HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-06-05, Page 5Slim Prices, - — f (�, . smaii Tho Loadill Sre lues, L!z: WHITEWEAR SPECIALS AT ----- ISARD & CO'S. Can't Be Excelled. These three words exactly express the general opinion of those who have seen our stock of Ladies' Whitewear and Shirt Waists. 4.1 Big Assortment Low Prices • � ,'rya ii�� ;,}�'- •�`'> ����isn 'a',+,'�y�',� Ladies' White Skirts in great variety with deep embroidery, Tucked, Dust frill, fine cambric, well made, at 75e, $1,00, $1.25, $2, $2,50. See our special $1.25 quality, selling now for $1.00 Corset Covers. Nicely made and trimmed, in the hest styles, made to fit and wear well, at 15e. 20c, 25e, 35e, 50c, 05c, 75c. See our leader at 25e Ladies' Drawers. Well made, trimmed with deep embroidery and tucked -25c, 30c, 35c, 40c, 50c. Surprising value I at 35c — ask to see them. Ladies' Night Gowns with good wide skirts, tucked yokes with fine embroidery, good quality of cambric, made to wear well -50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25. See our trade - winner at 75c, regular value $1.00. LADIES' WAISTS In the Latest Nin YORK STYLES—open back or front, lots of work on them, and trimmed with embroidery and Lace insertion. Prices range thus -50c, 65c, 75c, $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, rt Sale of damaged 2.50, etc, Ask to see our $ line, it beats them allu)i� FIRE ! FIRE ! Prints now going on — they must be sold quick H. E. Isard & Co. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Iffescrom June 5, 1902 THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT. Growier's Great Cut Price Clothing Sale Will be continued till SATURDAY, JUNE 15th, '02. Our stock is complete in everything a man wears except Shoes, and during the next few days till June 15th, we intend to do a large business in ready- tailored clothing, and will put before you snaps in Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits that will back up our statement. No odds and ends here of last year's goods, everything new, no moth eaten stock, no mistakes or misfits, but down - to -date goods, to be bought at less than odds and ends in other stores. HERE'S A FLYER 14 only Boys' Suits, Halifax and Canadian Tweed, sizes 22 to 27, worth $2.50, Sale at Crowder's per Suit 1 69 10 Boys' all -wool 2 -pee, Suits, sizes 22 to 29, worth $3.25, Sale 2 25 Children's Wash Suits, 2 -piece, at 50c, 75c, $1.00, 51.25, $1.50 a Suit. 17 Men's and Youths' all -wool Tweed Suits, worth $8.50, Salo.... 650 11 Men's and Youths' Black and Blue Serge Suits, 36 to 44, Sale... ....700 19 Pairs Men's Tweed Pants worth $L25, Sale 90 Heavy Overalls in Black, Blue and Moleskin stripe, Sale • ,.., 69 4 only Black Rubber Coats with Cape 1 75 Just a few grey Box Back Rubber Coats left, Crowder Leads in Low Prices. Saturday Specials --IN— Gellts' Furnishing Department. 6 Doz. Men's Colored Shirts and Drawers, summer weight, worth 45c each, price on Saturday only 25c COLORED SHIRTS. — 4 doz. Men's Colored Shirts, all sizes, worth 65c, Saturday your choice 40c 45c COLORED MERCERISED SOCKS 25c. 6} Doz. pairs Men's Colored Mercerised Socks. Some of these are worth 40c, 45c and 50c. Satitrday choice. 25c Salem Brand Shirts and Waists All the latest patterns and colorings in Salem Shirts, guaranteed to wear, wash and fit $1.00 and 1.25 In Working Men's Shirts we are right in it. A special purchase at your command, choice 45c HATS—Hard and Soft Felt. Ts All leading shapes, both English and American, in Black, Grey, Fawn and Biscuit colors at 45c, 75c, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 to 3.00. The R. Crowder Co. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. Colin Campbell's Old Stand, Wingham Wilt CLEGG Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Farms and town property bought, sold, leased or exchanged. Money to loan at 41 to 5 per cont. Liberal terms of repayment. • Fire and Life Assurance at lowest rates in Standard companies. Agent for Western Real Estate Exchange. Extensive list of properttee to choose from A. DULMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE.—Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's surgery. Residence—Catherine St. T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE.—Over D. M. Gordon's store. Residence: Leopold street. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONES{ TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham MISS DELIA STARLING A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Cvuservatory exam- inations. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORS Of London Conservatory of Music, will be prepared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction ou Violin and Guitar. Residence—opposite R. 0. Church, Wingham. PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISB MOORE, L,C,M. And member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit- ers number of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Theory. Special eNontion given to pupils pro - paring for examinations. Residence—opposite the R. 0. Church, Wingham LIVE Abner Cosens VIRE Loan and Insurance Agent Farm Leans at Lowest rates of interest, Urilee—corner Minnie and Patrick Sts., WI14(4IIAM ACCIDENT PLATO OLAiil Jewels of Regal Richness of the latest and most fashionable designs and settings at Chisholm's will captivate the eye of the most critical. It is soidnm such an oppor- tunity r presents itsolPPortIt o lovers s of find jewelry to possess some of these exquisite p10005, as our prices, will be found upon comparison, to be remarkably low. Solid Gold Spectacle Frames at Cost. H. H. Chisholm Corner. Jewelry Store 9 1t44. You Cali't Affortl to Exp!Mollt in the matter of getting your clothes made—ex periinents are often cost- ly. You wont be experi- menting if you let us make your spring Suit or Overcoat, because our long experience in the tailoring business enables us to speak with a feeling of assurance. Give us a call. E. C. CL ARE HJ?.SrAIRS IN SIIAW BLOCK. Gray Hair " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for over thirty years. It has kept my scalp free from dandruff and has prevented my hair from turn- ing gray."—Mrs. F. A. Soule, Billings, Mont. There is this peculiar thing about Ayer's Hair Vigor—it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, look dead and lifeless. But graduallythe old color comes back, -all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops failing, too. 11.00 a bottle. All druggists. If your dniggist cannot supply you, send us ono dollar and we will express you a bottlo. Ito sure and giro the name of your nearest express office. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. n� ' f i�lt,. AY 4. r$Tt:EM 60 DAY EXCURSIONS ... TO THE ... CANADIAN NORTH-WEST At the'Following Return Fares : Winnipeg Arcola Binscarth Elgin Estevan Grand View Miniota Moosomin Swan River Waskada Wawanesa $28 Moose Jaw J}. $30 Yorkton Pr.Albert $ MacLeod Calgary Red Deer $40 cons Good goingJune 3rd, June 24th and, July xsth. Returning within 6o days from date of issue. Where to Spend the —Summer. Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Kawartha Lakes., Georgian Bay and the Highlands Of Ontario. The Royal Muskoka Hotel opens June x5th, x9o2. Tickets, descriptive folders and all in- formation from agents Grand Trunk Railway System. J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Our Beautiful New SPRING 60005 ARE IN. See Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy= ing elsewhere. Also a special line ofpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ing line can be had and satisfaction guar- anteed, at Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor Wingham 1?afro. Ater. 'W'ood a Mo®phodlzio, The !Prete En(t>tsh. Randy, Sold and recommended by ail druggiots In Callads. Only relt. able medicine dleoovered. Rix 2tar7,•.rges 7uatraflfera to cure all borne of OexualWool:was, all effects of abuse or exeeas, ?lentil worry, Exeeantvn uea of TO- bucto, Ophun or Sthdnlant9. Malted on reeefpt of price, one paelme $i, nix, $3. Ons waggon, atotnilG `Tho Wood (lam nootno WIndfior',Olit. \Well's Ylrosphodhre Is sold ie wiegfzhaen by A, L, Hamilton, J, 14. Davis, It. A. Douglass and C. A. Campbell, Iitt°oc xs7ts. n ro e1115 ,;If c1115 yr ---F, II. Olergue has written stating that the Manitoulin bind North Shore Railway will be pushed on as rapidly as possible. —Seymour Sage of Woodstock, aged 104 years voted on May 29th, and then to show that he did not mind the exer- tion, cut down a tree. —The second mortgage of $6,700, which has been held by the Leadley es- tate against the New Richmond Method- ist church, McCaul street, is now a mere pipeful of ashes. Simcoe, Ont., May 31°—Dr. James Hays, for a great many years a practis- ing physician in this town, died. sud- denly this morning. The deceased was one of the foremost of Simeoe's citizens, Lightning Remedy for Cramps. Some people have cramps pretty often, others only now and again. But when you do have them it is a mighty quick relief you want. Poison's Nerviline is as sure as death to relieve cramps in five seconds—it's instantaneous, just a few drops in sweetened water and the pain is gone. Buy a bottle of Nerviline to- day, and keep it handy, Nerviline is a common household necessity and only costs 25. Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills cure Constipation. —Detectives are searching Chicago for Irvin Chittenden, the Seaforth, On- tario boy, who dissappeared from that village on Tuesday, and is supposed to be kept in hiding by his mother. —In Spain a man who works ou a farm receives about 25 cents a day. In the vineyards wages range from 14 cents a day for women and boys to 21 cents a day for unskilled men, and to 42' or 56 cents for those upon whoso skill the whole responsibility of the raisin crop rests. —Several new cases of smallpox were reported to Dr. Bryce, the Provincial Medical Health Officer. Two cases have broken out in Ferris township, Nip- issing; two others have occurred in Gol- bourne township, Carleton county. Blind River has another case of the disease. —All tobacco factories in the Philip- pines aro working night and day, and and over 2,000,000 cigars are on the ocean on the way to the United States. It is asserted in the trade that by the middle of March over 20,000,000 cigars from that part of the world will bo con- signed to America. The Days of Miracles not Past. A Toronto "Star" reporter investigat- ed the case of Mr. Geo. Warner, and found that after thirteen years of almost total deafness, he had been cured by in- haling Catarrhozone. This proves that whore Catarrhozone treatment is employed, impaired hearing and deafness can be cured. Oatarrhoz- one always brings -quick relief, and is warranted to give lasting satisfaction. All sufferers from ,mpaired Hearing, Deafness, Head Noises and Ringing in the Ears are advised to inhale Catrrh- ozone and derive the great benefit it is capable of affording. Price $1.00, small size 25c. Druggists, or N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont, Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation. Howick. Council met in the Township Hall Gerrie on May 21st, pursuant to ad- journment; Tho Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and I adopted. The matter of passing a Bylaw to in - force the noxious insect act was then taken up for consideration by the Coun- cil : no action taken. Thos. Benett and Andrew Miller wait- ed on the Council to see about having some work done on the Counil to see about having some work done on the B line; committee appointed to look into the matter. A bill was presented to the Council for Wm. Ardell for $4.60 for repairs to plow that was broken while doing stat. ute labor; no action taken. A petition was presented to the Coun- cil by John Hueston and Chas. Finlay' signed by 12 owners of the land to be affected asking the Council to pass a resolution giving them the authority to bring on the engineer and have the drain extended. Moved by Messrs. Gowdy and McKee that this Council grant the request of the petitioners. Carried. Moved by Messrs. McKee and Strong that the motion passed by this Council at the March meeting appointing John Hammond to operate the road machine he recinded and that Bert King be ap- pointed at the same salary. Moved by Messers. McKee and Gowdy that -the following accounts be paid:— David Sanderson $16.75 for railing at the railway crossing, in Gerrie; J. H. Duffey $5.75 for material and work for culvert lot 1 con. 18; George whlie $7 for repairing oulvert and approaches lot 10 con. 17; George Wylie 75 cents for filling hole at culvert lot 7 con. 15 ; Geo. Mosure 50 cents for filling hole in road in Fordwich ; Wm. Chapman $1.00 for plank on bridge lot 25 con. 6; Rich- mond Falls $11.40 for gravel; Jas. King 75 cents for rep. culvert lot 6 con. 10; Courtney Milne 50 cents for burying dead animals; Robt. Russel $1.50 for rep. hill loth con. 8; Isaac Wade $125.65 for sailary and express as assessor. Council adjourned to meet again on the third Wednesday in June in the Albion hotel, Fordwich.—Carried L. Walker, Clerk. —There has been a serious outbreak of hog cholera in the vicinity of Hick- son, near Woodstock. John King was the chief sufferer, it being found neces- sary in his case, according to the Wood- stock Express, to destroy three hundred hogs by burning. His pens were also ordered to be destroyed. D. S. McDon- ald, about three miles from Hickson, lost five hogs in one day. How to Beautify the Complexion. To have a soft, smooth skin, free from eruptions and pimples the blood must be healthy and pure. Ferrozone invigor- ates enfeebled blood, and cleanses it of all impurities and poisons; it brings color to the lips and cheeks, brilliancy to the eyes, 'whitens the teeth and sweet- ens the breath. No tonic compares with Ferrozone in rapid action and per- manent results. Try it. Price 50e. at druggists, or Polsou & Co., Kingston, Ont., sold A. L. Hamilton. Dr. Hamilton's Pills euro Headache. Temperance Song. Arranged and sung by Rev. Richard Hobbs. TUNE OF 'NELLIE GRAY.' In a low and vile tavern, mid the scenes of vice and crime, I have thrown many precious hours away; Olt I look with pain and sorrow, on that worso than wasted time And I wish I had never gone astray. GROUTS— For I'm happy all the day, since I throw the glass away, And I'll never take to drinking any more, With water from the fountain flashing iu its sunny ray, I have health and I've happiness in store. Let the drinkers in the tavern in their wild and drunken glee, Shout the praise of the rosy god of wino; But to sing the praise of water as it sparkles full and free, Let that glad and cheerful task be mine. With the lark at early morning, I can sing a cheerful song, Or at night when the nightingale is heard; Let me listen in the meadow where the river sweeps along, To the voice of each water -drinking bird. Iu the dewdrop on the flower, or the heavy sounding sea, Or the stream leaping down the mouutaiu glen; There is beauty none can barter, and it all belongs to me, I'm the richest and merriest of men. The exact words. The real " Slater Shoe " 1 has the words " The Slater Shoe " branded on the sole or lining. No other words or letters except the price appear on the genuine "Slater Shoe." On the real "Slater Shoe" the name surrounded with a slate frame. $319 SHOE Because "The Slater Shoe " brand i the Slate Frame is the wearer's protection is the reason why the discerning purchaser will insb t on the genuine " Slater Shoe" and will °'rr<'►k;;tw„ take no shoe that looks like i r vo _ _- w.,, a " Slater Shoe " but is not one. The name and price, $3.50 and $5.o0, branded on every pair. For Sale only by W. J. GREER. For This Week` Golden Wax or Butter Beans in 2-1b. cans, beautiful goods, make you think they are just picked off cthe vines, 4 cans for . . RECEPTION WAFERS. Nice crisp, tasty Biscuits, put up in boxes, just the thing for lunch, per box . . • • • I Oc TABLE JELLY. We have them in assorted flavors, V Raspberry, Strawberry, Lem - Ion, Orange, etc., per pk'g.... 1UC at riffin's itt,-; mwwwS)fVli-L'lha T, A. Mills has completed his assortment of Seed. Corn, consisting of the fol- • lowing varieties :— Flint varieties, Compton's Early, Saltzer's North Dakota, Angel of Midnight, Canadian Yellow, Sniut Nose. WHITE CAP DENT.—Its greatest merit lies itt the fact that it is 0 strong rank grower with a good many suckers. It willgrow more bushels on poor thin land than any other kind in the world, It stands the drouth better than ti0 other varieties grown in the same country, EARLY IIUTLER DI';N'T,--The eats grow to a good size and no corn in cultivation will nutshell it. 70 lbs, of ears have shelled out Ot lbs, of shelled corn, leaving only 5 lbs. for the eons. It has no equal. We have never had a complaint of this corn. Withstands droutlo. CT,)t"I)'S EARLY DENT.--.l':u'liest of the heavy varieties, produees a large amount of early green fodder per acx,', grows a good average height, somewhat taller than rural thoroubllbred. STAR Ll' AMING. Lars are of good vim, sot low down, and nearly al- ways ttvo good ears on each stalk ; deep grains. strong vigorous growth, stalky, leafy nature, a great improvement on the old Leatnmg, 1':AIiLY BAILEY, --A favorite in some Oeeti011s, but, not the best in the mvrket, 05 it has been on the inaa•ket some 15 yrs. ago with no special merit. 1..X. L, ---This new conn has been grown in Wisconsin, Nebraska, Michigan and is the best of all for silage and, fodder torn, is hardy, a vigorous grower and matures early. The stock will grow to a height of VI feet when well culti- vated. Don't fail to get for the silo or fodder. ('all and set* the size of cob. German Millet. Ilaungait :a.n .seen, Silver 1loll I,ncl.wheat. Saw Log Mangle, the very 110010014 strains du market. Yoilow intein»'diate Mangle. Royal Giant Sugar Beet, the largest and easily harvested. All kinds of ('lover vet in stock. Seed (Oats, Century. and Legoa. ,Mandseheut•i Barley. Black 'tintless Barley. Flax Seed. Ground. Meal. All kinds Turnip heed. T. A. MILLS. yrex r , D9N• WILL RUN Home -Seekers' ei, Excursions TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST AT RETURN FARES. Winnipeg Waskada Estevan Elgin Arcola Arcola Wawanesa Binscarth fliniota Grand View Swan River Regina 1 $30 MoosclawJ} Yorkton m $2� Ila Albert (`ytl's' rtacieod }$35 Calgary Red Deer Strath- $40 con� LIIMIROMMINOM Going June 3rd, returning until August 4th (ail rail or S.S. Alberta). Going June 24th, returning until August 25th (all rail or S.S. Alberta). Going July loth, returning until September 16th (all rail or S.S. Alber- ta). Tickets are not good on Imperial Limited." For tickets and pamphlet giv- ing full particulars, apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN, Asst, Gent. Passr. Agent 1 Ring Street East, Toronto Our Beautiful New SPRING 60005 ARE IN. See Our $16, $18, $20 Suits before buy= ing elsewhere. Also a special line ofpantings. Anything you want in the tailor- ing line can be had and satisfaction guar- anteed, at Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor Wingham 1?afro. Ater. 'W'ood a Mo®phodlzio, The !Prete En(t>tsh. Randy, Sold and recommended by ail druggiots In Callads. Only relt. able medicine dleoovered. Rix 2tar7,•.rges 7uatraflfera to cure all borne of OexualWool:was, all effects of abuse or exeeas, ?lentil worry, Exeeantvn uea of TO- bucto, Ophun or Sthdnlant9. Malted on reeefpt of price, one paelme $i, nix, $3. Ons waggon, atotnilG `Tho Wood (lam nootno WIndfior',Olit. \Well's Ylrosphodhre Is sold ie wiegfzhaen by A, L, Hamilton, J, 14. Davis, It. A. Douglass and C. A. Campbell, Iitt°oc xs7ts. n ro e1115 ,;If c1115 yr ---F, II. Olergue has written stating that the Manitoulin bind North Shore Railway will be pushed on as rapidly as possible. —Seymour Sage of Woodstock, aged 104 years voted on May 29th, and then to show that he did not mind the exer- tion, cut down a tree. —The second mortgage of $6,700, which has been held by the Leadley es- tate against the New Richmond Method- ist church, McCaul street, is now a mere pipeful of ashes. Simcoe, Ont., May 31°—Dr. James Hays, for a great many years a practis- ing physician in this town, died. sud- denly this morning. The deceased was one of the foremost of Simeoe's citizens, Lightning Remedy for Cramps. Some people have cramps pretty often, others only now and again. But when you do have them it is a mighty quick relief you want. Poison's Nerviline is as sure as death to relieve cramps in five seconds—it's instantaneous, just a few drops in sweetened water and the pain is gone. Buy a bottle of Nerviline to- day, and keep it handy, Nerviline is a common household necessity and only costs 25. Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills cure Constipation. —Detectives are searching Chicago for Irvin Chittenden, the Seaforth, On- tario boy, who dissappeared from that village on Tuesday, and is supposed to be kept in hiding by his mother. —In Spain a man who works ou a farm receives about 25 cents a day. In the vineyards wages range from 14 cents a day for women and boys to 21 cents a day for unskilled men, and to 42' or 56 cents for those upon whoso skill the whole responsibility of the raisin crop rests. —Several new cases of smallpox were reported to Dr. Bryce, the Provincial Medical Health Officer. Two cases have broken out in Ferris township, Nip- issing; two others have occurred in Gol- bourne township, Carleton county. Blind River has another case of the disease. —All tobacco factories in the Philip- pines aro working night and day, and and over 2,000,000 cigars are on the ocean on the way to the United States. It is asserted in the trade that by the middle of March over 20,000,000 cigars from that part of the world will bo con- signed to America. The Days of Miracles not Past. A Toronto "Star" reporter investigat- ed the case of Mr. Geo. Warner, and found that after thirteen years of almost total deafness, he had been cured by in- haling Catarrhozone. This proves that whore Catarrhozone treatment is employed, impaired hearing and deafness can be cured. Oatarrhoz- one always brings -quick relief, and is warranted to give lasting satisfaction. All sufferers from ,mpaired Hearing, Deafness, Head Noises and Ringing in the Ears are advised to inhale Catrrh- ozone and derive the great benefit it is capable of affording. Price $1.00, small size 25c. Druggists, or N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont, Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation. Howick. Council met in the Township Hall Gerrie on May 21st, pursuant to ad- journment; Tho Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and I adopted. The matter of passing a Bylaw to in - force the noxious insect act was then taken up for consideration by the Coun- cil : no action taken. Thos. Benett and Andrew Miller wait- ed on the Council to see about having some work done on the Counil to see about having some work done on the B line; committee appointed to look into the matter. A bill was presented to the Council for Wm. Ardell for $4.60 for repairs to plow that was broken while doing stat. ute labor; no action taken. A petition was presented to the Coun- cil by John Hueston and Chas. Finlay' signed by 12 owners of the land to be affected asking the Council to pass a resolution giving them the authority to bring on the engineer and have the drain extended. Moved by Messrs. Gowdy and McKee that this Council grant the request of the petitioners. Carried. Moved by Messrs. McKee and Strong that the motion passed by this Council at the March meeting appointing John Hammond to operate the road machine he recinded and that Bert King be ap- pointed at the same salary. Moved by Messers. McKee and Gowdy that -the following accounts be paid:— David Sanderson $16.75 for railing at the railway crossing, in Gerrie; J. H. Duffey $5.75 for material and work for culvert lot 1 con. 18; George whlie $7 for repairing oulvert and approaches lot 10 con. 17; George Wylie 75 cents for filling hole at culvert lot 7 con. 15 ; Geo. Mosure 50 cents for filling hole in road in Fordwich ; Wm. Chapman $1.00 for plank on bridge lot 25 con. 6; Rich- mond Falls $11.40 for gravel; Jas. King 75 cents for rep. culvert lot 6 con. 10; Courtney Milne 50 cents for burying dead animals; Robt. Russel $1.50 for rep. hill loth con. 8; Isaac Wade $125.65 for sailary and express as assessor. Council adjourned to meet again on the third Wednesday in June in the Albion hotel, Fordwich.—Carried L. Walker, Clerk. —There has been a serious outbreak of hog cholera in the vicinity of Hick- son, near Woodstock. John King was the chief sufferer, it being found neces- sary in his case, according to the Wood- stock Express, to destroy three hundred hogs by burning. His pens were also ordered to be destroyed. D. S. McDon- ald, about three miles from Hickson, lost five hogs in one day. How to Beautify the Complexion. To have a soft, smooth skin, free from eruptions and pimples the blood must be healthy and pure. Ferrozone invigor- ates enfeebled blood, and cleanses it of all impurities and poisons; it brings color to the lips and cheeks, brilliancy to the eyes, 'whitens the teeth and sweet- ens the breath. No tonic compares with Ferrozone in rapid action and per- manent results. Try it. Price 50e. at druggists, or Polsou & Co., Kingston, Ont., sold A. L. Hamilton. Dr. Hamilton's Pills euro Headache. Temperance Song. Arranged and sung by Rev. Richard Hobbs. TUNE OF 'NELLIE GRAY.' In a low and vile tavern, mid the scenes of vice and crime, I have thrown many precious hours away; Olt I look with pain and sorrow, on that worso than wasted time And I wish I had never gone astray. GROUTS— For I'm happy all the day, since I throw the glass away, And I'll never take to drinking any more, With water from the fountain flashing iu its sunny ray, I have health and I've happiness in store. Let the drinkers in the tavern in their wild and drunken glee, Shout the praise of the rosy god of wino; But to sing the praise of water as it sparkles full and free, Let that glad and cheerful task be mine. With the lark at early morning, I can sing a cheerful song, Or at night when the nightingale is heard; Let me listen in the meadow where the river sweeps along, To the voice of each water -drinking bird. Iu the dewdrop on the flower, or the heavy sounding sea, Or the stream leaping down the mouutaiu glen; There is beauty none can barter, and it all belongs to me, I'm the richest and merriest of men. The exact words. The real " Slater Shoe " 1 has the words " The Slater Shoe " branded on the sole or lining. No other words or letters except the price appear on the genuine "Slater Shoe." On the real "Slater Shoe" the name surrounded with a slate frame. $319 SHOE Because "The Slater Shoe " brand i the Slate Frame is the wearer's protection is the reason why the discerning purchaser will insb t on the genuine " Slater Shoe" and will °'rr<'►k;;tw„ take no shoe that looks like i r vo _ _- w.,, a " Slater Shoe " but is not one. The name and price, $3.50 and $5.o0, branded on every pair. For Sale only by W. J. GREER. For This Week` Golden Wax or Butter Beans in 2-1b. cans, beautiful goods, make you think they are just picked off cthe vines, 4 cans for . . RECEPTION WAFERS. Nice crisp, tasty Biscuits, put up in boxes, just the thing for lunch, per box . . • • • I Oc TABLE JELLY. We have them in assorted flavors, V Raspberry, Strawberry, Lem - Ion, Orange, etc., per pk'g.... 1UC at riffin's itt,-; mwwwS)fVli-L'lha T, A. Mills has completed his assortment of Seed. Corn, consisting of the fol- • lowing varieties :— Flint varieties, Compton's Early, Saltzer's North Dakota, Angel of Midnight, Canadian Yellow, Sniut Nose. WHITE CAP DENT.—Its greatest merit lies itt the fact that it is 0 strong rank grower with a good many suckers. It willgrow more bushels on poor thin land than any other kind in the world, It stands the drouth better than ti0 other varieties grown in the same country, EARLY IIUTLER DI';N'T,--The eats grow to a good size and no corn in cultivation will nutshell it. 70 lbs, of ears have shelled out Ot lbs, of shelled corn, leaving only 5 lbs. for the eons. It has no equal. We have never had a complaint of this corn. Withstands droutlo. CT,)t"I)'S EARLY DENT.--.l':u'liest of the heavy varieties, produees a large amount of early green fodder per acx,', grows a good average height, somewhat taller than rural thoroubllbred. STAR Ll' AMING. Lars are of good vim, sot low down, and nearly al- ways ttvo good ears on each stalk ; deep grains. strong vigorous growth, stalky, leafy nature, a great improvement on the old Leatnmg, 1':AIiLY BAILEY, --A favorite in some Oeeti011s, but, not the best in the mvrket, 05 it has been on the inaa•ket some 15 yrs. ago with no special merit. 1..X. L, ---This new conn has been grown in Wisconsin, Nebraska, Michigan and is the best of all for silage and, fodder torn, is hardy, a vigorous grower and matures early. The stock will grow to a height of VI feet when well culti- vated. Don't fail to get for the silo or fodder. ('all and set* the size of cob. German Millet. Ilaungait :a.n .seen, Silver 1loll I,ncl.wheat. Saw Log Mangle, the very 110010014 strains du market. Yoilow intein»'diate Mangle. Royal Giant Sugar Beet, the largest and easily harvested. All kinds of ('lover vet in stock. Seed (Oats, Century. and Legoa. ,Mandseheut•i Barley. Black 'tintless Barley. Flax Seed. Ground. Meal. All kinds Turnip heed. T. A. MILLS.