HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-22, Page 6No other poasees:•i the tegtti'ite flavor of the genuine MONSOON Ceylon 131acIs 'Tett. NN****************e * THE SECRET OF THE 6RAN6E !44444444ot444Acoif+alckk that Iarge old mansion," he wrot -between our i(ouree and Ittchmon Wuodlelgll Grange it le called. Soo after we carne here the owner of i Mr. Charlton, Balled upon ue; he h been an excellent neighbor and kind friend. I may just mention t you, as you know all my affairs, th he to a very wealthy mean, and the. it was he who advanced the mon which wvae borrowed upon my estat strange 'that we should have cora eo live near him, is its not ? He Is widower with one daughter, es whore be 1s now seeking a governes I named you to him as having supe Intenders Blanche's education, and 1 is eager for his child to have 'tt sante advantage. Blanche is dellgh ed as will she v Ii be abletoe s e you uu uiof)t every day." The result of that letter was th after a report }eorrespendence wit Apart Chariton, Esq., 1 was engage as governess to hie dnaghter wit A more liberal salary tbee I had et• enjoyed before. Ile requested m If possible, to be at Woodleig Grange about the muddle of June. How Isotec either toy employer o myself thought of all that woul result Irons that •eugagemett, hecould. have foreseen it I believ ke would rather have seen me dea than iii hls house, and yet I say him from a !:rime'.. Before' .enters upon my naw dutiee I spent; this days at the Cottage. The name of Woodleigh t;raug hied rat prepared me for the larg stately, gloomy mansion I fouled. alwayse thought a grunge was kind of comfortable :couattry'-haus bright and pleasant. This, how ever was a very large Building, and of a most peculiar construction. I s:ouitisted of the front part, wher Mr, Chariton had his uwai room and in which were tine mete a orawleg-roomie a magaificent alining room, library, morning-rueniee id bou doir, beekles sleeping rooms for cam q, came to live at Woodleigh Grange. d. sly father would not hrtug it here n with him. I do not know what be- t, came o7 it. It need to hang In hie ne dressing room. Every one saki bow a lovely her face was." O "It is very beautiful, and she must at have beets much beloved," I said, anx- t , funs to console the child, wbose eyes rr.Fr Were full of tears. e. f \i'bile she still held the portrait In e : her hands, Air. (Marlton hastily en - a. tered the room. ✓ I beg pardon Mise Wood," said he s. tt tl abs v. I diel not 'know anya abruptly. ou f i r- i was here. I lett some drawings on lei the table." 1B : Just then he eaugllt sight of Hete- t' net with her =other's portrait in her 1 halide, i i anddark, aheavyfrown ow tov- at creel 11113 face. "Who gaet you permission to {nuc h my folio ?" lie cried, his voles thlek dwith rage. ` No one, papa," she replied, tim- er Idly. r thought you would not be e, displeased; and indeed 1 have not h touched anything except this," and she held the portrait to him. r •" I have told you before that 1 d wilt not attests you to touch any of if my papers," he Said, snatching it e from her rudely, "Take care you do ed not disobey me again." "But It was my mother," sobbed rg the girl. e I Saw hie patience failing, and going up to Helena I spoke some few e words, and succeeded in making her tapologize to her father for having touched the folio without his per- ' a mission. That well do," ha said, kissing her, coldly enough, "I do not wish to be angry, but r must and will be t obeyed." e ' I noticed that he carefully wrapped s, up the portrait without looking at It. • "Papa,,' said Helena,• "some ;lay, - If I am very good, will you let me L have mamma's portrait to keep 2•' I pally On each side of this front par of the building a large wing had bee added. In ouo there were tale nurser and schoolroom, two nicely furntsbed rooms for my use, a few spare chainbet's, the rest being occupied by th servants -this was oalled the easter w1ng. Tho weetern wing was shut up We shall se n ' " you know I do not like to be teased," ; "la it not etrange, Miss Wood," - said Helena to me, as Mr. Charlton e quitted the room, "that my lath- er never likes me to speak of my • 1 mother ? What do you think made replied, hastily; \o one ever went near it. An old ee taut who had lived for many year In iht• lamlly, anti wi1J nae pensioned off, slept in one of the rooms. Sh wan very deaf, nearly blind, but n4) the Iess did the other servants r gaxd her with great fear and aw would never go near the west ern wing; dreurlful tales were told cries that 10 the dead of night ba conte from those darkened, silen of moans that reverberate through the long corridors, o white, r;ll:idowy forms seen in th AEA ur aft .lir: Chariton Have r- hip] take her picture away from his s room?" t "I do not know -perhaps he loved { her very much, and cannot bear to e non talk about her or to see anything e-' that reminds hire of her," I replied w4), cautiously. • "Ali : that is it, of course," elle d i cried, a« happy .inil•s replacing the rat i I will not grieve him again; d ! but when other girls talk of their f i mothers I feel a.e though 1 would give anything to knots more of e mine." wealth would lits servants have v(11 ; ,. ave you ever before displeased turgid in the haunted rooms. our papa by looking among bis pa- Following Iustructtun. i was rail 1 NurJlrisPd .hat for so I Isere?" I asked for that little large 4)1] establiahwent so f r, ._ had made a strange impression rap- ' vanta trete kept. There were 001,3• ; till me, 1 1 t three, and lr. ( hariton had neither ; Only once," rhe replied, 'and then one compositor has been capable of valet nor footman attend upon hint t I was 1(rokini; for that veru 'tor- following t lye offer One 1•Inndrcd Dollars' Reward for that cannot be cured ba N••^xsta ®aw+tirv.s•.c.aNr.w O ORIGINALITY IN MUSIC NOW. "i•LulnetnIO has 1.Iu. lght that 'Menne was not alt rrw, own,' saki l'aderew- eke recently to au interviewer. 140190 Of the learned tome in America, whir lul,f found ,ugge'etlons, relninircenees, ane iilter1a,'sert of tower musters 10 111» worse J] id wounded 1iliu. "Thee Have amid it ere were suggest hese from Wagner." "But there Le no,•aclt thing as steal- ing n *clue 10 nnitsit•, he cOfrthlume lie W8$ no,v uggrei=snl'l, defensive. "ill mucic ut,solute originality does nut cheep It to the temperament of the maxill syer atilt m.tkea his work. In method one c.innot help but follow these W110 have gone before. When tL greet gentuw like \Vaguer Introduces :L methal th:tt '.1hL gbe better el'. pression to an idea, it is not only not uei t n o follow: it, but it Is ii duty to follow it;. 111 cilipioeing; aunt]. a method it concerns not, se much the idea, an iter 'treatment Ina utusicai way." M. 1'aderowski was eelite:ale deeply in earnest, ".'. piece of music must be built like a Mame or a church," he went ou'. "You woul.l not acoupe an architect of tieing' u copyist it he put Willdu339 in a house, would eau': And yet he i.' merely doing whet others) ha a done. Likewise, when y'ou read the weeks of 'the great Poeta, you naiad not ttceuse Browning or Long- fellow of plugiari$m If they used the 0A.1 MO style t.t verse us someone else': Their thoughts you would consider, and nut so mach their method.," "Music, yens see, is different from poetry. It appeals to the ear.. A sound, or a combination of sounds in a WO that toonlyL• J twe to h. do wit l h 1 the rnethat, 3087 renIIII.I *tine of some other muy:0, and the whole is set dawn as not originals Let ur3 look at the prelude to the third Feet 01 'Maxi- ne' That has been criticized. There le one run, 1 x t Lt .ttlH run, u that •e ind , a i m a one T of 'Die a 1 n.rww t, it , 1 1 led w0 avoid it, but could not. Others heard is and they talk & i the ,nuggestiou front •iiia Weektu•tt' "Yet the 11rst theme is not • the sante. The second theme is not the dame, the oreheetratian 1r not the sumo. I defy ancone to show that anything e .sept this ane tittle run le borrowed. Yet for this detail of method the prelude is condemned." 4)f. Paderewski was becoming elo- quent to defence of his work. "If I were to make an analysts I could show a, likeness In method among the greatest of composers. For in. startle, look at Schum•ann's eouoerto in A minor. The firsttherne is taken almost wholly in method from Men• delssohu. And Wagner, in his first period, anti even well iuto 'the see - one period, is not entirely t rigtnal. Otte may easily find the influence of Weber and then of efeyerbeer. "Beethoven was not free from the influence or outer enlisters, for, in leis works, we often tied the suggestion of Mozart. And witnesv also toe first eonc,'rto of Chopin. Is it not sug- gtslive very strongly of Hummel? "And Carmen. ('an W' not final here an enormous Influence exerted oy (loaned? And it not only reminds you of Gounod, but some of the themes, as sung, are taken wholly from Span- ish music. The Habanero is not even Bizet•s, but in all the stores that are published Is shown to be taken from a composer who Wits alive when the opera was written." $10 -Boston 1excnrsion-$10. Friday, line :,8rd, a popular excur- :aott by regular trains will ba run by the West chore Railroad, the fare bang only ten dollars t$.O.ODi for the mood t?ip from auapension Bridge of Buffalo, 4)21,1 tiekete good for t•elurn until aril including Juno en,J, Boecon e fast go.lung pOpul:hits with tous•- ets, alid no be tier season vould be helected to viiia this !lt,tol12 City. See West Shore ag:.nts for further infor- nete01t. twilight l' t f MUSCULAR SORENESS 1; the !'sena of over-exerttou and . ,exposure to hent and cold or from whatever rause, -maty he treated successfully by the tinlety application of Se. Jacobs Olt. -i, thorough rubbing is neeessary. The MI keened be npieled vigorously, far, at leant twenty 1011111t05, 1. WO or three tltree daily, when all pain, soreness anal etlffness will be re. moved In twenty-four Imre. it will also strengthen and harden tile taus• clec. Football players, cyclists, t:; ittiests, and all athletes will find tit. ,Tucobs 011 superior to ally anter remedy for outward applica- tion. for the reason that Its action is more repl(1 and its effect perman- ent. Thousands of people alt over the world use and recommend tit. Jacobs 011 for musetear soreness. A. bottle is quite sufficient to prove ite efficacy. In cases where muscu- lar Fiore/less is ceutplieated with any i disease which requires a n al- terative, Yogeler's Curative Com- pound nbou1d be taken. New York Central and Hudson River Railroad. The above ne,rne le a houseeiloid word, and the superior exgellenoe of the road slwuid be sufficient to at- tract most Aeople, but now that the rate lx the same to New York and points east as by other lines no far- ther recommendation should be sought. Everybody will tell you It is the best. Difficulty. 3%Vasltington Spur.) Oh, the life of a statesmali's i il'er- • plex'ing ; 'Tie sam it et Irn ecwilia • It be talks he peculiarly ill wistt that he 'hadn't ; If be doettlt't he'll wish that he hard, Stops the Cough and Works r cs 0 Ur? the Cold. 0 Laxative Bromo au htiue Tablets cure acold 111 one day. No cure, No pay. Price 25 rents, Journalism In Kansas. "Wichita's damnable negro sheet refers to the editor of this paper and mine of his friends as bumbs," says a Topeka, Ilan., journal ,published by colored people. "We want this fool to understand that it takes men of more intelligent calibre to handle our course than him. An we ride upon a railroad pass, we don't Haire to be called a bumb by a Jealous negro filmet: 't,bat walks." Please 3Xr. Druggist give me what I ask for -the one Painkiller, Perry Davie', I know it Is the best thing ou earth for summer com- plaints. So do you. Thank you a there 18 your money. Evolution of Evidence. (Ohio State Journal.) "Have the lettere been duly ex- amined by the handwriting expert?" "Yes, your honor." "Very well. Let the handwriting expert now be examined by the in- sanity expert." Minstrel's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. A Queer Suicide in Alaska. t The startling suicide of John Daly, of Cowley, near Bennett, on the line o[ the White Pass and Yukon .Rail- road, was the talk of Skageray When the Dolpnln departed south lastSun- day night, The man took a sureand effective metiloa of eliuffllug of this mortal toll. lie cut a hole in tate tee of the creek just small enough to ,pass through, squeezed himself down. In the aperture into the tea c: oltl waters, amt shoved himself along tinder the ice for several feet before he became unconscious. The man made certoia of his death. He cut tile bole so small that there was not one change in a thousand of ever get- ting back through, Tlten, very deliberately, he took off his hat and forced his body down beneath the thick ice, and t o close' was the fit :that Ike s+rarified the flesl3 o11 ltfs shoul- ders. -Seattle Daily Times, • 1e t Beene. 'Elie world has so long been at war l(i , few tier- with the luiplees printer, that it will ie in ereetine to know that at least HOW'S THIS ? lie received me very kindly', ind the ;was}u n ray over Nome to Bootle for inspection proof of a. ; F. J. CHENEY es CO., Toledo, O. Old lei tern. I asked : + xnE rUCLiOUs, any case of Catarrh trait. I caught sight of it one day I O];ee taper a time sL printer brought Halls Catarrh Cure. 4).v my father t 1 allowed alai all the 'wonders of hoose. IIs smiled 135 11". asked me 1[ i . 1 ke i him to let me ator pot,ter, Ivhich, atter the manner ' t `ve,Fthe undersigned, have known F. J. should like to see the ghost of the •see it, but he refused, and I went of its kind, announced the actor as t c iP for td,c last iv years and believe him west ern wing. • into his room during his absence, to "the eminent irn,gedian, Edwin a'do sand flnin,tilly a.blle to Carry o t any Zook for it, but I could not flu] it. Daum, " obllgatou made by their Nrn1. fIt> was ver I found that cileleua, my pupil, and E were to live suite alone. lie never y angry with me. It seems Mr. Booth did not+ full} approve of ; Wr:sr a rum., 'Wholesale Druggists, To- kio very dare], Miss Wood, that IMay a Ledo, O. b• a lecture • not see ." "1 mother's !tree, even in " 1 Wvudh you'd leav(t out that '01111- ! w\Drugglets, Toledo, 0, bteRvrN, Wholesale wast Spent in the drawing -room. n. young e , while lie- hat alone in his study. Once - . Hent tragedian' business. I'd motel: 3 Hall's Catarrh Care iN taken internaliy,act- during the (lay lie carne lxtto the ' CHAPTER 1I. rattier have it simple Edwin Booth,' " ingf directly upon the blood and outwits su1- school-room and matte a few formal I Went almost every clay to see my he bald. lace of tote system. Testimonials sent free. inquiries about his daughter's situ- ; friends at Weir Cottage. .lir. Carew ' "Ver,v good NIP." PrJee 7Gc per bottle. Sold by all druggists. die. progress, etc. Atter dinkier head begun to Jose a tittle of the The nekxt week 'the actor saw the t Halt e 1 nanny Pins are the best, e'Imes he seat dor her, and the hopeless despondency that had taken first Ott Me newt bilis In position. Hie two woukt laugh awl talk together, so firm a hold of hint, and the one request hard been carries)! out to the but I sew very' piatuiy that Mr. I htubject of itis conversation was Al- letter, The poster announced the Charlton al not amend much time at Ian Charlton and hie wealth. He held e_.niing engagement of ",aim; atone in Woodleigh t' t the t .Newt+ Rata rtnieater With Success• SPUMES TO KILL RATS. xrt 133,5• } ]r) mor gage on ('rooule, (incl was w t : Booth. -London Tit -Bits, .- I was never much Ilrfpo.'sessed by t therefore the meet important person --- the personal appearanec of my em- ` In the world to the old man whose 1' W " The Rev. H. J. Betts, pastor of the Moyer: , cenc people would perhaps i loss had so nearly broken his heart. ; People's Baptist ('Jrurelr, of Bayonne, :kayo eoxxeidere,l hiiu harldet:me: Ole ever a day passed without ifr. i I believe 1♦f(NAI3D' t LINIMENT will has discovered rx brand new method (taco was tuts dark and iusorat'able to ' Charlton , isitin tt the ( tt Lin of beauty or color in a tarp were seen there rent n ill 1 toMeta • Itt.l J.J,V F11I I.It. patent on it, either. Anybody may have t.audor acrd openness me these thins i lease ma I do nut care about Hugo baskets of flowers and fruit e. cure erery RSase of Diphtheria. of destroying rats. There isn't any t >S1Lt I lnr: t h• i'' face, i ur •v, 11nt 1 g began to have a 1 belies MINAIID'S LINIMENT will adopt it. el expr•eeeion. There, was something. ! strong,: meaning. 1 could not believe proeuee growth of hair. lir. Betts is not only a. pastor but n Mut I could ue'er quite fathom ' Mr. Carew was the chars] that drew the dark, eaLgrr eyes hail no calm I Allan Charlton from hie glome every elille. CHAS. ANI)F,RSON. a druggist as wen. In the basement it I. muffled depth, no proud hts were : kitty. It could not be. for the please : tanirw T T I of 111s drug store there appeared some m`coxeii on the proud imp'xssive i tire. of talking with or Listening to' time ago a small n.rmy of rats. The :T ,e 'e Lim that 1 " ve 1 " Ir tt i retell.,,. son„ and I 1I1n; ear ,. tiomtnle•druggietcouldn't understand Mr. Chariton was a:to a man of the ion tent vie td to the Cottng i tl1 •hes( hoitaebotd r emedw on] earth. re=atest reserve • it nes , . , what attraete(i the a seldom that thought of i,lanche s beautiful fae= . 11.1TTIAt\ FOLEY, ,,, were, _ m, but there the Frank words or tt tteurty laugh rose': What something like pain. I realm-' Oil ..-., .., -- ---- to Ole lips. A cloud hung over laim i h"red the winning charm of her tion was begun against them, that r t • him . r vOne P grave and ,. n., da •las' e0 . it 1 sit manner,i week 4)i I K silent in its : the grave of her every ac- 3 big ball•slrap- shadow-at least it appear"'d s. to' tion, tate mush • of her voice, the ring ed rat, with which agility seemed We had, lie made but one allusion to; not been for they sake ofethe brighit t. Vele n4) 9 mUtl i -- er h Is dears wife --unci haired roldicr ww•orkir,g e•, hard under pat was when we were speaking et; th.• Initial] sun. 1 should still have frailer). ale said site died there. ; ,treaded to see my happy, blooming One morning, UN tike young girl Woe 801 11,11113. the wife of the gloomy re- ' aged,' examining •L portfolio of ' served Master' of Woodleigh (grange. towhees that LPr father had left I I wwr,e alnsiotls to know' It niy HUH- hpon the table. a portrait startfully ¢ pieions were correct.. I notleed that f❑ paper serape-he(1 r P +,• rf i 1 1 l from it. She once o r twice Mr. Charlton .1z i•: , . •r on uren- k tit r P up and opened it, i :tweed Mies L`:ti•()vv's name, as though "Allss Wood," she crie,l. "I hie is ttty ; ire would like pie to speak of her, mother -toy own dal'litg mother.' and would like to hear anecdotes Look. how Natntl(I she ss'' or her early girlhood, but I did not I1 war, a very lovely face, but I rtl'ponrl to the wish. I said noth- i Ought there W9R 8 191 thing strange' trig r,f the girl who was Hugh Mos- ta tie exp1'rsRioh of it. Beaiitifhii an,1' ten's pr.uutsed wife. I noted the ilte. with blur, vela and ripe reel - wistful look of e'¢peetatlolt out his ifp•, )tiff. it tens not n thong:,tfill or ; fare, but it dirt not move me. I felt btte,leet(ti foot, I sorely tempted 10 tell ltim of the • !N it hot bront'f,il, Miss Wood V' t e;igageinent in a casual, eareless 'salt Helena. "1 !eve her so much,' way, bat I dare not, for if he Kpoke and ye( I (•1131 lvuar•nther nothing of • of it to Mr. Carew. the latter 9y met' r." On*. During then few eonvereations' of her gay laugh an men ev "241.1 ,,lir its ver ma. her Ins,. : tuell5 L interfere nncl forbid it at tut a r;nrpris:., u]Lr•(. "No," "he replied. ',•;1dly ; "she riled; To 1)c Continued.) whim I 11.10',mite a babe -asel I am fourteen nr,wt. I en mutt, of eenree, To Stop tliceougha. 13-1133teher iter 10 tee hetet." , A new method of I4topping Limelight: "But feel !mew leg port flit tit ! ie Neel to have been at•eident'a,lly 3119. o1,r';''" 1 1-d.1. a,>wt'r(.l in n Prenell Hoepital, It con- -Vele"' e • .019wvr•rt') : "I"r' ms°, a - sista in thrusting the tongue out of lo• girt o 1 c Pad ;L Ir35autifud , 1 i• molar 4)(031 holding it thug for pleQii'e rat bee : th;it wee br'fere 1301 re ,;bort time. Pagn Woven Wire Fence is the only reliable feneo for hnidmg stock owing to •ha ceatimunus end or spiral efirinrftt. No. 3 'Pogo' wrirewsillwithsteanrlaotratno'.3,00oponads: erdinury No. 7 wits will only stand a strain 4)7 ',;,I,,911,0'Common wirnw.crtcoiled or bent 3.133 re mit?itten nut withflan first strident remain e+,. i's{;ofrnce;nranov'eery eta ep,and rt<kneve thea Leve81t'aye been OM Best. kapfence% aro aa -oil by all (tannd,an railways, Thn Wire-Fenc, ,Co , Ca„wlitid. Welkirvill. Ord.4 A Queer State of •f hinge, It nr,ty be interesting to many pec. pi r' wl.o think that hi flile ('otrntry We, suffer (rent u'u exaggerated form of trades union tyranny, to learn "that a, few weeks ago some paimters who: were re•decoratttlg the interior ofel 4)L lnTCh,1 i< a lr din 1' 1 rat .] tarty] P C . asPC 1 work b'ettlinc w on were L arwe employee) to clean the. (tropp1rlg8 of paint en the pews, 811(1 the employers had to finish the job themselves and thea quite recently in a seaside town there was a strike of teainsterar beeau6e their employer re!nsed to discharge n 'driver who Iliad 1na'tde. a journey to a Neighboring town three hours " meeker than they ihemselve.9 had been accustomed to take. Consul of Liverpool, voueties for the truth of this almost i'ner:edible story. -..Tics. ton 1:'ommsrcia1 J3trltetin. ROYAL MUSKOKA HOTEL Title neve, modern, up-to-date hotel 3380 opened for 1113 reception or guests in 1901. It le sltuLLteat in the centre of the finest rriimmer resort region In America, known as the efuekaka Ln.ker4, within meet reach of the ] principalp >l s In Canadatela and the United Statile. The interior of the hetet 19 planned in the beet advan- tage 101' comfort and eoiuVentetietl, special ehtenti(m being given to vetl- tita'titen and sanitary 0rrangements, tis rpaoiclus finites. with handsome b1Lthr,ronl5 attached. are especially 4e(lapttr1 to either !erg© or Small fatly 1i1c ('uleirse find eervkle aro the beet, (filen slit'` gursin ,rune 1:1th, I`'oi' fur - titer partieularl, deeerlDtivn platter and all informatiolt write ,1. S 111,3 I►w,a]d, I)letrlet t'assenCrrr Agent, to be a lost accomplishment, was cornered and killc'l An autopsy was n it.xfor e t m d on the body and It ells closers what was the attraction Is the basement for the rats. They were sponge eaters. Title particular rat had ewaltowed a big piece of sponge and It had 'molten so ►nuCll inside tans that he only l( u i nl v move with1 d file It u v. That gave w the domillie his rat ridding de- vine. Every night now nice little meals of sponge and cheese, with basins of water to quench their thirst and to help result& along, are tett for the rats. Every morning there was a yield of dead rats, till soon the pastor was praeticaily rid of the peat. -N. Y. $ un. Sooth to Say. There are things better thhan.111aney in thita life, but it takes tinneeley to buy timed. If you seteelnip•t to Icil1 a Woman, slue generally :sets her fate against 113, If yott spare the puanp, you spoil the type. Like a kttteles tail, hinplliniess 1e heed to ,catch; but there is ;lots c,f fun ole' ' fl)stnlg it. Mender& rna1ce a mall 'girid etc) see bile 9ltftathar-inelaxv. It the telloir takes yotse ln.easuro, pint will peobably Wee to pray In cedvettnea '.rrutth May be rat the beetottl Of a bet 'Onto nli'e .very IOW IOW ai7lerie.• TO (;this. A Ctif.'t) Ili ONIII', Ifri•1t 1 t F•F•I H 1 1.1'd •t' F A hf •i»1'+itetes eeti e WHAT DOCTOR SAID WENT. $ 't I.1 6 i•d'•fi'Ed••1••bi••1'•Fi••1'i'i gl'o V"!'•1'iri•tl At the last annual meeting of the Am/elation of Militate: Surgeons of the TJtrlted Stater Major ,John Van le. Heft, Medleal Department, U. H. A., In the course of his swell accept- ing the i'resideney of the association tahl the following etary: ":1, lad,- was passing through the wards of an (aver-el'owde(1 military hospital when she euatle111,' cnemis• tercel two men sawing and hammer- ing on some boards. She looked at tlttwin ill Nome surprise. anti won'ler- ingly asked: "What are yon doing there, my men ?' Tl e ] v looks( ] 1 t p at her, and one of them said: "'What are we doing? Why, we aro making 4)I coffin, a offs t that's at wit at swatwve are dogleg,` "'A coffin ?' she asked. 'For whom are you malting a coffin ?' "'l'or that fellow over there In that bed, Don't you see 13103 ?' "The lady looked in the direction indicated, and saw e, man apparently in good condition and watching the operation with great interest. "'Why, that man 1 t not dead, and, indeed, he doses not look as if he was going to die. Can't you postpone Hee work ?' "'No,' the men said, 'we can't post- pone it. The doctor told lis to Malta the coffin, and he knowe what he gave him.' "-New York Army and Navy Journal. Lifebuoy Soap -disinfectant -is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against infectious diseases, 22 A finagles; Matter. Tenderfoot (on Alberta ranch) --I should 'think it would 'be a lot of trouble aubl for a man to pick out • s 1 llu own cattle from among so many. Cowboy -01e i that's an easy mat- ter. The trouble begins {vheil lie picks out some other nsan's cattle. See? >ragrant, warming and comforting, "the D. a: L," Menthol Plet teL' is the must agree- able remedy for sprained, stiff, painful mus- cles, as it is the most eilleaelous. 1Wear tt continuously fora time If yon have lumbago or Nelatien. The Poor Atari's Nix. Weary Willie -What snakes you look see worried ? Meandering Mike -I jure told a man I was sick, and lee said he'd Dome back In a mirnile and treat me; stow! I do n''t know whether he's a bartender or a doctor, Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. 'I'lle Saute, But (:hanged. Lady -Aren't you the man to whom I gave a piece of entre recently ? Tramp -Yes, ma'am. " Have you been working since 7" " No, ma'am ; I have been in the hospital ever since.__ si ON qy A S1A,NLI $ 011TMrNr.) Endorsed by best English medlcalJournats. Supplied to British soldiers in South Africa. For all Throat and Gland Troubles, Lumps, Abscesses, Old Sores, Ulcers, Felons, Skin Diseases Eczema Pimples, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises, Piles, Cuts, Sore Feet, pleurisy. Sold by Druggists, 25o, Try It once, Iteadltiststresa Asked. 'Things never seem properly ad- justed in this world, said the care- less eating man. "Thr instance ?" "I have observed time and again} that the people with tiro most ex- pensive tastes most invariably have the least rnoney to meet them." Miaard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria Bliss Long Brawn Cut. "I am afraid that young Feath- erly, who ealls on yds so often, is rather a fast young man," said a father to his daughter. "Oh, no, he isn't, father," replied the little brother, who was pre- sent, "What do you know about Mr, Featherly ?" demanded tate old man. "I only knotty," the little man re- plied, "that I beard hint ask sister for a kiss last night, and she told him he could have one 1f he would be rlulck about it ; but it was the slowest kiss that 1 ever saw." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. (sold prospectors in Alaska Ray they can go farther and accomplish more hard work on rice/ and bacon than on any other ration. Two washings with Sunlight Soap wear the linen less than one wash with common soap. LJNLIGIIT 0Ap REDUCES EXP;f~to1SF, Ask .116r lite Octagon Isar nog Take T,axative/33013343 Qutukto 'Tablets. All ff,, druggists refund the money lilt fitfis to cure. r,L'Ron4 la Canada aee,ng (iiocum s gree offer Is 1',W. moven signature Mot cashbox. 215e, America' eastpers,will please seal for Ran,pl.i tY Tomato, suasion the paper. ONSUMPTION Prevented and Cured. Pour nulrvetous free r'etnodis tot' all sutferers reading this paper. New CureforTubercutosis,Consuntp. tion, Weak Lungs, Catarrh, and a rundown system, FREE. Do you cough ? Do your lungs pain you ? Is your throat sore and inflected? Do you spit up phlegm? Does* your head ache? Is your appetite bad? Are your lungs delicate? Are you losing flesh? Are you pale and thin? Do you lack etamhia?. These symptoms are proof that yeti have in your body the Seeds of the most dangerous malady that has ever devae. tatlid the earth -consumption. ton. You Ire invi(ed to test 'what this ayiterri will do toe you, if yeti are sick, by writing fora PRMEZ TRIAL, TitEA"1" MENT and tie Pour Free Prepairttroel will be forwarded you at ono*. with complete directions for use. The Slocum System le *positive euro for Cansurep, tion, that tttost System disease, end for ail Lung 'r,,,ales and B»onlere, 4.m:pplle10 8 by Les& of at Flesh, Coe hs, catarrh, ,thnla, Bronchitis and Beget amebas. c Sineply write to else 'P, A. Sloes n,' Chemical Con+pany, Limited, t e Kin;; Street West, Toronto, giv ria post alike end ezpre,1 address, and tits frerf wordacrne (the Steam attar/Ill be prom fly sent, scoirs Lmvisloo of Cod Liver Oil is the means of life, and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and children. When appetite fails, it re- stores it, `When food is a burden, it lifts the burden. When youlose flesh,it brings the plumpness of health. When work o k is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life it] bight It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. But what is the use of food, when you hate it, and can't di- gest its Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is thefood that snakes you forget your stomach. it' you have not tried It, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will 4)w• rtes Yyou. Cie rT & BOWNE. Chemists; Toronto. 000. and $1,00; all druggists- t1EALTMI HINTS. From an Official Circular by Buft'alo Health °Meer. t ( w f (1 i a b t 11 h a t t ti 1i tI 14 4 e p1 r gI b a) ex 111 el In bi 110 nl ti p1 el to e1 st Buffalo Courier Woven Would not wear long railing it 'k • ' N ixis it the • g 1 tush of Health ;om 1seioner Walter D. Greeny] 'ere Observed. 18 a pamphlet issued yesterday or gratuitous circulation 1)r. ramie calls attention to some of Ike means whereby consumption le spread. He declared that the skirts of women drugging on the streets nd 1n r,Itreet cars tend to stirs up acini, which are thus carried froul 0110 place to another. "Women should not wear skirts stat drug," said Dr. Greene, .'It is le (dusty of women, for their own ealth and Lor the health of thole bout tlleln, to wear short skirts," Dr. Greene's pamphlet calls at- ention to the gross -ling danemre Of uberculosis, or coneuulption. For to year 1.901 a comparison of the umber of deaths from eon:uing- 011 with those from other causes given as follows: Consumption, 71; as compared to 'l75 of can- er 130 of diphtheria, 98 of tee ioid fever, 01 of whooping cough, 5 of scarlet fever and two of mallpox. Some of the ,pre'entive measures ecommended by Dr. Greene are No consumptive mother should ve nurse, temieumptives should never marry. Never sleep with a consumptive. C'on'sumptives should not Ides or e kissed. In every case of chronic cough 1d expectoration, have the pot um amined. Do not use a public drinking cup 1t1I you Have thoroughly renew] it. Avoid towels that have been used v others in -public places, or tow - used by consuinptivee. The Knell of tuberculous persons ust be disinfected or boiled before be brought 111 contact with the e11 of others. Any faintly having a tuberculous ember' should use extra precau- orfs wherever enteetion may take ace, especially through dishes, °thing or carelessness int expec- 'ating, and should regularly cause and disilnfect the room of toll patient, Ladies' walki.ng skirts should he short as not to touch the ground several inches. Trailing skirts it up the latent bacilli. ed by et DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH CURE, u, rs Is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower, Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings In the throat and permanantl cures Catarrh and Hay Fever Brower tree. All dealers, or se Medicine Co, Toronto sand BBuffalo. j,yOUNG WOMAN -AGED 21 -WORTH $15,000 -wishes to correspond with honest, intelligent man, who would appreci- ate a good wife. Los 2,808, Toronto, Ont, CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ZION, JOHN DRnr1N.,,.., PRESIDENT The report for 1901 showed remarkable Increases over 1000, In the following items: New business increased by v .... $ 850,70 5 Premium incme Inereased by 39,312Total income lncrensP by 4h,9„3Asaein increased 48,91 Insurance In force htereased by 1,899,4(10 ronttnontai Life Policies are unexcelled for simplicity and libel'ality. Agents wanted. (3110. B, WOODS, CHAS. H. I+'TJLLEil, (general Mauagcr Seerotery, ISSUE N0. 1902 1010SIN,E$S CHANCES. ti.vJASH FOR REM. IbB7A'i o OR B U 3 1 nC84, n0 matter where it is'Sanddescrip- tion nd cashprice and oLo our plan foritnd fog cash buyers, Patent (xehange and Inca)• wont (;'08194)137, Toronto, Canada, PA. VENTS. -we AUNTS, OAVEATS, TRADE MAIMS etc. Home or foreign pleat od and ex- ploited. Exchange and Investment Cotente mpany, Pvthiaa Building, Toronto, Out Mra. Winslow's Soothing' Syrupshould always be used for Children 'Ieethtng, 1t soothes tl]c child, softens thegguaw, mires wind colic and Js the bat remedy for Dlarrheea, I YOU WANT TO 111.7y A• I'ARM IN Wester13 Ontario, or city of London, qv suburban property, write for our printed lists; sornesplcndld bargain.. Western stool Estate Exchange, London. . O SALE -OIL GAS It I . A Al ifjV), 1N 1 inducting l 0D repair, ret,tt, atomizer, ol( tank purJnel•,hol,ler weight ,rad all complete. capable of supi lylug gun, }runt 1 up to Gee Sights. k'or fnlp;u'tic•tdetts, address Ooorga Stevenson, plumber, Hamilton, Ont. 't?RUIT FARM FOR SALE -ONE OF THE J. finest In the Slam Peninsula, au Winona, l0 miles from Hloamilton on two rail- ways, Macias in alt 85 of which is In fruib mostly peaches, Will be be sold in one parcel or divided into lotsof 16 to 30 acres to suit pus. chasers, Thisa decided bat•gainddss re Jonathan Carpenter, P. 0. box 409, Winona Ontario 1fltLTAUT;01 AGENTSW NTED WO want at oneo trustworthy Ween and we - merlin every Locality. Meal or trevel lug, to 111- 1ardsandii1,erte ngnatter(t kedour tohtcon npielto04 placer; throughout tete town and eoturtrr. Steady employment year round aommi auiou or seamy, OS.OU per month and expenses, not to exceed $2.60 per day, Write for particulars. Postoiftec box 337, INTERNATIQNAL MEDICINE CO„ London, Ont, t>1rr 1 CURE iLa E difficulty of breathinge ,, tightness of the chest, wasting away of flesh, throat troubles, consumption, coughs, catarrh, colds, pneumonia and pleurisy. A SAMPLE FREE BY MAIL to every sufferer. PUL -Mo is for sale by all druggists at $t.ao per large bottle, and ss cents for small bottle, or direct from THE PUL -MO CO., TORONTO, ONT. A Common Bred Cow When toned up by Dick's Blood Puri- fier will give as much and as rich milk as ahighly bredaristocratic Jersey cowgives upon or- dinary feed, and a Jersey cow when given. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER will wonderfully increase her yield of milk. It saves feed too, because a smaller amount of well digested food satisfies the demands of the system and every particle of Hour- stshment sticks. 10 cents a package. Leeming, Miles & Co„ Agents, MONTREAL. Write for Booklet Cattle and 11033,s free. DIRTYNO y / ^ p- H Alii D S . Clean your silver- ware, gold, brans, eta, with ELECTRIC. POLIStUMMO FIBRE No powder moons]: to use, lust hrlaitrub. bine with thepprepnr- ed cloth. Polishes like magic. Price 211e nt druggists or by mat} from MONARCH 111EG. 00., St.Oatharhieee, Ont. Trial samples free. 7'rad0 sapplled, ? Eaa HAMILTON- TORONTO - MONTREAL LINE. Steamers: leave I -Hamilton 1 p, m. and Toronto 7:80 p. in. Tuesdaye and Fridays during May, and on and after June 3rd .Tuesdays, Thurs- days and 13aturdays. Hamilton to Montreal' t > nnie Toronto toMontrealVgAlii moo Meals and berths included. The above chew ratest0Merit- real b - real aro in erfeet for May only. Only line running rapids. Write for 11. .. 0. Iiotel Book of Lower Lawrence o a and f oldor e. x), Prestos* Chabot', 'Western Passenger Agent, 2 Ring Street Enst,Toronto, Ont. THE VERY BEST Paint up your house, yotir buildings, your fences, everything that should be painted, and (k) it well. Pay a tats price, but don't pay any mors. ('ret . RASAYS PAINTS and you'll get the best that MAK In the world of paint making. You get pure Colorer, pare oil. Better time white lead o1• any other mixture, to preserve, 'to beauttty, to last, and rat the right price. Drop tort a eaet'd nett asst for 13001{L1 T NO. 11 I`ILT•.',le, showing how sono hornet are pal fl ed. Established 1812. A. RA SAY SON USE E. B. EDD MONTREAL, Paint ilukers ""Mend Light,” soca ,"eagle," foo dr, ton ""VIctorla," “Little Coiaaet." ,.PARLOR MATCHES.. TRH l'iNEST IN 1'1111 WORLD, r sale by all the prltiolpal grMNekb.