HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-07-10, Page 5July TO, 1902 THE WING -HAM ADVANCE. Crowder Leads in Low Prices. ere s A inner. Everything you want in Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits, Odd Pants, Odd Coats, Vests, etc, at 20 per cent less than regular price till August 1st. Acknowledged by all that Crowder's Black and Blue Serge Suit at $6.00 beat anything on record at $8,00. Little Boys' Suit, regular price $5.5o ; 7 Suits only, to clear at $3.49 Warm Weather Clothing. Men's White Duck Pants, all sizes, $1.00 and.... $1.25 Men's Black and White Vests, all sizes, $1.00 and 1.25 Youths' and Men's Suits, 2 pieces, sizes 36 to 44. Sale $5.00 ancl5.50 Black Lustre Coats, all sizes, $1.75 to 2.75 Something for the Little Fellow. 29 Boys' Blouses, all sizes, good washers, price to clear .33 22 Boys' Bloues, braid trimmed, all sizes, sale price .39 Boys' 2 -piece Wash Suits, blouse and pants, 39c, 50e, 75c, $1.00...$1.25', These are American goods and worth about ono -half more than wo aro asking. •h Mens' and ment, Balbriggan cI5AL M, With Patent to 16, Gents' sale fil " 5 prices Furnishing Department. Youths' Silk Shirts and Drawers, regular $1.00 a gar- price . 50e Shirt and Drawers, sizes 32 to 46, per garment 50c The word "Salem" means the best shirts shade. That's the definition—most good .dressers know it. Some don't—those who don't know should find out and now is the time to find out. Every shirt is guaranteed. If color comes oat you get your money back or a new shirt free. Salem shirts are straw- tra -berries and cream, Prices $1.00 to $1.50. berries IaTS Shirt Waists for Men and Youths Adjustable Rubber Band, color guaranteed, sizes 14 from $•1.25 to $1.75 We have a full range of Stock and Wash Ties ; also all sizes in hot weather collars ; Austrian made Belts in leather and silk. Straw I-Iats, latest designs, one, two and three ply 50c, 6oc to $1.5o. . The R. 11. Crowder Co. Butter and Eggs Colin Cam. bell's Old Stand,Wingham taken as Cash. p g WM. CLEGG Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Farms and town property bought, sold, leased or exchanged. Money to loan at 4i to 5 per cent. Liberal terms of repayment. .Firo and Life Assurance at lowest rates in Standard companies, Agent for Western Real Estate ExchauRn.r,l Extensive list of properttes to choose from A of when lection precious artistic Chains pendants. and elegant IT k.' d :,. -., ` 1 ,. m '• ., ✓�1<<• t ,w'G '' tx" a..t $. ry • , v . , 1 p \\\ II/ i� i ,•-• , P k d�• t -;- , " ` y' 7 la ii, 6 W + �� ,��en ,t •�, �"' cP{ ; ,^- 4,e p f '''"l� lI > ' t- '.1 5 9 ..e gip?i zr:_4. A. D JLMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY. TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE. -Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's surgery. Residence -Catherine St. is - rl�?',"�J'' �;r; i/�%� cowva:.� Midsummer jeweled you of settings and buttons styles. h Corner Night's Dream lowliness becomes a reality look through our elegant Summer novelties in diamonds, stones and pearls in the most of the goldsmith's necklaces. • Brooches Rings and bracelets. Pins in the latest and host s S Chishol Jewelry Store i col- ' art. and �y TT JT. J. MAG V IRE REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT, CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT, OFFICE. -Over D. M. Gordon's store. Residonco: Leopold street. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Winghanu MISS. DELIA SPARLING A, T. C. M. Teacher of PIano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. exam- Pupils prepared or Conservatory exam- ee����ggf v ay Q ftt Q Q• inations. NI TTIIII�� TIf��t��TITTIi`��i��ice. = . .. This is the SORE, SWEATY ' •ii,' ,-,r season, for TIRED AND M FEET, E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER Of VOICE CULTURE, Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN MISS Of London Conservatory be prepared after limited number on Violin and Residence—opposito Wingham.« AND GUITAR. CARRIE MOORE of Music, willz' Oct. 1st to receive a of pupils for instruction Guitar. R. 0. Church, = If rz r- - you don't wish to have them, use D A VIP 0 ....11 ,........, _4, PIANO MISS SARA And member of of Ontario, is ed number of Piano and in Speoial attention paring for examinations. Residoneo---opposite Winglham. LIFE Abner Loan and Farm Loans AND THEORY. LOUISE MOORE, L,C.M. the Associated Musicians prepared to receive a limit- mils for instruction. on Th6ory. given to pupils pro - the 1t. 0. Church, FURS Cosens Insurance AgentDRUGGIST at lowest rates of interest, PATO GASSACOIftb)n'nWIiNoAM?atrlckSts,51i1lii101111i ,_� .' — - ~^' '....e e,,. Por Sale u —. y off.•• Campbell .'�iew ..w. Colin At e TH 11i1111d111111111111 YourHair "Two year's ago my hair was falling out badly. 1 purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, Ill. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half- starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. SI.00 s bottle. All drssslets, If your druggist cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will express ' you a bottle. Be sure and give the name of your nearest express office. Address, J, C. AYER CO., Lowell, Blass, • Money to loan on notes, and notes discounted at reasonable rates. Money advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collect- ed. Office—Beaver block, Winabam. ROBT. MOINDOO. `980 Soft Harness You can make your her zees as soft w a glove and as tough gas wire by minei a• OEil. You lengthen Its llf.-sate It rut twice at bag as It ordinarily would, EUREKA Harness 011 makes a poor looking her, aces like now. Ueda of pare. heavy bodied on, es- pecially prepared to with. stoat the weather. Sold everywhere In Dana -an sl.m lsde j]lititilLlliNlalrt.• RAILWAYTIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM TRAINS LEAVE FOR Palmerston.. 0:53 a,m...0:09 a, m,..3.05 p. In. London 6'50 a. m...3:10 p. m. Kincardine,11:10 a. m..1:40 p. m... 8:38 p. m. ARRIVE FROM Kincardine.6:53 a. m...8:55 a. in., -3:10 3:10 p. m. London 11:10 a. m...7:55 p. m. Palmerston 1.40 p. m... 8:38 p. m G. STOKES, Agent, Winghaut, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE FOR Toronto and East 6.57 a• m.., 3:53 p. an. Teeswater 1 17 p. m...10.13 p. m. ARRIVE FROM Toeswator...6:57 a. m...3:03 p. m. Toronto and East 1.17 p. m...10:63 p. m• J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham The. Lake Erie Navigation, Co., Ltd. Str. "URANIA." The Short Route to Cleveland, Ohio. One way from Wingham, $4.5o. Return, $7.25. Boat leaves Pt. Stanley every Tuesday and Thursday at 11.00 p.m. Saturdays at 11.00 a.In, Tickets on sale at all local ticket offices. For further information write, WM. WOOLLATT, T. MARSHALL, Manager. Gaul Pass. Agt. Walkerville, Ont. R fl UN RmSYSTEVI r ■ RRA' BRANDI' : 6o DAY EXCURSIONS TO THE ... CANADIAN NORTH=WEST At the Following Return Fares : Winnipeg Moose Jaw l rcola Regina )} $30 inscarth Yorkton Iglu Stevan Pr. Albert1 $35 rand View I$28 MacLeod J[inlets Calgary [oosomin wan River Red Deer l $0 ✓askada Strath - $40 Tawauesa cons Good going June 3rd, June 24th and July 5th. Returning within 6o days from date of sue. here to Spend the Summer. Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Kawartha :ekes, Georgian Bay and the Highlands of )Mario. •The itoval 11lnskoka Hotel opened June ;Rh, 1902. 'Pickets, descriptive folders, and all nformation from agents Grand Trunk Rail - Nay System. J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto, WILL RUN l-lolne-Seekers' pA; Excursions TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST AT RETURN FARES. Winniptg Waskada Estevan Elgin Arcola floosontin Wawanesa Binscartit 1'tinlota Grand View Swan River $28 Regina Mooselaw; $30 Yorkton Pr.Albert Mas $35 Macleod /} Calgary RedlDeer 1 Strath- $40 conal Going JULY the 18th, returning until SEPTEMBER 160 (all rail or S. S. Al. berta). Tickets are not good on "Inn. Portal Limited." For tickets and pa.m. phlet giving full particulars, apply to your nearest Canadian Pacitle Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN, Asa!, Genl. Passr. Agent 1 King Street East, Toronto ;1502 Jy1/SIOWE'L is MOVING FORWARD. Our rates aro reasonable -our Courses Of tudy thorough and practical. Send for our Journal to see what wo teach. htndonts may enter at any time. Two Courses of Study -Commercial and horthand. . A. PLBMIN(1 A. I.. McINTYRI1 See'q. Listowel President Owen Sound —There are said to be twenty-five cases of smallpox at Norwich. —Five hundred automobile carriages aro now running in the city of Beirut, Palestine, according to the report of the United States consul at that place. —The meeting of the shareholders of the Mildmay Chair and Furniture Com- pany held recently resulted in the wind- ing up of the affairs of the company. —Peter Weber of near Neustadt died at his home there recently, after an ill- ness of but three days from a °halting in the throat occasioned by au accumula- tion of fat, —Mr. John F. Boyd, the Government road inspector for the Sault Ste. Mario, Algoma and Manitoulin district, says that the Government will build fifty miles of colonization roads in that dis trier this season. —A Downie farmer used Bluestone to kill some caterpillars on the fruit trees. It killed the worms allright, and caused the death of a scorn or more of young chickens which gobbled the dead worms as they fell from the•trees, —Charles Schlosser a resident of Cul ross, was killed on the Nth of June by a falling tree, in the Parry Sound district. Ho left Culross eight weeks ago. Mr. Schlosser was 55 years old and lived on Lot 9, Con. 5. —A cow, annoyed at the barking of a dog, ran amuck at Woodstock. Mr, Finlay McDonald, who was leading the animal, was knocked down and trampled upon, and Mrs. Stinson was gored by the cow and tossed over the toll gate. —The first consignment of Boer prison- ers, numbering 478 men, sailed from St. Helena on June 21, for South Africa. After taking the oath of allegiance to to Great Britain, the prisoners marched to the boats singing the National Anthem. —The Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. have the contract for building two large steel freighters for the Midland Naviga- tion Co. They will be 400 feet long and of a capacity of about 5,400 tons each. The company is going ahead with the extension of the dry dock with all neces- sary machinery. —Cans are worth $25 each in the Yukon territory whore there is a plague of rats and mice. As cattle and hogs are getting scarce in this neighborhood aucl the number of cattle -buyers increas- ing, why could not a profitable export business in the cats bo worked up? Why, it takes a yearling steer hero to fetch as much as a cat in Dawson city. —Wiarton is to have cement works. The Canadian says: The Colonial con• parry has already sold 200,000 shares, and intend erecting a thousand barrel plant as soon as the plans are prepared, which will be equipped with the latest improved machinery. Without a doubt this company has one of the finest marl beds iu the country, which will furnish raw material enough to run the plant for fifty years. Kidcardiue, July 4.—H. Coleman, pork dealer, had a close call for his life the other morning. It appears that str'yoh- ino had been put on some cake for slice, and, while starting the fire, Mr. Cole- man thoughtlessly picked it up and ate it while • waiting. Noticing a bitter taste, ho mentioned the matter to his wife, when It was discovered that the cake was poisoned. He ran to a doctor, who saved his life. —A farmer living near Galt was to deliver pigs there one day. He stuffed them full, and ho was not satisfied with appeasing their appetites, but he went even. further and tempted his hogs with all kind of dainties. He wanted to have them good and full, so that they would weigh well. He succeeded. On the way to town the pigs were pretty well jolted in the wagon, and one by one they became sea sick. By the time car- go reached Galt every solitary hog was leaning over the side, all sick. It made the farmer sick too. He is sick' yet but the pigs are well by this time. A DANGEROUS PASSAGE.—Last Wed- nesday night was a stormy one on the water, and the steamer Ossifrage had a rough passage. In addition to the large quantities of water shipped owing to the rolling of the vessel, the pounding of the sea forced her to spring a leak iu her lar- board bow a couple of hours before her arrival in Godericlh, and it became a matter of grave concern whether she would be able to make the port. Tho steamer carried a heavy load of freight, both in her hold and on deck, consisting largely of saltr_loaded at Windsor for Sault Ste. Marie. There was also a quantity of sugar, vegetables, etc., and half a dozen horses. The necessity for keeping all tho pumps working, coupled with the fact that the centre fire could not be used as there was too much water in the hold, left an altogether inadequate supply of steam to propel the boat, and at the last every means to save the steam had to be adopted. The dynamo was stopped, and some of the cargo was thrown overboard. Finally, about four o'clock Thursday morning the vessel en- tered the harbor, with only about sixty pounds of steam and with the water within a few inches of the fire grates. There were a number of passengers on board, who had rather an unpleasant time of it, though probably unaware of the real condition of affairs.—tGoderich Signal, • • Turning Down the Doctors. The marvelous cures of Catarrhozone aro being much talked about. Thou• sands aro daily recognizing the excep- tional merit of this simple inhaler treat- ment, and instead of running to the doctor with 'hinter ills they pro'ect themselves by Catarrhozone; it k;lls colds in the head in. ton minntcs, quickly relieves Catarrh, 13rolhellitis, Asthma, Lung Troubles, and cures even though all other remedies have failed. Catarrh. ozone is very pleasant, safe and con. venient to use. Its best recommenda- tion is its enormous sale; try it today, Price $1.00, small size 26o., at Druggists. -=-Andrew Jackson of Niles, Michigan, who had several thousand dollars hid• don away', was prevented from telling his family where it was before his death on Wednesday by a stroke of paralysis, —No less than 73 townships in Ontario have commuted and abolished the Statute Labor system, with a view to securing better roads by a more skilled supervision. About half of these mado the change within the last year, as shown by the annual report, just issued of the Commissioner of Highways, Mr. A, W. Campbell. —40,000 bushels of peas wore shipped from Owen Sound to Liverpool by the Grand Trunk -recently by Sword & Gerolamy and Thompson Bros. Owing to the terminal arrangements at Mont- teal, the consignee desired that the ship- ment be made over the G. T. R., and the whole consignment was teamed across the river from the east side elevators. Forty-five cars were required to carry the shipment. —An expedition party left Boston for Hamilton Inlet, a fine natural harbor on the Labrador coass, and from thence will travel inland across to Hudson's Bay. Their idea is to find out the best route for a railroad across this northern part of the continent. A line starting from Port Arthur, running far north of Ontario and Quebec, striking into Labra- dor, and terminating at one of the great harbors there would have an important effect on transportation, as it would reach a port 800 miles nearer to Liver- pool than New York is, and it would also open up a region in the northeast which presents very promising aspects from a mineral and agricultural point of view. Some Results of Impure Blood. A blotched, pimply, disfigured face, feeling of exhaustion wracked nerves, headache and a dull brain. The proper cure is one Ferrozone Tablet after each meal. Ferrozone clears and beautifies the complexion by making rich pure blood. It restores the enfeebled brain and unstrung nerves to a healthy vigor- ous condition. It invigorates all the physical and mental powers, and brings strength and ambition to the depressed. Refuse a substitute -for Ferrozone—it's the best tonic, rebuilder and invigorator known. Price 50e., at Druggists or Pol- son & Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. KEEP THIS ON HAND. The Farmers' Advocate gives the fol- lowing recipe :—An ointment, of which all owners of dairy cows should keep a supply on hand during the spring and summer months, is made by blending - 1 drachm of oxide of zinc with 1 ounce of vaselino. This makes an excellent dressing for cracked or sore teats in cows, and a small quantity of it should always be kept within reach for application to the teats whenever there is an occasion therefor. Another useful dressing for the same purpose consists of— Tincture of myrrh..1 ounce Solution of alum . , 1 " Water •. .. .. G " The Agonizing Pains of Rheumatism Swollen, aching joints, muscles are stiff and sore, every movement accom- panied by pain. The most potent remedy is Poison's Nerviline, which has five times the pain -subduing power of any other preparation. Apply the Nerviline copiously, rub it on well and then bind in a hot flannel bandage. This will cure the worst case in a short time. Try Nerviline for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica or Lumbago—it's all right and only costs a quarter. Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation. Treasurer's Sale —OI'— Lands for Taxes. Town of Wingham, County of Huron, To Wit : By virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Mayor and seal of the Corporation of the Town of Wingliam, in the County of Huron bearing date the fourth day of June, 1902, and to the directed, commanding me to levy upon the lands mentioned in the following list for arrear. of taxes duo thereon and costs therein sot forth, I hereby give notice that unless the said arrears and costs are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell the said lands or so much there- of as may be necessary for arrears and costs, at the Town Hall in the said Town of Wing - ham, on Saturday, the twentieth day of Sep- tember, in tate year 1902, at the hour of four o'clock in the afternoon, In compliance with the provisions of the Assessment Act. Arrears Costs Totals. Lot No. 22, on the North side of McIntosh street Peter Fisher's original Mill Reserve, patented.. $ 7.00 $2.14 $10.01 Lot No. 23, on the North side of McIntosh street Peter Fisher's original Mill Reserve, patented.. 7.91 2.11 10.05 Central part Lot No. 27 on East side of Edward street, 28 feet frontage, Edward Foley's sub.divi• sio,i of Park Lots, Nos. 1 and 2, patented .. .. .. 17.57 2.33 19,90 A lane, 12 feet wide being the Northerly portion of Lot No, 27, on ]Cast side of Edward strect,Ed ward Foley's sub•dividiou of Park Lots, Nos, 1 and 2, patented.... , . .. . Northwest part 61 Lot; No. 4, on the East side of Josephin estreot,betwcen Victoria and David Sts., (30 foot by 100 feet) Gov. eminent additional sur- vey, patented ., ., 13.70 2.31 15.04 The East halves of Lots No. 1 and 2, on the East side of Josethinestreet between Victoria and David streets, Govern- ment additional survey, unpatented ., ... ... 6.20 2.14 8.31 South part Lot No, 77, on Eastside of Frances SI., 38 feet frontage, more or less, Leet and McKay's survey, patented ,. .. 13.17 2.31 15,91 Lot No, 15, on East side of Catherine street Leet and Davies' survey, pat- e ... ... ... ... Dated. Treasurer's Mee,ee, Wingliam,Jnno 12th, ent 100d ... 5.15 2.11 7.202, J. B. FERGUSON., Treasurer. f --'e Slim Prices, Stout Values. Tho Loadillg StoreS13 Proiits and Quick Returns Clearing Sale OF, -o SUMMER GOODS AT— H. E. Isard Co's. July brings us to the time of year when all Summer Goods must be cleared out regardless of price, and to make a speedy clearance of all lines we have cut the price away down so as to sell out every dollars' worth and carry noth- ing over. Please read our list of reduced prices: Fancy figured Muslin., fast colors, LADIES' WRITE UNDERSKIRTS - new patterns, regular value 150 10 sizes 38, 40, 42, with 14 inch muslin -clearing price • frill, nicely trimmed with insertion and embroidery, dust frill, reg.1.00 price $1.25 -to clear at........ 5 pieces White Check and Striped Swiss Muslin, regular value 10e 8 to clear at.. One piece white Pique,uo ,wide, with red polks dot, regular value 15c .10 -clearing price • CORSET COVERS --nicely made and trimmed with embroidery, good .25 value at 35c -they go at Ladies' White Cotton Drawers, nicely made and trimmed,good quality 25 cotton, reg. price 35e, on sale at . 3 pieces Fancy Striped and Figured sluslins, in the new colors, good washers, regular price 20c, to 15 clear at LADIES' LINEN WAISTS - nicely tucked and trimmed with lace in- sertionclearat•, regular value $1.50, to 1.25 ONE DOZ. PARASOLS -with steel rod and nice Ivory handles, Fast Black coverings. reg. value 1.00 $1.25 -clearing price 5 pieces Fancy SI;riped Chambray fast colors wide good: value at 20e, to .15 clear at Ladle Gingham and Chambric Waists trimmed with lace insertion, regular value $1.25 to $1.50, they go 1.00 ay Ladies' White Chambric Night Gowns, nicely made and trimmed, full length. wide skirt good value at $1.00. .75 Sale price Ladies' White Straw Sailor Hats, latest style, black or white silk bands, regu- lar price 65e to 75o. Your .50 choioc LADIES' OXFORD SEIOES - in tan or black, new styles. good 1.00 value at $1.25, to clear at. , • , , Good Sunune'n Comets 250; fine, fast black Cotton Hose, 10c ; Ladies' Vests, Se; Check Ginghams, 5c; Wrappers. 75c; Underskirts, 75e ; Corsets .15 Covers H. E. Isard & Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce 5omethAng Sveekal do Ikockinqixam, \Ow* e Bowls. See our prices in Bowls. 4c, 5c, Go, 7c, 10c Pitchers. We have them in all sizes. 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c and 25c Tea Pots. .1110111E1•11•11•111.3111196.11101MME 11* Any person requiring a Tea Pot, kindly note our prices -10c, 12c, 15c, 20c and 25c. at Griffin's WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD WE ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE 2.40 2.14 4 51 The Wing -ham 'Trading Co., Limited Noted for Selling the best goods for the least money of any house in this or any other town in the county of Huron. Ooolr,'n Cotton Boot Compound; Is auoeesatully need monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies asks gonad. Take noothger,as all Cook's repo, pills Caw imitations are dangerous. ?Flee, No. 1, E3 per box, No. IS, 10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2. lur11 s4 en receipt of price and two a•eent Maine a The Cook Company Windsor Ont. 00.1 and 9.o1d and reeommeaded by all responsible Druggists in Canada. No. 1 and No. 2 aro sold in wingbam by 1i, A. Dengllass, C. A. Campbell, J. E. Davis and A. L. Hanallton, i)iwoars'ro. Our Black Serges are pronounced by customers to be the best value they have seen Our $ and to cent Dress and Waist Muslins are wonderful values too doz. Ladies' and Children's I-Iose—a nice seamless Ilose. at to ets. a pair 5 cents will buy a pair of Men's seamless Sox at this cheap store......25c a yard will buy a nice Table Linen......Sale of Carpets, Oilcloths, Lace Curtains, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, in full blast, The Wingham Trading Company Successors to LIMITED T. A. MILLS