HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-06-26, Page 4THE WINGII,AM ADVANCE.
June 26, 1902
Ritchie Campbell
Summer Sale
Several cases of new goods have just arrived
and are opened out on our counters now. This will.
make our Summer Sale still more interesting, New
Muslins, Linens, Dignities, Prints, Chambrays,
Wrapper Goods, Cotton Shirtings, Oxford Shirtings,
Cottonades, Tiekings, Factory Cottons, White Cot-
tons, Shaker and Outing Flannels, Men's Suitings,
Pantings, etc.
38 pieces heavy. Shaker Flannel, extra wide, good quali-
ty, regular price 8e, Special pcice 00
38 pieces extra heavy Shaker Flannel, wide width, extra
good quality, good value at 10c, Special Sale price ,08
50 revenants Prints, from 2 to 5 yards in each, best
quality, good washers, Special Sale price 10
40 remnants of Muslins, Linens, Organdies, Dimities,
Foulards, Fancy Lawns, etc., from 2 to 8 yds. in each
end, suitable lengths for Waists or Misses' Dresses,
regular 50c, 45c, and 40e, Special 25
Gents' Furnishings. In our Gents' Fur-
nishing department
we have something special to offer in the line of
Pantings :--
15.pieces Panting, fancy Belwarp stripes ; we wilt have
these goods made up for you in the .Best and Latest
styles ; take a look in the window and satisfy your-
self as to their extra value. Regular prices $5.60, $5.50
and $8.25, for $1.25, $4.75 and $5.25
We are paying the highest prices. for Butter and Eggs
Ritchie & Campbell
successors to M. H.McIND00.
Clearing Sale
Commencing Saturday, May 31st.
L ttor �tC Jot
—It is rumored that Mi•. Wel-
lington Munro has eonseuted to be
the Liberal candidate in North
Renfrew for the vacancy in the
Legislature eaueed by his father's
Our stock is much too large and in order to reduce
it we will for one month offer
.Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings,
Jewelry, Silverware, etc., etc.
at very low prices.
This sale is genuine and offers an opportunity for securing
great Bargains. Come in and see for yourselves.
Jeweler and Optician Macdonald Block
—The Bell Telephone Company
of Canada has just carried out the
largest contract of its kind recorded
in Canada, in the installation of
400 long-distance telephones at the
Windsor Hotel, Montreal.
* * *
Just arrived, a large consignment of Screen Doors and
Screen Windows ; we have 17 different styles and sizes in
Doors, also 9 different styles and sizes in Screen Windows—
quality the best, and prices the lowest. v.
Wire Fencing
Those interested in building
Wire Fence will do well to call
on us, as we have all kinds of wire at prices that are right ;
we have the celebrated "ELLwooD SPECIAL WOVEN WIRE
FENCE," 50 in. high, at a very low price.
If yon want a Bicycle, see what we can do for you.
Smith fi Pethick.
I yeas a 1888 and 1895, and cost $4,-
000,1100. Traffic, for both canals
for 1901 amounted to 20,911 ves-
eels, with a registered tonnage of
24,620,976 and a net freight ton-
nage of 28,403,005. The value of
this freight was $289,900,805.
Navigation for the present year on
the American canal opened April
5, and for April 1,303 vessels car-
rying a registered tonnage of
2,007,046 tons, passed through the
canal, while the Canadian canal,
which opened on April 1, shows a
traffic for April of 376 vessels, with
a registered tonnage of 255,833.
—The Pennsylvania Railroad
has had a run made from Pittsburg
to New York, 438 miles, without a
stop. This is the longest run of a
passenger train on record. In order
to accomplish this feat it was neces-
sary for the locomotive to carry an
extra supply of coal, and this was
done by enlarging the locomotive
Its a pity to have a good
Suit spoiled in the making.
The suits we make give en-
tire satisfaction. Give us a
trial and be convinced.
"ester & Co.
tl'petairr in Shaw Block.
—The appeal from the recount
in South Bruce was dropped on
Friday last, and the constituency
remains Liberal. The appeal was
based on the fact that several
deputy returning officers had num-
bered ballots on the back. As affi-
davits had been made to the effect
that this was inadvertently done,
the appeal was dropped, and Truax
confirmed in • the seat, unless in
case of a protest.
Jewels, candy, flowers, man—that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty
power to the average woman, Even
that greatest of all jewels, health, is
often ruined in the strenous efforts to
make or save the money to purchase
them, If a woman will risk her health
to get a coveted gem, then let her for-
tify herself against the insiduous eon -
sequences of coughs, colds and bron-
chial affections by the regular use of
Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will
promptly arrest consumption in its
early stages and heal the affected
lungs and bronchial tubes and drive
the dread disease from the system, It
is not a eure•ail, hut it is a certain cure
for roughs. colds and all bronchial
troubles. Yon can get this reliable
remedy at J. E. Davis
Ldwer rate Excursion
To California.
During the coining summer frequent
o porturities wilt bo offered by the
Clued go, MilWee kee & St. Paul Railway
to visit Califoria at the lowest round
trip rates ever offered, with choice of
routes from Chicago via Kansas City,
Omaha or St. I'aui, or going and re•
tinningvlt ditferent roots. IClectrie
lighted trniis. Ronte of the If
op e
Limited, Famous Train of the world.
Write for full information to 1''. A.
Miller, 'General, Passenger Agent,
* • *
—In the United States the Dem-
ocratic party has begun to prepare
for the next Presidentai elections.
Free silver and Bryan, are no lon-
ger to be the battle -cry, but Demo-
crats will contend for a thorough
revision of the tariff and the aboli-
tion of all special privileges, and
that every product of a tariff -pro-
tected, competition -destroying trust
be placed on the free list. They
urge also that the policy regarding
the Phillipines be stated, and that
a stable local government should
be established there as soon as
order is restored.
• *
—We have failed to notice in
any Liberal paper, the following
statement of Judge Morrison at the
North Grey recount :—
"It is a case of the Froatest suspicion. I
am clearly of the opinion that these ballots
have been tampered with since they were
counted on election night, and I would al-
low them for 1.1r. Boyd (the Conservative
candidate) if I were persuaded that I had
jurisdiction in the matter,"
Yet Judge Morrison was the choice
of the Liberal candidate, who
thought he did a cute thing, when
he asked for a recount before the
Conservative candidate. Another
item of news Huron county Liberal
papers have failed to note is the
reason given by that staunch Liber-
al, S. H. Blake, for voting against
the Liberal party at the recent
(Bruce Herald.)
The Centre Bruce recount that
was to have been held before Judge
I�lein, collapsed in rather a peculiar
manner. All the material -for the
recount was on hand, including Col.
Clarke, clerk of the crown in chan-
cery, with the ballot boxes. In
view of the past history of such
Qvents, it was parading the pre-
tences of sham rather conspicionsly*
to have Detective Greer on hand' to
guard the boxes. Between the
election and the forwarding of the
boxes to Toronto, these same boxes
and their contents lay in a corner
of the station at Paisley without
anybody guarding than ; thereby
hangs a tale. Had the recount
been gone on with it is believed
that it would have revealed a con-
dition of affairs before which even
the nerve of Mr. G. W. Ross would
quail. If his friends in Centre
Bruce are not greatly belied, the
ballots were mutilated wholesale,
after the election. And that is the
reason why the recount was so sud-
denly dropped by Dr. Stewart's
counsel. They are now talking of
protesting Major Clark's election.
Why don't they apply fora scru-
tiny of the ballots ?
* *
—"Our Dumb Animals" is au-
thority for the statement that prev-
ious to the disastrous volcanic
eruptions at St. Pierre, that caused
the loss of thousands of lives, and
long before Mont Pelee began, to
rumble, the live stock in the vicini-
ty became uneasy, and at times
were almost uncontrollable. Cat-
tle bellowed at night. Dogs howled
and sought the company of their
masters, and when driven forth
gave every evidence of fear. Wild
animals disappeared from vicinity
of Mont Pelee. Even the snakes,
which at ordinary times` are found',
in great numbers near the volcano,
crawled away. Birds ceased sing-
ing and left the trees that shaded
the sides of Pelee.
—An American journal has the
following paragraph referring to
Canada :—
"A. people numbering 5,371,000
have a revenue of $52,544,000.
They have approximately forty
million acres of land under culti-
vation. Their shipping was last
year 7,514,000 tons inward, and
7,028,000 tons outward ; and they
exported. Canadian produce to the
value of $177,431,000, while they
imported for consumption $181,-
237,000 worth. They have 18,-
294 miles of railway, and the
government expended during the
last fiscal year $11,989,769 on
canals, Government railways and
other public works. The people
of Canada have $478,000,000 of
savings on deposit, and the num-
ber of letters and newspapers han-
dled by their 10,000 post offices
during 1901 was 191,658,000 and
110,950,000, respectively.
—The Scientific American gave
recently an extended and in-
teresting history of the canals at
Sault Ste. Marie. 4 rom. it we glean
the following :—Canal work on the
Canadian side began some time be-
tween the years 1706 and 1708,
when the Hudson Bay Fur Com-
pany built a lock 38 feet long, 8
feet 9 inches wide, with a lift of 9
feet. A. towpath was made along
the shore for oxen to pull the
bateaux and canoes through the
upper part of the rapids. This old
lock was demolished in 1814 b,'
United States troops from Macki.
naw Iceland under command of
Major Holmes. The present Clm-
adian Banal is 5,920 feet long, 150
feet wide and 22 feet deep, with ft
lock 000 feet long, 60 feet wide,
and 22 feet of water on the miter.
sills. It was built between the
The Toronto Telegram (Inde-
pendent), after considering the
tampering with the ballots in North
Grey, says :--
North Grey looks like a clear
case of highway robbery.
It cannot be argued that there
has been no sin in North Grey.
Against the' claim of innocence
also must be considered the words
of the judge of the Liberal candi-
date's own choosing, "I am clearly
of opinion that the ballots have
been tampered with since the day
of the election."
It is an ominous circumstance
that the spoiled ballots were found
in the only lot of ballots which
could be tampered with, without
either opening an . envelope or
breaking a seal.
The fact that the mysteriously
spoiled ballots could be got at with-
out either opening an envelope or
breaking a seal is a damning cir-
cumstance entirely inconsistent
with the Globe's theory of Liberal
innocence in North Grey.
The Globe's North Grey explana-
tions do not explain anything ex-
cept the organ's belief that a Lib-
eral victory by foul means is always
preferable to a Tory victory by
fair means.
The Ontario government is the
only possible receiver of direct ad-
vantage from the ballots stolen in
North Grey. The Liberal party
will have to live after the Ontario
Government is dead. Genuine
Liberals must rouse themselves to
the truth that a party cannot re-
tain either life or virtue and be re-
sponsible for the proceedings which
have disgraced Liberalism in North
Our Beautiful New
3 --
n• -
b --
v --
See Our $16, $18, $20
Suits before buy=
ing elsewhere.
Also a special, line
ofpantings. Anything
you want in the tailor-
ing line can be had
and satisfaction guar-
anteed, at
Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor~
Wing lam
•Cook'n Cotton Root Compound
ie suoeesefully ttsn5 mentbly by oyer
10,oesmdies,Safe, effectual.Ladies boli
your dru�} ifit forCoek's cities Rot goal•
pontiff, alike no other, as an Auxtn WE, pills and
imitations tions i re dangerona. Prise, gin, It, O. et
box, NA,
o, 10 degrers stranicer,ab per box. Ne.
ler 2. Mailed en receipt of priee and tiro Itatilt
Stamps. The Cook Compaot Windsor OAS,
prNe.. land ii said *no recommender: ty M i
re/won/Able Druggists in 014104.
No. 1 and No. ! are void fn wingliam by
It, A. Unuglass, (3, A. Campbell, J. E. Uevis
land .1.. $dn1ilton,1i13LQC(U 11,
If you have not already bought your supply of
for Canning and Preserving
do so now. Do not wait another day. We offer you a
first class FRUIT at low prices.
Gaols �ust Put Into Stooks
Patterson's Stuffed Cucumber Pickles, per bottle
Morton's (English) Mixed Pickles, "
Morton's (English) Chow Chow,
English Spiced White Onion. Pickles, "
Pickled Olives, 15c. Pickled 'Walnuts, "
Lime Fruit Cordial, a delicious and cooling Beverage, per bottle
Some Lines at Half Price to Cloar1
Shaving Brushes regular price 25c now 121c
" 20e " 100
(( 10c " 50
" 25c " 12ic
(( 25c " 12jc
(` 10c (` 5c
(( 10C " 50
(( ((
Ladies' Belt Buckles
Wishbone Brooch Pins
Wire Hair Curlers, per dos
Waving Pins, per doz
All Side Combs at Half Price. A few lines of Ladies' Belts at Half Price.
Is it any wonder that the people of Wingham and vicinity
naturally look to this store for the Greatest Bargains ?
Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr
Jno. & Jas.
11. Kerr IIC0111El 81uek, Wiugiram
Business Constantly Increasing
Handsome Goods.
This week we are placing in stock something
very handsome in Bedroom Suites, double swell,
quarter out oak, Dressers and Stands polished, heavy
hand carving on Beds. By taking a number of the
Suites, we can sell sell them at $19.50, $26.00, $27.00
and $32.00. Also a few very pretty Ash Suites at
$15.00 and $22.00, with British Bevel Mirrors. .
A Snap in Bedroom Suites.
We made a big hit in medium-priced Suits—
took the balance of a factory's stock (nine Suites in
all) which we will clear out at $17.00. These Suites
are good value at $19.50.
In Mattresses and Springs see what we have.
Street, S. Oracey's
former residence,
where night calls
receive prompt at-
Bali Bros.
The People's Furniture Store
Spring Suitings.
The prettiest, nobbiest, choicest and largest
stock is to be found at Hoinuth's, No mistakes
in cutting and fitting. Our Suits look well, year
well and the prices are moderate,
in Cents' Furnishings
• We have everything to please the most
fastidious :--Fashionable Ties, Stylish Hats, Fine
White Shirts, Fine Colored Shirts, Stylish Collars,
Underwear, etc.
Boots and Shoes.
Trj' a pair of ours :—They fit well, they
look well, and they are made to wear well. 'The
prices are low, when the quality of our goods is
taken into consideration.
Fiomuth & Son.
Come to
Fon Youn
Chemist & Druggist
Office G.N.W. Tel. Co.
You Can't Afford
to 1x1l8r!lloellt
in the matter of getting
your clothes made ---ex-
periments are often cost-
. ly. You wont be experi-
menting if you Iet us
make your spring Suit or
Overcoat, because our
long experience in the
tailoring business enables
us to speak with a feeling
of assurance. Give us a
Eli. C. CLAIM!
171$.13TA..Ilts IN SllAW ,LOCK.