HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-29, Page 2Am. .104•Wtozerted,--0-.
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The Eye% BromChh,nouth and Utah" all Coastolted—
rivitilanco, oi the MOWS, lieeS and Antaes—rite Ante/Aeolis
Wesuctit's Nose Maliestiod--The Teeth.
foe. l0000nsive rots," of Ito lirow a
ai eleto 1,13021e!f,'6.
1-1 may bo into twlit glares, withi
oat% met ettortorti rays fit to 41.4 -salt•
tea ott thote lototin saltiell they tautly toot Eno- toot hoot Ea non tt.o. ,
witwetlayto hot teeir .1!'1'.1J0rr!1,-- ,-.!•!pn ;it nosno to,o't truot tit et,.
ascot totN LtrtI,S,r, • itt MOP ; 1,;••1'„ 131v, Ostlipit t heo.
t Iv%via 11"" tfatth• too 00,135 tho . ta-leh elttor, otetelfant goett
titan. sit latest) may :so co-tom/teal Oolosen. eo teottlafai, eonstant
oer to !earn about olo7.,'n iltarse, ; tv;v:4, wbti•St sometintva
t anti tuvit;itt Itt o? r,011.0`111,110-1 11010tiohow
"Lot nip 10'.1 'your futuve. los yono a, Imola., anitorit with a goal Intel-
ebitt," says Isabella litteserieff to leer
camp:talon. "Givta it tt, ,qt.uzy, tip -
tilted pose--;ves, tita.t 19 it. eitow ou
look fotehing, tool, let nos sot', pate
"Marry a tall, dark baired man
who looks 1tl Illrat.", 1 1.",opikv"
interrupts lier etonpallion.
**I eannot go quit119 far 1148 that,"
says lorthella, "nor teli whether he
-the future ho -bo dark tuld pinta neat
or light aura pootioal, don't expeot
too much from me. Itow P11111 1.1t..i.otiiri
to. the class designated polatod, mod
it is 4 ttiolemit foot tlott the ownto
of susalt a chin is sot difficult tta ploave
that eingto blessednoss i tlireatenetl,
although not aletolutegy assurett.
"Now, if you liaO t varrow„ squart.
;shin," Continues betbolia, "sfou woola
bee a deal worne41 that, you aro
When a bevy of maiebto8 I1;01,13(1
whits away an ttile hour and fro.
toil foto tool fortutto, ht pot to,
A. Lashio:a it toe,
for thou oou would nee; too Sour love"
open snow utoadootsly illistIaiib41
110110,111111-S,A1111 0110 0 110 140.41ed both
birth and fortuno."
"A. deal woreef 1, I suppose," woe
the reply, "although oou neevor eon
toll uotil you have. tried it whether
'tls a, natitior fate to marry 114.1one
or to marry the wrong one." •
Chins may bo divided into Het'
olasetto -the peotto.11 'the uo.rrow Perfeetly cotoriess Nese,
square, the broad equare, the' tread , asnoto timidity an i wa m o want f r th
route' atati tho intioa ed of temperantont. Eons of a doop red
rat* pointed and the narrow 1-linaro t-i)lor 114iow animal instincts.
are. essoutially the ftamitine chins, Cirtraotor may /also be dotormlned
while the brood -.square ts the in trn the tookup, eltorter and thieker
cutino chin. Tito broad oquare *thin ; firt nett,. rite stronger that character
denotes tho propeosIty ve earnest
. on, the greater the prospect o:
devotion,. of artiont love, ands us. ;
welly accompauffsi by trecat
, health n4 happiness and long life.
euvo a melt gives an oppearautie of
strength of intelleart. tele:treat from the head.
lote or constaney shown :
by tins A long thiok nook detracts front the
e 'doe of the. head tool onfeeblen Its el-
ite...ad Round thin. foot. 11 the mei; curvo forward a
Tito owner of such a chin is apt to in ; ylotaing. ditposition is indicated:
01 .11 nuu It'mpormuolo.. if it ourvo backward a haughty tils.
Thee intiontod Otto]. ti" t' ',no era- position.
eiro tea be los at to a ;wit as :eta ; tworson versed in tilo tart eau
12 11 0411111ra 14.2- i - wimman aeouratoly W-
ised Ito *'ter bolareing oualitits, os 1. I her hair as by her eyes, mouth or
givosa ligOttly come) and tightly ta. iosiste
dispositiem 1 1.111? heal] ontirelr conceal
1N ill or etret of purrosts con" this wise inalvidual loin say ;
81.011'71 by the 1011g (11i111. The toonter •o.11 1 want to see is a wend-size.i
hue31 foatturo is steady, purpose- a etratel of her hair ; of tourse
ful toot alwats advattelutt Bora ono i \ocean taro to know it wat* growtt
taacemplielitoi work to i!10 •l1 on -1 1 to Itor heal. Tito manner of wear-
tutetse. in life is assureol t.UUl. =`, iteg hor hair woull not enter into
Ail intellection Pettitio natio ratieor ; or of foot the dot:1310n."
prominent *rhino. in ruio tor a eliin a This prophet starts in his reading
is tiott: in its nosiollitot tt, must tato- ! of it woman by hor hair with thy
gest 'throe. gootraziettm oeltind it, owl ; nano generally known and accept -
bo ratlier retina than square or 1 tol pritteiple that t liner the hair.
pointetl,. tate gentior the b:rth. The closer
There never " Prrinto nIalr- the' viols lo the hair cling together
oeter wits had not n :orann moult- e tito utoro intollectualIty ;toes the
/toil lips arts usualls ftflor n;"-;.• ra'ft" on' 'r possess.
e‘pre'eSiret 111 47 largo settarstli. lois Tito:: NN•oth,r, -the 1./show tenelency
ntnosnrraY ti".? Firla"U "•1". .,:•rs1 f,,1, Flom 10 1 0th•ti •
1.107. 4e11.e. .., • •
he .an tear hoot InOoreta grttee awl
1 Ito M tido n le a et. a ees i t100.47a-to 1'41 0"Z Itesay. The stra1olitor
tho 010", s.1101.VS, .1 to -6,3)°,: :1 114.1 1di,ag,-titough. no. Locos -
mon or Coo tooter Pe. twor one ioaor, starkly hatteit-tho heir, the :leaner
reatealidsittop porno awl offeeoitois ; iota more positievo '11,1 the 0-01-man't.
groat tonOertiesse and self-dovoisleu. • auttare,
L1 mesivail licet:r closoo, a look to
Trooehery arid Sodomy
nidal power it elicaitetil; such
mouth Oolongs to
apron wht ithie benteeth lustreless or dead black
thirsts for Itot'tric't.f... "Pl-'17-1316° hair ;11 lithe tosses out 031 ten. Hair
commentiation ; oton ?Ake speakino •
the person is eatlitiont in poesions awl nin3- fIPP1141. Dr the fInt't
1 ture bo gloany almost toll:wino
emotionet c
Thtrsso1ps Ir
oney, when viewed at a Ottle
Thi' titigifth'e orniel i;e.
atm tosonnoss. tooto ptot tao aSso. tamp, hut Colt oa closer 1..X111.11111-
..w,,ed with eom., :Itiou !.:.7 found t 0 113,V0 a broken!
• or epitt appearance, indicates as
ottss easpoeitiou ; they else) nonote
j ;2! -112 r tutored character ; womzen
a, groat aegrve seelettotitroi.
with an excees
htsw of osmecially queer
Laps; which .s 41, straight Closure.
and are delicately ore:a:std. can tote:. atotiorls told ono who, wit..ne sito
be nivo onouga to bow to or
lationg to a rolittal natore. Prontins • 11111.r
oret• Or the lower l'p doiao.os oiestio- tho street.' shoull he avoided tt
:icy. hut 11 a moat moot ;Ott rie:3u i itotatate friona.
or the int. gool foe,. one is stool- tightnr eolored the lonr,
firi. o etoteset v is a aidt toseito tit.
Pul lip.s. root roe • ...O.. 7„;.•41t -.14.5•. Dretto !lair t ho roost
;; ,..ot , •-• • .1'..Ze,4.s.1tt•"7.' Pe iST110t roz. slaittiO,
If Galt- also ht. to. o eteata.ioitai tatonsio too' fs how: to do ottla ati to, bust
-Goo VIGO he: sat" 4.0711,S,.1,-.:
, 1V1,1111 etiot site.te of brt e
torts foeel of earoses
if teotli :aro :non 811 not toorroot not:: be, it its a fact alone:it infala
1-0,711t71* 11.1 S z121"1- Saeli hair covera 11, lot of
tatonion senec, reanon and goo:
harse, lonettol a-tt
Str011t; peseiens an 3 et role v.rtuts. :
too, \tome% whit reel or Ituburt
Tcoth Iitzt :tre Loot attl narrow Le -
n erore anprOsivo rotten. spok
;soopresne Of wool ent:actor.
Ye -broad trod &sort. sztostio, sartattal 1?"2.I.,, raltsafes,-"ns„,ost tktt most atit-
ore-rota too trooeS-11114! 1,111 VP et7:11-
rower.,3 ore haltetet en, if onto' -.41...e.t too-
zrrt Iftrtot irffr fret 4111.1 are 0 1170:11,1 /1te
loot. nos.......-, • .
Thoro ist a whole world. or toll. THEN IIE WAITED.
talo Mai -stations in the apws. of tho
e no. If it lies elaso to the head and Wolter tarter 80 minutes' absonee)-How will yoo haw your
a /small thee owner pail:tosses a ma. st, alt. sir ?
fintoit eustoptiblo nature. But if the lialder-Ent: time loofore morning.
;op starts away from the head at a _ •. _ t
witil thfinod anglo that person Itas ..tesessiateiesslatets.asseWstostarsoatetatoess000ltstatvorsottratesewo Assess
on unoven tlitpositiots and Ifs not to
bit roliod upon.
I: tho ears stout rearward so as to
thow thtir eatire form, when the
Otos; hs neon front Hot front, cruelty
io ditootod. littlieney and poetry of
fooling are innionnod by n thin oar,
whit. a Welt one shows the re -
'V orso.
I rbodo a long tittle. ye, 23-28. Thus
fisskri tooloil rord'a first ntiosissaary j-Urnyy.
'Ilio ea,mo of Christ memo to Lave
tool tolalty 'unknown 111 Lyettra. The
!oink:Wawa; were, farmers anti atop -
given Over to Idolatrouu eupors
tititious. Nina. the gates of tito city
stood a great tomtit'', droll:toted to
leelthlaiNaltalienseal. air'Ssiten OUP Itn.
.11 NO; 1, Wfait.
no; ea lo sod.. te 11: sto.
'rot poreteoutions at An flitch did nut
tharipoo we tioal *if the aPontlose bnI
talker At leouitten, tto
No.,101 71147117, roreaseincti sae-
....7 cr[1,1 sotan. 1.o. boil tatooti nettoten.
• t
aril nit gettot comItitatflun iattle of tilt:
-seam nod litliatvon Pot 7.1101111
i'ffn• - I o
; •
at. wide t'INIAT hetweett the wing of
tho woo and the earhole shown
s'Oers."111'103 of nature; too little
saute, meannoss 8u41 coldness of tem-
Att our, to be pereettf, should be
Loather small: it shoal boulghor
Oast Go) eyobrow awl not lower
those tho tip of the nos;'. If earo
orta vet Pt too eloping direetion
hot. show titnitiity 1f too upright.
ottimal instincts, es-poet:11y If thoy
obtrolo front tho head.
In eolor tho car ;should be a deli -
onto p'n.h, awl a little but a vory
tittle, tieeper la shade tal tho lobes.
Ilvotio to:owing tooth show a lotto:. le*Ightent. nnd tnnattasst of gentle
viisposithol ono hetter ti v,lopoti rata1 writtnnon.
_seas 000 by tha fotattireas one to
than 1110Se 1.1,,et Crowd aaad wool to
eothelotir aloe fortunon bo r
footoll, bet lt r.
Ittotlt tbat p" -'t outwear 1 s' sot- too' t se too Lao.r ta..a. to-
hoolativenosee if t low 1•1`4-,...•*, 4., at tonnt bote:n anti the ankles.
▪ upon the low.yr niti. It ,4m -s1-. ritfahlnotsita
Isesnotses got' c•rostato. t. ott taw.
Oft:ferias Loin); from Oily to day
ward tloa to-rsos Itt. to toolotto.
when, lite tacos :wvatte
e. tit:fart corve.
w :ease flit:gores cat!
greante over ties lower , vote. it show
11 i.01"...4 la) r.":-.1'1:4 1 8811i. 11 :AI: 41, "ow- moo- 1.a:toed sage" •.
ordrr or tottileet. 1. -ort Ito! to et7; t • tollieti ttateh otly at tho
resent att oven torarer.
litto sessw atnitfy ona strongte
The mores tho, t; veto so 1 ',roes' it
-attploys d 37a tor tv 5 -at elet toe cote.
profaned "i°1:•••1 7.1 11'Toe' fineore toi. tot 11 -171 Osaka -ate_
oteittoa i "date) sit et i• 1•1,ati ; ova tOo: :est, : ototoz7.:ea•
sare170'. , sti Otto :sty
Anterfoo.! tottaota tot itin .11,• • el f .1 1.3 S..0•.."7 it "'Vol.!:
elloat 78 sots' s ots- •aos• • „.- ;•4 footost; ;a 177'.
".1, ." F.nt.1.1S erroo,„
to- e! rote
te ,'"1 1(•"01 7."/1 - 7.1- in- •t vat o Oct Nati Fen
otithoilto ,-1 ;toe. -'.32 t; 1_ , ot to a at opoo tiio out
a sso lo ,e tato of s".• nes osio t 11in.t too:
!lora Fru ; :anon- o tie -7oatolita
1611 1' onst ; mon. -11 o tot or elra op•
'," 1i ••••
1'."' '4: •:n an.
If a toosoloti 'toes it toot 1, ; Coots -I is 1„ --Li. in -triers,: 1
t teaa t 10 1.1811
1-7.1',111V 1:14 11 ter f000 oiLoottatin to ewe tanl.
: 013 $ '1 0 .1 to totally atIl pIoy
r. ott t1:12aai.
%[117,:.1, 1.01.7‘.. • .••° . • !.
ottsto of in sla ota. .," etetot.: toottatenter leto etrotg
oott oirtint A v. ry fieslay thunto stattt elato-t,.
"1,0o o ct ee •t leato ooltintarts ani aft
tniat soon t
1:.t lit -r be- :ono reino that oval on 1
t foto. F".0 117 1a7r1.`..71: ' ce, ofttoo ;of ate men's. TheesO that
oo to olto notuat oil •
1...:1...1s" rattier oretarts sit
• 8:11.1 tlatt-gy.
tOP tiltrotor tn
tote /is:" ratett. Itteeteass tio.t
0 Q8 A.". Ilse._ Xit • --11..it111101t.t..-
'..j deo 3i11". aarrsata
lisono "5 P. C,:t S8111J tole:,
4. moor
e eon ats stain on 1 totaiot.
. , wito ions
roe :1117.1 10".
' 771. If tie; spooto no.
tot otoot too fr.':,1 F;Tnna te
. oae,rag 7"1,t2'.1 an eta Ostaor
eV' Olonlatientavsl tiaistit cp-z ingia to
o.zottetalosny Iles /otos 111-
8o11 1 r.";-.)•••.,\
r.t3,;.,"....,1 v3".1
toti ot 0 toot" lo ;la 1
tto i1 .O.-134. on, too) te li1 loo
• t too; tete:fan tool tot%
ft 1,4 z_t •
18 'r4 vont: sioao,
oda:tilt .4,-1 tits; r, 1
7110 peto0.. st si 1.
Sit 0..in .1 110 "18 A.' .r1
1:4 :1 1;0.,"" 111".7-‘1.' ° •
Ag cz, 4.4! of toe
trea kr.V." - 11 "
,•t] '
lane theotilt.-1. tes • h.; •
1 Ire 1, 3, ta too • al ti
ttog notwo - 1.11, --•
•3 Leo *a' foe- t13 •
Ili 810G1 /.01' •
'.....tati.01.1.7 ! or, toes 1 so 1 ton
or Orneettlonao Cisoroot 'r.
roast:to to ero fta' a wo, reCr
( 111 1-4.77111. ' t "'••7:'„'9. 3
t vow na nor .3 4,, • o -;eitso,.4 C.111
1' •
Ep •
f,11 to Coe tonallo on 3 ttotoor
0., Iperr..41b, ..4114-0t-.1 .17,1 1 1111.
Elow Wo .1kAaly
Retain Their Good Looks
My dear holy, ela ovo to, too
seal* sole ol tho !mono ? Does t -our
sit 111ot-room havo totath wholoo
Mot doott n our 011.01)11k4-10075,4 01.0-11
1.121' 1,0N.11 Or t00 41-011, IN your fav-
orite cornor the window, or kilt
off to" Goa fireplaoto or the reolitter,
Lit tut. -twilight half of the roan ? -
lows Um awn ovor gao reit with ,
your bat off 310.7 Shirt! ha 1111111•1:01 hie
on your trosses for an hoar at a
Do you breath() pure outdoor
at toast two hours it day, ot on if
stilt hove to 'take it through an open
window ?
Po you dowse an hour or two, or to)
Or, hotter still, du l you fly around
Po you walk a mile up tho nVt.111111
In twelvo minutes, never once isreols-
'.ng gait?
cr hat o you a garden or a groan -
horst?, or any other interest which
tonnes you to work with nahoi, mus -
tilos and body on a stretch for throe
good hteurs or 11101`0, every day?
If you don't do any of these things
it is not remarkable, if your face has
the beautiful bilious tango of an Aus-
trian root', with numerous shadings of
!mum or blue, which betray weak
lioart and disordered circulation.
Velvet 1 ;teem.
When the oapllaries give up work
then conies the lading flower.
Tho Empress of Austria kept her
a-001th of raven hair anti her brit-
ortnt faco until she vitas past 60.
simply by living on the saddle in tho
pure raountain air ttbout her favor-
-to residencoo, added to which she
was a sparing eater of the simplest
And bow a word about this eat -
181Z. Can you bring yourselves) to
change cream Sauces of vegetable or
meats for tine clear gravios or the
coucentratot Juice, lightly flavored 7
Cein you give up ice cream for
the jellies and whips" which 'oat
just as white os the croion, arid
taste ever so touch tiner ? Yottean-
not loal - the lentettve lift: of. ettO
otomeu and ear tho noted send
creams and - roado dishes) whitah
would suit a farm laboror.
These things give the yellow tinge
about tho temolese and corners of
tho azalea pink and% white.
Well Aired Rooms.
Sleep in well -aired bedroom% kept
ot an OVP11 temperature. Sleep
warm. If you have chilly skin or
suffer from hoarsenoas wear over
your nightdress a sleopieng wrap of
two silk blankets, pinned together
on the shouldero and at the walst
with safety pins, making a. loose
ond most luxurious warm nest for
the night.
Use light comfortables and blank-
.;ts. Heavy comforts anal t hien
altanketo which hold the, see:trot:0ns
-al breath and skin are not whole -
:tomb thizsgs to sleep wail.
Nover go to bol faint and hon-
ors' tr you are exterminating wrin-
✓ .7. Pup of tomato buiiton,
..tit yr lot lcmonaele, or some to.tot.
ol fattiness; biseutt, will send tom
t snap comfortably, giving your
ter; s something to wok on
or.oseel. the Light.
ln piooe of tokitig three meals
e day is oftfan better for then
take five. Tim Entonsh fashion
tin: tot 1 ?to 111 laeo
'17, 1-1 11 1.11 .:15:;.7'; 1 info rhooil
111 'att. tbi 1:1'1 ea "".-• sol, -o Ssieltota elltio-ooter -in pr
c:oI el isir 13 t•....1L31:;,...- verb.:
or .1 or 15 o'clock too is very We-
s:bit'. Two of theso five reposits
shouts] be very light coma Waimea,
jollios. soon; on the tasteful pans-
it.e-upo which every woman anowe
how to chomp for heroolf aro gooil.
Tho tomato bouillion good, both
for its anti-bIlious effects ana as
at. tonic for the nerves. Your t8-
211111<?, discreetly taken, is true to
its: old mono, tho apple-whit:et
Is, they say, tho apple of beauty.
1.11,1 Gooseberry Eye.
A. woman who wishes to clear her
eoMploXlon tr it hoot 8111(11 trouble may
beisnotost on iliceod trash tomatoes,
with tomato bouliitio for luiteli arid
night, nthl a tomato purees for
dinoer with excelliens offeet.
If deolere eould givn na 11('I) t1,- new -
eider, fresh from .1to mill, day by
Oat-, the yellow ciao k »tot gooseborry
e W0111'.1 4•120ri..1y diSaplwar from
Anterieftn woman. I questoni ;i the
serpent did not tell Eve tlint the
:Tole would mak" her boeutoul for -
as well as wise, for good apples,
ttflin•etes:t1t7tor et4"11 rktedw /Intel!! 1 1114..leige f t'inr
Your sub -acid rod apple, porfoetly
ris"ental, your bo1.f1.4wer or tsoltion
leilMito your iato molloweid ruesta tiro
the apptas for boottry.
And op;des righ:lo en ton act di
reetly on the py.••:•,ii;iit, (oily leas. -
lug the) eyes dark, brillitot and deep
in color, but strengthening the olget.
Catarrhal conOltions tool linpoefeect
digestion, toil it petimpe ell feet
addod, chilly re me and 0 want of
good underarm., tire atecoutiaile for
more defeets of tante; than 1111 other
causes put together, sotto an.1 oxv-opt
thee small print of modern books titan
Thio strained SIA11 1310 r-•141,011-
Filik for a patat many of elle utenest
wrinkles on a wonion's tae". Tile
little frown, when it is not a dote)
ono, the, radiating linos velaic fringe,
Om orbit or 1110 eye, 1 in,.,V1s.11 et-
pros:siert alonat the roso allot meet oro.
10 007120 from weakened tition.
;Shot Litt lo lernwee.
The only spooled treatment 1 would
suggest is very hot water, just as
hot as the skirt will bear, appliod
ovor each eyebrow anal the boll at
the eye and each side the temple. two
or three minutes at a time, keeping
up the heat. This is good treatment
for glaueomea, and it is erosive for
The barley meal roultico, softened
hooey and a very little olive oll,
is an application which seems to re.
new the siOn of the face.
-above nit things use it hot. This
may lat. applied for half an hoar,
while one Iles down for an afternoon
rest, then it should be followed by
five mieutes• sponging with vory
warm tatapsnis, rinsed oil with V plil
wattar. before it: is dried oft ts-arin
Turkish towels. After this you cat
lio down for fivo mileutos more with
a hot towel over the faro leptons
submitting it to the cooler currents
of common air.
A littha masooge after sizoit a bath
as '1111S works wonclors. But massage
is best tat Light bofore ono goos to
stoop. Ilaif an hour's work on tit -
facia and temples., after which one
goes; iota pleasing saintlier for the..
mght. renovatet skin and nerves.
Shirley Dare.
0 4
J ,
0 "
If the massogo ortitit is not in reaoh
or your puree; or sotto ao.tolibteeltool
rs- 'nos poultice awl tio. 8;4 ion bath ;
or the; face heft:se- g' .'.g 1) too -a
Tat the Inarley 187111 pointot 4 :list,
Ineli is made ;has. saoe elm oaf
troseasi Isailoy natal .rsse re.o. weI
o iswor tit a pintio. with Vireo enps
tito nog water poorstel on. eOratuor
zoll it is tattle, watt!' eft:yeti take
tiaoat fit it titeatztea. Afters oonno t w. 5 ;1.•
,to thrait noriattna aid it tral,lospotgatoll
a bet oy ani 8 Cikk,,, rtop on of tense
41, with two 0? 181 •11'", o'11s
•F.."1'i- of tit..vo, whoa is etinionont. 1
'or the skin.
Spread thig dOstottly C1f. sitin as ;
warm on eon be woota. 8 112.8 •
tiotho tool- it on; rtporia Mo. initt
1 taoto Lest po 711 or 8311.2 111111 t ion that
otteopy seesaw- natoel for Itati an
ti"Irs Off, Staintliternion tiao
ol-Lito Lot 13a111e, tia•
•81.1 foleotin Lod no noel -sot off4 et
r onatost :loos fin 3 rnotana a I a pt _ft -
and, inoidentally, 071 ire:4110:8R of
bloom 031,1 T10:102 itY, whieh 15 rorth
toting toto coot -adoration again.
Warmth ant afftivo ell oulat ion moan
line, lit altit, lovilinoss. Anti If the
hot luta at 105 degrees for fifteen
nonoten wohns an -1 strengthons ti1.
imart btat oat cloars the esteslobt
with tio reaction I ata boutti to
13. liotot it a goad thing.
Pat 1 roast tolk about these wain-
inosi oext. On11o. oil seatoo. to bo 21
tly:.-,•1:1•• for the coinplosion, who -
Vat r usal extra nitily or inter:only.
Tao volvott. 11:1 1)81174111 tin! brit -
Lent toes whitia fortat tho boauly ot
7 IV01111'Il Wall. rts Franco aro
417:it to two theree,s, 0 111' 121 tia
k4:".;Y11 els, for a the toly of vatoaItit
oltiastes tran danet. In loot tear -
oat. tool thee t•e. al tomotaten 311,1
0..10' 0,1. 11V1. 1t esentiou the oarlie
▪ 00111-1V.,
tieho 1.121 13208- *1'4' froot the Smith
totnesto woman. whe.., knows 22104
21:,,•1111,"5 1•71-! 0.1* 1'r.1-11 0+.11 1111
1•02,p1o..12 a who pre setevas it
• thetoo 21 tat,: ontil of *1211 1' oil be.
foot, 11.1y. olu estitattos
.1 root alto Ono-, 1 tho way !Ito gel -
:loos Locsa ha the entarne of
tho soar. at scoms tenet eomo
brat:at o of Itrotenal nra parsoon
est :smith tenitgo 137°1 1; s 1110, Whit h
oPPfttr on the otaolott, e.
' • s'lefootodr San o
a a
int!11 lefateintlA int1Othainiftt
"5"S, oroot 7.. C'
L172 1..11,', 0.2. 7, -
too; o ott „a 118 33 tea 114i_ 24 8 1 2, p ot
•1 317-.7, Off tbi inialooft watt.
tho no itt•11o, 114; Jowls estueett troutle.
At first tile missionaries wero Pot
obligee to leave; but 11 was not
long beforo a movement to mob 8214
stone them: nate tbscovered anti throe
wore compelled to Deo for their lives.
They escaped to Lyotra, a town
about twenty-fivo miles noutheast of
-eel. There sat -Ills usual posture,
showing bis helpless condition,
potent -Entlrely dein/veil of the use
of lilts foot.
1,,,.) 2, the supposoa supreme ruler
of 110 'heathen worift
Drla toi iron Antioclt ond tormiton,
‘h" 22111-44.1e14. P1011 111111 1144.11411100,
011.10.17 2.14i0 1 MR town, antl puttinn
tufo protition routes 02111) 10111101111.111118
01 hf.) "111"4112411 in tioatant and out of
noatoton tool to be "alwan's 0hu11nd7
Lig in ilea' work of the Ltool," began
to prowl. Paul, who vomited to he
the Wolf speaker, Was not at a tioNs
for a topic, but true to tile motorise:ties
Ito felt and tho oblhoations 80 was
under ( Sao L Coat 1.. 17, Ian 16), Ito
preached the gospel.
Tito gorpol tlsoy prettelted comprise('
three thing's: Certain facts. Trio tall
of man. The love of God. 'rho gift
of Christ. -The mlnistry of tho Etoly
spiritcertain doetrinen based upon
and flowing out of tiles° great facts.
„Stormont for all aim, secret and
opon. Sins of omission and commis-
sion. Overt sin mid sln of tho nature.
Pardon, regeneration, adoption,
Jostifiration, purity. Reward Se 111121
puo ishmentr. Springing from thole
facts and doctrines God maktes de-
mands, the greatest of whinii ie wilco
llovo on tho renal ;foots Christ and
thou omit: bra served," \Illicit emir/tees-
tho fact of turtling from "Mom von -
Laos" (v. 15 ; Igo. )v, 6, 7) to this living
Goa in sontratst to tho poor, trifling,
11.ne1 101413110 t11.1111t8 19 1:71117•11
11101 tree:tot for solvatItm : and It is
equally applicable hi Ds forma nee 0
denotod tooday.
Tho gospel provol to he tlie. power
of (loci to at least ono man in tho
olty of Lystra, who hod faith to
he healed. This notn was "impo-
tent In his feet," a cripple from
his birth. I prosumea ho 071/11 11.8 Ig-
norant n rol suporstitiotin an any of
his townsmen, but as bo lareara the
good news proclahavol, lie foil; hope
spring up wilthin hint n:nd his 'otos-
est deepened until Paul RUM the
wistful longing of ids noel beaming
hi lila foot) ao ho heard tho word
with baneful a nticipation. Paul
crioa out with a lood voice, "Stand
upright on thy feet," and ho'
ea and walk --a true typo of the
blosetol effects of the gospel of
God's grace.
Notice the proachers, for en the
economy of grace the proachor and
his methola have much to do with
rosulto, rand we may gatbor from
this lesson some of the important
annlifications for successfully hanin
ling the word of tho Lord. They lab-
ored to an end; thoy sought to
ottsIn It ; 1l1$'34 watoliol for the
illoVcat ions loading thereto, and
on they behold them they embraced
and followed thou up to a glad
rtud glorions consummation. Oh!
for nitere 171011 111 111 church, On the
Seibboth sehool, on tho mission field
tend 111 pulpit, omprovered and im•
lined with, the spirit of the apostles.
William P. Ferries
O. Heard Paul speak -The apostles
preached on several occasions anti
the lame man had beard ropeatedly
1119 toachints of the gosling, and had
ac22ep1:0.1 it with faith. -Cam, Bih.
There was probably no syna.goone at
laystra, and the neasuionaries were no
doubt obliged to speak in tho mar -
Let Place or somo otlicar placo of
public resort. Wito....poreeiving -
Fauna attentIOn was attractea by
tina cripple,- and he fastened his
eyes upon him and saw his faith from
the expression of Ins conntenatice.
Ilasi froth to be healed -Ho had con -
Ramose in the power or Christ to
heal him. Ho must have hoard of
nairacles which the apostles hail
performed at other place's. See v. 3.
"The Grcelt world here signifies to
be saved, including a complete ral-
vation both of soul and body." -
10. Stand, etc. -Luke makes no
mention here of ono. direct appeal
to the name of Christ. That onnesion
may be °tying to the brevity of the
record, or the tenor of Paul's dis-
course may have been so explicit hi
regaril to the source of his anthor-
ity, as to render the usual invoca-
tion uonecessary.-Hackett.
11. lo the speech of Lycaonia -
What this lanfruaga was we do not
know. -Whotitor Paul preached to the
People to the Greek lauguago or in
their oative tongue, is a dispoted'
question, The goas-"Th Gentiles
lead corrupted the funtiamontal doc-
trine; of the unity of Go?), and their
various systems of religion were
1'01111de:1 011 the suppositioa of it plur-
ality of deities, mate anti female, dif-
fering, in their ranks, their attributes
and Ise Notations assigned to thorn."
Likenoss of anon -Nothing was more
familiar to the heathen mind than
the thought of the Gods' assumIng
human shape anti golog around
amoug ninalkirel.-Cana. Bib.
De. Bonita bus, 3 atilt er---"Tisis was
the) supremo divinity of the heathen,
nd was 012111 (1 tilts father of gods ant!
men. Ito II•88 tile king of al; the uni-
verse ; leis throne _woo Mount Olym-
pus. Poul, Mercurius-Ito 111.1,8, In hea-
thy:I mythology, repreeonted as one
1.110 1.0118 of Jupiter, the messon-
tor and chief SpOIS011111.411 0i the ti,01113.
110 wr% t'110 god of eimmorce.
Proott tat these Mt-
iotti thole priest'
s rites and sued -
hoe 4. t • 32 .221 .1 troarlet n.is-Tnts oxen
were-) far eitorifieta, ond tuc garb. 12418
were ether to accurate the 881828.131,
or to crown the apo.stles, or donora to
toolo Louise.
1-1. Apostles-Doernabas was ealleal
an apoetle because he was sent fortb
by the church, no -t becauno he had
boon chosen to the peculiar work of
the apostleshia-Barnes. Heard-.
Those were probably at their lodging
housa and _the nevos 21111.8 carried to
them that the sacr!ficial procession
was coming. Rent thoir clothes -Tido
0118 a custom of the Jews at the
f10.711.11 of thoir friends. In times of p1115
110 colamity, and when they hoard
olasploamy or witnessed any groat
trait-agrees:on of the law. Sprang
forth tn. VO-Tioty were horror-
stricken, 1111.1 rushed into the multi-
tudo to stop the procoodings.
15. Met paesions-Sulajoct to the
stone intim-titles a21.1 stifferingre-mor-
tail like yourselves. "The expression
nottinse no more than '111e Etre truly
human lalags, with the some powcra.
torel appetites as your own; need fool
end ralmont ao veto alo, mod are all
mortal like yourzeives."" See .7rts.
v. 17. Doing you good tilingat. vo-
lt le a mensal:it of good tilings which
seas fort13 the living God to men in
oolete of dumb Mole. These vanities-
-Tao' words 'vanity' ana 'vain' were
rlaroest the invariable tonns UP0,1 by
:Tows to Oescrlete Goa emptiness and
wortiaessnose ef hearthon worship.
14. In Hates past -The period he
forst the tines of Christ. Suffered -
Permitted. allowed. All nations -All
the Gentile nations; the Hebrew na-
tion had a direct rovv.lation from
itostnoir own waya-God voithdrow
the restraints of His grace and pro.
17. ;Nevertheless -Though they had
so %orator& revelation. in that hc
ild f.„7cuta--117 has demonstrated 111,
tniestenett and moral cbaractor by
•oeltot thorn good. Asti gave you (11.
Vo -The redda and fruitful oraotinci
nod food and oho:111134,s wore the wit•
ortesta. Goa gave tilt) licathen of Hie
efoolnoss, and wore reasons why
titoy 14:01Il4 10770 road obeay 131122.
J.(. With Giese onyintse-Painro a4-
.11,4'-' to t) -ton thug briefly steal lima.
":1,6110. 111e1•41 011.12 With en
Conity tent they orovouttel these
lonetratta from soorlfitaing 10 thou
Certain dowo-Tedisee woro tot
''.:181b 111P Stall:" omen who hag been
tios 14,11 1.38 io tho persoeution at An
111)t'13teen/ Tootillon. Pereueoled tho
roiple-That 'Coo apootlos. loattrati or
gods., were. orito ;Toot:Ito news
Orsoeslatot the people. Stitottel-Paul r0.
forst to title in 21. Corinthians Xi. 23
lotetatgal lean old 1113. Vo --‘2-1
s'..,:eatd door colt o deal mate. The
•ta1•••:11':-. WAS 1•11b4ie. 81 t1;a utiOnt ot
11a oho. Sittpoilitto otts-fieltry stamen!
Iota mei floor luta the rullest eve
date " Cott lee 31119 deal. anal net,
moot oroltaiely Ito woo.
11." VOre 111.--51:11711111101/•43.' ra".
Et 171.1 1'; 11211. 111/. 870^1 11 1!»
Won, tat sellv Ito must have -
so teserfloy to•init: .i. for titi cal.
•,1 ZeUit -1 134 11 al hag restora-
tion roto 1(114 1 119 11111117011301111,
.3: ot ...are to ro.
12 1-113 1*0 liertet- I eats n nos
tt: 1se•-t.:.-ti. .iato iia.3 17e; rotor -mot
ton:. noint. il Pottnn oplootointre•
tet. Hod toot:id 31191 o-Ili1:7 toaav.
• v e'to s.-41. lattothoet
•• 113 21`0:3 11` 4:0:417!itt 181
,• y t 17:1 2' 12»-' 2311 ro 111411
tat. • 3... • t ateetatt tors 413'ato1
.:2. yaJ 11••..1 •t•,•=.,1
• . nni, 1: Kean •
".• it?e,ta
• '12-1* 131118411
; • "
1.11173le 17,N1t1
" V7,02 le
,.itt!,,-? 71 t
• t ' -
2' • 7.1 k 7
1• ,1 'P, ••1•‘ tn
f 'cone of tn-Iit woen
Out Thou%lt $2 a as Offered, tor the
Saiuthut, No One Could Do it.
141-7;%1-) 111 1.12.11r04 was displayed
hoe week in ill 9 ehoor window of a
nelootastatty norelettet, and mon,
wiemon chiliiroal,fotight Icr placto
train wle eh tins' eoubt study et. ,
Tho 1111121/1 21114 .1. columu or rigures
(48 it large card-, and 0 prize of nitt
woo 022e21e.1 to the person 0 ho should
firat succeed in talding an)' six of llto
agonies 121 tho column to get a total
ot 1. Tease ram the figures;
1 1 1
3 3 3
7 7 7
Dro inn were cudgelea and worked
overtime in the effort to get the re-
quire -I total and tho att. Finally one
wi1d-e3e-1 man in the crowd gave a
gm:a) awl forced his way into the
relimme the $2 i" he cried. "I've got
He seized 41 sheet of paper and
seri:5814st dowu the following solu-
tion :
.O0001,1. 00..'.•,eihr/ZOWPgrikOCU 4.
tlicetie Mal loafs.
BolleVillo, Bias," 81. -At tit'. meotiog
of the Cheese noond het" hero to.
day them wore) offered Lath) Plato
illattiettL!: LIN(1.1'oetital,l'Siliii):51autY131;1114
3)-1.t!'* f
noo, 00 at 9 340; Moor:LW titni
0 (8 -geritib.ul
tean tots, Oil. notes tailored ; 1-2t)
1114 ; no salon.
Cornwall, Ma", 1'4, -On" thou, and
titre° hundred and fifty etteetie wero
boarded at the Canny:all Chem()
Board today, Of wide!) 7130 were
white, 577 colorea anti 43 American.
All staid by 100; 9 5-8o was tho top
price, at which all but tho Amern
can was sold. Astnerican brought U.
Laaadlug Wheat SfarIceto.
The following aro tho closing quo.
tations at Important whztshc.onsteiports.
Chicago... 72 5-8
Now York.. .• .0 ••• 775-8
Toledo.. ..'• ••• ••• ••• 82 3.4 75 1-2
Duluth, 1. hard. :0. 72-12 7-3--d;
Milwaukee, 2 nor... -8377:34
78141 71 3-4
lorosto Sava Stook Moronic.
Expert cattle, choice, per own 1535 1565;),, 1011,110 414663 tett,
Ilutterc°ke vle8attle, piolica
do medium
4 (13 to 5 50
f(ttlge.n. 051 100 54 07,01
310 10
do bulbs-
35no 315
k'eed71113eP 4 0: to 5 so
(10 180(11038 3 40 1 11
(3100)40118, 1,19(0 :7t211)
lie to 3 75
Miledhoelolgecliti(, each
Shoop, ewes.por
Lomat yawner, per wet :17,54 :00, 01)1) *It! 50,41 .055 00:
11050, shoice, por ewt
nuosi, light, per (Pod
Ilutps fat, por b
do cuing, each
I Ot) tO 0 11
7 25 to 0 0)
2 20 .::10:)
• a
2, 1
"Thoroto your six figures, cool the
st a 1 in 331," he cried, triumphantly.
The merchont toimitteal that this
atoeunon was clever, but sant that the
figures; inuot be usal singly. The man
wait Gm 4411111071 Wow; away disap-
mothematiod sharp consolod hint
hy ooring that the result deminided
almost be obtained because mac eat -
not toke an oven number or odd fig-
ures tini get an odd resuit by adding
atom togother.-Now York Sum
F,ven the ikastt.re .Itttilte Would Not
lasot open: Itiesootties seet; er.
A judtsta out in lttlasouri is noted
for tho s.rititness with which he
11-1141a thoas summanol for airy duty
to alto performance of the task, In
1. ettlain vase root -idly 110 or.lorettl
the sheriff tei eall this roll of thirty-
five' "goon loon rani true" stitected
for hire arty. tints' twenty-two
ooset-ort-ti is attar roam a nod tho
,twrirr 1,501“..1 ituptivingiy
11 the. jeolott but Geo lotto?' was
eshott• wiping hits glasses tvlolo lut
Intel -el tilt. onto-in:try: "Any de-
siring to be excused from sorrier'
011 this tory will maw contra for -
wool." Twenty-two mon ma lo n
110,I1-111 I IA forrearti 2(1141 elork
..14'1)1)...1 ht. hi.; work ot noting thono
alp, hot failel to loop:and to tho
seonn nio to hone in wotelor at thy
-stabs. voniro to oseopit.
°WO 11," sahl titre jet towel:Ong to
11 long, thin, nervous looking young
man. "why do ;von wisle to be ton
't' it pien.q., your honor," nitowor-
ol tito atones:Ill thin ittivitioal, "Iftl
like to bo ttatetisel on nottount of ill.
no • „, Inn onfforing from cot/toning
that tolgiet pr.avo ombarrassing to
the tailor jitrors nati 18 cortainly
oteehorroosing to nut" -
"11Sitot 1.5 tito nature or ;your
moot" anl•ol tho judge'.
ales it." odd tho sstanng man „Ilea-
Itratiotelo. prefor to tell yon In
peivat I'm somowItat tiolionet
oltett spoon -ion of it in pubile."
va 114 It 13*4(2' ally tiling in poi-
rotproolog the judgo.
ton 81 13.. "If „ton wont to Ina o'-
911 '122 moot; toll toe" hero Iona now
atioat lo tea' Itintter with peg."
1". tr 1 tonot toll it Lose I havo
"'ant lion?" tenool tho Stage, not
itolzett to the el..172 without mark-
• 13-1.1' ; leo ,se 1113 *(b'1124:11 231 IV83,
•2 vorat.eit the- Somas'
-a. st Pop 1 cootistetry 22113 bp
.1.11)," ta Nor coal:mall will bp.
the Only Hi,,to1va2 Parallel to the
Catastrophe at St. Norre.
Or the ticstructIon of the twin cation
or pompeil it litrculaneum on the
2.1th of August, A. 1)., 70, by the erup-
tion of a long dormant volcano, Ivo
have a contomporaneous deseriptiou
in tho Jotters of the younger Pliny
to Tacitus, tho historian. These word
pictures of a trained man of lettore
bring tho whole Welle very near to
us, and on them is based every nub.
sequoia description of lac first hin-
torIcal eruption ot Mt. vesuvius.
Witttt is most striking about tips do.
scription is this, that the inhabitants
of Pompeii and Herculaneum scentoil
to have lingered 111 the doomed cities
is not improbable that, liko tho un-
fortunate citizens of St. Pierre, they
wort" Innen into a feeling of liecurity
tlect:surance than
t rt volcao E0
long dormant had loot its destruct.
It is sometimes sold that the cities
at tho riase of Mt. Vesitylus were de-
stroyed by lava -the Italian gulden
nee the words to this day. But \nese/-
view timely out no lava during tho
great eruption of the 24th of Aug-
unt, A. D. 70. I1 had, ejected 721(11311 ,l
prehistoric timers. l'oturaill itself is
built upon a lava ridge, which, in the
old day% was quarried for millstonts,
thus, giving rine (0 311 important in-
dustry. Rut in hietoric timcs if woe
?rely boost g-tologisto, lava. aid not
flow till the year 10126. St. Pierro
W1124 destroye.1 by a vast mass of
turning lava, witioh descended in
fiery torrents from the crater of Mt.
Polite, but Pompon and Herculaneum
wore destroyed by showers of ashes
411(4 plonice stone, with which came
torrents of ratio. -turning thee falling
ashes to a, thIck, adhesive 1111111.
t•.:011117 obvious warning* of groat
perit there must have been, and that
quitearly on the fatal 24t13 of Aug-
ust ; for it was not long 1111,6t 110011
when a mensegc reached the elder
Pliny at Misenum, 154 -going for his
ships. sinoe uscop t was oven Hun im-
oossilata except by sea. Already Pally,
.00kiug from Alloomm. sow Mt. VU
Vittit toppod by that vast foal ottfut
-cloud sampled like a pine tree," out
of wheali ashes were raining down ou
the doomed cities. His ships, ap-
pronsehing thn coast toward wet -mine,
ran into a hall of tountec atode, The
ashes fell hotter and hotter on tho
dooko, and in continually larger
masses. The sea .ebbed suddenly, pre.
1718017 3.8Itdid at St. Pierre. There.
was 710 possibility of giving help tt5
Um doomed cities. and Pliny gest.
orders to steer off the coast. Ho had
clonely observed all the photons:ono,
however, awl had dictated the notes,
whiell were aftorwards flood by his
nephetv, commonly cancel the youngor
Pliny, in hig desomptions of tilt'. great
(rotation, For the elder who
had offocted a landing in a sheltered
bay near Stabate tvith the intent14.11
of reaming his frical Pompottlanns,
was "stifled by the lumen of sttlphur
awl grossness of the air." "Whon the
lIght returned,wheat wag not till tlio
1*.i optlitoaSir a itoter TheaiNitutal‘Vis wbroc:it;
1318 n
W1119 111800Vere4 untoueloaC by the'
fire, without 1111.Y 2181810 hurt, In the
rdart'Ttgor hit Itew ah 'Pi oriel et°11.f(tIll. o
Lilco ono who was dead."
- Thus 1)or1s0ie7.1 tlio eities of P0211-
pPil 821.-1 Hered11111e11111, 17,Y 17110W(8S
ansitit,1,11g‘ itti,:zzat if:110J. bofr,11,1:11111,:i
the eito, now. Probably Lloa lava reS
this eruption of 1631 passel ovor
Sir 'William Hamilto31 distInguishoil
1134) tiobrio of no loss than MX' 011112"
t101111 beA/09 that withelt tirstroyto
Om twin (Athol. Sir Charlos Lyon
also thought that a largo part of
tho etworing of the two oitlos was
Ifiont:sottaroudetiso-u2111sequTett,tt 7aInt;,0ilthoilzrf
anything of tho history o' Veen-
vlu 1 it 14 Itstrutizhing to ba toiti that
Itt leact SO, 101) persom itnve
breeds oontempt, anti, naoretwor, all
ilt11111ifilvc7":71,:(01111.:mitt:ento:10)01:etlia;It:irtl,tic, aNII7n1la111.1.:11v1 11111:1,1111121;e h181:1::1;
torront of lavn, from. their vineyar.let
firmlY bigiovra will turn asilo florY
"1 noon," said linothor Diekozcr.-tiat
ono or de pro:toilette is in 'honed**.
'bout earpint what. ; 112e.
Now. finVg ninthly in: letoft tor Ito
inintin fur trouble., hitt 1 re 4.keo2
Attain none fool lots' ro:ogtio' owe 1-31
:11111k17;111:: 11(2.11,18 2%'13 lit:471,1,.,27,1, tilati.fee et.,1111.41)1,3
•itooy, but toy ail ht 1 keno tri
man. Adam (ain't h, to leittorf now. otI
hit look; ittifair 'Or Ito intern -On'
;lt '1111
am ware Mau' in Ma dos' aq1 1°21,'
11111411111:" 1 fora; 301'1,y la i• 1111 1.0110"
118 824
propesAtion 1". ,t( 311)2242) toesa I 2.2t18111retina1 too Ins Bat. VII ;volt tate
"What's' that n"
um' main 111./ti to? 1tt 70:144" *ea.'
tete/11.11M' b.) no (*3*" ;Tare -tile
..AtIaleta Voutitation..