HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-07-03, Page 6ADVICE ICE TO A BRIDE
' !Don't tale An chances at the outset fol eevur inarrled life. Give
moi" °'ice °'?` lo
LOVE'S EXILE.s4clevp4044444444044414440,
CHA.12,TE'R I.
Poor little witch! 1 think site left
all her spells and love -philters be.
land her when she let herself be car-
ried off from Ballater to 13arswater,
a smut where nu sorcery more poet-
ical or more interesting than mod-
ern spiritualism finds a congenial
home. What was her star about,
not to teach her that human hearts
can beat ae passionately up among
the quiet hills and the dark fir -
berme, as down amid the rat..le
and the roar of the town? Well,
Well; it is only in the grave that
we make no mistakes ; and life and
love, lied knows, are neyeteries be-
yond the ken of a ohuekle-headed
country gentleman, with juet sense
enough tb handle a gun and land a
And the nihil and substance of all
this is that the Deeeide hills are
very bleak In December, that the
north wind sighs and sobs, whistles
and howls among the ragged firs
and the bending larches In a man-
ner feareome and eerie to a lonely
ratan at hie silent fireside, and that
bouks are but sorry substitutes for
human companions when the deer
are safe in their winter retreat in
the forest, read the grouse -spoors
are white with snow. So here's for
another pine -log on the fire, and
a glance back at the fourteen yeare
which have souped away since 1
abut the gates of the world behind
Ttte world! The old leaven is still
there - then, that after fourteen
yeare of voluntary—almost volun-
sl•• au t
. 1
girl who had inspired :. l,> pas
could even, looking ie the future,
foretlead (ll to getbere ird;is lint •i Bsandwife
often' slit, fallen fir ill the ideal
position of an Imo 1 ?Mg goddess
to that of a tante pt't rabbit,
bored to death by ate t •'letnnite* when
I was eCrltllls, and Ire •.tenets by me-
i11Epetnostt, wstell 1 watt gay. woul•l
discover, with quick woman's in-
stnet, that the best of myself was
no longer given to her. and cavilling
at the neglect of a loieband whose
so('iety oppr('teed lire. would find
compensation fur her wrongs among
more frivolous conil)an ons. do that,
weary of frivolity me eelte my wife
would avenge my deft (Olen.
the sobriquet of "Handsome Harry,"
and I wtiH quite as much alive to my
personal attractions, quite as aux-
IOUs to show them to the best ad-
vantage as any female professional
beauty. It was agony to think that,
hating already exhausted my imagin-
ation in the invention of devices by
whiceoeturme, the
always appeaana
little better dressed than anyone
else, I could do nothing more for my
love than I had done for my vanity.
AP a last resource I curled my hair.
The boldness of my devotion soon
meundham wan to s fifty-two, had e Earl ta snub
nose, and was already bald. Lady
Helen was very young, sweet and
Ample, and perhaps scarcely real-
ized yet whart much handsomer
horses and gowns and diamonds are
to be got with eighty thousand a
year than with, eight. So she smiled
at me and danced otitis me, and
said nothing at all in the sweetest
way when I poured out my passion
in supper -rooms and conservator-
ies, and giggled with the most ador-
able childlikeness when I kissed hor
little hand, still young e.nough to
be rather red, and told her that she
had inspired 'pie with the wleh to
be great for her sake. And the end
of it was that the Earl began to
retreat, and that I was enubbed,
and that these snubs being to me
an earnest of victory, I became ten
times more openly, outrageously
daring than before, and my suit be-
ing vigorously upheld by one of her
brothers?, who had become an ora-
cle in tb•e family en the simple bails
circle of a few hundreds of not of bei'n'g difficult to please, I was at
1 last most reluctantly accepted •IIs
particularly wise, not particularly ! -Ludy Helen's, betrothed lover.
interesting people—the world! They yly. success gage me the
were wise enough and interest'trlg sort of prestige of curiosity
e and earnestness, n
t thee esti
C u earn
m passionate enough for ssioltla
twenty, though, when by the death ; age when we associate passion with
of my elder brother I leapt at once seedy Bohemians and earnestness
from an irksome struggle, with ex- with Methodist preachers, can easily
pensive tastes, on 0 stingy allow- excite among a generation of men
+ince of three Hundred a year, to having no stimulating iron bars or
the full enjoyment of an income of stone walls between them and their
eight thousand. > lady loves, can reserve the best of
How fully I appreciated the de, their energies for other and more
lights or that sadden change from exciting pm -smite. I was the respect-
I suppose almost every man, in the
sober hours which alternate with the
ptlroxysute of the wiliest passions,
can ftlrlU a tolerable correct fore-
eaRt of his life with tilt W0111a31 who
likes to believe that she line cast
hint into an infatuation whose force
is blinding. The peel ere is alwaye
with him, showing now in bright col-
ors, now in dark ; vary ing a little in
• ut
its outlines front tier to time,b
the same
substantially life b'b
sin t
r 6
and more or less oceitrate aceording
to the measure cL hie intellect and
experience; not at all the picture of
even an earthly paradise, lint yet
with charms which satisfy human
longings, and make it hard to part
with. ea 1, having made up my wind
that beauty, gentleness and mod-
esty, good birth and fairly good
temper were the only attributee of
my future wife on which I could rely
pllilo;YophieaIly deeldetl that they
formed as good an equipment as I had
any right to expect, doubled my at-
feringe of flowers and bon -bone, and
traneterred the diequ!sltian on art,
literature, religion and politics, In
which I had begun to indulge to her
Lord Edgar Normanton was a tall,
fair, broad shouldered young man,
niliin frivolous the
musementsofhs age and station,
did Ho in a grave, lei -surely, and re-
flective manner, which caused him to
be looked up to as nue capable of
higher things, whose presence at a
cricket match wag a condescension,
and who appeared at belie with some
occult purpose connected with the
etudy of human nature. I had al-
ways looked upon his spec-
ial Triendehip for
an honor, of which I felt
that my new departure, in deciding
that 1 had sown wild oats enough,
made me more worths'. It never
oconrred to nee to ask myself or any-
body else whether his wild oats were
sown. It was enough for me that
he was glad when mine were. With
the loyalty of most young men to
their ideals of their own sex, I would
far rather have discovered a new
and unsuspected flaw in Helen's
character then have learnt anything
to shake my respect for her brother.
Woman, when not considered as an
angel, can only 'be looked upon as a
fascinating but inferior creature,
whose faults must be overlooked as
irremediable, in consideration of its
contributions to the comfort or the
pleasure of man. One may argue
about them, but except as a relax-
ation one cannot argue with them.
'Edgar was openly delighted at my
engagement with his sister, which
he considered merely in the light of
at tie to bring us two men closer to-
gether. Such a little nonenity as
I foundhe considered his sister to
be, might think herself lucky to be
honored by such a use.
This was the position of affairs
when a memorable shooting party in
Norfolk, of which both Edgar and I
formed members, resulted 1n an ac-
cident which calls to bring sty love
affair to an end as sensational as
rte beginning.
We were engaged upon that hospit-
able abomination at a shooting
party—a champagne luncheon. Hav-
ing made a very fair bag for my
morning's work, and being tired
with my exertions, I was inclined
to think that the serious business
of the day was over for me and' that
I might take it easy as regarded
further effort. Edgar, who, cluee his
discovery that my fervoram the sub-
ject! of has sister had grown less ar-
dent, was inclined to assume more,of
the character of mentor totvarde me
than I cared. about, had Seated
himselfon tine ground beside
eee . r,< ..
'q.,t"7.,1.y. , ,1,.I.1„l.,s .;,,, ,j..,.., ,,•.; 4e; p.,; Hell i How to Got
Rich.; iCh
/// I > i ix
to Ggbee consumption, with Scott's
4• 4, Take a quantity of slliea costing
.;. one-fourth the )1 ee of011; 114 it
M G ` ro " ACII`'. with oil, slid sell the compound to
Emulsion of cod-liver oil, is long s> ° 1
re; the public at the price of pure oil •
in advance, If it threatens, you can
resist ; and yott may overcome it,
Don't be afraid ; be brave. Bttt
tackle it ; don't waste time,
$eNU FOR i'$ UAM„IC ANC 1111' 11.
SCOTT 4 SOWNE, - CNte"*1o. , , TORONTG.
True to Ills Word.
Y. Sun.)
Wire—If I had known that
would refuse to let mamma
and visit us, 1 should never
harried you.
Husband—Weil, didn't I tell you
that I loved i ou for yourself alone ?
Don't grin and bear it, Whet) your old
toe, rheumatism, gets into your Muscles, put
1). & 1..'
h tIt •pain -conquering
t ewnlu
;lteuthul Pliisk++r uu the sore spot, and
bieseed relief conies tit °nee. Beware of
The Microbe Question.
(Montreal Star.)
A microbe lingers 4n a kiss, yon
tfay ?
Yee, but he nibbles in a pleasant
Rather than In the pipe and tete-
Better to catch' him kissing and be
"ineligible" to "eligible"t How
quiex,y 1 began to feel that, in ac-
cepting an invitation, instead of
receiving a favor, I now conferred
one! My new knowledge speedlly
transformer a harmless and ra-
ther obliging young man into an
1nt3uflerable puppy; but the puppy
was wetetemed where the obliging
young mau had hardly been toler-
ated. Beautifully • gradual the
change ways. both in me and to
my friends; for we were all web -
.bred and knew how to charge the 1 ter having eoneeale•d myself for come
old formulae whit new meanie.- 1 hours behind a ,7apanese screen in
"You wall be sure to come, wul t the library ; stow, revolver In hand,
• yon.?" from a (hostess to me was I had forced the unwilling parent to
Oi kindness, it accede to my demand for his daugh-
nu longer a crnluo 1 the
was air entreaty. "You are very tar's hand, and much more of
kind," from ole, expressed now not same kind listened to with incredulity
gratitude, but condescension. l but still with interest.
rather nice girl,- who had been 1 It was hard that, after the eclat
scolded for dancing with ole toot of such a beginning, our engagement/
often. was now, like the litule child-
ren sept out in the streets to liege
praised or blasted by her motion:
according to the degree of atten-
tion I htt'1 paid her. 1 did not shale
the contempt of the other men of
my own Lige for this manoeuvring
ulau,ma ao.1 the rest of her kind,
though I dareely 1 spoke of them
in the saute toile as they did. In
the first place, i was flattered by
their lounge to my new poeitton,
interested as it was; and in the spend oil presents for her ;less legltt-
inmatwere second,we ev r
their >t
t slam
renounced i
e sure I
ren l
pleasure z
nor, ,
dress, matt 1
an so hats b alike in <lr ter of course, with shame that tete
iLtlr what by courtesy is culled coil- ter
Paris to a proper and , per
1ectly well-conducted Helen, the
Romeo to a new Juliet. My wooing
and engagement became a society
topic, the subject of many interest-
ing fictiorre. Spreading to circles a
little more remote, in the absence
of any Downing ;street blunder, or
('lapham tragedy, the story became
more romantic still. I myself over-
heard on the underground railway the
exciting narration of how I forced my
into the Marquis/' bedroom, af-
MYnard's Liniment for Bklettma-
Air lnslow's Sereitiu: :e,Iep .
always be used Inc Chalon 1'n '1 wee.
soothes tlto child, softens the gum , •' u'(
colic and is the bent remedy fur Ole t 1'h . • •.
• otter " prizes " with the compound ` c , F WANT,4.+.144,4+4,444.44 -..,44 -pi -o: to make it sell. It is such a / /
o..,•,, •• o• - ,..>.• , •. compound the piddle get when they t3crrlt'R nu,l llther trust„ uu ' in,.!.ri -;-•u. "r
1 ne Ill kitty 1 O.13. tll,ilt of Nbl;»u u , IL •, lint -
It foul rlLitlEtii nearly every flu, for ( buy common soaps. In Sunlight
tnotltll. Soap- Oetaiaon I at'- lite Pl1bile buy tet', let l tt Ttrtrll AT'plr+tI ['nu!'t,::tnitnll ,,:leer
a pure and \yell-rnade soap. ship- farm prutlne.'. ('usreepulltte•1'•> tows
iso hats light Sottp reduces expense 1)e. 1't:,'ri.n 1''Itt l'1'
. in 11U' lrolnri Iri the life Ot the articles (or. York hull \t Miami -4w.. Market Itl1):.,
b i g g utta,vn, out.
:lir. George 1•'1•rgut:,ln'tt ct1'
flood(,'tt, the roof of his hot
sprung a leak, tout every tit tig
pantry was in a eltrwlie stats,
(4 dctmpll es8.
At suet Mr. Ferguson hired, Horne
men to flip .a clsti'r0.
"lfakt It a largo one," he Haid. "a
hundred barrels, at 1 'net. It Is gotos
to let all „tilts rata water ti
The cistern was et,mpletett, ill Otte
time, accor.ting 10 or,ler.
But 1t kept o.1 rullibt . ,
'i'he Stern Parent.
"Johnny," said his lather, "you
have disobeyed your pother again.
Coarse out with 1111' to Lht' burn."
111 t
t t
i' Hht 1
Tjlere was •L )
prtlutses, but the stern parent pre-
ierred the barn.
He bent his c:it,ohedient boy across
lite knee and pr<.cet'tb'J to punish !tint
in the ordinary metllo:1.
"Ol►, that hurts!' sea. arn:'dJohany,
"I kttow it, me son, r, plied his fa-
ther, "It hurts you (whitek e a great
I de.tl woree (whack !! tlla,t it hurts sue
1 (wluick I whack 1t, oust I'm glad it
dome" (whack ! whack I whack 11
1be Poor Young Mau triad the flanker
"Mr. Awikaah," said the trembling
young man in the threadbare suit of
clotrles, "I have moue. to auk you for
the hand of your daughter."
The rich bunker wlieele:l, around in
his chair and looked ati he presump-
tuous youth.
"Henry," he said, kindly. "you can
have her, and. I wit' Hee that she sup-
-ports you in better style than you
have been accustomed to."—Chicago
Mutat Cultivate Patiertee.
(Grimsby Independent.)
Mr. Deacon, pastor for two years
of the Methodist Church at Stoney
Creek, Is gone.
(Good -by, Mr. Deacon : you were a
good man, but not a wise one.
In theory you were right. In prac-
tice you were wrong.
Your best efforts were laughed at, t a curb from my lul'se. I talc' .let
and !what was a mighty serious recommendingehpe r mods In t, as it vial with
affair t0 you was only sport for h°ries of hurd,soft or calloused lumps,blood
Others. spavin, splints, curbs, Sweeny, stfles and
Ton wanted to do a lett of good, sprains. GEORGE R()13I3, Farmer,
Mr. Deacon, and do it quickly, but Markham, Out.
you forgot that moral changes are Sold by all drugglste.
made slowly to this world.
The Thoughtful (niri.
14jiinard's Liniment the best Hair (N y, Snn.)
Reretearer. Madge—Dotty is going somewhere
with that young man this evening.
Marjorie—Yes, going to sit with hint
washed with it, witch is much marc 1FRUIT FARM FOR SACK -Osis Ui 'hill
profitable to the public, than coin- . llnest is the Nincata l'en,naui . rib
mon soapti with "' prizes. .01
(Brooklyn L!fo.l
'Cil is (•estrynitzu—I hitvo been 00-
p:,iatrd by our ('one:nit1 m, sir, to ex-
tend 5181 1L call. T.Ite salary will
bill dulllde your present 1Igul r'.
Ter' (lE rgylllilll^blit. I call's give
yen sty nnawc'i' now. I Hlutll stave
1.11 petty for guidance.
"\\'1*•'mitt ba1•1' the matt Pr Hettletl ev('151ore, Clean
AKA)." Mc., tt•161t
• • •RSV 1'4.
t It t
' . t• you "Well, c.tn R
,, lyL
three-ilnyrt' nptlun t f OLiSti lie FIBRE
1 \u p°wdi•r or o11t;h
Lifehlloy Soap—disinfectant—as strongly to use. aril I lti ti rub- ore'
f 11 Ll tl It1"PlAr.
snug c, r re ui
druggists u:' by n,.t.t lik'kti? .ta„tu'i $,t
Winona,10 miles from IitUlltlton on two rail-
ways, 130 acres in all 35 of wheel 1- in frutiy
mostly peaches, Will be sole !I1 ono p erricel or
h sers.ai1Thlaseoa 15 to tc bAddeeus
Jonathan Carpenter, l'. 0. boa in'), Winona
A BOON TO 13OItSE1Hi:N' )ne bottle 01
engllelt 4pavinLintmeut completely removed
wl11'e int
recommended by tiro medical profession as 1 iiied o[b, fobs u't
a safeguard against infeut;ons diseases, aa t Pelee at.
should have continued on comm
place lines but so it did. My love for
this fair girl, being the first deep
emotion of a life which bad begun to
pall upon me by its frivolity, had
struck far down and moved 'to life
within me the best feelings 01 a man's
nature. I began to be ashamed of my-
self, to feel tluitt I was a futile cox-
comb, only saved from being Adieu -
lone by being one of a crowd of
others like me. I gave up betting,
that I might have more money to
41 Tears, Idle 'fears, /'
A man does not like to be loved in the hammock. Right after dinner
too solemnly ; whereas, I think a . she went up stairs and put on a
woman builds within her heart an dark shirt waist.
altar to an unknown god, and leaves
her happiest hour to steal away and Stops Cough
worship. * * * Mascalln e tenderness and Works' s the the Cold.
Ss said tot respond to tears. I do LaxatlreBrolnoQutnineTabletscureacold
nota find It so. Rather, I should say in one day. No care, No pay. Price 28 cents.
that a man's devotion fades under
salt water, like a bathing suit, 1 The Need of the Hour.
proving unserviceable in the very 1 (N, Y. Sun.)
element for which it is supposed to
Wife," Mrs.
0 of a W ,.
be adapted.—"Confession
June Century: a flat rather close quarters after
having always lived in a house ?
Minard's Liniment 4e the best. I Mrs Crabshaw—les, indeed. I
THE BIR•111 t)1' A BRIGADE. MONARCH ate(..00,,et.( athnl'ittott,oltt.
^'i'rial sump/es fee:-. Trade supplied.
Lord Kitchener 'Methods as ehewn in
'Soul It Ai'rt5,a.
A writer; evidently an officer, who
stet Lord Kitchener, presumably for
the fist time, 'tilt be Aau', sends 0
gt'uphic.wor'd-picture of the Ueitel'al
to Li lcktvua.i
"We tees his presence but it. 10 not
long before we see it.n. * * " That
(:Sall blue eye, lrh.uh; to the basilisk
of ilio Bt'atl b army * * * A 1'otlll.l.
red ttnd :tontowhat puffy face. Square
head, vIth aattelf call set t:(luarely upon
it. Heavy uwitetaclles covering a
eouleweat mount) tnt,uth, at the mo-
ment Inclined to ensile. Eyes just any-
how ; heavy, but not overpowering
eyebrow .s!. In tact, a very ' ordinary
Moe (11 tl man just past his prime.
Hardly a figure that you would have
remarked If it hall 1gilt. been for the
disaplt pointing edecoveryt, it was all u
The General wits 'pacing up and
down, 'with his hands on bis hips, and
elbows pointing backwards, talking
good-naturedly to a oo;onel elan olio
was evidently just off 'trek,' and with
leis overgrown gait and ponder0UH
step the great KLlollen trdid not titok
half els Imposinig as
The oil eC ons e pla.tning sumt'tiling
to the colonel. 'l11ey paced ftp 11(1(1
ththen i &toppeler and for
the few oonv eersa tion
was as follows):
Chief—All right ; I will soon find
you a staff Let me, see ; you have a
brigade major ? ' r -
Colonel—Yes ; but he is at Hanover
road 1
Chief—That's all right; you will
collect him in good time. You want
staff. H
a chief for your s
(and he beckoned to a colonel hi pal-
pably just -out -frons -England • kit,
who was standing by) ; what are you
doing here? You will be chief to
the staff to the new cavalry tbri-
New Colonel --But, sir—
Chief—That's all ,right. (Reverting
to his original attttudeo) Now,
you want transport and supply offi-
cers. See that depot over there?
(nodding hie head toward the De
Aar supply depot.) Go and collect
them there—quote me as your au-
thority. There, you are fitted up ;
you can round up part of your bri-
gade to -night and be off at daybreak
to -morrow. Walt ; you will watt an
intelligence officer. (Here he swung
round and ran hie -eye over the mis-
cellaneous gathering of all ranks
assembled on the platform. He sin-
gled out a bedraggled officer from
amongst the group who had arrived
the preceding night 111
the ill-natured Afrikander guard.)
What are you doing there ?"
Officer—Trying to rejoin, sir.
Chief—Where have 'you ootne from?
Officer—Deeltoeltein — convalescent, , a ------z sir. HUMBUG
STltlrlle 'ralnl
Chief—You'll do. You are intelli- . f U rIu„0 Stock 'butt tlSi"ll
gence officer of 'the new. cavalry bri- , Dohon,ar, oto 5,Stola of altnVZ. .
ado. Here's your brigadier ; you will [ rooting;hinkostddlirorenionr,narks,atl
take orders front film. (Turning again ' arzos,w,tl T:blitp R=traelslloraa,
Tastnn. afalalreo, rrleontoor Marks al _ i,,• ,y
to the colonel, and holding out las fortrial:lflt,vorks,sondl,alonco 5tt•r' , ,rtXrt
U.S. May 0,'021ot 1T yrs1Cennd,Deo,17,
hand) : There you are ; yon are tit- r
)•1's, FARIINR URTe11TOY, rnirnold, Ioro, U. &.
telt out, Mind you, move out of
s which were to protect• my dar-
ling should have been so pro
vanity having mal I
me ; bol: 1 iutd found an opportunity ,
of changing seats, for I felt less "Johnny Dickson saysif
1' he himhis 1 , '\Y, A» OKE.
well-disposed toward hint that morn- a penny he'll sneeze through
! ear•, 1. Can Ito do it, mamma ?" Harbor Grace, Nfld., Jan. 8, 1898.
"No, of course not, dear."
"linty do you kno uvhe can't ?" •
previously "Ilecautse--. Willie, if you don't
.'affection which I had carefully pre- stop bothering lie I slean certainly
"Mamma, what is a sneeze?"
'Whack I 'Whack
don't know wLat we shall do unless
I'm able to find a combination ping -
Where Does a Sneeze Go ? I gong table and folding bed.
"Mamma, when, you sneeza.a sneeze
where tines it go to ?" 1 A dangerouv drink is impure water. It
"It goes into the air, I suppose, brings on dlanhcea, cramps and pierc
pain in the bowels. Counteract t
ithe effect of
deem." lied water with Perry Davis' Painkiller.
"Anti when something scares it Take it to your grip when you travel.
away, and you don't sneeze it, 1
where does it go?" . Still Hope for Dim.
"I don't !:now, child. Don't bother
(N. Y. Sun.)
"Does it go back to where it calve She—Oh, George, I saw a perfect
from, mamma'?" dream of a bonnet to -day.
"Oh, I suppose so. Run out and 1 He—Then please don't wake it up.
play:' —,
"'Then you've got to sneeze it some
time, haven't you?" 1 htesers. C. C. Richards & Gn'.
I suppose so.'
"If you was to sneeze all the sneezes Dear Sirs,—\'hole in the country
you had inside of you, would you lash summer
mrlwaclsybadly hslt bitten bY
newany more, or would there 111 mosquitoes—sot
new sneezes to --" • 1 1 would be itislfigurv?d fo(r a couple
Willie, I/wislh you Ncould be quiet." of weeks. I was e<dvised to try your
"What keeps the sneeze from cont- d d im lltitso. to
allayt bh iwits maati re thaand
int; out do
it starts?" ex oted—a few applications cam -
is I knave: pe
"\\'lIy is it, mamma, that some peg- pletely curing the irritations Pre-
)te say `k-choo' when they sneeze, ` venting Utes bites frog be Aiming sore.
I ?" 1 t ARD'S LINIMENT and Name say don' e. bIIN
"Willie if ,eau don't--'' I article to keep off the mosquitoes.
10111 s leafy
Cur C., . rayr e
Will aid you in selection of
bridal presents, brides-
maids favors and we2dinp,
rings. We have some neat
pearl crescents at three and
five dollars. Pearl pian-
dents from ten tars
upwards. Wedding 12rngs,
S8 carat geld, five, seaen
and eine dollar§.
Y r14UfA teRn1 `Wtt SILV N4,11,Ngi
156,,tl °"5117 RICHMOND S? W ESI
ing than I had ever been before.
The fact was that the 'gentle
Helen haat snubbed inc two evenings
forL demonstration of
ed, lest she, too, should have I— '
tied the waning in m* love. Upo»
Millions of Pineapples+
Dealers do not say "pineapples,"
but "pines." The art of abbreviation
fru v 1 is perfected In America, and no com-
had retreated,ffeliu with a very
I mercial abbreviation is ever misun-
odd mixt ane t feelings towards my
• e and there had been a re- 1Ne'v York Central and Iludeon Rlvee cierstood In the trade. The Morro
TienteRailroad. Castle brought from Havana 23, -
between k, for the whole o[ 000 barrels el pines in her cargo,
li h lit• a1' somewhat The above name is a household the Seneca 1;),000, the Mexico 16,.
Life evening,
tvl g
ce of The
cell n
es 0.
•here 1
- t•ate
Look d ande Iu
ak. ortit D y
bre w nd
•e 1 to00 a
to fel0
•'v au r
' ibcl
versut[uu, roar Use poor Indies aril l fans slag upon myself a.s the injured per- the road should be sufficient to at -
contents of a txtrrel tun from 74 to
might well be excused :l IVr judging 1 10 ne a "masher," tmemelt 1 118(1 resented the.. iminhly 11e I tract most , but 110w York that the eon nt of Fay 10 r and the
t only tangible t 1 telt bltuseit raile.i span Lo admin- !rate Is the same to New li's a ano pines an averagevfrom 3 105 to 12 pounds.
our merits by he love made young
a man. t e innocent
Helen puler of diiferruce—our relativEt twits tut} yuan;; and too inuucent lit is•Ler, and thoau„h I made my peace points east IIs by n t r Thus we have within less than one
wealth.oappreciate the difference : her eyes' with Helen next day. 1 avoided her 1 further recommendation sh old be receipts of pineapples an one
Looking back on that time from I still glowed al the sight of Frenelt brother. Ile ut:rle two or three sought. Everybody will tell you it ' weekog to ceipts 00. If they smou-
the serene see that
of nine -ane- bon -bons. sIie -ked compliments bet- I roti -Natured overtures to imelrIIn le the best. pound ea.clt the total they
averaget is 49,•
thirty, 1 can see stint I was a foul, I ter than conversation, and burstc the matiner of an experienced 000.000 pounds. The freight Is about
but also that I cut my rummy's worth 1
into tears when one eveuing, ! to a forward child, but on the morn- What Ile Wanted to Say.— 7,0 cents a berm 1. wife]] means 0. rev.
(Frankfort. of the shooting party I \vas still (Frankfort. Ilan., Review.) enne of $49,000 for the steamship
A few days ago Mr. Taylor was owners for et week's haul of pines.—
absent from hie drug store for a New York Press.
for my folly, wiliell is mere than 1
can say for all my later aberrations
of intellect. And if, on the brink of
forty, I feel I can give a less logi-
cal accull111 of Al fictions and feel-
ings than I could at the opening of
life, it Is appalling to think whist
a consummate toot 1 may be if I live
another twenty yeare 1 I begin to
whin I had set myself to some
lees !humiliating task, to fill my
lonely lamas by a mountain winter
Grackle, than tells of tracing the
process be which the Idiot of fivE!-
and-twent y bt:catne the lunatic of
five -ant -thirty. Well, leis tot) late to, lamps, between Helen with her SWPet,tro\(ts, "tet, netted ;sou s.as skis )e ore.
bo bleat DoveLlt,tt I have tallied rip bine 5yett and feuturrH N;1' tielirttt1',y ( "Vat noir, nor ever,"
good ttaste.eviIn Now, !f you are afraid. I will give you not be further disclosed, attended a
thle u'ti (;bo is toll Poll again the' l+rv5lr that they made one think c,Y,l \uutluun(, w Ears tenretiv 1 -meta an la receipt for Il," dame sr'hac}l last winter and, on an
)t cares La Gripper aoeasion when visitors were sai -
Mlnard'R Liniment pounced, took part in exercise n
us she . Web dressed ready f.tr i us fur as ever !ruin being recon -
a ball, 1 broke. In kissing
her, the heads of Home lilies of tele 1 to the } paternal ttai the Intervention of f tit
the valley Hite was wearing. The lit- Edgar th
r' e "The Ladies 1" cried (rue of the few minutes and left kits \vt e
> h she gave me opened charge. .1 large Norwegian wlto I TO CURE A COLO iN ONIO DAY
tis petulant pus b )arty, leaning lazily buck (1'n kits arm g
DIV E•ve:o tc} the met that 00 sooner 1' I s }oke 7';nglinil with difficulty entered Take Laxative Bromt> Quinine Tablets. All
lad .l discovered Ila to e a fool ,lits slates'''I. I 1 refund the money if it fails to euro,
in one way than I had atrttightwrit3 "guy, 'wotlitltl, I amended: "it's
fallen into :LS great an error in an- more
. 1Che vLadii', !' ought to " Very well, replied lies. Taylor ,
foe t fir tion. It dawned upon me"Weil. e enough for you" just pay it to met, and it will bet The Woes of Jane.
foe the first time, ei I sot opposite b:' ct}n}IW E'itennd:> " ettlet some one,' till right." I A dear little bay whose winter itpme
(m Helen and her mother in the bar- gust n , made no attenipt
, ole ib our waw to the ball, west glancing mnity causly ea Edgar,,anti to Produce tl a coin,, but gazed stead- is in the Oranges in New Jersey, and
u horrible le ilk light there oatseen I whose i g s solemnity was increasing, studwitosEl salmntel
t, the carriage scenting something warmer tbttu con. iiy 71 l ow de firm ten (onto"
repeated: ( t ]fume is I identity shall
is:l this half light fI I " II I twit, 1. enn., but whose y
t 1 t
CURE for
C o nsump-
tion.and all
throat and lung troubles. One dose gives
SAMPLE BOTTLE elict'. Otte totevery reader of this papertle often cures. A .
sale by
is for
- o
•L M
$t,00 per large bottle—Ig cents for small
size, or it may be ordered direct from
A Bushel of Flies
Killed with
Wiiso'S Ely Pads
an actual feet. -uy
Noticing else will
do chi oeoge 1
if bf l •Lnd ralaint
1 dru giete re ut t
" 111 owe de firm ten rents." . E. S%. Grove's signature Is on each box
and stile:
Richmond Road to -morrow morn-
ing without fall. Good -by !
And so a brigade came into being !
PRA mc J.CHNNEY makes oath that he is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. CRENEY a
Co., doing business in the City of Toledo,
County anrlState atoresuid,nnd that said titmtt
will paythe sum of ONE HUNDRED
LARfor each and every ellen of CATARRH
,that cannot be cured by the use of HALL's
Sworn to before me and subscribed 1n my
presence,this 0th day of December, A.D.,18811.
{sEAL Notary Public,
Hail's Catttrrh Gare to taken intornally and
nets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
ut, Send for testimonials, free,
terrtblu fae,'ul.tt)V11 of tilt' JOU('II u, , Q111.01l'1'itattia, with an uncomfortable ' •
the hew gatutt fingers. So here's 1 thought of oneself ttu the ass. and ideal better than ourselves. In 'Tile
for atimes at any work with the teed sthe placid Mareblanees, whose fem.!Latlieke Ver111lI3Lt1hew
V11rtl!) pl1 to erea-
grace 1 eau. 1 tlu•E'V at other times„ 4)115 nt erlul e; turree beauty der th o selvgt; frivolity
I had been 1 njoehtg my aceeRNioa , Us'ed, KO utterly Insiesniftea - ! e guye, cl and whom nothing
to fortune fol' about eighteen menthe, ! , Bite wai' She by 1'(itson of the to 1 mere te('1'Sd than deuro and their
during w):tr.'!t 1 hail theta:el ',vlsat I codone etulidlty wthiah was tarried 1 y t own coldness eHH than
is ire the fair.
mind 1111,1 i,;)ul I p,ssrs,ed who11.1 1 bar to the point of absolute diRtirse is
to tin' work of entering for the 1 tion. 'Would Helen b' like that at :01 fellow whnt:°.l whom before them
gratifeett ion of 111.1 1.1 t i1'!, w•11e11 I ; forty-? Worse :Till. was Hri1:n bit'' We; ttfrylnot
t Ela! .tojnom,
:» a5tat34Ylt
' first tens seriously in tllttt 'now ? It 1511 4 0 horrible thought,1 Edgar's, ttkS, reel, el iset face
loll for the
Tote, sill the wanted {a'tj11e1t:'e Of : which h1lbNfrf(tl E"lit experience ma 1➢r4'It ill s+l anti
with Hager.
•u rated th:' rloseity of happily did Iiot terttl to dispel. My Iq purple
hili such oj)iulone
foars having ash, i i worked tool ` t 1111111 wl
first eerfo'ns love had 1'uaady veva* monis. o watt the'' great a revolutt:ttt in me, hats' ecr)s(•erning hitless 1'1 probable -
Lady light 10 1•mant n
r of the ylart uta of m:uj<• m1'' (•ustsrinnri of rierdatll,:•tter 1 ryuneatis evh's:•Il he judge
C tuts ti'd, -ter 1
w :1 had
in her first 1 now
unfelt ]tl,ti1 l a<> t ,.,nc}rlin the 1tlrrt ot Nin3ulatr (lase;
to mention
eeanTril, w'h 1 11:1•i ttlaih• 0 1 eilaatett4, 1 tvoltt:Ittltna who w1 4tt10 10'ere the god(lese of Ili 111P fi'l'th SPlitetiOr uvitit them."
cbn 1's nil hI
011 llei' pi c84 tItatt . .
tractc'd the asowal auimiration of nu my life Wits tett enough : 1 mutt
11.145 a petrton th•te the Earl of 4117t-; 01111' l'iiptt,'ily for tb dilute tar pias-
great t• t.t(•11 '
t .tt
't 911 (,
' till,
n r
nit r
e; t
c granted a 1
•1' ,t 1'a
` 1 t t L t l f
u1' ih.l. 1,
f titlt
'a l eighty .\ 1
•Irl tt
his rumored rt
•i, 17t
lira t,•at, that for 1t MM., w lib' the ttr(t(;r,l:' to win her
Illrlet\ t1Alr}aTl I t,.
arative )super. with a small oecupie.1 ail 1113 cnovai5s; but ,i hue
cutup. 1 1 • s 1'• tt. 7 neefi no lbs
lite r• mad .n t t .t1
1 r ht, om i la !
•'t•, ease t f1
it 1
and alrrad,c en:•tanl) r
mine, to dnrc• tis appear in the li:ata 1 proud lo'11'ot11Pd. 1 heti leisure 1" find
agttinst 111111 taientel the height 1.f ' out tial the beautiful, fh't•suuy, faar-
t8fllveit n1' the depth of idlot"y. But
ayrveto nr'tie Timmer,nt in 111 way
Lady 11,•100.0 cy(>v were hiss 110101.01 1 merely in hat
' », .•I lee ('nitwietl 1 tit l ,
enough, ami her tnlitr revert enon(:'I, her r Tu t
to turn env lanai !lead. They 4088(1 I pl('fr''tltr,l:t ,t' 14
ioatlt)iInt't' 11'un
lair. to Porn► I firstt11set pttl'l)"e5'11* tit1Ugly l evreet:ln'l that 1.10'. 110 I:nrl's 41:u11(11'
Illy life, and T d t11''It bate rias
Ina evltit :L hru il'•nt; rnfur'. tnr•saw t for ttn'1 ft hjbl,ifl rbild, ronid by fatly
that notal nettle lily }ut1)1' tt tit(' fiairlt p.1d 1t)1shi• hall to (attain
8 fatlry.111 1(14(1
of my il'1.•n't-'. 7 i!:ri uu'• :I,Icaatttnf-.t 1 which
at tate rapidity with stal'''l
"lee Inane It Is easier to fin(
Mercy ft.1' tietillt:y tinlll for ter-
with the
1 %1
::a1' roe!. 'N
• t hie t C
pulpit rent' •ec(!ay of eta offended
"If 111111 known v"»1' ltjnnion0ou
Gap nub•it"•t a little earlier, Mr.
Maude, 1 tl,ould ere cr ]lave allowed
51141 ti• foram au allli11114'E' with toy
f roily."
1 r
o at
r,' tin he:and
n(S'rr•tly til,
alarmal 1111,1 repentant nt
tee letigthe ter wbielt tfl%' rcekiesttnt'ri:l
had tarried me. I wee not ready
t" 4»bntit to tiro eltd't"tie rough-
rt iia•': of the at of what stills Item ego
l;itti,411 110'(hlte i into 1111' bis own
aline Me (•tNat,•l,ll.tfee the weaker
en My Ride igen; obeli T 11111 01110 kill l
1feett tilat 7 taro •1v 1'• lic•.l : l was =. I, a iniad s;ta'iously and deelr1y Its love.1 nee.
good.louliiliv enough io have earned : casts(' to tht•se ct,itelu'tlun.i about life tTo be t'1)Ittiluuel.)
1 their honor. Tile exercises 0011.1'.
Young Helloes on the Coronation, prised recitations by the brighter
Some amusi»g schoolboy views of children, and among them this dear
the coronatiOil have been gathered little boy ivies called on. Ile recited
from compositions. A boy of 10 111 perfectly good faith the following,
writes: 1 which be had learned or caught from
"It is the priviltdge of the lord . an indulgent nurse with semi-poet-
tnare to wn'talt and dress the king loaf ittsttnct
the day he is er(nti'ncl, the areiibisli I, .Tawe ate cake and .lane ate jelly,
aro of raterberry will ask e
hJane went to bed with ci pain in her—
Now don't get excited,
Don't be trebled,
'For what ,lane had wee a pain in her
P. J. CHENEY Sc CO., Toledo, 0,
keesSold by druggists -75c.
A Good eestimoniul.
(N. Y. Herald.)
Edward i auterbach, who its Jaen -
donee as a Candidate for Lintel)-
teutel -•t Governor of New York State,
lute two sone, who are extremely
proud of Olin, and who talk to great
Ileal about hilts. "You would think,"
said a friend of the family the other
day, "that those Lanterbach' boys
were saying a continuous prayer.
They begin every other sentence
with `our Tatter.' "
Dr. Catso
• n's Tonic
Stomach and Constipation Bitters
Made from the formula of an eminent
l<;Iig to any an oath anti wit
Otte done tills he will wash the feast
of 1.2 poor peeled un(1 rise up an
ointment king.",
Atiotller boy Ha;vu of tete. Ring:
"although he le 8 roolel•, he is
a (:lever lean with tack. Ile has
melt respect for himself that lie
wrote n new poem for the Corona-
tion t)un c.tll(ui (inti nave out tett
j(ing, heti nl:1Sert:t•y will slug this
!himself wile he is being crowned
with pori(peranist ;n westmititter
A third youth seiye 1
"'Cite prise 114 will be emptied on
t'ot'(tiltttion tiny ; the prleOners will
rkt> b
' like
rin ). t,
, l
•( w•tdn
Ser' tett C't r i".
people and theta ger back happy to
prlatru again."
We are also 'told that
"The Duke of Norfolk, Who is at
golf 1ti1•k. will tact off eku'Ib5. arid
as the prime (lake of iEngland, ned will
tree t."-- eel tMatlifluaxe'ttc.
When the youngster told of till%
to his entirely surprised and route -
what shocked parent&. they asked
., a ?"
teacher (say t the
t did \\ stn.
Ile replied : "she ea1ld nothing. Site
gust 'turned around anis looked out
of the window, but the s•i'holxrs anti
alio visitors wanted ins to say It
again.—leroakign Eagie.
DR. A. W, CHASE'S o g
is sent direct 16 the deemed
pans by the lmpreved mower.
lhealo the ulcer . Cleats the air
passages, stops droppin s le the
threat end permanent cure§
(:aturrhanditagl ever, low
All dealers fir t)e. A. W. Chani
Med►tlne Co., Totted, a§d %A'a1Si
('nnadtan physician,W110 1111euse6 the
prescription it his pt'tl('ttee for many
years with most satisfactory results.
A Purely Vegetable, Tonic and Blood
Purifier. Price so cents per Bottle.
T'suelly you eau obtain the prepara-
tion of your local druggist, but If you
,nitot obtain it in your neighbor-
hood, we will send olio or more bet-
tieg on receipt of price (tSOc per hot-
tle) carriage eremite.
pamphlet sent 1'1t31 ie on application.
Steamers eave Hamilton 1 p.
Toronto 7 d0
Tuesdays, v
anti Saturdays for Bay of
St inLaw'rencThousand
to aMontreals and ts
Very IL0\V Mates of Single and
Return 'Pickets.
Steamers leaVe Toronto at 4 p.m4
daily, except Snuday, for Charlotte,
Port of Rochester, Once :Phousantti
Islands, Rapids, St. Iaaw'ronCC, MOO.
treat, Quebec, hurray Bay, Tadousaui,
Saguenay River a.nel intermediate
H. Foster Chaffee, Western rase
son -ger Agent, Toronto ; Thos. Henry,
Traffic Manager, Montreal.
HON. J011N I)RYDI:N.,,,..PttliStDItaT
Tile report for 1901showers remarkable
tncrenses over 1000, in the following items)
New business increased by.,,$ 1450,700
l'reilttnnt income increased by 110,1412
Total Income iuerensed by 42,1578
Assets increased by 48,969
insurance iI force increased by 1,1100,460
Continental Idle Policies are unexcelled for
elmpllelty and liberality. Agents wanted.
G140.11. 1V (1'(17)4, CIIAS. 11, I't'LLI;R,
General Irminger Secretary.
No Profit its the Philippines.
(Boston Post.)
Our trade with the Philippines for
fitly yours will not Hltc>W a cotnlleto
chll profit to offset what eve have
n)ready pall out for. the Incomplete
e stu°bjugation of their iullalbitattta.
Always insist on
your u1' P
plying you with a
They aro manufactured train the BI''n'''C of rin.\"11IIIll.ktei Uy the
MUST SKILLED) workmen.