The Wingham Advance, 1902-06-19, Page 4THE WINGHAM ADVANCE.. E THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE. June 19, 1902 Ritchie & Campbell Sllfflinr Sale Continued. TRUTIIFULNESS is a cardinal feature of our weekly store news. When we promise excep- tional values, no one is going to be disappointed. That is why the first week of our Summer Sale was such a pronounced success. Shoppers come with confidence, knowing that goods and values would be just as we said. ®eo HIS W EEi{'S SPECIALS -- SHIRT WAISTS. 12 Fine Print Shirt waists, Blk. and white striped, sizes 36 .t 38 only, special... ,75 15 Colored Shirt waists, colors, Pink and white, and Blue and white, sizes 73 34 to 38, Special for 9 Fancy Striped Chambray Shirt waists, extra fine material, and well made,) 50 sizes 32 to 38, Special for articular, sizes 9 Plain Chambray Shirt Waists, Tucked, perfect in every p 175 34 to 38, Special value at . DRESS LINENS. We have just received another shipment of those nice Dress Linens, that you have heard so much about. They are the newest on the market, and were bought much cheaper than they could have been earlier in the season. We are only going to ask you 25 cts. a yard for the best of them. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Our second shipment of Ladies' Summer Underwear is here already, consisting of 50 doz. Ladies' Vests, bleached e c 6 d and unbleached, with and without sleeves, prices ' , , 7e, 100, 1241c, 150, 20e, 25c, etc. �-- Come early in the day on Saturday, so that we will have more time to show you through our stock. Ritchie & Campbell successors to M. H. McINDOO. SPECIAL Clearing Sale Commencing Saturday, Kay 31st. C bitati;tX Sot .The members of the East Sim- coe Farmers' Institute made a move in the right direction last week when they passed a resolu- tion calling attention to the dis- criminatory freight and passenger rate levied against Canadians, and urging Parliament to take such action as may be necessary to re- move this injustice. with the Liberalism of 11)02 in its denial of the doctrine of popular sovereignty, The Ontario constituencies are so arranged that a minority of the people can elect a majority of the members. The sacred right of the majority to rule, goes to wreck on tete practice which allows a popu- lar minority to create a legislative majority. Liberal papers have not attempt- ed to seriously dispute the figures which show that Ontario pollee) a popular majority of over 5,000 against the Ontario Government. A popular majority of 5,000 in favor of the Conservatives may be a trifle, but a popular majority of less than 1,200 iu New York State defeated James G. Blaine and made Grover Cleveland President of the United States. June Sessions of The Peace. —The recount in North Grey left McKay (Lib.)elected by a ma- jority of 5. There were suspicions that the ballots bad been tampered with and the examinations led Judge Morrison to remark :— "It is a case of the greatest suspicion. I am clearly of tho allots have been to mpeaeitliwith iin that since they were counted on election night, and I would al- low then for Mr. Boyd (the Conservative candidate.) if I were persuaded that I had jurisdiction in the matter. I an, however of opinion that I am, in law, bound to deal with the ballots as I find them in their present condition," * * —The Centre Bruce recount is off. The application of the Liber- als was not granted by Judge Klein, who held that the time was too late, agreeing with the conten- tion of the Conservatives that the returning officer had no right to postpone his declaration, and that the application for a recount must date from the original day fixed for the declaration. This meant that the Liberals' request was too late in being filed, and Hugh Clark as a result remains in possession of the former Grit seat. The June Sessions of the Peace for Huron county opened on Tuesday before His Honor Judge Doyle. Four civil suits were on the docket, and the one criminal case, the larceny of lead siuk- ers, was transferred to the December sitting of the court, at the request of the Crown, to save expense, as the `vituosses are at the fishing islands. The follow- ing grand jurors answered to their names; D. W. Dunbar, Simon Badour, John A. Cox, Calvin Campbell, Hugh Grieve, George A. Knox, Wm. Lannon, Thos. Lane, Alex. Montgomery, Robert Tennant, Fred. Willert, John 0. Wood, William Wood. D. W. Dunbar having been chosen as foreman, His Honor ad- dressed the grand panel. He congratu- lated the fury on the fact that Huron county was a peaceful one, as shown by the fact that during the seven months just passed there was but one case of crime before the judges of the county. There are but three prisoners in jail, said his honor, one of whom, an old man, had been committed as a vagrant, and two were insane, awaiting removal to an asylum. Tho county attorney then asked the court to traverse the lead sinker case till the December session, and after an argument between the counsel concerned, it passed off till that term. The court then adjourned till 10 a. m. on Wednesday. Tho court opened pursuant to adjourn- ment, and a jury being called, MoNall vs. Hamilton et al, an actio., for dama- ges for an illegal distress, was com- menced. The case occupied the time of the court all clay, and was concluded by His Honor directing a non suit, on the ground that the plaintiff had neither property, nor possession of the goods al- leged to have been taken from him. The court then adjourned till 10 a. m. on Thursday. At the opening of the court on Thurs- day, a jury was called in the case of McNall vs. Combs et al, for illegal sei- zure of a colt. Tho case was still be- fore the court. Tho Grand Jury presentment, as sub- mitted by Foreman Dunbar, reported the jail clean and well kept, and their visit to the House of Refuge also satisfac- tory. There were 77 inmates in the lat- ter place -47 males and 30 females. * * The Toronto World says :—Con- servative workers declare that when the whole story of the recent elections is told the fame of West Elgin and North Waterloo bye - elections will be thrown into the shade. Protests by the wholesale will be filed, and the courts will be worked overtime. In a score or so of constituencies evidence is being collected in anticipation of the trials, and when they take place it is claimed that disclosures will be made the like of which never dis- graced Ontario before. In one riding . carried by a Conservative, evidence has already been secured sufficient to convict 35 deputy re- turning officers, poll clerks and Liberal workers. Our stock is much too large and in. order to reduce it we will for one month offer Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings, Jewelry, Silverware, etc., etc. at very low prices. This sale is genuine and offers an opportunity for securing great Bargains. Come in. and see for yourselves. HALSEY PARK Jeweler and Optician Macdonald Block * —Mr. S. H.Blake of Toronto, has been all his life a staunch Lib- eral, but at the recent elections voted Conservative. He gives as one of his reasons :— "One of the principal depart- ments was so conducted as to destroy confidence in a Govern- ment responsible for its adminis- tration." Those are strong words, coming as they do from a stalwart of Liberal- ism. With Liberals like Mr. S. H. Blake deserting the Government, with a popular majority of several thousand against it, and with its hold on office depending on the spoiling of the ballots, surely it is time for Mr. Ross to quit. SCREEN DOORS Just arrived, a large consignment of Screen Doors and Screen Windows ; we have 17 different styles and sizes in Doors, also 9 different styles and sizes in Screen Windows— quality the best, and prices the lowest. ' Those interested in building Wire Fencing Wire Fence will do well to call on us, as we have all the celebrated of wire pricest SPECIAL that right WOVEN weWIRE FENCE," 5o in. high, at a very low price. CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. If you want a Bicycle, see what we can do for you. Smith & Pethick. A CRITICAL POINT. (Toronto World.) The men who violated the fare boxes of the Street Railway Com- pany are in jail, while the men who organized the pollution of the ballot boxes containing the votes of the people walk the streets un- molested! We are right near a critical sit- uation. Love of office, a desire for power, to control patronage, to enjoy favors of the government, a wish converted into a belief that one party has an everlasting hold on government in this Province, have brought things to this pass. Things are at the critical stage. The public, the people, may have to protect themselves as best they can. The party in power have chloroformed the operation of the law. No election can be held here- after without vigilance committees, backed by shotguns. Ballot boxes were made to be violated seems to be the rule. Not only do the govern- ment control all the machinery of the election—they have a nefarious means of handling the box and its Contents in their favor. These are hard things to say, but the pity of it is that they are true, COMM FASHION w e. -- w o�- w 6.__ Is Your Back Lame. Does it hurt to stoop or bend down? Have you a heavy dull pain at the base of the spine? If so, the best remedy is Nerviline; it will invigorate the tired, sore muscles, make them suple and strong. Nerviline will drive out the pain and make you well in no time. Nothing so good as Nerviline for Lum- bago, Stiff •Neck, Rheumatism, Neural- gia and Sciatica. Buy a 25c bottle of Polsou,s Nerviline to -day and try it. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Care Constipation. —Mr. James Hearn of Clinton has a plum tree worthy of a paragraph. When he bought his present property thirty years ago the tree was bearing and it has continued to yield every sea- son since, and seems likely to do so for some years to come. What is quite as remarkable is that it is and always has been entirely free from black knot. The trunk of the tree is four feet in circum- ference. I3RAIN-FOOD NONSENSE. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent auth- orities. They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain, and other muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroy- ed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance of prevent their coming by taking regu- lar doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy mil- lions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifies the blood, and snakes you feel buoyant and vigorous. Yon can get this reliable remedy at 3. E. Davis'. Lower Rate Excursion To California. Its a it tU haveDuring the coming summer frequent pity � opportttrities will be off. Y making. , ucag , Califoria ` � � lowest en" trip rates ever offered, with choice of ,• a �voo offered b the Suit spoiled in the k ng Cl ' o t1i lcwaukee k St Paul It t.tlwav The suits we make to visit at the o Give Els a routes from Chicago via lCansas City, tire satisfaction. Omaha, or St. Paul, or going and re- trial and be convinced. turning via different routs. Electric lighted trains. Route of the Pioneer Limited, Famous Train of the world. Webster & Co. write for full information to k. A, s • Duller, General, Passenger Agent, tp tairs in Shaw .Block. Chicago. MINORITY RULE. —Tho promoters of the Huron, Bruce and Grey Electric Railway are energeti- cally pushing their project for the sup- plying of increased transportation facili- ties to this section of the country. A by-law is to be submitted to the rate- payers of Ashfield township on July 8th for the taking of stock in the railway to the amount of 550,000. (Toronto Telegram. The Family Compact asserted the right of a minority to rule a majority. The Ontario Government exer- cises that right to -day. The Liberals of 1837 went to the gallows in defence of the principle that the majority should rule. The Liberals of 1002 claim a majority of the seats in the Legis- lature and do not worry over the fact that a majority of the people have declared against them at the polls. The Toryism of 1837 is identical Cook's Cotton Boot fiompottdd Is enceeestully toed monthly. tay over �i0,e00 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Lad leo agk your drta )list for Cook r (Altar Rot Gm. mastte'ioans aredangtro13. Priers, No 1,, pand pTer box; 2jo, 2,10 degree9 stronger, (Zs per box. 27o. 1 or 3. roiled nn rceelpt of Klee and two 8-0e71t ter . The Cbok, Co,npany Windsor, tint. re�=eible Irpgglletd 1C1(11044. mcnded r 1!li No. 1 and No 2 aro sold Io t1 iatrhanl try L. A. lin lase, C. A. 01171041. J. E. 1.)3.%18 and .t, L, Ilain1120n, DituGGisr$. Our Beautiful New SPRING GOODS ARE IN. JNO. & JAS. H. KERR. This store is, as in former years, head-' quarters for .. Fresh .. St .. wberri s. We have made arrangements for a supply of Fresh Picked Strawberries to be delivered to us daily during the season. We aim to give food full Boxes of Large Fresh Berries it a very moderate price. You will find it to your advantage to deal with us. Kindly leave your orders early. We will advise you as to the best time to buy in large quantities. woe vosIde —... 0 *r. --.v --. *AI w. —3 *IP woe —e rorali --,. --.. -M°•,. ---. -- e wie ••••09 -w --.- --3 .,-n. my,* -3 ...-. •••••*. -n.. M ••••••• ---4 woe MOO woe ---3 0 --... -.-. --.. --.. -..-3 .-.- -..r -9 -.... 0 iJilillJno. & Jas. H.Kerr Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr oli l Block, Wm Business Constantly Increasing Handsome Goods. This week we are placing in stock something very handsome in Bedroom Suites, double swell, quarter cut oak, Dressers and Stands polished, heavy band. carving on Beds. By taking a number of. the Suites, we can sell sell them at $19.50, $26.00, $27.00 and $32.00. Also a few very pretty Ash Suites at $15.00 and $22.00, with British Bevel Mirrors. A Snap in Bedroom Suites. We made a big hit in medium-priced Suits— took the balance of a factory's stock (nine Suites in all) which we will clear out at $17.00. These Suites are good value at $19.50. In Mattresses and, Springs see what we have. UNDERTAKING Residence—Patrick Street, S. Oracey's former residence, where night calla receive prompt at- tention. Bali Bros. The People's Furniture Store See Our $16, $1$, $20 Suits before buy- ing elsewhere. Also a special line ofpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ing line can be had and satisfaction guar- anteed, at RobL Maxwell High in TIM M W1ngbam! Spring Suitings. The prettiest, nobbiest, choicest and largest stock is to be found at Homuth's. No mistakes in cutting and fitting. Our Suits look well, wear well and the prices are moderate. In Gents' Furnishings We have everything to please the most fastidious :—Fashionable Ties, Stylish Hats, Fine White Shirts, Fine Colored Shirts, Stylish Collars, Underwear, etc. Boots and Shoes, Try a pair of ours :----They fit well, they look well, and they are made to wear well. The prices are low, when the quality of our goods is taken into consideration. Homuth Sc. Son. Coale to DOUGLASS THE DRUGGIST Fon YOUR BLUE STONE, PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE AND ALL INSECTICI.DES. R. A. DOIILASS Chemist & Druggist Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. 41. fl You Call't turd to ExB1h!moiit in the natter of getting your clothes made ---ex- periments are often cost- ly. You wont be experi- menting if you let us make your spring Suit or Overcoat, because our long e :periotwe in the tailoring business enables us to speak with a feeling of assurance. Give us a gall. E. 0. CLARICE 1/P -STAIRS IN SHAW BLOC1i. ,) •.