HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-15, Page 5May 15, 1902
We Sell Everything a Man Wears Except Shoes,
to wind up the Greatest Cut Price
Clothing Sale ever held in
Huron county.
Our Sale is going along nicely, every day our sales beat
the day before, every hour we meet new faces and give
strangers a welcome. Come and be taken in.
Travellers' Sample Suits.
14 Sample Stilts in Serges, Tweed, etc., travellers' samples, sizes 36
to 44, worth $8,75, Sale price $0.50
9 Children's Suits for ages 5 to 11 years, 2 pieces, worth $3.50, Sale2.05
7 Youths' 3 -piece Suits, sizes 26 to 32, worth $3.75, Sale 2.85
Men's Black, Blue and Moleskin Overalls, with rib or without, any
size, Sale price .69
31 Pairs Men's Tweed Pants, all sizes, worth $1.25, Sale .00
10 Pairs Tweed Pants, samples, all sizes, worth $1.35, Sale 1.10
10 only Men's Grey Rubber Coats, sizes 40 to 48, worth $6, Sale 3.50
JUST TO HAND — a nice line of Young Men's Suits in all the latest
stripes, etc. at about one-third less than regular.
$1.00 UNDERWEAR 50c.
Still a number of the Silk Shirts and Drawers left to choose from
in several colors, worth $1.00 a garment, Sale price
Gents' Furnishings.
Just received—a nice assortment of Ties in all the latest Now,York
designs at popular prices, 25e and •.50
SALEM SHIRTS, just arrived, in neat colors, soft bosoms, price 1.00
HATS ! HATS 1—In grey, fawn and black felt Fedora, worth $1.25
and $1.50, Sale price Saturday • 1.00
Men's Summer Top Shirts, Special Saturday 19c
Men's Shirts and Drawers, Special Saturday 15c
Men's Working Shirts, the 50e and 65c kind, Sale price 45c
The ' Crow
• Butter and Eggs
taken as Cash.
er Co.
Colin Campbell's Old Stand; Wingham
Winter Term bag
ins Jan. 6,1902.
Our rates aro reasonableour Courses of
Study thorough and practical.
Send for our Journal to see what we teach.
Students may enter at any time.
Two Courses of Study—Commercial and
President Secy.
Owen Sound Listowel
Honorary Graduate, Ontario Vet-
erinary College. Office and Infirmary,
corner Victoria and Minnie Streets,
Wiugham. Day and night calls prompt-
ly attended to. Telephone connection.
Its a pity to have a good
Suit spoiled in the making,
The suits we make give en-
tire satisfaction. Give us a
trial and be convinced.
Webster & Co.
Upstairs in MAW Block,
mere' Aire' Wood's Tshocphodiue,
The Great English Iten1edy.
Sold and recommended by' all
druggtete in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Six
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms o Sexnal weakness all effects of abuse
0r outset', mental worry, ETxcessive us3 of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on reeetpt
of prise, one package $1, six, $t. One wilt please,
tui't&cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Weixl's Phosphodine is sold in wingleant by
A, L. Ilamilton, J. lel, Davis, R. A. Douglass
and 0, A, Campbell, DRUGGISTS.
Jewels of Regal
• of the latest and most fashionable
designs and settings at Chisholm's
will captivate the eye of the most
critical. It is seldom such an oppor-
tunity presents itself for the lovers
of find jewelry to possess some of
these exquisite pieces, as our prices,
will bo found upon comparison, to
be remarkably low.
Solid Gold Spectacle Frames at Cost.
EI. H. Chisholm
Corner Jewelry Store
You Call't Afford
to XpO1h!1i011t
in the matter of getting
your clothes made—ex
periments are often cost-
ly. You wont be experi-
menting if you let us
make your spring Suit or
Overcoat, because our
long experience in the
tailoring business enables
us to speak with a feeling
of assurance. Give us a
Es V. OLA TikE
est air
" My hair came out by the hand-
ful, and the gray hairs began to
creep in, 1 tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, "
and it stopped the hair from com-
ing out and restored the color."— 1
Mrs, M. D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass.
There's a pleasure in
offering such a prepara-
tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It gives to all who use it
such satisfaction. The
hair becomes thicker,
longer, softer, and more
glossy. And you feel so
secure in using such an
old and reliable prepara-
tion. sl:oo a crottle. Ml druggists.
If your druggist cannot supply you,
send us ono dollar and wo will express
you a bottle. Bo sure and give the name
of your nearest express Wilco. Address,
J. O. AYERR CO., Lowell, Mass.
A cheap remedy for coughs and
colds is all right, hut you want some-
thing that will relieve and cure the
More severe and dangerous results of
throat and lung troubles. What shall
you do? Go to a warmer and more
regular climate? Yes, if possible;
if not possible for you, then 111 either
case take the ONLY remedy that has
been introduced in all civilized coun-
tries with success in severe throat and
lung troubles, "Boschee's German
Syrup." It.not only heals and stimu-
lates the tissues to destroy the germ
disease,but allays in Ham mation, causes
easy expectoraticn,gives a good night's
rest, and cares the patient, Try ONE
bottle. Recommended many years by
all druggists in the world. You can
get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies
at J. E, Davis'.
Toe can make your has
nese as sots as a glove
and as tough as Mrs by
uaing EUREKA Barn
nus• Oil. Ton oaq
lengthen 1ta lit.—maleoli
Iasi twice ea long as it
ordinarily would.
Harness WI
makes a poor looking hes
mesa llke new. Made el
pure, heavy bodied ell, es-
pecially prepared to wlthe
stand the weather.
Sold everywhere
In cane—ail ekes,
ilial' Lf 1IIPrl11LL lIL o9EALT.
Victoria Day
May 24th
Return tickets will be issued at
Single CLA FIRS Pare
Between all Stations in Canada ; all Stations
in Canada to and from Detroit, Mich., Port
Huron Mich., Fort Covington, N. Y., Bombay
Jct.. N'. Y., Helena, N. Y., Masscna Springs, N.
Y., Rouse's Point, N. Y„ Island Pond, Vt., all
Stations in Canada to, but not from Buffalo,
N. Y., Black Rock, N. Y., Niagara Falls, N. Y.,
and Suspension Bridge, N.Y.
Good Going May 23rd or 24th.
Valid returning from Destination on or before
May 26th, 1902.
Tickets and all information frons agents
Grand Trunk Railway System.
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Commencing Saturday, May 24th,
Northbound, and Sunday, May 25,
Steamship Express
will run between Toronto and Owen
Saund, connecting with Upper Lake
Steamers as follows :
Leave Toronto 1.30 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Arrive Owen Sound 5.20 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Leave Owen Sound 9 a.m.
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
Arrive Toronto 12.55 p.m.
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
A. II. NOTMAN, Asst, Genl. Passr. Agent
1 King Street East, Toronto
• We Guarantee all Our
• Rubber ........---
Hot water Bottles,
Syringes of all kinds, a
Atomizers, Tubinc,
Breast Pumps,
Corks and Bandages. E
Tne !Best is always the
Colin A. Campbell
e -w•
'1f ULliiiitlltiii LULtillrlt!ll�fis
West Wawanosh.
Tito Rev, Mr, Camp has notified the
Presbyterian congregations hero that he
declines the call extended hien some
time Ago..
The friends of Robert Sprung report
that his house at Mantitou, Manitoba,
is quarantined for small pox. Mr.
Sprung, his son Ben, have been serious-
ly ill with the disease but are now on
on the way of recovery.
On Friday evening, May 2nd, at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Grulnmett,
Nilo, a largo number of friends and rela-
tives assembled to offer their congratula-
tions at the arrival of the twenty-fifth
anniversary of their weddiug day.
A load of calves from Atwood was ex-
hibited for sale on Wednesday at Au-
bnrn. Poorly fed, small, and very hun-
gry is their label.
On Tuesday evening, a meeting was
held in Bethel church, to organize for
prohibition for the election compaign.
Messrs. Buchanan and Kerr addressed
the meeting and a committee was chosen
for subdvisions 8, 4 and 5.
Our candidate, Mr. Mitchell, is being
received with much favor, and will bo
well supported in his section. Mr.
Cameron and partisan partners were not
too heartily received at Dungannon on
Saturday evening. Wo would advise
them to steer clear of both character
making and character breaking, as they
must expect the gun to be loaded the
other way. Let us have a clean, honest
manly fight, not ,one of falsification as
inaugurated by Mr. Mitchell's op-
The many friends and numerous ac-
quaintances of Mrs. Jas. Walker, are
pleased to know that she is gradually re-
covering from her recent illness.
G. Stothers and staff are making great
progress in the erection of Samuel
Roache's new store and dwelling house.
Mr. Stothers has quite a number of
building contracts—two school houses, a
large church and several barn foun-
Revolution in Newfoundland.
Since the introduction into - New-
fouudland of the new Inhaler Remedy,
„Catarrhozone," the treatment of catar-
rhal diseases has been entirely revolut-
ionized. The old-time snuff and inter-
nal medicine has ben cast aside and
everyone is inhaling Catarrhozone; it
clears the head and throat in two min-
utes, and is very agreeable and pleasant
to use. Catarrhozone is a wonderful
cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron-
chitis, Lung Troubles and Deafness. It
relieves quickly and cures permanently.
We advise our readers to try Catarrho-
zone, Price $1, trial size 25c. Drug.
gists, or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut
The Grand Trunk Railway's travel-
ling picture exhibit which is meeting
with such a favorable reception in all
the cities at which it is being displayed,
is also receiving eulogistic words of
praise in the press of the southern and
middle Status. The Springfield (Ohio)
"Sun" of April 22nd, in speaking of this
collection, says: "The exhibit estab-
lishes a precedent in railroad advertis-
ing, possesses sufficient merit in itself to
justify anyone in taking the time to
make an inspection ofrt. The Spring-
field "Gazette" in commenting upon
this exhibit, says: "It is one of the
finest exhibits of art ever given in this
city." While all the newspapers in the
other cities visited are profuse in their
favorable comments regarding the dis-
The collection has been shown this
year at fifteen different cities, and up
to the present time nearly 40,000 people
have viewed the display. It is one of
the best advertisements that Canada has
ever bad for her summer resorts, and it
is expected that the results will justify
all the good words that have been
spoken of it. A heavy influx of tourists
iuto Canada the coming season is assur-
eb. The exhibit is composed of over 100
large photographic views 40 x 50 inches,
in addition to one of the finest collec-
tions of stuffed and mounted fish, in-
cluding specimens of the gamey species
of the finny tribe native to the Canadian
waters, and including maskinonge, black
bass, pike -perch (Dore) brook trout,
land locked salmon and other specimens ;
as well as reproductions of many of the
wonderful engineering feats that are
located on tho Grand Trunk System in
the way of tunnels and bridges.
Bruce County.
Kincardine Assessment is $789,553;
population 2280; ineroaso 108 over last
Tho corner stone o2 the boot sugar
factory at Wiarton will likely be laid by
the Grand Master of the Masons.
The Bruce Pioneers' Association
will hold its annual picnic and re-
union at Port Elgin on Thursday June
Tho 12th of July will bo celebrated in
Hanover this year. Owen Sound dis-
trict lodge will divide, one part to go
to Orangeville and the other part to
Another outbreak of smallpox is now
reported by Dr. Bradley, the Kincar-
dine Health Officer, on the 10th, about
6 miles from Tiverton and about 4 miles
from Glamis,.
Owing to ill health Sheriff Park has
notified the Ontario Government that
he cannot act as returning officer in
North Brnce. D. Geddes of Port Elgin
will act in his place.
Smith Bros., brick -makers of Port
Elgin received two letters from Sault St.
Marie last week asking for quotations,
one firm for 300,000 brick, the other for
several million brick delivered on Port
Elgin dock,
John McTavish con. 4 Huron got
shaken badly by a bull on Saturday.
In getting the animal out of the stall
the snap in the stick got lense. If help
had not arrived, he would have been
seriously injured.
One of the oldest and most highly res-
pected pioneers of Huron township in
the person of the late Ann Ruttle,
beloved wife of the late Gideon Ruttle,
passed away on Saturday, May 8rd at
the home of Mr. Joseph Colling.
The conductors and brakesmen who
man the trains on the Wellington,
Grey and Brnce branch of the G. T. R.
travel 217 miles daily. This makes a
weekly run of 1,302 miles, 67,704 yearly
or nearly three times around the
There has up to this election been
only one contest between the two old
parties in Centre Bruce. In 1886, Mr.
Duck defeated Mr. Baird by a majority
of about 25. In 1800 A. Shaw, K. C., of
Walkerton, ran as au Equal Rights can-
didate but was defeated by Mr. Duck by
a majority of 301. In 1898, J. S. Mc-
Donald the patron candidate defeated
Duck by a majority of 521, and four
years ago the Liberals won back the rid-
ing by a majority of 198.
Permanent Cure for Neurgalgia.
Experienced sufferers state that no
remedy relives neralagia so quickly as a
hot applicantion of Poison's Nervilile,
the strongest liniment made. Narviline
is certainly very penetrating and has a
powerful influence over neuralgic pains,
which it destroys almost at once. Nor-
viline is highly recommended for Rheu-
matism, Lumbago, Sciatic, and Tooth-
ache. Better try a 25c. bottle, its all
No Pills like Dr. Hamilton's.
Money to loan on notes, and notes
discounted at reasonable rates. Money
advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent.
with privilege of paying at the end of
any year. Notes and accounts collect-
ed. Office—Beaver block, Wingha,m.
ROBT. MoINDoo. *080
Cement Building.
Any person requiring anything in
the Cement building line, such as Side-
walks, Cisterns, Silos, Foundations or
Floors, should get my prices. Work
guaranteed. Call at residence, Leo-
pold St., W inghanl.
South half of lot 88, con. 12, East
Wawanosh. 100 acres ; 65 cleared and
under grass, in good cultivation ; bal-
ance in black ash and cedar ; frame
house, fair outbuildings. Price and
terms reasonable.
21tf. Wingbam
There are as many
shapes of " Slater
' Shoes " as there are
as G; forms of feet — this
means that no matter
what shape, size or width
your foot may be, a
" Slater Shoe " can be
had to fit it comfortably.
"Slater Shoes" are
modelled from the
living zoth century
foot—with all its dieter-
tions and peculiarities,
No other shoe is
made with so much
regard for feet as the
"Slater Shoe."
' With its foot -fitting
qualities you get wear,
1 »` appearance and Good-
, ` year welt Eoriifort— that
goes almost without say-
ing when it is branded In a
slate frame with name and
pricer $3.so and $3. oo.
For Sale only by W. 3. GREER,
the Loath Store . Quic>t Returns
Special Sale
Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleums
and Mattings
at ISARD► & CO'S.
35c Union Carpet for 25c.
3 pieces good union Oarpet, new patterns and coloring, one yard
wide, good to wear, regular price 35c, our special price 25c
50c Tapestry Carpet for 40c.
Nice new pattern tapestry Carpet, good colors, will wear well,
regular value 50c, on sale at 40c
15c Japan Matting for 12-}c.
Good strong Japan Matting, new pattern, cotton warp, regular
price 15c, sale price 12tc
50c Union Carpet for 40c.
50 yds. Union Carpet, nice now pattern, good coloring. one yard
wide, regular 50c, special price 40e
25c Dutch Hemp Carpet for 20c.
3 pieces, nice new pattern, reversable Dutch Hemp Carpet one
yard wide, reg. value 25c, on sale at 20c
25c Japan Matting for 20c.
One piece heavy Japan matting, new pattern, one yard wide
regular price 25c, sale price 20c
50c Tapestry Stair for 40c.
27 inch Tapestry Stair Carpet, nice new pattern and colors,
regular value 50c, sale price 40c
90c Wool Carpet for 75c.
All Wool, two ply Carpet choice pattern, one yard wide, regular
price 90c, on sale at 75c
New Lace Curtains.
A fine range to choose from. All sizes. Prices thus -25c, 35c, 50,
75c, $1.00, $1.25, $2.00, $3.25, $2,50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, etc.
anlIZOIMM010111101.1111M- ..moaRel.
. E. Isard & Co.
Opp, Bank,.Hamilton
Highest Price Paid for Produce
rJust Opened
One Package of
consisting of the following :-
12 Tea Plates 1 Teapot
12 Cups 1. Sugar
12 Saucers 1 Cream
2 Cake Plates 1 Bowl
for $4.95
See our window of Fancy Glassware. Any article in
it, for 19c
We:have them in all the new shapes and decorations.
T. A. Mills has completed
his assortment of Seed
Corn, consisting of the fol-
® lowing varieties :— Flint
varieties, Compton's Early, Saltzer's North Dakota, Angel of
Midnight, Canadian Yellow, Smut Nose.
WHITE CAP DENT.—Its greatest merit lies in the fact that it is a strong
rank grower with a good many suckers. It will grow more bushels on poor
thin land than any other kind in the world. It stands the drouth better than
60 other varieties grown in the same country.
EARLY BUTLER DENT, --The ears grow to a oaf -size and no corn in
cultivation will outshell it. 70 lbs, of ears have shelled out 641 lbs. of shelled
corn, leaving only 5. lbs, for the cobs. It has no equal, Wo have never had a
complaint of this corn. Withstands drouth.
CLOUD'S EARLY DENT, --Earliest of the heavy varieties, produces a
largo amount of early green fodder per acre, grows a good average height,
somewhat taller than rural thoroubhbred.
STAR LEAMING.---Ears are of good size, set low down, and nearly al-
ways two good ears on each stalk ; deep grains, strong vigorous growth,
stalky, leafy n,ttnre, a great improvement on the old Learning.
EARLY BAILEY, --•A favorite in some sections, but not the best in the
market, as it has been on the market some 15 yrs. ago with no special merit.
1, X. L,—This new corn hats been grown in Wisconsin, Nebraska,Michigan
and is the best of all for silage and fodder corn, is hardy, a vigorous grower
and matures early. The stock will grow to a height of 13 feet when well eulti.
wiled. .Don't fail to get for the silo or fodder. Call and sec the size of sob.
German Millet. Ilungarinn Seed. Silver Bull Beckwhcat, Saw Log
Mangle, the very choicest strains in market, `fellow Intermediate Mangle,
Royal Giant Sugar Beet, the largest and easily harvested. All kinds of (lover
yet in stock. Seed Oats, Century end Legoa. Mandscheuri Barley. Black
llulless Barley. Flan Seed. Ground Meal, All kinds Turnip Seed.