HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-06-12, Page 4Ritchie Campbell
Sllrflffler Sale Colltillued1
TRUTHFULNESS is a cardinal feature of our
weekly store news. When we promise excep-
tional values, no one is going to be disappointed.
That is why the first week of our Summer bale was
such a pronounced success. Shoppers come with
confidence, knowing that goods and values would be
just as we said.
12 Fine Print Shirt waists, Bik. and White striped, sizes 30 d• 38 only, special.., 75
15 Colored Shirt Waists, colors, Pink and White, and Bluo and White, sizes
38 to 38, Special for 75
9 Fancy Striped Chambray Shirt Waists, extra fine material, and well made,
sizes 32 to 38, Special for 1 50
9 Plain Chalibray Shirt Waists, Tucked, perfect in every particular, sizes
38 to 38, Special value at 175
We hove just received another shipment of those nice
Dress Linens, that you have heard so much about. They are
the newest on the market, and were bought much cheaper
than they could have been earlier in the season. We are
only going to ask you 25 cts. a yard for the best of them.
Our second shipment of Ladies' Summer Underwear is
here already, consisting of 50 doz. Ladies' Vests, bleached
and unbleached, with and without sleeves, prices 5c, 6c,
7c, 10c, i 2-ic, 15c, 20c, 25c, etc.
Come early in the day on Saturday, so that we will have more
time to show you through our stock.
Ritchie & Campbell
successors to M. H. McINDOO.
blearing Sale
Commencing Saturday, May 31st.
Our stock is much too large and in order to reduce
it we will for one month offer
Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings,
Jewelry, Silverware, etc., -etc.
at very low prices.
-This sale is genuine and offers an opportunity for securing
great Bargains. Come in and see for yourselves.
Jeweler and Optician Macdonald Block
Just arrived, a large consignment of Screen Doors and
Screen Windows ; we have 17 different styles and sizes in
Doors, also 9 different styles and sizes in Screen Windows—
quality the best, and prices the lowest.
Wire Pencing Those interested in building
Wire Fence will do well to call
on us, as we have all kinds of wire at prices that are right ;
we have the celebrated "ELLwoOD SPECIAL WOVEN WIRE
FENCE," 50 in. high, at a very low price.
If you want a Bicycle, see what we can do for you,
Smith & Pethick.
Its a pity to have a good
Suit spoiled in the making.
The snits we make give en-
tire satisfaction. Give us a
trial and be convinced.
Webster & Co
Upstairs in Shaw Block.
We Guarantee all Our
Hot water Bottles,
Syringes of,all kinds,
• Atomizers, Tubi g,
Breast Pups,
E Corks and Bandages.
The Hest ie alwagd the
001111 ,k1 Campbell
bit13xia., -lakes
France has a New Premier.
With the frequently unsettled
state of French polities, the posi-
tion is sometimes not a desirable
* *
--.E. II. R. Green, president of
the Texas Midland Railway, has
been awarded a patent on a system
of wireless telegraphy which is to
be put into operation on his road.
* • *
—Now comes the news that a big-
ger and wealthier shipping com-
bine than that of Morgan's is being
organized. It will be "vaster than
has been" by possessing control of
203 vessels,
* • *
— A large number of Boers have
decided to show Great Britain,
what good colonists they will make.
This is the proper spirit to mani-
fest, and will °in the end, bring
about very best of results.
* * *
— It is reported that the Chinese
Court is considering the appoint-
ment of six eminent foreigners,
expert specialists, as authorities,
respectively, on international law
and finance, and on military, naval,
parliamentary, domestic, and gov-
ernmental affairs.
* • *
There were at least 7,377 more
votes cast for Conservative than
for Liberal candidates in the recent
elections. Mr. Whitney was On-
tario's choice for Premier. The
gerrymander however leaves Mr.
Ross Premier, though 7,377 votes
in the minority. Yet we call this
representative government 1
—The salesmade during last
month by the Canadian Pacific
Land Department were 207,153
acres for $736,021, as compared
with 40,489 acres for the same
month of last year. Up to date
this year the quantity of land sold
has been 727,235 acres for $2,-
* *
—In the harbor of St. Peters-
burg, Russia, sunken vessels have
been raised by means of air bags of
a new pattern. The latest experi-
ment reported was made in the
presence of a number of naval ex-
perts, when a sunken ship weigh-
ing ten thousand pounds was rais-
ed from a depth of twenty-seven
feet, by the aid of air bags, in
thirty-five minutes.
—A. factory has been started
near Aix-la-Chapelle or the manu-
facture of cotton to resemble silk,
by a new process. It is a distinct
improvement upon the old "mer-
cerized cotton," while another im-
portant consideration is the ex-
treme simplicity of the invention.
The silk produced by this process
is extremely brilliant in color and
finish and possesses great tensile
Says one writer :—We are as
great or as small as our own
thoughts make us ; if we are so
small as to be buried under an
avalanche of trifles, we have none
but ourselves to blame. Drink the
wine of life, not its lees. If you
must indulge in fancies, weave them
in bright colors rather than in
sombre hues of night. "1 find the
gayest castles in the air that were
ever piled," says Emerson, "far
better, for comfort than the dun-
geons in the air that are daily dug
and caverned out by grumbling,
discontented people."
* **
—An official statement issued
by the War Office quite recently
shows that the total reduction of
the British forces in South Africa,
up to May 30 of the present year,
was 97,477. This includes killed,
wounded, prisoners, deaths from
disease, and men invalided home.
Of these many have recovered and
rejoined their regiments, leaving
28,434 dead or permanently inca-
pacitated. The total number of
troops killed in action or who
died of wounds is 7,792, while the
total number of deaths from disease
is 13,250.
* *
—The utility of a new device for
the prevention of railway collisions
has been demonstrated on the Chi-
cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail-
way, at a point near Chicago. The
apparatus consisted of a powerful
electric arc head -light, a dynamo
and steam motor, all of which oc-
cupied the usual headlight space on
a locomotive. At a distance of
half a mile, the telegraph poles and
be fianez,orlt of the semaphores
we c clearly defined, while the
Led yr ass dietirictly visible for
' ru ile,Str=aight above the loco -
4, -°va, a abaft of light as thick as
er:s lyes:' y penetrated the dark-
', I, :rrtfis tela miles away
t'..st it was clearly dis-
l ids is an entirely
e -*7 eZ'rrt°:re in licarllight illumi-
r nfiari ^rid l ailway signals. It is
tt r%c r pl opoLl.,ed to convey signals
rf d7stues, or other communica-
ions, when trouble occurs between
ele'rap1i points, by the use of col-
ored glass to color the vertieal ray
f light.
wow 6
—The St. Catherines Journal
contends that those Liberals who
voted against the maehine 'last
week are "swine," while the To-
ronto Globo intimates that all who
oppose that agency are Boers. 'Tp
in the Parliament Buildings the
free electors were cursed by the as-
sembled Ministers and officials as
the adverse returns came rolling in.
Bitter and vindictive is the ma-
chine influence. It hates the con-
scientious Liberal even more than
it detests the Conservative.—
* *
—A. writer in the "World's
Work" has this to say on the price
of beef : "It is questionable wheth-
er, under the most favorable cir-
cumstances, beef will ever be as
cheap in the United States again as
it was five years ago. Since that
time there has been a gradual in-
crease in the price of live cattle and
a corresponding increase in the
dressed meat. There are fewer
cattle in the 'United States to -day,
in relation to the population of the
country, than ten years ago. The
receipts of cattle at five Western
markets for the ten years ending
1891 were 6, 500, 000. For the ten
years ending 1901, 7,166,856, or a
gain of 666,856. Compare this
slight increase to the gain in the
country's population in a corres-
ponding length of time, and add to
it an increase of 25 per cent. in the
export trade, and you have the
primary cause of high-priced beef."
—A. very interesting battle is
now being fought out between what
is considered a trust, on the one
hand, and the United States gov-
ernment on the other. Last fall
the Harriman -Gould and the Mor-
gan -Hili syndicates settled a bitter
railroad feud by merging these
three railroads—the Northern Pa-
cific, the Chicago, Burlington, and
Quincy, and the Great Northern,—
into a trust called the Northern Se-
curities Company, and putting its
stock on the market. The people
in all the great states along the
lines of these railroads have com-
plained that the confederation is
damaging trade, and that it exists
in violation of state laws. Gover-
nor Van Sant, of Minnesota, took
the initiative for his State by bring-
ing a suit against the company,
which is now pending before the
United States supreme court. In
the meantime, President Roosevelt
has instructed Attorney General
Knox to bring suit also against the
company, on the ground that it is
violating the Sherman Anti -Trust
Law. The latter suit will, of
course, take precedence, and very
much depends upon its decision.
Attend carefully to details.
Be prompt in all things.
Consider well, decide positively.
Dare to do right, fear to do wrong.
Endure trials patiently.
Fight life's battles bravely.
Go not into the society of the
Hold integrity sacred,
Injure not another's reputation.
Join hands only with the virtuous.
Keep your mind free from evil
Lie not for any consideration.
Make few special acquaintances.
Never try to appear what you are
Observe good manners.
Pay your debts promptly.
Question not the veracity of a friend
Respect the counsel of your friends.
Sacrifice money rather than prin-
Touch not, taste not, handle not
intoxicating drinks.
Use your leisure for improvement.
Venture not upon the threshold of
Watch carefully over your passions.
Extend to everyone kindly greeting.
Yield not to discouragement.
Zealously labor for the right, and
success is certain.
Lower Rate Excursion
To California.
During the coming summer frequent
o porturitics will be offered by the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
to visit Califoria at the lowest round
trip rates ever offered, with choice of
routes from Chicago via Kansas City,
Omaha or St. Paul, or going and re-
turning via different routs. Electric
lighted trains. Route of the Pioneer
Limited, Famous Train of the world.
Write for full information to F. A.
Miller, General, Passenger Agent,
Jewels, candy, flowers, man—that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty
power to the average woman, Even
that greatest of all jewels, health, is
often ruined in the strenous efforts to
make or°save the money to purchase
them. If a woman will risk her health
to get a coveted gain, then let her for-
tify herself against the fnsiduous con-
sequences of coughs, colds and bron-
Omit affections by the regular use of
Dr. Uoschee's German Syrup. It will
promptly arrest, consumption in its
early stages and heal the affected
hnngq and bronchial tubes and drive
the dread disease from the system, It
is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure
for coughs. colds and all bronchial
troubles. You cftn get this reliable
remedq at J. E. Davis
South half of lot 38, con. 12, East
Wawanosh, 100 acres; 6Zr cleared and
ruder grass, in good cultivation ; bal-
ance in black ash and cedar; frame
house, fair outbuildings. Pelee and
terrne reasonable.
21tf, Wingham
June I2, 1902
JNO, & JAS. H. KERR. •)
fflew Summer
Dress Goods.1
Handsome colored Dress Muslins, in stripe, flower and
spray, Dignity Muslins in spot and stripe, Swiss Muslins,
E Book Muslins, India Linen Lawn, Black Swiss Muslin, Fine
white Organdies, Fine Black Organdies, Fine all -wool De- g.
laines, Linen Batiste, White P, Id's., White and colored Duck
House Clealling Time at This Store.
E We have gone carefully through our stock and have decided to offer several
Greatly Reduced Prices.
lines of goods to clear, at
Men's four-in-hand Ties, colors, regular
25c for 15c
Men's Knot Ties, colors, regular 25c " 15c
All Wool Carpets, 1 yard wide, good colors, regular 80o 60c
Union Carpets, 1 yard wide, regular 50c 38c
Union Carpets, 1 yard wide, " 40c 30e
Union Carpets, 1 yard wide, tt 30c 22c
Ladies' Sailor Hats, to clear, t t 75c 50c
Ladies' Sailor Hats, to clear, tt 40c 25c
Children's Summer Blouse and Skirt, regular 1 00 75c
20 dozen pairs Ladies' Cotton Hose, Fast black, per pair 5c
Men's colored Cotton Hose, strong thread, regular 10c 7 jc
Men's colored Cambric Shirts, each 39c
Big Bargains in Beaded Belts.
Fancy Glass Pitchers, filled with Extract of Lemon, regular 25c, for 16c
Shoe Blacking, by Carr & Son, England, regular 50 per tin, for 1c
Shoe Polish, splendid quality, regular 10c bottle for 8c
Big Bargains in Chinaware, etc.
Jno. &.Jas. H. Kerr ligaloilald Bleck ¶illliam
Jno, & Jas. H. Kerr
We Don't Borrow Goods to Make a Show.
Handsome Goods.
This week we are placing in stock something
very handsome in Bedroom Suites, double swell,
quarter cut oak, Dressers and Stands polished, heavy
hand carving on Beds. By taking a number of the
Suites, we can sell sell thele at $19.50, $26.00, $27.00
and $32.00. Also a few very pretty Ash Suites at
$15.00 and $22.00, with British Bevel Mirrors.
A Snap in Bedroom Suite•
We made a big hit in medium-priced Suits—
took the balance of a factory's stock (nine Suites in
all) which we will clear out at $17.00. These Suites
are good value at $19.50.
In Mattresses and Springs see what we have.
Street, 3. Oracey's
former residence,
where night calls
receive prompt at-
Bali Bros.
The People's Furniture Store
Spring Suitings.
The prettiest, nobbiest, choicest and largest
stock is to be found at Holnuth's. No mistakes
in cutting and fitting. Our Suits look well, wear
well and the price are moderate.
In Cents' Furnishings
We have everything to please the most
fastidious :—Fashionable Ties, Stylish Hats, Fine
White Shirts, Fine Colored Shirts, Stylish Collars,
Underwear, etc.
Boots and Shoes.
Try a pair of ours :-----They fit well, they
look well, and they are made to wear well. The
prices are low, when the quality of our goods is
taken into consideration.
iomuth eg. Son.
Come to
Chemist & Druggist
Office G.N.W. Tel. Co.
KaVit$ 1
Wo have on hand
a number of
(These are Beautiful
goods, and cheap.)
Advance Office
Oooh'o Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully used monthly by aver
10,000 Ladles. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cooks Cedes Rest Cos.
yens. Take no other,ag all Mixtures, pills and
tmitatlons are dangerous. Pelee, No. 1, iier
box; No. it,10 degrees stronger, $e per box. No.
1 or t. mailed en receipt of price and two teent
Kamm The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
IWPNns. 1 end 9 sold and recommended 14 e11
teepeneible Drngglete in Canada.
No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in win81iam by
IL A.1)nuglass, C. A. Campbell, J. N. Davis
and A. L. i1amilton,l)retloaislyd,