HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-07-17, Page 5July i 1, 1902 $',..„,., I ,,� 'I ; �' i " ,,...,.. ,:..,„ �� e t ,/ ig 120 /' ji' C ,�a y.. =_----• �' � T_•° jr:. ;, 11, ,� , ►, VA 13 lays a ore will End .,E 3'' SS}1.0Y 1 ",. f iy A t, i �- Great Cut Price clot:J/1g sale per cent Discount off all Tailored Clothing till August 1st. We have still a large assortment of Men'.s Suits, Youths' Suits and Boys' two and three piece Suits on hand to choose from at 20 cents on the dollar less than ever offered before. No goods marked up, no goods marked down ; plain figures to look at. Men's and Youths' all -wool Serge Suits, sizes 36 to 44, regular $8.00, sale $6.40 Men's and Youth's Tweed Suits, regular $7.75, sale 6.15 A nice range of Boys' Snits, sizes 22 to 28, two pieces 1.95 21 pairs Moleskin Overalls, all sizes, regular price $1.00, sale .79 Men's Black Rubber Coats with cape, regular $2,50, sale $1.75...x;, 1.75 Men's Grey Rubber Coats, velvet collar, sizes 36 to 48, regular $6.00, sale.$3.50 • 3,50 24 pairs Men's Pants, all sizes, regular $1,30 a pair, sale 1,00 Gents' Furnishing Dept. Salem Shirt Waists for Alen, 3 colorings, all sizes, $1.25 to .$1.75 Salem Shirts, latest colorings, pleated fronts, soft fronts or hard bosoms, at $1.00, $1.25 to....,. 2.00 i i1 Special Purchase of Men's Shirts. -72 only i! Men's colored Shirts, soft and hard bosoms, ;. . sizes 14 to 163, regular 75c goods, sale price .50 SAL1Iw Balbriggan Underwear for Men, 20e, 25c, 35c.50 1 Silk Underwear for Men. -31 suits Men's Silk Underwear to clear per Suit Men's Working Shirts, all sizes, in Moleskin, Blue Duck, Oxford Shirting, etc, regular cot each, sale Hats! Hats ! Hats I—Hard and Soft Felt Hats, all sizes, 45c to ' Straw Hats at a Big Reduction. ‘1.41...5 - each 5 - I jrU‘ 1 'T /- .85 .45 3.00 We pay xtc for Roll Butter; x8c for Tub Butter ; roc for Eggs. The R. EL C Butterand EggsColin Campbell's Co® Old Stand, Wingham A. DULMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT, C"ONVEYANCINC. MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. doors north of Dr. Chishoims surgery. Residence -Catherine St. E A of when lection precious artistic Chains pendants. and elegant Red Deer - � m t't F . < �t „ = , ,3`n� ' .-, /i/ � j ti',� l�i"r V,l Ir � KT, t ;�`1 , ,� *tf' �. r, Jf ; t;.Ml Or!' , rii»yds i N\�rl� "' -. � �, J ;1 .: r rO'OFFICE.-Two ` ,Y+ 11 r2� , , �) 1916, f T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LQAN ,AGENT. GONVEYANCINC Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. p ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE. -Over D. M. Gordon's store. Residence :Leopold street. %r "P, 9/lc.Ri Midsummer Dream jeweled lovliness becomes you look through of Summer novelties stones and pearls settings of the and necklaces. Rings and -bracelets. buttons in the latest styles. HI f hi 0 Corner Jewelry Night's . a reality our elegant col in diamonds, in the most goldsmith's art. Brooches and Pins and most , 1 holm Store J. .A.. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :-Morton Block, Wingham MISS DELIA SPARLING A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- inatione. E.. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. , VIOLIN MISS Of London be prepared limited number on Violin and Residence Wingham. AND GUITAR. MOORE of Music, will to receive a for instruction C. 'Church, • VIII MIIIIIIIIiII4IIt TMIIIIIi Sr: ;,, ,M S; _ irt d i s&tst , This is the season for - Mb SORETIRED AND ass= i di* FEET. a;: CARRIE Conservatory after Oct. 1st of pupils Guitar. -opposite R. PIANO MISS SARA And member of Ontario, sd number Piano and Special attention paring for Wingham. ' AND TIIEORY. L.C,M. Musicians receive a limit- instruction onSWEATY to pupils pro- R. 0, Church, LOUISE MOORE, ofthe Associated is prepared to of pupils for in Theory; given olramillations.....41Residence-opposite the w ==' = r.:,-,. z = . If you don't ° have D r them, wish use P a ° to .. VOID ...... LiPS Abner Cosens PIRA Loan and Insurance Agent harm Loans at lowest rates of interest, Office--cornerMINQHe and Patrick Sts., ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS '-"�°"� "� -- - _.. .... �"-�`-.`^" ' For Sale by , ..."" o ' .w - ...,.,,. ��ll (� ws G���� �s Campbell :ZZI w , r,„1.. ..N THE DRUGGIST 11tti11t1ilti ltii tis itxtitI . Gook's Cotton Root Compound ,, " Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladide.Safe, effectual, Ladiesask l+our druggist for Cookli Conon 1toot Lock Pound, akoncother, asallriixtures,pillsand imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, gl per box NO, 2,10 degrees stronger,s3 per box. Flo. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two e.eent stamps, The Ceek Compatoy Windsor Ont. reOiepr s bin Dragaheeld an d anadil.aeitded Windsor, all R. AA iiougal.fttass,N 0. A. Campbell, J 1;gDav' tad A. L. Tramiiton. DatTOOrrrra. THE WINGIIAIII ADVANCE.. "About a year ago my hair was corning out very fast, so I bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It stopped the falling and made my hair grow very rapidly, until now it is 45 inches in length." -Mrs. A. Boydston, Atchison, Kans. There's another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for instance. Hungry hair needs food, needs hair vigor—Ayer's. This is why we say that Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heavy. moo s bottle. All druggists. Ii your druggtat cannot supply you send us ono dollar and wo will oxprese you a bottle, Be sure and Ivo the name of your nearest express oce, Address, J° C. A ER C0., Lowe11, Mass. Money to loan on notes, and notes discounted at reasonable rates, Money advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collect- ed. Office -Beaver block, Wingham. ROBT. MOINDOO. *980, RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM7f TRAINS LEAVE FOR Palmerston -0:53 a.m...9.00 a, nt...3:05 p. m. London 6.50 a. ni...3:10 p. m, ICincardino,11:10 a. m..1:10 p. nt,. 8:38 p. m, ARRIVE PROM Kineardine,0:53 a. m...8:55 a. m.,..3:10p. m. London 11:10 a. m, -7:55 p. m. Palmerston 1.10 p. m,.. 8:38 p. m M. C. DICICSON,iAgent, Wingharn, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, TRAINS LEAVE FOR Toronto and East 6.57 a, m,.. 3:53 p. m. Teeswater 1'17 p. tn,..10:43 p. m. ARRIVE FROM Teeswator...6:57 a. m...3:53 p, m. Toronto and East 1.17 p. m...10:43 p. m. J. 11. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham The Lake Erie Navigation Co,, Ltd. Str. "URANIA." The Short Route to Cleveland, Ohio, One way from Wingham, $4.So. Return, $7.25. Boat leaves Pt. Stanley every Tuesday and Thursday at 11.00 p.m. Saturdays at 11.00 a.m. Tickets on sale at all local ticket offices. For further information write, WM. WOOLLATT, T. MARSHALL, Manager. Gen'1 Pass. Agt. Walkervillo, Ont. 1 i�(( {�(''��iY� ��(( "RAIL Ali R� 1Ji' O'1J1�rti`, Q .M; Vacation Trips Muskoka Lakes Lake Nipissinss Kawartha Lakes Mn•gnetewan River Lake of Bays 1000 Islands Georgian Bay Portland, Me. Orillia Old Orchard . St. Stephen's. N.B.' St. John, N.B. Best service. Splendid. equipment. Vestibule coaches. Parlor, Cafe Parlor and Pullman sleeping cars on principal trains. New Muskoka Service. Train leaves Wingham at 3.05 p. m„ con- necting at Toronto with train for Muskoka Wharf and North Bay. Pullman Blooper to Muskoka. Wharf connecting for all points on lakes. Also carries Pullman Sleeper to North Bay. The Eastern Flyer leaving Toronto at 10.30 p.m., carries sleeper for ICingston Wharf, eon netting with boat for 1000 Islands trip Tickets. folders and all information from Agents Grand Trtiuk, J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Our Beautiful New SPRING GOODS ARE IN. ee Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy= Ingo elsewhere. Also a special line fpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ng line can be had nd satisfaction gnar- bIltCCd, at Robt, Maxweil igh Art Tailor w Ingham BIRTH OF AN ICEBERG. The Dramatic Experience of 'J'wo Antarctic kxploregs. Mr. 0, E. Borchgrevink, commander of the antarctic expedition of 1808, nearly lost his life by au aeeldeut of a nature so peculiar that 1t Is probable no other man could duplicate the ex- perience. At the foot of Mount Terror in February, 1900, he landed from his ship with Captain Jensen and three other men. Then, wishing to take a picture of the shore, he sent his boat back to the vessel to get a camera, and he and Captain Jensen were left alone on the rough beach. Before the boat returned a strange and awful thing happened. Mr. Borchgrevink told the story in the Outlook: ° A roar and a rush, with tremendous explosions, shook the beach. The thought came to us that the perpendic- ular rocks above us were falling. Then we realized what was taking place. The mighty glacier immediately to the west of us was giving birth to an ice- berg. Millions of tons of ice plunged into the ocean. Wo could see nothing be- yond an immense cloud of rolling snow. The water rose from the plunge of this antarctic monarch. I sang out to Jensen, "Now we shall have to face the waver" We rushed to the highest point of our limited beach, four feet above the sea. We saw advancing on us a dark green ridge with a white crest. I called to Jensen to struggle for dear life. Wo clutched the uueyG,i rocks, with our backs toward the advancing water. Al- though it could not have taken more than seven minutes the time seemed Iong before the water closed over our heads. Pleating upward, scrambling upon the rocks, I tore the nails from my flesh in my endeavor to keep from be- ing dragged out. After the second wave we again felt the reeks under our feet. At the place where Jensen 'and I first stood the rock was wet twenty feet above our heads. It was somewhat lower when it struck us. Where the wave had struck with full force the face of the rock had been altered, and rocks were still failing when the three men in the boat found us, bleeding and torn. Two facts load saved us. To our right a small peninsula of ice protruded some five feet from the rock, and the rock itself bent toward the west. Prom the moment it.;struck the curve of the mountain rock to the west of us the wave took a course more easterly than where Jensen and I stood. APHORISMS. When in doubt, tell the truth, -Sam- uel Clemens. ' What makes life dreary is want of motive, -George Eliot. A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market. -Charles Lamb. He is a wise man who wastes no en- ergy on pursuits for which he is not fitted. -Gladstone. If you will be cherished when you are old, be courteous when you aro young. -John Lyly. If you would hit the target, aim a little above it. Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth. -Longfel- low. There Is nothing so powerful as ex- ample. We put others straight by walking straight ourselves. - Mme. Swetchine. Have a purpose in life, and having it throw such strength of mind and mus- cle into your work as God has given you. -Carlyle. Formerly we were guided by the wis- dom of our ancestors. Now we aro hurried along by the wisdom of our de- scendants. Faith. A mother in one of the suburbs of New York, wishing to prepare the minds of her two children for a coming event of great importance, told them that if they would like to have a little brother or sister she thought if they prayed earnestly every night and morn- ing God would send them one. In due time the desired baby arrived, to the children's great delight -and evi- dently to the strengthening of their faith, for the next day the father came Into his wife's room, saying: "Look here, Lizzie, this thing has got to stop. I just went Into the parlor and found both those children on their knees praying bard as they could forg oats! IA.iry Persiflage at Sen. The ship groaned. But the giddy young thing who was talking to the captain was a good sail- or and didn't mind a bit of rough weather. "Doesn't it seem unneeessaii,ily cruel, captain," she said, "to box a com- pass?" "Not any more so, miss," he replied grimly, "than to paddle a canoe." And the ship gr'oauLd some more: Tho Lacking Stroke. "Do you think it would improve my style?" inquired the varsity men who had got into the crew .through favor- itism, "If I were to acquire a faster Stroke?" "It would improve the crew," replied the candid trainer, "if you got a para- lytic stroke." Too high. "IIe has such high ideals!" she told her father. "Yes," said the old gentleman, "that's the trouble. Why couldn't you have been Satisfied with a less expen- sive husband?" If you are of a more grateful dispost- tion than your neighbor, don't take credit to' yourself. It may be that you are elder, -Atchison Globes .— Does Your Baby Cry at Night ? If ,so, it is well to know the great value of Polsoli's Norvilino, a household remedy for stomach pains, cramps, tooth - nobs), sick headache, and the manifold ills peculiar to ohildren. A few,, lrops Of Norvilino in sweetened water` makes a pleasant drink and never fails to quickly relieve, Nerviline is as good as the doctor in emergencies and costs only 25o a bottle. Get Netviline from your druggist to -day. Dr, Hamilton's Mandrake Pills for headache, Brussels. Stretton Bros. have sold the Queens hotel to Jos. Queriu of Ethel, giving possession next week,. L. McDonald of Walton continuos .the lumber shipping to Wingham, four cars being loaded here this week. Tuesday a. block of cement walk near the town hall got its bank up and went to pieces with a loud report. Monday was civic holiday and a very quint day it was. The exoursion to Ber- lin to see the foot -ball attracted 123 of our citizens. This week Richard Williams sold the stage outfit, used on the Brussels -Sea - forth route, and the good -will of the mail and express contracts on same line, to Edward Lowry, Mill street, Brussels. The transfer will bo made at the close of the month. There is probably no better stabling or a up-to-date accommodation in Huron county than at the Central hotel. The building is brick, GO x 100 feet, with ce- ment flooring throughout and proper drainage, corrugated metalio roof, eave- troughing, etc., and stabling for fifty horses. Knowing of the expected removal of Antony Sample from Brussels to the "Soo," the football boys assembled on Tuesday evening and presented him with a line dressing -case, accompanied by a kindly worded address. James McCraoken and family have moved to Goderich, where they will re- side in future. -Wiarton ratepayers defeated the by-law to raise $10,000 to improve and extend the waterworks system. -At Dawson City on June 21st the sun rose at 1.47 in the morning and set at 10.13 in the evening, giving over 20 hours of sunshine with the remaining hours of the twenty-four very little dimmer. Walkerton, Ont., July 12. - Robert Johnston, a prominent farnier living near here, was killed by falling from a beam (a distance of 20 feet) to the floor of the barn. He was 63 years old. -The Palmerston Spectator gives the following item: Four pigs, the property of Mrs. Mark Eaves, were sold at the packing house last week, which at an age of 434 months aggregated 740 lbs. in weight, one of them going over 200. Mr. James Fotheringham of the 12th of Maryborough, has a litter of 18 pigs, 17 of which are doing well at 10 days old. Nerve Wracked and Insomnious. Everything goes wrong, head feels heavy and dull, mind 1s filled with strange forebodins, stomach is out of kilter. You need a.good tonin like Fer- rezone to bring back your lost appetite and digestion, and cleanse the blood of all impurities. Ferrozone is a wonderful invigorant and strengthener that will banish gloomy depression and quickly restore you to a healthy, vigorous con- dition of mind and body. Nothing is so good for the sick, weary and debilitated as Ferrozone. Price 50c. per box, at druggists or Polson & Co., Kingston. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills cure Con- stipation, TEACHER WANTED For U. S. S. No. 8, Turnberry and Morris (Junction school) for remainder of teaching year of 1902. Apply, stat- ing salary and qualification, to W. J. HENDERSON, Wingham P. O. Notice of Closing. We, the undersigned lawyers agree to close our offices during the months of July and August as follows --on Saturdays at 2 p. m. and on other days at 4 p. m. J. A. Morton DIckinson C Holmes 11. Ironstone Holmes, Clark & Holmes TENDERS WANTED. Tender's will be received by the undersigned up to six o'clock p.m., on the 25th day of July next, for tine supply of material and the ere°. tion of Cement 13oundation Walls, and laying a Cement Floor below the barn at the Presby- terian Manse, Ill.tevalc. The work to be com- pleted by October lst, 1002. The barn can be seen, and all information required can bo got from Rev. W. J. West on the premises. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN BURGESS, Bluovalc, Juno 30/02. Secy. of Cont. FARM FOR SALE. Tliat well improved farm, Lot 10, Con 1, Turnbcrry, ]s offered for sale. It is 1} miles from the main street of Wingham : 58.1 acres ; frame barn 40x00, stone stabling; brick house; two good wells • good orchard; runningstream at the back of the lot; thus making a esirable home, convenient to church, school and mar- kot. Or 50 acres with the principal improvo- monts will bo sold separately. Terms reason- able. Apply to JOHN C"ASHMOlRE 44-t,f, Wingham Junction FARM FOR SALE. South half of lot 38, con. 12, East 'vVa,vanosh, 100 acres ; 65 cleared and under grass, in good cultivation; bal- ance in black ash and cedar ; frame house, fair outbuildings. Price and terms reasonable, HENRY T. PERDUE, •21tf. Wingham Cement Building. Any person requiring anything in the Cement building line, suieh as Side- walks, Cisterns, Silos, Foundations or Floors, should get my prices, Work guaranteed, Call at residence, Leo- pold St,, Wingharn. CIIAS. 13ARI3ER,' Cement and Lime. Parties requirin Consent or Lime should give us a call. We erre selling at a very low priee. We keel only first-class brands of cement and. lime, and you can always rely onetting a (rood fresh article at the �VING1TAM CEMENT AND TILE W0iu(13. F. Gt.1TTERrGI mmimamimm Slim Prices. (�Store Small Profits Stout Values, Tliej���" returns returns Clearing Sale sielboas 0 SUMMER GOODS AT H. E. Isard Co's. July brings us to the time of year when all Summer Goods must be cleared out regardless of price, and to make a speedy clearance of all lines we have cut the price away down so as to sell out every dollars' worth and carry noth- ing over. Please read our list of reduced prices: Fancy figured Muslins, fast colors. new patterns, regular value 150 .10 -clearing price 5 pieces White Check and Striped Swiss Muslin, regular value l0c .8 to clear at.. One piece white Pique, wide. with red polks dot, regular value 15c .10 -clearing price mos CORSET COVERS -nicely made and trimmed with embroidery, good .25 value at 35c -they go at Ladies' White Cotton Drawers, nicely made and trimnted,good quality 25 cotton, reg. price 35c, on sale at 3 pieces Fancy Striped and Figured Muslins, in the new colors, good washers, regular°price 20c, to clear at LADIES' LINEN WAISTS -nicely tucked and trimmed with lace in- sertion, regular value 31.50, to clear at 1.25 ONE DOZ. PARASOLS -with steel rod and nice Ivory handles, Fast Black co'rerings, reg. talo) 1.00 $1.25 -clearing price LADIES' WHITE UNDEIISKIRTS- siies 38, 40, 42, with 14 inch muslin frill, nicely trimmed with insertion and embroidery, dust frill, reg. 1nn 00 price $1,25 -to clear at......... 5 pieces Fancy Striped Chambrayfask colors wide good value at 20c, to .15 clear at Ladies' Gingham and Chantbrie Waists trimmed with lace insertion, regular value 31.25 to 31.50, they go 1.00 at Ladies' White Chambric Night Gowns, nicely made and trimmed, full leng�c wide skirt good value at 31.00. .i55 Sale price Ladies' White Straw Sailor Hats, latest style, black or white silk bands, regu- lar peiice 05e to 750. Your .50 choi DDMINIMIDOMMON LADIES' OXFORD SHOES - in tan or black new styles, good 1.00 value at 31 25, to clear at..... Good Stmtmer Corsets 25o : fine fast black Cotton Hose, 100 ; Ladies'Vests, 5c; Check Ginghams, 5c • Wrappers, 756 ; Underskirts, 75c ; Corsets .15 Covers H. E. I sarcl & Co. Opp, Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce %®om AnntErmwassmonammasimm Somakm S eda\. In IkocicknOxamVan 7M - See our prices sot 7�n in Bowls. 4c, 5c, Go, 7c, 10c Bowls. Pitchers. We have them in all sizes. 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c and 25c Tea Pots. Any person relluirilg a Tea Pot, kindly note our prices -10c, 12c, 15c, 20c and 25c. at Griffin's WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD WE ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE The Wingham Trading Co., Limited Noted for Selling the best goods for the least money of any house in this or any other town in the county of Huron. Our Black Serges are pronounced by customers to be the best value they have seen Our 8 and to cent Dress and Waist Muslins are wonderful values too doz. Ladies' and Children's Hose—a nice seamless Hose at to cts. a pair 5 cents will buy a pair of Men's seamless Sox at this cheap store.....,250 a yard will buy a nice Table Linen Sale of Carpets, Oilcloths, Lace Curtains, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, in full blast, The Wingham Trading Company Successors to LIMr8Tb T. A. MILLS fi4> e r x WILL RUN Home -Seekers' DAY Excursions TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST AT RETURN FARES. Winnipeg Regina 1 Wasknda Mooselaw J }$30 . Estevan Yorkton ElginArcol""" a qj Pr. Albert} House nonsmnin(J+' Wawanesa Macleod J $35 Calgary Bin,ncarth niniota Red Deer Grand View Swn River Strath- $L0 cone Going JULY" t� he j 15th, returning until SEPTEMBER 16th (all rail or S. S. Al- berta). Tickets are not good on "lin- poria} Limited.' ,1!"or tickets and parr phlet giving full particulars, apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAX, Asst, GenI. Passr, Agent 1 King Street East, Toronto Our Beautiful New SPRING GOODS ARE IN. ee Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy= Ingo elsewhere. Also a special line fpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ng line can be had nd satisfaction gnar- bIltCCd, at Robt, Maxweil igh Art Tailor w Ingham BIRTH OF AN ICEBERG. The Dramatic Experience of 'J'wo Antarctic kxploregs. Mr. 0, E. Borchgrevink, commander of the antarctic expedition of 1808, nearly lost his life by au aeeldeut of a nature so peculiar that 1t Is probable no other man could duplicate the ex- perience. At the foot of Mount Terror in February, 1900, he landed from his ship with Captain Jensen and three other men. Then, wishing to take a picture of the shore, he sent his boat back to the vessel to get a camera, and he and Captain Jensen were left alone on the rough beach. Before the boat returned a strange and awful thing happened. Mr. Borchgrevink told the story in the Outlook: ° A roar and a rush, with tremendous explosions, shook the beach. The thought came to us that the perpendic- ular rocks above us were falling. Then we realized what was taking place. The mighty glacier immediately to the west of us was giving birth to an ice- berg. Millions of tons of ice plunged into the ocean. Wo could see nothing be- yond an immense cloud of rolling snow. The water rose from the plunge of this antarctic monarch. I sang out to Jensen, "Now we shall have to face the waver" We rushed to the highest point of our limited beach, four feet above the sea. We saw advancing on us a dark green ridge with a white crest. I called to Jensen to struggle for dear life. Wo clutched the uueyG,i rocks, with our backs toward the advancing water. Al- though it could not have taken more than seven minutes the time seemed Iong before the water closed over our heads. Pleating upward, scrambling upon the rocks, I tore the nails from my flesh in my endeavor to keep from be- ing dragged out. After the second wave we again felt the reeks under our feet. At the place where Jensen 'and I first stood the rock was wet twenty feet above our heads. It was somewhat lower when it struck us. Where the wave had struck with full force the face of the rock had been altered, and rocks were still failing when the three men in the boat found us, bleeding and torn. Two facts load saved us. To our right a small peninsula of ice protruded some five feet from the rock, and the rock itself bent toward the west. Prom the moment it.;struck the curve of the mountain rock to the west of us the wave took a course more easterly than where Jensen and I stood. APHORISMS. When in doubt, tell the truth, -Sam- uel Clemens. ' What makes life dreary is want of motive, -George Eliot. A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market. -Charles Lamb. He is a wise man who wastes no en- ergy on pursuits for which he is not fitted. -Gladstone. If you will be cherished when you are old, be courteous when you aro young. -John Lyly. If you would hit the target, aim a little above it. Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth. -Longfel- low. There Is nothing so powerful as ex- ample. We put others straight by walking straight ourselves. - Mme. Swetchine. Have a purpose in life, and having it throw such strength of mind and mus- cle into your work as God has given you. -Carlyle. Formerly we were guided by the wis- dom of our ancestors. Now we aro hurried along by the wisdom of our de- scendants. Faith. A mother in one of the suburbs of New York, wishing to prepare the minds of her two children for a coming event of great importance, told them that if they would like to have a little brother or sister she thought if they prayed earnestly every night and morn- ing God would send them one. In due time the desired baby arrived, to the children's great delight -and evi- dently to the strengthening of their faith, for the next day the father came Into his wife's room, saying: "Look here, Lizzie, this thing has got to stop. I just went Into the parlor and found both those children on their knees praying bard as they could forg oats! IA.iry Persiflage at Sen. The ship groaned. But the giddy young thing who was talking to the captain was a good sail- or and didn't mind a bit of rough weather. "Doesn't it seem unneeessaii,ily cruel, captain," she said, "to box a com- pass?" "Not any more so, miss," he replied grimly, "than to paddle a canoe." And the ship gr'oauLd some more: Tho Lacking Stroke. "Do you think it would improve my style?" inquired the varsity men who had got into the crew .through favor- itism, "If I were to acquire a faster Stroke?" "It would improve the crew," replied the candid trainer, "if you got a para- lytic stroke." Too high. "IIe has such high ideals!" she told her father. "Yes," said the old gentleman, "that's the trouble. Why couldn't you have been Satisfied with a less expen- sive husband?" If you are of a more grateful dispost- tion than your neighbor, don't take credit to' yourself. It may be that you are elder, -Atchison Globes .— Does Your Baby Cry at Night ? If ,so, it is well to know the great value of Polsoli's Norvilino, a household remedy for stomach pains, cramps, tooth - nobs), sick headache, and the manifold ills peculiar to ohildren. A few,, lrops Of Norvilino in sweetened water` makes a pleasant drink and never fails to quickly relieve, Nerviline is as good as the doctor in emergencies and costs only 25o a bottle. Get Netviline from your druggist to -day. Dr, Hamilton's Mandrake Pills for headache, Brussels. Stretton Bros. have sold the Queens hotel to Jos. Queriu of Ethel, giving possession next week,. L. McDonald of Walton continuos .the lumber shipping to Wingham, four cars being loaded here this week. Tuesday a. block of cement walk near the town hall got its bank up and went to pieces with a loud report. Monday was civic holiday and a very quint day it was. The exoursion to Ber- lin to see the foot -ball attracted 123 of our citizens. This week Richard Williams sold the stage outfit, used on the Brussels -Sea - forth route, and the good -will of the mail and express contracts on same line, to Edward Lowry, Mill street, Brussels. The transfer will bo made at the close of the month. There is probably no better stabling or a up-to-date accommodation in Huron county than at the Central hotel. The building is brick, GO x 100 feet, with ce- ment flooring throughout and proper drainage, corrugated metalio roof, eave- troughing, etc., and stabling for fifty horses. Knowing of the expected removal of Antony Sample from Brussels to the "Soo," the football boys assembled on Tuesday evening and presented him with a line dressing -case, accompanied by a kindly worded address. James McCraoken and family have moved to Goderich, where they will re- side in future. -Wiarton ratepayers defeated the by-law to raise $10,000 to improve and extend the waterworks system. -At Dawson City on June 21st the sun rose at 1.47 in the morning and set at 10.13 in the evening, giving over 20 hours of sunshine with the remaining hours of the twenty-four very little dimmer. Walkerton, Ont., July 12. - Robert Johnston, a prominent farnier living near here, was killed by falling from a beam (a distance of 20 feet) to the floor of the barn. He was 63 years old. -The Palmerston Spectator gives the following item: Four pigs, the property of Mrs. Mark Eaves, were sold at the packing house last week, which at an age of 434 months aggregated 740 lbs. in weight, one of them going over 200. Mr. James Fotheringham of the 12th of Maryborough, has a litter of 18 pigs, 17 of which are doing well at 10 days old. Nerve Wracked and Insomnious. Everything goes wrong, head feels heavy and dull, mind 1s filled with strange forebodins, stomach is out of kilter. You need a.good tonin like Fer- rezone to bring back your lost appetite and digestion, and cleanse the blood of all impurities. Ferrozone is a wonderful invigorant and strengthener that will banish gloomy depression and quickly restore you to a healthy, vigorous con- dition of mind and body. Nothing is so good for the sick, weary and debilitated as Ferrozone. Price 50c. per box, at druggists or Polson & Co., Kingston. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills cure Con- stipation, TEACHER WANTED For U. S. S. No. 8, Turnberry and Morris (Junction school) for remainder of teaching year of 1902. Apply, stat- ing salary and qualification, to W. J. HENDERSON, Wingham P. O. Notice of Closing. We, the undersigned lawyers agree to close our offices during the months of July and August as follows --on Saturdays at 2 p. m. and on other days at 4 p. m. J. A. Morton DIckinson C Holmes 11. Ironstone Holmes, Clark & Holmes TENDERS WANTED. Tender's will be received by the undersigned up to six o'clock p.m., on the 25th day of July next, for tine supply of material and the ere°. tion of Cement 13oundation Walls, and laying a Cement Floor below the barn at the Presby- terian Manse, Ill.tevalc. The work to be com- pleted by October lst, 1002. The barn can be seen, and all information required can bo got from Rev. W. J. West on the premises. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN BURGESS, Bluovalc, Juno 30/02. Secy. of Cont. FARM FOR SALE. Tliat well improved farm, Lot 10, Con 1, Turnbcrry, ]s offered for sale. It is 1} miles from the main street of Wingham : 58.1 acres ; frame barn 40x00, stone stabling; brick house; two good wells • good orchard; runningstream at the back of the lot; thus making a esirable home, convenient to church, school and mar- kot. Or 50 acres with the principal improvo- monts will bo sold separately. Terms reason- able. Apply to JOHN C"ASHMOlRE 44-t,f, Wingham Junction FARM FOR SALE. South half of lot 38, con. 12, East 'vVa,vanosh, 100 acres ; 65 cleared and under grass, in good cultivation; bal- ance in black ash and cedar ; frame house, fair outbuildings. Price and terms reasonable, HENRY T. PERDUE, •21tf. Wingham Cement Building. Any person requiring anything in the Cement building line, suieh as Side- walks, Cisterns, Silos, Foundations or Floors, should get my prices, Work guaranteed, Call at residence, Leo- pold St,, Wingharn. CIIAS. 13ARI3ER,' Cement and Lime. Parties requirin Consent or Lime should give us a call. We erre selling at a very low priee. We keel only first-class brands of cement and. lime, and you can always rely onetting a (rood fresh article at the �VING1TAM CEMENT AND TILE W0iu(13. F. Gt.1TTERrGI mmimamimm Slim Prices. (�Store Small Profits Stout Values, Tliej���" returns returns Clearing Sale sielboas 0 SUMMER GOODS AT H. E. Isard Co's. July brings us to the time of year when all Summer Goods must be cleared out regardless of price, and to make a speedy clearance of all lines we have cut the price away down so as to sell out every dollars' worth and carry noth- ing over. Please read our list of reduced prices: Fancy figured Muslins, fast colors. new patterns, regular value 150 .10 -clearing price 5 pieces White Check and Striped Swiss Muslin, regular value l0c .8 to clear at.. One piece white Pique, wide. with red polks dot, regular value 15c .10 -clearing price mos CORSET COVERS -nicely made and trimmed with embroidery, good .25 value at 35c -they go at Ladies' White Cotton Drawers, nicely made and trimnted,good quality 25 cotton, reg. price 35c, on sale at 3 pieces Fancy Striped and Figured Muslins, in the new colors, good washers, regular°price 20c, to clear at LADIES' LINEN WAISTS -nicely tucked and trimmed with lace in- sertion, regular value 31.50, to clear at 1.25 ONE DOZ. PARASOLS -with steel rod and nice Ivory handles, Fast Black co'rerings, reg. talo) 1.00 $1.25 -clearing price LADIES' WHITE UNDEIISKIRTS- siies 38, 40, 42, with 14 inch muslin frill, nicely trimmed with insertion and embroidery, dust frill, reg. 1nn 00 price $1,25 -to clear at......... 5 pieces Fancy Striped Chambrayfask colors wide good value at 20c, to .15 clear at Ladies' Gingham and Chantbrie Waists trimmed with lace insertion, regular value 31.25 to 31.50, they go 1.00 at Ladies' White Chambric Night Gowns, nicely made and trimmed, full leng�c wide skirt good value at 31.00. .i55 Sale price Ladies' White Straw Sailor Hats, latest style, black or white silk bands, regu- lar peiice 05e to 750. Your .50 choi DDMINIMIDOMMON LADIES' OXFORD SHOES - in tan or black new styles, good 1.00 value at 31 25, to clear at..... Good Stmtmer Corsets 25o : fine fast black Cotton Hose, 100 ; Ladies'Vests, 5c; Check Ginghams, 5c • Wrappers, 756 ; Underskirts, 75c ; Corsets .15 Covers H. E. I sarcl & Co. Opp, Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce %®om AnntErmwassmonammasimm Somakm S eda\. In IkocicknOxamVan 7M - See our prices sot 7�n in Bowls. 4c, 5c, Go, 7c, 10c Bowls. Pitchers. We have them in all sizes. 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c and 25c Tea Pots. Any person relluirilg a Tea Pot, kindly note our prices -10c, 12c, 15c, 20c and 25c. at Griffin's WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD WE ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE The Wingham Trading Co., Limited Noted for Selling the best goods for the least money of any house in this or any other town in the county of Huron. Our Black Serges are pronounced by customers to be the best value they have seen Our 8 and to cent Dress and Waist Muslins are wonderful values too doz. Ladies' and Children's Hose—a nice seamless Hose at to cts. a pair 5 cents will buy a pair of Men's seamless Sox at this cheap store.....,250 a yard will buy a nice Table Linen Sale of Carpets, Oilcloths, Lace Curtains, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, in full blast, The Wingham Trading Company Successors to LIMr8Tb T. A. MILLS