HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-06-26, Page 6a
• 0111/.......9110VarOltai
"TIM poet of that moreina brought tnteaded etayIng eowe thee lu Vranae
Lao totter, Nem house emus my hoe. ! with any wile and gaild. I went to
;that oountry, and It woe taere, Pales
woe, and the reeding,. of tbem filled Wood, ton years ago, that I first did
gray eot with the greatest hapM• really wrong. _
" I estatenot endure to erabitter
the lives of my permits, or bunion
them with nay secret. I swear to
to life woula eat be cold anal bitter you that was my only motive for
es theirs had eon. They thanked me doing as I did. I wrote to my father
ear toe moaey IS had vent them, and anh told. him my whe wan head. 1
told me loses- it had been spent. I
ea- _ sent a tiortice ot her ileums to the
DemeMber teare filling Ina- es wh"ychief English papers. I placed my
a read that tug dear mother had for lane girl apt myseit in deep mourn -
Ike Tirst time 4trice her marriage par- ing. I told the calla that )2er mother
aleamoil it :Ilk dr KW. I 1lLtStelleti ti), IFILS tirlilttl, end that she would never
read the leiter to. my wife a.nd make ROAll lier again. Then I placed my
leer a eharer in ray happiness. My little daughter in a French school
parents teemed me to send a per. for two menthe, where she remained
trait of zny bride, so that they might walla% I carried out eny- plane. With
see for themselves the face the help and assistance ofany wife's/
that I loved. I was Very maid we brought the poor lady over
fousy that moreing and I had hero to lenglaati. I remembered how
waked Alice to (millet out and mark derotal nay old nurse prudence had
tame bide of lading for me; it was a, been to Ana. I koew the vintage where
very Ample piece of wort, only ju•st elm was still living, and I sent for
potting the number in the corner of her, 1 took a boas° In the coantrY
each. I left her seatea at the table --o, mope, cheerful, airy house -and
witth the bills spread aut before her, furnished it with every comfort. I
when I went to reeelve my letters, made Prudence housekeeper, and
and on my return I found her still gave my poor wife in charge to her
seated there. maid. echo was devoted to her. I
'Miss Weotl. I think there are mo- saw that she had every comfort
mate in a man's life more bitter every convenience, and everything
than the moment of death -more un- xequislte. I arranged to send :leer.
endurable. more fatal. Such came tain sum every quarter for the main -
to me as I saw• ma wife's face glow- tenanee of the household. You will
ering sutelenly and angrily at the undorstand that I spared no ex -
papers before her. Fite luta not Dense wheu 1 tell you that I paid
towelled them, but she eat there look- my wife's maid a hundred a year
laat them. I shall never forget to lasure her kindness to her charge.
that look -it hal/ante me ; sometimes My Wife assed as eh'sLatham,
and the maid called her her sister. my dreams, the horror, the shame,
I do not think that her existence
and the anguieh come back to Me. was known to ten people, and no one
It wan the look. of angry, irritated, she was my wife except the two
Paden imbecility, Cana not the lieree,
cunning look of a madwoman. my 1 servants.
"Whea I had arraziged all this, 1
wife never was; never had been mad, i
b it she had boen trnbecile returned to. France and brought my
1 little elauhter Helena !tome to m
less, all her tile, and L with my gy
the Hall as though he had never
boasted cleverness, bad never diseov- ' pafents.
ared it ontil now. ; '1 pass over the joy of that meet- 1 left it'
"I lived a lifetime- in these few leo- . iag4 and their happiness at seeing Allan Charlton spends nearly all
his time there and at Ranleigh
/ etoain wet holding zny child in
ments; what they were like no wombs ; me — Park, for Helena was married last
. their arms, To please them, I had
of mine can ever tell. I went up toiler . season; and the world still talks
had ainted while in Paris a Die -
gently and touched her arm. She 1 tureP of my poor whe ; - It of the grand match she made. He
never turned Or looked at me„ and , was painted from a plooks Itapplee than he did years ago.
I ha,atened from 'ter. I shut mthat bad been takeit before our mar-
y- hotogreph I know that the outer pleasure he
Self up In ray own room, and went i riage. They prized the picture highly, . bas in life is sometimes visiting
through tley agony alone. Lady Ritaleigh, in watching her
• and spoke with eta:Aeon of the death '
"Three hours alterw-ard 1 re- •. of ley beautiful young wifa !hated 1 happiness, ould 'fattening to her
turned to the bitting roona. She was, ! myselfhe v
for tdeceptien.I was owede
l praises. We have both of us guard
lit the agree attitude ; abe had never : ttanupon thtuh and yet they were ; the secret of Woodleigh Grange.
moved or stirred, and 1 sent for her . h. far happier than they could have 1 [The End.]
parente. • been If they had known the truth. 1
"1 need not describe the scene that "For five years I was, compare- '
followed -Low I loaded thenz with ,; THE WARDROBE OF THE POPE
reproachee, and how- tbey sought to . tivelY—
speaking, happy. The house
and estate of Woodleigh. Grunge were I
excuse themselves by saying that . - , Vast Number of Garments Required
offered for alle, I Pought them, and 1
they thought their daughter had • s
quite Outgrown the mental weak- brought my parents litr,me here. ely by Custom -Priceless Lacein it. 1
rich unele, Raymond Cliarlton,
nees that bad marked her youth. wh° 1 Few rulers are surrounded widell
never married, -made overtures to my '
T2hey believed that ber recent hap- move ceremony and magnificence
father, and the brothers were re- ;
piness and marriage to the man the
conciled. It was too late then. It my r than tile princes of the Church. As
loved feed completed the mere. grandfather had been a juet man I 1 for Ina Pope himeelf, etiquette and
"I said no more -all worth; were should not have been driven to the I treed:tem have unposed upon him a
Useless. 61te IT'lle ahY wife -wine for West Indies in search of a fo tune
life ; and nothing could free me. r ' eumutuous metrnificence and the
and then I ahould never have met ! .- --- - - '
"They told me all about it then. ; Nlarciroho of Leo X.111. is the largest,
poor Allee Dormer.
There were long Intervals of san- 0 1 and mold, costly the wide world has
nee every quarter I went down
Ity and reason. It was during one of 4_ o_ , ,,,, .— i te (stows
o eiemotam, onere. my poor woe nem' . .
ed with and married ber. These in- the simple, happy Ma of a child. I Tewee lar,ge rooms in the Vatican,
these that 1 had become acquaint- ''
Site never recognized me, but I was , aro given °rel. to it, andluallY eer-
tervals of reason were followed by assured nutt the was as well mixed . vants are cabs -Lanny at work keep-
weeka of silent, sullen Imbecility. No for and as happy as e could ever log the vestanents in order. There are
ono could account for her malady; ekgranulite sot aside for came day in
site had not Inherited it, and her be in this world.
"One thing troubled me ; Helena tile e -ear, and varying in co:oe,
parents had been Many years be- did not Inherit the leaat trace of her weight and value acoortling to the
fore they would believe neat it ex- mother's malady, but every day she eceahion and tbe Seanoll.
grew more and more like her in face. ln Lent, the Papal ruiment from
"The present attack was brought For my °Mitre sake, even more than mimes to cap is of scarlet. Tbe Easter
en entirely by the slig-ht difficulty of for my own, I dreaded the fact of her days demand other colors.
numbering the bills. Any mental ef- ,,,, . mason calls for white. Other holy
th ss . ' t
tort, `however email, was enough to . re • Every Arm of each costume is the
x wn ES en if people should know . - — - "
overthrow Ihe balance of reason and arything about the invalid at, Bay-' finest and riolietet .of its kind. The;
bring on a fit of gloomy insanity. Iiurphees worn at auttleuces are cif
hano it would be easy for me to say
felt a deep sorrow and pity for. her, prictieela old Ince. Nowhere in Europe
that it was a distant relative I was
too; the was so young and so fair •
it Farmed sad that ste cruet hli •iii supporting there. But Helena was so is thl,er(e,a »mere valaahle and inter -
like the picture of her mother that A .
01)01.11ti have fallen upon her life.. i The kl,ppers tea the Pope are legion
I grew nereoue aeout anyone seeing
Tbere were times when, for weeks anu ester' pair is of fittest velvet. The
Is, and most of all I dreaded the ,
together, the was rational and ami- tight elipper, which is kissed by pia
child seeing it herself. One day 1 i
able; then the Pullen, angry holt-
_ removed it from my dressing doom-. , grime ono otirg pious visitors, bears
abilita would fall noon her again
I t Id • tI . I 11 t b a cross In gold taubroldery ; while on
Tho terr b e mean look teat I feared ; die left -are embroidered the create
to look at it, It made me so melon -
ami dreaded would mar her °Whitish keye, leara and pallium which make
choly. 1 hid the photograph among
face. 'atlas Wood, men talk of a living
, up the crest ter the Ronaan Church.
zuy papers, and locked it out to
deatla-I have mitered one. . But- tbe erpp as fade Into Insignifi-
E`"At length My poor Helena was eight catece before the value of the innum-
leor three years 1 was happy-
ffete 3ty parents, believing,- that I erable pairs of Z0VeN. These gloves
happy no 1 could be, svith a secret
could it reactant to England for
Weighing down my Me. Then my are of finest white -is oo..
oozes) yeare wanted to moue find ! That sountle modest ; 1 ut, as it hop-
e/mit me; but I evaded their request father died. My mother only au:- Tome, the wool is embroidered In
from time to tianet a liad sworn to elved him a year; and L but for He- Tome,
pearls. The notterial for the
lento should have been alone In the
gate. Ider health failed too, and site
woe tended, waited nix.m. and ammo), worldtrisivee, as for all woolen garmente.
but she fell into a. helplessly childish "A. yeer or two after that Intim worn by the Pope. le mule from the
myeht 0 sohinn oath that they Blanche Carew. adsra Wood, believe IIPPee Of et ept,eutl flotek of sheep. deal-
ine t bail. I loved ber at firet, ahnost altea to tide purpose. and owned by a
deeeiscel ; theehould never
should never klions hew I had been family that hoe since the middle of
y fknow '611°1-4 liadwIalg It. Ma
that the beauldul young wife they ward 1 tried to quietmmy-1: t_teitiiviertevrx17tith century enjoyed the
pleturead to themeelvtis Wag at times fdd'"dien"e• 1 pirsuuded▪ 1"leresin title hotel of fifty sheep, a
an angry. ohntinato imbecile. 1 would Mt theft- 1 was aeting only the part ' number ,
et Intlehe Itre Net asale eaeh
ef a friend when I planned for her .
uot let them allarie trot eorrowful sac-
ra -sit would have /moiled their lives leather to come met live here. I found , aeaer, telno ttaebi,412voletst thoee tattle are
$uon enough th it life tor nos was a ' "IC n arK.1, in an unpree-
nu It spoiled nano
"From the time of rem ehild'e birth blank without her. I make no CXettSe ' IA" ,4'"PM.,11.-V, ,,""ir 111° Pt.,111/11,1,
for the elte 1 ince contein /fated I "'wand' orser Ina t 'User are man
.. have none except tuy aeepfloye toe fasr a ea ear at a menvent near Rome
nay poor wife became worse. The.
eaurtieter or her malady changer': . and are eared for in Vle. inrfi‘lt eln,b0r-
, ner.
all anger arel aillenneee disappeareat. eaa nte mei panetiliette inehlon.
ten 31r. Carew came to Weir
it it like an infant. Silo knew tio o„ttateat my ea„ wee tam at Boy. 1 The year being paned, the lambs;
one. She le. -rt all reetallietion ot her hem but hair melt el, o, and prime/me nre shorn anal the mina weave the
parente, her child. or znyeelf. Her wrote to tett me th-at the could not ; Mae./ Oats palliume for the Pope.: The
attetulante tuitneell her 11,3 they W0114 01.thage MI! It AM, alcnie, 1 ma/1p up 0.1111111, a IViig etrip of white wool,
have done e little INK Mowers., • any mind then to h a ve tie, Ora tare, ntlortuel only by it to Id eecaels at 0 aeli
Lomat pat -time. or toed, wield hT4111,, :del 1 thourilt it best ti, hale. Ili:. . 0041 1,4 th!, nrset e meal of prieetly
lit'r happily 1 ligrorged. And tem. ; oda- breeight here. ; Matmente, toed is emern around the
eland eon. wee my wife. There were 5 '.1 in alitguti this with the lu,qint... mak tool 'holy, Ve ends falling over
teem; when my own rerteen evara zoom. i 11 PC.- ,,f tily i,!-1 110,0101-1i1:epe1y, I (Ma: the -hot t sh;flittfler. 13r4ore MVO Leo
lo oserterte ti.it k r p /rale MO* laY tl',11:1 !Mille, t 'tot 1 ti
. ,441 11.4 (411' (ifhim p
.? tese. allitinie it
'A change in 1* gap toone tat in t. 4 tgO'f' 1 leo: for Lit OW,' :.t.ttre liven FAIT.. MA - t lio for a tertain length of time
one or teloa, deems. toesal teat ali ii vomiter nit !tit, 4 t; 1 ,,i,,, ... -a ri 1 1f:iv(' . i Inept, t h t? Mt rlerrithan:ILi 4..7 Se. Peter.
eanee ewe, hue a ereoethe theseehe ;I Leetiatiour totl, ciror,gi Ile r it to.r right I „aildi2i.ei. 1:J111,1;11r 11„0iaci,htni n% i;g1 Mt .;;Ilitrii with the Wmt Vahan Iseenee 0 arise al off ' $4."0'' '4'4 ":.' "! ; 'ad de '; had 1" f I- --1 , " '
my wiff,lq vat, litg. 1 „,4 t.,,t,, ttr, ., se :In es to for t.".-$;1*, .0***14110. elt INIfit. ; g.,1“ 0 n.414 143,ver :...irrt 1 h. NO Piprg1.0,11R
mormi, c,7:1r, Lie t?,...,1 ihu, I.,4110,,,,it1.1 1*.* * . a k ,.. •,11,, P,It he,ru`. i arei mien i , at 01 Rent All worn 19111043 1110
prti,,W 0 0 ,:l 0:L1,g' 1., Sthi sgjj 1 1,I ' la a ttean 1 ot a /4 tempera' power, and
to Teaddon eil/'J' 1 l', l''A'''''.1 t'''' 't'*- "5" i tr ef , 4 ,,.f so , f,,, ?,1,,, tc20/- tt et, IA 80 t tio Pape itilg alien up grand public
had tateralee 1 tee 141 P `', -Co': t"- ' 15' jc,t II o re or,. , i ,,,a moot 1,0% t r eat- sienna eine of the jewelled
,; .e , ,
SPCtiff-; a meet ' toe foe leis e?. -4i .c...,'. r. o, :, /, ie i0 nte - „go.-- a -iodine liely rtriti 's till' fillE.Cti4 ("Pin Magna, „0,1*
Ho teatel tee to toe -0' f ,t,la t,:.P• P4''' i ...r0 e ati 'Fe .... o 6-0 ' : i,,o; its Ila -a '`. ore 01- ale a ie e P 1 ideKiY "; WI"
milt7f,, WA 1 ' I'l or', 4 'L0 --1 ,10
It 1 1.f.4'0 treamar, v•,. g 4.ta1 - 411 ' let trie, tti a t lie weight a leore woold
wooad le't., I? 10, leo eat:attic:et, t le et „, tt ,,a .e -,/, p.,e e, „, jr '1.v. -tit the 1.101 iii rid frail Pepe froM
Vats rei at ofs le WU t.:*7 , elute* ,,l(r i:-.,..4,*; :f " /*(t Ilg.f.t, 14,4 G i vy E d:•py eke hateo 0 .ri•,,r, it.
tioa,..4. 3 n' it' i, Tao Peor oto ta 0 tf,'. ast., ,4 ,. 'S.;,,,IS lure 1..00 1* ;Po Lao X1I1 le Asset of jewele ned
may eaare lost .1). 0- a a i.4'04, in 4 a e e--..._ i -',,c, h4 4:4 3 i.d, fl.. irfliP teix ittleft a moon kably i alit/able milt 4/-
11.1 -al treatze0 et. ia..PrIP.L(/ 1 :i*A' 4 Laia rf to, u- 11-1 fit I, ovip y at ,,a ce t too., but tell1.1, thin, of ifttlit
.„ '1 Lad To. tee le eal., To h' • ts Dee or eiga100 enter Uri, 1 ortisai nal Pen eli. r efSeial. Tee- Isieleamon Hinz
Liar; It .::::a 1 v ... 'ir,,,, olite • tie 0, a ore,' . ,:eagae bat tam+ tele 1,0 E 4 0 01 fos it I- levee ai itet it V Iree.,:mtittitamof at.
femme tho tet le b i -.J° i el Lice a a ti tar,r,. PU'r frthittit it/ tle:* Pe.lo;4; Oftlelril
*am reed in, t,r-f i:. r ii.,:a^,:l ':: er 1.J 0 hiy 'vett tio ,.. MI u 1V0,11 low yen 14%0 eifrout OW.9, Una hi 11-,t1"”,yed At the
Valente ofe :I t, 1 t.".ir. 0 rao 1 1 11 t4 at Mord Mytory. It, you think there ile , ta of ilea wt'
*r. a ill:Vie/att. be -
I W0110 (#4.1 P.IY WV 1-dihet [dal that 1 lo COMO IMIO iromile fore ho. for Waite; Ing Diede foe hie tatieigeor,
oasis 1 had eves- keowee They were
so rejoievil, so deal -tatted at ray good
toe'teno, so thankful that nay lot
tried to make my we AO life a little
happier er
I aid fool grieved et: itire, but teeth-
ing in my eyee min Make wrong
That evening I tv.a.s sent for Hutt -
denier to Welr Cottage. 1 rounal
Carew tilehted betw. •'n his sorrow
anti eurpriee. Ile salteemel nae a letter
front Allau Charlton o Whamming Ms
Butt, and Illanelto whispered to me
that illew she shovel not be afraid
to 000 Hugh elostyit again.
Our journey to 11w/tinge was
abandoned. 111r. Chat 1ton and hie
daughter were going abroad; he fetid
thee- should probably remain on tlie
Continent for five or six years. He
went to Weir Cottage to say fare-
well to Blanche and 1 turned away
ray head when he toaelted her golden
hair with hie lips. I knew what that
moment was to Min.
Before Mr. Marlton went away we
lead Clime to terms. A large band -
some imuse was token at Hastings,
wed 1 took cbarge trf Mr. Charlton
there. Prudence and Mrs. Ferniestl
went with me, and the Grange was
dismantled. No one ever knew Allan
Charlton's secret. For Helena's sake
it was better SQ. We always called
her mother Mrs. Latham.
Blanche Carew came to visit me
twice while I was at Hastinga, aud
I thought how little she knew she
was wider the same roolf oath Allan
Charlton's' -ghee. I loved the gentle
childleh lady very mime, but I was
not with her long; elle died as quiet-
ly as she had tired. No one missed her
for her plame in the world had long
been void.
Riches never eome alone, When
Raymond Charlton died he made
atonement, and left the Wartime- BO
unjustly his to his nephew, Allan.
Helena Is one et the rleheet heireeses
in England, for her father will nev-
er marry again.
Blanche spoke truly when sbe said
elle would never see Hugh Mostyn
again. When the young soldier landed
In England he was, by the death of
his uncle, Lord Ranleigh. He went
stralget to Weir Cottage, aud he ale-
eolutely reamed to leave it again un-
til Blanche was his wife. No one eould
alter his deteristinatern ; be had near-
ly lost tier °nem he mail, and he would
never leave her again. As for a
trourmeau, It was all nusense- his
wife could buy what she liked after
Ale was married ; she would not
want anything till then. Like most
determined people, be had Ms own
way, and before the Christmas snow
Ltd fallen Mambo was Lady Ran -
1 eigh.
Allan Charitou did a noble deed.
When Lady Ranleigh's second son
was born he asked to be his god-
father. Xle sent a box containing
the ohristertiug present; it was
neither more or less than a deed
ooeveying to the child the estate
or Croome. Ile hail purchased it
with the intention of restoring it
to the family. With Ms vast wealth
he had no need for it; he gave It
to his godson on condition that he'
took the name of Carew. He made
the old moo's heart glad, for he
asked lam to be the ohild's guardian
and made blan master of Croome un-
til his grandson should be of ago.
So the ()strews of Comma exist still.
Mr. -Carew seems to have taken a
new lease of his life. He has for-
gotten his troubles, and reigns at
if 70 11
are lean—unless you are lean by
nature -you need more fat.
You may eat enough ; you are
losing the beneat of it.
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil
will help you digest your food, and
bring you the plumpness of health,
Especially true of babies,
8007T a now500, ai st.einoiTirlizigists.roio•NTIL
'1 he aeuater and the lint.
The- other day "on the avenoo,"
•Waslangton, I saw man's crowning
glory, a Panama hat, tieketed in ea,
store "$100." It resenabled an In-
verted potato pot. plus a rim, and
itad big dente, as If knocked about
in all sorts ot weather. A grave and
reverend senator, whose eyesight Is
not Bo keen as It used to be, and
olloate tastes run into the bizarre,
read the "$100" for "$10," and, step
ping jauntily In, deposited two las.
on the counter. "It's a hunderd, ' said
the dealer. The senator nearly drop-
ped down dead. "A hundred dollars for
a hat 1" ha gasped. "Great Scott 1
That's; far too steep, far too steep
toe me. What would the unseals say?"
He ambled out at a gait verging
on 2.40. -New York, press.
MInand's Liniment Cures Burns, eto.
How He Won Verne.
Spetikleg at haggis, the Boston
journal recalls the experience of a
favorite aotor who waa accuetomed
to spe•nd las summers In Wilton,
Maine. There he noted, when, as the
custom was, a farmer "killed a crit-
ter," the liver, sweetbreads, kidueye,
eant, were thrown away. He offered
to pnreetase these delicacies, but
Omagh be got the goods, the "sturdy
farmer scorned his proffered gold."
Molt long atter lee observed as he
walked thraogli the village he was
the cynosure, of all eyes, and was fol-
lowed ay a emenderin,g- if not admiring
crowd, chiefly of the youngs
tbougat het "I cannot escape my
fame; my glory as an aeltor has fol-
lowed zne even to this obscure barn -
let," and he was mightily puffed up
till he byeeheard, one yokel shout to
another: "13111, there goeta the feller
whale eats innards."
efinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Pampering the Throat.
"Yee, I know -another cold!" said
a, doctor. "1 do not know what meal.
cal men would do if it were not for
you women." A,nd he turned to
the creature of furs anti wraps, smiled
one of his appreciative smiles, and
continued - "Remove your boa,
please! Do you realize that tho high
eollars that women wear around
their beck are responsible for nearly
all the eoldd that your sex gete ? It
is so. Winter and summer alike
you will Meet upon wrapping up your
delicate neeke in high silk, velvet,
eloth, listen or chiffon motering. If
it be not thia why it is a yaral or
more of ribbon drawn tightly about
the sleek, and naturally the flock
gets tender and over-senettive from
the fancy bandages and swathing
that are forever about It. With the
first tire.ught there Is a cough.",
Change of water Is the great perit of vaca-
tion time. Pure water Is scarce, he -lee die-
turbanees, always serious, of tue .etoinneit
aud bowels. Perry Davie' Painkiller 1Ift
never failed. Can it tall In your ease ?
Scarcity of Servants 111 iengland.
The Lincolnshire hiring fairs, which
are held In the various tosyns of the ,
county every year during the month ;
of May, have just been concluded, arid 1
show- a great Leareity of rwomen ;
servapts-a feature which has become
more and more pronounced during
the hurt few years. Experienced ser-
vants have conona,nded higher wages Minterd's Liniment ror sale every -
than previously, and many mistresses Ns -here.
are Mill without maids. Male ser-
vants have also been scarce.
Worthy of the nest
A gory Is told Of one 01 the What shrunk your woolens ?
time pillitra of a Net Ellgin11,1
wh d•d
(imam the othovatwo or an organ, you used common soap,
but when lie finalle elated del sei
Without reeers es Prom ittient oppo-
einem he bevame the meet strenutium
t -
of nit the congregation ita to the fine -
was etee fro/lament to be itur
"Seemo to 100 eott aren't consiet-
ent," k! tine agononeeal Weathr
reproaolgully. "there a, month ago yt u
couldn't apenk tmough about
organs, and now you go to atlyeettl-
big extra, t.epenoe in getting the beet
that's to be bade'
"See here," 0a14.1 the denotan, grimly,
"lf we're going to viewable the Lord
by nricalnerw
y, I don't ant to piano
round with :Lila second-rate running
gear."-YOtalre Companion.
Cheer ape roe who have grimace under
the torture of rhennoethon. You need not
suffer another ona- 11 you u 111 use "the 1).
L." menthol Plaster. glees Inneennin.
Von from JAM Mats and swolteit muscles.
Insist on tbe gamine.
Mad out Penile for a lowe: limn
!PiStriil NO. 428s 1,`..,W4
y tiro a year so soon 1v Mre. Winslow'n Styv lets F111.11) *110e114
always Le used car O.... eye ,,tn, It
soothes the child, eofteee thegena • OttrO4 wind
voile EMI 11 tint beeet renledy for 1,earrienia.
.1: finest In the Mtwara Peninsula, at
Winona, It/miles from Remittal on two ritla
ware lee acme in all, 33 ot which Is in fret%
mostly pomace. eiTlil bo sold in ono penal or
divided into loteof le to lo acres Le mat pur.
theeers, Thais a deeitlea bargain .A.leresa
eonathati trareeeter, P. O. box 09, Wincaula
Persistenee Wins.
In a talk to workingmen the
other day Illehop inogam, of Lon-
don, said : "Human nature alwrtyri
reminds aue of the story of the
two hogs that fell into a pot of
cream. One of them soon gave up
the etruggle as it bad job, ond
without much ado flank to the bee-
t/eau. The other, striking out with
all hle lege, and persevering, .weent-
ually found himself regime upon o
part od butter lturned by hie own
efforts to get 'hie head abovethe
level of the ereaut."--Inslie'e 'Weekly.
ally mare, a, very vatuable one, WhEl
Walla brivised and cut by being caught
aril a wire fence. Some of the wounde
would welt eseals although 1 tried manyl
different anedleines. Dr, Bell advised
me to use MINARD'S LINIMENT, di-
luted at fleet, then' stronger as the
some began to .loole better, until, af
ter three weeks, the sores have heat-
ed, and best of all the halo is grow-
ing well, and is not wthite, as is
most always the ease In horse
avowals. s F. et leOfteCET.
Weymouth, . •
Knew What Wats Coming.
Henpeck -I dread to start home
With my wife,
Healy -Why ?
Heapecle-Didn't you hear how
sweetly the thanked 'rae solien I told
box she alueuld not have trumped
your ace.-Ohto State Journal.
, Liniment Relieves Neur-
algia. ,
Leading Up to it.
Bobbie -You know them preserves
out in the pantry wot you told me
not to eat ?"
Mother -Yes.
Bobble -You know you teaiti they'd
make me sick if I eat 'ern, didn't you?
Mother -Yes.
Bobble -Well, they didn't.
Monkey Brand Soap deans kitchen uten-
sils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and
forks, and all kinds of cutlery. ao
Hts Iteasoniug.
It was the night before the battle.
Pat was telling his camra,cles what
he was going to do on the morrow.
He would show them how to fight,
The next day came, but no Pat
wat to be seen, Tows di ev; lane he
came era -wanes In oo his bands and
"Well Pat,' tall a comrade, "where
have you beea ? 1 thought yon were
geeing to show ai how to fight ?"
"Faith," said Pat, "I thought
-would rather be a coward for five
minutes than a corpse for the rest
of my Ole."
New Vork Central and Iludeon Meer
The above name is op. household
NVOTC1 and the eaperlor excellence of
the road should be sufficient to at-
tract most people, but now that the
rate Is the same to New York and
points must as by other lines no
further recommendation should be
sought. Everybody will tell you It
le the best.
The (3ardenere art" Paris.
No less than 250 gardeners are
employed year in and year out to
watch over the flowers that ren-
der Paris so exquielte, says The
Sketch. The Auteuil Conservatory,
where they are all produced, la sup- TO CURE A COLA) IN ONE) DAV
erintentled by men who are poeltive
Brom Quinine Tablets
scientists In the art, and It is rare Sraukgeglets refund the money It ft falls to.All
that the designs in the gardens are E.W. urovea Signathre Is on each beg eta:
spoiled by a withered flower. With
the lemming of spring they are
sending out flowers by the million.
Coronation Gee Illuminations.
The extensive use of gas illutnina-
tion at the approaching coronation
festivities in place of electricity is
eurprisingly universol in these days
at -electric signs, 11 would seem
that so august an institution as the
Dank of England would certainly
adopt electric Incandescent lights to
decorate the bank building, but, ac-
cording to Englialt authorities, the
outlining of that building will be
done with gas -jets perforated to
show "innumerable jets of light." This
policy shows British conservatism
with a vengeance, though in this
country gas lihoranation would hard-
ly be considered either effective,
convenient or safe. •
This is what Miss Zesele Stephen,
on, of no Hartington Road, Aberdeen,
move wben writing to the eroprie-
tore of St. Jacobs 011, the remedy
width cured her :
T. I was very b.•tcl with rheumatism.
I eould not put my clothes on with-
out emettite out. I :always haa to have
assfatanee to dimes myself. I ob-
tained a bottle of St. Jacobs 011,
nt d after dee contente were neva I
-woe Mueli bettere I need the con-
-tette: of two more bottles, and tem
aan able to do my work am ttettal.
I would recommend anyone troubled
with. I'M umatiem to use St. Jacob
eal.d ;
311se Stephonson'a moment condition
le a very great contrast to what it
%vas 'before tete had used St. Jacobs
Oh then elie was practically bele>.
Itas, auffered the 'greatest agony
but now the is free from pain, and
able to do Iter work. Suety such
evlalentiti as this la most eon -diming
that St. jaeobs 0'1" Conquers Pain."
illy M. 0. Ne
Dear -to my heart in my native
land, the favorite eleald of a free-
born races mow' making her Bast
appearance upou the stage of tlie
world's fiction am] playing her
part with eliamIty and grace.
A soul of a poet; a flout of Amid -
Ian teams, tater Columbian hope,
and at huger %beam of a great fa.
taro northern lane; knelt Is hors.
Oh, any own tree love, my eon.
try ; deem* to my heart he/teeter-)
light on darkened eyes); dear au ea
the tender flower growing en (Ittio
geon wall to the poor pritenor ;
neeept the tribute of my nwelattp;
brea at,
Never will I foineake thee, dear
lot ely land, nor room/ handers hv
- accepting tlte Itereling wage of thy
lair comae the gredt Republic.
live for thee; and 1Vhett the great
/attire Ilea heavily upon any heart.
I old breathe my laut wali head
reetleg upon thy oympatlietie bosona,
Warships aro Sheathed With AtibOnt08
to Keep ilte Sailors Healthy.
When the navy turned to building
Mips of eteel It With remarked that
unless some device was adopted for
offsetting the effect 01 heat con-
densing on the metal it would be
only a matter of a short time be-
fore, all our offleere would be suffer -
lug front rheumatism.
The Introduction of metal ellelea
tables anel other pieces of tUrnIture
followed a few e'eare ago and now
there Is not a raitgle piece of wool
Of any size to lie found in an officer's
room on a modern warehipe die
eleepie in an irolt berth, keeps: ale
clothes hi a eteel ehest, while the
floor, coiling and walls of Me apart-
ment aro of the tame metal, entice
the adoption of the solid armor for
the shied of warships a great deal
of trouble has beeit experienced in
making habitable the quarter'di-
rectly next, to the wield° covering.
Trite heat set the romn condensed on the
eOlst metal and In a very short them
the otieupant would be on the 110e-
pltal litst, with a bad case of rheum°,
tam. This la now guarded ageinet
by 'the use of a sheathing of as-
bestos placed next to the metal and
11143 ka.Phtee by a framework. This 14
fOlitUl to absorb the moisture in a
1.a.t.i6factory 1110.1111PP. Care is also
token to see thatthe berths are
not built against the outelle or the
VeSSet, but against oue or the side
walla so that the sleeper will be as
Inc its poseible from the metal that
comae in contact with the water.
$100 REWARD, $100.
The readera of thIn paper a/411W pleased to
learn that there In at tenet one dreaded dieease
that seance has been able to tare In all its
femme and that Is entarrh. Hall's catarrh
mire is the only poeltIve euro now known to
the malted fraternity. Catarrh, being a eon-
saltutionnl Memo, requiem a eonstitettonel
treatment. More emarrii cure Is taken In.
ternatile, noting directly upon the bleed and
meanie tentage% of the Systetn, thereby thlt,
troying the foundation of the illsettee, end
giVing tile patient strength by building Up
the e °nett noon and emoting natu re In dolma.
118 work. The proprletore 'time no emelt faith
Mite &retentive movers that they offer Ona
Dundrail Dumas for any vitae that ft Mite to
cure. Mall tan• list of tentlInnolols,
address V. 3. Cli Meal' & to., Toledo, 0
rearelelil by (truest/4a 75e.
lea foe the aelenees Aar, gas
..."'-"-m"-""--"--""•*"-*-'‘.."' HANDS
+4 Pi +++++++++++++++++4 .+•+
The terviele eatasfropite of 51.
Pewee lute directed attention to
other volettnoes, ot aliont
thoutrand are 'move, or these, 3e5
are mew native. Those now quiescent ;
are /tot (Lit extintit ; ane• Due of them
alloy, at ainy time, renew an atetIvity •
while so far tai 114 Ittlq,V11, hi Intl, 1
mem-mime Veritivius was conehlered :
be- cite togient world ct, extiact until ;
tee heroel of the &strut/Um of ;
donmeli. Front 1800 to 1631 title;
°Immo was again quieseent-der- I
ing a portal or three eteitiii les.
The vole.anoes of 'Mona are in per-
petual atoti‘ity, Etna, YesLIVIU an 1.
atromboll are now ItItereuittteuly
active. The volcanoes or epain were ;
very atatiie In the Province of Mum
cia lit 1810. The Azores, tite Can 11 -
les, the Cape de Verde Islande, Isle
de Bourbon, the Pella/Pines, Java,
Japau, Meet o, Central Ain- 1
erica. Ecuador and other States
along the An Ma Terra del
Fuego, are countries eontatin-
lug loam -noes perpetually active..
'late Azores and the Hawaiian Wands
are, tn• feet, notiteng but volcanoes/
tieing from tile sea,. Alaska coat/tine
oeveral active volcanoes, and the
Northwestern States of the Paelfle
7110111th: InOlintainft that haVe be-
come quiescent ln very recent times.
A geance Let a map of the world on
watch the voleanoese are marked will
give a vivid Idea of Itibeir dletrIbu then.
Tide is not a random; one, as a map
will clearly slhow.;
Quiescent volcanoes thot are be-
coming active usually give warning
by earthquakes. Tiles was not the
case in Martinique, however. The
crater begins by pouring out huge
volumes of smoke compose:I of gasee
and steam, and then come volt/etre
ashes, leemlee, anal every now and
then 'volleys of incandescent riotous
stones -lap 111 and pa,zolanoa. dm.
ler mashies of white-hot lava are
thrown out in spiral like forms, ace
compaeied by explosive sounds.
Througe the clouds above the era.
ter lightning flashes, an 1 the clouds
themeelve,e nee Illuminated by the
glare of the lave beneath. The lava,
itself may be thrown, out by explo.
stone, or it may open ways through
huge fissures In the side of the moun.
taln, In very violent eruptious the
whole head of the mountain may be
blown, off, or the inottntain may be
riven apart, as at Krakatoa. The
volcanic ashes are sent out 10 vast
quantity, and, being light, are
carried to evormous distances.
The ashes of Vesuvius have fallen
In Constantinople. The ashes from St.
Vincent ln 1812 darkened the whale
sky• itt Barbadoes; those from Suva-
bawa ia, 1815 were carried 700 to
800 miles In large quantities. The
ashes from Krakatoa ea 1888 filled
-the upper air and produced the red
sunsets of that year, whiall
continue/1 for months, The gaseous
;motivate of a volcano are deadly -
Id dova the neighborhood of an ac-
tive crater has been found comereal
with the dead bodice of wild animals
-nom deer and the like. It' was,
no doubt, waves of noxious gas that
killed thousands at St. Pierre. Some
faint, idea of the energy of volcanic
forces may be bad by considering the
pressures necessary merely to main-
tain it oatmeal of lava at the level
of the summit of a eagh mountain.
aleneriffe le 3,710 met -res in height.
A pressure of about 1,000 atmos-
pheres is necessary to make the lava
flaw from ont its crater. Title Mar-
tinique voleano was 1350 metres
high, and the pree,sure was, at the
minimum, 400 atmospheres.
Stops the Cough
and 'Works utir the Cold.
Le:cativo Wow o Quinine Tablets curets cola
in one day. No cure, No pay. Pelee 25 tents.
The Seal of Reality.
Visitor to Aquarium -Will you kind-
ly tell me where the tank contain-
ing tho imitation /teals are located?
Attendant. -Never heard of 'ern.
Visitor -Thoth; strange! They told
my wife at the fur stare her coat
was made of Imitation seal akin, and
I'd like to see one ot the animate
Attendant -Oh 1 (calls), John, bring
the old cat up for the gentleman to
look at.
10STo peeve to you Abel
oe s Moment le a eertain
and absolute cure for each
and every toran of 'telling,
Weeding and preeruding piles,
the manuhseturere have guaranteed It. emotes.
time/dab/In the daily emir end ask yournelgto
bore what they think 01 1'. You eati use it ansa
get your money back it not cereal. 60o a bolC, itt
all otenhro or EDMANSON,BATES & Co.,Torento,
Dr:Chases Ointment
Clean your silver*
ware. gold, beam,
P01,16f11NO FIBRE
So pewit tir or ponnit
tome, j tlEt brisk rah.
lt rti
etlo le. ' e
mega. Prtee 25e ea
erllegists or by nuill er
510NAItCli MVO. UN 55 entleirtnes, Ont.
Trial eumplee free, 'route Hue plied,
If you have any soca In
the 'Jewelry line,no matter
how small. Our catalogue
contains Photographa o
many hundreds of our
popular prices—copy will
be sent you free,. We
guarantee safe delivery,
prepay charges mad cheer-
fully refund purchas
money, should you desire
W trade ba.clt.
1 U ,t'° &7 RI man D ST EST
11you suffer fromEpilemy,Fits, Falling Sickness,
St. Vitus Dance, or have ehildi ,en or relatives that do
gig t
rirclnar ,andsdtfr;r1t
The sample bottlewlil santby mad, Trepan', toyour
aeare.st Post Office address. It hal cured where every,
thing oho has failed. When writing. mention tat
psperand give 111trOCI age and full address to TON
•• - • • .
A 10 cent packet a
Fly Pads
has actually
Killed a Bushel
of Flies
Humane Swine Y, Stink Market andriali
Dokoalor. Store ewino or all ages front
rooting, flakes iSalfrerentear ;narks, t11
Sees, with sumo blelie. Extracts Itarati.
Tostimonfaisfroe. SrleaR1.50orsenii t.1
for trial 11 t works sand balanre.rat'ti
11,13.May IS, '02for 17.yys ; Canada peon,
'01,18 yrs, InitnIntORIWITON, Vstrasld, hots, IL B.
Steamers leave Hamilton 1 p. 114.11
Toronto 7,30 p. in., Tuesdays and
Fridays; on nad after June 10th
Tuesdays and Thursdays and Sat/
urdays der Bay of•Quente, Ono Thous-
and Islands Rapids, St. Lawrence to
Montreal and intermealate parte.
I Very bow -Rates or Single end
dteturn Tlelcots.
oil anal after ..atine 3rd stearnerti
lea.ve Toronto Tueedays and Thurs.
days and Saturdays at 4 p. m.; front
June 16th daily, except Sunday, for
Cluerlotte, Port of Reellestare One
Thousanci. Ielaterls, Rapids, St. Lowe
mince, Montreal, Quebec, eineraa
' Bay, Tadouvae, Saguenay Inver and
. intermediate ports.
11. Fuger Chaffee, Western Pas.
Manger Agent, Toronto; Thos. Henry,
Traffic Manager, Montreal.
, Some fellows have to be fast he
order to keep ahead of their create
Don't use cheap paint 011 your
honee, or the first blast of storm ana
1'xW1 Or hOlt ffilintner SAO metes 11 look
shabby. Cheap paint with no repute. -
tiro,' le dear point. ,
le the pureat paint, the oldest and
Iteet known In Cannebt. 'Made from the
pule et materials -made right, to pre-
serve your 11011140, to beautify it, to
medal It !mak freehand bright. Ready
for nee and sold by all dealere at the
right price for the beet that goes la
ptint making. L at •
Drop nan cardi and oak for BOOK-
LET No, 11, Ieltla showing Outs of
berintltul homeo.
'MON TA10,1.L.
Paint Malcom, . Estado 1/342e
Aiway., insist on E. yys
your deolor sup.
plying you with .1 Li)
TliteY are manufaetatred from tho I)II,P of RLiergItIAIS by timo
MOAT workmen.