HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-15, Page 6BUSINESS CHANCES.
N-, nese, uo matter t ht ro it i3. Pend demote -
tem and cash prise and get our plan for find•
ing rash buyers, Patent 'Exchange and Inveat-
tnent Company, lurut,o+. eauada.
1 etc. Home or foreign procured and ex -
plotted. Booklet on patents free. Tho Patent
Exchange and investment Company, Pythlan
Iinitding, 'reroute Out
WANTED—LADIES, IES, .#Lett 1tt1N---'1'(t
copy lettere, alielress envelopes at
home, anywhere; day or evenings: strletly
genuine employment. Address ExcelsiorMan-
nfacturlug Cu., Station 11, Cleveland, O.
cd41,/ 4
815,000—wirier to ourrespoud with 1 —
honest, intelligent man, who would apprecl• r �
ate a good wife, Box 7,5: 8, Toronto, Ont. e� �a� �,,Q tri , ***e
finest In the Niagara Peninsula, at
Lnona,10 miles from Hamilton on two rail.
ways, Jam aorea in all 35 of which is in fruit,
cel or
dividedpinto iota of 15eilit
1 tobo 10 sold
acres to suit par'
Jons man Carpo Lor, decided.0. box 109. Address
in Winona
We want at once trustworthy men and wo.
men is every locality. local or traveling., to in-
troduee a new discovery awl keep our show
cards and advertising matter tacked up been- i
spiouous places throughout the town and ,
country. Steady employment year round
commission or saltily, 865.00 per month and
ermersPoaoxaed permday b
ox 337.
— a
Dick's Blood Purifier
for Horses.
The great tonic medicine of
the age.' It tones up the sys-
tem, rids the stomach of bots,
worms and other parasites.
5o cents a package. Write
for Book on Cattle and
Horses. It is free.
$444344***44 41* 4449 445k
GIiaY'Llf-R I. the deer he had been so proud of—
I had been for ten years in the tine plate, the pictures, the furniture
family of Martin Carew, gad, of that bad belonged to tate Carews—
were all lost, and through his felly,
mss,,, ,. ..abn
To be married six times during the
honeymoon is an experience that
comes t(? few, Four year ago 60avil-
lags: youth and his sweetheart read
tl furniture dealer's advertiielnc*nt,
offering a drawing -room suite to any
couple tinct consented to be lntirrted
publicly in his eltap. They seeurNl
the suite. Going on their wedding
trip to an Ohio town they noticed
a similar advertisement there, and
repeated the performance. Then the
idea struck the husband that lie
might arrange these matters lam-
selt, and in two weeks he had per-
emitted six dealers In various towns
to emulate the others. Nominally the
couple Yvon a specified prize at exert
place, but they really received a melt
oon' ideeation arranged b: foreband.'So
it; lute gone on over since. Thef couple
ncrw claim to have been married 500
Croome Hall, as governess to his
only child and heiress, Blanche. He
was supposed to be a very wealthy
man, and Ice held a lilgh position
in the county. The Carews of
Croome were an pad family, whose
home had been at the Hall aster
back as the records of the house
extended. ''Tiley had never lived in
London or abroad—their interests
had ever been centred in Croome.
Great:, therefore, was the aston-
ishment of the neighborhood when
it was announced that Martin Car-
ew was abourt to leve the Hall and
that it was to be let to strangers.
People could neither believe
nor understand the news. The
egnire gave ltntyny reasons for the
step he was about to take, the chief
of which was that be was not in a
good state of health himself, and
intended to travel foe a year or two.
"But why let the Hall ?" demanded
his friends. Surely an efficient per-
son coliId have bean found to have
resided there duriusi the absence of
its master ; it might even have bben
cloyed ; but to let it, to profane the
home of his race—the aristocrats of
Crowne could not uuderstaud it. It
was strange altigether ; the old fam-
ily servants were to be sent away ;
the fine stud of horses, the pride of
the county, sold. What had oome to
the squire ?
I knew-, and I alone ; for not even
to his darling Blanche did Mr. Carew
reveal the cause of his strange con-
duct. Iliad lived in 'ills house for ten
years, and he looked upon me tis a
friend. When I event; to take charge
od and educate his matlterless child,
she Was only eiglet—a sweet, win-
ning little girl, worshipped by her
father, and loved by all who knew
her, I tried to take not only the part
off a governess, but I gave her the
love and solicitude of a mother.
Therefore Martin Carew looked upon
d in the hour
through his fault. Why had be not
beenhad? Cwhynted seekwtolh doublethe fortune he
wax still nominally the master of
Croome; the rent of the es-
tate paid tile interest on the
borrowed money; but whenever the
mortgage money was coiled in,
Croome must be sold to pay it, and
then the Carews of Croome would
exist no longer.
I was at the cottage to meet
them when the father and daugh-
ter returned from Fromm. Unknown
to them, I had sent away many
little treasures from 1yroome—tile
squire's favorite easy chair,
Blanche's work table, a few pictures,
gems of art, one or two statues,
a large chest full of books, and
some plate—so that when Martin
Carew entered the little home that
in future was to be his, it looked
bright and cheerful ; pictures, books
•e an
me as n. friend, an
Steamers leave Hamilton 1 p. m. of his distress, when pride bade him
and Toronto 7.30 p. m. Tuesdays be silent to all the world besides,
and Fridays during May, and on 1 he came and told his sorrow to me.
and after June 3rd Tuesdays, Thurs-
dayst and Saturdays.
,9tngle. $7
Hamilton toMontrealItetnrtt $I2
Toronto t 'yi enteral SIng'e 56'60
It was such an old -story, and yet
to him so terribly new and strange.
Ho was a rich man, Out, he had been
tempted to add to Itis riches a crav-
ing for money hod come upon him ;
lie wanted to matte his hundreds into
thousands, and his thousands into
]tetter than internal tuodication for ner-
vous aches and muscular twitchings is "the
D & L." Menthol Plaster, because it is ap-
plied t•igllt to the sore spot. It is prompt and
certtaln. Substitute may be offered. Say
One cent wise
One dollar foolish
To use any lout the hest
No Near of Burglars.
"I am so glad the boys of your
regiment gave you that handsonte
revolver," said the militia captain's
wide. "We need have no fear now of
the burglars who have been Infest-
ing our neighborhood."
That's so, my dear," he replied.
"I've looked It up in the office safe,
where they oau't get at it."—Phila-
delphia Press.
and flowers mak y place orfight.
The little parlor at the cottage
was a pleasant room; any one en-
tering it could tell that the few
ornaments it pontained were of
great value, -and had formed part
of another and more costly abode.
I remained one Week with my old
friends. Blanche bore their reverse
of fortune better than I had dared
to Hope. It was a too perceptible
change, from that grand old Hall,
with its noble suites of looms, its
magnificent furniture, to the little
six -roomed cottage, with one ser-
vant. Blanche must have felt the
loss of her maid, her little
phaeton and ponies, her thorough-
bred, and all the countless luxuries
she had enjoyed, but she never said
so ; no (word of complaint ever
crossed her lips. She was as gay
and happy at ,Weir Cottage as site
had 'been at Credito Hall Her days
were spent In reaolog and singing to
her father, in drawing and painting,
u H
Ark fur the Octagon Isar sc7
New York Centra( and liudeou River
The above name Is a house -hold
word, and the superior excellence of
the road should be eufflelent to at-
tract most people, but now that the
rate is the same to New York and
points east as by other lines no fur-
ther recommendation should be
sought. Everybody will tell you it
is the best.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
A good huisband is but the evolution
of a good son.
The talent of Desorvwteon. is little
=titivated. To reserve a little either
of oonfidenlee Or money worms ex-
cellently well.
There never was a man. whom an
artful womlan could not persuade
that h -e was unappreciated, mor a
vain woman, who ever felt that +she
wall quite understood.
Ilt'e x91 right for oherity to begin
at home, bat lt'•s very wrong. to have
It 'end there.
Second-hand wives are often very
bad bargains, but second-hand hus-
bands invariably are.
The woman who goes mazy over
a tore affair was foredoomed. Love
only furntish�ed the opportunity.
As soots as we are quite content
with ourseleets others begin to- no-
ttae Markle off degeneration,.
Marital contentment consists/ in
the albility of the concerned parties
to respect the individuality of each
The slie•,pe demonstrate how often
faded women buy Tlaming colors in
the vain hope that they will restore
to them a Ihtemblanoe of youth.; .
The woman who through sheer
validity draws a mean. away from 'his
mare -faded wife is a fiend incarnate.
It els a etlly woman who judges a
man by wthati he says, otr a woman by
what 'ho leaves unstakl.
The fatu1tless woman is tiresome,
but the VIZIOUs� woman ie baneful.
Mean. women volunteer to ooliect
tire fund's in ohauritatble enterprises
In order to' avoid being aleked to con-
tribute.—Phi`iadelp•hia Record.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Kuew the Source of His Support.
(Nashville I inner.)
Speaking ui: eWampaign deoeptlons,
We ora (remindeld tie an eleotiton +held
in iii iConfederaiie oompany during
the C;ivlt Wtar. !t ralehm' agate/tis
member de:Aided to run ear 'a Lieuten-
an'�'y, evilreeli was vacant'. '['he-'mean-
Iber, evthtam two tete stall +Deek, went
to tie tmese)nttte, Whom wo will gall
Jack, nand helmet bis .lnelfp 1n the elec-
tion. Jack tpmb'm.sed to work Tor this
friend, tins azsa�red him that lie eou'ld
be elected- When tee ballots were
counted Beek round 'that •Ile had re-
ceived only bne vote, 'Side opponent
re'seivieg ail taste crater voters. Indig-
niant over tamp a defeat Dick op-
p:roac'11ed Jack anti exclaitm•ed: 'I
thought, you 'were my riend until
you promised to r-tentloneer Tar line."
tl.nswvered Jack >vonepaseldhly : "I atm
your friend and I did my level beet
to elect you, tku't the boys who pro-
mised Me that ttboy evened vote for
you Went !track bn 'their "promises. I,
however, cutin died my ibeet and put
in One vette for you."
TTlhlis made !Dick madder than ever.
"Y1u'+re l,1 Ean'," he cried ; "I put In
that `rote any it 1 i."
of Which she was very fond , he
wasted no time in useless regret for
hey lost fortune.
I did not •evolner at ;that, for I
knew ;Che secret of Blanche's happi-
ness. I knew t'hy her fade were
sweet, smiles, and her beautiful °yea
were full of gladness. She told me
Icer seoret while I was at the Cot- Marrying for Money.
aeon o o Return 8111.60 Cot-
tage ; site had not told me before.
Meals and berti,e Included. d i t It was something about a bright- Iu England .a man who marries for
The 'tea rates o Mont. d- He had haired young, u,1dier who had gone money is regarded as haring hardly
Thc. above cheap Invested with Itis rrg.inent over o seas ; t oar the �,
t lI hundreds of thousands. the 1 1 dignified Chinn but as hay -
real are III effect for May only. p and had itabu- loved her, and she over
promised to ing crane the y u P
speculated deeply, ac ny eb ronly thin possible,
a largo amolrnt—it appeareda u- be Ids wte, being
liar -
lice no Uni ever ltOitili himself,
"What business li:tve women to look
Ho plain and haggard US 80oll 118 they
turf( their quarter orntnry ; or what
ueueseity is tiltractiveness at the
age when they begin to be worth
knowing, ?" The ch fitter of youth
and of ro1ebu l girls iH Insipid. They
aro awkwvtuvt in giving opirlrone as
a novice! in earring a chloken.. XL is
instl'uotive to note file rising idea
that the finest young men of the day
are prone to merry women older
than themselves for want of intelli-
gence) in girls nearer to their own
appropriate age. The marriage lists
call for explanation of the disparity
between ages, and a young man has
written an artlele somewhere dis-
cussing the reasons why 'nen et
strong intelieut and warm feeling
fall in love with older women when
they here rt chance. The atta.cltment<
is so strong, the bonde so proudly
worn in these casts thri.t the query
1s : Why 'leen't women oftener give
men the chance to adore them, when
they aro most worth adoring, and
why do they make the experiment
so liuzardoue to repeat ? The man
never gives it surer proof of his at-
traction than when he ignores the
difference of Lige, and a woman
should reward such tribute by re-
serving long her sultimer bloom. In
grief and chagrin again we repeat :
"'What business 'lave women to fall
off in charm when brain anti morale
are at their prime ?"—Shirley Dare.
FROM among the numerous unso-
licited testimonials which have
been received in praise of St. Jacobs
011 we select that of Mr. Arthur Har-
rison, of Wiiiford Crescent Last, Not-
tinghatn, who suffered frons;a sprained
knee for 3% years, itnd being devoted
to the manly sport of football he
felt it a great deprivation that 1n°
was hirable to Join in a game for
that period, He tried many remedies
without success, until one day a'
friend persuaded him to try St. Jacobs
Oil—Th)e Wonderful 011, he calls it
-when he experienced immediate re-
lief from pain, followed by a per-
inauent cure. He says : "I had been
suffering from a very bad sprained
bliee for 8;¢ years through playing
football. I had been under tlte doe -
toy's oare twice, and had used all
kinds of oils, embrocations, 'cold
water bandages, etc., when I was
recommended to try your valuable
Oil. I had been suffering so much
that it was impossible for me to kick
a ball, but after trying two small
bottles I am pleased to say my knee
is blow as perfect and strong as ever.
I should have written you before,
but . wanted to give it a thorough
Pard am glad to inform you
that since using St. Jacobs Oil I have
never felt another twinge of pain,'
All Earglisbmen who delight in ath-
letic exercises will rejoice to read
of thie reliable preparation which
does away with the ill efforts of ac-
eideats which cannot always be pre-
Only line running rapid!.poor and a gentleman. In
tont to me—in mining shares. The
Write for R. & O. Hotel Book of utvnal consequences ensued; ruin in Captain Hugh Mostyn, nephew. Of France and Germany he is looked
Lower Set. Lawrence and folders/. his case coming more rapidly than in Lord Hanlefglt, and one of the hand- upon as a decidedly smart fellow to
Chaffee, Westeru Passenger some others. Two enormous clivi- sourest, bravest and noblest young have been able to do it. There is
15. Foster Chaofficers in the British army, leaved no nonsense about Cllr hunt for a
Agent, 2 King Street East, Toronto, Out, +ends were paid, Caen the whole con -
Blanche Carew. He met her while he Yoh wife on the continent, The
waft visiting some friends in he
of Croome,andto
fallen in love with her at first eight.
She was only 18` then, and when Capt.
Hugh applied to her father, Mr.
Carew only laughed and positively
refused to think seriously of the pro-
position at all. lie calked the gallant
captain a boy, and said Blanche was
a child—be treated the whole mat-
ter as a jest. The captain's pride
took fire; rte was poor, and Blanche
could no longer afford to live upon a wealthy heiress. He took leave,
it ; the stately old Hall must be let, coldly enough, of Squire Carew, but
and Its rent would g,) toward paying on his way 'to the park gates lie
the Interest of the money he had met Blanche. At once be forgot all
Prevented and Cured and
dckea any the
lives were
cern was wrecked, and the tinfor- t thing is to catch her. I had a friend
were liable
for a
tui ate shareholders
sum I tremble to think of. No doubt
many another home was broken no,
I t h e tem est that shat -
Pour marvelous free remedies for all tered the wealth and position of
euffercrs reading this paper. Now . Martin Carew. He had paid his lia-
afereforTuberculosis,Conaustlft bilines honorably to the last fartlh-
Lion, Weak Lungs, Catarrh, ing, but he was none the less a ruined
and a rundown system. E man. Ho had been obliged to wort-
; gage his estate so heavily that he
Do you cough? borrowed. He had but a very small
Do your lungs pain you ? income left to live upon, and that
Is your throat sore and inflamed? did not come from the Croome es -
Do you spit up phlegm? tate; it had been left to him for
Does your head ache? 1 his life only by his godmother, and
Is your appetite bad? 1 at his death reverted to his family,
Are your lungs delicate? I so that his prospects were not cheer -
Are you losing flesh? ing. He told me, with many sighs,
Are you palo and thin? that lie stoned be obliged to part
Do you lack stamina? with me, and when. touched by the
These symptoms aro proof that you thoughts of Blanche's sorrow, I of -
have in your body the seeds of the most feral to stay, content to share ad -
dangerous malady that has ever devas. vert-ity with those who had been gen-
Stated the earth—consumption. email friends to me, he told me his
You are invited to test what this system will do for means were so limited that lie could
you, if you are sick, by writing for a not afford to offer me a. home. There
FREE, TRIAL TREATMENT was nothing for it hilt to say good.
and the Four Free Preparations will be forwarded you byetoflroomeflHall and look out a.;t.:.in
at once. with complete directions fur use. for new friends and a new sphere.
The Slocum Systemisa positivecure for Consump, Mr. Carew kept his Henret well.
tion, that most insidious disease, and for all Lung People wondered at him. They called
Troubles and Disorders, complicated 1y Loss of I
Flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Astama, Bronchitis and hint i,trange and eccentric, miserly
IIeartTreuhlet. and avaricious, but no one suspected
Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemical 1nP WEE ah ruined span. He had ar-
Company, Limited, rig King Street West, Toronto,
sivinspost office and express *Jareso,and the free ranged all his plane. Ile went to
medicine di no t,,ahkcaa will ha promptly
's free eat. Frillier with Blanche, and they re-
Anptcecan paners wiliii seeing
sale for weep offer in manned there two or three weeks;
Toronto. Mention dim paper. then he returned to him new abode,
t`le1n your silver•
ware. gold, brass,
eta., with
No powder or email
to use, Putt brie,: rub -
bung with thepptt•par-
ed cloth. Polishes like
Duette. Price "Se tit
druggists or by mail
MONARCH MEG. 00., St.eatharfnea, 00t.
Trial barn Ora fru•. _Prude (mingled.
It would Pay Well
To silty a
once wha was fairly well off, and
who spent some years in Germany.
Her time was mainly occupied in
eluding barons, counts - and o7ficers
who had matrimonial intentions, and
who, when they emend have speech
of her in no other way, used to pro -
Pose between floors in the hotel ele-
vators.—',.rgonaut, San Francisco.
his pride and anger, chinking only of
the beautiful girt he loved so dearly.
He did not leave her until she had
promised to beccme les wife, saying
that he should return in three years
to claim her.
"Your father will not laugh at me
then, and call me a boy," he added,
"for I shall have made a man's
name and fame for myself. I shall
work as no man ever worked before,
Blanche, and my reward shall be In
winning you.''
Blanche promised him that when he
came back to claim her she would
marry him. She said that her father
would be sure to give his concent,
for hitherto he had never refusal her
anything. Mr. Carew knew that
Blanche reeteived letters from
Hugh Mostyn, and that she
wrote to him, lie had
seen the little'leoket Blanche wore
by night and day, wherein the hand-
some (Igor ;face of tee young sol-
dier was faithfully portrayed ; rte
had seen the lock of bright hair ---
Blanche showed hint both—but he
only laughed, and said they Nvere a
Endorsed by best English medical journals.
Supplied to British soldiers In South Africa.
For all Throat and Oland Troubles, Lumps,
Abscesses, Old Sores, Ulcers, Felons, Skin
Diseases Eczema Pimples, Stiff Joints,
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises,
Piles, buts, Sore Feet, Pleurisy.
Sold by Druggists, 25c. Try t once.
ISSUE E No F+O, 1902.
We live by our blood, and on
it. We thrive or starve, as
our blood is rich or poor.
There is nothing else to live
on or by.
When strength is full and
spirits high, we are being re-
freshed, bone muscle and brain,
in body and mind, with con-
tinual flow of rich blood.
This is health.
When weak, in low spirits,
no cheer, no spring, when rost
is not rest and seep is not
sleep, we are starved ; our blood,
is poor; there is little nutri-
ment in it.
Back of the blood, is food,
to keep the blood rich. When
it fails, take Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil, It sets the
whole body going again—man
woman and child.
If you have not tried it, send for' free sample,
Its agreeable taste will surprise you,
scOr'r & nowNS, Chemists
Sec, and $t.00; all druggists.
It 3Iteht Hae Beou Wear. !
(St. James' Gazette.)
Good etories. bre always •plenitienl
about vie' eaadOle,s. LL Est. Andrews tad. die nice named "lef�a'thite" te'orurm. kits
envar•.atble remark after a poor shot
by the ?person he was !serving, "It
emtclt boo been 'water," 'vials meant tto
fie e�onsolla1ory and eneoouatiging. tide
Ina,ster, a teesgymean, was eveai•ied
with its Well meaning 'flattery. �Letl-
cordingly, +tb make sure .that he
would' squatsh Ste remark 'tor onoe,
the !told the caddie he head 'a terrible
dream Cllr night G)c'sore.
"Matilde, de, any man, I dreamt that I
was in the pewee where tJre wi"rkecl
are h)untellecl. I wow the wreltcltud
ones tt.tr'ture:l ; they were swimming
Qn int lakes tet boiling pi�teth, and toupet
lint get tanned Ver red -shot
forks Curtest 'tthtrtestt in their faces by de -
monis. He hatted it minute, +Wi•tth bill
tongue in his iih�eek, when, in per-
fect hoolness the caddie answered
"'teye, etr, that lime a bad dream, jlet
amwlul ; hent 1:t retold +hoe been .waur."
"Wean-, yon tool? How could that
be?" "It nevelt hate been true."
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In
cows. .
We offer One Hundre(1 Dollars' Reward for
auy ease of Catarrh that cannot be cared by
Hall'S Catarrh Cure,
F. J. CHIONEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known V. J.
Cheneyfor tine last 75 years and believe him
perfecly honorable yIn all business trans-
b atheirhflrmo carry out any
\Vrsledmc, a TittSAx, Wholesale Druggists, To -
WAt,DINO, KINNAN a: MAILv1N,'Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, U.
Ball's Catarrh ('ure is taken interneily,act-
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur-
facs of tine system. Testtmontals sent free.
Price -75e per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Pokily Pills are the beet.
Weir Cottngr, near Richmond, a. ` couple of children, playing at love,
email town bolit among the hills of and nothing more. But I saw there
I)erbyshlre. Of all his numterons re- W0.8 110 play in it --that for life or
titin of servants he only kept 0110—•death,
for weal or woe, those two
the woman who lend been Blanche's ! loved eaelt Othm
nurse, and wvho steadfastly rein sed to Turing the onto of its sorrow and
leave her. She was to be hons0- ruin the squire forgot all about the
keeper, Iiousetnnid. and everything 1 captain ; he never even named him,
star nt the Cottn.ge. and Blanelie said nothing of him el-
Whiir?f;IriinCarew'Ir friends thought ( they alio burred her love In the
lie wan upon the Continent, lin Wan 'II depths of her lteert a1Nl kept it there,
living with Itis clao�ghter. on a Iron- I as the treasure that made the joy
(had per ftenem, in their quiet and and brightness of her life.
beautiful home anion; the Willa. All thee Blanche told me during the, quired Mrs. Bateson, "I expect she's a
11 woe tt great eliange. Some man p week I spent at Richmond. I had bit upset new that the fuss is all
would stave raved wildly nt their own ; guessed much of 1t before, and withf over, and auto hasn't �a daughter left
im )rude nen nthcra would , all my heart I rejoiced to hoar that 1• to bless hereeif with.
follyand 1 illy dear cliitd'l happiness was se- Mas. flunkey sighed cheerfully.
have set to work with fevered en -
F rgy, striving to redeem a Jost
fortune; but the noisier of (trno1ni
i (hill neither of these things—he gave
Overheard at a ladles' Club.
Mabel—Sybil doesn't know a thing
about whist. Why, the other day site
was my partner at a tournament,
and she trumped my ace,"
Chorus—How 'mean ! '
ylabel—Yes, but I paid her back.
She led an ace next round, and I
trumped It.
Like other evils cramps and diarncneacome
suddenly. Promptly give a dose ofPerry
inediaatelly. Painkiller
at hathe nd will eaive 1103115
of Buttering—be prepared.
"I never was so happy," said the
new Benedict. "I tell you, marriage
' No doubt, like the boiled leg of
mutton at the green grocer's, they
would 'be appropriately served "with
trimmings.' —London Globe.
Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen uten-
sils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and
forks, and all kinds of cutlery. 10
Among the people who revel in the
lugubrious things of this world, and
mourn with exceeding plane/ere, may
a -uilely be counted Mrs. Hankey, a
character in "Tho Farringdon.'
Mrs. Hankey ie telling about the re-
cent wedding of iter niece, Susan, and
prophesying the probable end of the
bridegroom with conaaidorablo unc-
"How Ie your fester heruerf ?" in -
Congressman Made a Lite -Long 19n-
piny of Mr. Smith..
Mr. Smith, superintendent of the
botonioal gardens at Washington, Is
r„ frust a to acre farm
',Nen if it :Nets four
limes its prise.
it 111:11:08 abetter fence
one -halt the 1,,) t,f
any reedy woven fence.
•1'o get ilsehrat fence you
lrustbohld it ou the ground. and the LON- I "Nrvrr ,rind It—never mind anything: .fir, if:tucl ,stens; theis no shot -
DON is the fastest and most lruprov''(1 f 1 hive lost ('room!.
tna •hiue on the market for handing it. "1 slave lost (.'rooster," was til" bur.. ; lal'ity h etweett it rust factory and a
( tuuttfrnrin,ry i-1iabllilt,muent. i "Why," said the purse -proud youth,
'(write for priest and Cam's -mon showing dent of Ills titoag:iter day owl night ; i it. rastt rost5 Inc Cuvier Clint
reit of 12 styles of fence. no other idea ever !:hate foto Mira y
The lel Boll. whore inn family Perhaps it iH b,ettose iovh 18 blind amount to live It year." The .fudge
t RSOItI PENCE IItAGtnada CO., Limited mind, v d_ o thitt vtn,tie•" btt'n ntakte i tv'taelee of answered ;gravely: : "It Isn't wort
� ltfd lived for genrrltUon�, the grand � ., p
LLondon,Canada, Old Wood tvttlt fte statf-ly trees and, themselves when they get that way. It, George; it Isn't worth it,"'
a native of "the land o" cakes" and
one of the greatest experts in the
country on Robert Burns, the• vari-
ous editions of his works and every-
thing relating to the Scotch poet.
Fits Burne' library is said to be the
finest; of itvi kind in the world.
Representatives in congress who
are) thrifty have a habit of borrow-
ing palms and ferns and such things
from Smith when their wives give
receptions. Ai new member from the
far west wanted a few rubber plants
for his parlors, and he Went to see
Superintendent Smith about it. He
had been warped that the surest
way to,sget into the good' graces of
Smith was to praise Burnt'. The new'
member walked into Smith's library.
The superintendent sat at his desk
poring over a Burns "find."
"Ail," said the new member, "4 see
you are refuting Borne. What a
;.poet old Jimmie Burns was, to be
sure, and such a collection of the
works' of Jimmie you have here I Do
you know, Mir. Smith, I think Jimmie
Burne was the greatest poet of his—"
"Jimmie Berns I" he roared, "Tommy
+0n1 Sam -
i u l
,Crashing on 1 Charlie .L t
,mte Napoleon I Get oft tine grounds!"
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should
always be need for Children Teething. It
soothes tho child, softens thoggams cures wind
colic and is the bait remedy for Diarrhoea,
Queer Advertisements.
This advertisement appears In a
Bristol paper:
General Servant --No inquiries ; no
wort: ; no rape 'or aprons ; every
evening out ; visitors permitted;
bicycle ; good wages. G., office of
this paper.
The problem of "What shall we do
with our girls ?" seems to be solved.
From the Simla News;
Wanted—A servant to cool{ . and
dress children,
Dr. Car'een's Tonic
Stomach and Constipation Bitters
'lade from the formula of an eminent
11111f1(111111 physltnan, who 11nsnsoel the
prescription in hie practice for many
years with most satlsfactury results.
A Purely Vegetable, Tonic and Blood
Purifier. Price so cents per Bottle.
Usually you ran' obtain the prepara-
tion of your local druggist, but li you
cannot obtain it In your neighbor-
hood, we will sendone or more bot-
tles on receipt of pt'tce (.i0t per bot-
tle) carriage prepaid. -
Patnpillot sent It'IITIi on apjxlloatlon,
Why He Was Dismissed.
An assistant make-up on a daily
newspaper recently was tnuelll con-
fused in this work. The time had near-
ly come when the forms must go to
prese(t•o catch the train. One of those
folks who are always late (with an
apology, of course) In bringing in
news, appeared at this time with an
addition Ito a local regarding tt fun-
eral. eel the tame correspondence was
an item referring to a wedding as
well as that of the funeral. As will
sometimes happen, through the unex-
plained carelessness of the printer,
the !addition was inserted at the end
of the wedding note, and the paper
was rustled through the press. The
chagrin of a host of jubilant friends
may be imagined when the following
appeared. The right names are not
given, las the parties are web known:
Mr. Archibald Jones and Mies Edith
Madison twere mauled Tuesday even-
ing at the residence of the bride's
parents by Rev. Wm. Eldridge. Her
funeral will occur on Friday at her
lato bone at '3 p. m., (Rev. James An-
derson Officiating, with interment at
Roselawn Cemetery.
We have read of many mix-ups, but
this [rather leads the list, going as it
does lei quick time from the altar to
the tomb.—J. E. R. -
cure, fee I ipul the highest opinion, ""Well, alio did seem rather low spir-
ed Captain Hugh llostyn, My stay Red when all the mews wee cleared',
was se snort, and I was eo occupied - up, anti Susan had Mune off to her
own home ; but I sage 'to her, 'Never
mind, Sarah, and don't you worry
youraelf. Now tliat the weddings are
over, tate funerals will soon begin.'
You nee, you menet elteer folks up a
bit. Mr�5•. Bateson, when they're feel-
ing out of sorts." ---Philadelphia Led-
in attending to the eotnfort of my
himself trp to n quiet. hopeleee dee- = friends, that I saw nothing either
pair that need hint a,•l co Scars could I Of, the neighborhood of Weir Cot -
have done, thnt slivered his hair and ` tage or the people belonging to IL
dimmed Wes tie -es. hemi hie otter creet 1 obtuinrd another eltnatlon, but 1
and noble figure. and shn,dowed los Was not comfortable: my pupils were
lite ser darkly that all light seemed two epollecl chliclren. and teething
'. I determined
r o 6t11E:Cttrt
r murmured them tuns n
( he hti
t F !t fall 1
Lav left 1
° to to Blanche
I rot It
or grumbled, of rajlroarllF'd himself h t() tenter, and wrote
or iia fortun( it. would have been 1 Uarew eo. Sty surprise and pleature
better tltdtn this dead. hotel• sa t.il'fl •c 1 were equally great; when one morn -
1 teff. Ile sat 1 in 1 received a letter front Mr.
h 1 e buried It
htc 1 r iw
for lours without speaking 0r 100'. l (:nrow• saying that If 1 tvae at Idl-
ing, never inkenr the least interest 1 t•rty be knew of Fin excellent sltut .
In anything salt or clan A. Whr11 . tion that he could procure for me
Blanche attempted to draw lilm f by cmrhtg "just ono word."
from his thoughts; or win his 11tten. (Tu be Centime(.)
11on. he would look at her and say, I ..�. •-
ItINAItv'ld LINIMENT is the only.
'Liniment a.eked far net my stare( and
the) only ane' we keep for: sale.
Ail the people use it.
t. MARLIN ruvroi4.
t Pleasant Bay, 0. D.
Cures( Diphtheria.
Gu e
A LVitsto oe Money.
((Menge (•crenate.) •
Jitstict' 'V'Ytlliatu L Putnam, of the
United Stater Cirrus COurt of Ap-
peale in Portiand, Ore., recently fell
into conversation with a young mon
of the nouvrntlx 3101103 who expressed
astonishment that the Judge could get
cilon( 1611 hid snlary of $6,000 .t year.
Hopeless Case.
Diggs—Say, that dog of yours keeps
me awake nights with his howling.
Biggs—Sir, I have Pio dog. It must
be my daughter's singing that annoys
Diggs—Oh, -that's too bad..I sup-
pose you can't very well get rid of
her, eh ?
Learn how I• do away with the =Mug belt
and pressing. springs and holctltuptarewithout
pressure on hips, spine or bones.
Learn how you are simp-
ly ruining your health by
using spring and leg -strap
trusses whirs press on most
vital parts not connected
with the rupture at all.
Learn how I have after
82 years' practice, solved
rupture problem by my pa-
Learn how
the action of
lifting, etc.
only came a firmer hold
by my Automatic Pad.
Learn what the euro of
Rupture really is and how I treat success.
fully and inexpensively BY MAIL.
Write formy FREE BOOK now aadle9arn
the whole truth about RuptureanditsOtue.
LEAS. CLIITBE, 29 Eaet 14th St.,
New York
1 have ly by ao pplying directly to mea l
Proper Self-l5ettpeef.
Holden—Nonsense I You delft mean
et butt ali fishermen are liars.
't<) -ass!
Illtchei:w-No; ; I tvOnldn't go Cts for
as- that : but I don't see liow any
fisherman with any respert for him-
self as a
sportsman can tell the teeth
f in
Leven t
I f sl►
about Its rr
P1T� Veva to you .that ills.
Chase's Ointtnentiatteertnin
• and Absolute cure for each
��� n every term Of itching,
• bleecdingtnd pro ruttingg piles,
nth° msfitt} merit have num•anteril it. see tee
i timonials In the de y Virtu snit nek gonr neigh.
borswhat they thtnet'otr- Voli1111uooIt and
get your money hark if nus r•.nr1clCOO n lox, ne
h rail d ern oran>KANtoN,Itarss EA (;o..'rnmont4,
I t►r„chstevto Ointment
A Chain is *�o Stronger than its Weakest Link
and a Wire Fence is no Stronger than its Uprights.
No one should expect a
fence to hold up of itself
between the posts.
The Frost upright wires
are large and strong. The
'ne Frost T,oell holds them
,43r A' in place and each support
M 1r"1>- ��t"" its own - share of the
', . ,-Nei
weight. Light tie wires
give no support. Bending to tie
weakens them and they are apt to
break when the strain is severe.
'rOSt Fet1Ce never breasts.
Write for Cata(ogae. 0
And do it well yt it1) the most reono l-
ic:il and best for wear paints In Can-
ada. Beautify yam( home. inside and
Lint with
the right palms to peint riga t, that
puts off longest the necessity for re-
painting, ani keeps your house clean
and bright throughout than life of
pure paint an not Other paint ever 014
before, and at the; right price.
Drop us a card anti ask for
110 OIC LI,P NO. 11 FRETS,
showing how some homes are painted.
Established 1812,
mormne,iL, Paint elakcre.
"Road Light." loo
USE "Eagle." leo find 200
�JR7'L' "
"tattle Comet."
Por sale by An the principal growers.