HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-07-10, Page 4TITS .W:ING.IIAAI ADVANCE,
July to, 1902
Ritchie Campbell
Summer Sale of
Hot Weather Goods
The hot weather is here, and at the very time you aro in
most need of a nice cool dress, you can buy it with the least
money. Although a number of lines aro sold out we still
have a large assortment to choose from, consisting of Organ-
dies in white, black and colors, Dimities in white, black and
fancy stripes, Foulards, Fancy Lawns, Muslins, etc. We are
clearing these goods out at one-third off the regular price in
order to make room for the new.
The Balance of our Shirt Waists at little cost :
12 Print Shirt Waists, sizes 32 to 38, guaranteed fast colors,
in pink and white, blue and white, and black and white,
regular price 90c—Hot weather price 05
6 Chambray Shirt Waists. latest make, in pink and white, red
and white, blue and white, regular price $2.00—Hot waather
price 1 25
3 Chambray Shirt Waists, tucked, in plain blue only, regular
price $2.25 --Rot weather price 1 40
4 White Lawn Shirt Waists, trimmed with Valencian Inser-
tion, regular price $1.25—Hot weather price 75
Boys' 2 -piece Wash Suits, blue and white, regular 50c, for 37.4
Boys' 2 -piece Linen Wash Suits, regular 85e, for 55
Boys' 2 -piece Duck Suits, navy blue and white, reg. $1.25, for, , . 75
Boys' 2 -piece Duck Suits, blue and white, regular $1.50, for 1 00
Do not complain of the heat when you can
buy Summer goods at these low prices.
Ritchie & Campbeli
successors to M. H. McINDOO.
bitorh,r.i Botts.
--The exportation of frogs' legs
from Canada, more especially from
Ontario, to the united States, has
developed to such large proportions
that it is feared the supply will
give out unless some restrictive
measures are taken. The problem
presents some interesting features,
however. Is the frog a fish or a
sort of game ? If the latter a close
season mast be fixed by the provin-
cial authorities ; if'the former, then
such a season must be established
by the Dominion Government.
Big Bargains in Watches
in Rings
in Silverware
* * *
ler has testified in court that he
himself does not know within ten
millions of dollars what his fortune
amounts to. If he did know, the
fluctuation of the listed stocks on
the exchange must alter the sum of
his wealth with every hour and
minute of each working day.
—Reports from London, Eng-
land, state that Russian butter
continues to arrive in large quanti-
ties. The imports into the United
Kingdom in one week during May
were 631 tons, as 'compared with
284 tons for corresponding week
last year. When figured in lots of
sixty lbs. each, it shows an increase
of nearly 13,000 tubs. Last year
the increase in Russian butter was
over 8,000 tons ; this year it will
be materially greater. Russia is
already second on the list of butter -
exporting countries to England.
A very large stock to select from, and
we will sell very cheap all
through July.
For Repairs
Jeweler and Optician
Just arrived, a large consignment of Screen Doors and
Screen Windows ; we have 17 different styles and sizes in
Doors, also 9 different styles and sizes in Screen Windows—
quality the best, and prices the lowest.
Wire Fencing
—A writer in Gunton's Maga-
zine points out a few of the savings.
by utilizing what a short time ago
were waste products. Cornstalks,
for instance, can be made into a
certain grade of coarse wrapping
paper ; and, by a system of steam-
ing, grinding, and pressing, a sort
of wood pulp is obtained which
can be utilized in various ways. In
this crop, however, the waste is
still very great. In the oil and
sugar industries the manufacturers
have made millions of dollars from
the successful application of chem-
istry to the problems of waste pro-
ducts. The Standard 0i1 Company,
for example, has opened a dozen
different industries. Oils for al-
most all imaginable uses are ex-
tracted and prepared. The group
of dyes and medicines derived from
coal tar, generally spoken of as the
coal -tar products, is another in-
stance of inherent value in so-called
by-products. The application of
chemistry to mining has been oven
more fruitful. It is said that in
the past year more gold has been
extracted from the heaps of tailings
consisting of rocks and crushed
stone formerly thrown away as
waste, than from new gold mines
in this country, with the exception
of those in Alaska and the Klon-
—After all the great shipping
combine may not be altogether an
evil. An American writer argues
that the more closely the nations
of the earth are brought together
in business interests and enterprises
the more firmly will they stand
against war, or against anything
that• will disturb or injure their
common welfare. With the lead-
ing nations of the earth united in
the ownership of a fleet of com-
merce, the need of naval arma-
ments for the protection of the
commerce of each nation will be
Those interested in building
Wire Fence will do well to call
on us, as we have all kinds of wire at prices that are right ;
we have the celebrated "ELLwoon SPECIAL WOVEN WIRE
FENCE," 5o in. high, at a very low price.
If you want a Bicycle, see what we can do for you.
Smith & Pethick.
* *
—In an article on "New forms
of locomotion," a recent writer
says, that it is only a question of
time before the public is educated
to the fact that one hundred or one
hundred and fifty miles an hour
may easily be possible with the use
of rails. It is want of control .and
not speed that constitutes danger.
The freight train running at twen-
ty-five miles an hour, with only
brakes on the brake -van and en-
gine, is more dangerous than an
express train travelling seventy
miles an hour, but fitted with West-
inghouse or Smith vacuum brakes.
Its a pity to have a good
Suit spoiled in the making.
The suits we make give en-
ttre satisfaction. Give us a
trial and be convinced.
Webster & Co
tipstAirs in Shaw Block,
—The President of the C. P. R.
announces that by the end of next
year the road will not have a wood-
en trestle or any other merely tem-
porary structure upon 'its line from
Montreal to the Pacific, and that
throughout the great distance the
main line will be laid with 80
pound steel rails. Between Port
Arthur and Winnipeg lengthening
of the side tracks is being proceeded
with rapidly, to such an extent in-
deed that the C. P. R. will before
very long have a complete double
track from bake Superior to the
great western wheat -growing sec-
tions. This is an enormous under-
taking, but the increasing traffic of
the road justifies it.
Cement Building.
Atiy person requiring anything in
the Cement building line, such as Side-
walks, Cisterns, Silos, Foundations or
Floors, should get my prices. Work
guaranteed. Call at residence, Leo-
pold St., Wingham.
Cement and Lime.
Parties requiringCement or Lime
should give us a ca. We are selling
at a very low price. We keep only
first-class brands of cement and lime,
and you can always rely on getting a
good fresh at the
CEMENT NDrticle TILE Wom s.WI o Ail
2Tbore. Aft
Wood's Illosphot ine,
21ic Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
dr�uggiete in Canada. Only reli•
able medicine dieeovered Six
ack��ger guaranteed to cure all
forme o Sexual Weakneed, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental worry. Excessive nab of To.
bacco, Optnth or 8timnlante. Maned on receipt
of price, one tiaektr $1, six, $6. One tell phase,
Th{i Wood G.mpairy, a ,
ex toff; amp ince ftee to an address.
wi dace Ont.
—In an article on "The Devel-
opment of the Coal Industry," a
writer in an American magazine
says :—` `The aggregate value of
the coal marketed in this country
last year exceeded $300,000,000 at
the mines, and the sum total of the
capital invested in the industry is
almost beyond computation. Mak-
ing due allowance for barren areas,
nearly 200,000 square miles em-
braced in 'the coal fields of the
country are capable of. producing
1,000,000,000,000 tons of coal.
Had the operations in these fields
been conducted on the same scale
during the past six thousand years
these fields would still be undeplet-
ed. Thus we get some idea of
those vast mineral fuel resources
which are destined to perpetuate
the industrial supremacy of the
—In the Cosmopolitan for June,
Julian Ralph gives a brief sketch
of the career of John D. Rockefeller,
whom. he considers easily the great-
est among American captains of in-
dustry. We select a few sentences
regarding this remarkable man.
He was born in the State of New
York in 1839, and his childhood
was spent in a family of God-fear-
ing, hard-working, rugged, and
simple people, whose lives and ex-
amples furnished a solid, rock -like
foundation for their children to
build upon. At the outset he pro-
gressed very slowly toward the
making of a fortune. Ile earned a
quarter as his first wages, for hoe-
ing a neighbor's potato patch, He
hired out in the summer time to
work for the farmers of the neigh-
borhood ; when his people moved
to Cleveland, he worked as au office
boy. In time he cut loose from his
home ties and went to St. Louis,
where he became a clerk in a com-
mission house. He is said to have.
saved only $500 by the time he was
ready to go into business for him-
self ; only $1,000 when he was
more than thirty years of ago. He
is now said to control vast railway
systems, to own every oil car in the
land, to possess 20,000 miles of oil
tubing, 200 steamers, and 70,000
delivery wagons. Ho employs 25,-
000 men ; and as a financier, an
employer, and a power in the world
he knows no rival, Mr. Rockefel-
•W'ood's Plroephodino is sold In win nr bar
end 0, A. Campbell, U ante •d ' A. � �
ttttilttltttttlttttttlt mita militlttitt miiltlltitiiltlitittitttntlitlttilti mitltntitttttittlittltlim7�:
.....„ THE
JNO.&JAS.H.KR. ........................,..:1.71
HIS store is growing in popularity every day. The 2.
public themselves are personally booming this business.
E This is indeed the "People's Popular Store," We are here
to serve and please the people. Notice our bargain list.
...- ®ear
o - -
Mone Saving PricesCanned 600ds
Mr. Whitney was interviewed on
Thursday last on the political situ-
ation, and the reduction of the
Government majority, to one. He
said :—
"A British Government under
similar circumstances would resign.
No Cabinet would think of holding
office under such conditions. In
fact, looking to the future, on the
mere basis of party advantages, it
would be regarded as wiser for an
Administration supported by a ma-
jority of only one to resign and
face the consequences, instead of
hanging on, waiting, so to speak,
to be kicked out."
"I believe that the voice of pub-
lic opinion is bound to be heard.
With a popular majority of seven
thousand votes for the Liberal -Con-
servative party, and the evidences
coming in every day of a thorough-
ly organized attempt on the part of
agents of the Government to steal
the election, there is very little
doubt as to what the result will be.
Facts coming to the surface in ev-
ery constituency, show that in spite
of the great organization of the
Government and the large sums of
money'used, they would still have
been declared defeated on election
night had there been an honest
"In the past bye -elections in
Canada and in this province have
ordinarily and unfortunately been
inclined to go with the Govern-
ment ; but this time it is almost
certain that the overwhelming
voice of the people will manifest
itself in a different way."
..yy Goods
Ladies'. Fancy Cotton Hose, per pair 25c
Ladies' Cotton Hose, fast black, per pair 5c
• Ladies' Sailor Hats at Half Price
«_ .Children's Sailor Hats at reduced prices
18 pes. Dignity Print, good colors, regular XOc
ay, reduced to
10 acs. Print, regular 7c yd. for 6c
Ladies' Summer Vests for 5c
A splendid assortment of Ladies' Fancy
—W. J. Dickson, of the north gravel
road, McKillop, recently sold to Robert
Winter 88 prime steers. They will aver-
age about 1,500 pounds each and will
yield Mr. Dickson about $8,600 in
cash. They wore shipped to the old
country a few days later.
—IN ----i ARE THE
Jewels, candy, flowers, man—that is
the order of. a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty
power to the average woman, Even
that greatest of all ;jewels, 'health, is
often ruined in the strenous efforts to
make or save the money to purchase
their. If a woman will risk her health
to get a coveted -gem, then let her for-
tify herself against the insiduous con-
sequences of coughs, colds and bran-
chial affections by the regular use of
Dr. Boschee's German Syrup, It will
promptly arrest consumption in its
early stages and heal the affected
lungs and bronchial tubes and drive
the dread disease from the system. It
is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure
for coughs. colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get this reliable
remedy at J. E. Davis'
Our Beautiful New
II.... Vests at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30c
Men's Summer Underwear at 25, 45, 50 (II 1.00
- Men's Fancy Cotton Hose at 25c
Men's Silhine Hose, fast black 25c
E Men's Belts at 35c, 50c, 75c
_ Men's Summer Hats 25c, 50c, 75e
Splendid value in Chenille Curtains, Table
Covers and Stand Covers.
- Damask Table Covers and Stand Covers,
.� good colors 60c to 1.75
- Dress Muslins, good colors 6, 10, 12, 15, 20c
Lanen Batiste, Wool Delaines, Black, White
and .Colored Organdies, White and
See Our $16, $18, $20
Suits before buy=
ing elsewhere.
Also a special line
of pantings.Anything
you want in the tailor-
ing line can be had
and satisfaction guar-
anteed, at
Robt. Maxwell
high Art Tailor . Wiugham
_ P. K.'s, Ducks, etc.
Largo stock of Art Muslins and Drape-
ries, at, per yard .10 to 20o
-,. e
Its too hot to do much cooking. We have a
splendid supply of Picnic Delicacies.
Canned Corned Beef
Sliced Smoked Beef
Canned Boned Turkey 25c
Canned Boned Chicken 25c
Potted Hann, per tin 5c and JOc
5c and 100 i
Potted Tongue, per tin
Potted Chicken, per tin 5e
Potted Turney, per tin 5c
Potted Beef, per tin 5c
Potted Wild Duck, per tin 50
Kippered Herrings, per tin 100
Herring in Tomato Sauce, per tin 10c
Canned Fresh Herring, per tin 10e
Kippered Chickens, per tin IOc
Ocean Haddie, per tin 10c
Gavle, Ham and Tongue, per tin 15e
Domestic Sardines in Oil, Mustard and
Tomato sauce 5c
French Sardines in oil 15e
French Sardines, large tin 15c
Marmalade in Glass We
Jams and Jellies, in Glass IOc
Jelly Powder, per package 10c
Puddine Powder, per package 10e
Gelatine, Best mages 15c
Honey, Maple Syrup, and Canned Fruits
Catsup and Salad Dressing. ....0
Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr1 l�acE.onald Block, ililill1 Jno. &Jas. H. Kerr
Business Constantly Increasing
Handsome Goods.
This week we are placing in stock something
very handsome in Bedroom Suites, double swell,
quarter cut oak, Dressers and Stands polished, heavy
hand carving on Beds. By taking a number of the
Suites, we can sell sell them at $19.50, $26.00, $27.00
and $32.00. Also a few very pretty Ash Suites at
$15.00 and $22.00, with British Bevel Mirrors.
A Snap in Bedroom Suites. •
We made a big hit in medium-priced Suits—
took the balance of a factory's' stock (nine Suites in
all) which we will clear out at $17.00. These Suites
are ,good value at $ L9.50.
In Mattresses and Springs see what we have.
Street, S. eracey's
former residence,
where night calls
receive prompt at-
Bali Bros.
The People's Furniture Store
Dissolution Sale Continued
Stock must be reduced in 60 Days.
We offer our entire stock of
Tweeds, Worsteds, Gents'
Furnishings, Boots & Shoes
Actually at Cost
and in many many cases below cost. Now if it is
Bargains you are looking for, do not fail to take
advantage of this great sale. Everything goes, even
to our Boots.
lienieinber this is no Fake. It is a Genuine Sale.
Hornuth & Son.
Come to
Fox. Youn
R. A. l1011LA'SS
Chemist & Druggist
Office G.N.W. Tel. Co.
You Call't Afford
to ExenllIellt
in the matter of getting
.your clothes made—ex-
periments are often cost-
ly. You wont be experi-
menting if you let us
make your spring Suit or
Overcoat, because our
long experience in the
tailoring business enables
us to speak with a feeling
of assurance. Give us a