HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-07-31, Page 5• July 3It Igo, THE WINGUUAM ADVA.NOE Butter, Eggs and Honey Wanted, 20 Ready C At 0 UR has are ness of Wingham are continuing want to make a customer smallest boy smallest cost. per cent. off all Tailored , ,.,„,, „.,,,, .,4 ,,,,,,,., • . t , .. The R. H. Crowder Go's. Store, July Clothing Sale has been a success, everyone gone away satisfied that they got a bargain, we satisfied because we have done the clothing busi- in the past three months. The reason we our 20 per cent, discount sale is because we more customers during the quiet season -once always a customer. We are able to clothe the or the largest man with the best outfit at the Special Clothing Bargains. 14 only Men's Tweed Snits, 3 colorings, all sizes, sack coat, worth $7, sale4.50 11 only Men's and Youths' black and blue Serge Suits, all wool, sizes 35 to 44, worth $8.75, sale 6.00 5 only Boys' two piece Snits, all wool, worth $2.50, sale 1.95 12 pairs ony Mens Grey Pants, nice stripe, all sizes, regular $1.65, sale1.10 6 only Men's Light Shop Coats, all sizes, worth $1, sale .75 5 only Men's Black Lustre Coats, worth $1.75, sate 1.25 7 only Boys' Wash Suits, alt sizes, worth $1.00 to $L35, sale .75 •1..,.°.0...13.,... Holiday Attire. Gents' White Duck Pants with belt attachment, all sizes, $1 and 1.25 Gents' Black and White Vests, washable, (removeable buttons) all sizes, $L00 and 1.25 Gents' Black and White Coronation Caps .50 Gents' Shirt Waists. all sizes and colors, $1.25 to 1,75 Gents' White Shirts, pleated fronts, (the correct idea) $1.00, $1,25 to. .. 2.00 We have the norrect Ping Pong Tie, all colors .50 ���.. �p 25 only 41 only 5 doz. suits En Collars, s /0 I--,� m 5 Gents' Gents' Natural Gents' Furnishing Dept. 36 only Gents' Colored Shirts, soft bosoms, sizes 14 to ,•i 16, worth 75e each, sale... .40 , Down to Date Salem Shirts, all latest styles and color- ings, sizes 14 to 18, hard and soft bosoms, prices r_ $1.00 and 7..25 32 only Men's Working Shirts, all sizes, dark colors, worth 60c. sale ,35 1 .TS 12 doz. Men's Suits Balbriggan Underwear, sizes 32 to 40, worth 50 and GOc a garment, sale ,39 0 doz. suits Men's Silk Underwear, worth $1 a suit, sale .80 Undershirts and Drawers, worth 35c each, sale .20 Shirts and Drawers. worth 25c, sale .15 Wool Undershirts and Drawers, worth 75e each, sale, .55 Ties, Gloves, Unibrellas, Handkerchiefs, etc.. we take the lead. IM. 411112IIIIIMMI.1.1 Great Bargains in Straw and Felt Hats during Sale. The R.11. Crowder Co. f Butter and Eggs Colin Campbell's Old Stand, Wingham taken as Casb. A. DULMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT.. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN ou Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OPPICB.-Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's surgery, Residence -Catherine St. 1'P(t i• i C l t `��; • The and the mingled, special refitted of I1. II. Brooches, etc., is novelties workmanship, makes snrprishigly city vaitios. ranted. EL Corner ' ago, �NCdO.'sts ee l's Rion* Personal closely the latter indulging line and the Watches Splendid fully Store .104„ *',tabes , 1 - p Z. Z. /. ,�eA inter. offers of trap of Pins, Chains, Exquisite beau- leading at, Jew - war- firs°"'k yllg ' dil� It t sIJ� ,•Il � '`-' T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OPPICB.-Over D. M. Gordon's store. Residence: Leopold street. copy Art of Adornment jeweler's art aro inasmuch as facilities for the taste. This is particularly Chisholm, whose Rings, Bracelets, especially attractive. in unique designs Also of gold and silver low prices. Everything C111,81101111 Jewelry tT. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :-Morton Block, Wingham MISS DELIA SPARLING T. C. M. A.tifut Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- inations. E. ESTELLE GRIEFN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. w VIOLIN MISS Of London be prepared limited number on Violin and Residence Wingham. AND GUITAR. p¢ @ !t } y } t9 f t ; It II I I I I II IIIA � i 1 IIIMf _ . ,,r",,. . t. • . .•..o 4 .. s am*r r This is the season for w ze,,, SORETIRED AND r,., ,,, 1 SWEATY' 'EET. s►•- "" 1N=,. CARRII1 MOORE Conservatory of Music,. will after Oct. lsb to receiv' a of pupils for instruction Guitar. --opposite R. C. Church, PIANO MISS SARA And member of Ontario, ed nunlbor Piantr and in Special attention paring for examination Residence Wingham. AND THEORY. �_ _�._ LOUISE MOORE, L,C,M, Of the AssOoiatedMusicians is prepared to reeeivo a limit- of pupils for instruction on Theory, given to pupils pre- -opposite the R, C. Ohuroh, « w If " .•- . 'wy' a.. sM Cole: 1111., ,w,,,, sem- llli�li111111ilitliitllltlltlitti -so you don't wish to have them, use; nnaLf 0.. ......M'"'"W pJ/j," DAIVI P _ w ,, LAPS Abner Cosens Pilin Loan and Insurance Agent P drrti roans at 'lowest rates of interest. Office -comet Minnie and 1?etriok Sta., WINO1L. i ACC%D1iNT 4wIt- .__...e■ ,'"' For Sale by .N. ,11,,,11 saardruitsTaftirlCrI A. Campbell ,pbell .-..e ,t -'• woll .w.. THE DRUGGIST .... Is nticeesenlly used raonibly by over Illoolt's CottonRood Compound" 0,00aLadiea, Safe,effeetual, Lad tsask t'e Claps R et Geta �ers�. Takonoodher,n9itllMlgtiires,pillbsntl imitations es dangerous, Wiley, no. I, Siker hex; AV, it. 10degrecsStreit ger,iiper box. sid, I or Y. welled on receipt of price and two t•aent stAmpe, The Crook Oonhpaey Windsor Ont. re. nneiblk Dr Draggles in Citeade ended Windsor, ail It. AN,o' it tabu O. A. tannPbeil, J. Is. r av ialniltAOr AtiVGC1 TL HairSplits ti. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for thirty years. It is elegant for a heir dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends." --- J. A. Gruepenfelder, Grantfork, IU. Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair- splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. $l.s, is bottle. MI ilmelsts, Ir your druggist cannot supply you, send us one dollar and Ivo will express you a bottle. Be sure and give the name of your nearest expresso/hoe. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Hass. FARM FOR SALE. South half of lot 88, con. 12, East 'Wawanosh, 100 acres ; 05 cleared and under grass, in good enitivation • hal- tnce in black ash and cedar ; frame house, fair outbuildings. Price and terms reasonable. HENRY T. PERDUE, ltf. Winghain RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM TRAINS LEAVE FOR Palmerston , .6:53 a.m. , , 0:00 a. m...3:05 p. m. London 0.50 a. m...3:10 p. m. I{inoavdine.11:10 a. m..1:40 p. m.. 8:38 P. m. ARRIVE PROM Kincardine.6:53 a. m...8:55 a. ni.,. .3:10 p. m. Loudon 11:10 a. m...7:55 p. m. Palmerston 1.40 p. m... 8:38 p. m L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE NOR Toronto and East 6.57 a. in,.. 3:53 p. m. Teoswater 1'17 p. m...10:13 p. m. ARRIVE FROM Teoswater. .....8:57 a. m...3:53 p. m. Toronto and East 1.17 p, in...10:13 p. m. J. 11. BEEMER,. Agent, Wingham he Lake Erie Navigation Co., Ltd. Str. "URANIA." The Short Route to Cleveland, Ohio. One way front Wingham, $4.5o. Return, $7.25. Moat leaves Pt. Stanley every Tuesday and Thursday at 11.00 p.m. Saturdays at 11.00 a.m. Tickets on sale at all local ticket; offloes. For further information write, WM. WOOLLATT, T. MARSHALL, Manager. Genii Pass. Agt. Walkerville, Ont, I[[RAI;WAY Wingham CIVIC HOLIDAY Tuesday, August Sth. Round trip tickets will be sold at Single First Class Fare to all stations on this line Toronto and West, in Canada, and to Detroit, Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, N, Y., Black Rock, N.Y., Niagara Falls and Suspen- sion Bridge, N. Y. Tickets good going by p, ne. trains August 4th, all trains August 5th ; good returning by all trains up to and including August 6th, 1902. Full information at G.T,R. tick- et office. J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Its a pity to have a good Suit spoiled in the making. The suits we make give en- tire satisfaction, Give us a trial and be convinced, Webster Co. Upstairs in Bltavv Block, `d% ittlY5 *S --William Cniriss, of Belton, has not a:dosed an Orange procession in 04 yrs. -A million and a half dollars have been; spent by Col, Dent in remounts fn Canada. --Bail, some of the stones 0 inches in diameter, with raid and wind, did $400,- 000 damage to the erops in Minnesota. -Sir Thomas Shaughnessy announces that the C.P.R. have tendered for a fast line steams"hip service between Canadian ports and Great Britain, London, July 24. --John Wilson, a farmer residing a few miles west of Thorndale, was found dead in a ditch on the roadway near Wyton yesterday afternoon about 6 o'clock. -The Toronto agent of the Manitoba Goverument says the crop bulletins from this Province continue encouraging. The biggest crop in the history of the Prov- ince is looked for this year, Reports from the Territories are, owing to exces. sive ruins, not so favorable, Windsor, July 24. -Well drillers, act- ing for the United Gas and Oil Company of Windsor, have struck a gas and oil gusher on a farm in Romney Township, two miles east of the vilage of Wheatley. It is said to be•a rich find, and is expect- edflife. give the company a new lease of to -A pleasing meeting on the 12th o? July in Goderich, one that probably never has and may never have an exact counterpart, was that of Andrew Wad - del of London, George Hawkins of Port Alberta, and Henry Horton of Goderich. The last time these three met together was in 1852, just 50 years ago, in the antipodes. Some will remember the mining excitement in Australia, when so many left what was then termed Upper Canada, to seek their fortunes, and these three men met in a town called Ballarat, Australia, a mining town, and enjoyed each other's friendship. The meeting on Saturday, after a separation 50 years, was a re -union indeed, so unique as to have a few parallels any- where. Woodstock, July 25th. -Yesterday's storm was the worst the southern part of the county has experienced, and as a result nearly all of the crops in East Oxford and vicinity have been destroyed. Hail fell to the depth of six inches in places. Roads and bridges were washed away, trees torn down and fences levelled. Thousands of dollars' worth of property was destroyed. James Hay- Iow, whose farm is near Oriel, was ono of the greatest sufferers. He says there were still hailstones on the ground on his farm Saturday morning. After the storm they lay around his house to a depth of eight to ten inches and he had to shovel away a path to get to his door. _Mr. Hayiow says that about one thou- sand acres of crops were destroyed. Before the season of rhubarb leas passed, the New York Post advises, try a dish of the fruit escalloped as demon- strated at the Boston Cooking School. Stir one pint, solidly packed, of bread into one fourth a cup of melted butter. Cut one pound of rhurbarb into half- inch pieces. Butter a pudding dish, and sprinkle in a layer of crumbs, add a lay- er of rhubarb, about a dozen raisins, stoned, a grating of lemon rind, a little juice, and a generous sprinkling of sugar. Continue the layers until the broad and rhubarb are used, having bread upon the top. Use nearly a cup of sugar and the juice of half a lemon, Cover and bake in a moderate oven about forty minutes; then remove the cover and brown the top. Serve hot with powdered sugar or with hard sauce. A Wonderful Tonic and Strengthener. Said a druggist to -day, "No doubt about it, the tonic that gives best results is the biggest seller, and that is Ferrozone. It enriches and purifies the blood, restores strength and energy to the feeble, and is a scientific reconstructor that was al- ways popular. In Chlorosis, Anaenia, Tiredness, Langour. Brain Fag, indiges- tion and Dyspepsia its action is prompt, and satisfactory cures always follow. Yes, I recommend Ferrozone to my cus- tomers because I believe it is the best tonic and strengthening medicine that money can buy." Largo boxes cost 500. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Brussels. The residence of Mrs. Jno. Grieve, corner Church and Jelin streets, has been purchased by Alex. McCall, the price being $500. Last Saturday Edward Lowry assum ed the proprietorship of tho Brussels- Seaforth stage, with its mail and express carrying contracts. The G. T. R. authorities have been asked for a special train on Tuesday, Aug. 12th to accommodate all desirous of attending the anneal Sabbath School Excursion to Kincardim. It would be difficult to gather to- gether a lot of better testimonials than those presented by the 79 applicants, last week for the vacancy on Brussels Pub- lic School teaching staff. Rev. Mr. Webb, of Windsor, was here as autiouncect and took charge of the regular' services in St. John's church, Brussels, and St. George's church, Walton, Sunday. IIe preached two in- teresting sermons here and found favor with the congregations. It is expected the reverend gentlemaii will coin(' here permanently abort the 1st of September. A Good Quarter llollarls Worth Is contained in a bottle of Poison's Nor. vilino, whieli cures Rheumatism NTenrel- gia Solaticn, Toothache Headache, Cr'atnbs, Siek Stoniaoh and Indigestion. Mothers find Nervilino is first class lin- intent for children's sore throat, hoarse. Iat;88, COld iti the chest, saki taken in hot before retiring is a splendid remedy for colds. Don't bo without Nervilino, it is the Most econotaica1, potent and reli. able household litlitnont made, costs only 25e. Dr, llatuntest's Pills Cares Oot1stipatiol West Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs. H, I. Morrish eel- ebratod their wooden wedding on Mon. day of last Week ou the McClinton homestead when all the relatives within roach assisted in the day's rejoicing, Willian Syneington, for some years a resident of Auburn breathed his last quietly on Saturday forenoon at ten o'clock. Deceased was a Canadian Forester and a Mason. Mr. Harry Marion of the village of Auburn mot with a painful accident from a falling car off the hay fork track recently. Mr, W. J. Hoover's new 5046 ft, barn was raised on Tuesday. There was a race, of coarse, but though closely con- tested and exciting there were no accidents. In consequence of unfavorable weath- er farmers are being retarded in securing the hay crop. We presume that owing to heavy rains it will not be of such good quality as it would otherwise be, Meadows iu general are heavy, Fall wheat, oats and barley crops, which are the best for many years, are, owing to high winds and heavy showers of rain, badly thrown down and tangled, for which reason they will be more trouble- some to harvest. Fair weather would be a boon to all coucerrued. tie Regrets It. A man who was deeply in debt Said, "No matter whatever I gebt My creditors claim A sharp of the same, 'Which makes me discouraged, you babtl" Caustic 'Comment. Ida -She thinks she has a matchless face. May -I agree with her. She 3vilI nev- er make a match as long as she has it. On art Ilntouiologist, He knew the insects by their namell Ten thousand kinds or more; A cockroach on the bathtub's rim A Blatta onlentalts was to him. And it was nothing more. When Truet Meet. Trust. "See where they've Formed a broom- stick trust." "'What for?" "To beat the carpet trust." , The Imperial Seddon. There was an imperial Seddon, And quite the right way was his head -en. As he sped with hls train O'er the African plain .They said to him, "Says" and he Seddon. ,lllneoureging. "My heart," he said, "Is in this work." "Good!" she replied. "Now, if some- body would put some brains in it we might look for results." Self Centered. .,; , , Now doth the youthful graduate ; ' Require a larger hat. , Ile thinks that his diploma makes Of him a diplomat. Woman's Reason. He -Shall I luvite her to the vvhist party? She -By all means. She is a bril- liant conversationalist. Moat Conspicuous Vault. The lightning bug is brilliant, But he hasn't any mind; He blunders through existence With his headlight on behind. Side Light on the Same. Upgardson-What a tiresome bore history is! Atom -Yes; it is always repeating Itself. Her Feminine f'l'ay, It often haps that what you've worked And prayed for day by day - Of her own whim, when fortune wills, She throws right in your way The Kinship. 'silty is akin to love." "Only, a poor relation, thought" 4. This World. It's up and down the world each day, , Where love would still endear us; Just light enough to sec the way And song enough to cheer ust -Atlanta Constitution. Cement and Lime. Parties requiringCement or Lime should give ns a ca. We are selling at a vet•y low price. We keep only first-class brands of cement and lime, and you can always vely on getting a good fresh article lit the WINGHAM CEMENT AND TILE WORKS, F. GUTTERIDGE, Our Beautiful New SPRING GOODS ARE IN. See Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy- ing elsewhere. Also a special line ofpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ing line can be had and satisfaction guar- anteed, at RobtMaxwell High Art Tailor Wingham A, Slit: Prices. Stout Values. Tha Leathn Stu[ Reduced Prices -IN- Ladies' Shirt Waists and Wliitewear. Small ProSts and Quicic Returns We bought too heavy in Ladies' Shirt Waists and Whitewear ; we've sold a lot and still have a good variety to choose from. If values will do it, the undermentioned goods should move out quick. Come early before some of the best things are gone. 39c Ladies' Shirt WaiNts, nicety made, latest style, fast col- .39 ors, Reg. price 50e -Sale price... • 1.1016, AsesaattIMMAPSSIIMINIMI 75C o White Underskirts,Lawide width Cambric em- broidery and dust frill, Rog. price .75 51.00 -Sale price 75c A choice int of White Waists in L' P ' d M men, riots an usims, .75 Reg, value $1.00 -Sale price Memiommemeo 25C 1 dCorset Covers, good quality Cotton, nice trimmings, .25 Reg. value 35c -on Sale at 25c Two doz. Ladies' Fine Cambric Drawers, nicely trimmed, 25 good value at 35c -Sale price 411.1.1011111.11.1.11M11•011••••••••.1 Vpaelsonransimminommenaeno. 75c A line of Ladies' Wrappers, fast colors, well made, reg. value .75 $1.00 -Sale price.. 35c Ladies' White Sailor hats with black or white bands, Reg. .35 value 50e -to Clear $1.50 Extra special, ladies' Rim Shirt Waists, white or colored, in - section trimming, Reg. value 1.50 $2.00 --Sale price corommeogasemaamearnsoonornagonssontnamossonsoks 25c Summer Corsets, all sizes, strog, Regular value 35o - Salo price 7Sc 2 doz. Ladies' Night Gowns, .full wide skirt, tucked, nicely 75 made, Reg. price 51.00 -to Clear... 50e One doz. Shirt Waists, assorted patterns, fast colors, well made.5. Regular price 75o -to Clear 19C3 doz. Corset Covers, fine Cam- bric, nicely made and trimm- ed, Reg. valuo 25c -Sale price $1.00A special line of Shirt Waists, white or colored, now 100 style, good value at1.25-Sale....• $l 25 Ladies' Fine Shirt Waists in . Linen, Lawn and Chani. 1,25 brays, Reg. $1.50 --your Choice.,, $100 1 doz. Ladies' Black Parasols, • with steel rod, nice batt- 1.00 dies, Reg. price 51,25 -Salo price. $1.00 15 pairs Ladies' Chocolate Don- gola Shoes, turn sole, 1000 good value $1.25 -to Clear $1.00Three dozen Ladies' ilne white t'ambrie Skirts, with deep frill, tucked, wide trimming, reg- 1,00 alar value $1.25 -Sale price 5 dos, extra fine ribbed Cash - 25c mere Hose, seamless, fast .25 black, good value at 35e -Sale .......,....-... z,.,. ,t .1...111 1,,• H. E. Isard & Co. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Vinegar 'T'ime. The time of Salads aucl Greens and making Pickles is now drawing near. You will require a stock of Vinegar. We have all the different kinds XXX Vinegar Proof Vinegar Guaranteed equal strength and mellow with ripeness. The strongest made. It tests absolutely pure. Grape Vinegar Made from juice of. the grape warranted free from acids. Cider Vinegar ar The olcl reliable, nothing better for making pickles or tattle use °Lifi at Griffin's Great Dissolution Sale Continued Stock must be reduced in 60 Days. We offer our entire stork of Tweeds, Worsteds, Gents' Furnishings, Boots Shoes Actually at Cost and in tetany neatly cases below cost. Now if it is Bargains you are looking for, do not fail to take advantage of this great sale. Everything goes, even to our toots. Remember this i5 no Fake. It is a Genuine Sale. .otmath San. CANADIAN,.: . rr■ WILL RUN Home.Seekers' ei Excursions TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST AT RETURN FARES. Winnipeg 1V askada Bstevan Digin 1'loosomin Arcola2� Wawanesa Shiscartit Minlote Grand View Swan River Regina,„ Mooselaw 1} 3O Yorkton Pr. Albert} $35 Macleod)} Calgary Red Deer 1 $40 Strath- 1} cone Going JULY the 15th, returning until SEPTEMBER tbth (all rail or S. S. Al. borta). Tickets are not good on "Im• porial Limited." Lor tickets and pam- phlet giving full particulars, apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A, Ii. NOTMSN, Asst, Geol. Passr. Agont 1 King Street East, Toronto Its a pity to have a good Suit spoiled in the making. The suits we make give en- tire satisfaction, Give us a trial and be convinced, Webster Co. Upstairs in Bltavv Block, `d% ittlY5 *S --William Cniriss, of Belton, has not a:dosed an Orange procession in 04 yrs. -A million and a half dollars have been; spent by Col, Dent in remounts fn Canada. --Bail, some of the stones 0 inches in diameter, with raid and wind, did $400,- 000 damage to the erops in Minnesota. -Sir Thomas Shaughnessy announces that the C.P.R. have tendered for a fast line steams"hip service between Canadian ports and Great Britain, London, July 24. --John Wilson, a farmer residing a few miles west of Thorndale, was found dead in a ditch on the roadway near Wyton yesterday afternoon about 6 o'clock. -The Toronto agent of the Manitoba Goverument says the crop bulletins from this Province continue encouraging. The biggest crop in the history of the Prov- ince is looked for this year, Reports from the Territories are, owing to exces. sive ruins, not so favorable, Windsor, July 24. -Well drillers, act- ing for the United Gas and Oil Company of Windsor, have struck a gas and oil gusher on a farm in Romney Township, two miles east of the vilage of Wheatley. It is said to be•a rich find, and is expect- edflife. give the company a new lease of to -A pleasing meeting on the 12th o? July in Goderich, one that probably never has and may never have an exact counterpart, was that of Andrew Wad - del of London, George Hawkins of Port Alberta, and Henry Horton of Goderich. The last time these three met together was in 1852, just 50 years ago, in the antipodes. Some will remember the mining excitement in Australia, when so many left what was then termed Upper Canada, to seek their fortunes, and these three men met in a town called Ballarat, Australia, a mining town, and enjoyed each other's friendship. The meeting on Saturday, after a separation 50 years, was a re -union indeed, so unique as to have a few parallels any- where. Woodstock, July 25th. -Yesterday's storm was the worst the southern part of the county has experienced, and as a result nearly all of the crops in East Oxford and vicinity have been destroyed. Hail fell to the depth of six inches in places. Roads and bridges were washed away, trees torn down and fences levelled. Thousands of dollars' worth of property was destroyed. James Hay- Iow, whose farm is near Oriel, was ono of the greatest sufferers. He says there were still hailstones on the ground on his farm Saturday morning. After the storm they lay around his house to a depth of eight to ten inches and he had to shovel away a path to get to his door. _Mr. Hayiow says that about one thou- sand acres of crops were destroyed. Before the season of rhubarb leas passed, the New York Post advises, try a dish of the fruit escalloped as demon- strated at the Boston Cooking School. Stir one pint, solidly packed, of bread into one fourth a cup of melted butter. Cut one pound of rhurbarb into half- inch pieces. Butter a pudding dish, and sprinkle in a layer of crumbs, add a lay- er of rhubarb, about a dozen raisins, stoned, a grating of lemon rind, a little juice, and a generous sprinkling of sugar. Continue the layers until the broad and rhubarb are used, having bread upon the top. Use nearly a cup of sugar and the juice of half a lemon, Cover and bake in a moderate oven about forty minutes; then remove the cover and brown the top. Serve hot with powdered sugar or with hard sauce. A Wonderful Tonic and Strengthener. Said a druggist to -day, "No doubt about it, the tonic that gives best results is the biggest seller, and that is Ferrozone. It enriches and purifies the blood, restores strength and energy to the feeble, and is a scientific reconstructor that was al- ways popular. In Chlorosis, Anaenia, Tiredness, Langour. Brain Fag, indiges- tion and Dyspepsia its action is prompt, and satisfactory cures always follow. Yes, I recommend Ferrozone to my cus- tomers because I believe it is the best tonic and strengthening medicine that money can buy." Largo boxes cost 500. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Brussels. The residence of Mrs. Jno. Grieve, corner Church and Jelin streets, has been purchased by Alex. McCall, the price being $500. Last Saturday Edward Lowry assum ed the proprietorship of tho Brussels- Seaforth stage, with its mail and express carrying contracts. The G. T. R. authorities have been asked for a special train on Tuesday, Aug. 12th to accommodate all desirous of attending the anneal Sabbath School Excursion to Kincardim. It would be difficult to gather to- gether a lot of better testimonials than those presented by the 79 applicants, last week for the vacancy on Brussels Pub- lic School teaching staff. Rev. Mr. Webb, of Windsor, was here as autiouncect and took charge of the regular' services in St. John's church, Brussels, and St. George's church, Walton, Sunday. IIe preached two in- teresting sermons here and found favor with the congregations. It is expected the reverend gentlemaii will coin(' here permanently abort the 1st of September. A Good Quarter llollarls Worth Is contained in a bottle of Poison's Nor. vilino, whieli cures Rheumatism NTenrel- gia Solaticn, Toothache Headache, Cr'atnbs, Siek Stoniaoh and Indigestion. Mothers find Nervilino is first class lin- intent for children's sore throat, hoarse. Iat;88, COld iti the chest, saki taken in hot before retiring is a splendid remedy for colds. Don't bo without Nervilino, it is the Most econotaica1, potent and reli. able household litlitnont made, costs only 25e. Dr, llatuntest's Pills Cares Oot1stipatiol West Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs. H, I. Morrish eel- ebratod their wooden wedding on Mon. day of last Week ou the McClinton homestead when all the relatives within roach assisted in the day's rejoicing, Willian Syneington, for some years a resident of Auburn breathed his last quietly on Saturday forenoon at ten o'clock. Deceased was a Canadian Forester and a Mason. Mr. Harry Marion of the village of Auburn mot with a painful accident from a falling car off the hay fork track recently. Mr, W. J. Hoover's new 5046 ft, barn was raised on Tuesday. There was a race, of coarse, but though closely con- tested and exciting there were no accidents. In consequence of unfavorable weath- er farmers are being retarded in securing the hay crop. We presume that owing to heavy rains it will not be of such good quality as it would otherwise be, Meadows iu general are heavy, Fall wheat, oats and barley crops, which are the best for many years, are, owing to high winds and heavy showers of rain, badly thrown down and tangled, for which reason they will be more trouble- some to harvest. Fair weather would be a boon to all coucerrued. tie Regrets It. A man who was deeply in debt Said, "No matter whatever I gebt My creditors claim A sharp of the same, 'Which makes me discouraged, you babtl" Caustic 'Comment. Ida -She thinks she has a matchless face. May -I agree with her. She 3vilI nev- er make a match as long as she has it. On art Ilntouiologist, He knew the insects by their namell Ten thousand kinds or more; A cockroach on the bathtub's rim A Blatta onlentalts was to him. And it was nothing more. When Truet Meet. Trust. "See where they've Formed a broom- stick trust." "'What for?" "To beat the carpet trust." , The Imperial Seddon. There was an imperial Seddon, And quite the right way was his head -en. As he sped with hls train O'er the African plain .They said to him, "Says" and he Seddon. ,lllneoureging. "My heart," he said, "Is in this work." "Good!" she replied. "Now, if some- body would put some brains in it we might look for results." Self Centered. .,; , , Now doth the youthful graduate ; ' Require a larger hat. , Ile thinks that his diploma makes Of him a diplomat. Woman's Reason. He -Shall I luvite her to the vvhist party? She -By all means. She is a bril- liant conversationalist. Moat Conspicuous Vault. The lightning bug is brilliant, But he hasn't any mind; He blunders through existence With his headlight on behind. Side Light on the Same. Upgardson-What a tiresome bore history is! Atom -Yes; it is always repeating Itself. Her Feminine f'l'ay, It often haps that what you've worked And prayed for day by day - Of her own whim, when fortune wills, She throws right in your way The Kinship. 'silty is akin to love." "Only, a poor relation, thought" 4. This World. It's up and down the world each day, , Where love would still endear us; Just light enough to sec the way And song enough to cheer ust -Atlanta Constitution. Cement and Lime. Parties requiringCement or Lime should give ns a ca. We are selling at a vet•y low price. We keep only first-class brands of cement and lime, and you can always vely on getting a good fresh article lit the WINGHAM CEMENT AND TILE WORKS, F. GUTTERIDGE, Our Beautiful New SPRING GOODS ARE IN. See Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy- ing elsewhere. Also a special line ofpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ing line can be had and satisfaction guar- anteed, at RobtMaxwell High Art Tailor Wingham A, Slit: Prices. Stout Values. Tha Leathn Stu[ Reduced Prices -IN- Ladies' Shirt Waists and Wliitewear. Small ProSts and Quicic Returns We bought too heavy in Ladies' Shirt Waists and Whitewear ; we've sold a lot and still have a good variety to choose from. If values will do it, the undermentioned goods should move out quick. Come early before some of the best things are gone. 39c Ladies' Shirt WaiNts, nicety made, latest style, fast col- .39 ors, Reg. price 50e -Sale price... • 1.1016, AsesaattIMMAPSSIIMINIMI 75C o White Underskirts,Lawide width Cambric em- broidery and dust frill, Rog. price .75 51.00 -Sale price 75c A choice int of White Waists in L' P ' d M men, riots an usims, .75 Reg, value $1.00 -Sale price Memiommemeo 25C 1 dCorset Covers, good quality Cotton, nice trimmings, .25 Reg. value 35c -on Sale at 25c Two doz. Ladies' Fine Cambric Drawers, nicely trimmed, 25 good value at 35c -Sale price 411.1.1011111.11.1.11M11•011••••••••.1 Vpaelsonransimminommenaeno. 75c A line of Ladies' Wrappers, fast colors, well made, reg. value .75 $1.00 -Sale price.. 35c Ladies' White Sailor hats with black or white bands, Reg. .35 value 50e -to Clear $1.50 Extra special, ladies' Rim Shirt Waists, white or colored, in - section trimming, Reg. value 1.50 $2.00 --Sale price corommeogasemaamearnsoonornagonssontnamossonsoks 25c Summer Corsets, all sizes, strog, Regular value 35o - Salo price 7Sc 2 doz. Ladies' Night Gowns, .full wide skirt, tucked, nicely 75 made, Reg. price 51.00 -to Clear... 50e One doz. Shirt Waists, assorted patterns, fast colors, well made.5. Regular price 75o -to Clear 19C3 doz. Corset Covers, fine Cam- bric, nicely made and trimm- ed, Reg. valuo 25c -Sale price $1.00A special line of Shirt Waists, white or colored, now 100 style, good value at1.25-Sale....• $l 25 Ladies' Fine Shirt Waists in . Linen, Lawn and Chani. 1,25 brays, Reg. $1.50 --your Choice.,, $100 1 doz. Ladies' Black Parasols, • with steel rod, nice batt- 1.00 dies, Reg. price 51,25 -Salo price. $1.00 15 pairs Ladies' Chocolate Don- gola Shoes, turn sole, 1000 good value $1.25 -to Clear $1.00Three dozen Ladies' ilne white t'ambrie Skirts, with deep frill, tucked, wide trimming, reg- 1,00 alar value $1.25 -Sale price 5 dos, extra fine ribbed Cash - 25c mere Hose, seamless, fast .25 black, good value at 35e -Sale .......,....-... z,.,. ,t .1...111 1,,• H. E. Isard & Co. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Vinegar 'T'ime. The time of Salads aucl Greens and making Pickles is now drawing near. You will require a stock of Vinegar. We have all the different kinds XXX Vinegar Proof Vinegar Guaranteed equal strength and mellow with ripeness. The strongest made. It tests absolutely pure. Grape Vinegar Made from juice of. the grape warranted free from acids. Cider Vinegar ar The olcl reliable, nothing better for making pickles or tattle use °Lifi at Griffin's Great Dissolution Sale Continued Stock must be reduced in 60 Days. We offer our entire stork of Tweeds, Worsteds, Gents' Furnishings, Boots Shoes Actually at Cost and in tetany neatly cases below cost. Now if it is Bargains you are looking for, do not fail to take advantage of this great sale. Everything goes, even to our toots. Remember this i5 no Fake. It is a Genuine Sale. .otmath San.