HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-07-03, Page 5July 3, 1902
Come to where you get the most for your money.
Cut a
S 1
20 per cent off regular price till August 1st
Still Growing.
Trade with us continues to increase, and justly so for
we advertise only what we can positively do ; we are fast be -
corning known in Wingham as leaders in the Clothing and
Outfitting business, We are showing NEW GOODS each
week. It's a marvel to many and a worry to competitors
how we do it, but we do. We have set a pace that we can
keep up to the finish. Every day and every week you will
find the same low prices. If you have not already bought
your summer suit from us it will pay you to call and examine
our stock, which is not just as good but a little better. The
fit, style, cut, quality and price tells the tale. 1 t is impossible
to quote all prices but remember what we said before -2o per
cent less till August rst.
Your money back for the asking.
Full range of Boys', Youths and Men's Suits at prices to suit
all purses.
zo per cent on the Dollar off any pair of Men's, Boys' and
Youths' Pants in the store.
See others' suits at $zo, then see ours at $7.
Gents' Furnishing Department.
The Latest Neckwear, the Swellest Hats, the Newest
Shirts and New York Belts at popular prices.
a r, the
" I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor
for a great many years, and al-
though 1 am past eighty years of
age, yet I have not a gray hair in
my head."
Geo. yellott, Towson, Md,
We mean all that rich,
Clark color your hair used
to have. If it's gray now,
no matter; for Ayer's
Hair Vigor always re-
stores color to gray hair.
Sometimes it makes the
hair grow very heavy and
long; and it stops falling
of the hair, too.
$1.80 • Mile. All drageists,
If your druggist cannot nerdy yee,
',end us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle. Bemire andive the name
of your nearest express office. Address,
J, C, A.YEI1 CO., Lowell, Mass.
Money to loan on notes, and notes
discounted at reasonable rates. Money
advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent.
with privilege of paying at the end of
any year. Notes and accounts collect-
ed. Otlice—Beaver block, Winaharn.
In every town
and village
maybe had,
that makes your
horses glad.
Palmerston -6:63 a.m, ..9:00 a. in., .3:05 p. m.
London 6.80 a. m...3:10 p. m.
Kincardine.11:10 a. m.,1:40 p. m., 8:38 p. m.
Kincardine.6:53 a. m...8:55 a. m.,..3:10
London 11:10 a. m., .7:55 p. m.
Palmerston 1440 p. m... 8:38 p. rn
G. STOIC1r;S, Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East 8.57 a, m... 3:53 p, m.
Teoswator 11.7 p. m...10:33 p. m.
Teeswater. 6.5 a. t.
1 creme and East 1.1 r r
H. Agent, wg am
T[he 7 n „3�3 p..
��` Crowder Co. J H BDDMZII7A t..�10"p.hm
5 � �
Butter and Eggs
token as Cash.
Colin Campbell's Old Stand, Wingham
Conveyancer, Land, Loan
and Insurance Agent.
Farms and town property bought, sold,
leased or exchanged.
Money to loan at 4i to 5 per cent.
Liberal terms of repayment.
Fire and Life Assurance at lowest rates in
Standard companies.
Agent for Western Real Estate Exchange.
Extensive list of proporttes to choose from
on Town and Farm Property.
OFPICB.--Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's
surgery. Residence -Catherine St.
Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty.
OFFICE. -Over D. M. Gordon's store.
Residence: Leopold street.
Office :—Morton Block, Wingham
A. T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher
Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam-
Pupils prepared for Conservatory of
Music examinations.
Of London Conservatory of Music, will
be prepared after Oct. 1st to receive a
limited number of pupils for instruction
on Violin and Guitar.
Rcsidonce •opposite R. C. Church,
And member of the Associated 111usioians
of Ontario, is prepared to reedy() a limit-
ed number of pupils for instruction on
Piano and in Theory.
Special attention given to pupils pre-
paring for examinations.
1.Lesidenco--opposite the R. 0. Church,
LIPt1 Abner Cosens PIkr3
Loan and Insurance Agent
Varna Loans at lowest rates of interest.
Mee -corner Mtnnio and Patrick Sts.,
A Midsummer Night's
of jeweled lovliness becomes a reality
when you look through our elegant col-
lection of Summernovelties in diamonds,
precious stones and pearls iu the most
artistic settings of the goldsmith's art.
Chains and necklaces. Brooches and
pendants. Rings and bracelets. Pius
and buttons in the latest and most
elegant styles.
H. H. Chisholm
Corner Jewelry Store
This is the season for
If you don't wish to
have thein, use
11 i
For Sale by
The Lake Erie Navigation Co., Ltd.
Str: "URANIA."
The Short Route to Cleveland, Ohio.
One way from Wingham, $4.5o. Return, $7.25.
Boat loaves Pt. Stanley every Tuesday and
Thursday at 11.00 p.m. Saturdays at 11.00 a.m.
Tickets on sale at all local ticket offices.
For further information write,
Manager. Gon'l Pass. Agt.
Walkerville, Ont.
WPM . _KY T: M
.. TO THE ...
At the Following Return Fares :
Winnipeg Moose Jaw)1.
Regina . $30
BlnseArcolaarth -
Elgin Yorkton
Estevan Pr. Albert
Grand View MacLeod $35
Miniota Calgary
Swan River Red Deer
Waskada Strath-
Wawanesa cona
Good going June 3rd, June 24th and July
x5th. Returning within do days from date of
Where to Spend the Summer.
Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Days, Kawartha
Lakes, Georgian Bay and the Highlands of
• The Royal Muskoka Hotel opened .Tone
16th, 1902. Tickets, descriptive folders, and all
information from agents Gnuj1 Trunk Itaii•
way System.
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
tl . ST W.&
Naos dins
—Conrad Wilkey, of East Zona, shear-
ed a 2 -year-old sheep ou Saturday, weigh-
ing 212 pounds, when the wool was off,
Tho crop of wool weighed 17 pounds.
—Stephen Douglas of Mitchell father
of Vera Douglas, the noted American
beauty, who died in Paris a year or two
ago, the other day received a cheque for
$10,000 as being a part of her estate.
—The Winnipeg edition of the Farm -
ors' Advocate says that owing to the
backward spring this year, the area of
spring wheat in some sections of Mani-
toba will be greatly reduced.
Ottawa, Juue 26.--T. C. Robinette's
efforts on behalf of Frederick Lee Rice
have proved fruitless. The Cabinet,
after giving carefully attention to tile ar-
gument, declined to interfere with the
sentence of the court, and Rice will be
hanged on July 18th.
—A weasel slipped into the home of
William Woodard at Pleasantville, -In-
diana, and attacked a child that was
sleeping with Mrs. Woodard. The fam-
ily was not awakened, and no one knew
of the weasel's attack until the next
morning. The child died of the loss of
—Sixteen years ago, says the Shelburne
Free Press, a flock of wild geese were
flying over Henry Moffatt's farm in
Mono, when one became exhausted and
fell. Mr. Moffat caught it and olipped
its wings. Last week ib hatched out
half a dozen goslings, the first in all
these years.
—A salmon weighing 200 pounds is
not to be found every day. It is there-
fore interesting to learn that such a huge
fish was caught with hook and line off
Gabarus Harbor, near Sydney, Nova
Scotia, a short time ago. Being too
large to bo• taken into the boat, it was
towed from the fishing ground to the
harbor. The men Were codfishing at
the time.
—At Ottawa, on Monday of last week,
Sir William Meredith, Chief Justiee,
awarded the Banque Provinoiale three
cents damages with the costs against
them, in a suit for $5,000 damages
brought by the bank against Arthur
Carbonneau, manager of their branch at
Ottawa, who did not fully carry out the
head office instructions regarding a finan-
cial transaction.
—Last spring John Gomerly, of Hib-
bert township, near Seaforth, loft for
the Lake of the Woods, where his
brother is an agent under the govern-
ment. He himself followed the occupa-
tion of a sailor. Last week, he, in some
way, got tangled in the lines with the
result that one foot was completely sev-
ered. Death resulted from the loss of
blood and other injuries.
—The new townships that are to be
surveyed in the Temiskamiug country
are to be named after several Liberal
members of the legislature. For instance
the names of Tudhope and Davidson,
who redeemed two of the Simcoos, will
go down to posterity, as will also the
names of Truax and Gross. Others are
Lundy and Cane two citizens of New-
market and St. Catharines,
—J McGavin of Leadbury met with a
somewhat serious accident on Friday,
June 13th. The pony he drives, when
travelling with his stallion "Sunlight,"
got his foot entangled in the lines. Mr.
McGavin went to pick up the lines,
when the stallion attacked the pony, and
in the scrimmage Mr. McGavin was
kicked and rendered unconscious, but
his injuries wore not serious and he is
again able to be on his rounds.
—The action of F. B. Holmes, a coal
dealer, of Goderich, against the town
for $2,000 for coal delivered, will be
taken to the Supremo Court at Ottawa.
Chief Justice Armour held at the trial
that Holmes was entitled to the money;
the Divisional Court reduced' the amouut
to $800, and the Court of Appeal rester.
ed the full amount. Now the town is
appealing. Holmes delivered coal to the
town as ordered, and finding that the
shed that was to contain it was full,
dumped it outside. The town claimed
that the value of the coal was impaired
and refused to pay for it.
—A distressing circumstance occurred
on the 16th concession, Goderioh tp., on
Sunday, June 22nd, when Walter Rut-
ley took his owu life
by slashing his
throat from ear to ear with a razor. In
the morning Ito kept rubbing his hands
together as if something was wrong, and
left the house about 10 o'clock ; ho did
not turn up at dinner time, but this was
nothing unusual o11 Sunday, and noth-
ing more was seen of him until about 4
o'clock in the afternoon, when 11e was
found in the stable dead, with the razor
tightly clutched in his hand. The marks
about the stable would indicate that his
dying struggles had been terrific.
The Penalty of 4 Past Life
Is paid for by an irritable condition of
body and 111111d, by exhausted energy,
poor digestion, unstruug nerves and
broken sleep. If you must and will live
the killing pace, bettor keep in mind the
sustaining powers of Ferrozone, a won-
derful tonic and reconstructor. Ferro -
zone is a blood maker, a nerve strength.
ener, a heart and brain invigorator. It
creates appetite, insures perfect digest-
ion and undisturbed sleep, reptoros the
vitality and strength loaf by excessive
living very. thickly. Ferrozono will do
tryit, Price youer box or six bxes good,or 2,50, at Drug-
gists, or Polson Co., Kingston, Ont.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Headache,
Winter Tenn begins ,Tan. 0, 190'3,,
Our rates are reasonable -our Courses of
Study thorough and practical.
Send for our Journal t0 see what we teach.
students may calor at any time.
Two Courses of Study---Cornmereinl and
000k'B Ootton Bad Componzad,
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladies. Safe effectual. LAdtes ask
lour drukglet for 0oaky Coitagsal e,4:
rtied. T+slCono other. atf all Alixtitres, pills and
nitap,ttiphs are dangerous. Price, No, 2, ai pet
x, o. Si,10 degrees stronger,$s per box, No,
or 2, mailed on receipt of price and ter/tit-Mit
stamps, Tile Cook Company Windsor Ont.
r'C po 9tbt{ Dnraggists to Ceti onimcnded {l sll
C. A. P1,OMINd A. t,. MCINTYRn Ne, i arra No. h are sold 1ri 1vt 1 ham by
President SCOT. lt..A.11na leas, f?. A. Cate/then,J. E. Davis
Owen Sound Listowel and .A. Y,,1iatn1lton, A1;Udais'Cs.
West Wawanosh.
St. Helens beef ring is in full swing
again, there beiug a double ring, with
two Cattle killed each week by J. Sand-
Wel are pleased to see Frank Todd
able to be around again, by the aid of
hie stiok, and the bone of his leg seems
to have heated nicely.
Miss Lizzie Wellwood, who formerly
taught in S. S. No. 12, but recently
teaching in New York city, is expected
dome f orailer holidays.
The Presbyterian congregation of
Dungannon held their; anniversary sor-
vices in the church on Sunday, Juue
29th and a grand tea -meeting the fol.
lowing Monday evening.
Entrance examinations were held at
St. Helens last week; 12 pupils wrote,
six being from St. Helens school.
A. B. Carr received the sad intelli-
gence of the death of a cousin, Miss
Addie Mountain of Chatham which oc-
curred ou Saturday morning, June 21st.
The sudden death of Mrs. Alexander-
Pentland, of Dungannon, which occur-
red at the ;residence of her son-in-law,
Mr. J. G. Anderson of Lucknow early
Saturday morning, June 21st, was great-
ly regretted by a large circle of friends
and acquaintances. The deceased lady
had been in poor health with heart
trouble for some time past, and was
spending a few weeks there, with her
daughter, Mrs. Anderson, when she was
suddenly stricken with heart failure,
and in a few minutes her spirit passed
away. Mrs. Pentland was a sister of
Mr. G. W. Berry and was one of the
oldest settlers of West Wawanosh, and
was greatly esteemed by all who knew
her. Deceased was a consistent and life
long member of the Dungannon Metho-
dist church, and on Tuesday morning
the body was conveyed from the family
residence to the church where au im-
pressive memorial service was conduct-
ed by the Rev. T. R. McNair.
The Cure of Dyspeptic Pains.
Improperly digested food usually
forms gases that cure a painful disten-
tion of the stomach and pressure
against the heart. This results in much
pain and distress, but Nerviline will re-
lieve the distention, dispel the gas, and
cure the dyspeptic pains very quickly.
Poison's Nerviline is really an excellent
remedy for Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Cramps, Summer Complaint and all Sto-
mach and Bowel Troubles. No house-
hold is complete without Nerviline.
Try a 25c bottle.
—The number of Mormons in the
United States has more than doubled
in a decade. In 1890 there were 114,000;
in 1000 there were more than 800,000.
—The biggest raft ever sent down the
Mississippi is on its way to St. Louis.
It contains 11,000,000 feet of logs, and
requires two powerful steamers to
handle it.
—There aro 1,600 boot and shoe fac-
tories in the United States, employing
143,000 men, using $170,000,000 worth of
materials a year, and turning out pro-
ducts worth at wholesale $261,000,000.
—About six. million women in the
United States are wage earners or in
business for themselves. Of these 20,-
000 teach school, 10,000 write, 1,800
preach, 6,000 practice medicine, and
14,000 are engaged in art and decorative
They Take Weeks.
Ordinary remedies sometimes take
weeks to even relieve cases that Catarrh -
ozone cures at once.
Inhale Catarrhozouo five minutes now
and again and it cures a cold.
Inhale Catarrhozone five minutes
four times a day and it cures stubborn
Inhale Catarrhozouo five minutes
evety hoar and we guarantee it will
cure any case of Catarrh, Bronchitis,
Asthma, Lung or Throat Trouble, Deaf-
ness. It is very pleasant and convenient
to use, quick to relieve and certain as
hereafter to cure. Large size, complete,
price $1.00; small size, 25c. Druggists,
or Polson Co., Kingston, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Headache.
Treasurer's Sale
Lands for Taxes.
Town of Wingham, County of
Huron, To Wit :
13y viriue of a Averring under the hand of
the Mayor t
tt3'A and seal of the Corporation of the
Town of SVingllant, (0 the County of Heron,
hearing date the fourth day of .Tuuo, 1002, and
to me directed, commanding mo to levy upon
the lands mentioned in the following list for
arrears of taxes duo thereon and costs therein
set forth, I hereby give notice that tnliess the
said arrears and costs are sooner paid I shall
proceed to sell the said lands or so much Unwe-
d as may be necessary for arrears and costs,
at the Town Hall in the said Town of Wing -
ham, on Saturday, the t.woutteth day of Sop-
temiler, in the ydnr 1902, at the hour of four
o'clock in the afternoon, in compliance with
the provisions of the Assessment Aet.
Arrears Costs Total3,
Lot No, 23, on the North
side of McIntosh street
Peter Fisher's original
Reserve, pate(7144, , e 7.00 $2,11 510.01
Lot No, 23, on the North
silo of McIntosh street
Peter Fisher's original
Mill I(Osorvo, patented„ 7.01 2,11 10.05
Cenitral part Lot No, 27,
On lSitst side of Edward
street, 28 feet frontage,
Edward Foley's subdivi.
sion of Park Lots, Nos.1
and 2, patented .. .... 17.57 2.33 19.00
A lane, 12 feet wide,beinq
the Northerly portion of
Lot No. '27, on .East side
of Ed ward street,Edward
IPoley's suh.divldl7ll p
Park Lots, Woo. 0 and 9,
Patented, , 2.40 2.14 4 51
Northwest part of Lot
No. 4, on the East side of
,lbsephinestl t et,betu-een
Vielnria anti David sts„
(30 foot by 100 feet) Gov.
eri!ment additional gtlir.
vey,Inn gill f•11 ., „ 18.70
The ldi,t halves of tots
No. 1 and 2, on the East
side of Josephine street
bottceen Vtetoria amt{
David streets, Govern.
tnciit additional surveg,
lntpaten led .. ,., ,,, 6:Ni 2.14 8.31
South part tot No. 11, on
East MOO of Frances St.,
38 feet frontage, morn or
leas Leet; and M0Kcy's
survey, es, patented ,,. ,. 13.17
Lot No. 15, on East side
of Catherine street. bent
and Davies'siwt'bye pat,
0001 ,,, „r rr, ,r, ,., 5.11 2.13 5,29
Woe.'t'reasnlrere, Of11ee, "4Vingbam,J'uno 12th,
2.31 1101
,1, II. 111ttO3TS0:1',
Slim Prices.
Stout Values.
Tiie Leading Store
Small Profits
QttiOx Retifrua
Clearing Sale
H. E. Isard Co's.
July brings us to the time of year when all
Summer Goods must be cleared out regardless
of price, and to make a speedy clearance of all
lines we have cut the price away down so as
to sell out every dollars' worth and carry- noth-
ing over. Please read our list of reduced prices:
Fancy figured Muslins, fast colors, LADIES' WIIITE UNDERSKIRTS-.
new patterns, regular value toe .10 sizes 38, 40, 42, with 14 inch nnuslin
-clearing price frill, nicely trimmed with insertion
and embroidery, dust frill, reg. 100
price $1.25 --to clear at........ •
5 pieces white Chock and Striped
Swiss Muslin, regular value 10c 0
to clear at .li
One pieoe white Pique, wide. with
rod polks dot, regular value 15c .10
-clearing price
CORSET COVERS -.nicely mado and
trimmed with embroidery, good .25
value at 35c -they go at
Ladies' White Cotton Drawers, nicely
made and triulmed,good quality
cotton, reg. price 35e, on sale at
3 pieces Fancy Striped and Figured
Muslins, in the new colors, good
o ashr rs l
regular price 20c, to 5
tucked and trimmed with lace in-
sertion, regular'('((Inc$1.50, to
clear at v 1.25
ONE DOZ. PARASOLS -with steel
rod and nice Ivory handles, Fast
Black coverings, reg. value 1.00 price 1•0�W0/�
5 pieces Fancy Striped Chambray fast
color nt at good value at 20e, to .15
Lodios' Gingham and Chantbric Waists
trimmed with. lace insertion, regular
value 51.25 to 51.50, they go 1.00
atm.. Er.,rsmsomommomm.rieo.
Ladies' White Chatnbrio Night Gowns,
nicely made and trimmed, full length,
wide skirt good value at $1.00C
Sale price •75
Ladies White Straw Sailor Hats, latest
style, black or white silk bands, r ..7V
lac price 65e to 75e. Your 5(1
or black new styles, good 1.00
value at $1.25, to clear at.....
Good Sumpter Corsets 25e; fine, fast
black Cotton Hose, 10e ; Ladies' Vests,
5e; Chock G inghanls, .5o • Wrappers,
75c ; Underskirts, 75e ; Corsets .15
H. E. Isard. Sc Co.
Opp. Bank Hamilton
• Highest Price Paid for Produce
Tomato Catsup.
The celebrated brand of Aylmer Tomato Catsup
in bottles, each 10c
Evaporated. Peaches.
This finite of the year when fruit is scarce, there
is nothing better to make pies with than
Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs. for 25c
We want every customer to try a can of Red
Beauty Salmon—a genuine red salmon, 2
cans for 25e
Leave your order at once for choice Strawber-
ries, grown by Mr. Jacobs of Blyth.
at Griffln'J
The Wingham Trading Co., Limited
Noted for Selling the best goods for 'the
]east money of any house in this or any
other town in the county of Huron.
Our Flack Serves are pronounced by customers to be the
best value they have seen Our $ and to cent Dress and
Waist Muslins are wonderful values too doz, Ladies' and
Children's Hose—a nice seamless Hose at to cts. a pair
5 cents will buy a pair of Men's seamless Sox at this cheap
store......25c a yard will buy a nice Table Linen Sale of
Carpets, Oilcloths, Lace Curtains, Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, in full blast.
The Win gha . Trading Company
Successors to
tT a I�
Home -Seekers' tis;, Excursions
Dread View
Swan River
Regina l
Mooselaw JJJ} 30
Yorkton •
jn iped $377
Red Deer j $40
5tratit= 1}
Going June 3rd, returning. until August
4th (all rail or S.S. Alberta). Going June
lilt It, returning until August 25th (all rail or
S.S. Alberta). Going July 15th, returning
m t.11 September 10th (all rail or S.S, Allier.
ta). 'Pickets are not good o11 Imperial
Limited." For tickets and pamphlet giv-
ing full particulars, apply to your nearest
Canadian Pacific Ageot, or to
A. II. NOTi1TA N, Asst, Gent. Passr. Agent
11Cing Street East, 'Ample
tl . ST W.&
Naos dins
—Conrad Wilkey, of East Zona, shear-
ed a 2 -year-old sheep ou Saturday, weigh-
ing 212 pounds, when the wool was off,
Tho crop of wool weighed 17 pounds.
—Stephen Douglas of Mitchell father
of Vera Douglas, the noted American
beauty, who died in Paris a year or two
ago, the other day received a cheque for
$10,000 as being a part of her estate.
—The Winnipeg edition of the Farm -
ors' Advocate says that owing to the
backward spring this year, the area of
spring wheat in some sections of Mani-
toba will be greatly reduced.
Ottawa, Juue 26.--T. C. Robinette's
efforts on behalf of Frederick Lee Rice
have proved fruitless. The Cabinet,
after giving carefully attention to tile ar-
gument, declined to interfere with the
sentence of the court, and Rice will be
hanged on July 18th.
—A weasel slipped into the home of
William Woodard at Pleasantville, -In-
diana, and attacked a child that was
sleeping with Mrs. Woodard. The fam-
ily was not awakened, and no one knew
of the weasel's attack until the next
morning. The child died of the loss of
—Sixteen years ago, says the Shelburne
Free Press, a flock of wild geese were
flying over Henry Moffatt's farm in
Mono, when one became exhausted and
fell. Mr. Moffat caught it and olipped
its wings. Last week ib hatched out
half a dozen goslings, the first in all
these years.
—A salmon weighing 200 pounds is
not to be found every day. It is there-
fore interesting to learn that such a huge
fish was caught with hook and line off
Gabarus Harbor, near Sydney, Nova
Scotia, a short time ago. Being too
large to bo• taken into the boat, it was
towed from the fishing ground to the
harbor. The men Were codfishing at
the time.
—At Ottawa, on Monday of last week,
Sir William Meredith, Chief Justiee,
awarded the Banque Provinoiale three
cents damages with the costs against
them, in a suit for $5,000 damages
brought by the bank against Arthur
Carbonneau, manager of their branch at
Ottawa, who did not fully carry out the
head office instructions regarding a finan-
cial transaction.
—Last spring John Gomerly, of Hib-
bert township, near Seaforth, loft for
the Lake of the Woods, where his
brother is an agent under the govern-
ment. He himself followed the occupa-
tion of a sailor. Last week, he, in some
way, got tangled in the lines with the
result that one foot was completely sev-
ered. Death resulted from the loss of
blood and other injuries.
—The new townships that are to be
surveyed in the Temiskamiug country
are to be named after several Liberal
members of the legislature. For instance
the names of Tudhope and Davidson,
who redeemed two of the Simcoos, will
go down to posterity, as will also the
names of Truax and Gross. Others are
Lundy and Cane two citizens of New-
market and St. Catharines,
—J McGavin of Leadbury met with a
somewhat serious accident on Friday,
June 13th. The pony he drives, when
travelling with his stallion "Sunlight,"
got his foot entangled in the lines. Mr.
McGavin went to pick up the lines,
when the stallion attacked the pony, and
in the scrimmage Mr. McGavin was
kicked and rendered unconscious, but
his injuries wore not serious and he is
again able to be on his rounds.
—The action of F. B. Holmes, a coal
dealer, of Goderich, against the town
for $2,000 for coal delivered, will be
taken to the Supremo Court at Ottawa.
Chief Justice Armour held at the trial
that Holmes was entitled to the money;
the Divisional Court reduced' the amouut
to $800, and the Court of Appeal rester.
ed the full amount. Now the town is
appealing. Holmes delivered coal to the
town as ordered, and finding that the
shed that was to contain it was full,
dumped it outside. The town claimed
that the value of the coal was impaired
and refused to pay for it.
—A distressing circumstance occurred
on the 16th concession, Goderioh tp., on
Sunday, June 22nd, when Walter Rut-
ley took his owu life
by slashing his
throat from ear to ear with a razor. In
the morning Ito kept rubbing his hands
together as if something was wrong, and
left the house about 10 o'clock ; ho did
not turn up at dinner time, but this was
nothing unusual o11 Sunday, and noth-
ing more was seen of him until about 4
o'clock in the afternoon, when 11e was
found in the stable dead, with the razor
tightly clutched in his hand. The marks
about the stable would indicate that his
dying struggles had been terrific.
The Penalty of 4 Past Life
Is paid for by an irritable condition of
body and 111111d, by exhausted energy,
poor digestion, unstruug nerves and
broken sleep. If you must and will live
the killing pace, bettor keep in mind the
sustaining powers of Ferrozone, a won-
derful tonic and reconstructor. Ferro -
zone is a blood maker, a nerve strength.
ener, a heart and brain invigorator. It
creates appetite, insures perfect digest-
ion and undisturbed sleep, reptoros the
vitality and strength loaf by excessive
living very. thickly. Ferrozono will do
tryit, Price youer box or six bxes good,or 2,50, at Drug-
gists, or Polson Co., Kingston, Ont.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Headache,
Winter Tenn begins ,Tan. 0, 190'3,,
Our rates are reasonable -our Courses of
Study thorough and practical.
Send for our Journal t0 see what we teach.
students may calor at any time.
Two Courses of Study---Cornmereinl and
000k'B Ootton Bad Componzad,
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladies. Safe effectual. LAdtes ask
lour drukglet for 0oaky Coitagsal e,4:
rtied. T+slCono other. atf all Alixtitres, pills and
nitap,ttiphs are dangerous. Price, No, 2, ai pet
x, o. Si,10 degrees stronger,$s per box, No,
or 2, mailed on receipt of price and ter/tit-Mit
stamps, Tile Cook Company Windsor Ont.
r'C po 9tbt{ Dnraggists to Ceti onimcnded {l sll
C. A. P1,OMINd A. t,. MCINTYRn Ne, i arra No. h are sold 1ri 1vt 1 ham by
President SCOT. lt..A.11na leas, f?. A. Cate/then,J. E. Davis
Owen Sound Listowel and .A. Y,,1iatn1lton, A1;Udais'Cs.
West Wawanosh.
St. Helens beef ring is in full swing
again, there beiug a double ring, with
two Cattle killed each week by J. Sand-
Wel are pleased to see Frank Todd
able to be around again, by the aid of
hie stiok, and the bone of his leg seems
to have heated nicely.
Miss Lizzie Wellwood, who formerly
taught in S. S. No. 12, but recently
teaching in New York city, is expected
dome f orailer holidays.
The Presbyterian congregation of
Dungannon held their; anniversary sor-
vices in the church on Sunday, Juue
29th and a grand tea -meeting the fol.
lowing Monday evening.
Entrance examinations were held at
St. Helens last week; 12 pupils wrote,
six being from St. Helens school.
A. B. Carr received the sad intelli-
gence of the death of a cousin, Miss
Addie Mountain of Chatham which oc-
curred ou Saturday morning, June 21st.
The sudden death of Mrs. Alexander-
Pentland, of Dungannon, which occur-
red at the ;residence of her son-in-law,
Mr. J. G. Anderson of Lucknow early
Saturday morning, June 21st, was great-
ly regretted by a large circle of friends
and acquaintances. The deceased lady
had been in poor health with heart
trouble for some time past, and was
spending a few weeks there, with her
daughter, Mrs. Anderson, when she was
suddenly stricken with heart failure,
and in a few minutes her spirit passed
away. Mrs. Pentland was a sister of
Mr. G. W. Berry and was one of the
oldest settlers of West Wawanosh, and
was greatly esteemed by all who knew
her. Deceased was a consistent and life
long member of the Dungannon Metho-
dist church, and on Tuesday morning
the body was conveyed from the family
residence to the church where au im-
pressive memorial service was conduct-
ed by the Rev. T. R. McNair.
The Cure of Dyspeptic Pains.
Improperly digested food usually
forms gases that cure a painful disten-
tion of the stomach and pressure
against the heart. This results in much
pain and distress, but Nerviline will re-
lieve the distention, dispel the gas, and
cure the dyspeptic pains very quickly.
Poison's Nerviline is really an excellent
remedy for Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Cramps, Summer Complaint and all Sto-
mach and Bowel Troubles. No house-
hold is complete without Nerviline.
Try a 25c bottle.
—The number of Mormons in the
United States has more than doubled
in a decade. In 1890 there were 114,000;
in 1000 there were more than 800,000.
—The biggest raft ever sent down the
Mississippi is on its way to St. Louis.
It contains 11,000,000 feet of logs, and
requires two powerful steamers to
handle it.
—There aro 1,600 boot and shoe fac-
tories in the United States, employing
143,000 men, using $170,000,000 worth of
materials a year, and turning out pro-
ducts worth at wholesale $261,000,000.
—About six. million women in the
United States are wage earners or in
business for themselves. Of these 20,-
000 teach school, 10,000 write, 1,800
preach, 6,000 practice medicine, and
14,000 are engaged in art and decorative
They Take Weeks.
Ordinary remedies sometimes take
weeks to even relieve cases that Catarrh -
ozone cures at once.
Inhale Catarrhozouo five minutes now
and again and it cures a cold.
Inhale Catarrhozone five minutes
four times a day and it cures stubborn
Inhale Catarrhozouo five minutes
evety hoar and we guarantee it will
cure any case of Catarrh, Bronchitis,
Asthma, Lung or Throat Trouble, Deaf-
ness. It is very pleasant and convenient
to use, quick to relieve and certain as
hereafter to cure. Large size, complete,
price $1.00; small size, 25c. Druggists,
or Polson Co., Kingston, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Headache.
Treasurer's Sale
Lands for Taxes.
Town of Wingham, County of
Huron, To Wit :
13y viriue of a Averring under the hand of
the Mayor t
tt3'A and seal of the Corporation of the
Town of SVingllant, (0 the County of Heron,
hearing date the fourth day of .Tuuo, 1002, and
to me directed, commanding mo to levy upon
the lands mentioned in the following list for
arrears of taxes duo thereon and costs therein
set forth, I hereby give notice that tnliess the
said arrears and costs are sooner paid I shall
proceed to sell the said lands or so much Unwe-
d as may be necessary for arrears and costs,
at the Town Hall in the said Town of Wing -
ham, on Saturday, the t.woutteth day of Sop-
temiler, in the ydnr 1902, at the hour of four
o'clock in the afternoon, in compliance with
the provisions of the Assessment Aet.
Arrears Costs Total3,
Lot No, 23, on the North
side of McIntosh street
Peter Fisher's original
Reserve, pate(7144, , e 7.00 $2,11 510.01
Lot No, 23, on the North
silo of McIntosh street
Peter Fisher's original
Mill I(Osorvo, patented„ 7.01 2,11 10.05
Cenitral part Lot No, 27,
On lSitst side of Edward
street, 28 feet frontage,
Edward Foley's subdivi.
sion of Park Lots, Nos.1
and 2, patented .. .... 17.57 2.33 19.00
A lane, 12 feet wide,beinq
the Northerly portion of
Lot No. '27, on .East side
of Ed ward street,Edward
IPoley's suh.divldl7ll p
Park Lots, Woo. 0 and 9,
Patented, , 2.40 2.14 4 51
Northwest part of Lot
No. 4, on the East side of
,lbsephinestl t et,betu-een
Vielnria anti David sts„
(30 foot by 100 feet) Gov.
eri!ment additional gtlir.
vey,Inn gill f•11 ., „ 18.70
The ldi,t halves of tots
No. 1 and 2, on the East
side of Josephine street
bottceen Vtetoria amt{
David streets, Govern.
tnciit additional surveg,
lntpaten led .. ,., ,,, 6:Ni 2.14 8.31
South part tot No. 11, on
East MOO of Frances St.,
38 feet frontage, morn or
leas Leet; and M0Kcy's
survey, es, patented ,,. ,. 13.17
Lot No. 15, on East side
of Catherine street. bent
and Davies'siwt'bye pat,
0001 ,,, „r rr, ,r, ,., 5.11 2.13 5,29
Woe.'t'reasnlrere, Of11ee, "4Vingbam,J'uno 12th,
2.31 1101
,1, II. 111ttO3TS0:1',
Slim Prices.
Stout Values.
Tiie Leading Store
Small Profits
QttiOx Retifrua
Clearing Sale
H. E. Isard Co's.
July brings us to the time of year when all
Summer Goods must be cleared out regardless
of price, and to make a speedy clearance of all
lines we have cut the price away down so as
to sell out every dollars' worth and carry- noth-
ing over. Please read our list of reduced prices:
Fancy figured Muslins, fast colors, LADIES' WIIITE UNDERSKIRTS-.
new patterns, regular value toe .10 sizes 38, 40, 42, with 14 inch nnuslin
-clearing price frill, nicely trimmed with insertion
and embroidery, dust frill, reg. 100
price $1.25 --to clear at........ •
5 pieces white Chock and Striped
Swiss Muslin, regular value 10c 0
to clear at .li
One pieoe white Pique, wide. with
rod polks dot, regular value 15c .10
-clearing price
CORSET COVERS -.nicely mado and
trimmed with embroidery, good .25
value at 35c -they go at
Ladies' White Cotton Drawers, nicely
made and triulmed,good quality
cotton, reg. price 35e, on sale at
3 pieces Fancy Striped and Figured
Muslins, in the new colors, good
o ashr rs l
regular price 20c, to 5
tucked and trimmed with lace in-
sertion, regular'('((Inc$1.50, to
clear at v 1.25
ONE DOZ. PARASOLS -with steel
rod and nice Ivory handles, Fast
Black coverings, reg. value 1.00 price 1•0�W0/�
5 pieces Fancy Striped Chambray fast
color nt at good value at 20e, to .15
Lodios' Gingham and Chantbric Waists
trimmed with. lace insertion, regular
value 51.25 to 51.50, they go 1.00
atm.. Er.,rsmsomommomm.rieo.
Ladies' White Chatnbrio Night Gowns,
nicely made and trimmed, full length,
wide skirt good value at $1.00C
Sale price •75
Ladies White Straw Sailor Hats, latest
style, black or white silk bands, r ..7V
lac price 65e to 75e. Your 5(1
or black new styles, good 1.00
value at $1.25, to clear at.....
Good Sumpter Corsets 25e; fine, fast
black Cotton Hose, 10e ; Ladies' Vests,
5e; Chock G inghanls, .5o • Wrappers,
75c ; Underskirts, 75e ; Corsets .15
H. E. Isard. Sc Co.
Opp. Bank Hamilton
• Highest Price Paid for Produce
Tomato Catsup.
The celebrated brand of Aylmer Tomato Catsup
in bottles, each 10c
Evaporated. Peaches.
This finite of the year when fruit is scarce, there
is nothing better to make pies with than
Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs. for 25c
We want every customer to try a can of Red
Beauty Salmon—a genuine red salmon, 2
cans for 25e
Leave your order at once for choice Strawber-
ries, grown by Mr. Jacobs of Blyth.
at Griffln'J
The Wingham Trading Co., Limited
Noted for Selling the best goods for 'the
]east money of any house in this or any
other town in the county of Huron.
Our Flack Serves are pronounced by customers to be the
best value they have seen Our $ and to cent Dress and
Waist Muslins are wonderful values too doz, Ladies' and
Children's Hose—a nice seamless Hose at to cts. a pair
5 cents will buy a pair of Men's seamless Sox at this cheap
store......25c a yard will buy a nice Table Linen Sale of
Carpets, Oilcloths, Lace Curtains, Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, in full blast.
The Win gha . Trading Company
Successors to