The Wingham Advance, 1902-07-17, Page 3•
Story of a Girl Saved by a
Newspaper Article.
alio Suffered from Headaches, DIzzl-
rud Night Sweets—.Her !'riouds
'Feared She Was Going Into
> „al,Le ee.ta iealteilleatet et Nape, a dare Ltuo Millard, has s-,1
r� t�*r Ya.siUonable touch of green $n its
1 1 f the
s e e'.4! Xe -t a►e:
the green
., ;e .eeirAteRRIZe
r,e�r..+�\r trimming,a vivid fatale, In striking N A
Ta TIREe contrast to the mater u o e
A Page for the Fair Sex gown, The (skirt le many gored, end
at thrift of the seams Is a piping oe
emn silk the merest sur6 ee-
tion of it, A narrow turn -over col -
Fashion Hints and Gossip ---Reading for the t ..... and 1 alas wands on the cuffs and a
narrow Stitched
itc,1 led belt,
with smart L
little l,ottillllon tabs of tbe brigitt-
Fit°eaide---Mat�et's of Etiquette Discussed. ; colored n11k, complete the trimming.d. ., :+°' R '"^tees"•'°'• Alread
..nro'r'''f11!- "i"w'"llr'#i'ior t'TP'it<'t"t7i"-or-ti>t"'..o1`"-oev'C ±l'f -or-or-i'f° err'.a,'3°"'ir-or'Al"en-w °,.,iv tori k -;'•w.
Fro L'Av. ntr St. Jerome, Glue.) The peculiarity of the dress of the HOME, NUItSiNG. laC1,maklrig rt rather dressy suits
1 rn e r 1 Is its fitness. vent Can bind them with braid.
>-toalate n .>u an
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c) u by„
'ho t s a 6
bl ae. ynblicatioa, entitled "II me i�ur� 1hg.
who bless Dr. Willlanee Pink Pills for
safely carryday,ing' them through that ,If it be cloudy alta bast her
most perilous period of their lives cress of English whii>eord made at
when they step from airilhooci into 1,valking lerigtra tai sulllu r e is
;tete broader realm of womanhood, C1es'aefi in a g nl b
;thee is none more enthusiastic than flitted to elle hips and calculated to
o s�,anri a plowing,
Mies Gabrielle Thomas, a young lady It the clouds have 'burst outright
known to most of tido residents of St. she wears a kite Ile serge in one of
JeromQ,. Glue„ and greatly esteemed the pew blue grave or In a brown
by till iter aequaintanees. To a re• that will bili mI the weather, and
porter of L'Avenir du Nord, lids if i;ho rain and wind is added a dis-
T;itomas said ; "From the time I was agreeable moistness 0110 18 dressed
fourteen. until I was eighteen years In deep blue brilliantine—that ma -
of age my liealt.h was very bli,d,. I was tectal that witl0,tands everything
very weak; had no appetite and could and Is good the next day.
do no work. at night I perspired In the matter of dressmaking she
greatly and frequently slept but lit-. its an adept and she can tell you
tee. I suffered from headachelt, Biz- how to hang a skirt and can hang
ziness and could scarcely•move about it with tier own !lands, or site can
without becoming breathless, and I go further bolt and make the en -
finally reached a stage when my tire garment, tucking the hips of
friends feared I was going into con- the skirt and putting on the flare
rsutnption. I was under the are of flouncecor otherwise trimming and
doctors, but their treatment did not deorating the gown -until it is Lash
help me. f then tried several ad- . ionable and becoming.
1•Ier -sleeves, wh cit were made in
vertised medicines, but with the same rather seveie style at the begin -
poor results and I had come to think non; of the season, must now have a
I could not get better. One day I lace puff at Oho elbow or one of silk.
read in a ,newspaper the statement Or the sleeves must be ells up ae high
of a yonug girl whose symptoms as the elbow, shaped and lined, and
were almost identical with my own, out of the opening must fall a fan
who was cured by the use of Dr. of knife -platted sick with a lace rut -
Williams' Pink Pills, I then decided fie over it, Perhaps she may se -
to try this medicine, and have rea- : IEot a Wide fall of fringe.
son to bless the day 1 did so.' I had I Alit changes are carefully watched
only used the (pilin a few weeks when by, the up-to-date women, and the
T began to get better, and in' a con- , result of it is that herdtss is sneVer
ple cif months every symptom of my new and varied, always
Trouble bad disappeared and I was some way from the gown she wore
• as strong and healthy as any girl yesterday. ,
of my age. it have since always en- 1 t aechitig the Styles.
be glad indeed if my experience
joyed the best of health and I shall Tllase charming Viennese notions,
!those little touches which the Vienna
proves helpful to some other suffer- ' women, and they alone, know how to
ing girl."' I give, she can pick up and adapt to
The happiness of health for both herself. From the English also she
,men and women lies in tbe timely. use ' gets a great deal, especially 1n the
of Dr. Williams' Pnik Pills, which acts matter of finish. All the strappings
as a nerve tonic and supply new of the season, the stitchings, the
' blood to enfeebled systems. They new linings and the new ways of out -
have cured many thousands of oases ` ting
osm ellb Trrews h shemie o London. nainty
anaemia, "decline," consumption, laces and their delicate uses. From
pains in the back, neuralgia, ion,depIr- them she learns the trick of tying
dig tl spirits, heart rheumatism,psciatica, at, the chow and polstng it upon the
digestion, epar sciatica, lis. gown and elle also learns how to
Vitus'dance and partial paralysis. make the best and most of °piers
Butovalueltatee shouldeltbe avoided Ie aid how to suit her own style with/
you value your ]health; see that the the tones of the season.
full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Fran Berlin she obtains her head -
for Pale Pedpio'( le on every box, Sold ' tugs and all her intricate fringes'.
by all dealers or sent post paid at 50 Put. when it comes to outing gowns
Bente a box or six boxes for $2.50 she goes bank to London and from
by addressing the Dr, Williams' Medi- the English and the Scotch she picks
eine Co., Brockville, Ont, up her ideas. Those queer mixed Irish
• auitings with a smear of red across
• • A t)iference, thein and a twinkle of blue in them,
A college paper has a squib be tele with a little black to give them
effect : A professor losing patience background, are her selection, and
with a dull but stalwart student ex- you see her in these mixed heather
olaime, "The appearance you make in colored tweeds out upon the golf
'this room, Mr. --, does more credit nuke or climbing the mountain high
(to your feeding tlhatn to your instruee in search of flowers and fun.
done” The well satisfied youth replies, I Skirts to the tops of the shoes
"Ah, yes. You see, sir, you -Instruct were once quite unpardonable and
me ,but I feed myeel(." A friend' wholly unmentionable. But now
• suggests that this retort is hardly they are not even worthy a blush.
as clever as the unpremeditated one Tho Outing Sktrt.
Wade by a fat dark' when 1110 em- , he walking or the pedestrian
ployer tried. to make him dress a tit-' skirt ie now the favorite skirt for
Itle better. "Loole here, Una, why the summer executions of all kinds, It
edt(okens can't you spend a little more is worn on every occasion when
on your back and lees on your atom- the swteep skirt could not be tole
aedi?" "Well, ash, it's Just die -a -way. er teed, and it ie tete skirt of this
My back gives credit and my belly particular mantle
doesn'•t. And dat's a fack." Modistes will dlffter as to the pro -
The object of the hotels is to give
practical instructions how to take
caret of 'tile sick ,lily the inexperienced.
I•, •training schools fors nurses, nl
etruetions are of Gourde. given
anntters of this kind, but h any
woman ask herself, Could I give a
bath, to a person in bed without
wetting tete clothing, or change the
under sheet while tl': bell was occu-
pied ?" • and elle will ensile at tate
seeming impossibility ; yet when elm
is diol n, she will wonder why site
did not discover the right way her-
In tide little book practical instruc-
tions are given for the performance
of all necessary offices- I,ertaiulug to
the seek. The knowledge of any of
them le not token for granted, and
the writer ,has tried to do it in such
a plain, simple manner that no one
need mistake the easiest way.
A sample cep of this valuable book
case be had upon application to the
publishers, Davie & Lawrence Ca., 64
Grand street, New York City, enclos-
ing to them aa. in stamps or coin
to pay the expense of mailing and
stating the name of this paper.
that is tight at the shoulder and
tight at the clbcsw'. The wrist 1s a
mere band of stiffened silk. But
Just below the wrist there is a big
!tam -shaped bag of silk which makes
an Immenlee puff, larger at the back
than at the front.
There is now the leg -o' -mutton
The New Tork•Oentral a great Lire
There seems 'to be but one opinion
in regard to tete New York Central,
and 'that tet that the large number
OI trains, the fast time, and the fact
tliat the fare to the same as by other
line's (except the Empire State Ex-
presa), should commend It to all.
Hardly Believed His Fars.
, IN. Y. Herald.) skirt needs a practiced iln,nd.
"Papa,' said true sweet girl gradu- ekiri properly planned will es-
ate,p"wasn'tsay commtemcethtentgtern cape tee floor and will set out,
a who tuned ? I had the other swinging clear, whine it will by no
gikt this
t e :" means tench at ably point nor'eling
"And thea is the girl," said papa, to the knees. 11;vactice this cut, ye
' Any, "whose graduating Higher
Standards essay was who want a nice pedestrian skirt,
' An Appeal for •Higher o[ but be fiery careful or your skirt
Thought and J;xpresslon: " will fail you. In Gotham they hate
dres(ma.klers whose specialty is
the cutting out of to know, siker skirt,
and If yeti happena
person, by all mleans cherish her.
It is genierally agreed that the
skirts an pongee and poplin may
be a litttle shorter than the hear -
and cheviot or
per length of tills skirt. luny will
heavier linen anti are trimmed with
braid, as yachting gowns must al-
ways be. But they can be made
quite novel by using the braid in
(ancy fashion. (treat squares ar
followed out in the designs and odd
fancies In tate way of decoration.
Peeked yokes, outlined with bands
of white braid, are seen, and sfeeve
caps are tucked and trimmed wide
braid. Ruffles are set around the
!lands and inside the ruffles are st'It
little bands of braid to look like
of !hie email co•,tunle.-I'4111 and E -
What could lee Bainter than a
dress lin the lovely shade of pearl grey
linen, piped
witlt black a0k ve!set l
cool -looking, For a
gown whittle is to be treated to hard
wear anti frequent was111ngs the
harms could be made of white linen.
of a fitter gtutlitst. I saw a beautiful
grey linen dress the other day, with
which' I was much fnseinatecl. •It
wee wonderfully ehtbrotdered with
#preys of flowers in white flax. The
bo:llce was made en bolero, and the
skirt was plain, save for the embral-
deriee.—Parlor col:
The stocks that come with sum-
mer dresses are tittle more than
bands of lace or bande of emhro'd-
pry. They are as simple as they
can be and are intended for a
foundation for prettier things to
At Newport they are wearing the
velvet htan;I armed the throat and
fastening it with a Jeweled clasp.
stockThi ns
ide aceAgainhe they taklittle
e tulle
and tie it around the throat, com-
pleting it with a big soft blanch of
tulle at ono side. The tendency in
stocks id toward something tees el.
aborate and toward neat and
pretty designs rather than sick and
The extravagance of the season is
displayedThe full, dcolors
a k
worn.,tones have all
disappeared, and in linen, duck and
their kin one sees the pastel colors
almost exclusively,•
declare that it should .beirely escape
the floor, and that it should he
cart tit wlia't Is called swinging
length. It must swing clear of the
street, but uo't be short enough to
show the ankles.
To get a skirt to this ideal
length requires an ideal cu't. The
lower edge must be undulating and
must curve Tram front to back and
from back to front again. This re-
uires a high art wed tee cut Use
With an Eye Single to the flood
of Her Fellow -men She Toiled.
The Stoey of Mize 1i. Varney, of
Bloomfield, Out—Spent Many Years
in a Service of Saintly Sacrifice to
the Poor and Needy—Aliuiste to
Their Physical as Well as Spiritual
Bloomfield, Ont., June 80.—(Spec-
fall.—Our community boasts of hav-
ing Within it one of the most de-
voted Christian women that ever
toiled in the world's vineyard..
• Owned and blessed by God, this
self-sacrificing heroine and her has -
'band, since deceased, spent many
years of faithful pastoral work in
different parts of the continent,
Elizabeth H. Varney, relict of the
late Levi. Varney, Is now 73 years of
age, and is tieing in quiet retirement
• there. She ie a member of the So-
ciety of the 01d Orthodox Friends
and this simple pewee -loving Society
*never lead a more humble or more
worthy 01en1ber.
at ie of thor work among the Douk-
(liobare In oar owtt' Ceinadtoa,n North.
West that she loves most to speak,
anKI manly and vivid are her reeollec-
tions of tih6.s peculiar people.
0nte of -the greatest diffluulties this band of bete brats, put on with sees.
devoted woman had to contend with eennllh rows
s of le at hate s titthing chingn dark
ryas disease among liter poor people!
But 81ie had armed herself with a rat bine t leather
age a ft llghtb0 I1(1 11andito
mode' taut Was as unfailing as iter
ow'tt charity—Dedd's ICtdntey Pills within eert o10r ounting% find 11 at -
out tete weapons she steed to drive skirt doles not weigh two p'ntnds, for
sleky\ss( there Is no lining, and the entire\
Sown years t>evalu sole title
treat thing tool I be pirk id ie a very eh)la I
and proven erla owe
of this great travelling bug and leave room tor
tl�ecleidet with Iretr ptey ease
aandi suffler more.
With Rhenitatettsm. They had eon- Thel water elks of this summer 11.1'P•
plerestored liter, and when she, delightful. 'The;; tante i1 the colors,
but arm deesslest le white er erennl
anionthat the prevailbng trouble or lemon colt:r, The. are made up
among the Doukhobor peot110 newse ttritlt the butte>.ts coming- In the bark,
Kidney Dir�e>oase and Dropsy wool �nebt� and with to: lit; Weaning the front. that Ik,eht s K6drrey 'hu inrks err, put o•1 9n Ix,fntr
twe t. valuable fashic> t hist so as o make
ter ones of serge
tlhe skirts of ladles' cloth and broad
Meth. Skirts of `pique and duck,
of linen and of drill may he nearly sleeve and 'the ham -shaped sleeve.
ankle length, but, really, there are Both are in. What will come next ?
very tee/ that are built any short- The outing girl does not remain
er than this. afield all the time and for the hours
The outing girl will find that she when she is tinder the trees` she has
can run just as well in al well cut pretty gowns in linen, tvitll line
skirt of ankle liength. ate in one to linen leading In paint of favor. There
her knees, and site certainly looks are tile most cllatrm'ng dresses In
prettier and Is more comfortable blue, trimmed with white tattle wash
when conventionally attired, I ribbon, put on in Grecian design
One Summer Girt.
11 and warranted to wash every titue.
While, whiten leads as 0, summer I The gowns of this year are
color, the littl,, check and the
absolutely a lesson to any one de.
stripe Will Tallow soca after. White strtng to look pretty, se many are
canvas dyess�ee are very pretty and the whys of lucking them. You eau
they cleats cheaply aind easily, even tuck theta dr you can wake them
If they da not wash. $ut i[ you plain` o,r you can trim them with
A SUelel EIt GOWN.
TIte attention of live stook export- .arid, when Imported for that pure
crs', breeder's and the press, le called peso, are subject to duty, and a
to the case 01' i1. F. Page, of 'MIs- proper enforcement of the tariff,. as
seen City, B, C., wllo was 00111/14 (t to ultA well as regard for the p'rot•ectloA
pay' $1,000 duty on ten Per'chmron of American stock raisers, alike do-
t the
1 a full investigation
t s ata
e 'hired S#a Y m
i] l
Itoxaes t>xportt„'d. to 1
through the port of eumae, WashIng- recta" . •
ton, In October, 1901. These horses , It therefore appears that the whole
were all aeconhpanicd ley -the prefer matter depends on Ala official ln-
registration papers of the American terpretatlo,t or tiro clause, 'waren
Ferclteron Horse Breeders' Mauch).- imported for breeding purposes." Ac*
ttorr, as rctltlire.1 by the laws of the cording to. Judge De Vries, the geese
United States. The contention of tion has never before been raised,
Collector Iiuestis was that, ivasmc0h uitllouglt it 1s a well known fact that.
an the animals were imported to be large numbers of pure bred cattle
offered for sale, they were suk>ject to tutee been pent to the United $tarso
the duty. Mr. Page appealed the case, by Canadla.n breeders Por sale at
and the testimony was heard by public auction, and always, as far
,- Judge DeVreis, of the Board of AP- up I have known, free of .duty. If
Ct71 OGASs CARAN'HS. praisers, whose headquarters are 1n the eQntentiou of C'oltector Huegtia
eta! Care During New York. T,hie board have the ease is sustained, the decision will gene Require Bpc a under consideration, and will render erally be regarded as a decided la-
the Season of Lawn Teas. their decision some time In August. justice and contrary to the spirit'
The lawn parties, piazza teas and The action of Collector Huestis etas ot the law. It will cause a complete
other outdoor entertaining proves been rather savere:y cri 1 ilei by The cessation of the trade 1n pure bred
hard on the glassware that! must be Ranch, a well-known agricultural stook between this country and the
need frequently in the summer paper' of Seattle, 1Vaseh,, to which United States ; in Yaet, it fwd al -
breezes and duet. It is especially journal he contributed the following ready !tad that result as far as fir®
disastrous for the rut glees carates, defence of hie action : H. F. Page, the I trade between' British Columbia and
which will probably be in greater importer, you memtion, Ist an alien , Warcliington Territory is concerned.
demand than any other glassware, stcick breeder residing in Brltish Co- This is .a mattes of vital Import -
Por serving the ice water and the lambed. On October 18th, 190'1; he im-' a•nce, not only to the Canadian
parted at i unaas four stallions and breeders wlw have etgck for solo,
summer beverages. The glass will six mares, malting entry for same as but to the Americans who have weed
soon acquire a dingy, clouded look, pure bred stock, and elairning that ' of euclh stock for the ilnpr4ve-
unless It is intelligehtly cleansed at they were entitled to free entry un- went of their studs, !herds and
regular intervals. tier the provision rig, article No. 475 flocks Immediate' action shouic be
For cleansing the inside ot the car- of the r>xisting tariff, which provides taken by our Live Stock Aseoola-
are fill it half -full of strong ammonia that any animals pure bred of a re- tions, and a strong protest entered
are water and place in this some small cognized breed, duly registered and I against such unfair ruling. earths
pieces of potato peel; then shake certified as required by the regula- I "Ranch"
very pertinently says "Ib
vigorously and rinse with clear wa- 'bone of the. lion. Secretary of the I is well known that many firms make
ter.' Thai will remove every possible Treasury, shall be admitted free business of importing from Canada
stain from summer beverages, as well when imported specially for breeding I and from the old world pure bred
as the dingy -looking rims that fre- purposes. Pedigree certificates were stock of all kende; and that such
quently stain the glass from stand- 1 imported for
Ing water, i d
For the outside of the cut glass
use a small brush—an old tooth-
brush will be the best if the bris-
tles are sufficiently stiff. Scrub
every part of the,glass(tvltht a little
pure soap rubbed on. the brush; then
scrub with clear water until ail the
soap is rinsed away, and set the
glass aside to dry without rubbing
with• al
eloth, and they cut glass will
shine like new.
His Handlcap.
want something in colors, there are I
lovely plaids in able and white
that are becoming, light and very
The summer girl why) tramps a
little, principally in village walks,
tvltere she ;must lock pretty, is Wear-
ing a White plaid gingham, in deep
blue and white, with, a cheek or two
111 light blue. 'lett) skirt barely swings
clear ft'o1n the ground, and it is
"1titnhmd around tate foot with a wide
her sine in her good G t t'ulte a pat
tern and between the gl'oltprt of
See imdis of erre poor r '.ing woman tucks there n re rowel f 1
among Vats people wee() was suffering
ao severely with, the Dropsy that she
Was terribly bloated all over and
confined to her bed. The Lady Mis-
nionary lett a few of I)odcl s Iilti-
ney P111e anti immediately sent for
three more boxes.
611e w*s reetvardr+d for her efforts
by the eomptete recovery of the
young woinan.i
lflvdd's 'Kidney Pills 'MVO reeelved
this worthy woman' a Moat einpluttiu
ypltbl'raatiort.l . t
o renistitchi•ot
,� 1 h cn11 be bought In silk
Ilrtulith g
os-' its cotton, and It is certainl,r
Pffe,'tive 1't the milting of a waist.
t ie simply set 11 Hurl fastental in
place with needle and thread.
The t'u 1- g !`•Ie ye.
!Che nv,kiug of the outing t.l,'eve
need not dismay any 'tvonnil, Walt
wotit them ie a In W thing in Hooves.
The; ver.; 1 tet weed for Men is et, :-
p�� 11!fathe
a bap. iP111a fa a laleeve
Positive Cure for ]lot Weather
In the hot weather the little ones
suffer from bowel troubles, are Although hats of the floral descries -
nervous, weak, sleepless and Irrita-
tion are more worn for fetes or largo
bre. Their vitality is lower now
than at a.ny other 5008011. Prompt
A 2
Ho wooed her when' theetbotl,l were
poor, 'twas then he won her,
She cheered him when the days were
drear and toiled to help him
She taught him things from books
that he had failed to learn in
She got him to avoid the use of
words that were uncouth;
She took her jewel ina the, rough. she
polished day by day.
And with a woman's patience ground
the worthless parts away.
She cheered hit when tbe days were
dark, and when the skies were tr�`�v wwwwwww I
presented with the entry, but as the
animas were evidently m
sale, the importer was required to
deposit the amount of duty that
would accrue in case the animals
were found not to be entitled
to free entry, and was given
an opportunity to produce satisfac-
tory 'evidence that they were in-
tended especially for breeding pur-
ry. N itherevidence
the was
dieput .
collector at Sumas nor this office
questioned the genuineness of the
registration papers as intimated in
your editorial, and as Mr. Page well
knows that was not the reason that
het Was required to deposit the duty.
soinformed.") It was purely a quer-
tion of evidence on the point of the
purpose for which the animals were
imported. As you are aware, Per-
clherons are valuable for draft horses,
stock is permitted to pass in free;
properproeidecertlficatesd it is o01' regist mpanied by
The Government does not follow suoh
stock after It leaves the custom of-
fice, and the•lmporter is free to dia.
pose of this stock to any one he
likes, and at whatever price he earl
get. If Collector Huestis is upheld
la this contention that pure bred
stock must be imported for breeding
purposes only, and cannot be bold
or worked, it will paralyze the whole
business of importing horses and in-
jure the trade in other lines. We
think that the various Breeders' As.
sedations should set on this ease,
in order to bring properly before the
Board of Appraisers the widespread
injury an adverse decision in the
Page ease would have on the whole
breeding industry."
She saw him rise above the crowd
and reach a noble height ;
Her brow is marredtby many a line,
she's bent and wan and old,
He has a bearing fine, a form
of noble mould.
And people say: "Poor than, alas!
He's grown beyond his wife;
How sad that sucle a load should be
attached to hive for life I"
—Philadelphia Ledger.
80000000000000 3000000000
Bodices have not altered much, for
women are still wearing collars and
the thieve full b.:luw the elbow, which
is good news for tluse who have to
make laid year's frocks do duty for
second-best this season.
Tho decided tendency in evening
dress, and, indeed, in a day dress
as well, is to make the waist look
as long as possible in front and to
shorten it,at the back, by this mea
giving the flirt it lift at the rear,
which is certainly more becomlag
than the droop.
AN the season advances, the fatal -
ton in !hats is slightly changing.
Pearl button's lend the finishing
touch to collars, cuffs, revers and
etrappinge on tailored wash dresses.
A clever milliner lies introduced a
new form of buckle, braving all the
appearance of straw, but actually
Tho following "maxims for the new-
ly wed" are copied from authority so
reliable as 'to be accepted as sure
guide to success and dtappiness on
life's journey :
1. Be satisfied to commence on a
small scale.
2. Avoid the too common mistake
of trying to •"begin where parents
8. Not to look at richer homes and
more costly furniture with covetous
eyes. t 4. Whenever dissatisfied visit hum-
ble homes of the suffering poor, leave
a thank -offering these that your
"lives are cast in. pleasant places."
5. First buy the necessary and com-
fortable, afterward, if consistent, the
ornamental. '
6. Be independent, and from the be-
ginning shun debt.
7. Cultivate the moral courage that
will resist the undue demands of fash-
8. Co-operate cheerfully in arrang-
ing the Tamily expenses, shearing
equally any necessary economies and
self -denials.
9. Remember that it matters little
what "people think," provided you
are true tce God, to right, duty, your-
selves, and each other !
Dear Father, lint to this, my prayer,
That all of sorrow, pain, or care
May fall on me alone ;
That o'er title little one of mine
Life's brightest sun shall ever shine—
As once for the it shone.
actiau at title time Often HANTS a
valuable little life. I3elly's Own Tab-
lets is the best medicine In the
torp for little once at title time.
They speedily relieve, promptly cure
and give atYtldid, refreshing hemp.
The -Tablets (devoid be in every home
where there art; little ones during
the hot weather months. Mrs. 1',
I•ergu.o.i, \o. 105 1lansfieel street,
1lontreai, says: "1 have tonna
'Gta•b1's ntvn Tablets the test uletll-
eine 1 have ever 080.1 for eltildren,
My baby was attacked with dysen-
tery titl:l VMS ilt>L and feverish. I
gave Riehl the tablets and they
promptly mired him. Before this he
t hnd been rather delicate, but since
I using the Tablets, 11)' lime been
tench better in every way. -t can
sincerely reeonlnlmlld the 'tablets to
all luo'thers hitt ailing oltthh•en."
Baby's ()rine Tablets :11•e guct'•t'1-
teed to b0 nbeolutely fre' trend opi-
ates and harmful druZ8. Children
take item readily, and rru(ht d leo
a posvde' they tete loe given to the
youua tact Infant. with perfect safe•.
te. The,' are st11,1 at nil drug stores
or will be sent vette:tie at e5
Ceuta a box 1)v writing dlrcet to
the Dr. Willhtlnn' Me limine
l',roekvlile, Ont., or, 6.:t`dulneetady, N.Y.
garden parties+ than any other typo,
yet, instenel of being all flotvers, the
newest genernlly Have rillfrtrt brims,
or the whole hat made ot chiffon,
trailed about with flowers.—Paris
Inmate wearing a chatelaine with
a bathing suit ; and yet this la one of
tits" very latest fads of the smart
gill. however, It is not as lnlprae-
ti.t•abl , as it sounds, for it Is proof
ngainet salt water. Tile cllatelafne
1t' nude of finer rope, and the charms
---which consist of n compass, an an-
chor, a wheel and a tiny buoy—are
made of robe afro.. -July Women's
110111e9 ('otilpalllOIh,
Again, there is a novel way of
mounting the 1000 flounce of wlilcll
one ie justifiably becoming a t"i-
fin tired. A bltulk end white 'turban
hn8 !her white brim veiled with black
lace, a 1L'parture from time trite
cream .nbstitute. In front the
veil miles only two invites In depth,
but at the .gams it huereases in width
to 814 M11?1t its six or eight inches,
et, tlutt the hair is gracefully draped
with Ince both there and at the baek
where the veil is knotted.• -Landon
j 1tai1.
One of tete arottyeilk shirt Waist
made in enamel.
For wear with the low out blouse
t'he black velvet necklet has been re-
vived and likewise wristbands to
match to, be wore' with elbow sleeves.
The necklet 1s embroidered In some
simple floral design and fastens in
tete back with a small bow. The
wristbands fasten with small pat-
ent clasps,
Black currants are a very popular
fruit on corn colored straw, hats,
which have for trimming velvet bows
of the hues of the foliage.
Chalk -colored cloth tt'111ch verges
011 white and pale gray and does pot
really belong en either class is a
fashionable fabric. Patty and cloud
gray are among the favored shades
of time season,
Voile, transparent enough to show
the glimmer of a silken lining, is an-
other great favorite. There 1s a cer-
tain dare; blue voile, of a metallic
taut, wleleh is worn over green:
glace with excellent effect.
The Dresden dimity skirt is the
newest in petticoats. Tire ground is
plain or colored, with floral decora-
'tlone in delicate or gay hwes. A plisse
flounce or double frills of the same
material finish the skirt.—Brooklyn
Men stand by mien in each. a Way
that women are often - forced to go
bank on other women.
Halt the men make love to a girl
for the sake of talking about it to
some other man. •
Women don't confess it, but most
of them regard a "career" either as
a means to a good marriage or as a
relief from a bad pne.
Eve had to gather the apple, but
Adam took the biggest bites.
You can't judge a man's heart by
the size of bis bat band.
Rode 6(36 1111es 10 9 Days.
St. Petersburg, July 1.—Col. Baeka-
holf, of the Nicholas Military Aca-
demy has made a notable ride, cov-
ering 1,000 vterste (666 miles) in less
them nine days. e. :
Ile started at llo'llileff with two
young horses that had never before
done serious work, and reached
Odessa, riding first ams and then
the other, Melt both In first class
condition. One day 11e rode 117 versts
(78 miles), another 180 versts
(80 miles).
t wvvvw•i
An Italian Jett With 470 Murderers
Penned Therein.
The mediaeval fortress of Volterra
is now a formidable prison -house.
When last I visited it there were 4751
prisoners within its walls, all of them
murderers. It is an uncanny sensae
tion to look upon nearly 500 human
beings, eacelt one of whom had taken
the "life of att least one other human
being. One hundred and forty-nine of
them were condemned for life, and
that meant murder of a brutal and
cold-blooded dessr.ptton ; the remain-
der were imprisoned for periods rang-
ing from fifteen td thirty years, and
that would mean murder with exten-
uating circumstances—murder the
result of inconstancy in a sweet-
heart, or frailty int a wife, or faith-
lessuese iu a friend. The confinement
to rigorously solitary and cellular ;
the exercise courts are cellular ;
there are cellular smithlea and cellue
Lar workshops ; nay, thea very chapel
1s cellular. Two there of °elle run one
above the otller, and the prisoner in
each, while unable td see his fellow
convicts, can through a long, narrow
loophole sip the altar and the priest
who is saying mass.
As I ;walked round the tamestt'B o1
the gxeat folrtress I could look down
Sd/d" "`^^^""' `^^"'e into the rows o1 high -walled exercise
You can't 'blame a woman for
doing anything for clothes when
they lead so often to the subsequent
privilege of elotng nothing for the
rest of her life. Many a man has
proposed merely to a new dress.
Women who spend all their time
humoring a man seldom appreciate
their otvu jokes.
iRfany a •man who to' fond of women
laughs at women who are fond of
Many a ratan who has sowed only
wild oats goes to a nice woman and
pretends that the crop will be all
Same husbands aro enough to make
any one sorry for their wives.
of a woman would learn the real
nature of a man site must put him
through the three tests of eating,
laughing and kissing.
courts—not more titan 1Q feet by 10,
I should say—in each of which the
convict was taking the !tour of exer-
cise which he is allowed daily. Every
prisoner saluted respectfully, and
showed his white teeth in a pleasant
smile, glad at the sight of any fresh
face. Italian prisons are models 01
good order and cleanliness, and the
cheerfulnese and natural patience of
the Italian iemperament does much
to lighten the labor of Italian prison
officials. The convicts get two full
meals of beans, lentils or paste,
cooked in lard, and meat on Sundays
and holidays. Every prisoner may
spend 2d eentesinel a day, if he has it
or can earn it ;t therefore wine Is by
no means an unknown luxury In the
The system of rigorous so'.itairy con.
finement Ieads to frequent eases of
madness. Indeed, there is od'ten talk
o1' the Itaitan Government abolishing
the system on account of the great
expense of maintaining numerous
criminal Iunatle asylums.
Couid Scarcely Straighten. Up
On Account of Severe Pains in Small of Back ----Deranged Kidneys the
Cause of Trouble.
A great nearly people who suffer
matisnl and that there to no cure for
(Mass's Kidney -Liver P1118. Mrs. L
medicine. Hare is her letter
etre. ,T. Lessard, 150 Aqueduct
which was very weak, and whenever
pains which woule ratter me in the
kklneye I begun a course of trettt1n8
Title nleelleinr' seemed to act direct
tlistressieg P.ttns in my back have t n
litre. hues, 1(10 Manitoba street,
frrrvl very tmuchPfrom Revere i >ttlas a
of the kidneys, 1Wigan the use of 711•
Vtquliee..l, for It wile not long before
have Mae used hr. (9tase's Syrup of
ant) 1 aerie knetc>, it to fall to retie
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pel e, o
Tur onto.
from backaMolt ell°, lamo band pains In the limbs think they have risme.risme.them. At least nine, cases in every 'ten can be cured by the use at Dr.
essard was badly Crippled before silex began the use of this great kidney
street, Montreal, Que., states: "My Main trouble was wlth my back,
I :sltooped. I could hardly straighten up again on account of the savere
email of the back. Believing that my ailment was caused from deranged
ut With Dr. C'hase's Kidney Liver fills, and to -de v I ani all regi agg'a it
ly on the kidneys, and as a tomtit itnpeoved my health generally. he
tirely disappeared, and I feel real strong semi well. 1
1~t. Thomna, Ont„ state's: "I had a vary `.leak bark, and at tine* Rafef-
erose the email of my beak. Believing these tot 110 caused by derangement;
c'hase's Ritincy-Liver Pills. This treatiucst ,rt'enieti to ere en,actne what I
1118 palm entirely left Inc, ane I Was quite atrouse and well again. We
Ltnat=mol and Turpentine for the ehildre•n when they had coughs and Bolds,
re the trouble at o1oo"' Bates it Co.y
ne pili a Idose; 11' ce ria a. box, at all dealers or I;dmxuso r4
1 e 1 ) 1 1 1 k