HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-22, Page 5•
May 22, T9O2
--Tho St. Mary's Creamery Co,, I'itd„
Shipped on Friday 22,000 lbs of butter to
British Columbia, `,Cho business of the
Creamery is steadily increasing and its
products are in demand in the leading
markets of the world.
—Mrs, I''auny Carpenter, a woman
lawyer of New York City, received a fee
of seventy -Siva thousand dollar's for win-
ning a case. So large an amount is sel-
dom realized by the ablest corporation
lawyer and has never before been re-
ceived by a woman of the legal profes-
sion. Mrs, Carpenter decided, in 1806,
to study law, and entered: the law school
of the Now York University..
--Mr. J. J. Plitcherd delivered fifteen
head of cattle to Harriet= the other
day for Mr, William Dulmage, fpr
which he realized the handsome suet of
$700. Mr, Thomas Anderson delivered
two steers, two heifers, one bull and one
cow to Harriston buyers recently which
had total weight of 7,220 pounds. He
received for the lot $261. Thus the
money piles up.--[Harriston Tribune.
--Prof. J. J. Ferguson (Canadian) of
the Michigan Agricultural College staff,
in showing the value of animal
husbandry work, gives the following
data: "In the United States, domestic
animals having a commercial value
number over 140,000,000 head, with a
value of three billions of dollars. On
parade they would make a solid column,
of more than 76 abreast, reaching from
San Francisco to Boston, or if in single
file a solid procession would resp$ six
times around the earth and require
twenty-one years to pass a given point,
marching steadily at the rate of twenty
miles a day. They would fill a solid
stook train of 2,600,000 modern palace
oars, over 20,000 miles in length; and,
further, their value exceeds the total
combined value of all the corn, wheat
and other cereals, potatoes, hay, cotton,
sugar, molasses, tobacco, lumber,wool,
coal, petroleum, silver, gold and precious
stones, iron, copper, lead, zinc and other
metals produced annually in the whole
Crowder is the Leader in Low Prices,.
Despite adverse woolen market conditions
Crowder's warranted Clothes exhibit more
than usual exclusiveness of fabrics and fashion
—and our customers are assured that they
will get the very latest in styles. In perhaps
uo other make of clothing is there so large a
proportion of hand workmanship and careful
attention to details, essential to individualiz-
ing ready-to-wear Clothing guaranteed to fit
See other people's Suits at $10.00, then see ours at $7.00
Children's 3 -piece Snits, Coronation, Detroit, reg. $5 and $6. Sale $4.00
Boys' 2 -piece Snits, all -wool, Sale price 1.95
Youths' Suits in tweeds, black and bine, all wool Serges, etc. worth $80.00
Men'r3 Suits (all wool) in tweeds, serges, etc., worth $10, Salo 7.00
4 only English Whipcord Coats, worth $11.00, Sale $9.00
5 sample Overcoats, latest styles, silk facings and plain, worth $10, Sale7.25
Warm Weather Clothing.
Just to haul, Sumner Suits, latest cut,
narrow pants, all sizes, colors—grey stripe and
Biscuit stripe coat and pants, vast $6.50
black and white, complete t'
Summer Suit $8.25,
Here's a Winner and Bought 5peciatly.
0 only young men's Summer Suits, dark green,
all wool, imported cheviot, with neat stripe
Pants narrow width. long legs (Vest, black and
white, washable) this is a corker for ci•8 2 5
the money -P
Special In young men's Pants, latest cut, nar-
row legs, short or long, per pair $1.85
White Duck Trousers, latest belt attach-
ment $1.00
Boys Summer Wash Coats, all sizes, blue and
white stripe, price 50c
Mon's Summer Wash Coats, all sizes. nice
dark Dolor 95e
Special Announcement.
Blue, black and Moleskin Overalls. .00
Canadian tweed Pants, all sizes, the gener-
al store $1,25 kind. .00
25 pairs Tweed Pants, all sizes, worth. .I,50
Crowder's price 110
16 only Black Rubber Coats with cape,
worth $2.75, Salo 1 95
Mon's Rubber Coats, sizes 36 to 48, good
heavy weight, worth $6.00, Crowder's ....3.50
Odd Trousers
Present Stook. 400
Pairs, prices 900 to 73,73
We sell everything a man_ wears
eucept Shoes.
Crowder is agent in 'Winghant for Austrian
Belts in all latest styles
25c, 35e, 000
Furnishings Fit
for a King at
Popular Prices.
Salem Shirts and
Waists, nice color, soft
and hard bosoms, 71.00
and $1,25. Tho nobby
young mon wear Salem
Shirts in plain, white
plaited prints, price
S' 1'T
oys' Blouse Shirt
f o date, just something
Hot Weather Neck Wear.
A nice assortment tubular goods just arrived
Coronation Ties, latest colors 25c, 50c
Stopped in Transit.
Sills Undershirts and Drawers for mon and
youths, pink, blvd, black and white,
worth $1.00 a garment, Salo 50c
In Shirts we are the working man's friend
Underwear is selling at about ordinary cost
Hat Department.
Soft and Hard Felt Hats, all sizes, 3 colors,
worth $1,75, Salo 1.25
Imported Buckley flats Theo
Just received a shipment of the latest styles in
Flats, made by Buckley J Sons, London, Eng.,
usuallysold by other merchants at $2.50
$3.00, rowder's Price
'Watch our advt. in this paper if you want to save money. Even if you live 25
miles from Wingham, it will pay you to come to see us and get our prices.
The R. I1, Crowder Co.
Butter and Eggs
taken as Cash.
Colin Campbell's Old. Stand, Wingham
Winter Term begins San. 0, 1901
Our rates are reasonable—our Courses of
Study thorough and practical.
Send for our Journal to see what wo teach.
Students may enter at any time.
Two Courses of Study—Commercial and
President Secy.
Owen Sound Listowel
iiii!1 lii j
You Caul Aftbrd
to Exponlllellt
Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet-
erinary College. Office and Infirmary,
corner Victoria and Minnie Streets, vti
Wingham. Day and night calls prompts rji.
ly attended to. Telephone connection.
its ait to have a good
Suit spoiled in the making,
The suits we make give en-
tire satisfaction, . Give us a
trial and be convinced.
Webster & Co.
upstairs, In Shaw Block.
in the mutter of getting
your clothes made—ex.
periments are often cost-
ly. You wont be experi.
menting if you let us
make your spring Suit or
Overcoat, because our
long experience in the
tailoring business enables
us to speak with a feeling
of assurance, Give us a
Life Too Short
To waste with an old sowing
machine, doing its work clan•
lily, and trying the patience
of the another who has so
much to do. Life is happier
when you use the
ina611ine, Call and see our
Organs, Violins, Guitars',
-rill fact fcli.' anything in
the line of Music.
Dalt Sewing nto:ohtne 011.
"I, 1-1
"I suffered terribly and was ex•
tremely weak for 12 years. The
doctors said my blood was all
turning to water, At last I tried
Ayer's Sarsaparilla and was soon
feeling alt right again.”
Mrs. J. W. Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct.
No matter how long you
have been ill, nor how
poorly you may be today,
flyer's Sarsaparilla is the
best medicine you can
take for purifying and en-
riching the blood.
Don't doubt it, put your
whole trust in it, throw
away everything else.
no 4 bottle. All druggists.,
Ask your doctor khat be thinks of Ayer's
parsaparina. 115 knows all about thle grand
ala famfly medicine, Follow life advice and
we VW be satisfied,
J, 0. AM Co., Lowell, bfm.
`tch)s puts
Yes, August Flower still has the
largest sale of any medicine in the
civilized world. Your mothers' and
grandmothers' never thought of using
anything else for Indigestion or 13111 -
oneness, Doctors were scarce, and
they seldom heard of Appendicitis,
Nervous Prostration or Heart failure,
etc. They used August Flower to
clean out the system and stop fermen-
tation of undigested food, regulate the
action of the liver, stimulate the ner-
vous and organic action of the system
and that is all they took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches and other
aches. You only need a few doses of
Green's August Flower, in liquid form,
to make you satisfied there is nothing
serious the matter with you. You can
get D. G. G. Green's reliable remedies
at J. E. Davis'.
akes short roads,
ood for everything
that runs on wheels.'
Sold Evoryvvhere.rL
UN 5Mt
etc ria
May 24th
Return tickets will be issued at
Between all Stations in Canada ; all Stations
in Canada to and from Detroit, Mich., Port
Huron Mich., Fort Covington, N. Y., Bombay
.let. N. Y., Helena, N. Y., Massena Springs, N.
Y., .ouse's Point, N. Y., Island Pond, Vt., all
Stations in Canada to, but not from Buffalo,
N. Y. Black hock, N. Y., Niagara Falls, N. Y„
and Suspension Bridge, N.Y.
Good Going May 23rd or 24th.
Valid returning from Destination on or before
May 26th, 1002.
Tickets and all information from agents
Grand Trunk Railway System.
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Commencing Saturday, May 24th,
Northbound, and Sunday, Nay 25,
Steamship Express
will run between Toronto and Owen
Sound, connecting with Upper Lake
Steamers es follows
Leave Toronto 1.30 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Arrive Owen Sound 5.20 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Leave Owen Sound 9 a.m.
Sunday, Tucrday, Thursday
Arrive Toronto 12.55 p.m.
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
A. H. NOTMAN, Asst, Genl. Passr, Agent
1Xing Street Fast, Toronto
We Guarantee all Our
Hot water Bottles,
Syringes of all kinds,
Atomizers, Tubing
Breast Pumps,
Corks and Bandages,
The }fest is always the
Colin A. Campbell
—Norwich ratepayers carried a by*
law to exempt the Norwiolh Milling Co.
from taxation for twenty years,
--Winnipeg dispatchers say there are
18,000,000 bushels of wheat in IYtanitoba
and the Northwest available for market,
—Mr. James Thompson, of Porth, bas
just completed his fiftieth year as sheriff
of Lanark County, and is now 00 years
of age, but strong and vigorous.
-Walter Falls Central Exhibition will
this year offer u cash prize of $5 to the
best kept school grounds in the Town*
ships of St, Vincent, Euphrasia, Sydou'
hain, and holland,
—Not discouraged by well number 5
being a failure, it has been decided by
the Bruce and Grey Oil & Gas Co. at
Hepworth, to sink well number 5 200
yards north of numder 2.
--Stratford ratepayers have carried a
by-law in favor of giving assistance to
to the Globo -Wernicke Co., who will
build a factory for making book cases,
office desks, and similar articles..
—Septic poisoning, the result of prick-
ing a blister on his foot with a darning
needle, was stated at an inquest at West-
minster to have caused the death of
Edward Ernest Wheeler, a bootniaker.
—It seems to have been the original
intention of the Laurier Government
be give the land of the Yukon to Mac-
kenzie & Mann, the water to the Tread -
gold Syndicate, and the air to the
—The Township Council of Ops has
set apart an annual appropriation of
$500 for the purpose of bonusing the
building of wire fences along the high-
ways. The bonus is to be increased to
35c per rod.
—Mr. McAlpine, station °;master at
Centennial Cornerr, near Pickering,
found a gold nugget worth $3.50 in the
crop of a chicken, which the bird is sup-
posed to have got from the. gravel sup-
plied as grit.
—Chicago, May 17.—Esther, daughter
of "Dr," Alexander Dowie, proprietor
of "Zion," died Wednesday night of
burns, having suffered for hours while
her father prayed over her. He would
not call in a doctor.
—Charles Sutherland, the horse steal-
er, was before His Honor Judge Doyle
at Godericli for sentence, and as he was
not known as a criminal, he escaped the
penitentiary, beiug sentenced to 23
months in the Central.
—A Rifle Association is being organ-
ized in Listowel, with prospects of a
large membership. Lee-Motford rifles
and 100 rounds of ammunition to each
member will be furnished free of charge
by the Dominion Government.
—Wm. Hess, of Listowel, who at one
time expected to be manager of the Mild-
may Furniture Co., has been voted a
loan of about $15,000 by the town of
Bracebridge, to assist him in establish-
ing a furniture factory in that town,
—Tile Harriston Tribune says: --
Prospects are looking bright for the re-
sumption of business at the Harriston
Pork Packing House. The new stock is
being rapidly sold. Already over ten
housaud has been subscribed, and the
armers are getting enthusiastic.
—The finishing touches to the steamer
Huronio are being pushed with all pos-
ible speed. and it is expected that this
fine vessel will leave Oollingwood in
bout two weeks for Sarnia. On arriv-
ng at that port the steamer will take
er place on the Sarnia and Duluth
—The first automobile built in Owen
mind appeared on the streets of that
own last week. It is owned by Mr.
A. J. Frost, Jackson street. The carriage
s just as attractive as the factory pro-
duction. The parts were imported. Mr.
Frost's automobile is propelled by a gas
Toronto, May 15.—Tile acting Grand
Master oi; the Masonic grand lodge has
cancelled the appointment to lay the
corner -stone of the Wiarton Beet Root
Sugar factory on the ground that the
ceremonies of the grand lodge are
confined to places of worship, education
and municipal buildings.
—The case of Campbell vs. C.P.R., in
which the father of Mr. Campbell, the
engineer who was killed at Proton last
year, 'sought to recover damages from
the company, has been settled out of
court. Campbell gets $1500 and is allow-
ed to retain his position as agent at
Iuglewood, the company to pay all
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., May 10.—The
C. P. R, steamer Athabasca, with about
forty passongora and heavily laden with
freight for the Soo and ports on Lake
Superior, struck on a shoal at Detour
early this morning and is leaking badly.
She is now tied up at Detour, And the
passengers will be brought up by the
steamer Chippewa.
--Stanley township council has had a
by-laiv prepared dealing with the Logan
drain. There aro not quite so many in-
terested in this drain as in the "Big
bitch" but there aro sixty and seventy
in all. It is said that ono if not two law
suits inay directly' or indirectly result
from this drain but the council is doing
its best to deal out even handed justice.
Miss Jones' VolCe Greatly 1niproved
A startling improvement is noticeable
in Miss Jones' singing. Her voice is
stronger, and sounds clearer and sweeter
than before using Catarrhozono, which
is a wonderful aid to singers, speakers
and ministers. Catarrllozone Inhaler
insures absolute freedom from Colds,
Coughs and Catarrh, clears 111011660 and
throat, prevents hoarseness and husk-
iness, Catarrhozone mattes trio voice
brilliant and enduring, and is tmeom-
lnonly well recommended by Prima
Donnas, members of Parliament, taw-
yers, Motors and thousands that use it
daily. .better try Catarrhozone. Price
71.00; trial size :Iiia, Druggists, or N,
O. Poison es Co.,Kingston, Ont.
Hamilton's Tilts Cure Constipation.
Preparations are being made for a
great celebration ou July 12th.
The annual meeting of the East Huron
Teachers' Association will be held in the
Brussels Public School on Thursday and
Friday, May 22nd and 23rd, the first
session beginning on Thursday at 10 a.
m. The teachers of Brussels Public
School will entertain the visiting teach-
ers and other friends at an At Homo in
the school on Thursday evening of next
week, the first day of convention.
On Tuesday night of last week the
.American Hotel was broken into and
the cash register carried off. Entrance
was gained by prying off the stops hold-
ing up the top sash of a window and
then reaching over and unfastening the
lower sash. Entrance once gained the
door was unboltedou the inside. A
number of burnt matches on the floor
would indicate that au attempt was first
made to open the register where it was,
but this failing it was carried to a
vacant building on Mill street, next door
to P. Scott's blacksmith shop, where the
cash drawer was pried open. A chisel
had been secured at Silas Jackson's
blacksmith shop, and when the burglars
got through with it they threw it from
the bridge into the river, where it was
found next morning. In carrying the
cash register away it had been tipped,
and small silver, amounting to about $4
had run into the back part of the regis-
ter, and was not found when the till was
opened. The robbers secured about five
dollars in money, and did not appear to
have touched anything else.
A Sure Cure for Constipation.
Some remedies cure this distressing
complaint in a day, some in a month,
but Nuavre ee Ilever fails to cure in a
few minutes. Just ten drops of nervil-
ine in sweetened water—that's enough,
and away goes the dysentery, cured to
stay cured. Nerviline also cures
Cramps, Colic Pain in the Stomach, and
Sick headache. It has five times the
strength and and curative properties of
ordinary remedies, and should bo in ev-
ery household. Better buy a 25c bottle
and try it. Nerviline is all right.
Hamilton's Pills for the Liver.
Our Beautiful New
See Otir $16, $18, $20
Suits before buy=
ing elsewhere.
Also a special line
ofpantings. Anything
you want in the tailor-
ing line can be had
and satisfaction guar-
anteed, at
Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor • Winghaw
iteforc. A,fa'er, Woo .'a ghosp11o&ine,
The !heat lalytfth .Remedy.
Sold and recommended by'll
druggists in Canada. Only rail.
}`� R able medicine discovered. Six
format rBoxuRp{
ess,a raalal
ter ectos Cof rRbtns1o
qr a±cess, Mental Worry, Excessive usb of To=
baceo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on reeelpt
of price, oneaoksge RI, nix, $5, Onr tct11 grit%
11#ttidd atTlo$YoadlCetiiilae `y, Wlrndaert Oni.
ttfontl's l'hasphndine is sold in wingsliulii by
A. I,. Hanriltoe, .I, 1.l. Mavis, It. A. Douglass
and 0, A. Cantebeit, Dntroolsrs,
T�� ����� StoreStout
Snutfl rroi4U
Quick and Ileturl3a
Special Sale
OF 6 410.
Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleums
and Mattings
at ISARD & CO'S.
35c Union Carpet for 25e.
3 pieces good union Carpet, new patterns and coloring, one yard
wide, good to wear, regular price 35c, our special price 25c
50c Tapestry Carpet for 40c.
Nice new pattern tapestry Carpet, good colors, will wear well,
regular value 50c, on sale at 40c
15c Japan Matting for 12+c.
Good strong Japan Matting, new pattern, cotton warp, regular
price 15e, sale price 12jc
50c Union Carpet for 40c.
50 yds. Union Carpet, nice new pattern, good coloring, one yard
wide, regular 50c, special price 40c
25c Dutch Hemp Carpet for 20c.
3 pieces, nice new pattern, reversable Dutch Hemp Carpet one
yard wide, reg. value 25c, on sale at 20e
25c Japan Matting for 20c.
One piece heavy Japan matting, new pattern, one yard wide,
regular price 25c, sale price 20e
50c Tapestry Stair for 40c.
27 inch Tapestry Stair Carpet, nice new pattern and colors
regular value 50c, sale price 40c
90c Wool Carpet for 75c.
All Wool, two ply Carpet choice pattern, one yard wide, regular
price 90c, on sale at 75e
New Lace Curtains.
A fine range to choose from. All sizes. Prices thus -23c, 35c, 50,
75c, $1.00, $1.25, $2.00, $2.255, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50; $4.00, $5.00, etc.
H. . Isard Sc. Co.
Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce
Just Opened
One Package of
12 Tea Plates
12 Cups
12 Saucers
2 Cake Plates
consisting of the following :--
1 Teapot
1 Sugar
1 Cream
1 Bowl
for $4.95
See our window of Fancy Glassware. Any article in
it, for
We have
Grfffin'sT SETS.
enew shapes and decoratipns.
them in all the
at wAhvymom
T. A. Mills has completed
his assortment of Seed
Corn, consisting of the fol-
lowing varieties :— Flint
varieties, Compton's Early, Saltzer's North Dakota, Angel of
Midnight, Canadian Yellow, Smut Nose.
WRITE CAP DENT.—Its greatest merit lies in the fact that it is a strong
rank grower with aood many suckers. It more will grow ore bushels on poor
thin land than any other kind m the world, It stands the drouth better than
00 other varieties grown in the same country.
EARLY BUTLER DINT. --The ears grow to aood size and no eorn in
cultivation will outshell it. 70 lbs, of ears have shelled out 04 lbs. of shelled
corn, leaving only Cis lbs, for the cobs. It has no equal. We have never had a
complaint of this corn. withstands dronth.
CLOUD'S EARLY DENT. --Earliest of the heavy varieties, produces a
large amount of early green fodder per acre, grows a good average height,
somewhat taller than rural thorotlhllbred.
STAR LI AMING.--Iiars are of gond size, set low down, wind nearly al.
ways two good ears on each stalk ; deep grains, strong vigorous growth,
stalky, leafy nature, a great improvement on the old Leaaning.
EARLY I3AILI.Y.--A favorite in some sections, but not the best in the
mtarket, as it has been on the market some 15 yrs. ago with no special merit.
I. X, L.—This new corn has been grown in Wideensin, Nebraska, Michigan
and is the best of all foe silage And fodder eortl, is hardy, a vigorous grower
anal inntatres vilely. The stock will grow to a height of 13 feet when well culti.
voted. Don't fail to get for the silo or fodder, Gall and see the size of cob.
German liiillet. Ilungarjan Seed, Silver' Buil Buckwheat. Saw Log
Mangle, the very choicest Strains in market. Yellow Intermediate Mangle.,
Royal Giant Sagan Beet, the largest and easily harvested. All kinds of Cloves?
yet in stock. Seed Oats, Century and tegoa. Mandseheuri Barley. Black
Helices Barley. Flax Seed, Ground Meal, All kindp'.rurnip Seed.