The Wingham Advance, 1902-06-19, Page 6-coed The trivet/ delielotle lertaltht, O Tea in $1te werld.
TOee IT.
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" 0110 (101'0 110 I ," 1 triewered
event if the del -of tete tweet you int
pithaiy, Jo madly 1111 01111 0'1 011' say
lt, atiifull 8I ski) love bee tele
would ;still rateto, file than bear to
kilow tho imam eitu have JUtII fir
leer. TIM thine telly et yinareelf. ileve
you no theught, tto contblerationfer
'Up false+ tool creel pit:Mate in winch
you woult.) piece 1101":"
"I itterwl I ate wientes" he Muttored;
"but 1 erve her, stud 1 wed to my -
eon that rIlle, ney (turtle and tor
went, wao dead eau, you call a life
Mee hors ?"
mese iauily, "eite to
mal meu, Ur, Charlton. men with
human Mures, .11.0 tett Ispeak tot of
tbeir letwestu• aff11cte,1 they
may tee'.
"You Are right," he field, drearily.
"Do not pellet me too uttkinelly, Mims
iWootteyuu lemma tell how I have
mattered. What are ,iou going to do
with your (Iletetw,ry?" lie waked, mud-
denly. "Of course you intend to ex-
puee tne, as the world phraseo it. You
will go to Mum earew, and tell her
what a villain I oton, it hat ree. es-
cape, oleo lute had."
"No,' 1 replied, vehemently: "I
won's( not for all tho wealth of the
1He toll Blawlif, Carew how you
haves tneulted lier. You du uot know
ber It you think eh() would bear It
"Thon what do eon mean to do?"
ho meted. "1 not in your hande, I
euppueo," he added.
"t phial ter nothing," I anssvered.
"But 1 reek juatiee of you; toll Mr.
and Mine Carew ecru withdraw your
Inat --that is; the only thew that
eoncerne me. I have Efleil Willi my
own eyekf that, although your Wife
te taw is kindly eared for.
I have xi') fear; le pitof your 'tarok
vterrds you e 01 nes er harm the wo-
4W11 141'. not ter alto 10,1i pleamirro,
but teat my father bo happy
alpine -that Might t •let the pos
oltIon that rightfulle 1.1.141need to
him' that ho might one "lay be au
Orli H44 Itio brother elm had mile,
planted bine I Itnest ete motive')
Were Mlf4efl-imallie Want, rt. alt1 V11; Nal
.1 ant Mire the atrfnlatii of all ovum
love for 1/1,V parents). I Wanted tO
Neal rise• Mother inlet, more nuerontoled
with insoirica, ate! I ileilleittea flIX
WI! to work.
"I Intli an (epeeist' gift for lan-
e:nage". I email Novae 1 Kigali,
ler11111 11 and Malan. and npeillt
1.114eit welt, *I line etteliel an Men 110
111,11.0 1,1111/11 11 11,1" 0, !Wt. purpone
in ; and before 1 11:LII tinellied my
nineteenth year 1 wart (Otero! (Ln ex.
eollent Heel !iterative nitietintaniest in
the Wit 111411Pa. Prinel and Otter I
at my unnetuil gotel fertnne, I bade
Julien to home and the parents; I
101141 fil.1 Well, 411111 took my fleet Mei)
in life IvIth light heart. ,
"My doetination wan elan Domingo.
How, I have hatted that plitee over
unite, I Tim first yenr I wile there
Imre:0d very bard. I never went in-
11"010tY ; 1 made no triende; time,
thought and enorgy Avert. all devoted
to the newel -Ulm of nionoy.
"0110 eV ening lalflitiena took uto to
the Mute, of Dr. Dormer, Ile wee a
retired merehent who hail Mon ln 8.
largo Initilltealf it t (110111. 1 was intro -
duvet( to ble wife foul datight(w.
"You will pereepe Mho Wood,
when I tell you that then, lit any
twentieth yenr, with the world be-
fore me, my heart, at retire and no
eithele ist troaltle upon me, I wan eon -
Diderot 11 hateltentos young man. The
morehanre daughter sent; very pret-
ty. I need not detetribe her -- pour
Alice! you have mon her face au tO
flume extent it was, told no It la,
1 had mixed eti little in toselety that
I theught the Welshing, milling young
face, with Ito frame (if goideat brown
hairento of the lovelleet In the world.
I eamea tell you bow It happened,
but in a hundred leaps that evening
Aliee Dormor ebowea that elm liked
(tad admired mo. My vaulty watt Ilat-
tered, but no warmer feeling roam
In my hattet for her.
''Tho next Sweeny etr. Dormer
made me go lenuo to due, with hien.
After dinner .A.lico mug and played.
Oa some • pretext Or it nailer the
merchant and his wife both with-
drew and left tie tog( 11101'4
" T11110 after elm) I wall invited
there, and. tho some ng invariably
occurred. Mr. anti Mee 1) Inner loaded
1110 Willi attention's an 1 kindness ; lie
eollelted tny advice, and moro
than once that If heaven had but
favored litin ivitli( such m on his hap-
piness Would havo been complete.
" was eo yoeng and No Inexperi-
enced In the wars of the world that
I 'was hardly to blame for falling into
tbt irap laid for mo. The pretty
mulling young face that bluehed and
brightened for mo, the kind, flatter-
ing worn; that KM 1.11ed and charated
my boyish Vanit,T, kindness shown
to me, a 'granger 111 a etrange
country -all led me on. It del not
teem tttrengo tu me, as It would
have seemed to one oldor. that the
wealthy meroliant should evidently
be -so anxious to see me married to
his daughter and heiress. I ktuter
Alice would be vory rich; he, her
father, tole mo often and eft en of her
!emelt 'eliree eeltre ago 1 wao
vie:ekes friende oho rotten! b011111
delta:nee from. Vroonfe. They am
gone abroad now, and will never
return tu estgland. I went to lad
them farewell. 1 W a always fond
tor DelLtIllrIll MO One MM.
Joy morning I !started off alone for
a ramble, and found ;eyelet in the
Uri mum wootle. I wanes! on, whet -
lag to Hee the Hall. I mussed by the
pleauttnee, and there, reading ma
dor a large cedar tree, 1 lirst saw
Bittnehe Carew. need not tell you
how, beaudful ehe le, nor how beau-
tiful elle looked, her golden Mir
fulling like a ell ov er her, and 1 he
Mimed Iler fair ;Nang face as 1-.1711
easements playiug upOn It.
passed by, but 810) rarely notieed
"I du mot know whothor you be-
lieve In love at flret eight," he con-
tinued, "bat from that moment the
Image of the young girl, in ber fair,
beatotee has never loft iny
mind. I tried, but could not forget
ber. I made many pilgrimagee to
Croome Wood, but I never tom her
under the eedar tree again. 1 loved
her, Meet Wood, with the deep, true
love of a menet heart, and I have
loved her ever since,
"13y a estrange coincidence, it hap -
Pelted that my solicitor in London
watt the very man that Mr. Carew
entrnated with. the mettlement of
hin affaire, To hen lie revealed the
(elate. At that time, Mr. Lome the
solicitor, had been emunissioned by
me to lend out, 00 a good mortgage,
the sunt of money that had been
left um. When lie told me of Mr.
("army's; application, I wise delight-
ed. 1 instructea him to lend tho
matey, but forbade him to mentit»)
my name in the busluteue need
itot 1. kat I was quite a etranger
Man Who la more 1181plese than
t to Mr. Carew; had nes er hetet him.
"Tile deeds of the estate were
"NO," he betel, mile:idly. "I sbould given over to me, and virtually I
not er dO t hat." "'mune master of Croome. Only one
"1 can ituderetand how lonely yonr motive prOMpted me In all I did-
111tbit bo, 111()1""t1, "ad 1113yr my deep love for the yoeng girl I
you have learned to love the bright, had spell and dromood of ovpr 811100.
beautiful girl you has e been thrown "
I know it was wrong. I do not ex -
into contact with," I Nettie:tied; "but eume myself. I was aware that I
let tho mn nest there; do not lm *au bound by a mered tie, but I
wieked, became, ft great troable halt loved her, and I had never loved
fallen upon you."
„ 1 rem team Melting in his oyen. before.
"I knew Mr. Carew would wiolt to
"Thank you," lie mad, genelt,"yeu
retire to some uut-of-the-way place.
speak to tno as a friend. Tell me
The home he lives in is mine al-
vthee; to do, ana I will du It."
theugh he 4.1009 not know it. I 'told
"Teem le but one eourse open to
any solicitor to offer it to him at a
you," I repOled. "Write at once to
N cr,i• low rent, and as though it were
Par. Carew, and t(el him that eiritum-
his own property. ile did so, and the
staacen hat e areal' which causes ke on
obl man eagerly accepteil it. 1 Wae
to withdraw your appluation for hie
net. Meted by 'the story he told of
daughter'e hand. 'Write to Illanehe
going to Jive in Frame. 1 knew Ile
upfront any t4ickneY.., no matter
what bort, begin with a little
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
It is food, and more than
food: it helps you digest what»
ever food you can bear.
and ask her to lot yon be her 'Ilene
and not her lover.' '
"I will," he erleds: "I promieo yo0.
1 love her no madly t hat I have risked
remit for her sake; but something
told mo all alotgreethat my eecret
would he la:covered,"
"Let your betticreohelf answer me,
Mr. tharlioneeel -gale:Aro you not
glad Vint it Is so?" -°••
"1, eten. Mies Wood." ho retried,
franket,--"WeeteleVITT for her make ;
alth It testae her -losing the hope
of winning tako from my
desolate, leo tee (nos .10y ,%'r net father, les eleest son, and my un -
would be glad to take Weir Cottage,
and thus I came here 10 live at
Woodleigh Grange.
"I de, not offer one excuse for my
conduct, Mies Wood. 1 have none
but perhapts when you hear the story
of nay' youth and luy Wrongs, )'OU
nets' judge nut mereifully. 1 umett
go back to the wrong done to my
lather before me, in order that oou
nety understand mine.
"My :grandfather was a very weal-
thy mon. Ile had but two, children -
eh: Rae mond, hie eecond and beet be -
hawse. Still. for log tetke. ant glad
1071(1. Gle estate was not entailed,
but my father being the eldest, was
brought up to coneitier himself as be-
ing the heir. I cannot tel, y ou how or
wet lie and les father quarrelee, but
lug. en, re„. (11,78, 17 him 7011 hay, 1 tlit'S al tlo ; and one day my feting
had time to rented, we will ta
about plans' for the biture ; at pres-
ent, Kt PO' pm to wrap those
7711 a desperate 0110, for father and
lettere at. mice' eon never .nee. or spoke again. When
"I wise," Intermitted Mr. Chart -
ton. rionid mo tee yon my i my gritted:teller died he left the
ogdory. you a good woman. 1/198 ottole of lee fortune to his second
son, Reo niond ; while to mo father,
Wood, and I hater never had a good echo had en brought up tor the heir,
woman for my friend, I never had
yon kray„. )IP dist not leave one !Adding.
II true friend. Peritapte if "It wan ellatuefully unjust. 'My
all my Notre', you would be that to '
, enele I:atom:end wee not a generoue
me now." .1. mon, either ; tiever made the Duet
"If you think 1 coiled he 01 serg
; watt mpt to roetife the wrong hie fa-
Yiee to you. I 9124111 hear it in.
teresee 1 replied. I tmigit purliaps, thre hod done -he Dever offered his
„.go t hrs.:Liam une farthing of the vast
to have 110011 more angry
Wealth 8..) unfairly given to here and
to have reproached a
ten vt itemently
with the. Wrong, hi, eepeempintoed my rather wee too proud to ask. lie
but lite Borrow and 1210 humility Pabsed through life a broken-hearted
armed mg 6nd gown „Guth nnd . 111 I 11 ; 1111t1 110 profeesiun. and it
tools 1114. flowere in hie hetet For • t'''114 "1" difficult:I.' II' 111:1-11° I" "117
I eanntet commit thoernes 1 had
taught myeett to eta:eider no crime
at all."
"Your steret will remain one so
far aa am coneigniel. ' I said. rue
wao turned ignominiously from Mar-
ston Manor, the home he had alwaes
thought weuld be bia The quarrel
SONO VIM rrum semei.4 AND /NV IV,
SCOTT 4 ;0V.iati $1000:44101131:iiirooto.Tonorom
Dow She Proved IL
"EVery Child Her Own Holornote iff
/1U tOX t LIMA may tenni', up for (nevus -
filen in 'Louie of the elubo after the
vigor (1110811011 le demoned of, now
that little Mito Kohbrant lute argued
WM woo a civet of her own, Tote
little girl heat tawlebeloved pot
dog bone, time 1110,k, 4I301 reeolltlY
taw 11 riding In a earriage -with a
letaeleomely Wm tied woinfLu, pito
oarrlage Waif going very elowly, and
near tho pat (Anent, and the 1111 1e
girl delightedly (tailed her pet by
nurne. Wait a whine or joy, the
animal seprateig from the toilette and,
running to little Mem leohletutt, bo-
eint jumping about her ntel netting
"Yoe (met lingo tue dog, ilidi" 14,1P141
her hands for :ewer joy,
the women from her carriage,
weicia htek now drawn relit beeide the
"But ties is my, dog," Bald little
Mem Kuillsaat,
"Nu, It to lay clog," mid tho wo-
"I'll proee tbat It Is mine," replhol
little Allekl Kohlettet with the blood
box% of determination and eyelet,.
By Utio limo quite a. crowd of chil-
dren AHD plumersoby eollected,
Mei the girl, 'with the dog in her
U.I'MR, ftlesel her antagonist ars a, law-
yer facets a Jury.
"Cast yotu$ dog titan(' up and beg?"
eald she. ,
"Yes," tierawered the woman.
"Can lie jump through a hoop?"
"Can he lie down and play dead?"
"Can he datum on les bind feet?'
°Cam. he ray his prayers?"
41 yes..1
Cloming her arms tightly about the
dog and otartIng to walk away, the
child orled triumphantly:
"Well, any (log can't. He Is mine
theta," ,
And Rho won.-ChIca,go Evening
$100 REWARD, $100
The readors of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there le at least one dreaded dieease
that sciemea has been able to cure in all its
etages and that 19 Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh
Cure im the only potiltive cure 110W knowu to
tam medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a con-
etitutional (Release, requires a conetitutional
treatment. Haire Catarrh Cure is taken in-
ternally, actiug directly upon the blood and
mueous asurfacee of the syetem, thereby des-
troying the Immdatiou of the dieease, and
giving the patient strength by building up
the eons titu Hon and nerds Ong nature in doing
its work The proprietors have no much faith
eigreeitbly eliarprlocel.
There aro initny parte trf 1 emin
tr,v where the pew fki ole111 In 1 III
perteetly 11 undeterred, loll If if/
1.1111 tile 1111111111114•011/111111113
nalahwen ny thing NO am 181 ng 101 1111
1111'111011 r1(1/1:1 /;:(11 ti,v 1111' '1 1 1.11111,
Journal. ,
;1 mit for ilionneen watt tin 1 040
in ono ot the dive/lona id 1114' Oily
eiture reeett tly. 1 revery bee 17 or
144 „venire irf age, wee pile 4111 the
Mattel le tenlito. 111, rave 111,1 tent)
molly' In lit Ion,' II 10110 1 hat 1114'
J1111150. 1101111,11111 1, the ill 1.,N. said lit
the lea :
"epee It thni, 1 lane gentlemen
nun iteito etre."
"Why," red(' 11111 Wi Ilena. NV1 I 11 It
heallihip; 011111P. "are they intorceet
In popes mule .
N01/01( 1111101 if your hurt 1:1 111141 sere
Mug, too much element, Tho mellow you
put " 110 " Menthol Viewer the
pale begins) to no, awl. In 11 fro hooro„ir 1,11
fife 1111 right. 11.11818 nu bet 1 Ill
tloinforitt of liome.
Ittro. Bright -,I don't linderatand,
Henry, about Oats wieelesse tee,
graphy. limy would I know when
1 wIta goliet 'to get. 41 IIIPHnit MI, WO
110W W00111 1 le, able to know wile t.
It wage Of I (Ild got 11 ; told how
would 1 Iseow anything about it ?
Henry (looking at her over lea
paper) -flood 1.ord 1.--einart Set.
lielnartles Ientment Curets Dandruff.
fortune, and how lutra he had worked ill 104 CUVILUVO powers that they offer One
for it. If I bad been older or more Hundred Dollars for any ease that it fails to
wolldly•wise. I should havo tvonderod enre. Send for 11st of teatimoniale
svily, with her great advantages, her • Address P. .T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0
fah. gall ell beauty, and her wealth, eqrSold by druggiete. TU.
Ito eoulti haVe ever consented to see
signiflea.nt as myself:But he did SO, 1441.:PecteteltneNtentfidtetW -.
Iter married to ono PO poor and !n-
and one evening he told me time he c THE FROTH
had noticed my evident love for lila o.)
• the world at all sly mother was
daugliter, and that he only wIsheci
for her happiness; therefore, when I
wanted his consent I had but to ask
for it.
"I have almost cursed myself shim
for my folly. Ile had never seen any
sign of love for Allis(' Dormer. I never
There are new fronts
What is better, they go a long way
toward helping one to Put on a: good
diti lovo her, poor girl. I W0.8 flat- front.
embarrassed, and, above all, Still better, with their aid one may
annoyed to think that that pretty , always lun. tve oa fresh front and
young girl loved me. I an unwilted stock, two items in
"Never was vietIni more docile. 1 : their favor whiell mist not be ig-
WSW dazzled by her wealth. Half of 1
111 wa
ould make my der father a rich nored. .
These fronts may be of flne white
man. There was an end to all ppv- linen, plaited, and entbroldered in
erty. I pictured their delight , at black dots. Or they may be in colors.
home when they should hear that I Ie any case there's a stock attached,
had me.rried a wealthy heiress. I and a little butterfly tie, all done in
"It did strike me as eomewhat the game style.
Sublime Nerve.
The nowt plionomenrat ease Of nerve
notate' on the American cOntinent le
reported front A rug peoldter
called 807-01771 times; ILA 7101010 and
round tho people away trout home.
At fleet, he mote Loud planed Ole
not e ue the door: "Me dant-ICI mile
remain at home to -morrow foronooni
1 'wain, to Hell you rug."-ts.anocul
(ilty J uu melee
In washing woolleus and flatmels, Lome;
Dry Soap (a puwder) will be found very
eatiefactory. Is
strango that my pretty fiancee did
little more than smile and blush.
Wo never, to tlte best of my r
ltion. had a rational conversation.
I attributed her usual silence to re-
serve and love. I was so entirely a and go by the name of Da Barry.
stranger to love, its usages and A- eery prettyone is In a black
8715701871 that wheenever I dil not un- ,
Tuxedo mesh with a slight white
derstand or was puzzled by her ways figure and a delicate lace applique,
I laid them to that score. Nor
allalong the edge. There are hem -
did it strike mo as being strange stitched chiffons, too, with reverse -
that the few acquaintances I had hie dime dots of black and white
made in San Domingo expressed some velvets. Witb. these long vale, which
eurprise at my marringe-that two aro throWn back over the face, one
or 'three asked me if it Qquld be pos-
wears the usual small face vellThe
title that I wns going to marry Mr. ends of the long veil fall straight at.
Dormer's date:beer. I theught their the back.
surprise was at my good fortune. Not Umbrellas Collars.
on0 of them esal tho courage, the For the numemus black silk cloako
sense. or ther- kindnees to come teia vogue there's a whole crop Of out-
ward bravrly and toll Inc the truth. lam in lace and batiste and linen, and
" We were married. Mr. Dormer in shade running from deep twine to
furnished a house for us -it 1101180 white. To some cases the lace Is ap-
that a few years 'before I should plied to the material. in others the
have consklered a palace. had but linen or batiste is applied to the lace.
three years longer to remain Stn It amounts to the seine thing, the
Demingo, and then I promised tnyself i deep, circular collar being go Yalu -
the happluese of taking my Young • unanous ae to win the name of um -
wife and hm
her fortune hoe.
" You must bear In mind, Miss a
brelia for itself. Many are merely
pretty, nd sonto eo odd of meet
Wood, how Ilttle I eutd seen of the and five(' as to. be positively weird,
voting girl I was in some measure
White on White.
The Oath In Norway.
Probably tho moot 011)1101)11 Euro-
peen oath is administered 17)Norway.
Tho witness ralees 1118 thumb, hie
forefinger and his middle finger.
Timm signify the Trinity, tvhile the
larger' of the uplifted( fingers is Hula -
posed to repreeene the soul of the
ovitness and the mailer to indicate
his body.
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggiete refund the money 17 It faits to cure.
}LW. Grove's signature le ou each box. 25e,
Du Harry Veils.
Straight Cram Paris come the latest
veils. They measure from one and
three-eighths to two yards in length,
No! Nol No! No!
I'11118 mid 10 Mil 4 eery Omen by
Prof, W. 11(1.14180 .61110, 0111141471
Ailment to I to, beditInein Covello
owed. 10 repoill1111 the retina tee Wu
guittivsuri of thitilight ormit.
" Nfl litisaronitoql fat ", 711111 27100011
111) WIMP'
" Ne free 1111141 I "; Iliad Ineltliti pia
Maumee (41 I'llfl hell or numb,
"No lowlife; Mixture "; tiiitt mune
every atom le pure mem,
"No adulleritilon wheelie r"; that
Melton Into, Ingleillenes.
'll'Y Olualight letup Oetneon Dar g
und you will nee Prof. lillie lo right.
Ile nnotild liztoW. 202
Oon't 1»113' eintarneli.
lit hie now book "Works Anil
Payne' Ibunillon W. '(1111,114ee
hie friend's itgaliset 114 11 plty, 1 le
saysi: "We beget to pity intrielveto
II igMk (1114)11 4)1 11,1i 111130111T01111
end itutlympitlhette, to hie 1(111071l
ability for our fitilstree on tonne
(4117801 or elrettineittnee. ,740011
tr101110 01 111111)7 of ourselves 41.74 11111'
'lyre awl vleihno; we build up it
heti tione elutratot er for ostreelvert 77-71(treat(' unreal i101'100110 11,1141 boar
real wronge. We end by rewrite
Mg 7111(1 debilltutIng inirsiolveu Li;
Mielt 41 degree that We 0%811 1011444'
A elver violins, a truthful beigue (11
a loyal heart. 'Po put the rennet:
or ft (entree of cell -pity in plain
eiteeele We deeelve (surto,' Veal 1/0 10113
8114 HO pereestentty tilfi WO bOef/Ilifi
0114411P Ilare to oureelviel and (thrott-
le 8i711811'7'('1'77 of othere; HIld It in
14.11 t(ii1 thing to become all lie,
carnate lie In a. universewlxl8It 39
relate Wisely truthf ul."
Nobody is whit, all the time. '1'104 snout
prudent of um oceasionally eatunder-rIpe
or over -ripe fruit lo eunainer. We du not eer-
ier loug Perry 181S'144' Painkiller ia at band
to cure the rrampn.
Spinster Musings.
When a maa wants' to say some-
thing particularly idiotic he begins
it thus; "Thinking ma11
en re 071r
coming to believe, etc., etc.,
A math ivm
thinks the oen who re-
mained single for his melte 114 the
most wonderful woman (700 ever
made, but the one who has remained
single for some other fellow Is
mentally lacking. ,
Jealousy in a husband is more often
a sign of self-love than of ovife love.
Men. regard flattery as truth and
truth as abuse.
The weak man has friends, the
strong man admirers. ,
The drinking man Is often weak
and lOvable, the abstemious man oft-
en strong and despicable.
'A man never displays his grleC ex-
cept ivhen he loses his hat.
The angels a,re masculine; they are'
In heaven.
upon thone ante I kniev then that litite
rate, patuat woman. She had half compelled to marry. If I had
yy hen he WHO the been Independent, not all Alice Der-
ide Mart he wee s2) -tug farewell to 1"‘" 1117 fa"' r
Mamie' Carew. mer's money woule have tempted me
i onippoetel heir. ,.. 1 elle would not de -
1 Nell. hint ulten ne lo came a 71011 11I -
CH li)TER V. r
• it 14... brt kenelown men. They were to snake her my wife. I Mould never
or; on a %visite dross. That Is, an all -
"No" have fallen In leVA with her, but ns
doubt, :Miss Wood. eou think 1 married, met I weer their only chit!. It wee I bed allowed myself to be svelte dress or cloak of lace or some -
that I began to love Mise Carew 1 lee 11.1 my e.i rliest boyhood I had a flattered and coaxed and persuaded. thing trimmed with lace Is de rIgutir,
when 1 ilret Saw her a y ear ago '."' 1112011 001161' of 1114. wrong- done to my I had been left alone with her 11111 101 trimming a co:or 0114' shade or
said 'Mr Charlton. raising las 1)719' father, 1 felt that he hail suffered all i ton or a dozen times, but we had othcr, ranging from cream, to brown,
etuddenly from the floweret OVil" Willett 1 hie life foe it, ;do 1 heeled do the spoken very little a Ate generally is the eleeee. Twine and orange peril
they had been lingering for H87 PrIll )11111'• i
.but 0.r that itstustice, I in my sang little love songs to me. When are the two most modish of the inter-
nalnutee. I turn simnel it tve been the heir of (once our wedding day was fixed I mediate tints.
"I Imagined PO.' I replied. 'I yvasi Matetint, t 1 saw but very little more of her. Of- Two sorts of Skirts,
not aware, that you heti been her be- . "It watt ft eelee nue unjust deed 1 ten after that, when I called. ehe There's really no saying which
fore." I It, 4411'410d me' We, es eon wilt ePP- I was not visible,. It never struck me skirt enjoys ilia greatestpopularity,
"All, Yon ; T had loth seen and 1 el.m me
temed eolith one am- ae strango. I went blindly enough to . tito (emitter or the ittenyegortei earl -
loved her before she (111)80 to 1 bition Mimed within me. Thad one my fate. Isty. Both are grenely In evidence.
Weir Cottage." ho confessed. "I dream. one thought, 4.8e idoa-and '01100,ee or twleo after we were mar- . When one 11808 trimming in the shape
will toll e on 1 tow it hap- it was to make money. Not for my ripe I saw a strange expression, a of straits or ineortion the ored
look that that almost frigetened me. ety beet OX 11 the echeme. one
• ------• " ' - - — ".------- 'upon my wife's; face. The fatal truth ' perticillarly batiote is finely
Tenlif•VOr oeeurred to me until one day tucked as to emelt and ever ore, and
Speaking of laces, and especially of
their colors, there's 0, distinction.
White lace is not often used, save for
Millard's Liniment for sale every-
Proof Positive.
iChicago News.)
"I nappone you net a good table,"
remarked the man, who Watt look-
ing for board.
"Well," replied tho laadlady,"three
of my regular boarders are laid up
with the gout."
Minard'e Liniment Cures D.urns, etc.
; SS I 7E NO. 25, 190;*
Wholes,/ a teretater Letup sterile
1111111771ewe los blench Teething, it
4481 7,, 121101 41111114 Cot f NM , nano, cram; wind
4011(2 WM 1(1 11/4i 1(9i017- tor Deterteree
The Reyes Repartee.
Willie seated in the democratic
cloakroom the other afternoon Sena-
tor Mallory, of Flortda, called a
page to him. The boy had a bunch of
hair btanaling straight up from les
forehead, "Sonny," said the imitator,
"you should traln that cowlick to
Ile down, or when you get married
your wife will 1107-71 a good place to
grab." Now, the senator Is as bald
as a doorknob, so the best he could
do was to male yvhen the boy seed.
Ln,nocently enough, but with a twin.
kie hie eye: "Yes, elr ; is that the
way you lost your hair ?"
A Joke on Lord Kelvin.
It is said ehat in one department of.
las life Lord Kelvin, the eminent Bri-
tish scientist who was recently In
America, did not materially shine.
This was his professorial work at
Glasgow. The greatest men have
frequently proved to be poor teack-
ere-that is, teachers of the ele-
ments of the science whereof they
were masters. On one occasion Lord
Kelvin then Professor Thompson,
lef Glasgow to receive the honor of
knighthood. A substitute peofessor
named Day took duty for 81r :William.
Flo amply satiefied the students.
When Sir Williamo returned as the
new knight someone had written on
the board: "Work ye, while It is
called the Day, for the knight com-
eth. when no man can work!" •
New York Central and Hudsou River
The above name is a household
word and the wupertor excellence of
the road should be sufficient to at-
tract most people, but now that the
rate Is the same to New York and
points east as by other lines no
further recommendation should be
sought. Everybody will tell you it
le the best.
A Stiff Leg for Ten Years,
Completely Cured after using the contents of
Bottles of St, Jacobs Oil.
t' ,,,.,4)., o in a nutshell the parpert of 21 loug letter uf tharske-
This jot m melerwent au uporetion at it leading lempital in lair-
Miaeloam on th (le) of May. Dis7, tole remained ow woopiine two
1110(111.1114 111111 four 41:0 14, fuel was then disclierge 1 unit I. SU leg, ;ma 101.1
his troelle von; iteurable. Ile then w ( tr. to tie; Illeekw( 11 tonuttariain for
thee(' '0.4111'l, 1 111 left la worse path hen lefor, the opn. eratioIle 41.'21.11
411:1tP11411.1 1111,' et home le, four tafferent (2(4' tor)-. !Pi 21 1.4444AI 1(7(11 !y
tailed 10 leen 7(2I('%711,101 of Itie ter rale sufferiugs. the c.)-...ael 4011.8oC
774 re 11 1101 do 4111114/,11080 ; IL friend. Ater 11101 astelacd Toy-
1111gly 1111011P; 1(14 tier) to teaferititte. mote Me 1(011 dee. as. 0 Met rest -Intel,.
that. he taltoold riga en St. 'Teeple( oil. 1!' eitetiagle, and svithittit (errand) nee,
Ile 11110e ea the oil to la, a pi Mel. and after the (3081 applieatio 1 felt se
two r, net el 118 1* lest p dit that ho wee quite n Mina' t e :Mr ' 111
(1,18uotelorfn1 pet it tratetit t a 1 It 114 with heart felt ilealikegit he
welts 14 itl• 1114 [lilt 1 Is 4' taiiiteliin of 1 111".“ alld 117411'1 ot 01 S4(711 . jecisho
eratieltliat (111711Leaf alleeing hint to throw 21.11:10, h114 erutelt
rdel Welk ;le IA hi no 11. 111, 01 fore 11 it teeny of hitt frieitie on 1 1111-1
Witti1111.P.4 (1.1 hi It (7') . lid if atIlyosis 01811•10 this 40,41
01(24) 111" staa
rre w
110111 1ta rite to this 41,01 1.111 in plot ( stinmed, 1(111
ive are Pore 111 t 111(' etellerni 111 et *Ty partemete what 110' tn
gr Ile SIVA
oiling white' Mr. Semite" Stephette, of Idle 147)1,11t!Irlr,. West Brom-
vviele near writee to me -
whet) I discovered all.
In; bo Coartiroted.t
lila Natural Objection.
1. worthy man. who watt very sen-
sitive awl retiring, haling lost hie
wife. privattly requested that he
might, ler ronesnlierel in the 011 Me -
terse morning 17'-') ('1' from the pul-
pit, lmt asesea that hie name tuight
het be mentioded.
On Senday meriting the good min-
ieter 7)111) (11 turret elogitentle for
"Isar aged brother, up m whom the
Ii(:t%)' 1141841 4,1 Lore afflietion hats NO
kti•ly failen."
et Gee point an eiderie man, whoin
111 - 1ilIll4tf1 1171(1 marriel to a ser,y
eeette wife during the' week, tome
wait a beduee and etamitell down
the 44 1 OP. lllrIt t01'ill11,* loud enough to
le• heere till tore the Cltftpt1:
-71 In:1y be an nfIlietera. lett I'm
idea 37 T ewe to b piety," e for in
11711faelliee Linelon Fear., ?do -
vo.a ran taht, 11 hay 10 1.17 to Melt,
but. yon can't nethe, lent oork.
101 Rine tat. Itnnt, Iltriallt on, Ont.
WA14 4 ItLLIAllirte AV/Witte
la, 4..11 Pew.; 4, 1, rIthif.•; rtt, 0711418,
;II rig; OH, , lir "14, if fo, le. ; Iti 1011120
11101/. tat It iv., 1.1,4 1./,,•11,10 fuetitory
41":1;41;t11111:;;111( eon, wax, 0211 014' TRE,
111112:8, In the Hir00% leadneasics, at
Meets, 10 tra110, front Hamilton on tworan-
twitaollst"iyiqsloltaef;i1t44.':?biti all 31 ot 11114(011141011 plane:tern' jett4"
motion into traitor 12310 ee iscrtri to suit pur-
chiseers• '111)1 15 21 dcoldet trearrin Address'
11,4gtrittraitoan Carpenter, 1'. O. box GI Winona
.Mly mare, a very valuable one, W911
badly bruesed veld cut by being caught
lo1 a wire fe.nce. Some of the wouncts
would me flea IL although I tried many2
different medicines. Dr. Bell advised
me to use OXNARD'S LINIAIENT, di-
itu,ted ,flirst, then, stronger as the
sores began to look better, note', af-
ter three week's, the sores have heal-
ed, and best of ala the, bale is grow-
ing weal, anIl is not white, as is
most attesters the ease in horse
yeaumils. F. De. DeeUCET.,
Weymeuthq • ;
Tvvidu4s Latest.
Here are a Couple of Mark Twain's
latestmaxlme: "We never, ought to
die wrong when people are lookIng."
"No real gentleman would tell the
tweed truth In presence oe ladles."
'Phi' is the tribute he paid tee a de-
oetased friend: "He did net possess an
Interesting vice to brighten bis som-
bre virtues." 1.
the gorea aro set together with Val.
lace, which goes ermine the Van -
Deiced enes. A theked flounce Is net on
;et Gins point.
As 10 Net.
Nett; Are used in any number of
17-7170*. WIMP' 11 t erf•Rlit•R over teak are
alaimies, nail these note are of any
number of eorts. thought the. 781(17100moth, tir one with even more eiders to
it, Is Itiet tom in demand. It 7187-7(8we21 for 301785 and pn
aels too atul in
Lome Inaste
etances tor( hits of applied,
silk or 411481. The great P071114114.slresstnekern nee it a great deal on
leito dresses. in Intrieate Apo
pliquee 0,1141. 7(148) as 8foundation for
tiny Ince 0,ppliqUes and chiffon eltn-
bs sent direct to the diseased
parte by the Improved Blower.
neala the uleerat, wens the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantly,'cures
Catarrh and Hay FeverRBlowee
free. An dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co,. Toronto and Buffalo,
Very Dear Land.
Land at 2C2,613,000 an aero dote;
not frequently come into the mar-
ket, even In London, tint a few years
ago, when the freehold of 54 Cheap-
side was eold, the stun it realized
wass at the above rate per Mr° ;
that le to say, a riime of 'ground
that could be covered by an oedin-
ary penny mileage realized es Il-
l -lel -not at all a bad price for a
paltry flve-sixtho of a equare inch
of oetate to attain. Judging from
tho ground relies 'secured on 10 Corn -
hill, wltkiI1 five or ele env; ago retie
Sized E42,500 ---that 1E1 to ;say, at
tho rate of practically 111313 a equare
foot, or 42,452,023 per item-0MP
are many other ;lei( ;gable epoLs 1,11
the city worth their area in, beaten
gold, but it Is wonderful how prIcee
fall away when the tate has not got
a frontage mi 0 mitin thoroughfare.
Twenty -tee) pounde for a piece of
ground meitouring twelve Incites bY
twelve inches veinal doubtleoa be 41.
price that veined tempt ever, an
landlord to part with his property.
-1.01e1o41 Good Word's,
Jobnny Was Right Enough.
(Montreal Star.) •
fTericher-In the sentence, " Mary
milks the 0054'," What is the word
cow? •
(Johnny -Cow ta a noun, feminine
gender, and stands for Mary.
Teacher -What nonsense ! Why does
OONV stand for Mary?
johnny-Se Mary can tend to the
Endorsed by bast English medicallournals.
Supplied to British soirilersin South Africa.
For all Throat and Gland Troublos, Lumps.
Abscesses, fee Sores, Ulcers, Folons, Skin
Diseases, Easema, Pimples, Stiff Joints,
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Spr'
ains Bruises,
Piles, Cuts, Sore Feet, Pleurisy.
Sold by Druggists, 25c, Try It once.
pp 0. 81Al414011
iT11101 1.111Y1)872 ...... P11,11.STI110,71"
TN). report for 1001 showed remarkable -
increase's over 111*))), In the follewing items:
Nevi busluett( inereaoed lay ..,„ $ 1150,705
Premium inteinic increased by 1114.311t
Total Metairie inereased by. ..,. 42,578
Armee; Mere/med. by 43,059
Ineuriince fe force inereased lay 1,1190,4110
Continental Life Pulicies my unexcelled for
eimplIcity anal liberality. Agents wanted.
General Manager Seeretary.
difficulty of
tightness o(
the chest, wasting away of flesb, throat
troubles, consumption, coughs, catarrh,
colds, pneumonia and pleurisy.
A SAMPLE FREE ElY MAIL to every sufferer.
PUL -MO is for sale by all druggists at
See° per large bottle, and 15 cents for
small bottle, or direct from
The Old seldier.
"Yes, this is the place!" exclaim-
ed the old soldier wieh the wooden
leg, revlsitIng the battlefield of
Gettysburg after a lapse of thirty -
floe years, and -looking about him,
"I hall never forget this isnot !"
"I suppose," sate the stranger, ob-
serving Ws emotion, "that Is the
spot where you lost your le.g while
,fighting for your counery ?"
"No," add tlie old soldier, "I loet
filly leg in a sawmill in, Kansas on the
11th of :May, 1877. This' Is the place
wlhere I got scared and rum, like the
deeil."-Cleleago Tribune. ,
PAGE METAL GATES are so lovr 1nFIe.i
no ono 111101 ARO
TO WO woodeti ones, Light, tool yob drone °nougat 60 /MP
port it hoavy Thfili on the eat while 113 semes around th
eirelo withotit reusing them to pee. They ere noat in
appeatence, will Iwo IL lifetime. Will not one tier got riekety,
lioy ere oupplied with latchoowleola allow Mem 7,) 110018111
ed other way awl ere eon settee. ehr billy good motel est
thst is low etre els in peaco fc,r tom 1141 7711711 fest poems, 'Wel Also make Versa mid Or hearnen1A
..!•;teplefs. Tee Pop Wire Fence eo..1.1mIthe. Walkitritis
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neur-
Clean your silver
ware, gold, braes,
etc., with
No powder orpolish
to use, just brisk rub-
bing with the preplir-
edeloth. Polishee ilke
magic. Price lific at
idrroniuggists or by mail
MONARCH 111170. 00., St. Cath_arl_nes_., Ont.
Trial samples free. Trade supplied.
Thirsty Ogees Ruse.
Ho wasn't a very prosperous ap-
pearing- person, but the bartender
Millet much to do, and talked to him.
Tho man tested et the end of the
bap and gazed clown the length criti-
cally. Finally ho asked: "Will you
give no a drink if I tell you the
length of this oUunter within three
" Yes,' saki the barkeeper.
The vleitor reached Into ft back
',tricot, pulled out a two -foot rule
met 111 (11711 metteurement.
He had Mid the tale down but 08041
or tevitto when tho dispormer of ehoor
tatoppasd 111M.
" Here," he Kalil, "never mind any
More Inettellell 14. I gloom lt'fl 01I me,
all rightal( rIght.e
Steamers leave Hamilton 1 p. m.,
Toronto 7.30 p. m., Tuesdays and
Fridays; on and after June 10th
Tuesdays and Thursdays and Sat-
urdays for Bay of Quinte, One Thous.
and Wands Rapids, St. Lawrence to
Montreal and intermediate ports.
Vo i 7 bow Rates of Single and
Return Tickets.
On and After June 3rd steamers;
leave Toronto Tuesdays and Thurs-
days and Saturdays at .1 p. me from
June 16t11 daily, except Sunday, for
Charlotte, Port of Rochestoo, Ono
Thousand Islands, Rapids, St, Law-
rence, Montreal, Quebec, Murray
Bay, Tailousac, Saguenay River and .
intermediate ports.
11. Foster Chaffee. Western Pas-
senger Agent, Toronto ; Thos. Henry,
Traffic Manager, Montreal.
NO HUMBUG'1422781,f1
V,Stock Marker an f
Deliarnar. Steps au et Mt ages /rola
rooting. Makes 4Arlifforentear marks , all
size% with some bladthjiztrattal
T•timeniale free. Pelee i81.110 orsend
for trial 11(1 worka,aand balenec.Pat ?MAW
1.1.8. Mtry6. '02 tor 1i ; Canada Dec.17,
'01,18 yrs, FARBER BRIGHTON, 11•Irtlel1,1own,11.8.
. _
As Loser Ile (Thins.
(Toronto Stare
When a young man plays his first'
game of cards for money or bete
ea horse moo Ito is, generally,
speaking, lucky if he loses and un-
lucky 11 179 47-11111.
Stops the Cough
and Worth' 011 the Cold.
Laxativelbenno Quinine Triblets cure a cold
In one day. No cure, No pay. Price 25 cente.
The Dawn or COM MOH Sense.
(Ottawa, Journal.)
Ilmelrellle ratepayers Mote failed to
ammo% it of a bonue of $20,000 for
the estabilehntont In their town of
a, hat factors'. Hamilton ratepityere
'wont's,' mimed to eupply tile Deer-
ing Company of Chicago With $50,-
0110 to eatteleish it branelt In limit -
tole Thew are signs, 01 common
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••
le sold (311(11: 7101)) fad or,v t 11 WeiliTr. Only one intermediate profit.
The 41091148e17 are excite -live awl are not to be land exeopt through Ile.
Our Dollar Special vonainVii by every midi from Nova
Spode lo Irltiela Potentiate.
-filbson %Valet -•Is very pcapular.Ordere
The latest style, broad elionider dtp Dealt, a handsome
Ideation. Vine white lawn with Rieke, trimmed with insertion. flood
alu(' tst $1 An), our Ispeelail prier: $1.00, together with a copy of our
Spring ntui Summer Catalogue. A donne bill IN snotty mailed,
lpeve meter nesmennit mettenrentent ;wham bawl, het V4(14'11 shoulder
11Mise.nd bust measure, 1174471811 body u tithe' 8711)4,0191' of 4.111110.11`1101
of s
NI'liVIALIE)III 174 LAtdre' 771;711.
Aiways Insist on
year dealer sups
plying you With
They are Manufaetelred Frani the PEAT or MATER/AM. Us; tite
)4014T elleItLED yeorkineil.