HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-22, Page 1• • 29TII YEAR, NO. 38. J 0 a b P • fi c c1 t J 11 a� a k c e h r 0 b i t B c si L d f c a I • sl b 1 1 c 1 • WINGUTAM, ONTARIO, MAY 22, 1902. Bance. $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE 00111110 NBAK advances upwards, R. epresented n o lie Wingham Ileal also and on all and and June R. Johnston stepped on a nail a few daye ago, and tt pierced through thepEA shoe and several inches into one foot As a result, he has a limping gait. Dr, Butler, specialist in diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office opposite St, Andrew's church, London, Ont, Rev. J. G. Shearer, representative of the Lord's Day Alliance will deliver an address in the Methodist church. on Friday evening of this week, on "The Beetle for the Sabbath in Can. ads'" Members of the churches and the public y P general) are invited, The Junior Epworth League will give a Sacred Concert in the Methodist church on Wednesday evening of next week, May 28th. The program will be given entirely by the Juniors, and there should be a good attendance,deputy-returning Concert at 8 o'clock ; admiesion 10c.; I Biu -Frances St., 3rd Gse from blase from Bluevala road, Vegetable Plants, Bedding Plants, etc. -T. C. Graham. The Young Ladies' Fortnightly Club held the last meeting of the season on Tuesday evening, at the hem© of bliss McKenzie. The follow- ingofficers were elected for the next term, beginning in October: -Pres., Miss Macdonald; lst ,Vice -Pres., Mrs. C. M. Walker ; Critic, Mrs, Beattie ; Secy, Mies Corn n Treas.,Miss Lorne Yaddress Gordon. The Advance extends a cordial wel- come to Mr. Murray and his family, lately come from St. Thomas and be- come residents of Wingham. * Mr. Murray will it is said, be interested in Glove business conducted by Mr. Cha man, Mrs. Murrayhan P is a sister of Mrs. Chapman. We hope they will find Wingbam a pleasant place of residence. general (xouaeworkED AT ONno w srvant s g entre°okg-Mrs. J eP, ifshetoupet- y' R r T M i fit•I) ULi I I'V(j�dared Sacred Program. The following selections will be e'en- by the DeVerne sisters at the musical Vespers on Sunday evening May 25th, in the Catholic church, Dixit Dominus. 2-Ysalnt, Laudate Puerl, 3 ---The Holy City. 4-0 Sponse Mi. 5 -Sacred Instrumental Selection. 6-0 Savin-; Host. 7 --Psalm, Laudato Dominuul, s-Maunaticat. 6-o Praise ]o. to -o Salntnria, 1i-Tantum Ergo. 12 -Grand March, Services commence at 7.15 p, m. The sisters will also take art in p the services at High Mass in the morn- ing, at 10.30. There will be a sermon in the morning and lecture in the even - ing. A silver collection will be taken at High Mass, and an admission of 25c will be charged at Vespers. The musi- cal service of the Catholic church is very fine, and it will be a musical treat to hear it rendered by these famous sisters. The lecture in the evening by Rev'd Father McMenamin on "The Two Standards" will also be very in- teresting, As a special favor, we ask our cuat0- to do their Saturday shopping on Friday this week. May 21th being a public holiday, this store and all lead- g stores will be closed for the day. Our specials are good for Friday.pin Store open Friday night.-RITCHIE & CAmFBELL, DeVerne sisters Saturday evening. NOTE AND COMMENT. o� JJAMII1TON WING HAM. Rescue the ballot Prom the grasp ofIIIANK the dishonest machine, * * * -A vote for Mitchell will be-' your silent but tolling protest against political trickery and dishonesty. * * * Judge Elliott reports that in London P municipal elections, the Grit "machine" stuffed the ballot boxes with 134 bogus ballots. * * * -It is hoped that after the elections, the ballots will be placed where they will not be burned by "accident" just before they aro wanted by the courts. * * r.What is the matter in East Huron? Mr. Hislop'- meeting in Walton was by a "large and enthusiastic audience" of four Grits and two Tories, * * * -Ill the East riding Hislop scarcely Knows now where to find his 4cJ8 uia or- Tho indications aro he will never t find it; if he finds one at all, it will be so very much shrivelled, as to be deem- ed unworthy of a "Grit hive" like East Heron, * * * -If you thin]( the Ross government should be permitted to misgovern the country another four years, vote for Cameron in the West and Hislop in the East. But if you think a change would be advisable, thou vote for Mitchell and Spotton. * * * -A considerable number of Liberals in Wingham aro supporters of Mr. Mitchell in this campaign. They are placing principle before party this time. All honor to them for the stand they have taken. They form the cream of the Liberal voters of Wingham, -Rev Dr, Chown declares that a British electorate would not give snob men as the Ross administration, five constituencies. But, Mr. Chown, sup- pose they stole constituencies, "as the Ross government did four ;fears ago, and since at bye -elections, what then? * * * -Our town cotem. reproduces all the slurs, sneers and untruths regarding theg Conservative candidate, that can ho found in the Si nal New Era and Ex- positor. We shall not follow its example, The Advance will not descend toe cam- paign of abuse of the Liberal candidate. 'W0 shall saynotltingagainstMr Carver- on, but simply ask electors to compare the candidates asking their suffrages, thea conscientiously y make their choice. -Mr. Lyon, a publisher and prominent Lib'bral in Guelph, was once urged to enter the School Book ring. He gives official figures from publishers, showing the otThe fourthpsre der,,e for instance, cost the publishers 12c and he sold them to the trade for 40c, and the people in their turn had to pay 50o. Mr. Lyon declared that he would sell the fourth book at 15c each if given the monopoly, and even thea earn a dividend. of 20 per cent. A vote for Mr. Mitchell will be yourapprovalof Mr. Whitney's policy of the issue of school books to the people at cost, * * * -Bre. McLean, of the Soaforth Ex- positor, was wrathy at the Advance last week. Now my dear boy, keep cool. You are not yourself just now. The long suspense about the Registrarship has unsettledyou. Theholding i up -hill campaign has unnerved you, Besides, it is awl(- to pose as a , and to pTOhibiti0uiat be found in company with an anti, as assistant canvasser. Thenyou aro met with difficult , y in reconciling Ross' actious with his pledges, If Mr. Whitney wins, the coveted Registrarship may not come your way after all. These things have upset you, so we readily forgive you. The outburst was due to an attack of bile; no doubt of it. We shall bo glac) to reportTry extract of dandelion, convalescent, * * * -In last week's issue of our town totem. someperson over the signature g attire of ` A Prohibitionist accuses the press and the pulpit of looking at the subject to which he gofers through narrow `Prtjuclieal, partician goggles." (This ; is possibly a new kind of goggles, as we never heard of them before). We should not have noticed the matter had the `writer not charged the Advance with falsehood, when he well knows the evi- dente is at hand to prove the truthful - uess of the statement he refers to. He Tho Wiunlham Advance two or three weeks ago informed its readers that at tho rail oonVCnttou held in Dungaol,ot oar the 71'h of April, that the meutio: of Prohibition tl,e tion was prll, t by that convention, 111011of and this same statement. which eon- seder false, was proclaimed from the pulpit of 0010 of the lar+e ren R congregations of this te,vn or �unaaa cvcuin last. g Now the truth or falsity of the state- ]Hent he refers to rusts upon the evidence of delegates to the convention, whose Word will be taken quite as readily as that Of "A Pr011ibiti011ist", alld if Onr critic will call at the Advance office, we will furnish indisputable evidence of the truth of the statement. As 1'rohibi• "A tionst was at the convention 1tilnelf, + the slap ab the Advance is probably merely a prelude to his insinuation with reference to the pulpit. If so, we may 'gay, that \Vint;l'.ant pulpits art filled ' with mon who aro about suspicion of tittering falsehoods, To strike at any , 000 of thein from the shelter of all anonymous; Communication is no eve, dellee either of good taste, purity of motive or sound audgillelit. We feat ;apital - $2,500,000 Reserve - - - $2,500,000 That Saturday next is Victoria merchants of Wingham have decided and purchasers to avoid disappointment, Friday. Stores will bo open on Friday Dad, and a Public Holiday. The to close theirplaces ofbusiness,1-Psalm, should do their shopping on evening. Capitalpaid up 12,000,000. Reserve, 31,600,00 J. TURNBULL, General Manager. President -John Stuart Vice -President -A, G. Ramsay Cashier -J, Turnbull DIRECTOtt9 -John Proctor Wm, Gibson Geo. Roach, A. T. Wood, A. B. Leo (Toronto) ' Savingsl3aul(hours10to3; Saturdays 10toZ Deposita of 11 and upwards received. Int- erestallowedandgomputedonsothNovgmher and 31st May each year, and added to principal Special Deposits also received at ourrentr rates of interest. States bought and Bold retain and the United a L. Dest(txsorr, Solicitor. W. CORBOULD Agent Travellers are notified that the Bank of Hamilton vte nad lsProvinoialsBa k of n lend (Ltd.) which can be cashed without charge or trouble in any part of the worla NINGHAM BRANCH SHAW BLOCK. A General Banking Business ,ranAacted• Farmers' Salo Notes Collected, Drafts madean lit same. and sold mints in Canada United States urope. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 11.00 and added to principal 30th nd 31st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager 1, vanstone solicitor. Still TheyCome, Sixteen new, voluntary subscribers to the Advance in two weeks, testify to itsDeVerne popularity inthesurroundingtown- ships. And still there are more to follow. Remember the Concert Sat'y. ev'g. Deputy R. 0's, ofiicore £Or townTiare -No. 1-T, C. Graham ; No,attended 2-W. Nicholson ; No. 3-Jno. Murray; No. 4-S. Young. These are all good citizens and will no doubt discharge their duties faithfully. Some surprise is expressed that No. 1, could not ority. did not furnish a R. O. from its own residents, Another. We are informed, that N. J. Kers- well of Wingbam has been asked to come out as a Prohibition candidate for Ease Heron, and deliver a tellingcotton at the nomination on Thurs- day. Up to tine hour of going to press, he has reached no definite decis- ion on the matter. Shoes speak for themselves. Our Shoes tell of comfort, long wear and perfect character, W, J. Greer. Anniversary. The anniversary services of Wing- ham Presbyterian church were held on Sunday last. Rev. A. J. Martin, the talented pastor of Zion church, Brant- ford, was the preacher for the day. Ills aub'ect in the morningwas Chris- tian Unity," based on Psalm 133, 1.3. In the evening the text chosen was th 3 Martin is a pleas- Colossians fluent speaker, and his discourses g' P were listened to with profit. On Mon- day evening there was a fair attend- ante at the teameoting. During the evening Rev. R. S. Anderson of Wrox-� eter gave an lecture on a "Tour tie an illustrated Scotland," beginning at Glasgow, andembracing r Anderson'slice- Fife and Stirlinto tore was instructive and entertaining, Sunday collections amounted to $286 ; proceeds of teameeting and lecture, • $70. Asocial was held on Tuesday evening. The pastor, Rev. D. Perris,rr>vna>vn occupied Mr. Martin's pulpit in Brant- •hotel, ford on Sunday. Electric Railway. Apractical farmer in touch with the live questions of the day, said recently: "Inside of five years I believe you will see electric railways onfor every leadinghighway of the practically Pro- The g Ymember power will be furnished by waterfalls, which are found all over Ontario -this system of applying mo- live force being rendered possible h g P y the fact that electricity can be trans- mitten by wire for a distance of 30 to 50 miles almost without loss. In the establishment of these railways lies Y the hope of the farmers for cheap and convenient carriage to market of the small truck which is rapidly becoming the main element in the production of farms in this Province. Now is the time -at the beginning of this g g Period of development -for the Provincial Government to devise thorough and effective means of controlling this system of transportation. It would be better still if the Government under- took the building and owning of such lines." W. Scott has put in a new fountain, ice cream freezer, etc,, and is now in good shape for handlingthe verybest f everyting in the linof Ice ream, Erle, Foot Ball. A livelygame of football was played on the park here on Friday evening, Brussels and Wingham. It g was the second game in the intermesh series of the W. F. A. The tune well contested throughout. Bros- g sets have a number a good players, and they work the combination well,y but less intentional tripping of op- onsets would be fairerThe P play. visitors scored shortly after commence- ment of the game. Then our boys got down to real play, and when the game closed, the score was 2 to 1 in favor of Wingham. The players were: - Brussels Wingham I., Kerr Goat F. Riteh • I. Gerry } Backs R. Cottltes A. Sample J. Mitchell A.MeNanghten H. Ansley Baeka 1 Backs J. Yoaren G, Fteker r W. Pierson W, Cameron 1'. Harrison w, Roche W. Burgess G. itieRa.e Forwards D. llivaloy w. (good }l, Aikens F. Itocho II, Thornton STAND/NG, won Lost To Play Wingltatn 2 0 2 Brussels 1 yth 0 1 2 It looks as though the pennant would gP be Wi1lghEtln's. 1{AMSA i'S PAINTS. AMTS. -The right paints R P a flppaint right, See new picture ad. in- t e page d for sale by A. YOUNG ��c S ooze:, lj gham. .3.1x7 Election Returns. The Conservatives of Wingham have secured the Town Ball for Thurs- day evening, 29th inst., and will re- ceive the election returns there, Nearly A Fire. Whitt Wright have proved a dims- trous fire was fortunately discovered in time to prevent serious damage on Monday evening.Mr. Isard makes it a practice to visit the store before re- tiring in order to see that all is safe. On Monday evening, he was disposed to omit this precaution, but on a sec- ond thought decided to go. Not hav- ing the keywith him, he ascended the back ontside stairway,and discovered that the goods on the counter in the centro of the store were on fire. Theyroars had, it seems, caught fire from the pieces of carbon that had fallen from the electric arc light above them. The cover had burned through and g nearly fifty dollars worth of goods des- troyed. Mr, Isard arrived just iu time to prevent very serious loss. Everything new and clean at Scott's restaurant, Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas, SodaWater, etc. East Wawanosh. The nt following fg is taken from the as- sessmeut roll for the township of East Wawanosh for the year 1902 :-Chi)- Arco between 5 and 1G-466; between 5 and 21-031. Acres assessable, 41,733 ; cleared- land, 30,183; woodland, 3,670 ; swamp, marsh or waste land, ?,930 acres. Value of realproperty, $1,440,- 730; value of personal property, P P y, $1,900; total value of real and personal prop- arty, $1,442,630, Male persons from 21 to 60, 427, a decrease of 3 ; dogs, 281. Total population 1,870, an increase of 12; number of cattle, 5122, a decrease of 135 shee 1936, a decrease of 200 ; P"mixed flogs, 2089, an increase of 248; horses, a decrease of 33. Births, 48, an increase of 14 ;deaths, 13, the same as last year. Acres of orchard and gEtr- den, 597; acres of fall wheat, 2064, a de- crease of 451 • steam boilers, 11. There axe in tyle ^townshi seven ).isle p per- sons over 80 years of age. The oldest roan is Mr. Hoary bVightman, con. 7,and aged 85 pears, Eocntiv 14c. Does it pay youtt give the pedlars 4c per doz . Good potatoes 35c per bushel. What are the pedlars paying? G. E. KING. Prospects. Mr Doherty, manager and junior of the Doherty Co,, Sarnia, was here last week,lookingat the Iron Works plant. He is favorably im ressed with the openingwhil P here, and if he can arrange his business in Sarnia may purchase the building and plant. The Doherty Co. is a wealthy, reliable firm manufacturingstoves,hydrants, valves, etc. 111t, " has made y the Council an offer, and if matters can be satisfactorily arranged, and a sale effected, he will manufacture wa- terworks supplies, gasoline engines, and a few of the best lines of stoves, The Council and those who met 111r, Doherty were very favorably impress- ed with his business ability and flnan- cial standing. As the Works stand idle, they are of no practical value,and we think the taxpayers will a rove of any action of the Council that will ,• result in getting the plant in operation bya thoroughly g y reliable man, even though the price and labor stipula- tions should have to be conaiderabl Y reduced, Sudden Death Residents of the Township of Kin- loss were terribly shocked on Sunday morning last, to learn of the sudden death of Mr. John EIocigins, of the 9th concession of that township which took place on Saturday night, Mr, Hodgins was in his usual good health when he left his home on Saturday eve g., with the intention of looking at sono muskrat traps heet had set some time before, but not returning home a search was made for him all night long but without success, and it was not till Sunday morning his lifeless body was found in a field on his son's farm across the road from his own place. Death was caused by apoplexy., Me. Hodgins who had reached the ripe old age of 73 P g years was one of the earliest pioneers of Kinloss, having settled there in 1834, and was a man universally liked by Etll who knew hien. II svaa mar- Fled three titles and leaves a widely and daughters to mourn his 10-9, Ile was a lifelongOrangeman and the fun- g era) to the Bervie cemetery on Tues - day last was conducted by the breth- ren of that order.--(Lucl(now Sentinel. The celebrated DeVerne sisters, Cal]- sit ad's gt'e ale9assit ted tt�c', vocal and in. r 9 l y W. aleLeoci, comedian, said to be the finest horn- pipe dsncer in America. In Opera, )louse, Saturday evening, Taal t.e1 I See Halsey Park's advt, Harry Carr is home from the Soo short visit. Will. Orr of Chicago is a guest . Chupman's, �Go to Lard's for the lastest o'k styles in Ladies'Waists. Miss Marten of Corrie visited Clegg over Sunday. D. Stuart of Brussels spent a couple f days in town last week. The butcher shops will be aturday afternoon and evening. SHOES, -Sensible, healthful, nd durable, at W. J. Greer'- The interior of the Baptist church sing renovated. Mr, Hope has cork in hand. Goderich assessment is $1,380,070; o elation 4 033 increase in assess P + lent,,$181,G70, Mr. and Mrs. Aikenhead of Bruce end visited Mr, and Mrs, A, Ross hursday of last week, Ali Carpets and Oil -cloths to ;eared out at T. A. Mills'. Maurice Ross up uelpll last Friday, wheeled spent a ays at his home here, Miss Luella Holmes of Brussels he guest of her friend, Mitis ohnston, a few days this week. 3 Tilers are two families living on )0 acre farm in Grey that together ave 1S children all under 18 years: ge. CORNS. - Ohio Bailey, Com arty, North Dakota, Excelsior, 11 the rest of them. G. E. KING. Wm. Wachsmuth is building itchen to his residence in Pleasant "alley. lleletede hila the cement foundation A case ofgenuine miseryis ex iced by a girl who purchases a at on Saturday and then have it tl day Sunday. RooMs TO LET. -In Meyer block. .pply to A. E. Smith. The 32nd Bruce Regiment is at the coronation by f its members, The names have sen selected yet. Mr. Duhn t e has an advertisement gTurnberry, Toronto, Buffalo and Detroit papers encourage tho establishment iscuit factory here. Fon SALE. -A few more cisterna leap ; come quickly -W. Armour, Vingharn, Potatoes form the world's greatest ngle crop, 4,000,000,000 bushels g p reduced annually, equal in bulk entire wheat and corn crops, Life is short and time •is fleeing, Waste them not in empty sighs, Let the people know you're living,one P P y Vote for Mitchell and advertise. If you want the latest and rink, try Scott'e Phosphide. Mr. Fessant returned last week lolyoke, Mass., where he had ailed suddenly by the illness of an, We are pleased to report essant jr., much improved. FOUND -On Sunday, on Diagonal ;rect. pair of spectacles, in case. l at this office, yThe The Teeswater News says that 1cRae of the Std con., delivered a Shorthorn bull, 1 year 1 months old, which weighed ounds. Beat that who can ? In consequence of the scarcity utchers' cattle, Frank Elliot of has closed his butcher oho yP ,ugust, and a couple of butchers 1Mr. wen Sound have done likewise. For correct styles and best value nothing go to Isard & Co's. A nestle of those interested in gmoved fowling and Association cd for Tuesday Tennis Association in the it Chamber, A full attendance adios to mnd r, A fn is act nested. gl Wingham junior football players [rove to Teeswater on Tuesday expect- ng to meet a junior team, and hey bad to playa heavy team, if thele leen, Score 5 to 1 iu favor eestvater, Everyth>,ng Now in straw Hata card & COs,occupy Mr. Dulmage will 1)0 found in fiice, hent Block, attending to Erato and Loaning business. teal Es of tolvn pro et't u of a + building lots, Money loaned own property, '� for at W. New • Mrs. closed easythe is the -d on be from few was Hazel , One of tone P , and a p ere- new rain to be two not of a ; beingCHILDREN'S to best from beenate his Mr. Ap- John in and 1315 of Pais- till in in the is cal- COun- C of found some of at the his A sale, on "A „ Prohibitionist" had his "prejudicial, partician goggles" on when he wrote the communication. Take ears of those new goggles my dear friend. They will be very useful when you want to give the press or the pulpit the benefit of another of your literary productions. As a correspondent has fully taken the matter u another column, further reference here is unnecessary. Saturday eve'g., DeVerne sisters. Liberal Meeting. A meeting in the intergst of M. G. Cameron was held in Wingham on Wednesday evening. By posters and handbills, a fair attendance was secur- ed the hall being perhaps a little more t3 P P half filled. Mr. Cameron said but little on the real issues of the day ; his address consisted chiefly of self - defense and personalities. Criticism of Mr. Mitchell, and unkind references to Miss Wiggins, representative of the W. C. T. U. did not enthuse the audience, and we are credibly informed cost Mr. Cameron several votes, Robt. Holmen, M. P. talked of the school books, the surplus, etc., and admitted he did not a wish to accept the challenge to meet Miss Wiggins on theplatform.. Several Present report that Mr. Holmes speech was very tame. After this speech quite a •number left the hall. Dr. Macdonald then spoke and gave a re - view of the temperance question, This was the best speech of the evening, P history, back daslfar f it was ancient doctor expressed his wish to meet the ministers of Wingham on the platform. g Remember the concert on Saturday evening. The DeVerne staters uncles) assisted by Will McLeod. coTlxedran, will give a high ala -a con- cert, full of mirth. Secure seats at Douglass'drug store. COMMUNICATIONS. Tho admission of a communication in these columns does not imply that we endorse the _sontimoutc of the writer,-> Alter Advance. Dear Sir, -will you kindly allow me space in your valuable paper to correct certain state- moots made in last week's issue of the Times, by one w•ho calls himself "A Prohibitionist," He says that the question of prohibition was NOT RISSER at in the Liberal convention at Drondelenation Promr the \vest FIuront iProhibit g tion Alliance were courteously and respectful- ly received, but when a gentleman from West- fieldetoodwupowas a and urge delegate ethe partyrat to bring out convention, prohibition candidate, HE WAS HISSED AT. We can prove this if necessary. The Times man was there, and RE r,Nows that the above Atatctnont is true. 1\Ir. Cameron's champion states further, that prohibition is getting up with a vast amount of olitical clap -trap." verily, that is true, when such men as "A Prohibitionist" and the Times loan, try to force the intelligent people of this riding the conclusion that the chap) pions. of tom - penance caro a great deal more for party ad- vantage than for the securing of prohibition. Now sir, what aro rho facts. At amee •• ng ofcombination, Lim executive of the West Huron YrohibitIor Alliance, held in Goderich; Mr, Mitchell himself to vote for pronibition ir- respdctive of party, if elected to represent this riding in the Ontario Legislature, and the Ex- a unanimously made Mr. Mitchell their °Guice, �an majority of the Executive. are Liberals, The prohibition party of this riding are well satisfied with Mr. Mitchell's past record as a prohibitionist and a Christian gen- Homan of high moral character. He strands advanced ideas in moral and social reform.usor We appeal to all ohristian neon to pray consist- ently and work vigorously for the election of aRev. pledged Prohibitionist. You cannot PRAY a prohibitory liquor law into the statute books, you vo'rg whisky men into Parliament. Svc -terill not get Prohibition from either party until we send to Parliament enough pledgedThe Prohibitionists to hold the balance of power. On the testimony of Sir John Macdonald, Hon. A. S. Hardy, anctTlor. G. W. Ross, there is no other way to secure Prohibition, Do not pay the least attention to the stories circulated bycion unprincipled politicians with a view to stain- pedo the Prohibition veto. Vore AS y01 PRAY, CheapFares. The railways offer tickets at single fare, good going May 23rd and 24th, ancl good to return on 26th. Quite a number of our citizens will take ad- vantage of the low rate, . By C. P. R. A. R. Smith went to Montreal on a1199, business tripthis week, Marga- g ret bell of Clinton left Win ham on y g Monday for Rogers'Pass, B. C. Mrs, Mary Finlay was ticketed for. Mania- ti�lrle, Ii; ieh. is, E. Lloyd is on a bust- Hasa trip"eh the Lakes this week. Fouxn.-Near Queen's purse with small sem of money. Owner to prove property and pay cost of adver- using. -J. HIGGINS, Glenfarrow. Died. ., Thos. McGavin of town received the sad news last Friday of the death of his brother John. Deceased was an his br ee of the WaterlooeeasManufac- tuning Co. in Berlin, but formerly re- sided at Mildmay. He was forty-five years of age and leaves a widow, four irls and three boys. Interment took g 3 place in Mildmay on Tuesday, Excursion. Large posters have been issued this week announcing the excursion to Sarnia on June 21st, under the sus- pices of Minerva Encampment No, 47, I. O. O. F. The fare is very reason- able, and F. understand that excellent boat connections can be made with Detroit, so that a large number are like) to avail themselves of the o or- Y PP tunity of the trip. Time of trains and railway faros n;ay be learned from the bills,. or from R. 3, D1acMath, coin - mittee.pp FOOT�'S'EAIt-The newest and nattiest Shoes for Children at W. J, Green's, Victoria Day. * This anniversary day in memory of our lateSodas, Queen will in future to he re- gardedasaholiday Next Saturday, in Wingham, the stores will be closed and sports indulged in. In the fore- noon, Walkerton and Wingham base- ball teams will play a friendlybetween P , Y game on the townpark, In the afternoon Wingham Driving Park Associationg will present a program, lir; of races andwas g'° + Harold H., Canada's fastest pacer will give an exhibition 0f his speed, Board meeting. Official Board of the Methodist church met on Tuesday evening. The report of membership showed the pre- sent number of members to bo 450. Excellent reports were read from the The Board (ana Epworth tlneConference through the Chairman of the district, the desire of the congregation to have Mr. Hobbs return for the fourth year, It teas decided to extend to the Lon- ConferenceG, don a cordial invitation to hold their 1903 session in Wingham. Fessant was elected laydelegate g to the district meeting. • Yin improvements. p Dr. Chisholm and fame) have re- 9 to their' new and convenient residence. We trust they may live to enjoy its comforts for very many years, Tho doctor is continuing the improvements in his corner property. The kitchen to the old residence will be torn• down, sixteen feet of new building erected, and the whole veneer- ed and carried to the same height as the front of the block. This will make agreat improvement in the appearance of the corner black. We udearance that Mr. A. L, Hamilton will Dern) the resident() vacated by Dr, Chisholm, MONEY T() LoAN-A t 4. per cent, On improved improved farms, Easy terms of re- expenses light, of e �htitnage, Heal Estate and Loan Agent, Tient Block, DISTRICT MEETING. The May meeting of the Methodist Church on Wingham district was held on Tuesday and Wednesday in the new church in town. The ministerial sessions were held on Wednesday, and methen on Thursdayof ministers and lay- D. Rogers, District Chairman g + esided. pr Rev. H. E. Curry was elected Seem - tart', and he chose as assistants Revs. A. H. Brown and T. E. Sawyer. character of each minister was inquired into, and all passed satisfac- tartly. J. L. Stewart, B. A., was recommen- ded for ordination, and will take mis- work in China, D. VCren, of Ber- vie circuit, was recommended for con - tinuation as probationer. Wednesday was chiefly taken up with routine work. In the evening, a meeting was held in the interests of Women's Foreign Missionary So- test y y, addressed by Rev, A. G. Herrin and Mrs. McMechan of London. To -day (Thursday) the W. M. S. are their annual convention, and the joint session of the ministers and laymen is iu progress. May "_6th, 1002 Itlr. Editor.-S�*int you please give us sonothe hints of the right and wrong of the following grievances, namely : 1 -Dodging cattle on the roads and streets. 2 -Pasturing bunting rams on the thoroughfares, and endangering school cbildrmt by the way. 3 -Keeping dogs numuz- zlcd after they are known to bite more than onto without anyward provocation. Tho majority of the people of Turnberry know nothing of the Township by-laws, By giving us a little light on the above through your valuable paper, you will oblige, A SUBSCRIBER. Norig.--Like yonrsetf, the Advance is at.n in the dak as to the By-laws of Turnberry, whether the township heti any or not. Ask of the Councillors. -[Edit or, Big Bankrupt Stock Sale of $07,000 of Ready-made Clothin in Montreal g this week. M. Saxe & Son, wholesale Clothiers, have only been a short time in business, the stock is new therefore. A. R. Smith is attending this sale. Look out for bargains at A. R. Smith's next week, in Men's, Youths' and Boy's Suits, Chisholm Block. To the Editor of the Advance. Dear Str.-In your last issue you proparcd n a nice, little Tammany cap, )abetted mamm )alioMrs, g ballots, stenting f our surprise, bei the pulpit, tie, &c. Judge of our Aurprise, w9nen vee saw that the "Times" claimed the rap, and seemed to think is fitted its tittle held neatly. Thopulpitineidontwnsnoto❑]yaeknovvlydged, but the disgust increased, by a lance apology. Before this, few could believe the story. They thought such brazen -faced impudence iutpos- i elownitsince aceorcltlfurthortproof i "Times" has pleadof we would suggest that a copy of this unique apology be framed in basswood, and hung up h, the "Times"office as a memento of one of its grand. ofl'orls to aid tho Grit Machine in snot°. ing the pulpit. Another surprise awaited us, when bills were issued from the Times olive announcing, that; Dr. Macdonald, 1'O.1'.. and R. Holmes, M. P. 1 would address a \Wingham audience on Wednesday evening ill favor of M. G. Cameron and consequently in opposition to Mr. Mitchell, Conservative candi,iate in 111i� rid. ing, who has been endorsed by the Alliance, and brought out and nominated at the remit of the most solemn promises of support from the , majority of the respectable Liberals her, and in Wingham. Surely Mr. Ilolulw, will u Ter clear an audience in suet: a raise, Ina stilt hr may, for if I am not mistaken, Ibe same Mr. 1101111es was in Wingham on•e be- fore, preaching purity and prohibition, while at the very stone lime and within the sound of his sanctimonious and Clcrfest valve, that celebrated Liberol worker and Uovermnent employee, Captain Sullivan, was around rho hotels, practicing corruption, spendhtg rnmloy and baying web's. Shame 1 Shaine Noel• ltnrvovcr, the musk heti Even rvnunrd, the tot- 100110 l mpo vd, and the 116c -long hypocrisy and moral deformity of Liberal politicians stand forth a hideous object 1e:.son,fully ex* paced to the wandering (18"e of a disgusted public. Remember what those lents nue now doing, for I have no doubt lint in ti o or three years, they will b0 around 011r back liner and road:, sotenutly rden in v that they stet• 011 5 b posed a prohibitionist, Respectfully yours, TIntlgliANCL•', E.hst Wawanosh, May 201b, 1902, , BIRVIS. Bloor-In gh a18th, Blyth,Sunday,May John Bloor, a dao Ames, -In Grey, Sunday, May 18th, Mrs. Jos. Ames, a daughter. Metre or -In Lower Wingham, May g g 21st, Mrs, R. bir,Gregor, a son. WHAT TO TAKE FOR SPRING MEDICINE I I There is Nothingto $ ual Q PROF. SCOTT'S e Herbal Bitters FOR THS Blood, i5f0lTifiCI1, Liver and Kidneys. CALL FOR SAMPLE, PRICE 26o PER BOX. _,,,� ,- SOLD AT % i T ! 1 �''' I ° S n DRUG STORE �* V •' •'jr,'i'• ty , ^ Y I J.,V G II A .LVL e T[? f r! MEETING. PV BL.sIC PUBLIC - A public meeting in the interests of Mr. dames Mitchell, Liberal- (conservative eaodidato for West Iluron, will be held in the Town Hail Tuesday'side next evening. Itov, S. 0, Chown, D,D,, of Toronto, a fluent and forcible speaker, P • ' +will Address the audience, 111x, Mitchell, the candidate, will also be present and define his position, Let there be a grand roily on Tuesday evening, May 2itli. t