctal per•
attention whatever. But in the un-
familiar surroundings of a show
window he attracts the eyes of
Iter ere.
Sho wap young and romantic. He
twee a foreign nobleman and iie wore
a uniform, and over it a long blue
cape the,t hooked in front with the
aitl of two. beg gold eagles,.
They had walked out to the very
end of the pier, and the full moon
and murinuring waves were full of
1 a d over said looked dowel
She e ne
into the rippling darkness belowvz
"If I direr myself in there," she
wasTrost a
WO, i •ales ha
1 n a � t
wlldeper, "what tshouitl you do ?"
Ile leaned over and looked down• --
then ho atrtatghtenod back and smiles]
"1 should r -r -r -regret it," he tense
waxed suttuvelyl—Lt f e.
Deep down in country well and city water
main are the seeds of dysentery and cholera
morbus. 1)o not let them Multiply In your
body, Take Perry Men' Painkiller when
Afraid of Drwmpness.
(N, Y. Sun.)
want to go to rack and ruin. If you InanY•
and she could exist there in the
winter—tt is a place where peat
may be head for the asking, and it
really isn't a.tt uncomfortable little
box, and I can't tell you what a ser-
vice you Would be doing me if you
would persuade your mother to live
in It until—untie I Lind a tenant, you
know. In eammen I can get a splen-
did rent for the place, tiny as it is,
if only I ca.a find someone to
keep it from going to pieces in the
meantime. It's not badly furnish-
ed," I hurried on mendaciously, "and
woman to do the
there's an old w
housework --t'
But here Bablole, who had been
drinking In my words with parted
lips and starlight eyes like a child
at its first pantomime, dazzled, be-
wildered, delighted, drew herself up
straight and became suddenly prim.
"In that case, Mr. Maude," said
site, with demure pride that resented
the suspicion of charity, "if the old
woman can take care of the house
she doesn't want two other people
to take care of her."
"But I tpil you she's dead 1" I burst
out angrily, annoyed at my blunder-
ing. `There was an old woman to
look after the plaee, bet she was
seventy-four, and she died the week
before last, of old age—nothing in-
fectious. Now, look here, you tell
your mother about it, and see if
you cannot persuade her to
oblige me, I am sure the
change would do her good ; for Lt's
very healthy there, Why, you know
the Queen ]Ives within eight miles
of my house, and you in.ay be sure
Her Majesty wouldn't be allowed to
Minard's Liniment cures
live anywhere where the alr wasnt
good. Now, will you promise to try?
She said, "Yes," and 1 knew from
the low, earnest whisper in which
she breathed out the word, that she
meant it with all her soul. I left
her and almost ran back to my hotel,
as excited as a school boy, longing
for the next morning to come, so
that I could go back to Broad street
and learn this fate of my new freak.
Anyone who had witnessed my anxi-
Maxing a Score.
(Yonkers Statesman.)
The Man In Knickerbolckers -- Do
you like short engagements ?
The Girl in the Shirt Waist—Oh,
my, yes; you get so many more
Of them in a season, If they're
Its Punishment,
(Philadelphia Press,)
Though poverty certainly Isn't a
iWo find In this strenuous strife,
Ali those who are guilty are doomed
every time
To very hard labor for life.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap
Powder is a boon to any home. It disin-
fects and cleans at the same time. go
Johnnie Knew.
(Buffalo News.)
A teacher was addressing a small
T9dies away
1 less throb of neuralgiaa ed
he tiIle a k
e o s and
class of 11 b
1 tetpl is a read
when the D. 4t L." Methol P a p them how man could tell where the
over the agonised nerves, If the plaster will y
not itdhere, warm It altttie. There lenowait- nome of the swallow was.
mg for relief. It comes at once. ) Little John said: "I can. The
home of the stvallow is in. the atom -
you; one t•sees, as you say, so few- dog. and the e from my y
beings up here whom one likes to window of the Mulek just visible
call fellow creatures. Mies Bablole. now between the bare branches of
you've 'growed out of knowledge: I the birch-treee.
suppose you haven't seen much of "I should like to live right among
our friend, Fabian, lately, Mrs. Ell- the Mile like, that," she said softly,
mar ?" when her moth. 'r had exhausted her
"No, indeed. I went on tour at the eapresslans of admiration,
end of the season when I first had -Would you : lou is out., find it very
the pleasure of meeting you, anti lonely. ea winter you would be
we have been touring ever since." bnowed up, au 1 ratan must certainly
"Don't you get tired of the in- be its a week or two; and even when
cez'sant travelling? I suppose you the roads are passable, you don't
seldom stay more titan a week at meet any one on them, except, per-
eael place?" haps, a couple of peasants, whose
"Sometimes only two or 'three language would be to you as un -
nights. It is extremely fatiguing. In intelligible as that o1 tvahi animals
fact, I am going to take a rest for going down into the village to get
a short time, for I find the nightly food,"
work too much for me in my present "B t ]1 tl
state of health," she said, with a '•(;iieumetances have made me youdoubtless q
- you inn vo fere. whom t> s are acquainted
et upin my hills and the fancy we
all occasionally have foe being kind
to something, were all as strong as
my pity for the mother, my admira-
tion for the daughter and my re-
spect for both.
1 was debathig nett morning how
soon it would be discreet to call,
when a note was brought to me,
which had been left by a young
lady." I tore it open like a
Two Weeks Summer Vacatiou.
Duet breathed in on R. R. 11b. 4 oz. l TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All
druggists refund the money 11 it fails to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c.
Average number of hours'
eleep per night... - 4
Number of mites danced.,.. 40
Cost of one six-inch trout $8
Number of square meals 0
Fly bltets ............... 9fe
Other bites .. ... ..e,980 I T
Swore at bed 14 ttmes.
Creatasted None.
Hotel bill $84
Tips $20
Total number of Shirt-
waists examined23
At a distance ... SSSS.. 10
Near to ; 7
'Ver y close to c
Squeezed 2
Golf -balls lost SSSS..... SSSS21
One engagement ring (to-
tal loss)
Number of weeks recuper-
ating ... t 5
Tom Masson, In August Smart Set.
Stops the Cough
and Works Oft the Cold.
LaxativeBromoQuinine Tablets cure acold
in one day. No cure, No pay. Price 25 cents.
Built Like Pocket Time -piece at a
Cost of Thousands.
There has just been finished at
the American Waltham watch fac-
tory a mammoth watch. the largest
in the world. To build this gigantic
timepiece cost several thousand dol-
lars and several weeks" them. Spec -
tat machinery and tools were re-
quired foe' its construction. The
watch is a model of the new model
sixteen-slze maximus, three-quarter
plate watch, enlarged ten times, per-
fect In every detail and as highly
finished as the finest watch.
frantic lover. It was from Mrs. The diameter of tate pillar plate is
Ellmer, an oddly characteristic let- seventeen incites, and the movement
ter alternately frosty and gushing, is two and one-half inches thick. The
but not without the dignity of the balance wheel Ls six and one-half
hard-working. She said a great Incites en diameter, and the brequet
deal ceremoniously about my kind- spring which controls its action is
nese, at great deal about her friends eight feet long, .03 of a centimetre
in London, her position and that of thick and .25 of a centimetre wide.
"my husband, a well-known artist, when running the balance makes a
vibration in .7 of a second. The
sapphire and
waited uppallet stones are 01 )
withButshe antpI
brave attempt to check the tremor solitary everywvliere.., by Warne. s i
in her v pice, which was unspeakably She looked up at me ; her face Buell- by saying that since her health re- exquisitely polished. The actuating,
ptteous to me who knew the true eel her Ilpe trembled with unuttera- quired that she should have change or mainspring, is twenty-three feet
reason of the "rest" ble pity and the tears sprang to or air, and since✓ I head been so vete; long, .17 of at centimetre thick and
err s wide.
e rim e
' If you are going to stay In Aber- kind that alio could scarcely refuse
Z9 c.
deep, I hope you will allow mm to call her fyyea, to do me any service which site The mammoth model is as con.
upon you. I live near Ballater, forty canonstoCueto
had long since inado me letely jeweled as a watch of the
miles away in the country, so you : callous to instinetive aversion, but could conscientiously perform, she P
this most unexpected burst of int- i would be happy to act as cal ;Maker ar
e sac !pees The
ahet jewels,esmoi e•
may guess how thankfully I snatch ; telllgent sympathy made my heart of my, house, and to keep it in or- g
at a chance of seeing a little so- i leapu s. I mid nothing, and be-' der during the winter for future ten- mmnt made, are about the size of a
ciety," Inickel five -cent pt ce, are fine ruLles,
At the word "society" Mrs. Ellmer :gat to play with the tablet cloth. ants], provided I would be kind about ten lines In dintneter, but
tericah' Airs. Ellmer, iu the nailer that the enough to understand that she and bushed with bap hires. The polish of
livelier than our society," she said, ' into the breech, an disturbed my 11011130, work is perfect, and the damae een-
with a pitiful attempt to be sweet feeling rather uncouthly. might be permitted to reside in a ing on the plates Is moat beautiful,
sprightly. " I am sure, Mr. Maude, no one strictly private manner. The pendant and winding crown are
' Well, will you let me try ?" thinks the worse of you for the '•strictly private.' I laughced of fine bronze, brilliantly polished.
"'Really, liir. Maude, when we are 1 accident, whatever it was, that die -
figured the contry we lino in such a very •figured you. I'o' my part, I always
valet way. Of course it's different prefer plain men to handsome ossa.
when one is in town and has one's ;They aremor{+ intelligent and don't
own servants ; and these Scotch
think so much ." themselves."
people have no notion of waiting at
Bablole gave her mother an alarm
table or serving things decently."absorbed ed, pleading look, which ]sappily
ly "I m used fossil thatroke in myself. Wily, ' izod he etfectttof tide attentand ion,
I could
I live in a tumble-down old house with have borne worse things than poor
t;. to nkey and a soldier for my house- , Mrs. Elimer'e rather tactless and In -
told, so you may judge that I have aipid conversation for the sake of
wet used to the discomforts of the; watching her daughter's mobile little
North.' fare, and I tem afraid they west
1 saw Babiole stealthily shake her heap have whaled me away long before I
reother'e arm, and move her lips in Babutiemeld nctake tri) the outer y tcdoor ow It
a faint "Yes, yes.' Reluctantly,
With more excuses] fur having let, rue, and I eelzed the opportunity to
the agent -in -advance take l.,dginge ask her what they were going to do.
for them which they would not have I " Mrs. Milner doesu t look strong
looked at had they known what at enough to act atgain at present," I
low neighborhood they were in. lire, aul;gt:ete<l.
Tlimer at last consented that I ° Titc* gtrl'a face clouded.
should call and take tea watt them ? "No. And event 1f she Were, you
next day. E,ref• - " he btupped, afraid to til,turb by a breath the har-
I went back to my hotel and c•tt "Of course. Her place would be mt8nfou5 ectilement of a plan ,011
f she had se.t her heart.
The felled
tLc>h, d, t
e i
Cor the night. a r(r.)mI
pour woman's sunken faro haunted "Yee,' vary norruwful[,y. Then At last all was arrltn;;eal. It was
Me even in my Sleep; and I grew else looked up again, her Caee grown Monday; Mr&. Ellmer ant her (laugh.
nervous when half past four cam:', 'u'ietenie bright tut:l hopeful, ata with t"r were to hold themselves i•1 roadie
levet I should hear on arriving; at the a flash, of eunele tr. "het you pewit t nese to enter into p(tsaee
r Friday
G tw9ur
- , � ° Mott by th.• all a
bare and dirty 1• uslnEd ramie hue b afraid fur us. Mamma is so < le .r,
wh:eh I had already taken care to)' a:atl I tet acmes anr1 htir,ug;: we shall
find out that site waft dead. How- be all right We should be ail right
over, my fears had run away with now if only --...a
me. On my k'iteo ting at the door of ' If only I'
the top flat of the little hu,lt, 'Why, yam lee, you nntatu't think
Bablole opener} it, pretty and f:nul- ` it's tnununa'a (atilt that we are left
ing. In a temple dress of some sort in a rattler like Ellis: eon. don't
I kit fmanage
i 1. < .ttY kR Iw h., E ('^ (•• `tY • and
(it bruu•o ,.nff. wv t,t t wv h Stn s, p t.
red hEcklaee round her fair, Intim on- oh : ho little. But whenever the
tltrwat. w{te ha 1 out seat my fare hair, by <•.ar. , aztol making tizings e.o.
before bee daylight ; and I SAW. by Sa110i np 0 heti - money, it .it nil
laughed almost llys y I pause was an awkward ono rushed her daughter would do all the work p
I am afraid you will find solitude g the wheels, pinions and other steel
t tl b } d dist b d of the h u e and further that tlley k
heartily to myself at this expres•
felon. The dear lady could hardly wish
for more privacy than she would
get with four or five feet of SHOW
piled up before her door. I was quite
light hearted at my success and had
to tone down toy manner to Its usual
grave and melanohuly pitch before I
knocked again at their door.
Mrs. Ellmer opened the door her-
self, thus disappointing me a little;
Bab:olcee eimpie confidences, which
I liked to think were the result not
but of in-
ut 1 f natural frankness,
1y u t
eel:active trust in me, were pleasant-
er to Retell to than her mother's
more artLfleial conversation. We
were lxrth very dignified, With cere-
Every portion is made on the exact
Scale of the watch it represents. No
dial has been made for this move-
ment, as Lt is designed to show not
the action of the train, but the
btrm-win iies ant stem -Letting m oh-
aniam as well.
The movement stands on a bronze
pedestal and from its base to the
tip of the winding, crown Is twenty
six inches.—Boston Transcript.
To prove to you thab Dn
Chase's Ointment ieacertain
and absolute euro for each
and every form of itchin,
bleedingand protruding piles,
the manutactnrers have guaranteed it. BBootoe•,
ditr and askorneihhors whatheynoou can neo
i eathing Disease.
Infectious diseases are breathed
Into the system from those affected
with disease 01' from bad smells; yet
how man? women breathe daily the
offensive steam from common soaps
made from rancid fats„ and keep their
hands for hours in suelt solutions,
and the clothing from such soap suds
is worn next the tender skin. • No
wonder disease and eczema aro
prevalent! Users of Sunlight Soap
—Octagon Bar—know the difference
between that t an d the pure, health-
ful smell from the vegetable oils
and pure edible fats in Sunlight
Soap. 208
�tn the World's \Vnnttcliand.,.:
More remarkable discoveries In
that wonderland of the world,
Egypt, says the Westminster Ga-
zette, The explorers sent thither
by the Californian Academy of :;1,1 -
once, have found at Gingell, on the
Nilo, rowel epos] rows of gravos dat-
ing back from the nineteenth dy-
nasty in apparently unbroken re-
cord to. the earliest prehistoric
times. The belies are mostly in
wonderful preservation.
Alexandra, of Great Britain, De-
scribed by an Atneriean Girl.
Here is a portrait of the Queen
by an American girl- It strikes inc
as delightful In its naivete, and its
frankness is charming. I am sure
queen Alexandra herself would laugh
heartiiy over it : "We don't go to
the theatre to witness a play, but
to see the audience. I thought we
were going to be disappointed and
not see her at all, but just before the
curtain went up she and the King
came in with some other people. She
is rather tall and very sweet look-
ing, but oh, so awfully thin. She
has lovely blue eyes with a shine In
them, ilke a baby's, but I was disap-
pNinted a bit, for I thought she had
golden hair. To be quite candid, her
hair is of a mahogany tint, but it
was charmingly coiffured, and
showed dff her diamonds beautifully.
Site looked very young and girlish,
beet I thick she has the saddest face
I've ever seen. She listened very at-
tentively, and when she smiled you
felt as though you wanted to have
a good .rousing cry. I don't wonder
one bit that people in England love
her, for they simply can't help It."
ea 1. A.. P.
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget
in COWS.
Ono of the Modes of Punishment in
Henry VIII ns Time.
In England, during the reign of
Hena'y VIII., the public mind became
greatly exulted through. several cases
of poisonttig, and peerilament enacted
a law making boiling to death the
penalty. This law wae on, the sta-
tute books about sixteen years. It
was made retroactive, so as to take
les a case that ehllefly prompted its
enactment—that of Richard Bosse,
otherwise Coke, the Bishop ot, Roch-
ester's cook, who poisoned seventeen
persons, two of Whom died, Cake wan
boiled at Rochester, The infliction;
was attended with peoulltar cruelty,
was put into a cauldron/ off
Coke as
as rR
cold Water and gradually cooked to
A few years latter, un Marcia, 1542,
a young .ivtoinaa mined Margaret
Davy Was pu'nLsthed in, a similar way
oil conviction of poisoning, Tt110 pub-
lic were not satisfied as to her guilt,
and, not'with:sttauding the compar-
atively slaw travel of news in those
days, the story of Mla,rgaret Davy's
trial and punieii nent cootl spread
titr'ough the kingdom and aroused
universal hterror. BotlLmg to death re-
mained on the statute hooks, how-
ever, as long as Henry roi:gned, per-
haps because the monarch lee/teen
had a dread oe being poisoned. Im-
mediately after his death parlia-
ment repealed the latw'.
I bough(t a. horse with a supposed-
ly incurable ringbone for $80, cured
ltlm wilth $1 worth of MINAtRDIS
LINIil1ENT, and sold him in four
months for $85. Profit on Liniment,
betel Keeper.
SIE. PJillllp's, Que., Nov. 1st, 1301.
A Twentieth Century Solomon.
(Buffalo Commercial.)
The wise Judge In St. Louis, Wid-
ener, who recently won general ap-
i that a wv
rel .n
pause b
the legal right to go through the
pockets of a mean husband who will
not hand over enough money to run
the hpusehold, alas added tahes oiellms
as a second Daniel by holding that
a dog has a right to bite a person
who ties a tin can or other impedi-
ment to its tail.
A BOON TO HORSEMEN—One bottle of
English Spavin Liniment completely removed
a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in
recommending the remedy, as it sets with
mysterione promptness in the removal from
horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood
spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles and
GEORGE Rt)BB Farmer,
Markham, Ont.
Sold by all druggists.
Was Afraid He Would be Carried
Past 018 Station.
The conductors' room at the Broad
(tteeet station is a place where good
railroad stories are told, The men
Dr• Carson s Tonic
go '10 'there after tltolr train arrives],
await orders, and often swap yarne. Stomach and Constipation Bitters
Tjto foltofwing was told at a recent Made from the formula of an eminent
anti w sly grateful to each other, timonials in the daily pees] y K seance :' ol physician, who luta used the
anal when we entered the sitting- T t think Pi+ Y it 8nd. 'A long time ego when trains tray , prescription In hie practice for many
moth and began to discuss prelimi•, tinclereorEntabezasoN,k if BemasrdtC0.0 Torpnto ellen moro sheerly than they do now, f years with most satisfactoryresulte.
ponies In a t;r,ruewhatt pompous and' d
and 'way' trains were common, two A Purely Vegetable. Tonic and Blood
long-winded aided manner, chabioleorner, sat. prq d'ihe.se $ Ointment_ high officials got on, Intending to purifier. Price ,Rei cents per Bottle.
quiet as a meow, In a corner, as if ---- �- - - - ride out about thirty miles, They L'fier. you can obtain the propara•
•®®44r•®b®A0+9$0®®m®.6•et+.®• d tion l your fig Y
hid a lot to arty to each
ISS'LJE NO. 31, 190'.
Mre, Winslow's Soothing Sirup should
always bo used for Children Teething. I
voothes the child, softens the ums eures wind
collo and le the best remedy for Diarrhoea,
Alma Ladies' College, {1
Preparatory and Collegiate studies; unlver-
sity music course; line art; eloeutton; domes -
tie science; commercial. Superior buildings
strong staff, healthiest location, pleasant
)tome life.
1� xOF TWA
fnest� i RMthe ONSALE—ONS
Aa a Pe neula, alt
Winona 10 miles from Hamilton on two rail.
ways, hill sores in all 05 of which Is in fruit,
mostly poaches. W111 be sold in oue parcel or
divided Into lots of 15 to 2e sores to suit, pun
chasers. This is a decided bargain c1t1
Jonathan Carpenter, le 0. box 409. none
The quality standard from Ocean to
Ocean. Your money back ifuotsattefactory.
Agents, Montreal.
$1:00 REWARD, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn thatthere is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is the only positive cure now known to
teas medical fraternity, Catarrh, being a con-
stitutional disease, requires u constitutional
treatment.al,acting adirectly a'rh upon the,bth iood an nd
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des-
troying the foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient strength by building up
the constitution and aisle tang nature in dotes
its work. The proprietors haveso much faith
in its curative powers that they offer Otte
Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists. 750, •
Hall's Family Pills are the beet.
191 King St. Last, /lunation, Ont.
WANT Ii..LLIA131.F; A(:F'.N'i'S
to sell teas, coffees, baking -powders, spices,
extracts, ete„ to consumers. You can make
money. Nofal<irswanted. Excellent territory
vacant mew.
at cleaning silver-
ware and your other
bright metals, Elee-
trtc POLISHING FIBRE: takes away the
drudgery and makes silver cleaning a.pleas-
ure. Nu soiled hands, nothing to use but the
beautifully prepared chemical self -polishing
cloth. Price 25e at druggists and notion
dealers. By mall from
MONARCH MFG. 00., lit. Catharines, Ont,
Write for trial samples.
L,'a. 7,. IS THE ONLY
® S CURE for
Consum -
3 P
tion and all
throat and lung troubles. One dose gives
relief. One bottle often cures. A FREE
SAMPLE MOTTLE to every reader of this paper.
Put. -Mo is for sale by alt druggists at
$z.00 per large bottle—z5 cents for small
size, or it may be ordered direct from
I B. F. Avery & Sons, orf - Louisville,
Ky., desoribe as follows their ex-
perienceinfurniehing prepared drink-
ing water to their workmen during
hot weather, especially those em-
ployed in their forging, foundry and
other departments where there is in-
tense heat, They take stone jars or
kegs, -holding about 10 gal. of water
filled with wafter and a smell quan-
tity of 'tee, pack the jar In a barrel
with sawdust between the Leiner and
outer vessels. Thus the water Is kept
coot with a minimum of -ice. Each.
mornincg they place about 1-2
pint of oatmeal, rolled oats, or any
outer form of crushed oasts in the
water. This crushed oats thus used
makes the water a remarkable thirst
quencher. During the several years
that they have thus provided drink-
ing water they cannot °reeaU a case
off heat prostration' or i.ilnees due to
excessive drinking of water by men
employed In their shops, where the
in that
lE,o fend heat is great. They a
this water reduces the _appetite for
intoxicating (Wilke, and in general
the effects are so�exceilent that their
• It to workmen
men are telling;
e't'her slops and cities. The jar should
be emptied and thoroughly cleansed
every morning, as the oatmeal sours
over night, and of course, the drink-
ing cup also ought to be scalded and
scoured for obvious reasorns each day,
They believe the water should be
' drawn from a spigot, as, of course,
/ram a sanitary view the use of a
dipper in the top of a jar is not
as it should be, but tiro oatmeal
clogs the spigot, or strainer, lead-
ing to a spigot. It bas contributed
not only to Ina comfort of the men,
but also permitted thein to continue
• at work when the heat might other-
wise have prevented, anal has great-
ly reduced the tempatlons of the
leen to seek Intoxicating cooling
drinks. For a few days the oatmeal
1lavo'r may not be relit hed by all
of the mens lnut very soon! they find
it palatable and are delighted by the
relief affOTded,t—Iron Age.
the flash of horror that ptvtae i , s`ot's, yvtu kuow:'
kluiekly over Iter fe.z.tnree anal Wats 'T`it:t• maiden reserve wh cin riiftW-
go o., hour ntluh the Leight shocked t i 11UO1f its Iter itigr•name manner 1''
here warde the, l.tut wurde wvaa s, very
"1 woe 0ft'ttid yrru would forget miggc'stit< teat Mir. tit sue 3.1pTrntt
to corate, perliftpe," she sail, in the tion of titi,, ithi sentiment fanslat.ti up -
prim IRO, w,ty 1 remembered. :an on my male,
Dont ( r rr J' tette in a
8hd le.i the way iota a small r [hen E ,m Tr, ty ti,
!n Wisie•li ti,, ort-' lt'tl earl to the ('10tt119" 1 eugstprltid,
shote of tr.tvt-1 than I woe could 'ihre girl ttzuf ht':i at little. Iter fail
have deteeled th.' ingenious sett- and benhllIvo roil lips r,pt.ninfg wvidtl.v
nese by which a washbowl -stand .,.1r wi'l'y -oidia" CT, it teeth. nit else
bis'ni to a 14 11.110,1N1, 13101 a ward- midrlyd 0it1tt'latttl,n of toy (idea
robe a bookcase. The popular pi reeptlott,
Ilei>teli plait of elt�ephee in at cup- a Somebody else wnhtu euel1 a lot
board disp.ise1 of the bed. of things that Don), bole <lsc,'s wilt•
?tlr turner lookoi better. Whe- and daughter cal,' du without,"
or I'aturday, when I t-}muhl return
to Aberdeen to escort titt•ttr to Lark-
< leave.
o frose tarp rn v l
rt 1.
not with the easy feeling ref r'gnalite
deep hu-
before, but with it r
f the day brC,r bt
mility, and rupee tie! atefoiruflees of
gratitude. to which !fres]. 1'.tirnor re -.I •
Plied with miol and rlig,n)fled prntf-at-
r • ra• ' . , '(• ere,l
1 cl r.
.a. 1 ,°
.ut i t the rae:r,t " J , .t
I r }
law ,t
Mohr to t a. 3..t 11
t. 1vf11,t1 11
lightly I
1, f,
tr•ra, ;Old holding, up iii -r finger ail a I)
seen to me to leap 1,11anee, Fete elate
pa,l Iter hash fe eelt:oni; arid 13iid'lell
to me covens]] to real In rlelieletiOb,v
pounding' free,) atones.
(To be fiorativicd.)
edict every
>Y ,ur local druggist. battle you
t t
train, Which stopped et] a
the ran vhneighbor.
hhl° it In your ncf o
P t chin
t PCansog
r more hot-
e r 'them a cod deal. bond we will Send one o
v ,d i] worried
tics 00 receipt of n•1Ce (.,Oe per bot-
r(Aridgot '
nihil r n recentlyed
ab I n l tie) carriage prepaid.
aboard a few miles out And added to 1 g
A little fart
°'Ytm don't even ktarv.'✓ how to
•r I fa 1>e.l the
lora," I n r
take lemon
n a
coaklug� f;a�llunl w�irl 1tn{r ,
"It ttlh't lneet:0ftry it, make a
lento: tart," revile 1 the othl.r " %it
tete le)nuo[t 1've ever Ntpr)n worf,
pretty tart already."—Philadt;iplihe
to Eat
from 1.1Lbr's fora,us Hygienic kitchens,
veleta purity poems, MI meats used in
Natural Flavor
Food Products
are IL 51. 6'orerement ln,lDocted,
sss Pns] ha.!L
etreuttes for
stows, f t sandwiches e
any tine
*cine you want emcee:4;440 and want
Itqu:ctr, i;,rn(,iy tetra a kA4'sod the can
11 epee, An af,prt)rang 0211173 is ready la
an instant.
Write for 0111 free beekiet, "How to Make
Good Things to Eat,"
• 1>itlot vont erRF.F on a lfMeilenam
1 their annoyance by 111H persistence p PP
in asking the name of every station TOE. GflRSON MEDICINE. GOMNtMY
that the train etopped at. After i`eltOTiTO
'they lead politely answered his queue
tone t i the nee a dozen n stations or' so n
of them became angry, and Haid tb
frim :,
ti'e rore b in Juan, If you'll kindly
tell me where you're going, I'll se0
that yeti drin't got carried by the
e Immigrant rant raaaho1down Intoto
•, ealmeious pocket and pulled Op
a - - -
NO HUMBUG atiVEdlainl
Duntxnt as ino Y, stock ilarkor and Cal t
oMt. n tt
a1. vse 0
ok.. fare
with s.metleda. E1raois lona.
TUartMrA❑3 OI,i,t4,1tnetk1r1nAeoona•Deeso.tIrllr
mfiin'Y N YAlrheiA sws il, 0.
aBR 0
YDS D ,I ,
11.18)111. t
Canada's Largest Tallor;
Fly Pads
will kill all
the flies in
a room in a
few hours. •
• • •
illeMaster University has
from its inception held a
recognized place among in-
atitutlone of learning. si
Its growth in numbers has rt
been remarkable, as has niko
the ot:ocese of its graduates in
,business and professional ca-
reers. Recent additionshive
nisei made to its equipment.
Young men and women
should write for a calendar
The report for 1901.allowed remarkable
increases over 1900, In the following items:
� 0
New husineas increased b $ 8.pot,
I>romhlm income Merengue by 89),812
Total Income increased by 42,575
Assets Increased by 48,05
Insuranee in force increased by 1,899,406
Continental Life Policia aro unexcelled for
simplicity and liberality. Agents wanted,
GTO. 11. WOODS, CHALK. 1f. r`ULLEIt,
General Mannger Secretary.
You Wray be justifiedin calling a
follow a lobster when he is of conttn-
I wall
Into h
a r
y getting
ticket with nlront twenty 0001)000 a;.- . . =
fretaeited, the last one of whleh rend
+ � r
cmlelita. - 1 I.0 < I )his] t'nftr Tele••
It f 1 b
f,'181Y41, 1
Minard's 'Liniment euros ('oldbt, etc.
New York Central had Hudson [fiver
vTtabove name me is a household
war,A and the sufst.rtor r_Icostlence of
the road Should be sufficient to at•
tract most people, but now that the
rate is the sanity to Neth' York and
points cast ab by other lines no
further recommendation should be
sought. Everybody will tell you it
is the best.
I s insist syn
A Way
your dealer sup.
plying you with
They are manufactured frogs tido MIMI of I114'l filZAJf+S by the
Irian SKILL'CI) workmealt. •