HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-29, Page 129T11 YEAR, NO, 39. DOiVIIMO\ Capital Reserve $2,500,000 $2,500,000 WINGHAM SHAW BLOCK. BRANCH A General Banking Business transacted. I'armers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances /uncle on saute. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Canada, United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, and added to principal 30th Juno and 31st•Dccetubor each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager R, Vanstono, Solicitor. NEW AUVTS. Notice.—J. 13. Ferguson. For This Week.—at Griltin's, Special Prices.—H. Tudilope, Picture Framing.—Ball Bros. Special Clearing Sale,—FI. Park. Screen Doors.—Smith & Pethick. Gloves, etc.—Ritchie & Campbell. Whitewear Specials.—Isard & Co. Sale Now On.—R. Ds Crowder Co. Clothing, Hats, Ties.—A, R. Smith. Home -Seekers' Excursions.—O.P.R. Saturday Bargains.—Thomas' Bazaar. See Halsey Park's advt, Ira Etcher returned from the Soo last week. Mrs. D. Anderson and family are moving to Hespeler. Everything New in straw Hats at Isard & Co's. H. H. Chisholm is preparing to build a new kitchen to his residence. Brussels football team defeated Blyth last Friday, in Brussels, by a score of 4 to 0. James McMannus, who has been sick for the last two weeks with pneu- monia, is improving. Rooms TO LET.—In Meyer block, Apply to A. E. Smith. Enlarged space is required for Mr. Park's advt. this week. See it, and take advantage of the bargains, A large number of our citizens put in a good time boat riding on the river.. on the 21th ; this is favorite pastime again. Mrs. McInnes has the foundation laid for her new residence, which she is building on the east end of John street. Eggs 14c, We are cash buyers of choice Dairy and Separator Butter. Geo. E. King, Wingharn, Mrs. G. C. Manners returned from the Clinton hospital last Saturday. Iler many friends are pleased to see her looking so well. Theodore Snively left last week for Elmvale where he has accepted a situ- ation as butter -maker ; he will move his family in a few weeks. Saturday, at Tudhope's .—Strawber- ries, Strawber- ries, Pineapples. Green Cabbage, Rhu- barb, Onions, Wax Beans, and Radish. The G. T. R. announce 60 -day excur- sions to the North West, for June 3rd, 24th and July 15. Particulars next week, or from Geo. Stokes, agent, Wingham. The Baptist church will be ready for Sunday services. It has been painted and papered all through, and new chandeliers for the electric lights pnt in the centre. CnILI)REN's SHOES—In Button, Lace or Slippers, the hest for the least, money at W. J. GnaEn's, Rev. F. J. Oaten of Lucknow, was in town on Monday. He left this week for a month's visit with Brandon, Man, friends. Mrs. Oaten preceded him a fesv weeks ago. Mrs. Brandon and her daughter, Miss Lina, left on Tuesday morning for Ralphton, Man, The best wishes 410 of many friends go with them to their new western home. FIRE 1 Frau! Sale of "damaged prints at II. E Tsard & Co's. The Walkerton Association of Bap- tist churches will hold their conven- tion in the Wingham Baptist Church on the 3rd and 4th of June; they ex- pect a targe gathering. On account of the political meeting on Tuesday evening, the meeting of the Bowling and Tennis club was ad- journed until Friday evening, at 8 p. m. in the Firemen's hall. Fon Sarna—A few more cisterns ; cheap; come quickly --W. Armour, Winglhanr, Mr, Schrage, general manager of the Canada Furniture Mfs. Ltd„ was in town on Saturday last, It was his first visit to Winglienl. Mr. Schrage is from Cheboygan. Wisconsin, and he is most favorably impressed with Wingham and its prospects. Rev. W. T. Ball, pastor of the Pres- byterian church at Arthur, has resign- ed, His resignation will be dealt with et the next meeting of the Saegeon Presbytery, Mr. Hall is giving up church work and will reside in Toronto, Where he lute pur'c11A80d a residence, WINGI-IAM. ONTARIO, MAY 29, 1902. NTr, hose, of the Head Office of the -__ ----- _._-_-- ONTARIO ELECTIONS Canada Furniture Mfrs. Ltd. is the new manager of the Wingham factor- ies and is now in town. Ile has not yet been able to secure a house, but expects to remove his family here later on. The Advance extends Mr. Rose a cordial welcome to the Fufuituro town of Ontario. For correct styles and hest value in clothing go to Isard & Go's, Silver Medal. Geo. Alex. Durnin of Dungannun won the Silver Medal at Trinity Col- lege Medical examinations this week, Married. Rev. R, Hobbs, performed the mar- riage ceremony on 'Tuesday, that united as man and wife, Rev. J. T. Smith of Beaconsfleld,•to Mrs, S. Gir- vin of Lucknow. The peculiarity of the union is, that the groom is 70 years of age and the bride 57. A11 Carpets and Oil -cloths to be cleared out at T. A. Mills', Good Stock, The Uxbridge Times says that I. J. Gould, 111,1'., sold twelve cattle for ex- port last week, which brought $075. Wheeler Bacon, of the sante section, sold eight exporters, which brought $655, and Sam Kennedy of Scott Town- ship sold fifty hogs and six cattle for $1,000. Women's Institute. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. John Linklater on Fri- day afternoon, "June 6th. A full at- tendance is requested, as an important subject is to be discussed. Delegates will be appointed to the annual meet- ing of the Institute to be held at Nile, in June; the date will be announced later, Dr. Chisholm has removed to his new home, in the rear of his former residence, Night callers will please bear this in mind. 39-42 Entertained. The Junior Epworth League gave an entertainment in the Methodist church on Wednesday evening. The children rendered a very interesting program of recitations, motion songs. and choruses in a most entertaining manner, which certainly reflected credit on the superintendent, Miss H. Reid, and her assistants, Proceeds, $21, The Juniors have contributed liberally to the church building fund. Two Per Viinghant. The shooting match between the Beehive and Wingham rifle clubs carne off at the range here on the morning of the 21th, and resulted iu two wins for the Wingham tears. For the Bee- hive'teain in the first match special mention may be made of the fine shooting of John Greeves, with a pos- sible of 60, and M. Doubledee with 59 points. On the Wingham team, Wm. Smith and R. J. Freebourn each made a possible 60 points. Close up to them W. H. Hele put in 50 points,Wingham winning by 4 points, In the second match, for the Beehive team J. Wilson put in 59 and I. Young 58 in grand style. For the Wingham team, the old. veteran, A. F. Etnbury, placed his 60, a possible ; also Wm. Garuess did grandly with 60, closely followed by W. Smith, J. McKague and G. Em - bury, each with 59 points. Wingharn won this time also, by two points. L<r.DIES' OxiscutDS.—Dongola, Patent Tip, Handsome Shoes. Regular price, $L65; Sale price, Saturday, $1,25, See them in window.—W. J, GREER. Married. An interesting and very pretty scene took place at the residence of F. J. Carr, Catherine St., at 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, 28th iust., when his eldest daughter, MissMaude, and Mr. A. C. Chapman were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. J. J. Patterson, The bride entered the room leaning on the•arm of her father and looked handsome in a travelling suit of pearl-gray ladies' cloth, trim- med with black silk applique and waist of white taffeta, silk, prettily trimmed with white silk applique, and chiffon ; she carried an elegant shower boquet of pink and white carnations and white roses. Little Miss Gladys, sister of the bride, in a pretty white dress, acted the part of flower girl. The ceremony Over and congratulations extended, the guests sat down to a table prettily but heavily laden with all the deliea- eies of the season, Among the many elegant presents was a silver tea -ser- vice, cake basket, baking dish and fruit spoon from the men and lady op- erators of the Wingharn glove factory, where Bert. held a responsible post. tion. The young couple left on the afternoon train to visit friends in Woodstock before proceeding to their future horse in Buffalo. Both are well known ie town and decidedly popular, and their legion of friends wish them long life, happiness and prosperity. Silas Carr will be missed in the I3aptist church, where she was a faithful worker. Among the friends who were present from a distance were Mr. Seo - field of Pittsburg, Pa., Will, Orr of Chicago, Ray Clark of Beamsville, Mr. Pethick and son of Seaforth, Mrs; 'Withrow of Woodstock, Mr, Brrnoa of Welland and Miss Annie Ellis of Napanee, Go to Isard's for the lastest New York styles irl Ladies' Cvaisff s. Dr. Butler, specialist in diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied, Mite opposite St. Andt'eiv's church, London, Ont. A CLOSE CALL FOR T1113 GOVERNMENT. Summary at 12 p.m. Thursday CONSERVATIVES 46 LIBERALS 51 WEST HURON GOES LIBERAL, MAJORITY .ABOUT 6o. Hislop Holds East Huron—Eilber Holds the South Riding. The elections occurring on Thursday made it impossible to Issue the Ad- vance on time,- and yet give an epi- tome of the results. As the weekly city papers will not give it this week, we have made an effort to give an out- line, as nearly as it can be ascertained at midnight on Thm•sday, Utter re- turns, Friday morning may of course stake change in the partial list. Conservative Liberal Addington Reid Algoma Brodie Brant NorthBurt Brant SouthPreston Brockville Graham Bruce Centre,Stewart Bruce South Truax Cardwell Little Carleton Kidd Dufferin Barr Dundee Whitney Durhat uE Pres Durham W... Con Elgin E Brower Rickard Elgin W McDiarmid Essex N Reanme Essex S AuldFt. William ,. Cameron Frontenac ,,,.Gallagher Glengarry ....McLeod Grenville Joynt Grey CentreLucas Grey North, . Boyd Grey South, , Jamieson Haldimand , , Holmes Halton Nixon Hamilton E , , Carseallen Hamilton W.,Hendrie Hastings 13Russell Hastings N ,Pearce Hastings W Morrison Huron E Hislop Huron S Eilber Huron W Kent E Davidson Cameron Kent W Pardo Kingston Pense Lantbton E, Pettypiece Lambton W.,Hanna Lanark N Caldwell Lanark S MathesonLeeds Beatty Lennox Madole Lincoln Jessop London.:., ,Deck Middlesex E. , , Roulledge Middlesex W. , Ross Middlesex NStewart Muskoka Briclglaud Monck.. Ilarcourt Northum'd. EWilloughby " Clarke Nipissing WWMichaud Norfolk S ., Charlton Norfolk N Snider Ontario N Hoyle Ontario 5 Dryden Ottawa { Oxford N Oxford S Sutherland Perth N Montaith Perth S Peterbor'n E Peterboro 'W., Prescott Murphy Powell Patullo Stock Anderson Stratton Prince Edward Currie rel C The Soo Miscampbell Currie Renfrew N ,,,, Munro Renfrew S...., Latchford Sirocco WDuff Simcoe E Tndhope Stormont McCart Toronto N Nesbitt Toronto S. Foy Toronto E Pyne Toronto WCrawford Waterloo N,Lackner Waterloo S... Kribbs Wentworth NWardell Wentworth S.,Dickinson Wellington EGibson Wellington S.,Downey York W.. .,..St, John York N,. Davis York E Richardson IVEST HURON. Any attempt to give the returns by sub -divisions accurately this week would not he satisfactory, hence we only give the general result, and will give full returns next week, VOTE IN WINGHAM, Mitchell. Cameron. 03 3(3 43 43 7$ 35 115 07 294 181 Majority for Mitchell, 113, Conservative inajority at last elec- tion, 72. Goderich gave Cameron 62 majority, Clinton 20, East Wawanosh 70, and Blyth 1. No feirther reliable reports at 12 p. m. Latest word --Cameron 61. Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Lightning's Work, The storm of Thursday last did con- siderable damage throughout the country. Fences were levelled by the gale of wind, and in some sections buildings unroofed and destroyed, Air. Hawke of Turnberry had two yearling colts killed by lightning. A fine baro, on the Oth of Morris, belonging to Thos. Forbes, was struck by the elec- tric fluid and destroyed, One bull, twelve hogs. eleven tons of hay, fifty bnshels of wheat, 100 bushels of oats awl all the farm implements were con - stoned, Dip. Forbes estimates his loss at $2,500, on which there was $1,600 insurance, Had it not been for the prompt action of a neighbor, the four horses would have been burned also, as Mr. Forbes Was in Brussels', Near Dungannon a btyrtl was harnod and ft Item killed. The sterna eoVerpd 1F large section of country, W errtiM &r OStelr,—SorVant for general housework ; no washing. Es- pecially good waqee, if she is aeompet- erlt cook, -Mrs, J, 1', Kennedy. vance, $LOO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE flRSAL F, Ilogg spent the 24th in Brussels, Miss Kortie Ross is visiting friends in Berlin. Will, Agnew of London was in town on the 24th. Jas. Chisholm of Toronto was home for the 21th. Geo, Mason spent a few days in Lon- don this week, E. L. Dickinson of Goderich was in town on the 211h. George Elliott of London visited his mother on the 21th. Miss Lovette spent the holiday at her home in London. A. Robinson of Simcoe spent Sunday at hishome in town. Miss Grace Newton spent the 24th with Ripley friends. Walt. McKibben was home from Napanee for the 2 tth. Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Mooney of Ripley spent Sunday in town. Pop. Williams of Ingersoll spent a couple of days in town. Robt. Galbraith of Guelph spent the holidays at his home here. And. Gray of Toronto spent the holidays at his home here. John and Albert Doubledee of Tara were in town on the 24th. M. Morton of Hamilton spent the holidays at his home here, Dr. Ball of Toronto is visiting his patients in town this week, Allan Ramsay of Tern visited his home in Morris on the 21th, Fred, Lindsay of Brussels visited friends in town on Saturday. Robert Ferguson of Walkerton was visiting in town over Sunday. Bert Lewis of Toronto paid Wing - ham friends a visit this week. Arthur Knight spent Saturday and Sunday at his home in Ripley, Mrs, J. D. Long spent part of last week with friends in Goderich, Robert McGregor of Toronto was home for a few days last week. Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Reid of Toronto spent the 24th at Mr. A. Reid's. Mr. and Mrs. Bell of Toronto visited nt J. C. Graham's over Snuday, v Abe. Gingrich of Listowel yisitid Wingham friends over Sunday. Jos. Carruth, formerly of town, is a member of the Walkerton band. Alex. Ritchie spent Saturday and Sunday at his home near Teeswater. Miss Vera Fairfield of Wallaceburg spent the 21th with the Misses Fleuty. Miss Bartliff of Brussels was a vis- itor at F. R. VanStone's over Sunday. Miss Bissett of Goderich was the guest of Miss Henderson over Sunday. Miss Annie Potts of Mitchell is visiting her nephew James McMann us. Mise Meryl Mason of Teeswater was the guest of Miss Jenuie Walker this week. Mrs. Ross of Port Perry visited her daughter, Mrs. M. 11. Melndoo, this week. H. Ransford, of the Dominion Bank, spent the holidays with Toronto friends. Jos. Saint of Wallaceburg spent Saturday and Sunday with Wingham friends, Jas. H. Kerr and Miss Lillian Kerr spent the holidays with London friends. Misses Lena and Arlie Hill of Walk- erton visited friends in town over Sunday. Miss Scarrow of Harristen visited her sister, Mrs. T. J. Maguire on Sunday. Miss Tibbs of London visited her sister Miss Maggie Tibbs, over Sunday, R. A. Douglass spent afew days last week with Orangeville and Markdale relatives. Mrs. William Walsh of Brantford visited friends in town for a few days last week. The Misses Mason and Miss Moore of Blyth visited Mrs. James McMann on the 21th, Mrs. Lipperton and daughter of Clinton were the guests of Mrs. Slernin on the 21th, Mr. and Mrs. 0yrtts A. Birge of Hamilton visited Wingham friends over Sunday, Jas. Dawson of Hamilton and Miss Eva Dawson of Toronto were home for the holiday. The editor of the Advance spent a few days last week with his parents in Arran township. Gordon Griffin of Guelph, and his friend will. Monker were visitors in town over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Howson of Arthur were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howson over Sunday. Miss Laura Hobbs visited her sister, Mrs. II. V, Hutton of Brantford, on Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Forbes returned on Mon- day from the West, where she has heel) visiting relatives for the past two months. J. R. Andrews of the Clutton News - Record and G. McBrien of the New - Era, were callers at the Advance office on Saturday. I)r. and Mrs. Kinsman of Sarnia, and two children, spent Saturday and Sun- day with Mrs, Kinsman's father, Mr. Thos. Holmes, A. E. Bradwin and wife of Blyth, and F. W. BradWin of Hamilton, visit- ed at the parental home on Saturda and Sunday. F. W. leaves this week for the Old Country as buyer for one of the large departmental stores in Hamilton. He will be absent about three months and will visit the mar- kets of the old land, 'France, and Swit- zerland. His friends wish him a very Pleasant and successful trip. RAMS AY'n PAINTS.. ---The right paints to paint right. See new picture ad, itt- side page ; for sale by A. YOUNG & SONS, Wingham, 35'47 DISTRICT MUTING. (Continued from last week,) Rev, A. G. Harris the Financial Sec- retary had charge of the finances and reported gratifying results. The work on the district was gone over very cat afully and found satisfac- tory in every department. The advis- ability of changing the northern part of the district was discussed, but no changes were made. A spirited discussion on the temper- ance question took place, and a resolu- tion passed urging the church to duty and diligence in the campaign 'for en- actment of a prohibitory law, Rev. A. Ii, Brown, B. A. was elected statistical secretary. Rev. R. Hobbs was elected to the Stationing Committee; Rev. A. G. Harris, and J Chambers to the Sunday School committee ; Rev, R. J. Garbutt and A. Butchart to the Epworth League Contmittee; Rev. A. L Brown Ph, D., and Juo. Joynt to the, Susten- tation Committee, At the separate meeting of the Lay- men, the following were elected to the Conference :—Bervie—C, E. Cuyler, (alternate J. Fair); Wingham—H. Park, W. Green, J. Kerr ; Kincardine —Juo. Hiles, E. Dawson ; Lucknow— J. Joynt ; Brussels—W. H. Kerr, B, Gerry, Robt, Stewart; Teeswater—A. Butchart ; Ethel—R. McKay, (alter- nate, R. Pierson) ; Fordwich—Jas. Fallis ; Gerrie, Wm. Stinson, Wm. Simpson ; Wroxeter—W,I3azlewood; Blnevale—Jas, Leech ; Ashfield—Jas. Lane ; Salem—R. Chambers (alternate, D. Statters) ; Bethel—D. Racy; Ripley —T. Iieury ; Tiverton—H. 0, Foster ; Whitechurch—Geo. Webb ; Belgrave— Jos. Clegg. Representatives to Mis- sionary Board—W. Hazlewood, A. Butchart, Excursions. The Foresters' excursion to Owen Sound is dated for June 11, during the sitting of the High Court in that town, The return fare is fixed at $1,35, chil- dren 70 cents, This will be an excel- lent opportunity to visit one of the most rapidly developing towns in On- tario, rntario, Then on June 21st the I. 0. 0. F. excursion to Sarnia takes place; return fare $1.55 from Wingham. Boat fare from Sarnia to Detroit 50 cts. (return). These are pleasant trips at low rates. See posters for particulars, CORNS. — Ohio Bailey, Compton's Early, North Dakota, Excelsior, and all the rest of theta, G. E. KING. VICTORIA DAY. Most of the business men of Wing - ham Ioyally observed Victoria day by closing their places of business. The only attraction of the forenoon was the Baseball game between Walker- ton rend W4 inghas a. rite teams were so nnevenly matched, that it was practically a "walk -over" for the home team, the score at the close of the game being 18 to 2 in favor of Wing - ham, T. J. McLean umpired the game. The following is the score :— Wingham 1 5 3 1 4 0 3 1.--13 Hits, 3 E 4 Wailcer ti to ..,.10000010-2 3 E5 In the afternoon, the races were the attraction, The 32nd Regimental Band (Walkerton) was in attendance, and enlivened the proceedings by a number of excellent selections. The following is the summary of the races :— 2.50 class, half -mile heats— Itelected, Gray, Barrie 1 1 2 1 Birdie Hays, Hedley, Cookstown 3 3 1 2 GipseyGirl, Hume, Blom 2 2 3 3 Geo. Stanton, Murdock, Hensall 4 4 5 5 Black Maria, McGinnis, Listowel,5 5 4 4 Alvol)a, Dr. Forest, Uxbridge ... 0 6 ds. Tints. 1.123, 1,09, 1.071, 1.093. 2.28 class, heats— Edelman, Swarts, Wingham 1 1 1 Maud 1I., Mune, Mora 2 2 2 Minnie Blackthorn, Van Norman, ai Wingltn 3 3 3 Mabel awaits, Goclorielt 4 5 4 Mantic C., Fisher, Wingham 5 4 5 flute, 2.203, 2,293, 2.291. 2.19 trot and 2.14 pace— Prince Vale, Swarts, Goderich 2 1 1 1 Jno. Storm,Htune„ Elora 1 2 3 3 Looking Glass, Di•. Forest, l.'xbridge,3 3 2 2 Time, 2.233,'2,203, 2.233, 2,22. In the evening Wroxeter and Wing - ham teams played Football ; score -2 : 0 in favor of Wingham, The talented musicians, De Verne sisters, gave a concert in the evening, as which there was a fair attendance, Blueva.le. Mrs. Fled. McCracken of Brussels is visiting her mother, Mrs, J. Gardiner, this week. F. B, Scott and Malcolm visited rela- tives at Seaforth on Saturday and Sunday. Miss Burdette Geddes of Brnssels visited her aunt, Mrs, Henry Diment, this week. Miss Alice Duff of Elsinore visited over Sunday at her home here. Albert Denman of Mount Forest vis- ited at his home here this week. Miss Simpson of .Ethel visited Miss Laura Snell last week. Mrs, Dowding and children of Att- wood were visiting her sister, Mrs. Joint Hall. Mre. Robt. Mallough and little Miss Jean spent the holidays -visiting rela- tives in Galt, Nrs. Grey and Miss Clethertson of Alma" visited Miss Jean Grey this week. Master Fred. Rogers of Fordwiclr is visiting friends in the village, Messrs, Menzies of Molesworth visit- ed their uncle, Mr. George McDonald, on Sunday. Mrs, Sherman Stanley and her little danghter Marjorie, and Miss Millie Moss, from near Ripley, visited at Mr, F. 13. Scott's during the holidays. Mrs, Chris. Thornton and Ileber Thornton of Wingham visited at John Gar'diner's on Sunday. Miss Ina Thomas of Torotito WAS visiting her pateate here last week, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, McIntyre and Miss Joutdo Greenway of Toronto vis- ited at Mr, Robert (Ireenway's. Mr. Curunner of Owen Sound spent the holidays ]sere with his dangliter, Mr's. John Fawcett, and returned on Monday, accompanied by his wife and son who have beet here for some time, also his danghter and het' baby. Victor Jermyn of Clinton spent his holidays with itis patents here, Mr, Higgins is visiting his son Frank in NViatltou. Miss Elva Adams of Londesboro spent Friday with Miss hood. NOTE AND COMMENT, —We dislike copying, but in the lan- guage of our esteemed totem, in '98, " Wingham done well," * * * —Wingham, 113!! Come again. Bro. Holmes, and wo will be profoundly thankful for your assistance, Did you hear it? --118. * * —A large number of Wingham Libe als, thoroughly disgusted with the Ro Government, must have dropped the ballots for honest government. Wi them, it was time for a change. * * * —The Wingham Times published dirty, scurrilous item last week regar ing the editor of this paper, and in doiu so reproduced a tissue of barefaced fats hoods, Those who try to injure t reputation of others should be sure th their own past record will at all tin bear the light of day. A word to t wise is sufficient, * * * —Tho "Liberator" has the followin estimate of Robt. Holmes, M. P., Clinton: "The desperate straits that the introduc- tion of this question drove the Government party to is evidenced in the activity of Robt. Holmes, 31. P., who poses as a tem. peranee man and who polled many Conser- vative votes In his own eiection on that score. It must be most distasteful to Mr. Holmes to stultify himself in this way, but the party demands it, and neither consci- ence, principle, nor reputation must stand for a moment in thoface of party exigency," Ah 1 Bro. Holmes, the Advance is no the only one to assist in tearing air til mask. The "Liberator" sizes you u correotly—"neither conscience, principl nor reputation," oto. Why don't yo get iu a passion at the Liberator? Or are you up against a stone hall? * * * —Robt. Holmes, M. P., was very ung last week, judging from the venom h manifested iu the notice he gav the editor of the Advance. Phew, yo could almost smell the sulphur fume from the scurrilous item he penned f the frenzy of his rage. If space per milted we would disseot his abusiv paragraph sentence by sentence. Sufiie it to say that in thirty-eight Iines, h crowded nine bare -faced falsehoods which we challenge him to prove o stand convicted. One of his plaints i that we supported Major Beck. 0 course we did, because the same dis honest machine that elected Holmes cheated Beck out of his honestly -won seat, ac least twice. Here is a sample of Holmes' ravings: "He (referring to the editor of the Advance) would support his Satanic Majesty, if the party brought him out." No sir, never! When you purred that, Mr. Holmes, you knew it was false. Besides the Conservatives are more choice in their candidates. You can have his Satanic Majesty all to yourself. e suspect he is on your side, if we can jo.4ge by the 1)allot-switchin ballot- stuiriing your party have disgraced the province with. A glance at the evidence in your own election would indicate that his Satanic Majesty took quite a hand in electing you. In No. 4, Colborne, it is said 43 voters swore they voted for McLean, but only 30 of their ballots were found in the box, while 68 were marked for you -98 ballots for 111 voters. Of the 68 Holmes ballots, 14 were of different size, different paper, differently initialled, and a paper expert declared it was "absolutely impossible" for them to have come off the stubs; they were of different stock, and did not fit the stub. In face of this and the other irregularities, you had the brazen- ness to declare publicly (according to the Goderich Signal) that not one iota of wrong -doing had been proven." Why, man, what are you coming to? No wonder the Liberator says "neither conscience, principle, nor reputation," etc. Then you close your screed against the Advance thus: "If a clearer case of arrant hypoc- risy prevails than in the case of the Advance editor, we would like to know it." r - ss it th ad- 0- he at 08 he of t e p 0 u ry e e u 8 n e e 0 r s f Would you really? Well, if yon are thirsting for tho knowledge, wo can gratify you. You can find the fellow you are enquiring for, in the Clinton New Era sanctum; his name is Robt. Holmes. Pshaw, that's easy. Say Bro. Iiolmes, have you met Miss Wiggins on the plat- form yet? Public Meeting. The public meeting in the Opera house on Tuesday evening was largely attended, Mr. Park occupied the chair, and the speakers were given an attentive hearing. Mr. Jas. Mitchell, the Conservative candidate was pres- ent and stated clearly his position and refuted the slanders that were circu- lated against him in the riding. Miss Chisholm favored the audience with a well rendered solo, and responded to the eurore received. Rev, Dr, Chown, of Toronto, delivered a very free ad- dress. Iris points were well made, and the kindly, yet forceful manner of the address made it very effective. Rev, R. Robbs sang a solo—"Canada Shall Yet I3e Free" and was loudly cheered. The meeting then closed with the singing of "God Save The King." Mr. Mitchell left by the early train for Guelph to attend the funeral of his sister, BarraAiNt-1.-•--See the Ladies' Oxfords, for $1.25 on ,Saturday next, in window at W, J. Guam's, MARRIAGES. Owens—Nothery.--Ti Trinity chnrrh, Be.lgrave, May 21st, by Rev. Cl, Mc- Quillan, Mr, Robt. Owens to Miss Maty A, Nethery, both of East Wa- watrosh. Strettol•w-Mc'Quarrie.---In Listowel, on May 21st, by Rev. A. P. Monte, Mr. Frank Sttetton of Brnssels to Miss Annie McQuarrie of Gt'ey tp. Johnston—Sparling.--Tn llowick, May 21st, by Rev. R. J. (3ai•butt, Mr, T. A. Johnston of Morris to Miss Annie Sparling of Ilowick. Smith - Girvin.---Tn Winghntn, by Rev. R. Halm, on May 28th, Rev, Jun. T. .Smith of Be:rcnn::field, Out., to Dl's. Susan lath Girvin of Lucknow, Chapulan--.Carr..--.ln 'iVingliat», May 28th, by ltev. J. J. Pattetvou, Mt', A. C. Chapman to Miss Maud Carr,. both of t'Vinginun, BANK OF IIAIILTON WpNGHAM. Capitalpaid up $2,000,000, Reserve, $1,500,00 3. TURNIIUILL, General Manager. President ---John Stuart Vice-President—a. G. Ramsay Cashier—J, Turnbull DGeo. Roach A T,JWood Proctor..ee ITa Gibson, Savings Bank hours 10 to 3; Saturdays 10 to 1 Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int. °rest allowed and computed on 3010 November and 31st Mav each year, and added to principal Special Deposits alsq received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold, 30 L, DlcsrrrsoN, Solicitor. W. CORBOUL4" Agenb Travellers ssecarnesHaminand is are notified Ciruot of the National Provincial Bank. of England (Ltd.) which can tie cashed without charge or trouble in any part of the worlq Mr. Dulmage will be found in the office, Bent Block, attending to his Real Estate and Loaning business. A number of town properties for sale, also building Iots. Money Ioaned on town property. NOTICE. the Take Town of Wingham intenditolconstructoa concrete sidewalk on the north side of Joseph- ine Street, from the north side of Victoria Street, running southerly, to a point fourteen feet northerly from the southerly limit of Lot Number Two. on said east side of said Joseph- ine to S .r tot e Gorcrnl sent Additional Surver,- and to assess the costs thereof upon the pro- perties abutting thereon and to be benefitted thereby. Tho estimated cost of the proposed work is $190.123, of which $25,87¢ is to bo provided oub of the general funds of tate Municipality. A Court of Revision will be held on Tuesday, the 17th day of Juno, A.D. 1902, at 8 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessments or accuracy of the frontage measurements, or any other com- plaint which persons interested may desiro to make and which is by law cognizable by the Court, Dated, Clerk's Mee, Wingham, May 28th, 1902, J. B. FERGUSON, CLERK. Grain, Flour and Feed MARKET. This market;is corrected every week and any special remarks we have to make will be found below the quotations, Fall Wheab 77 to 77 Spring Wheat 77 to 77 Best Family Flour (Star) made from a mixture of Manitoba and Ontario Wheat ......•..,2 00 Pastry Flour (Ont, wheat) 1 90 Man ifel,n'Moue 2 00 Graham Flour 1 90 Germ Middlings (for Porridge)2 00 Low Grade Flour 1 80 Chop 1 25 to 1 20 Cracked Wheat 1 90 Bran 090 Shorts 1 00 Screenings 1 20 These prices aro for cash,"as we will not sell on credit. We will make a liberal reduction frons above quotations to parties buying 2 barrels or over, of Flour, and you will find our Flours, both Star and Manitoba, the hest on the market. Wo have a largo' quantity of Chop, Bran, Shorts and low grade flour for sale, Bring your wheat to the mill. Wo will pay the highest market price in cash Howson, Harvey Brocklebank MILLERS Real Estate Topics—Tho fucreasing namben o1' farms and town properties that are being re- corded for sale in this Mlle() is evidence of the fact that the party who is anxious to sell, has learned where they are most likely to have their object accomplished. We are also receiving a few farms that arc listed elsewhere in town, and since they have received no attention, are now placed with us. We are preparing it largo list of properties for advertising; for sale this coming fall,so now is the time to enter your property so that you may receive full benefit of the advertising. You will lied our rates the lowest, and v hile this is true. we guoraantee to satisfy you 01 the sale or exchange, or charge you nothing. Our itixuranc'e department of the work is rapidly increasing; in extent and favor, for no other reason than results from the fact, that the represent none but Ute be„t companies. Wo gnarauteo to quote us low at rate for Life Insurance as any company doing business on sound principles and with undoubted security, not forgetting the innumerable options; so also in 1be Lire and Accident Insurance, our rate are alow as consistentetwith security and thoroos uglna h mtgemest. We guarantee prompt attention to the col- Ioetion of rents and ae00'iuts. Money t0 loan. Office over 1), M, Gordon's store. T. J, MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE AGENT WIIAT TO TAKE FOR SPRING MEDICINE l l There is Nothing to Equal PROF. SCOTT'S Herbal Bitters POR THE 13lood, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. CALL rOR SAMPLE. PRICE 2S0 PER BOX. SOLD A1' HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE WINDTIA.t