HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-06-05, Page 6ALONSOON Is the et•iginal packer tea at Casnal.da. ant1 wilt doubtless
be on the market when other's are.torgotteu. No tea possesses the
ox(tulsite flavor of AiOtY OON.
;,) Till SECRET OF THE 6RAN6ET44.0444444414444414:44J4It
lie teepee rey.,it to he ...errie.1, and, The halt Ills le tit England
there would, of toll. 1>c many al-
tera3titru'. He slit! tee_ Iutatiou tate
lady's name, but lu' neat ease known
from my intinotey• wit it Illan( he de-
rcw that 1 was nes.,r1 of .,•11 tbo
teeter of the sato[•. Ilr v: i .heti Sea know
whither 1 huts any teetatiln to (iv -
lug abroad, ars he til., hgtltt of living
for at few years at tear t ul Norm/lady.
"You wild leave tee ';range, then?"
I c'rit't1, in enrolee.
"Yoe," 111' replied; teliement1y; "I
sietClat the very name t•f the, house. I
cannot bring sty was, home to thio
gloomy platin'."
"1t Io a nuagnifleF'nt It:»lte, though,"
I mad: "1 almost won:k'r you think
of itaLVtitg; it:'
"I have me reason for liking it,"
11[ answered, 1(x,kiup; at me curl -
ow 1y'.
"-tutu none for leaving it ?" I ques-
tioned, with a elude. awl at Icy
chances words I saw asLstrangelook
came' e his face, and I l:new that in
kerne way Or other I luau unwitting-
ly etispleaaxed inn.
"I ata perhaps somewhat precipi-
tate." he said, "in speaking to you
of say marriage before everything
ie quite decided, but 1 felt anxious
to know whether p.m would have
any objection. to go ,abroad with
"Not the least," I replied, think-
ing that if Blanche Carew did be -
Mane Mrs. Marlton, it would lighten
I stall never !ergot that evening- rent of anxiety that he tried vainly her sorrow to have tine near het
never while nos' mind retains its pow- to eoect:al. who loved her as I did.
or of recoltoke of this, little manna! Yet I wondered that Mr. Charlton I
How I I never spoke oc
triad, and trried in vain, ,encs again, but it dwelt upon my should leave a Wome ase magnificent
to centlort the young girl on mind and quiekened my curiosity as and ea capable of improvement as
whom a dark sorrow had fallen so to the mystery of the haunted wing. tho Grange. With a ft'w large trees.?
heavily! She could not endure to t met the old woman a few days cut down that at present darkened '
pain either her lather or her lover, i exchanged a smiting the 'noble b t Ing„ b lows
she could net give up either of
'#chem' -I never saw anyone so sad
or bewildered.
I told Mr. Carew that he must
not press his daughter for an an-
ewer yet. -that she mast have time.
• ext
When Allan Charlton went .t
i not meet
he did day to the eottag,e, l
with a refusal, which he had half
feared. Mr. Carew told him his
daughter had been much startled
and surprised, and had asked for
time to decide so important a mat-
Allan Charlton was only too hap-
py to have succeeded so far, and
be assured lir. Carew that
a vas 110 object; he loved his daugh-
ter' so dearly that he was willing
to wait for her, lie was willing to
do anything now that the hope of
some time. winning her was hie.
Did no suspicion of the truth cross
the mind of Allan Charlton when
the old man said eagerly, ""I think
it would be much better if, for the
present at least, you do not speak
to my daughter of love; she is
eery young, and tate news startled
bar:" about to ten tarry
CHAPTER III. make ]tiro happy at last. Allan Chari- The housekeeper at. \Voodleigh
afterwardant j. g, ui d a, -NV
good -morning with her. I was thrown out in place of the small,
obliged to shout in her ear, and even old-fashioned ones, modern furniture
then site appeared to have great die., to supersede the present old-fash-
ficulty in understanding me. toned and somewhat cumbrous Chairs
":ire you not frightened at the and tables -these changes wrought,
ghosts in the western wing?" I asked, to my mind the Grangru would have
She evidently could not, or would been a most charming; home.
sst n
tion at all,o
not, hear that gobs but I could not forget the expression
atw when
walked away muttering something' nof1 Allan ia.t he
s f
•deaf. Yet I telt glared that he detested the house,
about t Ue[ng >sa et y
sure she had heard, and did not know and would never bring his future wife
flow to answer me. .
there. It flashed across me that
At the Cottage there was a lull af- perhaps there were some reasons
ter the recent tempest. Blanche had for all his strange conduct, some
asked for a month in which to eon- : reason why he was not willing for
eider the vexed proposal. Mr. Carew me to set: the plan of the rooms,
had promised her that during that ' why he hated and wished to leave
time he would refrain from epeaking the place, why Ills second wife should
of tufo subject that filled his whole never be brought there.
soul. He did not in words, but tate : Then my thoughts flew to that
1 I k t those ,ttiful eyes as mssteriaue western wing, and I
wee ttu o0 o I
be watched his daughter's face began to wonder if the mystery of
through, the livelong day, was far his conduct had anything to do
more pathetic than any words. That with the strange stories I had
silent eloquence went to Blanche's heard of the closed and silent rooms,
heart as no entreaties, no prayers I laughed at myself ; for it seemed to
could have done. Every time she en- me thud, I ryas conjuring up a per-
tered he would look up at her, a feet romance; yet the idea had taken
light coming into his face as though possession of me aril haunted me,
he hoped site was then and there and I mentally resolved to visit the
}hat she would western wing if it were possible.
Results from common soaps:
eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
An Irish .kntrnal, he wee of revenge.
1 1 bt n►bl ?thea smile veet'11o,ti,
letti;lilsh bode. 11 11eg,inH sv kk the
II,. de !'ark oras Site, 'vii,, 10 .ito I1141-
, 1111+ or ft tirade upon► 131tliurdt: nut
eatpl'utlista, l.u.lu .. el• ..,,,l 1 '.1 his
r au Itenee b;' 0\.1. Juni ,v:: 'a1 tutors wit
i were landed nets r au a lutea l i e d
i -land ths'y would i't 11, mere ltatlf un.
Ik.E:tour before thee 'wall have their
rands in. tits 'wickets' of the tutus; avas ages." t seewne Ode le (noted,
I1.X PlE2\iS1E', almost as good : 'ill ''(crap; the 1111-
Aidsfor the Octagon Bar a31 trodden paths of the future svt• rata
see the :Leiden fotopriats of an me
lensy to Settle.
A fatuous lawyer once had a sin.
gular cabs to settle..'s physiciurt cadre
to hint in gnat distress. '1 wo l.le-
terse ilviaig` in the mune Wiest', 11101
babies of equal age, who st resem-
bled ench other that their own
mothers were unable to diatingutdh
there when thee were together.
Now, it happraed that by the care-
iHNt•tteNN of the nurses the cltil4►t
had become mixed, and how were
the mothers to make shire that they
reeeived back their own infants?
"But peritap:i, " said the lawyer,
"the children. weren't changed at
Olt, but there's no doubt they
were changed :" said the physielan.
"Are you sure of it ?"
"sVell, if that's the case, why don't
got change them back again ?I don't
see any difficulty in the case." _.
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals flee ulcer.t clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay FeverMlower
free. All dealers,
or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
Snap shots.
A man never smiles when he shows
his teeth to a dentist.
Some people are long on mock mod -
essay and shy on the real thing.
No wonder a fir- e's put out when
you see the water drunk and the
hose reels.
alai people agree that Scott' s T hllnl-
sio't of cod-liver oil is. the best thing
to take for "don't feel Well and
dont know why," especially babies
—they like it—men and women
don't mind it, but babies actually
1 enjoy it.
arse ren rare .AMe5e *NO TRY 1T.
aCOTT 4 gtic•. noWN£n$1.oe• csrie, ar0,• • TORONTO
n.1 „
• haul(." •t -(tied is said to 1)1' 0 :
preacher's purorattiull : " \\'e pursue } 'teat'
a Above Itelerred to.
tits' itgndoly : the bobby 1tursts; it 1 One evenilrg; alt dinner ldo. was
leaves the ashes In onr (salols•" A' atl•ki'd if she would have 501118 NgllrtbIl.
fourth :night Ue aulded to Llrct list : it ',?1r :tplst ,'rid, Nt',"
was 0 brilliant exordium on the part "Nil 'vitt?" ark:tl her If .11
of act English politician : " We ehail ""No t,gtu1sh," (.511,'r'dl lull, --Little
never rest until we see the Britt It chronicle.
Iron walking lin nil in hand with the
flood -gates of :Iemerlaty." i s1innrd's Liuinlent ('ares Burns, etc.
A man who says he enjoys a church
social may not be a liar, but he is not
above suspicion.
What a brilliant - world this would be
if men would only acquire brains as
easily as they can umbrellas.
When a .man tells you some wo-
man has mistreated him you always
1 could not sleep last night -I could ton called every day, but Ite retnem- Grange was a very precise and me- have a hankering to hear the wo-
not aisle Blanche Carew and her bered the old man's admonition, and, thoJical old lady ; she itad lived with wry version of the story.
troubles haunted me. I heard the despite las imp'r.tience, he never spoke Allan Charlton's mother, and was
e1ock strike one (tour after the other; of love. One week of the month had devoted to hits, as years ago she had Stops the Cougit
burning pain seemed to hold my already passed, and neither help nor been to her. I respected her, for and works Ott the Cold.
head as in a vise. S. went to the aid seemea to be coming to sate my elle was not given to gossiping -and
rand to look for some cold water poor child from her steadily advanc- that is high praise. I made an ex- Laxative BrenioQuinine Tablets mire aeold
+ * - her room one morn- in one day. No cure, No pay. Price 25 cents.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neur-
algia.' ,
Men Like Good -Tempered %Vomcu.:
There are many different ideas
regarding what special virtues in
women are liked by men. One ob
server says that, first of all, one
utast understand that what they
like are not ,alwa'K the same tlt::ng.
A man is often attracted by a be-
witching ?stile, but 0 good-tempered
weasel' in the end has the greatest
hold on him and wine his respect.'
It is a mistake to think that in
these days then prefer brainless,
silly women. On the contrary, they
like those who have bright, quiets
brains, who take an interest in
things around them and can talk
sensibly on subjects in which they
themselves are interested, though
if the women possess superior
knowledge on any one topic they
will do well to keep that fact Ln
the background and play the part
of interested listeners. - Detroit
His Own Free Witl.
Dear Sire, -I cannot speak
strongly of the excellence of MIN-
edy in my Itausehold for burns,
sprains, etc., and we would not be
without !t. It Is truly a, wonder-
ful medicine.
Pabltsber; Arnprior Chronicle.•
Vey He Didn't Get Her.
Prospective Father -in -law -Do you
liver gamble or smoke, sir ?
Prospective Sen -in -law -No, sir.
Prospective Father -in -law -Do you
hat I might bathe my temples, but Ing f te. case for going, to i ever drink, err?
to my annoyance there was none. One morning Mr. Charlton asked me ing, and tried to open a oonversaa-
Prospective seen -in-law (absent -
1 had never known the servants to if I would look over an old box of pa- tion with her about the "(taunted IT WASN'T NECESSARY. ever dlyt--Weil, I don't care if Ido,
be so negligent before. I have often 1pers for him. A dispute Hatt arisen wing," A large bunch of keys "What are you doing, Freddie ?" Bmart Set.
thought since what a fortunate thing I about the right of thoroughfare hanging in her room afforded a good said ttlie painfully smart boy's uncle.
:emir1'1).1111 f -elf through one of ilia fields on the beginning, I sled her if those were "Dratvin' pictures on my
negligence was. ,r myself the keys of the house, an she re -
anal those dear to me. I bore the Woodleigh estate, and he wanted at> "What is a supposed to
reps Take Lttixativo Bromo Quinine Tablets, All
painlong t • iter plied curti•, Yes, they are. ' sent ?' druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
111 good fame ghosts, A locomotive.' L. W. ('trove's signature !son each box. .,a.
as as I amid
: then there ofd deed that wouldse the ma lies have hosts Mr?•
eemed no ether Iter resource, save to straight. The box was a largo one, F , rival " I said. -I hear you are "But wihy don't you draw the
';rope my way clown into the kitchen, containing nothing, he said but honored with several at the Grange."care?'
,viers there was water in plenty. A deceits and parchments, few of which
The politic touch about good fame „ \sry>y.ea-tuts Itr^iomAtive draws the
Lnh' tamp, room, but I had a very heavy one,
taper ht rvIle ofere any
'for value. giving me so lies won the old lady's heart. cars-'
%or candle, so that I could not take much trouble. Ile s'itd he had an ine- "Yes," she replied. "people tell
a light with nt'I. portant business engagement. I strange stories about the rooms In
New York Central and Hudson River
I never was a reward, and I had smiled to myself, for I knew the burs- the western wing, but for my part It,tltroud.
jo fear of gropit:g along the nese was nothing more than going I "Whatt el your eve them."
e ghosts do ?" I ask- I The above name is a household
inany dark passages that Iay be- over to tate Cottage with some ne rd "D•o tiny carry chains, or spend wordand the superior a houses hof
tween 'mi da:tn ova vice kuietly, books lset
for Blancelf pati Carew. their time in si hin' or do they the road should' be sufficient to at -
I determined to move eery evanly, T set myself patiently n work. The g 6 most
[ [ t lit bi the a vintN hot July sun vrrN pouring ht at tho tvatlk, as legends, trig us. ?with their `ratetha the same to tiewnow
Ycttk arsi
Ur ear t• ( a ilr nt, ri , (Scads under t on arms rate
;SATE NO. r•.,a)!. . `tip r,.
Mrs. Winslow'n Soothing Moue should
alh(ays be used for ('bilthen Teething. iia
soothes the child, eoftend the gunk., eurcd wand
cede and ie the best remedy for 1)ierrhota.
t int thFOR
O Nisi arca ONE
c iindnia TEE
Winona, 111 tulles trout I3amiltotl on two rail-
ways 130 acres in all 35 of wlti••h is hl frutt,
mostly peaches. Will be sold in one parcel or
divided into lots of 15 to t0 acres to suit pur-
chasers. Thiele a decided bargain Address
Jonathan Carpenter, P. O. box 903, Winona
On ario
IION, JOh N l)10 ewes Ptil:NWENT
The report for '1001 showed remarkable
therein -ea over 1900, In the following f reale:
New business Iurreesed by,.,$ aino,705
Premium hneome iuereasrtl by 110,1312
Total !ornate increased by 4:3,571$
Assets inerenst'd by •13,059
lusurancolnforre inereesedby 1estl(I, 5W
(!unth,entul life Pullelea ore unexcelled for
._..__.- •-
'simplicity and lib+•rallty. Agents waisted.
04;44 Cllstt.lt,r\'U()Uti, t'IIAS.Ii.l•tI,I.1.it,
♦ r tieneral Manager Secretary.
4444+44404+4 44+14444 4
q f 13 THE t114LY
ig000440P4444-0OO4444.3••1444 4
A. little, muffling, white ((:tire+l lean,
unaffected in m'anuer, with no111ing
whatever i-mp,... fug i11 hill bearing,
wt:theta wltatt las citutuuuly nnliell a
"presence," or, i01 expressive s:utng,
"front" -a man so diminutive that
he was cu'urpicuoue iii contrast with
tale other men rend the women sur -
p MIN for
tion and all
throat and lung troub es. One dose gives
relief. Oneseettie often cures. A FREE
SAMPLE I3OTTLtt to everyreader of this paper.
Put. -Me is, for sale by all druggists at
$t•oo per large bottle -15 cents for small
size, or it may be ordered direct from
irotnnding him—wart strolling about
in the new t:alho'rut„Yry of engineer-.
lag Of the ?Stevens in�etitute of Tech--
motio'gy in Hoboken, N. J., examining
some very novel decorations( 'that had
been ochnItrtved in iota ln000rr.
Till's small, wine: ui ing man was
>r 1 e
career la
1 71ll..fae CaU2 e
Andrew Cariit'gle, e, t
been one of ,Elle most striking in the
century ; the occas'105i was the for-
m:a'1 transfer of thee building from
151x. Carnegie, was:' built it, to the
ooillege, which he 'tin's endowed. And
now that Me. Carnegie le off again
for lulls Scotttislr cache, ananouncing
the dletri�bution of another million
for the cause of cducatlon�, this oc-
casion is recalled, because on that
• ,r
evel,inl„ Air. Carnegie tva
be was thoroughly relaxed, talking
a and sting in an entirely informal
way. He did not seem't'o feel that he
was "on piasade," and tails furnisloel
an s ppot•'tnnety to observe the "mato
ter Of ironein., surroundings that were
of the p'er:toata'1 and intimate. The
very first imenressiom wlhich unavoid-
ably cam'. at once to my mind wan
tlhat the mere matter elf physique, of
persnlea'I appearanloe, has very little
to do wits a man's getting • altrad
in the world.
There stood the Andrew Carnegie,
who during 'Met year gave fifty mil-
lion dollars to eduoa'tloe 'and who
sill( remains? once o2 the world's
wealthiest amen, a man, who has
gone to the very front in lass wank
in life, In his appearance was noth-
ing t'a suggest that by the (mere
force of his physical.pereonality he
wio'u'itl sweep obstructions bet[ore him.
On the contrary, it was apparent
that there must be other attributeu-
o+f the moo that have reisui'ted Im Win
rise -attributes that did not ap-
pear on the eurface. The occasion', of
course, did not call for tide exhib!-
tibm' of any. of the sterner, etronger
qualllitles. There was nothing to do
there but return the advances of his
friend's in trete spirit of po�ltteness In
which they were (made.
But he seemed su smlall, so• gentle
anti Modest, that you Looked in vain
in lido conduct. at that time for some
of the forceful per.so.nal traits which
he possesses traps which he has
exerotsed te, thrust Himself ahead h
Mrs. Innocent -What did you enjoy(
most about the fishing trip, dear?
Mr. Innocent -I got most excited
whex,1 I ~,vast reeling in, my love.
Mrs. Innocent (buretiug into tears)
-Anil to-to-tlt'think you prouds ad
mu y'you wouldn't drink a drop: -
Harlem Lite.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
end cnueteg• what I dreaded above itvndow, anti one by one I slowly tin- "I have heard lrstarm noises," re- points east as by other lines iw ; '(Wows who were in the ,sties w t
salt things, a fuss and a scene. I [Ouu•1 window, and one by one I slowly Sit)- lied the 01.1 woman, gravely, "when further recommendation should be { According to Darwin. hira.-Harry Beardsley is Le•slie's
Icy way rarely enough, filled my searching for the deed he had cis- p1Veek-ayH
large jug with clear, cold water, sennet( to me. I was not successful, I have passed ever, Iii the long cor• sought. Everybody will tell you it 1 .Poor Jones is growing worse and
»3151 was returning to my room 1 n Beals o[ cl •ate rider there, i never, laugh at ghosts le the best.
live much longer.
worse with llls epilepsy'. He cannot
" You are mistaken. He will outlive
us. The 'survival of the fittest,' you
when I 'heard a slight noise as of
tome one coming along the grand
passage, as it was called -the one
that led to the front portion of the
house. I stood quite still, not
afraid, but wondering who it
could be, when, to my intense sur -
prier., I saw Prudence, the old ser-
vant, who slept in the haunted
wing, as the other 'servants would
j(ersist in leaning that closed mod
dreary part of the house. She was
moving stealthily along, and I fol -
:owed her just as noleelessly. Site
went into the kitchen and the
larger, and Silted a large brisket
Rhe held on her arm. At the slight-
est sound she started and seemed
uneasy. No one, to have seen her
as I did then, could have thought leen in time of danger. '(here was to go with HHirina to Hastings or 1 knave about it ?"-Boston Sunday
her deaf or shookerigliked ; person the one room to whleh Charier Stuart, a month or two. He thought site did Journal. t
contrary, she fueled like a the "Merrie :Monarch," had lived fonot look so well as usual anti the
whose every sense was en the alert. 11 wliole month, white the, soldiers of sea air would do her good. -
ed her Abe reit the kitchen, I fuigPs. the Ceala10:11VPaith vera in hot,pur- I knew by instinct teat the house- A Lancaster bachelor, out of pa -
ed through the long tlaof the 'mit after him. The house had been keeper had reported to her master timers with the flies which invaded
pa -
through the whole front of the , 't' I era whit he was hidden se- rite foolish expression of ,curiosity itis room, got two sheets of uticky
ant lay on the egrouoo nd beetle me. I came myself, miss," she added, reproach -
to one at Last tightly rolled, and well fi„Soma day, when you are not busy,!
Archbishop Ryan recently visited e.
I I ant u ion it to give Mrs. Furnisal,” I asked, "will you' small parish in the mining !(strict rrf
me any unrolled Itue as to as I lad done the others, rhtIvIl a gr 0t curiosity to see those { ndministering the sacrament of non -
Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like
and behold it was a. plan of wood- con-
firmation. In examining a class 1a gold tin like silver, crockery like marble,
is _ l ?" h asked sharply, and +
Illy "I don't understand them." Her Definition.
secured with seal and string There
Wo.$ rio nc terse 1 1 take incover the western wing? I >
what it was. I g `;ehuylkili county for She, purpose, 01
'igh Grange, a very elaborate one, "Why she • ' asked one poor, nervous, frightened ear
whereon every room, passage and then 1 sa0w how fool[sh my remark, little girl what matrimony was, and 1 and windows like crystal. 14
rin.loty ryas noted and described• ,was me," „ she answered that 11 was "a state
1 "All houses interest I said. I
Prom mere curiosity I began to ex- „of terrible terms(,' which those who
amine It I was aettrnishral at the likes going over them. enter it are compelled to undergo for
antiquity of the building. I fount( She made ne reply, but directed my a filo( to prElpare them for a brighter
that the eastern and the western attelltiou to some triumph of culinary and better world."
wings halo both been buil: during art she had just completed for her "No, no, remonstrated the pastor, !
the reign of ('irtrles I., ostensibly for master. "t isn't remora tra ; that's theaor-
ealyimmense accommodation, ion, but to days afterward, I was y usenten, a fate for again iinition of purgatory."
,,:miry the western wing was rooms to the drawing room, where Dir. Leave her alone, said the Arch -
there' passages used and shelter
rooms . bis'11op, with a twinkle in his eye;
ttad been to shelter Itoyal- Charlton would object f
asked me if I woo c o
"maybe she's right. What do you oe
building-, and saw list open the ' b,.,rc t fly PaP-
cimely in It. This roam was value(( over the western wing. I felt con- steal :`window, Returning lace that
door that led into the western "fang (harlev' aeon." I wondered eineed it was so, although lie (lid not
wing. k wit, the architect of the buildng was, refer to it. I was obliged. to say evening he forgot the sticky stuff
Frew that moment a eonvisLtfor anything; more skilfully contrived that I was quite willing to aecom- sold sat down in one of the snails.
that Woodleigh Orange was thhee in. me seemed impossible.pany Miss Charlton anywhere, al- He Boon got up and proceeded to
Ile rooms were alt matrked on the though I guided( that I really had not pick the paper off lis as trousers. took tl e
is eft, and while cleaning them
t• which he placed oa chairs
500116 of some
mystery tiLN t- ,1
oiled itself upon my 111111'1. plan, together with the passages noticed any failing oft In her health. it was hard to get
I dui not wonder es) amen itt that Ird to tlrl',u, ani the way of "You will be ready, if convenient,
unconsciously sat down In the other
seeing the woman stealing ab :tit the opening the panels minutely de- Mies Wood, 111 three days from now.
house when every one the was scribed, I was engrossed in my dis-chair and then stood up and meds•
;sleep, but I clad wonder why. Ate covery anal did not note how 1 am going to London then on some fated.
business and I can take you both
ehoulel have feigned to be deaf and time slipped away. I hunt; over down,,' was all Mr. Charlton'$ reply et The
o above
moral that
blind. I caw clearly enough now the plan until I believe I could haves to my bait protest.
o ( ` Before this I lige( merely suspected (poison) clean, safe and eure. One 10
that it all had been a pretense -slit+ sounds my way blind' I e ( toany
waa as mulch In the possession of her
cense ars 1 was myself., What sIbjt•ut
ro.ili site rove? Wats it to Terve her
own interest 'sr that of ?teethe'.
treason ?
Instead of getting rid of my ltead-
00150, I lutd simply given myself an-
other cause for tormenting' thought.
One thing I rel:olved Main, namely,
to tt11 Allan Ch€tritua rrhtt I had
When he came lute, the a•el1'tul-
room the next
mcorning, ril
l► the
label inquiries about. IirI tta, IK!tt
her away , s rIne pretext, rind iota
him svliat I hard seen during; the lying ern the ground. Ile pickers rt t g'Sy words or happy smiles? came now I Hello 1 IIrlla I Hory s
night. I urn ,•1111. Jilo first feeling; , roti unrolled it to those pall.', $dent lip? , The ,she And can it be that we must come
was Unca t f great fear. I hairy 111H
lips quiver slightly, while laity fare
grew pale; then he smiled, and c:tr'-
lesely thanked me for my Interest
a it is better to use Wilson's Fly Pads
one of the rooms u► the rues ern ;i mystery; naw I felt certain there cent package will kill more flies
wing. war, one, or why should the house- than 800 sheets of siteky fry paper.
The luncheon bell roll (1d ins; I keeper have been so prompt to re-
lftit ae up the roll again, tatt port my foo words' It they western
IF•St it us I tanln'1 it. I thraw it The dello Girl.
among the papers on the floor ; ant(; tying: had no secrets, why should I j iri-
ho sent to Hastings because I had News Note. -Tire day of the g
it 80 II drew e4 that the next Pawa.sf { expressed a wihh to visit the rooms? lees telephone !s' not far distant. The
the1 drew tram the chest Yet what could the whole affair be ? hello girls in some of the largest een-
thr, retry dee:( for which I was 1 I teal offices have been replaced by an
ta•arci1ing. I 1111(1 just lx'g;un tare- a CIIAPTIM1 IV'.
plate. the others, when lir. Chari- j Three weeks of the time given to automatic' system lli l.cil does the
tern cnt('red the room. He thanked me 1ih,iiohe Carew had elapsed. Tho work formerly performed by them,
veru politely for my kindness, anti finings 111 her distressed me beyond promptly and rnrfrotly, and without
talking back."
with a .Sail(., on his !, like a shadow o
turtling away tv L 1 1kc 1 1
worths. She of
o t1
. Ol
1 • I ss telephone, y,
Nee, when hie eye tet( upon the plan her brilliant and beautiful self. :tit' g•this 7
"How on ,aril' (lid tuffs, got here'!"
"' i is>olred as thrntgh her heart wore At last, alas , to this ?
he cried; "I thought it was de- t br,takinse 8110 from her sad ,joyless l
,trowel. !fates I GZIW aahe> tS'aN a0irrady deeidini, A 'phone Witil(>ut a "hello girle
' It iv the plan of the Orange, I , in her own mind to g i%e up Ilughi Would bt+ n. poor affa• •,
.Prthdence Was, as I darn say 6:n.1:1, valiii:1-; ' if per have no (them- hf•rHty n. She made 130 more corn- Len tficntl!It a Ii0 ruffles n.5 at times
that u(� 0111- I'ntil the G0lmas6 swear 1
you know" lie oath lig,htlr, "my Hon, sir. 'Chariton, I would hues to
nurse ; an c ar t y 3t arae. aur.( oct . buret of wee ping was' the last -at
r� 1
! r rift,( to nuc. , o passionate
d sit.• rnneiQrrs sli ! hail • I t• (1501 it at ,- t l
at S.rong elafin upon my kind -
nese. I allow her •0 neon in
the weste'ru Wing -.there 1s alit'
for lies here -and she 11ur1 the free;
my lisia;ure. I eiwttid feel 60 moth in- hetet in my premium?. She did not
threat ht, it' ten pleat(drn ther,ubject that filled'
',Nen ,
"11iia vert aceurat4e,"
rotlfus(•tlly , ' 11 io furl of migtal.en. = loth our hearts. She looked (tapeless
run of the ho111e..lh,' 1.1 at great in There i1a another ldomewltt're .taunt .
valetand prob;.i 1 t'a'ts night into that would intorc'rst you tiara." 1 tiered whether Allan Chariton noticed
dray. I know eke is in the habit n[I PIC i)-lltta•:.l to tell 111115 tui t I I the differrnee--if he knew ?ghat had
going; to the lair! heft for Peel a t all ex,itoti it through, lmt it recited driven the light and trright.ne.5s
:Sud wret:!hed he 'on 1 words. I won -
].ours. I ran hasrtilr interfere ttith uaedenN to autd to less anatoearnc0. Ifo
her privileges. although 1 ant entry matte?! the rcxam carrying,
she [itsttcrbeld or alarmed you. lois reit, dint the roil of parchment.
velli 0111•.(1.' 1)15' v.'ry nm„h, 111s'0 Woo,!. A. wd-tdt after that, Mr. ('uarlto1
by hot nu flti miner tills tis anyone'. 4-„emee-ui''1 111(5 me! morning to newe-
1 Gait( I would re1peet hie otiahes.; ('Ihitl toiiif('r('nl a 1(1 the drawing -room.
Ile taiked with me no indifferent lull- a 114' caaid that It 557104 5111113 tl)ILt I WWI
jecte fair a fete r1i1nute5, Pal:AP:VW l itS0111411 of the e'arntt•ntpl:tte i
enough, Sett I data -tee an unlis•retlr- c usage.'' in ills er.t tblieline tit. that
AGE R WI I E - tjr j ERCE
�t- 1
yyr[-. S
.. . r •,•. r _� e�._��r t �.£ ; $.k4 :.ctSex.itli 1„
Phis fa thtl Page S. ur(antd II #1r Pence. made rfIAr "Peres weal' a twee?tt R7 Str
a41nraer' wiry 'phe t .nt:alrit:nsl t 6'11. 3165.: wavy 5l -f r;ltaar 0 tame f.,r a-4 auq:6n Mid ((:(1
trio -Aims wlti,131aii,, sen,at„Wan1.dtoCaereleit(tin.:at, l0rt'41+,,441151t1rt1toreinteel'ik-c
l P ( e i I tie. r••r•^•..'., ^tuth.ia7.ri$A I •
. do t,4 u, ., r, 1. el tit. e , y
and " • n Sit t,. thF.+:ei�FO(t ,e,ui.ti•l 1. lI u t
. � f A. Sat ,.till f ItLES'•
We ti,F ,i ., 11$ i
voila have 8a,.1trG e,�ttu,tyabr�atLbh ; .• s'4, t vel n 1 l3
_'rhl_net5.ita , a:4 e 5 loot s•�(n;,ir:1. n�''leas Ware Frs.,/ Ch•. L'al est iiketu ile. #b.tl: tlt
from that fair young' face.
I went to see Dianne the day after
my interview with lir. Charlton to
tell her that I a5 going to Hast -
Inge with Helena.
I shall not be; het•e to know your
deeiNlon, 131nnehe," I mid to her ;
"but you will never be ono moment
out of my 111111(1. Write at once and
let inc know."
Yes, 5 will," t:ll-t replied, drear-
ily. "S'fy rather ceema to grow more
feeble anti helpless every day a
y 'an(
I;ongt•thfttt; to lila ale I shrill never see
Hugh Runty(' ng;alI.' And In one
1:(•1t14e 01 tires worm elm never Md.
u he (ill II
' f' ii nett,
.'ltatisple t'laihat Isn't alvtfys What
it is erueks:d up to be.
Deep 1te
Unto Iter soft "hello," 1
Titen pity take, ye men of wires-'
Avert this final blow 1
faults rve love to flet
0(1(19 and 14atls.
An odd parasol le of white satin,
perfectly plain, except for a gar-
land of violets which encircles the
The newest game le not ping pong.
It, is a second cousin to it, however,
and bears the euphonious name of
'Mere is -now in Berlin a public
cafe that keeps twelve ping pong
tables, and many families go in for
this game after dinner for an even-
Quantities of flowers are used as
bertlies, chatelaines and sprays for
evening wear, and some of the daint-
iest sleeves are composed entirely of
ehalns tit flowers.
Linon de sole, embroidered plumo-
tis, louisine, crystalline, orlon satin
and pekin aro used moat for the fav-
orite slips, wit's lace yokes, bretellee
or fronts, or appliques and embroid-
eries of flowere. -
Sort China or ..tussore silke, pat-
terned with quaint garlands and
sprays esr roses, pansies and other
flowers, a.nd flowered misting and
taffetas, are quite *leo prettiest thing
we! have had for a long thee. -N. Y.
Commercial Advertiser. -
Don't rob Amid life's telepho hie s of the oniv11 l -ray
'fake anything else you will, but
Olt, spare the "hello
Tiee, criers, stitch. words that (1(aaribe
sharp pains tihat seem to rend nerves and
paralyze muselos. hose neither timenoreour-
sea. Int on "the I)• & I.." Menthol Punster,
and Ito soothing power will soak rlglit into
you. Ali drugelstn.
The thrust of a lance does not hurt more
than theof abdominalpains following the eat-
tihe 090 of Perry improper viQuick
1 ainl illii'. Always
keep it iu the house,
$100 REWARD, $100.
The renders of this paper Will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure hi all its
stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Cate rh
Care is the only positive euro now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a con•
stitutIonai disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. lian's Catarrh Cure is taken in-
ternally, acting
upon»t the
blood and
mucous surfacesof the system thereby des-
troying the foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient strength by building up
the constitution and assisting nature indoing
Its Work. The proprietors haavesomuclt faith
in fta curative i>owers that they offer One
Hundred Ilonnrs for any rase that it ittils to
cure. Send for list of tenttmonlais.
Address'' 1'. J. ellEN11Y Sc Co„ Toledo, 0,
eeSold by druggists. lee.
"Its Vain Boom an ardent yachts.
man ?"
"Very. He is always wi ing to drink
toasts to both ships."•' -Brooklyn Life.
11equret for 'l xplielt Information.
"Are you thlnkitig only of the pre -
t idIt ?" asked tllr s('rto re Ulan. Ur,
nee you *lo'lltg sour duty and try--
rylug to leave semeihiug for trios"
!Gin) ('onus alter you 1"
"T a titter me?" re -
who tome
- t )ve g'ir'd the man of g*` u.1t , pa'
De eon. refer to po-tel•it,v Or MY
(,reititors?"--Wachtngtod PO:tt.
Minard's Liniment for sale -every-
"Be miner implored the Duke.
I tun' not au heiress !" the young
girl replied, wonderingly.
"No, no; no It is for love I;would
marry 1" prlteeted his (trace.
"Brut, I a1111 ncit an . actress I" ex.
Maimed Genevieve, her perplexity
deepening. -Town Topics,
Dr. Carson's Tonic
will kill all
the flies in
a room in a
few hours.
• shows
• ttho eusem
Stomach and Constipation Bitters
:fade from the formula of an eminent
('anadtau physician, who has used the
prescription in his practice for many
years with most satisfactory results.
A Purely Vegetable, Tonic and Blood
Purifier. Price so cents per Bottle.
i'snally yon can obtain tho prepara-
tion of your local druggist, but if you
cannot obtain it In your neighbor-
hood, we will send 0155 or more bot-
tles on receipt of price (80e per bot-
tle) carriage prepaid.
Pamphlet sent FREfl on application,
Apropos of a resent ,.dict in Soutit
Atrlca, the London Globe remarks;
Ono would like to 000 the taw
against po!ssrssing; male fowls "of a
CN)WOible age in (.ape Colony ap-
plied to London and extended to
barkable dogs and mtaawabie eats.
A preparation made from erude BLAUMONT
TEXAS 051., Greatest medical discovery of
recent years. A sure and speedy cure for all
throat, bronchial and lung disease'', con-
sumption in its earlier stages, and rlaemna-
tlam. Large bottle prepaid to any addrttss on
receipt of one dollar. Address
Box 609, Beaumont, Texas, 1T.S.A,
The Flow of Milk
will be increased.
Why go to all the
trouble Of keeping
cows and get only
about half the milk
they should pro-
strengthens the digestion and invi-
gorates the whole system so that
the nutriment is all drawn from the
food. It takes just the same trou-
ble to care for a cow when she
gives three quarts as wheu she
gives a pail. Dick's Blood Purifier
will pay back its cost with good
interest in a few weeks.
60 cents a package.
'L,eenting, Miles 'Se Co., Agents,
write for Book on Horses and t;attte free.
Clean your silver-
ware, gold, brass,
etc•., with
No 1iOW 1'r orpolish
to use, just brisk rub-
bing Math theprepar-
ed cloth. I'O11811e4 111(0
magic. Price 211e 111
druggists or by mall
11IONAItcix !DWG. CO.
Trial samples free.
, $t. Cathartneat, Ont,
Trade supplied.
Steamers leave Hamilton 1 p. m,
atm( Toronto 7.80 p. m. Tuesdayhl.
and Fridays during May, and on
and after June turd Tuesdays, Thurs.'
days and Saturdays.
Hamilton to Montreal enfi�r �><s
Toronto to M ontreal Vine#le "°•°
Yaeturn M1t.G0
Meals a,nd berths included.
The above cheap rates to Mont.
real are in effect for May, only5
Only line running rapids.
Write for IL & 0. hotel Book of
Lower St. Lawrenoo and folders.
H. Foster Chaffee, Western Passengoli
Agent, 2 Icing Street East, Toronto, Ont.
KE 11 PION r' 'eiaTMhut4la i
1. Endorsed by bast Enflnsh medloaljournats, •
• Suppllad to British soldiers In South Afrlea,
For all Throat and Oland Trouhles, Lumps,
Abseesses, Old Soros, Wears,
s Felons,
Skin i
DihauareslsE n « m eguSi KBJei
Plies, Cuts, ,Sere Feet, Pteurtsy.
Sohl by Druggists, Also, Tri it ones.
It costs just ars much to put on
poor point 1111 it door pure paint. It
costo more, because it is harder to
work. Buy good paint, but don't
pity any more. than you need
to luny, Buy
and you ge;, the oldest and beet.
known Paints in Canada, bt'otishtt
to perfeetion with 001 years' eevere
Immo 011 the best mn,terialro that gsi
tlo :make the bent Paint.
Mney 'to work, durable, fait' prier?
for i 0s't vos1, 011(1y earns.
Drop 011 a care( 11'1,1 ask for
showing how same 11011105 are paintea3r
Established 1812.
M()N'fIIE&L, Paint lfaker9.
"'Head Light," ao0
4,.....,M9i0 . 200
u ',Victoria.' .
11 1 ""L,Itttb Comae*
fl'N._ WORLD.
TDO F-trVE3 l� I�
br 04,16 by 611 the prirlai M,1 r two. , '`°;.•,