HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-29, Page 5Slim Prices. j1JQukk es. The Loading Storeslidti �.etuxa� May 29, 1902 TRE WTNGRAM ADVANCE. Si1e ow Of Crowder's Special Prices, Saturday May 31, to June 9, To Suit a Gentleman With a fashionable suit is a specialty with us. We buy no inferior makes, the hest and the latest patterns wake up our stock. You will find our ready- to-wear suits equal in every respect to any custom- tailor garments, but you will also find a difference in price which will be most pleasing. Quality, fit and wear guaranteed. 17 Sample Suits, sizes 30 to 44, in tweeds, serges, etc., worth $8,50. Sale Price $ a50 13 Boys Suits, 2 pieces, light and dark color. Sale price $ 1,95 17 pairs sold Men's Canadian Tweed Pants, regular $1.25 kind. Sale price ,00 9 only Men's Suits, Brown Tweed, all eizes, worth $8.00. Saturday sale price $ 5,85 A few of those Rubber Coats left at $ 350 SPECIAL PURCHASE. American-made Wiish Suits for Children. --Special Sale, Saturday next, of Children's 2 piece Wash Suits, only two alike, different sizes, American-made samples Nought at OOc on the $, and bran new goods. Quantity is limited, so come early. Children's Collar, Shirt, Tie and Tame 50 LSM S -1. Gent's Furnishings. In Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves, etc., you can depend on us for the latest at popular prices. MEN'S UNDERWEAR —Shirts and Drawers at ]9e, 25c, 39c, 45e, 50c, 750 and $L00. These goods were bnugtit for cash and are about one third less than regular price, The Cheapest 13race in Huron County, Saturday 10 HATS t HATS I 1 HATS 1 t t—In Bard and Felt Hats IVP 'TCC have the latest she es and colors at 45c, 75c, $1,00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.73, $2.00, $ .25 to 53.00. SPECIAL SHIRT SALE SATURDAY. -12 only, Men's Shirts, pleated front, sizes 141 to 10 regular $1.00 each. Sale price Saturday only 79e. WORKING SHIRTS, 45e.—Working Men's Shirts in al] sizes, Black, Polka Dot, Oxford, Navy, Grey and White, 11Ioleskin, etc., choice 45c. Your money back for the asking. The R. II. Growcler Co. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. Colin Campbell's Old. Stand, Wingham 1902 L/STOWEL d// is MOVING FORWARD. WInter Term begins Jan. 0, 1002. Our rates are reasonable—our Courses of Study thorough and,.practical. Send for our Journal to see what we teach. Students may enter at any time. Two Courses of Study—Commercial and Shorthand. C. A. PLEMiNG A. L. McINTYRE President Soa'y. Orvon Sound Listowel 11E1111111111111161)!11-1111111!1111111111 'I J. J. ELLIOTT, V. S. Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet- erinary College. Office and Infirmary, corner Victoria and Minnie Streets, Wingham. Day and night calls prompt= ly attended to. Telephone connection. Its a pity to have a good Suit spoiled in the making. The suits we make give en- tire satisfaction. Give us a trial and be convinced. Webster & Co. Upstairs in Shaw Block. Pei°". Ater, Wood's P3aospbddino, Tris Great English Remedy. Sold and rocomasended by all druggists InCa anad '. Only rein able medlelne discovered, 81x jaekagcs puar4nteerl to cure all forms o Sexual Weakness, all effeets of al>CAO or execet), -trental Worry, Pxeessive nab of To - bitten, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on reallp4 of price, one packs a $1, sir, $5. One tsfll ylrriat, I1x land cure. 1'awpltlets free to an address. 7'1 G Wood Cawlrarty, Wivudsor, Ont. tvoed's 1'hosphodino is sold to wingLhem by A, I.. liaenitt.on, J. kl. Davis, lt, A. lloug1ass Kntl (1, A, CunipbCll, YJltrfoolsTB, Jewels of Regal Richness of the Iatest and most fashionable designs and settings at Chisholm's will captivate the oye of tho most critical. It is seldom such an oppor- tunity presents itself for the lovers of fine jewelry to possess sonto of these exquisite pieces, as our prices, will be found upon comparison, to be remarkably low. Solid Gold Spectacle Frames at Cost. H. H. Chisholm Corner Jewelry Store You Can't Alfbrd to Exothiiellt in the matter of getting your clothes made --ex- periments are often cost- ly. You wont be experi- menting if you let us make your spring Suit or Overcoat, because our long experience in the tailoring business enables us to speak with a feeling of assurance. Give us a call. . C. CLA : E IIP -STAIRS IN MAW BLOCK. Bronchitis " I have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral in my house fora great Many years, It is the best medicine In the world for coughs and colds." .1. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first In a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it: also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Three slae.: 23c., enough for an ordinary gold; bbc., lust right for bronchitis, hoarse. 11011, hard colds, etc.:. V, most eeunomicp1 for chronic cases and to keep on hand. J. C. AIME co., Lowen, Mass. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP ? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, hut yon want some- thing that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular clinmate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for yon, then in either case take -the ONLY remedy that has been introduced in all civilized coun- tries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boseilee's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimu- lates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation,causes easy expeetoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient, Try ONE bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. You can get Dr. G. G, Green's reliable remedies at J. E. Davis', ' Rainaodaweat have no effect on harness treated with Sneaks list. Hess 011. I1 re - sista the damp. keeps theleath- er soft and pli- able. Stitches do not break. No rough our. face to chafe endear. The harinnreeiss pttes.at only like ' RIM but wean twice as toag myth. rite of Yaraka Harass. oil. THE ... "Royal Muskoka Muskoka Lakes District, Canada Elegantly Furnished, Rine Cuisine, Beautiful Sur- roundings, 1000 feet above sea level. Most Charming Summer Resort Region in America. For further particulars, illustrated de- scriptive literature, rates, maps, and all in. formation, apply to J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. i...1.Orea.w..•••=11•14•111110 WILLN1RUN Home -Seekers' uai Excursions TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST AT RETURN FARES. Winnipeg Waskada Estevan Elgin Arcola rloosomin Wawanesa Qinscarth f lniota Grand View Swan River $28 Regina YorktonwfPr. $30 tlaAlbert Mcleod i $,jb cteod /}� Calgary Red Deer }$40 Strat h- Cona Going June 3rd, returning until August 41h (all rail or S.S. Alberta). Going June 24th, returning until August 25th (all rail or S.S. Alberta). Going July 15th, returning until September 10th (all rail or A.S. Alber- ta). Tickets aro not good on"Imperial Limited." For tickets and pamphlet giv. ing full particulars, apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. II. NOTMAN, Asst, Gonl. Pasar. Agent 1 ICing Street East, Toronto W ..,.. ]:x ORM 004, s'– pahok 80. 15.14+ owe esus ew .w. We Guarantee all Our Rubber Goods Hot water bottles, Syringes of all kinds, Atomizers, Tubing, Breast Pumps, Corks and Bandages. Tho Best is always the Cheapest. ColinA Campbell 1 a. boll W. M. S. CONVENTION OF THE WINGTIAM DISTRiCT. Tho annexal convention of the W, M. S. of the Winghanx District was held in Wingham Methodist church, on Thurs- day, May 22nd, 1002. On Wednesay evening a public meeting was held, when addresses were delivered by Mrs, 1110- Meohan, president of the Conference, and Rev. A. G. Barris of Lucknow, the choir of the ohuroh furnishing inutile for the evening, Mrs. MoMeehau in her address review- ed the work done by the the society in general, and of the Wingham District, during the past year' Total amount of money raised, 0,297,74; by Wingham District, $373.00; 11 Auxiliaries in this district. In speaking of the granclad- vancement made in Japan she empha- sized our duty in caring for the new converts there. At a recent executive meeting of the society six new workers were sent out and placed in the foreign field. Rev. Harris says the Women's Mis- sionary Society is an inspired work; the women who first commenced the work were inspired. The work was iuspi for the sake of women, it has enlar their outlook, and it was inspired for sake of the work of God, for this sooi has greatly advanced God's w throughout the world. A collection was taken, amounting $4.05. Rev, Paul of Brussels olo with prayer. Thursday morning session opened 9.30 a, m, by singiughymu 561 in Me dist Hymn Book. Mrs. Dr. Towler Wingham read the scripture less Psalm 66; prayer by Mrs. Ball. T minutes of the last convention were by Mrs. (Rev.) A. I. Brown, Distr Sect'y and adopted. Singing hymn 1 Roll call and reports from the auxiliar reprented and good reports received fr each. A paper "Who Are We" was read Miss Blake of Ashfield. She said: women were first entrusted with message to the church, we are work to whom God has entrusted time, tale and means. Are We making the b use of these? We must arouse from indifference and search our own hear seeking to know what our work is. missionaries cannot be clothed and f by our sympathies and prayers, th need funds. A paper "What are we Doing"? w read by Mrs, A. J. Lowry, Brussel The society of the W. M. S. was orga ized in 1881, we have now 720 auxilia ies; 172 members. She ably pointed o the work done in school and missions Japan and China and in the India wo in B. C. Nomination of District Organizer b ballot was unanimously in favor of Mr . J. Cuyler, Whitechurch. S. Kew i hitechurch was elected as Distri for the coming year. The co oration service was conducted by Mr . I. Brown of Whitechurch and th orning session closed with benedietio ronounced by Mrs. R. J. Cuyler. The afternoon session opened at 1.3 m. opening exercises conducted b rs. (Rev.) Holmes of Brussels. Sing g "Cast thy bread upon the waters' ayer by Mrs. Cuyler. Scripture les - u, 91 psalm. Hymn 188. The minutes morning session were read and adopt- . In the absence of the Kincardine legate the subject "United Study of scions", was discussed. Mrs. Morton ggested that we pledge ourselves to dy missions 10 minutes each day. e book "Via Christi" was discussed. lo, "Are you a Reaper", was sung by rs. (Rev.) Vance of Bervie. A paper "Encouragements from a pan" was read by Mrs. Hogg of ngham. 40 years ago Japan was a neutity in commerce. 30 years ago Bible was printed in secret. In the G months in 1901, 90,000 Bibles were d. There are 43,000 native Protestant ristians now. There were only 10 net baptised in the 1st 12 years, but d is marvellously pouring out his tit in Japan at the present time. paper ou "The Reflex Iuflueuce of W. M. S," was given by Miss M. J. Keo, Gorrie. lst. Iuflueuce on the eign World. The homes and schools caste women in India are doing a d work. Women only can do the rk for women in many foreign lauds. . Influence on Homo church. The rch is a home as well as a school, A rch deaf to missions is a dead church. church can be awakened by know her duties, she needs to have a look - on the world. She needs to abandon occasional missionary service and all be missionary service and let all missionary. 3rd. Individual Bless- -we are blessed intellectually and mildly. 4th. Spiritual Blessing— t we are in, we will pray for. The y of missions leads us out of our I selfish interests. ound Table Conference was conduct - by Mrs. R. J. Cuyler. he Mission Band work was taken up Mrs. Field of Tedswater. The work ng our boys and girls is highly ortant. No auxiliary can afford to without a baud. Active interest is d one knowledge. The band ought eau inspiration to auxiliary workers do their best, as the children follow example of those older. payor on "The Missionary WorkWorkof E. League" was read by Mrs. Pat- on of Iieigravo. The missionary o involves the whole object of E. L. t; our motto "Look Up" means u and having been ourselves refresh - e must "Lift Up" others. Looking ecognizes our dependence in God, League is a true 0110 it will be roughly missionary. Bow to make E. L. effective as a missionary. How aka the I� . TA. effective ns a lnission- forco) Ily power of faith, prayer, or study, systematic and liberal ig. Tho "fray, Study and Give," is a good one. Personal interest in e one missionary will increase an eat in missions. r Country's V00.—Prayer meeting red god the ety ork to sed at Met on, he read let 08. ies om by We the era nt est our tit, The ed ey as s. n- r- ut in rk y 5. of ot n- 5. e n 0 y R W S se A m p p. M in Pr so of ed de Mi su stu Th So M J Wi 110 the 1st sol Ch nR Go epi A the Mc For for goo wor ehu chu The ing out her let be Ing fina wha stud awl R ed T by amo imp do base to b to the A the ters cans worl visio ed w r up If a the the to ?ll ary deep gfvil plan Som inter Un led by 'Mrs. 13a11 of Wingham. Collec- tion was taken up amounting to $3.05. Donation 0,00 from a friend, "lJchoes from the Great Convention," Mrs. (Rev.) A. G. Harris of Luoknow. This convon- tion, showed the grip missionary work had on our students. The afternoon seesign closed by doxol- ogy and benediction, pronounced by Mrs. R. .L Cuyler. S. KEW, Dist. Seely. Inflamed Nose and Throat And organs as Broch nchitis, Weak Lungs,s of the respiratory in the Rdm, d Nasal h, treated with oaarvelousansuccessCRGttrron strictare- ly scientific principles by Oatarrhozone. The medicated vapor of Catarrhozone quickly traverses every air prssage pos- sible to be reached by any treatment. A11 soreness, pain congestion and in- flammation are at once dispelled, and by menus of the healing powers of Catarr- hozone vitiated tissues are quickly re- stored, Where Catarrhozone is used colds last only ten minutes, coughs half an hour, and Catarrh, Consumption, Asthma and Bronchitis flee as from fire. A trial will convince anyone of the star- tling merit of Catarrhozone. Costs $1., small size 25o. At Druggists, or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation. MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP, Here is an idea, obtained fromlWm. McOrae of Guelph, that may be useful. "There is no reason," staid he "why far- mers should not provide their own hard soap, just as in the old days they pro- vided their own soft soap. The making is a very simple matter. The iugredi- ents are:— "Four pounds caustic soda, "Eighteen pounds ordinary grease, "Five pounds resin, "Pint of salt, "Half teacupful borax, ."The caustic soda and grease are put in a pot together with just enough water to nicely cover them. This mixture is allowed to simmer over a slow fire until the caustic soda has operated on the greese. Then add the rest of the water, the salt, the borax, and boil. The resin is added when the mass begins to thick- en. That wilI mako the finest quality of hard soap, and it will keep three years. You can make fancy toilet soap, equal to the best you can get in the drug store, by adding a little scent." Completely Fagged Out. The world is full of sickly, despondent, tired, enervated people, all hoping to be well some day. The surest road to health is along the way of taking Ferro - zone after meals. Ferrozone is a great appetizer and enables one to eat plenty of wholesome food without fear of in- digestion or dyspepsia. This result in the rapid formation of an abundance of red, vitalizing blood, which will restore the nerves, increase flesh and vigor, and nourish and feed every organ of the body. Ferrozone is an ideal restorative and luvigorant. It is a tonic of unequal - merit that anyone can use with benefit. Price 50e. per box, or six boxes for $2:50, at druggists, or N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Solcl by A.L.Hamiltoll. Four years ago Reeve Coyle of Col- borne purchased an orchard containing ten acres. The price was $2,600. The crop gathered from that orchard iu 1900 netted, after all expenses were paid, $2,130. Mr. Coyle made the following statement at au orchard meeting in Colborne recently:—"I shipped S00 bar- rels of apples from niy orchard two years ago. The dealer to whom I con- signed thein said they were the best apples 11e hacl ever sold in the Liverpool market. There were not five barrels of wormy or scabby apples iu the lot. The superiority of this fruit was duo to the fact that I had persistently cultivated the orchard and pruned and sprayed my trees. Cramps are Like Burglars They come uuexpected and when least welcome. Be armed with a one -minute cure in a bottle of Nerviline, which re- lieves cramps and stomach pains in five minutes. Iu Colic, Summer Complaint, Diarrhoea, Indigestion and Nauser, Ner- viline is a remedy of remarkable potency, and acts promptly and satisfactory at all times. The composition of Poison's Ner- viline expresses the highest medical pro- gress of the age, which accounts for Its superior merit, Price 25o. Hamilton's Pills are Good Pills. MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The summer session of the Council of the County of Huron will be held in the council chamber in the Town of Goderich, commencing nt 3 o'clock p.m. on the first Tuesday in June next. W. LANE, CI.1;1i1c, bated at (}oderich this 21st day of May, 1002. �1K Ih [ Lido Too Short "Glp �•3 To waste with an eld sewing t machine, doing its work dont- : sily, and trying the patience wo has so '',.[ much toniotdo.l1er Lifehs happier When you use the NEW WILLIAMS machine, Call and see our stock, Organs, Violins, Guitars ---an fact for anything in the line of .Music, 1 D. EELL v. i Site stIA v 0 Wl1VGHAM -lost Sewing arachitro 011. 111 1 . din IL 1 N,. 1..1 11, I; 1 WBITEWEAR SPECIALS ISARD & CO'S. Can't Be Excelled. These three words exactly express the general opinion of those who have seen our stock of Ladies' Whitewear and Shirt Waists, Big Assortment Low Prices `Ladies' White Skirts in great variety"iwith deep embroidery, Tucked, Dust frill, fine cambric, well made, at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $2, $2.50. See our special $1.25 quality, selling now flat 81,00 ,.vim Corset Covers. Nicely made and trimmed, in the best styles, made to fit and wear well, at 15c. 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 85e, 75c. See our leader at 25c Ladies' Drawers, Well made, trimmed with deep embroidery and tucked 25c, 30c, 35c, 40e, 50e. Surprising value at 35e — ask to see them, Ladies' Night Gowns with good wide skirts, tucked yokes with fine embroidery, good quality of cambric, made to wear well -50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25. See our trade - winner at 75c, regular value $1.00, LADIES' WAISTS In the Latest NEw Yoiur STYLES—open back or front, lots of work on them, and trimmed with embroidery and Lace insertion. Prices range thus -50c, 05c, 75c, $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, etc, Ask to see our $ line, it beats them all FIRE I FIRE I Sale of damaged Prints now going on — they must he sold quick VIM ,rameocamiwkwiwoms H. E. Isard eg. Co. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce For This Week, Golden Wax or Butter Beans in 2 -lb. cans, beautiful goods, make you think they are just picked off the vines, 4 cans for . . e Li RECEPTION WAFERS. Nice crisp, tasty Biscuits, put up in boxes, just the thing for lunch, per box , e 1 Q� TABLE JELLY. We have them in assorted flavors, Raspberry, Strawberry, Lem- on, Orange, etc., per pk'g.... SE DS! T. A. Mills has completed his assortment of Seed Corn, consisting of the fol- lowing varieties Flint varieties, Compton's Early, Saltzer's North Dakota, Angel of Midnight, Canadian Yellow, Smut Nose. WHITE CAP DENT.—Its greatest merit lies in the fact that it is a strong rank grower with a good man} suckers. It will grow more bushels on poor thin land than any other kind in the world, It stands the drouth better than 00 other varieties grown in the same country. EARLY BUTLER DENT.—The ears grow to aood size and no corn in cultivation will outsliell it. 70 lbs, of ears have shelled nut G4} lbs, of shelled Corn, leaving only 51- lbs, for the cobs. It has no equal. We have never had a complaint of this corn. Withstands drouth. CLOUD'S EARLY BENT. --Earliest 8f the heavy varieties, produces a large amount of early green fodder per acre, grows a good average height, somewhat taller than rural thoroubhbred. STAR LEAMING.•--Ears are of gond size, sot low down, and nearly al- ways two good ears on each stalk l deep grains, strong vigorous growth, stalky, leafy mature, a great improvement on the old Learning. EARLY BAILEY.—A favorite in some sections, but not the beat in the tnrrrket, as it has been on the market some 15 yrs. ago with no speeial merit, I, X. T,.. -This new ecru has been grown in Wisconsin, Nebraska, Michigan and is the best of alt for silage and fodder corn, is hardy, a vigorous grower and matures early. The stook will grow to a height of 13 feet wren well eulti- vated, Don't fail to get for the silo or fodder. Call and see the size of eob, aernan Millet, Hungarian Seed, Silver Bull Buckwheat, Saw Lng Mangle, the very choicest straius in market. Yellow Intortuediate Mangle. lloyo.1 Giant Sugar Beet, the largest And easily harvested. All kinds of Clover `vet In stock, Seed Oats, Century and Legoa. bl0ndscheuri Barley. Black. tlullesa Barley. Flax Seed, Ground ideal, All kinds Turnip Seed. T. A. MILLS.