HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1902-05-15, Page 4T1IE WINGI-IAnt ADVANCE. Ritchie wessaurstoialtsweagszottawomessar Ca iptell Tie, Collar and Slllrt Sale on Saturday. Saturday morning we place on sale the best values ever offered in Wingham. As leader, and to introduce our splendid stock of Gents' Furnish. ings, we will sell a beautiful line of fine new all -silk Ties, in the latest colorings and patterns, in Black, White, Plain and Fancy, Saturday for 0 See our string and bow ties,:the latest patterns shown, special price on Saturday 25 COLLARS. Some specials in Collars, all shapes and sizes, from 1& to 17, your choice of the stock, 2 for 2.5 NEW SPRING SHIRTS. New fine French Gingham Neglige Shirts, a full range of sizes, special on Saturday for 50 duet arrived, 10 doz. of the famous Irish Linen, in the hand- somest colors and patterns, special sale price, Saturday, at, ...1.00 We still have a good assortment of Dress Goods, Muslins, Prints, Embroideries, Organdies, Lawns, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Linoleums, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, &c, We have a nice fresh stock of general groceries on hand now. Give us a trial. Ritchie & Campbell successors to M. H. McINDOO. Special in IKON BADS We have agreed to handle a certain number:of Iron Beds. during the summer and fall, and by doing so receive a special discount. The Beds are particularly well made, pretty design, and well finished, They have Ball Bearing castors, which is a great saving to your carpet. The trade already done this season is alproof that the goods are as represented and what you require. Wire Mattresses on Iron frames attached, which makes the Bed vermin -proof. The Springs are guaran- teed not to sag. Prices—$4,50, $6.00, $8.25, $9.00, $11.00, $13.00. Dresser, Stand and Iron Bed—$12.00. Something new in - Brass Rods for windows. Rods, Brackets and Ends to match. No fancy prices. UNDERTAKING Residence—Patrick Street, S. Oracey's former residence, Where night calls receive prompt at* tentton. Sall Bros. The People's Furniture Store Spring Suitings. The prettiest, nobbiest, choicest and largest stock is to be found at Homuth's. No mistakes in cutting and fitting. Our Suits look well, wear well and the prices are moderate. in bents' Furnishings We have everything to please the most fastidious :--Fashionable Ties, Stylish Hats, Fine White Shirts, Fine Colored Shirts, Stylish Collars, Underwear, etc. Boots and Shoes, Try a pair of ours :—They fit well, they look well, and they are made to wear well. The prices are low, when the quality of our goods is taken into consideration, ace* salamtatemiaamrsapatremmeisomimaiswerrotamerommiscsio*. iornuth & Son. ATEI ;EE��g will.11Am SAVT SILL TRADE MAR/I9 DESIGNS; CbPYEiltiHr>a &C. Anyone Rending a aketeb and description mat einem". ascertain ear opinion free whrtaer au Invention is probablypntonteso. Commnnica- tloneswear eondoe:ttii. Handbook onPatenta pent free. oldest a eery for eecuring,patenta. Patents taken through Munn k ('0. rbeet, petal ttottet, tali hoot charge, In the $tnhItk J Rmei kali# A handaemely 111ootrate4 'wkly. Largest air. rulatlon of any aCpntlno journal,Tonna, $3 h sari four months, 41. Sold bralnewedealers. MuNNN p�pcf�Cir ae1a'bi4w y, Now York litaoab OQiOt;, /F F Eli. Washington, D. w MCLE3AN & SON All kinds of rough and dressed..., LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES APPLE BARRELS. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a large quantity of dry hard- wood for sale, delivered, Telephone Orders Promptly attended to. McLean & Son --In Toronto well -posted poli - Helens claim twenty to twenty-five majority for Whitney, k ---In thirty years' tenure of office by any political party abuses are sure to creep in. A. complete change is the only remedy. * —The Hamilton Spectator says that the next frost will be here May 29. It will destroy the crop of Grit candidates. * • * —A government that has been in power 30 years and then asks for a chance to show what it can do, ought to be ashamed of itself. * —Successful business men avoid "getting into a rut." The Ontario political waggon has got into a "rut"—deep indeed. Help it out. * • * —"House-cleaning!" We fancy that will be no name for the work necessary to put things to rights when G, W. Ross steps down and out. * —It is said that there are nearly seven thousand Ontario government officials. Just now five -sixths of them are transformed into active agents of the Government. They are the wheels of the machine. k * —Conservatives are not the only electors resolved to end Ross rule. Scores of the best Liberals of Onta- rio admit the corruption existing in political affairs, and will drop a silent ballot in favor of a change. * —Let your ballotspeak out un- mistakably for clean election meth- ods, and be a condemnation of such disgracefully corrupt proceedings as the courts unearthed in West Elgin, North Waterloo and West Huron. It is time for a change. * * The Mitchell Recorder (Lib.) says :—"Nobody needs to dispute that Mr. Whitney, with his chosen colleagues, could manage the affairs of the province, and manage them honorably and well, as he promises to do if put in Mr. Ross' place." + *. —An important discovery of pine has been made along the banks of the Mississaga river, .Central Algo- na. It is stated on good authority tl?at there are 1,000 square miles of virgin white pine, in some places running over 4,000,000 feet to the mile. —It is reported that in some ridings agents of the Government are "buying wool." They need it, no doubt, as they have been "pull- ing the wool" over elector& eyes so long, the stock must be running out. This cannot be said of their campaign funds, however. * * * —A. writer in the Clinton News - Record remarks :—"But Mr. Whit- ney is opposed to prohibition," says one. Yes, he says so, but his party have never yet been asked and con- sequently have never pledged them- selves to give prohibition as Mr. Ross did, and then deceived the people. —Tho latest Clergue enterprise to receive incorporation under the Ontario Companies' Act is the Canadian Rolling Stock Company, limited, Sault Ste. Marie, with a capital of $2,000,000. It will man- ufacture and deal in locomotives, cars, and all kinds of railway sup- plies and rolling stock. * —Would the *electors of any township, village, town or city tol- erate the same set of men at the head of their affairs for thirty years without a fair and independent au- dit of accounts ? Not a munici- pality in Ontario would do such a thing. Then why allow in provin- cial matters what they would not tolerate in municipal affairs? * * The Toronto Telegram says :— "If the Liberal Government is defeated, it will have the high satisfaction of knowing that it died at a ripe old age." Ripe! did you say? Why, a great many are of the opinion that it passed the "ripe" stage long ago, and is in that advanced stage of decay, designated by avery famil- iar word. * * —The prospect or an early peace in South Africa is believed to be good. As to the conditions on which England will consent to its being made, Lord Salisbury- made the statement in Albert 7Ia11, on Wednesday, "that Great Britain had not receded one inch from her position in regard to the rights she had claimed and the policy she in- tended to carry through." * -Even the fish of Huron count enjoy the tender solicitude of the Government officials just now (be- fore the elections), Alderman Sheppard of Toronte WAR 311 this vicinity last week, looking after the interest of the iislr in our river. Old residents say that a previous visit of a govcrnmeut flslt inspector is not within the limit of their re- collection. k;o careful (?) is this Govorameut of every interest of the people just before this election, tbat the very fish of the rivers share in their favors. Happy fish! We hope that whoa it conies to ballot counting, the officials of the government will be honestly strict in faithful observance of right dis- charge of duties. With Inspectors looking after the river fish, and the Licouse Inspector fining hotel -keep- ers for supplying drink to dry -land thirsty fish, here's a "pretty kettle of fish" surely. Yes, there must be an election near, —There appears to be little need for public meetings iu this cam paigu, and but few will be held in this riding, if we can judge by ap- pearances. There is little need for them. The issues are before the people. The question is—Shall the men who have controlled Ontario affairs for over 30 years have un- questioned right to rule perma- nently, or is a change advisable? Has not the Liberal Government grown indifferent to public inter- ests, vain -glorious and defiant, be- cause of so long a term of office, reckless of public resources, too subservient to corporations for the public good, resolved to hang on to Rower at whatever cost? The re- cord of the Courts is no secret. West Elgin, ,,North Waterloo and West Huron are only samples of the rottenness. Would not a change be in the interests of the Province? Electors will say "Yes," if the machine does not nullify their ver- dict. MR. WHITNEY'S POLICY. Develop New Ontario in the in- terests of the people of New and Old Ontario. Develop Niagara power and other great water powers throughout the Province and dispose of the power to municipalities and individuals at cost, and thus hold in the inter- est of the people the key to the problem of industrial expansion. Make the ballot absolutely secret as it was intended to be, and as the right of every man to record his vote according to the dictates of his conscience without fear, favor or affection demands that it should be. Encourage by legislation munici- pal ownership of public utilities. Restore the public school to the place which its founders intended it should occupy—no stepping stone or door mat to any other institution of learning, but an independent, self-sufficient school in itself, capa- ble of imparting to the ninety-five children out of every hundred who begin and end their education in the public school the most practical training that their opportunities will afford. Abolish the school book monopo- ly, and give the school books to the people at actual cost. Secure as far as possible the re= fining of Canadian pickle by Cana- dian labor, by establishing smelters convenient to our great niekle de- posits. No more pulp wood concessions. The property of the people of the Province when disposed of should be sold in the open market to the highest bidder, and not given away by order in council, Secure justice for the individual mining prospector, by providing for a.prompt, accurate and honest re- gistration of mineral claims at some place as convenient as possible to the mining fields. Deep the expenditure of the Pro- vince within the revenue, and give the people a fair statement of the finances. Place corporations on the same level as the private taxpayer. No scrap iron assessment, and no at- tempts to put the people in the power of corporations. Endeavor to secure from the Do- minion Government fair treatment for the farmers in freight rates. Grapple with the question of law reform ; improve the division courts and so order thin ;s that there shall be only one appeal in the Province of Ontario after the trial judge has given his verdict. Destroy forever the baneful sys- tem of rushing enormous railway grants through the Legislature in the last hours of the session, and without one individual member of the }Souse on either side of the Speaker having an atom of evi- dence on which to form a judg- ment as to the desirability of these votes. Secure for every voter the assur- ance that his ballot will be Counted as he marked it, by destroying the machine and inaugurating a vigor- ous campaign to detect and punish every perpetrator of fraud in elec. tions, no matter in whose interests the crimes were committed. Cause Of Splitting ISeadaches. Poisons accumulate in the blood and spread every moment to all parts of the body. The brain becomes conjeeted, nerves irritated, and the result is that ttwfnl headache, It'errozone is nature's own remedy for headaches; it is a blood strengthener and purifier of uncommon merit, a last• ing potent tonic, and the greatest invlg. orant and health maker known. Head. aches never bother people that take i!'er. rezone after oath meal, 13uy a box from Pour ttregaist for 50t'. By Snail from oison & Co., Eingston, Ont., sold by A. L. Hamilton, Er, nonillion's Pills Cure Liver Complaint, May 15, 1901 RRR�fiRRRfiIR7fiRR�tYRfiRfiRilRfitRfiRRi�iRRtRRfiRIRitRRR�RRRRtfiRRfifiRRRtfifififiRfiRlifitiRiPtRRRfiRfiRilRgRfii1RRRRRRRtRRtRRR1RRtR� ---r-- THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE I awn s'^ . .mow A Rooipo For Making Money. .� Favor us with your purchases for one month. At the end of that time com- pare our prices and goods with what you have been getting elsewhere and E you will be so pleased with the results that you will become a permanent customer here, LINO. & JAS. H. KERR. Stirorising Baying Opportunities Gold Soap. Pure Soap. 11 oz. bar for 5e. 5213 Prizes $2,500.00 for Gold Soap 'Wrappers. Every person gets a prize or a premium. Shoe Blacking. Regular 5c box English Shoe Blackiug, reduced to 10 „-a Good Rice, 7 lbs. for 25c Cooking Figs have advanced in price, but we are selling at the old price, per lb 0.672 Chili Sauce in pint sealers, Home Made15c 50 0-40* This Week's Arrivals. Water Ice Wafers, 3 flavors. Potted Hain, 6 oz. tin Potted Ham, 10 oz. tin Potted Tongue, 6 oz. tin Potted Tongue, 10 oz. tin Herring in Tomato° Sauce . Smoked Roll, Breakfast Clear Bac WANTED.—Two car loads w paid. Also about thirty bushels 5c 100 5c 10c 10c Bacon and Long on. Print Shirts. Regular 50e Shirts for 390 Sizes 14,'3-, 15, 15i, 16. Overalls. Brown Overalls, regular sizes, well made, were $1.00, reduced to 60c Bicycle Pants at Half Price. Men's Straw Hats 50 Girls' S Hats 5c Women's Cotton Hose, fast black, pair... 5c Heavy Apron Print, with border, 39 in. wide, reg. 15c, now 13c Fancy Mullins, 6c, 10c, 150, 20c. Ladies' Vests, only 50 Ladies' Fancy Vests. 10c to 30c Clarke's Mile End Brilliant Crochet Cot- ton; regular 7e, now 5e of Potatoes at once. Highest market price of Oats wanted. Mole 0 Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr P!acdollald BlocJc,¶illham iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr Come to DOUGLASS THE DRUGGIST Fon Youn. BLUE STONE, PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE AND ALL INSECTICIDES. ttfitt R. A. DOII�LASS Chemist & Druggist Office 0:N.W, Tel. Co. • 4,a ( Our Rimless Glasses Please the Particular.. they aro fitted be.l tomingly tO the feat+ urea of watts patron. The finish of our Ieaa the lit perfect,. 440,3 7421 Halsey. Park Saiefntitia Optician. and JosWoolor ,k7' .p Wiingheau, On*.. fr A. DTJLMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICE.—Two doors north of Dr, Chisholm's surgery. Residence—Catherine St. T. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOA(, AGENT, CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. OPPICB.—Over D. M, Gordon's store. Residence: Leopold street. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham 'MISS DELIA SPARLING A, T. C, M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- inations. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE, Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations, VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE Of London Conservatory of Music, will be prepared after Oct. lst to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on "Violin and Guitar. Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE L,C,M, And member of the .Associated Musicians of limit- Ontario, n number isprepared pp Ails for instttuetion on Piano and in Theory,' Special attention given to pupils pre- paring for examinations. Residence --opposite the R. 0. Church, Wingham. Lips Abner Cosens PIR' Loan and Insurance Agent Farm Loans at lowest rates of interest. Office—corner Minnie and Patrick Sts,, WINGRAM ACCIDENT PLATS (}.ASS Cook'o Cotton Root Componnd, Is suecetsfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladiesattk our druggist for Cooke Cotton Root Coni. rope& Take no othet,as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Poler,,No,1, dI per box, Ne.11,10 degrees stronger,$3 per box, No. I or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent stamps, The Cook tionipnny Windsor Ont. ill7-Nos, i and h sold ono recommended tr, All respon5lbie1)ruggists in Canada. gid It, A b a�ntt And f1. A C 2 are ahlpbt 1l, fid, ItI, Davis and k., L. MMAmilton, I)Rvaai ITS. WM. CLEGG . Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Farms and town property bought, sold, leased or exchanged. Money to loan at 4i to 5 per cent. Liberal terms of repayment. Fire and Life Assurance at lowest rates In Standard companies. Agent for western Real Estate Exchange. Extensive list of properttes to choose from DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Ocoee :—Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. DRS. CHISHOL*r & CHISHOLrd PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS • ETC. Josephine Street -- Wingham JP. KENNEDY, M.D., M. C. P.S. 0 • (Member of the British Medical Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children, Oi'FIcE Boum :-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p,m, W. T. Holloway D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Tor- onto and Donor Graduate of Dent- al nes. of Toron- to university. Latest improved methods in all branches of Dentistry. Prices moderato. Satisfaction guaranteed, &'Teske In Beaver Block. Closed Wed'y. afternoons in June, July, Aug. ARTHUR J. IRWIN L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the r en ns3`lvanita College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post OAioo—WINGEAM Closed Wed'y, aftornoous in June,2July, Aug. DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc, Mee : Meyer Block Wingham. R. L. Dickinson Dudley Iiolmes RYANSTONE ` BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to- loan at lowestrates, Office BEAVER BLOb1I~, 7-95. WINGHAM. ELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840, Head Office (Ii1EL111, ONT. Disks taken On A11 classes of Insurable pro Party On the Cash or premium notO system. YAM MS GOLDI,f, CI1Ab. DAvinseN, President. Secretary. JttsHN RITCHIE, At tICNT• W I11G11,101, o1V'1~ 0)