HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-07-10, Page 3A SURPRISED DOCTOR Sain a Case of St, Victus Dance • Could Not be Cured •••••.••••,,, Called One Day ana round the Patient Ironing and Learned That Dr, Wit. Hauer Pirtle , pals !tee Succeeeed Where Other Mealoines Had ladled TIM eufferer frOM St. Vitus danee, (Nee in a mild form, Is mull to lee pitied, but when the disease assumee an aggravated form tee patient le mutual): es lielpleen as an Itifant, anti bee to be watched with as mueli care. at. Vane dance le a (lamas° of the nerves, and mut be treated throne them, an 1 fur ths perptree there Is no , other maiielne la elie"world aets so ' eptately as Dr. WilltousPink Pills. Proof of 11118 ntatement is tonne in the may of MISS Loulee Luffman, wiloss home ao at Poulton! Mills, On., who. wae cured be these pitid after two doetore had failed to benefit irein tlia haat. Tbe young lady's mother teed the etory or her daughter's ill- neee as follows: "I do not think it • poceible any one could be afflicted with a more severe form of St. Vitus dame than that which attacked my daughter Loase. Her arms and legs would twitch and jerk, her face wee drawn and finally her left 'side be- came neneb tel though paralyzed. Two eael ors attendee her, but their treat - meta' did not help her but she gerw steadily worse. Her tongue be - value ewodert, her speech thick and inlistluet, and she could neither fiat t111 nor stand still. She (multi rot hold anything in her hand, and it W(15 hecessary to watch her all the time as we feared she would injure hereelf, Tele last tioetor who at- tended her told rue he Notate never get better, and It was teen that I detected to try Dr. Malliams' Pink Pale. After she had taken two boxes we collie see an improvement in her oondition. Her appetite improved, elle could sleep hotter and the aircrew: were less severe.,From that on thero was a marked improvement In her condition, and one day the eloetur 'wee had eald she could not get better callea while passing and foun.1 her ironing-soinething slie had uot been able to do for monthe: I told him. It was Dr Williams' Pink Pille that was curing her, and lie acted, "Well, I am surprised, but eon- linee the pale, they, will cure her." ehe used In all eight or ten boxes and at now as healthy, a girl as you will find aeywhere, and ehe has not since had a eymptorn of the trouble." If you are weak or ailing; if your nerves are tired and jaded, or yetir blood is oat of condition, you will be WISO to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which' are an unfailing euro for all blocal and nerve trouble. But be sure you get the genuine, with' the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper arounl every box. Sold by all medicine deal- ers or sent postpaid at 50 cents a bat Or six boxes for $2,50 by writing di- rect to the Dr. William' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. • • • THE VOLCANOES' VICTIMS. Dying Mao's Thh•st That Could Not be Satisfied. You read about that fellow down' in hell looking up and asking foe water,. says .Chlef .Offieer Scott, telling of • the ,loss of the Roraima at -Martinique in Leslie's Monthly for July, well, that le about as near as I can came to describiug It, but everything that happened Sticks In my mind liken, nightmare. I can eee now one of the passen- gers, a man, Wag on the Locale deck, hideously scarred, (trying for water. When we gave it to him he could not drink it. It would not pass down his throat. He was. crawling around on deck on las hands and knees calling for water and at last we Were afraid he would Sall overboard, so with the assistance of another man, I brought him clown to the main deck. As soon as ever he got there Ile caught sight ar Thompson with his water can and at once lava to crawl after him for water like a dog. The man'a tongue was lit- erally burned out of hie head, His arms were cruelly tuned from las ehoulders to les finger ends. As he lay there moaning aloud in mor- tal. agony one of the seilors hap- pened toput a bucket of salt water near him. The man plunged his right arm into it to relieve the scalding pain. At once his skin broke etraight round his ehoulder and stripped off les arm tie' it% hung like a lady's opera glove turned intelde out .from the tips of his firgers. But the worst burns were internal. The flee did not seem to penetrate clothing, but burned the exposed flesh merel- FOR. YOUNG WOMEN. Honest Words of Advice From One Who Knows. Algoma Yourig Lady Speaks Strong plain Counsel to her suffering Ste- ters-Teits them Her Own Peeper - fence as Proof. Blind River, Ont., June 28.-(Spe- Male-Anyone who might to -day WO Miser Emily Liddell, Of this place, for the first time Nvonht find it hard to believetiutt only it few months ago elle wart an invalid. ellee Liddell syuffcred with, Female 1Veakness and. Backache!, and fur Months wais so 111 as to. be, unable to attend to her liousehold duties, the elighteat task being too much for her in iter wenkoned condition. Stitt was terribly run down, and no- tdiliig '40 do her any good or afford her the slightest relief till she tried .Doetae Kidney Pills. From late very beginning they seemed to help her, and elthough at first 'the ine- pro(vement was slow sho persevere and gradually grew stronger, till to - (bay eke le in better healtil than she tate evea. known before. Mist( Liddell is Very gratefal for. her recneekialts deliverance, and strongly recommende Dold's Kidney Pills to all her lady (tegutintartoee who need' heap. ehe has given, for publication) a very strong letter of recoeumenda- Ooze in Which sho says; "I would meet heartily and cOlt- eelentiously ,advlse all young womeli troubleil Wite 'Petunia Weakness tii any form, to lay the remedy that oared mit after everything, else hail MUNI, ireel that remedy is Doeld's Kid- ney Paire "For menthe nt 0. thno I was so low arld. Weak ti1a.t 1 tonna it linposeible to attetet to my houeeliold duties, My back Wel to ache something dread - :al, Now 1 forl sarong Ana better %an 1 taer del, and Iegidai Kidney Pale did it all. They are woetil their weiget li.i gold to any young Winuan stifferieg as 1 used to suffer. "Thea !mat np wonderfully, etne eetinot speak too highly of Doteee Marley Pills as a eleallOino ft* sick tverlateal" • . • e / ••••• • was......"~W.W./.."...../W.,"••WW,"••••,••••/WW`,W,,* W•••••"./WWSP4WW...~~~.^..,...WW.••••,••• -41.010,..43,1i"stit.41.+11...*Watt.ati.404.44.441!..,01.4.434446434.61.6.att.att.1444411,40.40,41....40,40,440,44.4440,4X0., lk k 4 es•W•(.1••••("4"~••••%"""••••••••••NOWNeYNO%•••.1,*(o•WWW,~~,,,s London in Ilider-June By CIIANTE Crane. These are Times of Oorgeousness in the Capital of the World's Ureatest 'Empire -Fashions and People 141 -frwr.,oregr-or-or-or A-qrr-or-or•-fr-A-we-orvr--A--irg-or-arw-or-A-nh-A.-9r-ov,-ifr9r-or-ifr "What is 150 rare as a day in Juno, Taell, if ever come peraset days." fee sang Zanier! Rues 11 Lowell; but tide year the perkiei days have been conspieuous lo theit. abeenee. Hare wo are In mid -Jane, with the longue day in sight, and tee weather In town la November, bitter, (sunless. 1 Wa0 invited to see it Pastoral play lovely grountle. Or course it was postpeped iiitleftnttely. Tito Grana Battle of Flowers, at Earleeourt, In aid or the French charitioe, Ill Lon- don, jute jut shared the same fate, Such a disappointment; all the ex- quirite flowers had been sent from Paris, the ciatorateci carriages and tnotore would have been a real treat to Loneoners, who have not (leen the Flower Battles on the Riviera and elsewhere. Of course it le unprece- deuted, and of course WO believe it will clear up and be lovely before next week, so we try to be Mark Tapleyish, and look • for tee silver Mewl lining. Naturally all our deems calculatolis have been upset this "leafy. June;" if to be well dressed means to be /suitably clad as regards temperature, we must keep our Airy Summer Creuttolle In their tissue paper wrappimea pro tem, and go about in "tailor-mades," with it ;fur or 4eatber boa convenient- ly at hand, and it cloak and umbrella as near as possible, Only one who pays the slightest attention to the laws of hygiene or values her consti- tution lays .by her tele raiment with a gentle eigh and prays that the summer days may cease their laggard standoffish behavior, and come atc last to warm our hearts in this, the high -noon of the year. We are naturally feverishly anxious to know what the weather clerk has in )(tore for us next week. Ascot week, the time pier excellence for the display.. of lovely garnients on smart wo- men. As this year it heralds in Cora ()nation tide, it should be an unusu- ally brilliant function, so many in- teresting and well-dressed foreign., era being present, will add to tile loveliness of the suites on the lawn at Ascot, arhich Is always like a beau- tiful parterre of gay flowers. Oar Coudurlers and Mediates on both sides of t.lie Channelhave been eagerly vieing with each other in producing new and original models witir which to bedeck oar Mondalines. The ex- quielte ethereal creations of lace and mousseline de wee are all In readeases, but I know that every ono who ts ilot obliged to dress, ac- coeding to royal cementand has pro- vided 'myself with a mere substan- tial "coronation," costeme in case of weather eraugencies, to be ac- companied by a &metre, but useful °eat. Macey of my friends, who have excellent seats on the colonial stands, and others, tell net that they have not yet decided went they will wear, toying wisely provided A Choice ur. (ferments In keeping wriale either winter or etenater days, sunsiane or rain. We SiNt11 site a good deal of weat now gou by tire namo of coronation red, but is In reality very different •fre.m- the erode eliacle alone Linder- etouel. by the tetra by early Victor- ians. Tile new shade e mom:tang from Parte, really, is a softer, paler, ros- ier red, which is charming tor a gown In its entirety, or as an ac- companiment, or "high light," to a vaporislit black voile or silk muslin, especially should the latter he pien- Welly bedecked with old -looking liana point d' Alencon. A. rose -red parasol, or a teueli, of the lovely warm shade In. the hat, makes a black costume really 01110, and the addition of a lacepelerin•e, or flat ruffle, makes its success doubly mire. An ot lierwise =Interesting dark costum: may nowadays be HO easily given a certaincachet jast by a few touehes, such as a very up-to- date sleeve for instance; and its wearer is at onee looked eponas a Entaxtly dressed woman, . reeking of Abcot, a friend of mine, who can stand a good deal of color, is to wear a Parisian gown, wiitichovill look love- ly on the lawn if the day be kind. It is in this Ham) rose -red, it silken voile, *hese skirt has flat graduat- ing teaks narrowing off towards the waist, it simple, narrow, satin rib- bon talo 8211113 shade runs round the tem, which is cut up la Vandykes, whet it very frou from. frilling be- neath. There is a deep corselet of golden network wthleit ruts partly on the pleated bodice and descends down towards the hips where it is Tomei. iwto Vaadykes edged with a deep fringe made of little strands of narrow black rib- bou velvet fintehed with a tiny gee! ball The Office has et pelerIne of old blonde Taco draped round the shoulders, the same lace fornang mittene below the very full sieeyes, which droop gracefully from the elbows, though they ttre flatly pleatea at the top. The lace pelerlite has a tiny ruching of black salt naolai edging, foliowing the con- tours of the Louis XV. design In tho lace. This tottell or black being repeated at tile mitten wriste, is most effectively employed. The hat Is a large artistic affair of ruched tulle all black, With lovely clusters of ostrich tips arranged above and beneath the curvina brim. Ardothee quieter but equally chic As- cot frock is of grey silken crepe, trimmed in an 'uncommon fashion with seven bands of fine mimeo grey cloth, worked with steel paillettes. This Idea of placing heavy 'uteri. els on lialiter ones is Dame Vashion's latest "haigh on us." it Sounds More lerealeish than it looks, however, and in the case Of titis dress 1 call answee for Its being succeseful. The skii.t (yore fully frilled at the bottom with the gr. y ((repo The baineal bodice, which had ono of the 110W and weeinitone ! little bee -queue It:shine, was trimmed acme( with the tamieworkeil 0l05 - bands which also formed bracelets high up ot the full sleeves. Three wear a little inner eh tint:vette and re iso toulersitesves of white. Dish erocliet- time whiell nothing ie more modish. I This hot Is ft piquant shape in grey Satin straw, draped with white silk pitmen nal teeth .r ornamented with 0. big branch of true-to-life nacre's tit wlifell two same,: bletekbirde are daintily preking. The .grey taffetn parafert Is esmbroateral with leint•le 111' V1101.1!:(”( 1 1 1111 111111110.1 shades in Mane, an 1 1(41Vfi and etalks are Of green velvet one 'chenille. On the ivory handle perelit•a a black dicky- bir`i°11Leas• two dainty Costumes will be 'worn by two pretty soeitty dames 1 whose myrtles you 'nay discover, as they are well known 011 both «Mee Or the Herring Pond. I will tell yogi of one more Aeeot preparation because it may give you Some Urieful Ideas am a leo:lel-those of you who fancy work, and then , you will be -aced of the subject. This, then, Is a fine transparent tvoreecolored can- vas, made up on white tar - feats, hemmed With nunwrous frillings, It is incruetea with a llglit lace entre:Otte arranged Ln graceful, undulating rows around tee skirt. Tide lace, which is about three and a half inches wide, has an irregular scalloped edg,e, but Ito beauty lies in its having its flower- devicee embroidered In dainty color- ing, wee crepe roses In soft pink are Mingled with a running eget foliage worked 10 the( tiny green rococo rib- bon with the tendrils In gold thread. Only part of the design is worked, the rest left in its filmy lace work, W111(111 is charm1ug and Shoved the shining &ilk utelerskir•t through its thin meelles. Tire bodice is In keeping. I think I need met describe it, more minutely, but will leave your artietic aral quick imaginations to follow it for themselves, and, mayhap to im- prove upon 11 ! Coronation Souvenirs Are a. real drug in the market We are pimply inundated with; them, all the big shops having brought out il- lustrated urea more or less artietim with pictures or emblema of Royalty, which are sent as commemorative re- minders to their variourr customers. Each day 'the windows display new articles suitable to the occasioa, which certainly go froni the sublime to the ridiculoue. In the high-toned ordee I may mention the Iloniton lace broualit out lately in a rose -- It may be that with the ceseetem of hostiaties Smith Afteett, and our generous+ and hurt treatment of their levee Boars, whom they (wail.. ly hindered rather than it Ipeti, ben -int mein - they feel they c.an reggae( us emelt Anyway, we are 104 11 pleased that their 1>r1'5113 111111 /sensed front troubling area jeering, and trust that there nmy be a long, long truce. Parts Actresses. Talking of French, we have hail an ephiende of Paris actreesos thew? last few weeks, a regular bouquet of talent and, charm, for each in leer way is unique: dainty, bitel-1 ice Repine, intone° 1 m Atonal Jeanne H Wing, and bow the Strait herself. You can't eave too much of a good thing, or coarse, but, in nee opleam, you can !lave too migh of French. 1)1 158, with their one eternal theme, whose subject le eveu less acceptable When done into Lord Chambeelain English I think the most delightful way to encounter ;these fascinating comediennes is off the boards, thee is, at the drawing - r0001 ehtertaiumente, bazaars and shows, itt whieh they have been lendiag their aid in tlte most charm- ing way shoe( they came to Malty London, giving a note of brightness and chemises all their own and fate cinating everyone with their exquis- ite clothes, gracious, sympathetic manuere, and impressive Teethes. Not one of the three Is beautiful to my mild, but -how much better At the Alhambra the much -talked or Cleo de elerode Is dancing, but I do not hear lintel' of her. I once eat next to her at a long serviee in the Madeleine in Paris, and I confess her pretty face, with her Fort illtir and the eyes of a Raphael Madonna, quite disturbed my 1•0 SOMETHING IN THE SILK BLOUSE LINE. - • --ay , • - - • ^.• ^ shamrock -and -thistle. design, and also some oyster white satin, which 1 have suet on a model for an Empire event- ing eown, worked with these national flowerets in gold thread. I turned with positive( relief to a lovely mate- rial at Liberty's worke.t with golden Napoleon wreaths on 1111.10 satin; tele was also fashioned into a tea gown or Empire gown, the short little bust being edged' with a little .golden fringe. The fieur-ae-l1, 'too; is very prevalent ; it is a charming device, and there is not the least doubt that in spite or our patriotic and estim- able sentiments French goods and French petterne are very much to the fore. We feel lees piety in taking advautage of them In all their good toe -tattiness, however), since there IS itt preseut ft 1.100nT in the "entente mutilate" betweee the two vis-a-vis eountriee. it may be caused by our sympathy, pecuniarily expressed, iu tate Martinique disaster, It may be that the coronation festivities will prove beneficial to French trade, BABV'S OWN TABLES. Come 118 0. elessogei of' Hope to All Tired and Worelea Mothers. homer( where Baby's Own Tab - tete efee used eroes and fretful chil- dren n,re •unkuowit. The little ones ere cross because they are ailing, and (hue Tablets arc tit 1 beet medi- cine in the world for etomach, b mei and teething' troubles. They will Innate your baby well and keep it well, and they are guaranteed to contain no Mgr:elegem that can harm the Neediest, weakest infant. Mothers everywhere give these Tab- lets the highest inetice. 'errs. R. Me- eftteter, Cooketowe, Ont., Rays: "Afy brake Wftfl mucit troubled with con- etetatlos and indigestion, and was very restless and peevish at night u. gaVe her 13:111Ve Own Tablets mai 8110 is now regular and rests well. aloefirel that the Tablete are 0 great help during tiu• teething per- iod." Childree take there Tablets just 1114 1151(111/ an r11.114 and t•ruslied to a, powder they ate be given to Ili . vottegeot, feeblest infant with llows buti good retinas. fetid be ail deniere ,a. seat poet paid at 25 tante a, line hy Ivritele (Brae: to the Dr. .A1V4111.1i11. ('.01, Brockville, Ont., or Scheilectittle., N. !, 10 1 14' 111al 1,11'y 1.111(11 101 10 10 oge- e:tell leiter ami (alto 'leer tho 111 m- are meat of n, emelt lini, at some :mailer:. off. gem after, they ‚1%i() '0 to le 11 lent Ilett the yoeine eeeta lied di eamptel, teteen witli lent a quantity of the Limey rwl1,0. The owner 111 111 1 at mare a MI (1/11 111 10• eoula get no infereetti from the gar:later, elle lival t (11 tentage. 0.1 0,1 game he }tamed, 1 110 filet 111ilt 111' 1N1:0' 11" 1 trlrappt.'l 1,r1 le and lerldegrami hitti 1.41 thuir now 1111-11,, 11, nad, k..hort lo (('1 till, 10041+1 of Ler , pi - 111421011 ho arrive 1 Mr. B. etweice at mienight, to tees cho pare et:lim- ing at the foat the tial, looketer moureiltilly at hie nutettsr, !Never mealtime that 11 realle itiel return- ed, he exclaim el "Wee ! Watt nave you bo ay for yourst•If ? where le the eliver yoe 'Woe ?" The paste turnee awl quickly left the room. Mr. D. followal toed gut aid far au an olii elm tree la tee peak, 11 lwre the pogo etelde•nly dleappeared and Wee( even nu more. -When morning came Mr. 13. weat to tilts gardoner and told him to dig up the gro.uml at the foot of the big tree, wheel was the pew/elute: which ate youth 1(11(1 eeetned to vanieh. levee 11105 (round not the sneer, but the inur- (levee Deftly of tee page. Mr. 13. and the earilener, at once griitying lime situation, and euspecting the old teervnuts, went to their inn, awl directie lie saw thrine Air. 13. toad, without preamble, "At it 1008 you who Ktole nty eilver an.I murdered the page!" So taken aback wore they that they could only ,cringe and plead for mercy, not attempe- ing to deny their crime. I do not know what petite:Invent was metal out to teem, but, es ley friend con- cluded, "the poor young page broug•la them to justice and vinda catee himself." abante-Clair. • devotions. Site looked .so young and pretty, and her green velivet frock touched up with ermine, and a big green picture hat eha.dIng her face, hutted her down to the ground. Same charming little sixteenth century songs were warbled lately by a French girl at a drawing -room en- tertainment. You may like to have their names -"Mignon, Arai, voir el lit Rose" (Cordele -e) and " An Jae Jen" ijen'nequine She loeltal pretty, too, in a ivlate tulle frock With a .thick wreath of piek rose petals - with glieteeing dOW drops on them -all round the decolletage and hem arid edging the 1:ttle globe -shaped rliseves. Sane pretty ideas In colored pearl have come over from Paris I 01110 15('011 fans mounted in it, which look lovely at night, and there is a pretty Rod: of iridescent trimming of it called "fish scales'," which locate well on evening theme( of net. I do not know how pvarl 18 eyed, but It line a Iowa? 111;q11 Hie effect, aml for the dress trimmiege the Rules are fashioned into Powers and foli- age. 1 MTV' it on thin crepe meter- witiell looked as If deeigned for 470111% womlerful eastern prInceseee Aesabinei Nighte' renown, so ethereal, yet bra 1 tia, WON their effect. In this 2,t 1.' luny mention the lovely jewelled lace boleroeewit by the leiventivei "Parisian Diamond Com- pany." The ground is worked over vitliloillinate in the most exqule- it ely fine tia•igue or tracery ; they ara Truly 'things of Homely nail would glorify any evening bod- one. In front there are delleate cleans and drope or tamale( to fn Atm them (1.05 958. They are atirly eoetly, but wont() be most matte and exceedingly becoming. The new pearl and dianIond ilog collare shown by them are aleo ex- ellisite, and would take In an ex- pert by their lustrous color and quality, wantler away from the Teeth of artses for ten instant, may I tell eou a true dream glory, lately re- lated by mime Mende, who ;neve an old country 'homes In the sonth nr Ebglettel ? It happened eume veare intek, but is absolutely au- thentic. The I AS nor wont abroal for ft 1.1MN Willing 411P Z10111:1' in (*barge of two oil ((entente -a 1.ut - ler 4111(1 houeekepper --and a page- boy. While away the former wrote WU for ‘Voineu. "I cannot tell you weat pleaguro you leave given me by making me a eir•tialay present of these two vases! Every time I eaw theme in the show window of the ten-oent store I wished to pueeees them 1'-Fliegende Blaet- t er. Maude -Would y- ou marry it mai, you. didn't love? lici:rlia:a-No, indeed ! 'MaudB e-ut suppose he naa a ma - i t Clara -Oh, then I'd love hem -Chi- cago Newe. , t Wife -Oh, Jolne, I don't think you will live very much longer. Frugal Mebane (a $ick man) -Has the doctor told you anything about my- condition? Wife --No; but he handed me his bla to -day. • Nell -When WO--vv750 at Washing- ton we saw the President filling a va- 0aBneel5. le -Diel you, really? Nell -Yes; he was dining at the mime hotel. Hoax-ely wife beagle; a new car- pet the other day, but we Ita,d to I send it back. Joax-Witat was the matter wlth ? Hoax -Tate pattern was so loud that the baby couldn't got to sleep at all." George -Women - are still pushing their way into all industries. (' Jack -That's so. I have just been discharged chw arged to make ay for a wo- "Yon have? Well, well. What ore you going to do now?" . 'I am trying to marry the woman." Mather -Surely, Mr. Softieigh isn't going to call on, you to -night. Daughter -Certainly. Why not? Mather -Why, you know the parlor furniture hasn't come, back from the upholster er's. Daughter -Yes, but the big arm- chair wasn't sent away. "Gracious! You look thin 1" ex- claimed the first moth. . "Yes," replied the other ; "I just escaped death by starvation. I was kicked tep in a bathing suit about a month ago, and my food was ex - 'muted to -day, wlien I escaped." --- Crawford-Are you a good judge of a girl, old man ? Crabeltayr-A better judge never drew. the breath of life. In my ex- perience I was deceived in only one girl. "Which one was that ?" 'The one I married." Mamma -Why don't you get rid of the attentions or that persistent Mr. • klInteyaeora g 1 ? Daughter -How, ghter-How, I should like to Mamma (firmly) -13y resorting to heroic measures, of course. Daughter -But, mamma, I do not want to marry him. From the o Smart Set." "They gay the first year of married life is the Irardest of all." "Well, why nut? They see so much of ewe other!" -- "Which do you like better -money or nobility ?" "Well, I love a dollar, but 1 wor- ' ship a sovereign!" "What's the penalty for bigemy?" "Two mother:alit-law 1" --- Summer Hotel Clerk (to bride and groonti-Do yolt whet a northern 01' IL P0irt1ierit exeesure ? Bride (blushingie1-011, please, sir, . no exposure at all ! --- I The Wife -Oh, George, I've lost my* bathing suit 1 What shall I do ? The Husband-- -Don't say anything about It, and It won't be miesed. Mae Bliss treading paper) -Dearest, I 800 marriage licenses are only two dollare, while divoree papers cost fifty ; why le it ? Mr. 1311.8 (11...o reading) -Worth more. pi APPLES AND THEIR ENEMIES, y, HOW TO SPRAY AND WHAT TO SPRAY Verree.WeseeeeeseeeeieeeleareSea).4'eaaareelaeaceregreeeeeeeeiagefeeeeeesaaeeefeeeeteeer ereirea• p..r.minit of Agrioulotre, Ottawa. 10111011 .0411 be deetroeed by the agate Toe Ouniend for Collate:en upplet( of poems, goof imitate Joel lo good (mutation Disetroy tent caterpelere by 11; eraeorateding one, 4101 in epeayola the trete; with laiiH,MH, 05 ((re;1 arattlit tee market appeare ta givea 111 either aupelesr 11 ri• 11. be muerte tee weer( the, prompecte tor - moat the p.r.thg eaterPillArq 110 1 :Olt 1111 1.10, ali 1..:11.k.1.4,11.1. eatoie,a, an write amnil eau bit 11%0141 Wit11 0411r1' Ear008311 001111411141 cot off and deetroyeit early befuec ore e•inally promising. Canadian IrifIL tee leaved. Mae thent. glowered. peekere, and einppers are (llama fruit worm( should be exitortisaeo see tbet tee truit that le treated to ao. 0. expertei le web 411111 honestly packed, Canker. wterin 0110 be deetroyea twee teat it lei of euch 11111,1 W1111 (10! a 43 oebn ae the easter - taus dera.01.1 Mine not (rule equal our pillara appear, utast eauguile. expretatlens, but more The apple apeis can be elestroyed tun 1111111 the desires ot tee .tuost with 8 ea 1, ,: Sul gr o w ere. Tito ineetets.attaelang the wood ir110 apple grower is armhole to get ere principally the Slat -headed tets meet ma of his orcitartiti, tut borer .emd 'the rowel -headed borer,. reameinies circumetaueee eumblne amid the best 581140(13' fee 13013110. thwart hie weloititentionee effort, re regular treatmept every dune, and to help 1001, 0(1.1 of his diffIcultiee just before the thee the eggs are this artIc1, Is iseacd. Tee Department unfitly late, with eeterrent washes thus tekee heed le lighting 80,1111101 sech as leo. 5, or the saute with les deadliest foes, provi lee he is wila crude carbolic aeld added in the lag to wield the cudgels provided for proportion or one pint to lour fol- iate succor. ea Figitt•og insects. There are four kinds of insect ene- mies against whom the apple -grower lms to fight. Tuere are those which deVour the foliage, those which bore In the wooa, thou which occur in the busk, and those which attack the fruit. But all' infects fall within two claues, which men be separated by the nature of their moutlemarte. ID the intelligent use oi remedies a con- sideration of this point le of the ut- most nuportance. 10 the class or b1tbu iiis.cts. 10111011 111 (1 Imre of the mush to be appeal wieli a togas bruit to the bark of the treee and trunks ante largrr Witeu a tree Is infested, elm pregetice of the grub may he de- tected by the borings which, It pushes out of its berrowe and by. the eunkeu, discolored appearaxica of the bark. By cutting through the bark the grub ea; .be destroyee, 11 hae peneerated Into the wood It can be killed with a piece of stout pliable wire. . For the oeeter sheir baric-louee, jaws with which they consume the Thero are oevaral other kinds of trubetance of their food, 811011 " male insects which °deur upon the caterpillars, all that is necessary is apple, which. may be treated in to place on the food plant some/ poi- the home way LIP the oyster shall s•onous material which will b3 eaten bark -tome. ' with the food. For sucking insects, Teo woolly apies is seldom a seri- which instead of jaws have a beak ous pest in the east, but It is very. or hollow tuba with which they suck troublesolne in British Columbia. Tee up their food in it liquid form, such beat remedies are to spray Ihe col- as the plant louse, something must oeies of these Ivelte dormy lice on. be used which will kill by mere 0011. thneembera rtn o istiliejsand a d oh trunkssetoviatdIzok:,iro- tact with their bodies. For borers so Iri the wood, which cannotbe resell- oea riorslionfd water. ewr4 iFec)oril tshoeapr o °int five ed may be taken by which ed by these remedies, preventive g onies remove the surface soil to a depth of six inches for a root or the plants are rendered distaeteful two around the trunk, and dig la to the mature insecte when seeking tobacco dust or refuse from it te- a suitable place in which to lay their' ba•cco factory. eggs. For this purpose various al- The ccaldling moth is the parent kaline or strong -smelling deterrent of the destructive apple worm, so washes rimy be used. well known to all growersandcon- It cannot be too forcibly emphasia sumers of apples throughout the (elodootainaott tmheemoopeszo.aritnioknunogf o"rspAtoywinegr'world. In Eastern Canada there, I -' only one regular 'brood of the insect; sr Ing. "Spraying"' means applying but west ,of Toronto there are two aqui& by means of it force pump , broods, the latter of waieh is by far and spraying nozzle with such force the more destruetive. When there is as to break up the liquid so thor- ' oilly one brood, spray witlt No, 2 or oeghly that it falls upen the plants Ne. 6 Ogee or four times in the treated as an actual mist or spray. 1 boring, beginning immediately after Unless you carefully spray and not ; the flowers have fallen, at intervals sprinkle you cannot get an even die- i of ten days. That is all that is re- ired. When there are two broods tribution of' liquids, therefore you qu band the trees in autumn with stripe cannot get the best results. of burlap,- Whisps of hay or any Remedies to be Used. "tree protectore' Remedies are numbered for easy No. 6 will destroy, also, many reference and to avoid confusion. ofoitteg,suhas a reenemolesWeilinetlerfweeodrmOsn, tent 1. Kerosene Emulsion -Dissolve a oaterpillars leaf -rollers and the like. half pound of whale oil soap in one t gallon of rain water by boiling; take 1 Spraying is useless for the applemaggot. The remedy most to 130 from fire, arid while hob turn in two , relied on is the prompt destruction gallows of kerosene (coal -o11) and , of windfalls so as to prevent the churn briskly for five minutes. Before maggots going Into the ground. This using add nine parts of water, can best be done by keepiag a set- ae Paris Green -One peund of fielent number of pigs, sheep or other Paris green, one pound of fresh lime, stock in the orchard. The penning 00lootgioaollotnaskoofonweaptoeurn. d anid..oraddrily taopp2i has been found a most useful prac- up of poultry beneath infested trees of P0.rif9 green, with 50 pounds of tic°. flour, land plaster, slaked lime, or. The San Jose Scale, any other perfectly dry powder. The San Jose scale Is the. most dif- 3. Whale Oil Soap -For young in- sects (scale) -Use one pound in five fit:nit insect that tee fruit growers galione of water. • have lo Contend againet, and For Aphis -Use one pou.nd in eight active experimants are still going on gallons of water. • For San Jose Scale -In winter use two pounds In one gallon of water. 4. Tobacco and Soap 'Wetsiv; for plantallco or aphis - Soak In hot water for a few hours 10 pounds of tobacco leaves (home-grown will doe strain off and add 2 pounds of whale oil soap. Stir until all is dissolved, and dilute to 40 galleries. Apply early and two or tame times at short in- tervals. 5. Alkaline Wash for Borers- Re- duce soft soap to tire consistency of thick palet by the addition, of it strong solution, of washing soda in water. If applied with• it brush (lur- ing the morning of a warm day, this will dry in a few hours and torte) a tenacious coating not easily dis- solved by rain: 6. Poisoned boreleaua mixture for fungi amid insects on fruit trees - Dissolve 4 pounds of copper sulphate (bluestone) by suspe•neling it Inside a wooden or earthen veseel containing 4 or 5 gallons of water. Slake 4 pounds of freelt bliu in another ves- sel. If the lime when slaked is lumpy, it should be strained through coarse sacking or a fine sieve. Pour the cop- per sulphate solution( into a barrel, or it may be disseived he this In the first place; 'hall fill the barrel with water, add the slacked erne, and 4 ounces of Parts green', fill 'elle barrel with water, and stir thoroughly. It Is then ready for use. Stock solu- tions of dissolved copper sulpitate and of lime may be prepared anti kept In searate covered barrels through- out the spraying season. The quan- tities of bluestozte, lime, and 'water should be carefully noted. 7. Copper Selphate Solution -This is prepared by dissolving no pound of bluestone in 25 gallons of water. As soon, as dissolved It la ready for use, but noist be used only before tile buds open: 1'110 lenentIer. to be Fought. The worst enemies of the apple tree, attacking the foliage, 0.50 the eye -spotted bud-mota which can be destroyed by spraying early 'with a strong Pares greeir wash consisting of one ponnd melt of Paris green and fresh lime, In WO gallows of water; tlio cigar esse-bearer, the pistol case -beater, tied Icor rollers, all of to discover a reraedy for this pest. Up to now the two treatments our experts have found to give tile beat results al.e the spraying of trees In winter, or before the buds burst with folution consisting of 2 pounds of whale -oil soap In one gallon of rate, or with 25 to 80 per cent. application of crude petroleum and water. These are facts which alio or the ,ut- most imporianne to apple -growers at this season, and are the enitartaineti results of years of patient study, re- eearch and experiment on the part or Dr. James Fletcher, the entomole- glet, Mr. W. T. Macoum, the horticul- turist, and Mr. Frank T. Shutt, M. A., chemist, at the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, and ((thee parts of the Dominion. Drifting Drollery. Bizzer-How does your wife Ilk* that lady who moved in next door? Buzzer -Oh, all right 1 She hasn't as many gowns as my wife. --Colum- bus State Journal. Mrs. Growells-My huaband is con- tinnally quarreling about trifle. Mrs. Howells -Well, my dear, tha less one hap to quarrel about the bet - tea -Chicago News. --- Mrs. Boaster -Henry and I at- tended the opera last night, We had 13. box. Mrs. Blount -Caramels, weren't they? I saw you In the gallery eat-' Ing something. -Richmond Dispatch. , Mrs. Whyte -She learned to speak French In Mx weeks. Mr. Whyte -I wonder how long it will take the folkover in France to learn( to understand Ilea -Somer- ville Journal. am. "An' den acuity Claus he oute, down de ciambly--" aDean he gtt 1318 fae..te all black WI soot ? "Wall, he dorm nand, dat when he's a milli& on cullud chillun."-Puek, HIS LITTLE GIRL CUBED OF ECZEMA The Burning, Stinging SeneatiOnS Taken Away and the Raw Flesh Healed by Dr. Chase's Ointment. it is not at all unnenal for 01111(11.4m to suffers ,greatly froin (amnia, a form of 'Wiling skin disease, bat It frequently happens ilin,t relief Is very bard to obtain, and neglect is likely to leave the sullect a life-long 1101110 of thie rkin trouble. Dr. hnseas Ointment has proven itself a imick ana permaneret cure for tails itilmt••nt. Take, for example, the following cafes: Mr. C. Wave,' who 18 ematio,y,sd are eooper be. lite Keemetly & Davie elihing Company, Lindsay, Oat., elates: "I used Dr. Chase's Ointment far VOZenrt on 1113' late girl some few eeare ago, and soon brought, about a thorough anti pisrinatient eure. 5110 lied mi feral Ras consider:0 Is time, and though we triea a great many rem('Ltiere I)r. Chase's ohumentwas the oniy preparation to prove efetotiva, "I cermet Liptak too highle 01 1)5, Chnlasee Olialment, as it certainly effected a Dreamt, tend permanea cure In lade ettee. Dr. Oliase's Ointmone is remarkably effeetIvie as a treatment for sore feet, and every Mimi of akin ire- tatiele etre. J. Brunton., Allandale, Ont., states: "I CAL11 reeammend Dr. Ceas'e's Ointment as a mere euro fOr Sore feet, 1 stam a groat deal on, my feet, anti have been trembled for eanie time with chafing and blisters, My toes were often raw awl very pal n fu 1.. "..r Lad trial meetly everething Yeeonemended for sore feet. hut Drgellaseer Ointment is the only remedy time did mo nay real good. It sOotlied the burning and stinging, and thoroughly healed awe cured the Egeer," Dr. Catase's Ointment is, we liellete, tace most effeetive and most thorou,glay eatestactory treatment that wag ever nacd for (Tema ealtriiioule, anti lichees skin diseasee 0,11d ereptiOne. 60 mots 0 boX, at all dealers, or Almansoo, Bates & Oa., Toronto.