HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-22, Page 44 Ritchie & Campbell T10, Collar and Sh!rt Sale oll Saturday. Saturday morning we place onsale the best values ever offered in Wingham. As a leader, and to introduce our splendid stock of Gents' Furnish- ings, we will sell a beautiful line of fine new all -silk Ties, in the latest colorings and patterns, in`Black, White, Plain and Fancy, on Saturday for 40 See our string and bow ties,;the latest patterns shown, special price on Saturday 25 COLLARS. Some specials in Collars, all shapes and sizes, from 14 to 17, your choke of the stock, `L for 25 NEW SPRING SHIRTS. New fine French Gingham Neglige Shirts, a full range of sizes, .50 special on Saturday for Just arrived, 10 doz. of the famous Irish Linen, in the hand- somest colors and patterns, special sale price, Saturday, at, 1.00 We still have a good assortment of Dress Goods, Muslins, Prints, Embroideries, Organdies, Lawns, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Linoleums, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Sze. We have a nice fresh stock of general groceries on. hand now. Give us a trial. Ritchie & Campbell successors to M. H. McINDOO. T I1E WINGIIAM ADVANCE. Over ten million acres of spruce limits have been given to favorite companies by the Liberals. * * * —The extent to which Ontario is to -clay going into debt to py bon- uses and bounties is startling many electors. * —The Globe maintains that G. W. Ross discovered New Ontario; on the sante basis of reasoning then Dryden must have discovered Dakota. Special in IRON BADS We have agreed O, dndea certainnumber of Iron Beds during the summer and fall, and by doing so receive a special discount. The Beds are particularly well made, pretty design, and well finished. They have Ball Bearing castors, which is a great saving to your carpet. The trade already done this season is aproof that the goods are as represented and what you require. Wire Mattresses on Iron frames attached, which makes the Bed vermin -proof. The Springs are guaran- teed not to sag. Prices—$4.50, $6.00, 38.25, $9.00, $11.00, $13.00. Dresser, Stand and Iron Bed—$12.00. Something new in .. Brass Rods for windows. and Ends to match. No fancy prices. * * * —Ontario, by supporting Mr. Whitney's candidates, will declare for a secret ballot. Now, the gov- ernment agents can tell how any man votes. End this tyranny and violation of the secrecy of the bal- lot by marking your ballot for the destruction of the machine. May 22, T902 Liberal party enf cavus to eduiete.:i1��1III1I1111111111t11t11111111i11111111t111111� 111i11i11111111111111111111i111��iTi41I411i1� 1T111111111111111111t THE PEOPLE'S pOPULARJNO.JAS.H.KERR. theyoungnen o n ario o eaun- TOR' .ei'itnes w'1lilt Should hav�' young tilne for "" �4 M cards. 117 1`I Southworth, 111 eel f J 1 �"� of applications I, ), T s though k g1'd p until w.. ].here g ttl vcy ed townships tl 1 k and M M M M o w. -.Mi• M M p•onomminmemamonomonsmse Z.: ...:. Decorated Glassware, 4 Sent the perpetrators to jail, it is or~ parents and roue men of honor to resent the insult and de- gradation. a spring rush of settlers to the Temiskaming region promises this year to surpass all previous re- s. somas Director or of Colonization says he had received a very largo number for certificates, al- though. - navigation on Lake emi - amin did notopen un i May 1. T are still seven or eight sur- veyed open for settle- ment e e- ment at the hes ofthe lake, Crown Lands Agent, reports that a recent tour of inspection showed that the land in those townships was as good as in those already taken up. When this group of about twenty-five townships in all is occupied, there will still be land in that region to be surveyed before expanding out into the great clay belt beyond the height of land. * —Great Britain and her col- onies cover more territory than any other nation, the extent of the Empire being 11,288,277 square miles. Russia comes second with 8,644,100 square miles ; China third, with 4,234,910 ; France fourth, with 3,944,072 ; and the United states fifth, with 3,690,822. * • * —The abuses of power in Ontario to -day are greater than those under which the country groaned in the days of the Family Compact, that caused the people to rise in rebel- lion to assert their rights. The "machine" had no existence then. Switching or burning of honestly - cast ballots had not been heard of at that time. The Farmers' Advocate says :— With the growing scarcity of wood in Canada and the increasing cost of coal, interest is reviving in the possibility of manufacturing fuel from the numerous peat bogs which abound in se many parts of the country. Several companies have undertaken this in the past with indifferent success, but another plan, called the "Economic Pro- cess" is now being tried, and san- guine of its practicability and suc- cess, a company has been organized at Brantford, Ont., for the manu- facture of peat fuel, peat cake, by- products, and the utilization of peat for lighting and power. The project provides for the organiza- tion of local companies where peat bogs exist. The black -bog peat is cut by machinery into pieces about the size of an ordinary brick, and these are placed in ovens or batter- ies and subjected to heat, driving off the moisture and by-products, which are ultimately distilled, the dried bricks being used for fuel. * * —For eight years the Liberal government refused to pass an act compelling the American buyers of Ontario limits to do the maufactur- ing of lumber in this province, and their conduct in refusing to do so lost Ontario $35,000,000. Public opinion led by the Conservatives in the Legislature at last succeeded in forcing the Government to take action. 1 UNDERTAKING Residence—Patrick Street, S. Oracey's former residence, where night calls receive prompt at- tention. Rods, Brackets fall Bios. The People's Furniture Store Spring Suitings. The prettiest, nobbiest, choicest and largest stock is to be found at Homuth's. No mistakes in cutting and fitting. Our Suits look well, wear well and the prices are moderate. In Cents' Furnishings We have everything to please the most fastidious :—Fashionable Ties, Stylish Hats, Fine White Shirts,. Fine Colored Shirts, Stylish Collars, Underwear, etc. Boots and Shoes. Try a pair of ours :—They fit well, they look well, and they are made to wear well. The prices are low, when the quality of our goods is taken into consideration. llomuth Son * * * —Public sentiment in East Wel- lingion in favor of having a home man to represent in the Legislature grows stronger as election day ap- proaches. It is felt that while the candidature of Hon. J. M. Gibson at last election was permissible, it is not so at this election, and was only resorted to in order to save the party at the expense of the people of the riding. TFIEIR RECORD. The Government has placed a debt of $5,800,000 upon Ontario, and has increased new railway lia- bilities aggregating $7,752,000. It has given 6,560,000 acres of land, with all their minerals, to railway companies, and 15,660 square miles of pulpwood secretly and without public competition to syndicates. It has supplemented its revenues by depriving the municipalities of income from licenses and corpora- tions. It has proposed to take 15 per cent of all the corporation taxes municipalities now collect ; and it has seized authority to levy direct taxes upon every citizen, and to compel the county, city, or town tax gatherer to collect them. It has locked up land in New Ontario. that the colonist may not occupy it; it has driven 4,617 set- tlers out of New Ontario in ten years ; it has squandered coloniza- tion road money upon politicians ; it has handicapped the miner with laws that are pronounced "rotten" by experts. It has refused agricultural schools for the farmer, and has declined to reform the educational system, to mitigate the text -book monopoly, and to modernize the Public schools. It has used the licensing system for politics, levying upon license - holders and rejecting moral re- form. •` It has promised prohibition to prohibitionists, and has deceived then by giving them a referendum with a promise of another on easier terms two years hence. It has created the corrupting and ballot -stuffing machine. It bas impaired public morals ; it has allowed the ballot to bo the sport of thieves; it has used the machinery of justice to save the criminals from the law. It has the machine in its service and under its protection to -day. — [Mail -Empire. —All housekeepers know that beef is very dear at present, says the Peterborough Review. The causeaccording to experts, is a scarcity of fat cattle, due in a great measure to the fact that the Can- adian farmers have been selling their " stockers " to the United States instead of fattening them at home. This is a practice encour- aged. by Mr. Dryden, the Minister of Agriculture in the Ross govern- ment, who has been teaching by his own example in his Dakota stock farm, • * —It is freely* stated that the reason why no railway subsidies were voted by the Dominion par- liament during the recent sessions, was, because the Government feared the effect which the an- nouncement of a batch of sub- sidies might have upon the pros- pects of the Liberal party in the approaching Ontario elections. If this is the case, it would be a fine thing to bring on elections every year at this stage. They would come much cheaper than a subsi- dy bill.—[Weekly Sun. ** —One of the most crushing in- dictments ever made against a pol- itical party was the exposure of the Grit record of electoral corruption made by Mr. W. D. McPherson in his speech at Niagara on Friday last. Mr. McPherson showed that by the records of the election pro- tests, that all the corruption expos- ed therein was directly connected, up to the Liberal ministers and the agents of these. The ballot -switch- ing, ballot -stuffing, the burning of ballot papers was all done to keep the Liberal. party in power. x** —Hereafter the Yukon is to be represented in the House of Com- mons at Ottawa. Legislation for that purpose has been passed. The bill also provides that the Govern- ment may, by order -in council, abolish the present royalty and substitute in lieu thereof an export tax of two and a half per cent. Next session Yukon will be heard by its own organ in the house, and the necessity for petitions and de- putations to Ottawa will be abridg- ed, without the right to send either being in any way interfered with. * * -•-The "Toronto Globe" is en- deavoring to prove that the Ross government is wholly innocent of any wrongdoing in so far as ballot burning, ballot box stuffing and other machine methods, are con- cerned. The "Globe" by defend- ing, such outrages on public moral- ity advaauuces the strongest possible argument for defeating Mr. Ross. When the leading organ of the EXPERIENCEII1 '� A• LI TRADt MARKS D£statra COPYRIGHTS 8&C. Anyone sending a sketch and eeseriutlen mat attiekly ateertain our opinion free whether nn invento n is prebsigypatentabte. r,.mmnnica. eons al. ltardhookonPatents pont free. trident nasus] for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn k co. receive, remelt notler, without aI''ree, Intim!, Scientific Mmcrktan. n cir- culation i 1 Iiinntrflie,l weekly.?;..rtt rt .r rnlfltKf, 11 i any seten tun Id b7M Terms. s . so. I fs months, ;I. Bold byte iusweed_ rr. N(t0 Mil Breathe , IREe Y Irifr► # inniayAiIl'151..10,410cm,D. . 1 rices all ality of Goods Q Must be right judging from the quantity of business coming our way. We have just placed in stock a package of Coronation assortment and also a package of Decorated some goods, and price is quite within the reach of all. Decorated Opal. 2 doz. Trays at 1 <" tt 1 " Salads at 1 f1 Condiment Sets 1 ° ° Collar Bones 1 " Cuff Boxes 1 " t Glove Boxes Ern 1 " t Fern Pots Decorated Jardineres. = 1 t' Plates 12 doz, Decorated Jardineres, gold = 1 L° Olive Dishes 25c " decorations, only 15c ea. e.•.• 25c each 350 " 350 " at 25c " 350 " 350 " 35c "• 35c " 250 " t Decorated Opal, Turquoise, Glassware. They are hand - Come in and see these goods. Decorated Table Sets 75c 30c 900 50c 20c << Pickle Dishes 150 " f 8 in. Nappies " Berry Sets f t gal. Jugs " 8 in. Ovals McLEAN & SON All' hg's of rough and dreascd.... LUNi �t_R LATH SHINGLES APP BARRELS. LE Rard and Soft Slabs, also a wood for sale, delivered. Telephone Orders Promptly attended to. McLean & Son large quantity of dry hard. New Arrivals. Veiling in Black and White with silk spot, and white with black spot, per yard Silk Piano Drapes at Silk Ties for Boys 30 $1.75 .25 Black Swiss Muslin with silk spot.. .25 Shoes. Men's Box Calf Extension Soles. Women's Dong. Kid Extension Soles. Women's Pat. Leather Slipper. Misses' Pat. Leather Slipper. Children's Slippers in Black and Red. Men's and Women's dry weather shoes at $1.00 a pair. Juo. & Jas. H. Kerr ��{t 1Oilll j� II1OCK 1I l�j'l Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr UU �1 !l4 1 1!1 �lllllllli11111111111111111i11111111111;1111111tllllllllllliiililllli1111111111111111 llllllillllillllllllllllilll� —Suit has been brought against the village of Tiverton through Lawyer Lnscombe of Kincardine, by Finley Mo - Keller to the tune of $1000 damages, for his falling through the opening of a railing on "King Street." The village will defend the case. —Some three hundred cattle arrived at Chesley and neighborhood within the last two weeks for the purpose of going Out upon grass farms. Tho drovers did not want to accept the cattle so early, as the grass is not yet ready for pasture, but the fanners from whom they bought these feeders refused to hold on any longer. The Story of Morning Tiredness Is told by impure blood, poor digestion, sluggish liver and tired nerves. It is a warning of very serious trouble ahead, end should prompt sensible people to to take a bracing tonic like Forrozone, an energetic ii vigorant and rebuilder. Ferrozono will giveyou a sharp appetite, promote good digestion and sound sleep; it will feed and energize the enfeebled organza, strengthen the nerve and vital forces and regulate the heart, Fcrroz- one t•hange:a that tired feeling' into vigor, strength and ambition, and (10(4; it tkuiek- ly. Remember the name, and insist en graving only I� errozone; its the best tonic made. Price CIOs per box, or six boxes for $$.50, at Druggists, or N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Hamilton's Pills Onto Constipation. Come to DOUGLASS THE DRUGGIST Fon Youir, BLUE STONE, PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE AND ALL INSECTICIDES. R. A. DOIILASS Chemist & Druggist Office O.N.W. Tel. Co. Our Rimless Glasses Please the Particular.. Ther are fitted bed( comingiy to the feat. ores of each patron. The finish of our epeeteclewarc le Caulti les,, the at perfect., Halsey Park Scientific Opticissn end Jeweler .® .sI► Windham, Ont. A. DULMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN. on Town tiud Farm Property. ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. OFPICE.—Two doors north of Dr. Chisholm's surgery. Rcsidenco—Catherino St. T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OPPICE.—Ovor D. M. Gordon's store. Residence: Leopold street. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham MISS DELIA SPARLING A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Mottled, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- inations. WM. CLEGG Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Farms and town property bought, sold, leased or exchanged. Money to loan at 1i to 5 per cent. Liberal terms of repayment. Firo and Life Assurance at lowest rates in Standard companies. Agent for Western Real Estate Exchange. Extensive list of properttes to choose from E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURCEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. MISS CARRIE MOORE Of Loudon Conservatory of Music, will be prepared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence—opposite R. 0, Church, Wingham. PIANO AND THEORY. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS • ETC. Josephine Street — Wingham MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L,C,M. And member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils pre- paring for examinations. Residence—opposite the R. 0. Church, Wingham. T P. KENNEDY) M.D., M.c.P.s,o (Member of the British Medical Association) GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children. OFFICE Houtts:-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 0 p,m, W, T. Holloway D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Tor- onto and Honor Graduate of Dent- al Dept. of Toron- to University. Latest improved method* in all branches of Dentistry. Prices moderato. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4SrOflmee in Beaver Block. Closed Wed'y. afternoons in June, July, Aug. LIPS Abner Cosens FIRE Loan and Insurance Agent Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest. Office—corner M nniea Patric. Ste., WINGM ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS Cook'! Cotton Root Componntl Is successfully nsed monthly by over 10,000 Ladies, Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cork's Cetloo Real Co,.s posed. lake no other, as all Mixtures, phis and imitaiiens aro dangerous, Price, No, 1, Einer box, NO. x,10 degrees stronger, $ per box. No, Lor 2, mailed on receipt of price and two s•eent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor Ont. is responsible brugglsts int Canada recommended by all No. 1 and No. a arc sold in Win ham by Ii. A. Douglass, C. A. C:ampbnll, J. 11, Davis and A. L, Hamilton, DxuOolsrs. ARTHUR: IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the r en nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post Omoe—WINGRAM Closed Wed'y. afternoons in June, July, Aug. DICKINSON & IIOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office : Meyer Block Wingham. E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes RYANSTONE e BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. Office BEAVER BLOCK, 7-95. 'WINGHAM. WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1810. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Rake taken on all classes of Insurable pro porty on the cash er premtnm note system. Jdarge GOLnIDAVInd0N, President, Seeretary. JOHN RITCHIE WINGI At11�f1T. LAM, ONT