The Wingham Advance, 1902-06-19, Page 5:rune I9, 1902 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE. We are here to stay. �� .:i;- „. '-- 4- (IP ft X14ip \, ,®� , t IO l ., r t j ,, ;('1?. ; -, >. , .M,. Ie.. ,t _ .._ .. Crowder's Tailored CIotiiIn at Prices that cannot be beaten in Huron County With every purchase we give you our broad guage guarantee or your money back for the asking. Stock is now complete in all lines of Clothing for Boys, Youths and Men at popular prices. Come and see for 3' ourselves. A pleasure to show bran new goods at Crowder's prices. We sell everything a man wears except Shoes. 1Ve aim to give you the best quality and latest styles at the lowest prices Boys' Suits, 2 and 3' pieces, at $L09, $1.75, $2.00, $3.00, $1.00 and $5.00. Youths' Suits, black and blue all wool serge, well tailored, $6.00. Men's Black and Blue Serge Suits, all wool, sizes 35 to 44, worth $8.50 for $7.00 Men's Tweed Suits, all wool, sizes 30 to 44, worth $8.50, for $0.50. 7 Suits for Young Men, sizes 32 to 35, worth $6.00, for $4.00. See other stores Suits at $10.00, then see ours at $7, Special for Saturday and Monday, Men's $1.50 Pants for $1.15. How to Keep the Little Fellow Cool. Boys' Waists for ages 5 to 12 years at. 40e and 50c. Linen Suits for Boys, ages 4 to 9 years, 95c. Color Wash Suits for Boys', sailor collar, for ages 4 to 9 years at 40c to $1.50 a suit. Boys' Undershirts at 15c, 180. and 20e each. Men's Furnishing Dept. Salem Waists and Shirts, every one guaranteed color or your money back. A nice warm weather assortment just to hand at 90c, $1.00, $1.25 to $2.00. In Neckwear we are with you.—The latest Ping Peng Bow and Scarf at 23c and 50c. New York Stock ties, 50c. Hats, soft and lard felt; also straws for Boys' and Men at popular prices. The Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. lie L.rowder Co. Colin Campbell's Old Stand, Wingham WM. CLEGG Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Farms and town property bought, sold, leased or exchanged. Money to loan at 4i to 5 per cont. Liberal terms of repayment. Fire and Life Assurance at Lowest rates in Standard companies. Agent for Western Real Estate Exchange. Extensive list of properttes to choose from A. DULMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE.—Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's surgery. Residence—Catherine St. T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Roots and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE.—OvoResideper Leopold street. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham MISS DELIA SP.ARLING A, T, C, M, Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory Main• !nations. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MI$$ CARRIB MQQRB Of !tondos! Conservatory of Music, will be prepared after Oct. 1st to receive+ a limited nlimbor of pupils for instruction 011 Violin and Guitar. Residence --opposite R. 0. Church, Wingham. PIANO AND THEORY. Stylish Summer Suggestions and dainty effects in brooches, pins and barrettes, especially adapt- ed for Summer attire, and in the most artistic profusion, are best purchased at Chisholm's, because all jewelry furnished by him is not only of surpassing beauty as orna- ments, but being thoroughly well and skilfully made, is also of ex- ceeding durability. user. rmtrinia,r 1 it a "My hair was falling out very fast and I was greatly alarmed. l i} then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and ti my hair stopped falling at once.” Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. 11.00 a wit*. All draili.ts. I!our druggist cannot supply you, send us one dollar and wo will express you a bottle, Be sure andf�igivo tho name of your nearest C AYE1' CO., office. , Mass. akes short roads. nd light loads. i ood for everything that runs on wheels.) Made by IMP81RIAL OIL CO. Sold Everywhere. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, All the members of the county council were present at the June session held in Godericli last week, Warden Patterson, in his address, gall- ed attention to the fact that there bad been scarcely any damage done to ooun- ty bridges last spring, and that since the elevation of Mr, J. T. Garrow to the bench the council had been without a solicitor. As it would never do to be without a legal head, Mr. R. 0. Hays was appointed county solicitor. Mr. J. M. Field was appointed a mem, ber of the county board of examiners, Mr. J. H. Tigert having resigned. Nominating officers were appointed for the different divisions for the next county council election as follows: No. 1, William Stothers; 2, James Camp- bell; 3, Fred. Hess. sen.; 4, George Bis- sett; 5, A. J. Sinclair; 6, F. S. Scott; 7, Peter Porterfield; 8, Joseph Cowan. Messrs. Hayden, Burrows and Jewell waited on the council in reference to the proposed change in the boundaries of S. S. No. 11, Ashfield and Colborne. Tho equalization committee's report was the same as for previous years, the equalized assessments for the various municipalities being as follows:— Equalized Equalized Total Personal steal Equalized Property. Property. Assessment Ashfield... ,$ 9,000 $1,989,921 $1,998,921 1,30,979 2,004,228 2,012,522 1,774,226 2,415,698 2,146,190 2,088,440 1,770,756 1,833,800 1,944,486 1,923,214 1,111,357 2,041,200 1,294,931 1,428,100 $ 80,580 224,000 138,840 541,830 336,950 875,300 150,000 512,900 354,700 80,150 The Lake Erie Navigation Co., Ltd. Str. "URANIA." The Short Route to Cleyeland, Ohio. One way from Wingham, $4.5o. Return, $7.25. Boat leaves Pt. Stanley every Tuesday and Thursday at 11.00 p.m. Saturdays at 11.00 am. Tickets on sale at all local ticket offices. For further information write, WM. WOOLLATT, T. MARSHALL, Manager. Gen'1 Pass. Agt. Walkerville, Ont. Dem ��([" ' , CORONATION DAY June 26th. DOMINION DAY bridge committee recommended that nel action be taken by the council at present in the matter of the proposed new bridge between the townships of Colborne and Goderieh, but that the council make a grant of $500 for the opening up of a mile and a quarter of roadway from the site of the proposed bridge to the road- leading oadleading to the Holmosville bridge. This was adopted by the council, The grant is to be paid when the road is open for truffle. West Wawanosh. Mr, Henry Govier of Auburn has brought the old homestead on the Buse Line for the suln of $5,500. Knox church Auburn has settled down to a pastor at last and from in- dication they have made no mistake in not being too sadden in their choice, Rev. Small preached a clever sermon to start with and also lead ably at the C. E. meeting in the evening. The Auburn rifle association held its first shoot of the season on Saturday last on the river flats. The grounds were well planned, the turnout good and the weather favorable. Some 19 bulls -eyes were planted in the island titr'get at 200 yards range. Geo. Youngblut scored 43 out of a possible 50, Alf. Askwith 39. D. Patterson stood 3rd with 38. Several new shots were added to the list. The directors of Ashfield and Wa- wanosh Branch Agricultural Society are preparing for the annual fall show to be held at Dungannon, on Thursday and Friday, October 9th and 10th. ,They are working to make the fair Netter than ever. Special attention is being given to the entertainment fea- ture in connection with the show and when arrangements are completed there will be:something good to an - pounce. July est. Return tickets will be issued between all stations in Canada ; all stations in Canada to and from Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., AND TO but not from Buffalo, N. Y., Black Rook, N. Y.. Niagara Falls, N. Y., and. 'Suspension Bridge, N. Y„ at H. H. Chisholm corner Jewelry Store Colborne.,. 4,900 1,340,079 Goderich.., 450 3,003,778 Grey 4,900 2,007,622 Hay 10,000 1,764,226 Howick13,550 2,302,140 Mullett 4,550 2,141,640 McKillop , 4,000 2,084,440 Morris 3,300 1,767,456 Stanley 2,600 1,831,200 Stephen10,600 1,933,880 Tuckersmith 7,400 1,915,814 Turnberry. 4,750 1,106,607 Usborne7,300 2,006,900 E. W a' nosh 960 1,293,971 W.Wa'nosh 9,450 1,418,650 Bayfield Brussels Blyth . Clinton Exeter Goderich Hensall Seaforth Wiugham Wroxeter Tho report was adopted, and a motion was passed that in the event of any ap- peal from the assessment the final equal- ization be left to the county judge. John Ansley, county road and bridge commissioner, reported that he had ex- amined a good many of the bridges in the county and found that they require about the usual amount of repairing this season. In company with the Perth county commissioner, he had examined the bridges on the boundary between Grey and Elina, and the necessary re- pairs had been ordered to be made. On May 14th he had met the committees from the counties of Lambton and Mid- dlesex at the proposed bridge site -on the Aux Sable river, where the boundaries of the counties of Huron, Middlesex and Lambton meet, The committee from Lambton had power to act, and were willing to join with the other counties iu the erection of the said bridge. The committee from Middlesex were not vested with the power to act; they were simply to examiue.the place and the ne- cessity of a bridge, and to report to their council at the June meeting. However, they considered it would be best to build a wooden bridge, supported on cedar piles .as Mr. Ansley had suggested. If the county of Middlesex decide that the bridge should bo built, and they bear one-third of the cost, it would be erect- ed. The commissioners had decided that it would be best to let the contract in December. The orders issued by the commissioner since the date of his Janu- ary report amounted to $172.19. Mr. Ansley estimated the total amount re- quired for bridges and approaches and repairs to the county buildings at $3,300. The house of refuge committee report- ed that they had met twice since the January session, on April 25th and June 2nd. The number of inmates at date of report was 76, and all were apparently in fairly good health, The crops on the farm were looking remarkably well. Seventy-eight rods of American steel wire fence had been built and made a very satisfactory job, and the commit- tee recommended that the west fence at the London road, being forty rods long, be built with the same kind of material. The coal for the coining season had been purchased at $5.02 per ton for sof coal and $5.24 for hard coal, the total bill being $183.02. The committee recom- mended the erection of a shed iu which to shelter the coal. The management of the house and farm was found very satisfactory. The report was adopted. Jailor Griffin reported three persons confined iu the foil: Robert Wallace, Tuckersmith, for vagrancy; Thos. Shan- ahan, Springfield, Ill., for vagrancy; Mary Fisher, Colborne township, for in- sanity. Mr. Griffin qs1 ed for 100 feet of hose for weltering the trees and jail • yards. Tho finance oo;ntnittee reported that the amoilut required to bo raised this year for county purposes was $35,531.42, which would require a rate of one and one-tenth mills on the dollar on the equalized assessment of the county -- $32,301,200. A second report front the mad and Sin st=ClassFa Good going June 25th and 26th, returning from destination on or before Juno 27th, also Good going June 30th and July 1st, valid for return until July 2nd, 1003. Single First -Class Far eand One Third Good going June 24th to July 1st, inclusive, valid for return on or before July 3rd. Tickets and all information from agents Grand Trunk Railway System J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. �i11i11t1gii�1�i111t�911111it�1El�t� MISS SARA LOUIE MOORE, L,C,M. And member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction 011 Piano and in Theory. parieofal i}tteutinn tlyen to mile pre- ilg for e7ianhin4t1011S. Residence --opposite the R. 0. Church, Wingham. Tiiis is the season for g SORE, TIRED AND SWEATY FEET. Lips Abner Cosens SiRE Loan and insurance Agent Faun Loans at lowest rates of interest, Office-Yecruer Minnie and l'atrtek Sts., WINDHAM ACCIDENT PLATE GLADE wee -3 --.. --.- w , - e -3 .n.! ...,. - --..---� If you don't wish to wait «o DANT° �.o onoAdt have then, use Por Sale by -.-- .1440 E Colin Ai Campbell _ wo WILL RUN Houle=Seekers' Dt°Y Excursions TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST AT RETURN FARES. Winnipeg wuskadu Esteyan Elgin Wawa oosounin $23swanesa n liuscurth Arcolninleta Grand View Swan River seiuw $30 Kegt Yorkton Moo Pr. Alberti $„ rlaeleod 1} Calgary Red Deer $40 Strath- li cone Going June 3rd, returning until August 4th (all rail or S.S. Alberta). Going June 26th, returning until Auggst 2011 (all rail Or S.S. Alberta). Going •1uly 151(1, returning until September 1G(11 (all rail or S.S. Alber- ta). Tickets are not good on Imperial Limited," For tickets and pamphlet giv- ing fltoSour dearest adian particulars, Agent,or 4. 54. NOTMAN, Ass?;, (3041. Pttssr. Agent t sting Street Last, ''aronto ItGiore. Afrcr. 'W'eed's Phospholine, Mr. William Iver'S had three horses struck by lightning a couple of weeks ago. One was instantly killed and the other two have not recovered from the shock and it is doubtful if they will, The E. L. of the Dungannon Metho- dist church held their anniversary ser- vices on Sunday last and a tea -meeting on Monday evening. The services on Sunday were well attended and the choir sang very choice and suitable selections. The tea -meeting on Mon- day evening was a success, as any- thing which the League takes in hand generally is. On June 20th there will be a corona - talon service in St. Paul's church Dun- gannon at I0,30 a. in. The service is a special one prepared by the Arch- bishop of Canterbury and is beauti- fully gotten up. The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Onl reli- able medicine discovers ,$ packages guarantee to pit o '011 forms of Sexual Weaki;eg9, 'all'effeots of abuse or e%eels, Mental Worry, Excessive slab elf Tq- b'tceo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt, ib price, one package 81, six, 86. One will gave. 5 111511 cure. P3inphlets free to Any addre i. Who Wood Comptti?4'Y, Wlntlita ig?►it Wood's P:Ilospii dine is spld Il Yin ban by A. L. Hamilton, . JT. Davis, 14. A. Uouglass and C. A.. Combo 1. Dauep;sTs. "If wishes were horses beggars would ride." Good intentionswot1't make good shoes. P094 materials and rel! ,b1cwork cost money. "As good" shoes can't possibly, be retailed for less than the Makers' price, stamped on the soles of— "The Slater Shoe" THE DRUGGIST Wetteil" . i 1l1Iil1Il�11I 1111ti1S��11�11t1 For sale only by v . g„0 Dying By Slow Degrees. Although not always aware of it, yet thousands die by slow degrees of catarrh. It first attacks the nose or throat, then the lungs, and finally spreads all through tde system. 'Catarrhozone is the only remedy that will immediately prevent the spread of this awful disease. Every breath from the Inhaler kills thousands of germs, clears the throat and nose, aids expectoration and relieves the pain across the eyes. Catarrhozone erradi- cates every vestige of catarrh from the system, and is highly recommended also for Bronchitis, Asthma, Deafness and Lung Trouble. Price $1.00; trial size 25 cents, all druggists. Polson & Co. Kingston, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Billiousness. is MOVING FORWARD. Winter Term begins Jan. 6, 1902. Our rates are reasonable—our Courses of Study thorough and practical. Send for our Journal to see what we teach. Students may enter at any time. Two Courses of Study—Commercial and Shorthand. C. A. FLEMING A. L. Mo1NTYRE President Beefy. Owen Sound Listowel Treasurer's Sale —Oh'— Lands for Taxes. Slitn P#ices. ''�j Store Small Profits TILU Uu.L U.,Ul JLUIU and Stout Values, Quick Returns S,eL4LINQ �.UT READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING AT � COST PRICE On Friday morning, June 20th we commence a great Clearing Sale of Clothing. The stock must be reduced by one thousand dollars during the next 30 days, and to make big sales and sell quickly, we offer Men's Suits, Youths' Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants, Men's Overalls, Men's Coats, Men's Vests, etc., at COST PRICE Remember, we have no old stock to show you, but all New, well -made, well -lined fashionable Clothing, guaranteed to fit well and give satisfaction. We handle only the best. Garments you can wear with credit to your good taste and judgment. Good enough for Sunday wear. Strong enough for every day. Come where styles are best and prices lowest. Power of cash or trade never greater than in. pur- chasing here now. Inspection respectfully solicited without any obliga- tion to buy. H. E. Isard & Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Town of Wingham, County of Huron, To Wit : By virtue of r. warrant under the hand of the Mayor and seal of the Corporation of the Town of V. togham, in the County of Huron, bearing date the fourth day of June, 1002, and to No directed, commanding me to levy upon the lands mentioned in the following list for arrears of taxes due thereon and costs therein sot forth, I hereby give notice that unless the said arrears and costs are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell the said lands or so inuelt thorn. of as may be necessary for arrears and coals, harm, on Saturdty,'thel the -twentieth entietht day of Sep- tember, in lite year 1002, at the hour of four o'clock in the afternoon, in compliance !vial the provisions of the Assessment ert, Arrears Qi,A?[4 x'etale, Lot No. 22, on the North side of McIntosh street Peter FiNher'y original 11!11 Iteseri•p, patented.. $ 7.00 $2.14 $10.01 Lot No. 23, on the North h street side of A2cIn�os 1 Peter Fisher's cruel., Hill ltoservo, patented., Central port Lot No, 21. en East side of Edward street, 28 feet frontage, Edward h'aley's t lt.,1tvl• cion of P0111 Lois, Nos. 1 and 2, patented .. ,. , , 17.57 2.33 A lane, 32 feet wide beim the Northerly portion of Lot. No. 27, on East side of Ediiaidstreet Edwtlt Foley s suh•dtvtdit111 0 Parir I ots, \555 1 and 1, patenlpd,: Northwest part of Lot No, 4, on the Fdlst vide of Josephine street between Vie0 inttortat aby n200ts I)frt+iatii?d sla„ (3tpa\, eminent nihlitta11.11 RIM t'Cy, 5n11C111Cl ll Tho East halves of Lots No. 1 and 2, on the East side of Josephine street, between F idt.oria and David streets, Govern- meat additional survey, unpatented ., South part tot No. 77, 0n (Last side of Frances St., 38 feet fronta a lni0r0 er less, Met anis Mcliay's cel,'vey 90100(161 .. ... Int Ivo 15 0n E1at 41, a of Cathettncrti. tr, ki.it and)ib.,W Jsilr-oy, pat - opted .,, ... „ ,,. " 15 2.14 7,29 1)11t c 1.;rreasnrer's 0 1002. The Evils of Constipation. This dangerous condition causes 'sick headache, abdominal pains, piles, and in severe cases insanity and apoplexy, The most agreeable llud satisfactory remedy is Perrozone, which makes the bowels so well ordered that natural and unassisted action is established. It is mild and cer- tain in action and hover caused distress Or inconvenience, and niay bo taken as long as required. Pains in the stomach and intestines, piles, billiousness and 13eadae,lle disappear at once when Ferro. zone is used. Recommeniled and sold by Druggists, price GOe. 13y mail from N. C. Polson & Co., 1i ,stoli, Ont. Sold b A. Hamilton. o 'i1 Bills Dr. Hamilton's.. Nle® 7.01 2.14 10.05 2.10 2.11 13.70 2,31 6.20 2.1.4 10.00 4 54 15,01 8,31 Something New in GLASSWARE. Victoria Table Sets Consisting of one covered Sugar Bowl, one covered Butter Dish, one Cream. Jug and one Spoon Holder, for 45C Fruit Sets Consisting of one Glass Fruit Bowl and six Nappies, for 400 Table Tumblers. A great bargain—just the thing for this son of the year, per dozen sea - .35c at Griffin's ci..N 15,91 1. , }1100, Whlgham,Jnno 1.211,, 46 P'' 'F Ci'j`yS+CtiS'rer: WE WILL NOT 13E UNDERSOLD WE ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE The Wingham TradingCo., Limited Noted for Selling the best goods for the least money of any house in this or any other town in the county of Huron. Our Black Serges are pronounced by customers to be the best value they have seen Our 8 and 10 cent Dress and Waist Muslins are wonderful values solo doz. Ladies' and Children's Hose—a nice seamless lIose at to cts. a pair 5 cents will buy a pair of Men's seamless Sox at this cheap store .25c a yard will buy a nice Table Linen Sale of Carpets, Oilcloths, Lace Curtains, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, in full blast. The Wingham Trading Company LIMITED Successors to Ti A. MILLS