HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-06-05, Page 1Advance. 29T1 YEAR, NO. 40. WINO -mIAM, ONTARIO, JUNE ", 1902. ➢OPINION BASK. Capital - Reserve • ▪ - $2,500,000 • • $2,500,000 WINGHAM BRANCH SHAW BLOCK. A General Banking Business transacted. Fanners' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on same. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Canada, United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards, and added to principal 30th Juno • and 31st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager R. Vanstone, Solicitor. NEW ADVTS. Hot Weather.—herr Bros. Special Sale.—A. R. Smith. 60 -Day Excursions,—G. T, R. June 6th, 1002.—H, M. Tudhope. Result of Elections.—D. M. Gordon. Great Cut Price Sale, -Crowder Co. Monstrous Sale.—Ritchie & Campbell. See Halsey Park's advt, Everything New in straw Hats at Isard & Co's. Mr. and Mrs, Gracey of Blyth are in town visiting, Albert Mitchell of Ailsa Craig was in town this week. Miss Henderson of Lucknow is 'a guest of Mrs. Fleming. ROOMS To LET.—In Meyer'block. Apply to A. E. Smith. Last Sunday was communion day in W Ingham Presbyterian church. Joe. Stiles had one thumb badly cut on Wednesday at the Union factory. Miss Georgie Dulrnage is visiting friends in Newbridge, Clifford and Palmerston. CHILDREN'S SHOES—In ilutton, Lace or Slippers, the hest for the Least money at We J. GREER'S. The Walkerton Association of Bap- tist churches was held in. Wingham • Baptist church this week. The'reeidencee of Mrs. C. Lloyd and Dr. Tarnlyn have been improved im- proved in appearance by painting. INGERSOLL MEATS.—Cooked Ham, Bologna, Spiced Rolls, and Bacon, handled exclusively by—H. Tudhope. A. E. Lloyd has removed to the real - deuce purchased from the estate of the late Mrs. Code, on Leopold street. Mrs, M. A. McDonald and family have removed to Toronto. Wm. Drummond will occupy the house thus vacated. Dr. Chisholm has removed to his new home, in the rear of his fovrner residence. Night callers will please bear this in mind, 39--42 Mrs. V. Wenzel, her daughter Grace and sister Ariel are on a month's visit to friends in Brantford, Hamilton and Sitncoe. The meeting of St. Paul's Young People's Guild to arrange for a garden party was postponed on Monday even- ing on account of the rain, WANTED,—Operators and dressmak- ers, steady work, big pay ; write for particulars, Helena Costume Co., Lim- ited, London, Ont. Seaforth Races are dated for June 17 and 18. Purses aggregating $1800 aro offered, and a large number of fine horses are entered to compete. The Orangemen of Kincardine Dis- trict will celebrate the Anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne by a grand demonstration at the village of Tiver- ton on Saturday 12th July, 1902. All Carpets and Oil -cloths to by Owed. out at T. A. Mills'. Mr. Snelgrovo of Huron College as. sisted Rev. Wm. Lowe on Sunday morning. In the afternoon the latter dispensed the Communion on the Teeswater mission, where Mr. Snel- grove is at present in charge, Mr, Jno. .Kerr will conduct the service in Wingham Methodist church next Sunday morning. With the as- sistance of the choir, the service will be chiefly one of sacred song. Rev. N. Burwash will preach in the evening, DIRE l FIRE i Sale of damaged prints at H. E Isard & Co's. H. 0. Bell left on Tuesday morning for Woodstock where he enters on his dalties as assistant Superintendent of the Oarnadian Feernittlre Mfrs. 4:Ie ex- pects to bo frequently In town on bus!. nese, and will not reprove his house- hold effects at present. Rev. R, Hobbs left on Monday for Sarnia, where the London Conference is now in seesion, The Stationing pommittee met on Tuesdaysrior to tela opening of (Jonfereuce, This com- mittee is eon)posed of the chll,irn)ell of districts, and one minister elected from each district. Mr. Hobbs was the choice of the Wingliam (listriet, and with the Chairman, Rev. D. Rogers, will represent this district on the committee. l ill tsi n.. --A few 1 taro eisteria i cheap; conic ctulekly---.1V. Amnon, '4Vinghanl. Rev, W. Lowe wishes to announce that any member of his congregation may secure a copy of the Coronation service for three cents, by leaving their order at Davis' drug store, or Ohisholrn's Jewelry store, or with any member of St. Andrew's Brotherhood. Eggs 14c. We buy for cash or Trade Wool, Eggs and Butter. A $20,000 stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready- made clothing, Carpets, Boots & Shoes to select from. Geo. E. King. Farmers' Institute. A meeting of the Farmers' and Women's Institute will be held at Loyal on June 17. See advt. in another column, Dominion Day. Wingharn Baseballists are making preparations for a celebration of Do- minion Day. Watch for announce - went of program of attractions. County Lodge. The County L. 0. L. of North Hur will convene in Wingham on Tuesd next. Representatives of the Ord from every lodge are expected. . B on ay er n h b G 1 I h g c p k n se P T th Q ti w b ou PI th d th In F. 0 o. ne do w wi to A of B wa to do pe no th gu aseball. An interesting match may be wit- essed on the town park on Friday next etween Varsity and Wingham base - all teams. Agood game is expected. ame called at 4.15 p.m. Admission bets ; ladies l0cts. mproved. At the new church, the grounds ave been levelled and seeded, the rounds in front sodded, the shed ompleted and painted, garden of the arsonage enclosed, lawn graded. and itchen completed. The property is ow not only a valuable one, hut pre- nts a very neat and attractive ap- earance. n LA inns' Oxaons.—Dongola, Patent ip, Handsome Shoes. Regular price, 1,65 ; Sale price, Saturday, $1,25. See em in window.—W. J, Gnni m. nick Service. The election returns available up 11 midnight Thursday 29th of May, ere printed in the Advance and sent y early morning mails, thus giving r subscribers iu Bluevale and other aces, east and south, the results of e election several hours before the wily papers. We aro pleased to`know is was appreciated by our readers. vited. Rev. W. Lowe, Dr. Macdonald and G, Sperling are a, deputation from curt Maitland to the High Court 0. F., which meets in Owen Sound xt Wednesday, to extend an invita- n to the High Court to meet in ingham in 1903. Mayor Vanstone 11 extend the invitation from the wn council. Mean Trick. Robt. Greenway of Bluevale is an d pensioner, who fought for the ritish flag in India years ago, and s wounded three times. On Vic- larday, he raised the flag above his micile, but during the night some rson tore it down, The old veteran w offers $5 reward for information at will lead to the discovery of the ilty. An wh ed, St eg fill eg mo th dis ey an St. Di bei wh str ve Tn ma Sh con an str re a, one Wi age chu ed A T Sat for ny of con eye of tra she der mo the eas wh enc ed ed an het qui fee Hat the Invention. i order to destroy the vermin with ick domestic fowls are often infest - a Canadian inventor, Edwin T. ewart, of Ottawa, has devised a nest g which is hollow so that it can he ed with an insecticide. The nest g is of such construction that by the vement of the fowl 'upon Its nest e insecticide will be automatically tributed. f • e g c f I' a e d 0 f f t t Dr. Butler, specialist in diseases o e, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested d glasses supplied. Office opposit Andrew's church, London, Ont. ed. A sudden death occurred in Tern ay on Thursday evening last. Mrs in. Homuth was engaged in rnilicin en she was seized with"a paralyti oke, from which she did not reco r. Deceased had been a resident o rnberry for over thirty years. He iden name was Elizabeth Gingrich e was a woman of blameless life, sistent ohristian, a devoted wif d mother, She .leaves a husban icken with grief at his sudden be a vement, two sons—Ezra of Orange e and Charles of Turnberry, als daughter, Mrs. T. T. Macdonald o ngham. Deceased was 52 years o , and was a member of the Baptis rch, Rev. J. J. Patterson conduct the funeral service. Clever Lady. he following is taken from Toronto urday Night of May 2lth, and re s to the wife of Mr. Tom el, Cor- n :—"The popularity of the Sellpol lex ressien at the College of Musk tini)es unabated. On Wednesday ning of last week Mrs. Clara Oornyn Winnipeg gave an exceptionally :a- ctive and brilliant recital, in which revealed talent of a very high or- , The programme was varied and st exacting, but in every instance reader met the demands with tin y grace elct repose of mariner icer quite captivated the large Audi. e present. Her Monologue, entitle 'An Afternoon Tea,' fairly convuls- her hearers with its local allusions c1 her skilful impersonations, The a vier timbers were given with a et sincerity that was peculiarly ef- tive," Mrs. ('ornyn is also a kali- it pianist and clever performer on pipe organ, $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Organization. The Wingham Bowling and Tennis club rnet on Tuesday evening and elected officers, as follows :—Pres.—A. E. Gibson ; Vice-Pres.'s—J, Doyle, Geo. Stokes ; Secretary—IT. Holmes ; Treasurer—A. E. Smith. Managing Om, for Bowling—Messrs. R. Olegg, IL Jeffrey, Dr. Agnew, Dr. J. R, Mac- donald, A, 13. Musgrove. For Tennis —Mrs, R. Vanstone, Miss M. Macdon- ald, Miss Dinsley, M. Homuth, H, Wightman. Preparations are being made for the building of a club house, and many pleasant hours are anticipa- ted during the summer evenings. It will do business men good to throw off care an hour, mingle with other citi- zens and enjoy the association of ladies and other friends. Many sharp edges may thus be worn off, Any organiza- tion that will promote recreation and good -fellowship should be encouraged. Walkerton Association. The Walkerton Association of Bap- tist churches met in Wingham on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The exercises began at 9,30 Tuesday morning, with devotional exercises led by Mr. P. Fisher. This was followed by the annual sermon by Rev. 0. 11. Emerson. Election of officers and ap- pointment of committees followed. The afternoon was occupied with re- ports of committees. Tuesday even- ing was devoted to Missions and Young People's work. Home Missions were advocated by Supt. Morton, and North-West Missions by Rev. A. J. Saunders, Wednesday forenoon was occupied with Sabbath School work and discussion. The Women's Mission Circle had charge of the Wednesday afternoon session. Mrs. (Rev.) Patter- son gave the address of welcome, which was responded to by Mrs. (Rev.) Emerson. Reports and papers on Mis- sion Circle work made a very interest- ing session. On Wednesday evening addresses were delivered by Prof. J. H. Farmer, L,L. D,, Miss Priest, Field - Secretary Bosworth and Prof. Mc- Crimmon. The choir of the church furnished suitable music, and very profitable sessions of the Association are reported. There were about one hundred delegates present. Mr,Cosens had charge of the billeting arrange- ments. BARGAINS.—See the Ladies' Oxfords, lklr $1..25 on Saturday next, in window at W, J. GREER'S. y TOWN COUNCIL. Council met on Monday evening; regular monthly meeting ; present Mayor Vanstone, Councillors McIn- doo, Holmes, Elliott and VanStone. After approval of May minutes, the following communication was read. From Mr. Davis 0. E, in reply to en- quiry re Waterworks ; fees would be $10 a day and expenses. On motion of Messrs. Mclndoo and Elliott, it was decided to have Mr. Davis visit Wingham and look over the sources of water supply, so as to give an idea of cost of survey and estimates. A petition was presented sufficiently signed for a sidewalk on the north side of Maple street between Joseph- ine and Shafer streets. REPORT FINANCE COMMITTEE, Mrs. Ard, scrubbing $ 1.00 J. Bugg and son, supplies 14.00 Thos. 11. Weir, dog tags etc 4.75 R. W. Runciman, repairs W. W4.00 W. A. Sanderson, teaming 8 75 Elec. Light Co 37.00 T. Hall, advertising 8.05 W. Guest, salary 10.00 W, Guest, work 8.43 W. Frifogle, work 1 25 Mr. Murdock, labor, cemetery.. , 4.60 V. Vannorman, salary 42 00 Andrew Hood. work 7.63 B. Kerr, estimating proposed change in Iron Works 2,00 The report was adopted. Moved by Elliott and Mclndoo, that the petition of R. Holmes and others for sidewalk on Maple street be grant- ed.—carried. By-law 400 to amend section 75 of By-law 353, re charges for weighing on town scales, was read and passed. The charges now will be, Cattle, ono head Cattle, two or three Over three, per head Sheep or pigs, one Two to ten, for the lot More than 10, per head 50, 10c, 3c, 5c. 10c, lc, Messrs. Gordon, Small and Sperling of Court Maitland, addressed the Coun- cil regarding the invitation of the High Oourt of the C. 0, F. and asking the co-operation of the Council and appointment of a representative to bear the invitation. Iloln?es—Vanstone—That this Coun- cil extend an invitation to the High Oourt C. 0, F. to hold session of 1003 in Wingham, and that the Mayor be bearer of the invitation ---carried. Councillor Mclndoo reported that only $15.50 per week had been sub. scribed for streetwatering. Ile seg. Bested putting on a third horse, and that the town give the waterman $5 per week and so have the mein street thoroughly watered. Explanation be- tween Messrs. Mclndoo, and Mr, San- dorson followed, end the f/opnclllgrs expressed their opinion. It was then moved by Ooun. Holmes, soeonded by Oonn. VanStone that the matter be left in the bands of the Street com- mittee—carried. 5350 was placed to the credit of the School Board, Council ad'onr sed J t , and Collet of Revision met to decide adjourned case of 13e11 Tel, ('o, '.'lie it:atter was till left open for further enquiry, and the Court adjourrred. Excursion. Remember the 0, 0. F. excureion to Owen Sound next Wednesday. Special train leaves at 7,30 a. m. Tickets good to return next day. Tare $1,35, A fine trip to the growing town on the Georgian Bay, Football. Wingham met Blyth in a football contest last Friday; score 2-1 in favor of Blyth. We understand that the game has been protested, To -day, the Wingham team have gone to Brussels for a league game, which promises to be fast and exciting. If our boys win they will have won the group pennant. The Black Knot. A. correspondent of the Aylmer Sun gives his experience on the treatment of black knot. He says :—"The treat- ment is more a matter of prevention than of cure, although a cure cannot easily be effected when the tree has been affected too long a time. Black knot is a fungus growth composed of almost innumerable minute plants. During the early part of the summer, when the knot first shows itself, it is of greenish hue, and if removed when in this stage no evil results will follow, but if left until fall or winter the knot will have turned black ; in other words the minute plants composing the knot will have ripened and scattered their spores and seeds on other parts of the tree and on neighboring trees, thus laying the foundation for another crop of knot wherever these spores chance to get a foothold. If the orchardist would carefully inspect his plum and cherry trees early in the season, say about June, and remove any knot that may be found, then repeat this inspec- tion a couple of months later in case that any might have been overlooked at the first inspection, he will have very little trouble. with black knot. It is impossible fear the knot to reproduce itself if removed from the tree when the minute plants composing the knot are yet green, the spores not having matured. A hundred plum or cherry trees can be kept free from knot by devoting half an hour per annum in inspecting and removing the knot at the proper season bub it ))gust be at- tended to during the early part of the summer, RAMSAY'S PAINTS.—The right paints to paint right. See new picture a.d, in- side page ; for sale by A. YOUNG & SONS, Wingham. 35-47 Bluevale. lr, .Garnick who reeentiy sold his property to Mr. Ldwa,ds has moved to Wingham where he has purchased a fine property. We understand that Jas. Mulvey has purchased the Hernmiston property, Mr. Shoemaker who at present lives there will occupy the house vacated by Mr. Mulvey. The first barn rising of the season occupied at Mundall's west of the vil- lage on Sunday last, and went off with- out a hitch under the able manage- ment of J. I. Abram, Wm Trench of Carrick,. has purchas- ed a 100 acre farm with the crop, be- tween Belmore and Wroxeter, and will take possession shortly. The price paid is about $6,800. Miss May Thornton of Wingham is visiting her grandmother, Ars. John Gardiner here. Miss Scott of Brussels visited Miss Aggie Smillie in Morris last week. Quite a number of the people in Bluevale and vicinity attended Mr. J. J. Denrnan's barn raising last Friday. Delegates from the Methodist Sab- bath School attended the Sunday School Convention at Brussels last Friday. Miss Lottie Code of Trowbridge visit- ed her sister Mrs. K. Jackson this week. Rev, Mr. Malcolm of Teeswater Preached at preparatory service in the resbyterian church last Friday and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed on Sunday. Miss Jessie Robertson of Wroxeter visited friends here this week. Miss Ruby Duff returned to St, Catharines on Monday after a month's visit here. Mr. Herbert had the misfortune to have his leg bruised one day last week by a log while employed at peeling bark at the sawmill. Whitechurch. Rev. A. I. Brown and wife left Thurs- day morning for Sarnia, to attend the Methodist Conference. Miss May Rew is home from Toronto for a few days visit. An event, to which young people looked forward to with pleasure, took Once at high noon at the home of Mr. W. J. Kew, G.T.R. agent of this place. It was the marriage of Mr. Charles H. Henderson, general merchant, to Miss Elizabeth, fourth daughter of W. J. Kew. As the wedding march was being played by Miss Jennie Henderson, the bride was escorted in- to the room ieaning upon her father's arra. The groom was ably snppoetotl by his brother, Thomas, and the bride by her sister, Sarah, The little niece of the bride carried a beautiful bouquet of flowers and acted as maid of honor. The bride was most beautifully and handsomely attired in white organdie, The ceremony was performed by Dr. A, I. Brown, assisted by Rev. G. M. Dunn. After the knot was secatrely tied the neer relatives accompanied by the bridal party, sat down to dine at a table Ladened with the beret things the band could produce. The bride was the recipient of many costly presents, which showed the hi g,Ph es• teem in which she is held The lir idal party took the train at 2.50 for London. Toronto and other easter towns along the St, Lawrence. A huge number of friends gathered at the station to wish thein a pleasant trip and a safe rel)ltn, The sky was thick for a few foments withshowers of riee, as the happy couple were boarding the train.Air. and Mrs. 0. Henderson have the well wishes of the entire connnunity, • WEST HURON RETURNS. Cameron's Majority 23. - Returning Officer Robertson sum- med up the returns of the D. R. O's on Monday afternoon. The following are the returns by sub -divisions :— G ODERICTi TOWN, - 1 76 02 14 2 71 07 4 3 69 62 7 5 48 52 6 56 87 7 20 48 392 451 25 GODERICII TowNSHIr.- 1 97 30 67 2 60 86 24 3 69 41 28 s n c22 226 107 119 ASHFIEI,D.— Dungannon. 1 80 53 33 Finlays 2 81 56 25 Lucknow 3 64 56 8 Port Albert.....,4 Kingsbridge 5 Lockalsh 6 Amberley 7 76 27 49 17 91 22 80 28 76 37- 4 430 115 WEST WAWANOSIi,-- Dungannon 1 65 57 8 Manchester 2 Town Hall 3 St. Helens... 4 Patron Hall 5 EAST WAWANOSH.— McGowan's 1 Sch. House, No. 132 .. ., .. 93 Whitechurch 4 COLBORNE.— Benmiller Saltford ,Oarlow Leeburn W INGHA M.- 73 41 32 60 31 26 47 67 38 55 283 254 66 47 '73 03 72 41 68 38 56 189 259 .,,.,1 65 90 .3 92 71 4 40 54 2- 16 251 1' 30 NOTE AND COMMENT. —East Huron is "joined to her idols as evidenced by the affectionate tie 465 majority, „ of * * * —$60,000 worth of goods, damaged with water, salvage from the O. P. R. steamer Athabasca, will bo offered for sale in Toronto. * * * —Lord Kitchener is likely to receive a title, and what is a more tangible re- ward, half a million dollars, for his services in South Afrioa. * * * —Oom Paul Kruger is reported dis- satisfied at the conclusion of the war. 4 Poor Kruger; his towering castle of 31 ambition and hopes of Dutch supremacy 29 in South Africa is in ruins. 87 * * * —During the South African war seven thousand Canadians volunteered for service. The number of deaths in action and from disease was 230. The first contingent was the heaviest loser, hav- ing 68 dead, * * * —The Goderich Star very properly notes the noble stand taken by Messrs: Cousens, Park and others in the recent 74 election, Their con4uct in the face of 58 opposition is in pleasing contrast with 48 that of others, who did a lot of talking, 180 but when the voting day came—? 1 ? ? * * * Present standing of the political parties in Ontario:— Liberals declared elected 50 17 Conservatives declared elected,,,47 _ Seat vacant by death 1 37 Total 98 26 Lennox recount is fixed for Thursday, g East Middlesex for Friday. 17 18 20 * * * —The eloquence of Ross, the Govern - 70 meat policy, the discovery of New On- tario, the so-called "untarnished record" 25 of thirty years, the whole power of 13 officialdom, the prestige of two govern - 21 ments, and the machine into the bargain 14 —all combined, only managed to squeeze 3f: 39 out a questionable majority of three for the Government. * * * —If the count in West Huron is at present 23 against the Conservatives, they have the satisfaction of knowing that they stood for clean election meth- ods and honest government. If defeat - e ed, they fell fighting for the right, be - 3d hind a man of clean record and life. 2 Defeat in suoh a case is preferable to _ victory gained by misrepresentation, 10 43 slander, bogus affidavits and boodle. * * * —The announcement that peace has been proclaimed in South Africa will be welcome news to every part of the British Empire, and iudeed to the world generally. The protracted struggle last- ing 33 months is over. Now, under British institutions, South Africa will prosper and develop, as Egypt has under the same influences. King Edward's coronation will find the Empire at peace. 1 (33 36 27 2 43 43 0 3 73 35 38 4 115 ^67 48 291 181 113 INTON, 1 68 •2 60 3 62 4 61. eee $ULLETT.- 5 6 7 211 63 90 04 45 16 268 31 27 0 1 36 48 94 148 1 BLYTH,— 1 49 45 2 45 50 4 91 05 4 SUMMARY. Majority Majority Mitchell. Cameron, Goderich Town02 Ashfield 110 Ashfi"l 05 West Wawa.nosh. 29 East " , 70 Colborne 5 Wingham . 113 Clinton 27 Hullet 51 Blyth ., 1 261 284 Majority for Cameron 23 Vote for Cameron 2456 " " Mitchell 21.33 Total vote 4889 Total vote in 1898 Gen, elec4928 A. recount has been applied for. 43 12 55 5 5 London Conference. The .following changes are reported in the first draft of the stations on Wingham district, subject to change : Kincardine— W. J. Rowson ; Brussels —W. Rigsby ; Et.hel—J. W. Andrews ; Bethel—S. V. Pentland ; Tiverton—E. W. Edwards. B. A, ; Whitechnrch— C, O. Keine ; John Holmes of Brussels goes to Blyth ; II. E. Carry to Varna, and A. I, Brown of Whitechurch to Camlachie, Go to Isard's for the lastest New York styles in Ladies' Waists. , • COURT OF REVISION. The Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Roll met on Friday May 30, Thos. Holmes appealed against as- sessment of personal property—appeal allowed. S, Youhill appealed for W. Quay. Lots 145, 14.0 were struck off but no re- duction allowed. Jno. Hamilton considered his assess- ment too high ----sustained. 0. P. It, Assessment on tank and windmill struck off. 0. P. R. Assessment on telegraph reduced ft'om $350 to $200. Bell Telephone Co, Assessment con- sidered too high—appeal adjourned. W. liutclrinson's appeal on personal property was allowed. E. L. Dickinson; appeal on income and tenancy appeal allowed. Robt. Johnston. To be assessed as owner; n0 tednetion of a»seseinent, eV, A, dolens' assessment of personal property was struck_ olle as property was sole. W. `I.', Holloway's assessment was sustained as not too high, Alen, Young, hist part of 4:33 Leo- pold street having been sold to R. Johnston, it was assessed to the j+atter. * * * —Mr. Munro (Liberal) member elect for North Renfrew died on the day fol- lowing the election. This leaves the Government majority—three. Conser- vatives claim that the result of the re- counts will give them several seats now claimed by Liberals. Several city dail- ies state that if the recounts result un- favorably for the Liberals, Mr. Ross may order a new election within thirty days. Prof. Goldwin Smith's opinion is—that such a course would not be con- stitutional, and that Mr. Ross must iu ,that case either resign or meet the Leg- islature. While the case is critical for the Government, we can scarcely imagine that Mr. Ross would adopt the course he is urged to take, as the results of a second election might be more decidedly unfavorable for lean. For correct styles and best value in clothing go to Isard & Co's. Mr. Dulmage will be found in the office, Kent Block, attending to his Real Estate and Loaning business. A number of town properties for sale, also building lots. Money loaned on town property, EAST HURON. Vote 'foto Maj. j. Maj, Hislop Spotton Ilislop Spotton Grey 521 281 237 Brussels 138 80 58 Huliett . , 258 102 116 Morris310 291) 51) Wroxeter51) 88 21 Howick383 465 112 Turnberry 260 225 36 McKillop . :331 252 71) 2,21)0 1,831 577 112 Majority for Risley 405 Blyth. A. M, Todd and Robert McLean of Goderich were in town on Monday, en route for \Vinghain. Our Football team won its first hon- ors this season by defeating the Mug - ham team on the Park on Friday even- ing ; score 1 to 0 in favor of Myth. Itev. 111r, Penhall is attending the Loudon Conference convened et Sar pia this week John letnigh moved into the Com- mercial hotel on Tuesday. The furrier dost, harry James, has purchased the American hotel in Brussels and gone thither, The marriage of Peter Haley and Miss Annie Phalen of Monis took place at the 11, 0. ehurclr on Munalaty at, ten &dock ; Rev, Father 1tt Mona - min performed the Ceremony, IIHK OF llAMILON W1 N G HAM, Capital paid up $2,000,000, Itosorvo, $1,600,00 J. TUliNBULL, General Manager. President—John Stuart Vice -President --.A, G. Ramsay Cashier—J, Turnbull oosol JoeTot)n GeE , T. Wood, A. B Le(orno Savings 13ank hours 10 to 3; Saturdays 10 to 1 Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int- orost allowed and computed on 3010 November +t id 31st May each year, and added to principal Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. E L. Drotrrxsofa Solicitor, W. CORBOL'I.D Agent itontsaheusroroesHamlnad iare notified issue Ciulnt of the National Provincial Bank of England (Ltd.) which can be cashed without charge or trouble in any part of the woria Langside. Mrs. Pettypiece is some better, but Mr. Pettypiece is very low. Miss Nettie Morrison of Langside leaves on the 10th of June for Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, where her brother, Dr. Morrison, resides ; we wish her a safe journey. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, will be held in the Presbyterian church at Langside, on the 8th of June, Mr. G. McCartney of Holmeaville was the guest of Miss Nettie Morrison on Sunday last. Next Sunday being Conference Sun- day, the Rev. A. I. Brown will be away, and Mr, Kenneth Beaton will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist church at Langside; all come and hear our young friend. BIRTHS. Ingles.—In Wingham, May 30th, Mrs. 0. Ingles, a daughter. Ellicott'—In Winghain, June 3rd, Mrs, Wm, Ellicott, a daughter, McGill.—Iu Turnberry, May 29th, Mrs. W. A. McGill, a son. Farcenharson.—In Wingham, June 4, Mrs, W. Farquharson, a son. MARRIAGES. Henderson—Ifew—InWllitechur,sh, on Wednesday, June 4th, by Rev. A. I, Brown, Charles H. Henderson to Miss Elizabeth Kew. Haley—Phalen,—In Blyth, by the Rev. Fr. McMenamin, on Monday, June 2nd, Mr. P. Haley to Miss An- nie Phalen, of Morris. Raines—Small—At the residence of - the bride's parents, ('ulross, by Rev. W. Lowe, on June 4th, John E. Haines to Alice, daughter of Louis Sma1I. DEATHS. Ilc'muth.—In Turnberry, on June 2nd. Elizabeth Gingrich, beloved wife of Win. Homuth, aged 52 years. • Partners' Institute. The annual meeting of. the West Huron Far- mers' Instituto and Woman's Instituto will be hold Tuesday, June 17th, connneneiug at 1 p.m., at the hone of harry Morris, Esq., Loyal, Colborne township, when the election of offi- cers of both societies and other important business will take place. Supe int ndent,rwilltbenpresentland Poultry interesting talk on Poultry, .After the business all will participate in a picnic in the orchard to which all are cordially invited. Coale and bring your friends and your baskets. Jas. Snell Mrs, C. Campbell F. C. Elford Pres. Sec, W. Institute Secy, Real Estate Topics Hille increasing naobcn of farms and town properties that aro being re- corded for sale in this office is evidence of the fact that the party who ds anxious to sell, has learned where they are most likely to have their object accomplished. We are also reeciving a few farms that aro listed elsewhere in town, and since they have received no attent ion, are now placed with us. We are preparing 0 large list of properties for advertising for sale this comb,„ fall.so now is the tine: to enter 3onrmamma ysothat you may receive net benefit of il,•e advertising, You will lin d our rat en the lowest, and while this is true, we guarantee to salify you in the sale or exchange, or eha gc you nettling. Our insal:zuce department of the work is rapidly illi- ilxrrca,ing is extent and favor, for no other reason than results from the fact, that we reprcacnl. none but t110 best. companies. 1fe guaranine to quite as low a rate for Life Insurance as any company doing business on sound principles and with undoubted security, not forgetting the innumerable options; so also in the Fire and Accident Insurance, our rates are as low as is consistent with security and t borough management. We guarantee prompt attention to the sol - lection of rents and accounts. Money to loan. Office over I). M. Gordon's store, T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE AGENT WHAT TO TAKE FOR SPRING MEDICINE ! 1 There is Nothing to Equal PROF. SCOTT'S Herbal Bitters FOR TIM Blood, St0I113t1), Liver iIIitl Kidneys. CALL FOR CIAMPL. PRICE 25e PER [30X. rp7 /♦, % 1 O L 1 A5' DRUG STORE