HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-06-05, Page 4THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE. June 5, 1902 Ritchie & Campbell Monstrous Summer Sale Commencing Friday. On Friday Morning, June 6th, we will com. mence our Special Sale of Summer Goods ANIMMIMMISV MUSLINS.--We've an extra large stock of Muslins, which will be cleared at a price during next 30 days: 450 Embroidered Irinslins for 50 cents Jt 40c Linen Batiste for 80 " 40e Satin Striped Organdies for...... 30 25 30c Striped Dimities for 30c Foulards for 15c Fancy Muslins for 10 " All other lines at the same reductions. Large assortment to choose from. Lace Curtains/ A few broken lines in Lace Curtains left, which we are willing to sacrifice. Notice the reductions : .35 Lace Curtains for .25 50 „ „ .35 1.15 " .85 125 ,, " 1.00 2.75 1.85 „ „ 3.50 2.50 These prices are good till all the lines are cleared out. Come early and get the best that is going Ritchie & Campbell successors to M. H. McINDOO. ANEW SPECIAL Clearing Sale Commencing Saturday, May 31st. C~biforiztI Dotes w —Ontario may have to face a general election again before another year, Our stock is much too large and in order to reduce it we will for one month offer Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings, Jewelry, Silverware, etc., etc. at very low prices. * * —Donald Sutherland is the first Conservative elected in South Ox- ford since Confederation. He had a majority of 114, while Dr. Mc- Kay, Liberal, in the last election had over 600. A big turnover. * —Latest comparisons state that the United States furnishes 23 per cent. of the agricultural products of the world, while Russia gives 15 per cent. and Germany and France 12 per cent. each. Of all manu- factured goods, the United States furnishes 34 per cent., Great Bri ain, 15 per cent., Germany ] 2, and France 11 per cent. This sale is genuine and offers an opportunity for securing great Bargains. Come in and see for yourselves. HALSEY PARK Jeweler and Optician Macdonald Block SCREEN DOORS Just arrived, a large consignment of Screen Doors and Screen Windows ; we have 17 different styles and sizes in Doors, also 9 different styles and sizes in Screen Windows— quality the best, and prices the lowest. Wire Fencing Those interested in building Wire Fence will do well to call on us, as we have all kinds of wire at prices that are right ; we have the celebrated "ELLwooD SPECIAL WOVEN WIRE FENCE," 5o in. high, at a very low price. CALL AND SEE OTJR STOCK. If you want a Bicycle, see what we can do for you, Smith & Pethick. —By the Ontario Statutes, a penalty of $10 dollars is imposed for any one who shall plant, culti- vate or sell the barberry shrub. Such shrubs already planted in any municipality shall be destroyed upon the requisition of the Minister of Agriculture and the owner of the plant shall be entitled to such compensation as the Minister may see fit to allow. * * Its a pity to have a good Suit spoiled in the making. The suits we niake give en- tire satisfaction. Give us a trial and be convinced. Webster & Co. Upstairs in Shaw Block. NIIYIIYIIYIYIIYYIYIIIYIIYIIIIIYIIYP We Guarantee all Our Rubber 1110.0. Goods E Hot water Bottles, • Syringes of all kinds, • Atomizers, Tubing, E Breast Pumps, • Corks and Bandages. —=A writer in the "Lancet" says: "Since I began to study diet, I have been astonished at the number of cases of which I have heard, even of medical men, who, by eat- ing less and not so often, have found that their susceptibility to colds has quite gone. Such facts as I have met with point to the conclusion that it is the system overcharged with the products of food which was not required, and can act only as a poison to every organ in the body, which is most susceptible to colds." * * * —Report comes to hand of the formation of still another big land syndicate in the North-West. This is composed of Minneapolis, Duluth and Western Canadian capitalists, with a capital of $3,500,000, who have bought 1,100,000 acres of far- ming lands in Assiniboia and Sas- katchewan from the Regina and Long Lake Railway. They are situate chiefly between Regina and Princr Albert, nearly 500 miles west of Winnipeg. The intention is to settle upon them families from the Northern and North-wes- tern States. The Best le always the (;hotpot. Coln Ar Campbell FAIRLY VIEWED. (Toronto Telegram.) A !Majority of four does not ena- ble a Government to permanently control a Parliament of ninety- eight members. After the Speaker is elected the majority would be reduced to three. The majority of six, on the face of the returns from the general elections of 1898, devel- oped into a Parliamentary majority of eleven, West Elgin and North Waterloo were stages in its devel- opment. The scandals which have disgraced Ontario in the last four years have pretty well exhausted the possibilities in the way of steal- ing constituencies. The result of the election does not leave Hon. G. W. Ross in good fighting position. The inefficiency of his associates in the Government was proved by the fact that the Liberal campaign was one man's fight. And Hon. G. W. Ross wit'a all the odds in his favor failed to overwhelm J. P. Whitney with all the odds against him. The refer- endum farce will be played to a cli- max before the bye -elections can take place. The voting must add to the number of embittered and disappointed temperance Liberals who made the party feel the weight of their displeasure. Hon. G. W. Ross had every reason to know that his Government is a load to carry. He was barely able to save it from defeat. He could not save it from discredit. The weakness of the Government as revealed at the polis is a sign of decay. Never in the history of the politics of On- tario was a Government as weak or an Opposition as strong as the parties led by Hon. G. W. Ross and J. P. Whitney are to -day. The country and the closely divided Legislature form the arena in which a weak and discredited Gov- ernment must now wrestle out its troubles with an Opposition which may have learned to be bold and which has reason to be hopeful. Tilt DRUGGIST i�titlitli l iliili�li i t itliiil 1 Agent,giCent libel', > l Mu.nv '1'o 1'd>rbv�-At 4 per cent, on "~* improved farms. Easy terms of re• llaymen ; expenseslight.,state A. emma a 1 oaf I+an canl n * * - -The membership of the new House comprises, as usual, a great variety of occupations. Farmers, as has been the case previously, head the list, with 18. Lawyers, who many years ago were the largest class, take second place, with 14. Doctors and merchants run a dead heat for third place, with 12 each. Other occupations are represented as follows : Five manufacturers, three contratcors, three lumbermen, two millers, one cheesemaker, one undertaker, one financial agent, one land surveyor, one engineer, one agent, one auc- tioneer and one cattle dealer, also find places. * • —An adequate idea of the high value of a modern Atlantic liner may be gathered from the fact that the insurance value of the North German Lloyd steamship "Kaiser Wilhelm II., now in course of con- struction at the Vulcan ship -yard, Stottin, is $1,591,150. This repre- sents only the launching value of the bare hull. A further insurance sum of $3,549,480 is required to cover the ship for the first trial trip, while the company require a total sum underwritten on comple- tion of the vessel of $6,175,000. The risk of launching, river work and trials is to be covered by the policies. * x * —Great things are expected from the accelerated progress of the Ca- nadian North West, in the near fu- ture. An American, Mr. Kenas- ton, of St. Paul, predicts that not less than 200,000 American emi- grants will cross the line into that part of Canada during the present year. As a matter of fact, Ameri- cans are buying large quantities of land in the Canadian North West —there were 15,000 sales of land made to the Americans by the Hudson Bay Company in 1001— and this land will be occupied by the best class of settlers. Doubts have been thrown out whether seri- ous political consequences may re- sult from this immigration into our North West ; but it must be re- membered that the new comers will get mixed up with our own people, r,f whom they will become part. 'ilaey will find our institutions as free ,at Ax yi&, irwl ns their own, and them i., Lir) rr_t. Alla why they should not be al content to live under deer . al t o:A they have left be- hind. In their own country, the .5ood land3 are : it practically taken tips; wiad nothing is 14161e natural, when. no harrier >:r yriil8 them, than that omen in want of land to till should migrate to Canada. - [rionetary Timme?. The Romantic Side • of Invention. �IYtIYi11Y1YYiYY1YYIYYYYYtYYi11YiY1YY1YYtIY1YY1YY1YY1YYtYY1YYItYiYI1YY1YY1YY1111YY1YY1YYtYY1YY1YY1YYIYYYYYIYY1YYtYY�. O rr :s• ' ▪ * .▪ --. awn .— . 4— O.•- .-- •.- ..•-- ..-- 4- 4- -- 1 .▪ ..- w • . - w sr- . ▪ -.- 4— V!~ r- 4— w O▪ w* 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4— .M wConn_ French Mustard THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE. JNO. & JAS. H. KERR. Three remarkable instances are known in which the Yankee boy's trick of whittling led to valuable inventions. According to a writer in the Stationary Engineer and Machinist, the elder Cunard, who was apprenticed as a lad to a Scotch shipbuilder, is said to have amused himself in whittling the hulls of vessels. Occasionally he would fit one of these with masts, sails and rigging complete. Tired of familiar types, he would experiment with new ships,, and one of these it was that attracted the attention of his master, because it would not main- tain its upright position in the wa- ter. Experiments were made to ballast it, in order to give it the proper trim. The clipper -like shape and graceful, long lines of the mo- del promised great speed. Such is said to be the origin of the standard model of the Cunard and later ocean greyhounds. Robert Livingston Stevens had grown to man's estate when he sailed from New York to Liverpool, eighty years ago. Bat he had not outgrown his love of whittling. In those days the passage took two months, and Stevens passed many an hour, jack-knife in one hand and a piece of wood in the other, brooding over a problem that had often worried him—how to run a railroad without stone stringers for tracks. He wanted to get an iron rail that would "hold," and would take the place of the thin strips fastened to the chair of the road- bed. Just before he reached Eng- land, his whittling revealed to him the solution of his problem, and that solution took the form of a T- rail with a broad base that could be applied direct to a solid wooden support. That IT -rail is still in use on all railways of the world.— [Scientific American. Independents Denounce the Gov- ernment. The following printed circular has been issued by the Indepen- dent electors of the Township of Stamford, in. Welland County : "The Independent Liberals of Stamford and vicinity withdraw their support from the present Ontario Government for several reasons, some of which are here given: "1. Because of its very peculiar prohibition legislation, which offers us an unjust and one-sided referen- dum. "2. Because gambling institu- tions and boxing arena not allowed in New York State are tolerated in this fair country of ours; "3. Because a distinct attempt to crush out all the independence of all individual electors by un- principled cliques, which, owing to the co-operation of our representa- tives, at Toronto and Ottawa have been enabled to do deeds which cannot be justified; "4. Because we are oppesecl to the use of the people's money in bonusing railway companies. We find that the Ontario Government paid over to the corporations over 63,000,000 within the last six years. That such corporations should feel grateful in a tangible way about election time, is not sur- prising ; ".Approved at the last regular meeting held at Southend, May 20, 1002. "V. 11 ItAMMO', Secretary. "JAnti s S. Cor.LArn, 'resident." loot Weather Groceries KEEP To keep comfortable and cool buy Groceries already prepared for table use. We have a splendid assort- ment. Cooked Meat, per lb .. 20c Potted Ham, per tin 5 and 10c " Tongue, per tin 5 and 10c " 'Chicken, Turkey, Beef and Duck, per tin 50 Game, Ham and Tongue, per tin 15c Potted Ham Loaf, per tin 150 " Cottage Loaf, per tin 15c Canned Corn Beef, 1 lb. tins " Smoked Sliced Beef Kippered Herring, per tin 100 Herring in Tomato Sauce 10c Kippered Chicken (Fish) 3 for 25c Canned Finnen Haddie, per tin 10c " Fresh Herring, per tin 10c " Sardines in oil, mustard or Tomato Sauce, per tin 50 French Sardines, regular 25c, now 15c Canned Lunch Tongue Canned Chicken Boneless 5c and 10c Catchup, pint bottle, each 100 • Best Canadian Pickles, per qt 15c Mixed Pickles, in bottles 10c Pickled Onions, Walnuts, &c • Marmalade, pint jars 10c ▪ Jam, Peach, Plum, Raspberry, Strawberry, Orange, &c 10c Hot Weather Dry Goods COOL. Men's Underwear. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, each ..25 Fancy Cotton Shirts and Drawers, each.25 Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 50 Fancy Stripe Union Shirts and Drawers... 50 Fancy Stripe Union Shirts and Drawers... 45 Ladies' Underwear. Ribbed 'Vests, sleeveless, each .5 Ribbed 'Vests, white and cream, with or without sleeves .10 Fancy Vests', ribbed or plain, with or without sleeves, 15, 20, 25 and 30 Misses and Children's Underwear, all sizes, at very moderate prices. Clearing Sale. Ladies' Sailor Hats - 75c Hats for 50c 50c " `c 38c 40c " " 30c 25c it `c 15c Mens' Summer Vests. Men's Fancy Vests, regular $1, for 75 " " " " $2, for 1 50 " " Worsted Vests, regular $3.50 for 3 00 Men's Wool Tweed and Serge Vests 1 00 Mens' Straw Hats. Common Straw Hats 5c, 10c, 15, 20c • Splendid assortment of Fancy Biscuits at Fancy " c` 25c, 50c, 75c o Boys' Fancy Straw Hats 25c to 50c a..-. Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr � 1l10111 d Bloch Willha.ili Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia from 100 per Ib. to 40c --. Save Your Books by having a good place to put them. You'll save yourself worry, too. We have a line of Bookcases from which you will be able to select one that is not expensive, but will look well and serve you satis- factorily. UNDERTAKING Residence–Patrick Street, S. Oracey'e former residence, where night calls receive prompt at. tention. Framing the Picture is sometimes almost as difficult as naming the baby. You'll find the task very easy if you bring the Picture to us and try the moulding and mats here. We have so many va- rieties of Mouldings that a satisfactory selection is quick- ly made. The beauty of the Picture is often the result of the framing. Its no trick nor joke to put on the right frame —we do it right, for we know how. That is why our frames are popular. Bali Bros. The People's Furniture Store Spring Suitingsr The prettiest, nobbiest, choicest and largest stock is to be found at Hamuth's. No mistakes in cutting and fitting. Our Suits look well, wear well and the prices are moderate. In Cents' Furnishings We have everything to please the most fastidious :•--Fashionable Ties, Stylish Hats, Fine White Shirts, Fine Colored Shirts, Stylish Collars, Underwear, etc. Boots and Shoes. Try a pair of ours :—They fit well, they look well, and they are made to wear well. The prices Y err, low, when thequality +Dt , ourgoods is taken into consideration. atiraranameasamionamantaladgmao llomuth & Son. Come to DOUGLASS THE DRUGGIST Fon Youn BLUE STONE, PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE AND ALL INSECTICIDES. R. A. DOULASS Chemist & Druggist Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. We have on hand a number OR atebbino Cat (These aro Beautiful Clou(1s, and cheap.) Advance Office gook'a Cotton Boot Compound. is Auee6safu11r nand months by orcr 12,000 Ladies. safe antenna. Ladles Ask Safe, _�yler Root Co m• cur ding ie forColes Tat q t ��bbrrAl. TAke till Ather, 749 All M1xtlrrP., pilitl And imitatteno Are dangeron9. **idea, No, 1, $1 nor bole; Ns. 71,10 degrees 9trongar, 6s per box. No. L or 2. mail3,l on receipt of price sod two trent At' hype. Tris Cbok COmpMIy' windeor tint. rerppoonnr, ble Drugsletb in Csn�d*.onded,i All Nn. 1 and Nn. 2 Are .old in wia hent by R. A,13oua�a.x, f3. A. t'Ampbeii, .T. . niar°ie A4d A, 1,,71Am1lton, 1)8tJQ dTL